HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-08-10, Page 7DONKEY BASEBALL IN WROXETER flIMAY newing acquaintances in and ar- ound the village. Mr. and Mrs. William Hart and Mrs, W. P. Davisson 'have return- ed home from their trailer homes at Port Elgin, where ' they have spent the past couple of weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Don Charles, of Burwash, ;have returned home fol- lowing a visit with' the forrnee's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Charles. The children, Denny, Robbie and 'Carol Anne remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton, of Harriston, spent Sunday evening with Mrs. R. Newton. Mr. Pete Rornphf and 'Miss Thel- ma Ridley, London, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Ridley. Misses Margaret and Doris Pau- lin have returned home from a week's vacation with their sister, Mrs, Bruce Paxton, at a cottage at Point Clark. Miss 'Sharon Elliott is holidaying with her grandparents, ' Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Elliott, Harriston. Dr, C. K. Hetherington and. son. David, of •Ottawa, are vi'siting the former's sister, Mrs. Stan Gallaher and Mr. Gallaher. Mr. Clarence Clement, who has 'been vacationing at his 'flame here, has returned Co Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Ellul and family, Toronto, spent the week- end at their home here. Dr. and Mrs. Palmer and family of Hazelton, B,C„ and W. E. Weir spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. George Gibson. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey .Bradshaw and Vicki spent Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Lyle Hart and family, of Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Les Douglas and Mr, and Mrs.. William Wright have returned from a motor trip to Pet- erboro and other eastern points. Mrs. Gorley McIntosh, Karen and Jerry are visiting at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Jack Clarke. We are sorty to report that Mrs. Clarke is in Palmerston Hospital and we wish her a speedy return to good health. Sunday guests of Mrs. A. Spading were Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hutton and Paul, Wingham, Mr, and Mrs. Wal- ter Eaton, Messrs. Keith and Eric Eaton and Miss Joan Alexander, of Seaforth. Mies Elsie Davidson spent the week-end with Mt. and Mrs. Les. Douglas. Ross Tomans, accompanied by Master Glenn Matthews of Preston, who is holidaying here, and Mr. Henry Sage, of Listowel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne MattheWs at Preston. "Donkey ball", a hilarious bur- lesque of baseball, will be Intro- duced into Wroxeter cn Friday night of this week under the spon- sorship of the Howlett Lione Club. The game has taken its place as one of the laugh sensations of the season. It is played In the same Manner as 'baseball but the 'plays ers are mounted on real live don- keys during the .game. For In- stance, a tter, after hitting the ball, mounts his donkey and rides to first base. If he is succeeeful in reaching the initial 'plate, he must continue his way to the other 'bases in the same way. The team in the field is likewise mounted on burros. The game is sa laugh-provoking affair throughodt, with the trained ani- mals causing base runners plenty of trouble. Teams will be made up entirely of local men, with entries listed from the civic organizations. An admission fee will ire charged and proceeds will be used for community service work, The contest is expected to draw a large crowd as local business men don suits (and pad with pil- lows) for the game, tailirtabain atitli..11104 itrit5 vAtki-atfAA Nrixao,. yYEDN AY, mlovow 4 WROXETER Hold Shower For Miss Ford WROXETER-- Mrs. Hervey Mc- Michael and Mrs. Ron McMichael, assisted by Mrs. Lloyd Lenient, Mrs, Theinue ealarafkaelatre. Strong. and Miss Ruth Toner, were host- esses for a kitchen shower given in honor of Miss Marguerite Ford, Met week, The room was tastefully decorat- ed with pink and white sweet peas, glade, paper bells and balloons filled with confetti, A child's we:- son, also In the pink and white scheme and laden with gifts, was drawn in by Marjorie Ann Mc- Michael and Dale Eager, niece and nephew of Miss Ford. Games and. contests