HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-08-10, Page 8Your Dodge, DeSoto, Simca and Valiant Dealer
Phone 710 Wingham
ACT NOW to maintain milk production. It's liable to fall off right now
simply because your mid-summer pastures are dried up and their feeding
value has dropped.
Milk production can be kept No by properly supplementing your mid-:
summer pastures with the nutrients they now lack. This time of the year
your Dairy Herd needs extra Vitamin "A" and there's a SHUR-GAIN Feed
which will fill this need.
. fed at the recommended rate will keep your Dairy Herd in full milk.
But that's not all. Bodily fitness and health, vital now for future profitable
lactations, will be maintained through this period when essential Vitamin
"A" is lacking in most pastures.
ham Feed Mill
I 41
Gone are the days when a Winer Could clifickly hire all
the manpower he needed for work that had to be done
faSt to take advantage of right field or weather
conditions. Today, experienced farm labour is scarce
and costly.
The answer to this problem is modern farm machinery.
It provides an efficient, economical working force that
11 available at all times. The danger of profits being
left lying in the fields because of a shortage of
harvesting help is eliminated. The ability of modern
farm equipment to handle heavy work schedules at
top speed with a minimum of manpower often means
the difference between profit and loss on today's farm.
Follow the trend that leads to more profitable' farming.
Team up with Massey-Ferguson machines and imple.
invents. They keep labour costs low—provide a wider
margin for profits.
See your illassey,Perguson Adel%
faMily visited os'er the week-end
with relatives in Port Colborne, '
family of Ottawa visted last week
Mr. and Mrs. Ear1 Baker and
with Mrs. George Baker.
Mr, and. Mrs. Frank Graham of The East Wawanosh council met
St. Marys visited in the community August 2nd, Reeve Hanna presid-
one day last Week. ing, The minutes of the meeting
held July 5th, and special meetings Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Armstrong were read and adopted on motion and Miss Margaret Armstrong
spent a. few days last week at Port Hallahan-McGowan. The clerk
Elgin. read .a letter from Inspector Kin-
kead in reference to the Township
of Turnberry, issuing debentures on
a new school.
Buchanan-Hallahane-That the
clerk sign the -letter and send one
copy to the clerk of Turnberry
The assessor was present request-
ing the council for an advance of
$100,00 on his salary. The request
Was granted on motion by Halla-
McGowan-Buchanan---That -the
road 'and general accounts as pre-
sented be passed and paid.
McGowan-Buchanan—That coun-
cil gave a grant of $200.00 to the
Arena Board to pay the insurance
on the arena,
By-law No. 9 setting the rates
for the year was- read the first and
second times. McGoWan-Hallaban.—
That By-law No. 9 be read the
third time and passed.
Road cheques
Stuart McBurney, salary $185.00,
bills paid $2.70, $187.70; Alan Me-
Burney, wages, $141.67; John Mc-
Dowell, wages, $18,50; Don Mc-
Dowell, wages, $18.50; Alex Robert-
son, shed, $2.00; Alexander's Hard-
ware, light bulbsy $1.32; Ontario
Hydro, shed lights, $4.41; -Keating
Electric, wiring shed, $101.49;
Harry Williams, 100 -gals. gas $35.90,
200 gals. fuel $77.20, $113.10; Allan
McBurney, rent of chain saw,
$20,00; Wm. T. Irwin, timber for
hoist, $10.00; Rec.-Gen, of Canada,
Income Tax deducted, $8,15.
General Cheques
Wm, Patterson, livestock claim,
22 chickens, $22.00; John F. Mc-
Callum, livestock valuer, 1 trip and
mileage, $3,90; Town of Wingham,
share of relief for Stine, $4.40;
McKay's Nursing Home, mainten-
ance of patient, $92.75; Snell's
Grocery, relief account, 177.96;
County of Huron, share .of tree
planting, $406.26; Kenneth Mc-
Dougall, -advance on salary as
assessor, $10000; Belgrave Com-
munity Arena, grant to insurance,
Moved by Hallahan - Buchanan,
that council .adjourn to meet Sep-
tember 6th at one o'clock at the
Belgrave Community Centre.
C. W. HANNA, Reeve,
R. H. tHOWSON, Clerk.
The Morris Township Courell
met on August 2nd, with all the
members -present. The minutes of
the last regular meeting and the
special 'meetings of July 16 and
July 20 were read and adopted on
motion of Stewart Procter and
Gordon Wilkinson,
The Morris Township School.
Board was present to discuss the
Possibility of building a new two
'room school in Walton,
Wilkinson-Shortreed That we
accept tile drain loan and that the
Township pay the contractor and
tile manufacturer the loan money
as far as it goes.
Shortreed-Procter---That we give
the Brussels, Morris & Grey Re-
creational Committee a grant of
Duncan-Procter—That the eroad
accounts as presented by the road
superintendent be paid. . .
Shortreed-Wilkinson — That the
genera/ accounts as presented, be
Duncan-Procter — That By-law.
No. 10, 1960 to levy a special rate
for Tile Drain Loan be passed as
read the first, second and third
Wilkinson-Procter—That By-law
No. 11, 1960 setting the penalty on
unpaid taxes after December 15 at
2 per cent be given the first .and
second readings,
Duncan-Shortreed—That By-law
No. 11, 1960 setting the penalty on
unpaid- taxes after December 15 at
2 per cent be given the third read-
ing and finally passed.
Shortreed-Procter — That the
meeting adjourn to meet again on
September 6 at 8.30 p.m,
The following accounts ?were
paid: Bernard Thomas, Bone Drain,
$6.00; Dan Cassidy, Bane Drain,
$6.00 Dan Cassidy, Mustard. Prein,
$4,00; Fraser Mustard, .Mustard
Drain, $4.00; Relief account, $35,00;
Brussels. Recreational Committee,
$150.00; Baker Convalescent Home,
$185,50; Geo. 1Vlichie, inspecting tile
drain, $3.40; Neil McGavin, Muse
taid Drain $51.00, Bone Drain
$36.66; • Reiss' Duncan, Bone Drain,
$6,00; Wingham Post Master, un-
employment stamps, $5.76.
GEO. C. MARTIN, Clerk,
Have Something to sell? Try an A-T Classified Ad
1 W R HAMILTON ; _i . **, R. #0, . ' • .• , .., . .,- , , m
Phone 37 for appointment
1959 DODGE 4-door Suburban
This is a one-owner car with very low mileage.
1956 PLYMOUTH 4-door Sedan
1956 DODGE 4-door Sedan
1955 DODGE 4-door Sedan
One owner car.
1954 FORD Coach
1953 MERCURY 3-ton Chassis and Cab
1951 FARGO 2-ton
with, good racks.
Len Crawford Motors
.M.11,0. MRS, .R.ENW1CK
FORPWICH A reception and
dance was held on Friday, July 29
in the Fordwieh community hall
for Mr, and. Mrs. Jim. Renwick
tMargaret McCann), newlyweds,
They were presented with a kit-
chen suite and some money. Miss
Ruth Hibberd read the address.
The young couple [both made suit-
able replies. Dancing was enjoyed
to music by Felker's orchestra.
Move •CPR House
And Freight Shed
FORDWIC'H --After being closed
for two years, the house at the
CPR station was moved on Friday
by W. R. Parsons of Staffa.
It has been purchaSed .by Leslie
Loughran and is now on a new le-
eution opposite the public school.
Hydro and telephone men assisted
ith the moving,
The freight shed was moved to
the Fordwich feed mill and will be
used for storage rooms.
Receives Gash
On Window Pane
FORDWICH—Mrs. Rose Doig re-
cently suffered a Severe cut to her
right arm at her home, when she
came in contact with 61; WificloW
panel which was being repaired.,
She was taken to Dr. S. C. Wil-
liams of Harriston. - Teti Stitches
were needed to close the wound,
Mr, and Mrs. Sam Robinson and'
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnson, Mr
and Mrs. William Campbell, Mr.
and Mrs. Russel Nichol, Me and
Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Mr. and Mrs
Harold Pollack and Mr, and Mrs
Stan Bride attended the Agricul-
ture Crop Improvement Plan Meet-
ing held at the Senior Citliens'
Home one night last Week,
Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Williamson
of London spent the week-end With
Mrs, Emma Williamson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred MeCanti and
family visited over the Week-end
with relatives in Bracebridge.