were enjoy- eel and a delicious lunch was sena ed by„ the hostesses. SiC ("RANGE--Local residents watched with interest during the 7Past couple of weeks as the Merldey Motors building on the, corner '..of Josephine and Victoria Streets was demolished, By the, week-end the building was completely down except for two- steel pilfers at the TO Clinic in Qorrie Attended by 810:. CORRIE—A total of 810 district persons took advantage of the' Huron County T.B. Association clinic. In the 'Gorrie Communitya Halt on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons and evenings and were akin tested. There were 312 x- rayed awl 48e received only the tuberculin tests. Technicians. were Mr. letting and. Mr. Leiver, Miss Monahan was the nurse. Volunteer women from Gorrie and Wrexeter assisted during the hours when, the clinic was held., They are Mrs. Wm. Wright, Mrs.. Verne Clark, Mrs. JIm Wylie; Mrs. Lloyd McGee, Wroxeter; Mrs. Harry -Templeman, Mrs. Elmer Parrish, Mrs, Harry Zimmerman, Mrs, Alvin Simpson, MI's. Mabel Edgar, Miss Betty Zimmerman, Mrs, Alex. Graham, Mrs. Robe Elselerter, Mrs, W. B. Whitfield, Mrs. Lionel Johnston, Mrs. Earl Underwood, Mrs. E, W. Careona Mrs. Dick Carson, Mrs, Norman Wide, Mrs. Harold alynciman, Mrs. Geo. Brown, Mrs, Hector Renailton, Mr's. W. C. King, Mrs, Cloyrie Michel, Mrs, Bob Edgar, Mrs. Gerald Galbraith, Mrs, Dave Neil- son, Mrs. Gordon Mail, and Mies lean Sperling. corner. Above is the way the corner looked on MOrtclay morning as a shovel started to clean up the rabble in front. of the new service station that had been erected behind tire old struetare, -The change is one of the largest in many year on Wingluante main street. WROXETER Mrs. George Gibson, Murray and Glenis have returned home from W visit with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd eir, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Charles XeCtitch- Von, Mr, and Mrs, Glenn Mallen. ael and Marjorie Anne Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McMichael, Mr, and Mrs, Ron McMichael, Mr. and, Mrs. Lloyd Lamont and daughter of Teeswater, Miss Marguerite Ford and Mr. William Murphy of Stouff. Ville spent a clay at factuble Beach. Mr, and Mrs, John Shepherd, Johnnie, Tint and Jeffrey of Agin- court spent a week at Mr. George Clarit's and with. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Clark. Mr, and Mrs. Harold, Weiss and .4niee of New Dundee were visit- ors at Ross Toman's recently« Messrs. Ken Charles, George Murray and Mess Audrey Cardiff, Brussels, spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs, Art 'Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Earies and family, London, spent the week- end with Mrs, William Doig and Hugh. s .r441 4Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, ernes Doig were Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Doig and family, St.. Ja- cobs, accompanied by Messrs. Phil and Kent Doig of Drayton. Miss Karen Galbraith, Winghana spent hist week at the seine home. Misses Cheryl clad Wendy Roane, Teeswater, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Allan Mama, ' Dr. anti Mrs. Macfarland and Miss Frances, Winnipeg, visited last week with Mrs. Mac Allan. Week-end guests at the same home were Mr, Mac Allan.and Mr. George Allan of Montreal and Miss Mary Macfarland of Toronto. Miss Winnifred Munro has corn- , 1il leted a summer course in To- Ito and is holidaying with her arents at Amberley Beach. She will go an from there to visit Mr. and Mrs. Al Schott in Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Merkley and Lucille and Mrs. Percy Coupland spent a few days at Pembroke, Ot- tawa anti Cornwall and visited for ei couple of days with Mr. and Mrs, Harley Merkley, In the latter city they went through the pulp mill and witnessed a great parade of guards in various uniforms from Quebec, when 4;000 marched throngh Lae, etreets of. Cern:seta on; Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Charles,. Gail and Arthur Gorrie, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Charles. REEVE TO SUPERVISE ENIETERY CLEAN-UP Forced to Cancel Safety Course GORRIE—The Gorrie Red Cross Society has found it necessary to cancel the Water Safety and Swim- ming course scheduled