Mr. and Mrs, Carroll Johnson,
Mr, and Mrs. Murray Kirkby, Miss
Donna Johnson spent Sunday at
Port Elgin.
Mn, and Mrs. John tildati and
Miss Rhonda Wade and her
little friend, Lynda Jordan, of
Woodstock, are visiting at the
home of Mrs. William Wade and
Miss Beatrice Wade,
Suhday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Crosby W. Sotheran were Mn.
and Mrs, Lloyd Mournahan, Mr.
and Mrs. Laverne Mournahan and
children of Grand Valley, also Mr,
and Mrs, Clinton H,oneyford, IV/re.
Arnold Smith of Palmerston and
Miss Eleanor Smith of Hamilton,
Mr, and. Mrs. Russel. Stevens,
Michael and Linda of Seattle,
Washington, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Winston over the week-end.
Sunday, visitors with Mr. and
art. Spence Bream were Mrs. Geo,
Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Melts, David, James and Betty
Anne, of Eighbliss, Man., Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Hicks of Harriston and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spotton, of
Wingham and Mr, and Mrs. George
Holland and family.
Messrs. Fred Hambly, Bill Edgar,
John "Carswell, Gary Sothern, Ca-
meron Edgar and Andy Miller
spent Monday at Port Elgin.
hit, and Mrs. Peter Chiomey and
Janie of -Port Colborne visited- a
,few days last week with Mr. and
,Mrs. Alex Keith.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Grahamand
family of Toronto were visitors for
a few days last week at their home
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bride and
Petdr of Toronto spent the week-
end with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Doig,
. Mr, and Mrs, Barry McKnight of
Simcoe spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boyd. Miss
Linda and Master Terry McKnight
returned home with their parents
after spending three weeks here.
Mr, and 'Mrs. Ken Jacklin of Kit-
chener spent the week-end with re-
latives here.
Mr, Roy Bellamy of Drumbo
spent the weekend at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack King.
Five hundred and eighty persons
registered at the Fordwich com-
munity hall on the Wednesday af-
ternoon• and evening for the TB
clinic. The test for the mass sur-
vey was -given by a small injection
in the arm, results. known in 98 to
72 hours.
-Mr. and Mrs. Don - Seabrooke,
Nancy and Wayne and Miss Ca-
tharine Gibson of St. Catharines
spent several days at the home of
Mr. -and Mrs. Ross Doig. Cath-
arine Gibson remained for a long-
er visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jones of
Guelph spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. William. Sothern:
Miss Betty McClement spent lest
week with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
McClement in Listowel,
Dr. Jim. Hutchison of Cleveland
is visiting a couple of weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hutchison. Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Nuhn and family
were -Sunday visitors at the same
Mrs. William Wade, Beatrice
V Wade and Rona Vanelsor visited
last Friday in 'Woodstock with Mr.
and Mrs, Tom Wade and family.
Master Ross Dell of Orillia is vis-
iting for a -couple of weeks with
Mr. and 'Mrs. Tom McCleinent.
Misses Jean Siefert, Pat Harris,
Marjorie Connell, Doris and Dianne
Carswell and Betty MeClement vis-
ited Sunday with MisseSharon Pol-
lock et 'Ripley.
Miss Jean Foster left last week
to spend three weeks with her sis-
ter in British Columbia.
Miss Reita Harding left by plane
from Melton last. week for Peace
River, Alta,, where she has joined
the staff of the public health un-
it, after spending three weeks with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Norman
Harding, Mr. and Mrs. John
Thorns and family of Pickering mid
Miss Lorine Wray of Wingham
visited one day last week at the
same 'home,
Misses Maud and Marion -Hard-
ing are spending this week at
Pioneer Camp at Alton.
Miss Elaine Miller visited last
week at the -home of her grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Drew Aitcheson
in Elora,
Mr, aid Mrs. Jack Wilding of
Toronto were .week-end visitors
with Mr. and Mrs, Anson Denier-
Me aid Mrs, Henry Howe spent
time days last 'Week with relatives
in Stratford and Goderich e
Mrs. Jennie Mosure visited all
last Week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold IViclbougall in Paiiii-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schaefer
and Mr. 'it J. Schaefer attended
the funeral of the late Mr. Hugh
Mitten in St, Cleorp on TileeclaY.
aild Mrs, Archie 29.111day of
Toronto riturned home after iperid.
• Recent visitors with Mrs. Mild-
red Whitley were Miss. Helen Dob-
son, Winnipeg, Harold Dobson, of
Thornhill, Dr. and Mrs. Donald
Finlayson, Liteknow, Mrs. Evelyn.
Neelon, 'St. Catharines, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Milloy, Florida, and Mr.
and Mrs. R. Aikin, Pundas.
Mrs, Jack Evers, has returned to
Toronto after visiting relatives,
Mr. Bert Hubbard and -Miss Sha-
ron Hubbard moved on Monday to
their home in Gerrie, which they
recently pprchased from Mr. Bow-
er Farrish. Mr. Hubbard has sold
his 'farm. near Lakelet and had a
successful auction sale on Tilers -
day of last week.
Mrs. George Nelson and three
children of Toronto visited the
formerly grandparents, Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Dane last week. Mr.
and Mile Stanley Dane, Toronto,
were also week-end visitors,
Mr. and Mrs. Bower Farrish and
sons of Goderich were week-end
visitors with relatives.
IS Your Car
giving you the r
due to wheels that
vid your wheels
of botlewiggle and bounce*
by getting our...
SERVICE us advertised in the
rage Eight The 'Wtrlglaalu Advance-Tlines, Wednesday, Aug-
Patrick St., Wingham
Phone 770
Miss Alison Clarke of Browns-
ville has been a visitor at the
parsonage with her brother, the
Rev. J, Ewart Clarke and Mrs.
Clark. Mr. Donald Peterson, Lon-
don, and Mrs. Elizabeth Orgar,
Hamilton, were week-end visitors
at the same home,
Mrs. Norris Jones of Sacramento,
Cal., is a visitor with Mrs. Harry
Ferguson. Mrs. Ferguson and her
guest visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Sperling at their cottage
at Goderich and with Mr. asd
Mrs. Don Ireland, Teeswater.
Carman Hamilton has been a
patient in the Palreerston Aospital,
Mrs. Edgar Dane returned home
from Victoria Hospital, London
and Miss Nadine Cooke from the
Wingham Hospital last week.
ing two weeks at the home of Mrs.
Ruby Forster,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Doig, Penny and
Peter spent one day, last week it
Mrs. Walter Horshurg left las
week for Halifax and on to New
foundland, where she will visit for
a month.
Miss Gail Savalagio of Sault Ste.
Marie is spending several weeks at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lindsay
.rhe many friends of Mr. W.
M. Koehler will be sorry to learn
that be is confined to Palmerston
Hospital,. Mrs, James Strong and
able to return home from hospital
in Listowel Saturday after being
confined there for ten days.
Mrs. Ruby Forster and Mise Mary
Corbett of Toronto spent the week-
end here.
Mrs. Sadie Johnston of Vancou-
ver visited several days last week
with Miss Beatrice' Wade,
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Bride spent
the week-end at, the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Carman Bride in Port
Mrs. Jack Keais and family of
Guelph visited for two days last
week With Me, and Mrs. Wally Gib-
son, Master John KOWA returned
home after visiting here for two
Mr. arid Mrs. Anson Detnerling
left on:Monday for Horseshoe Lake
neat Pam Sound, where they will
spend two weeks,
W/LtiriANC4—Va Mr. and Mrs,
bout Wildfatig (Bvelyn aim-
thelnek Of M. Lana fttyatl, toratito,
a sob, Arian taiie, oil tintisdik,
Ant. 4th, in St, JotOtrhi
(Intended for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. William. Barber
and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Harvey
and little son, of Waterdown, called
on old friends Wednesday of last
Mr. Arthur Spotton of Toronto
visited his sister, Mrs. , Frances
Strong, last week.
David Barton of Hamilton visit-
ed with his grandmother, Mrs.
Bertha Plant,
Now a whole new golden world of SIGHT and
lightest in weight.
PW 6084-12 R R 4t;WIt161141
Diagonal Road
More Meat •
Cowfly Powder Stock Spray
: Stock Spray Cone Pres-Stok
For ;Flips and Earwigs aI
Complete ±line of PoWders, Sprays, Concentrate4
Howson & Howson
• • e More Milk and