for tire month of August in the Gorrie community park. The qualified instructor, who had been employed 'by the society, has during the last 'week of July, no- tified the president that he will not be able to conduct the course. Every effort was made to secure another instructor, However, this has not been possible. Parents are asked to 'call at Johnston's barber shop and all entry fees will be re- turned. Some (i5 had registered to take the course and the society regrets the disappointment caused. Mr ,and Mrs. Harris Gold arid David, Searboro„ are 'spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs.. Wil- fred Brown. Week-end visitors at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mace, Bobby and Billy of Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Miller and family, Glass-ford Station, are vis- iting Me. and Mrs. Jack McLean. Master Ronnie Mapletoft, Min- brook, is holidaying with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coates. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Stomp and Mrs, Bert Dyson of Uxbridge ealled on the hater's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Herb Patterson and at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Westlake on Sunday, Misses Aileen and Brenda Eaton, Miss Kaye McGowan, Seaforth, and Miss Linda Hutton, of. Wingham, spent a few days with Mrs, A, Sper- ling last week-end. Mrs, H. Durst anti Bill are spend- ing this week at Port Albert. Mr and Mrs. Fred Feaver, Bar- bara and John of Teaneck, N.J., and Miss Sandra Noble, Rothsay, are holidaying with Mrs. Feaver's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard In- gram, Accompanied by the latter they spent -Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ingram at Stratford, Mr. George Hunt, Brampton, spent last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunt. --Mr, and Aare: • Bob Montgomery, ate vacationing at their summer home here, Dr, Bruce and Mrs. Palmer and family of Hazelton, B.C., are re- Will Live in France Mrs. John Jardine Dies in Tugaske GORRIE— Word has been re- ceived here of the death en Satur- day, July 30th, of Mrs. Annie Jar- dine, 78, at Tugaslce, Sask. She was the former Annie Matilda Heibein and uwas born in Gorrie, July 27th, 1882, a daughter of the late Chas. Heibein and his wife, Elizabeth Reis. She lived in Gorrie until her marriage in Winnipeg on August 10th, 1910, to Joins Jardine of Tu- gaske, Sask., where she has since resided. Her husband passed away just two months ago on May 27th, Sur- viving are a daughter in Tugaslce and one brother, Albert 'Heibein, of Gorrie. Burial took place in Tugaske. OUT IT 'COMES—The big shovel above is re- moving the last 'Vestige of the, old Merkley Motors building, as it finally putted the base of the car lift from the ground on Monday. Tuesday the heavy equiprnent was engaged in cleaning Up the rubble of the old building, GORRIE CHOOSE LEADERS FOR FALL 411 TRAM FORDWIC,TI—A regular meeting the Howick Township Connell 'as held in the clerk's office on August 5th, All members were Oresent and the reeve, Arthur M- erin, was in the chair. The min- utes of the last regular meeting were read and on motion of MC^ Vichael and Fle Gibson were adopt- °.dHaas dskrienas-Allan—That we , appoint the road superintendent as town- ship dump inspector to supervise and keep same in sanitary state with the rate of day for labor hired to be 85c per hour. Raskins-Allan—That the notice re the Township of Turriberry School Area Board indicating the .intention to issue debentures was received and read to the council. Allan-Haskins—That we instruct the road superintendent to sign, the Petition for a drain on Concession 4 at Lots 31 and 32, R. Gibson-McMichaelThat we accept the petition for a drain IrOni "Blake Gibson and others and forward same to the engineer. Gibson-McMichaelThat we make the necessary improvement to Branch G of Drain No. 10 under section 76, and that the clerk arrange for work to bp done. R. Gibson-Haskins-aThat we ap- point M. Allan as Commissioner on Branch C of the Bolton Drain, and 11, McMichael as commissioner on the Frank David Drain. ailaskins-Allan—aahat we give the five public libraries in the Town- ship of Howick a grant of $25.00 each. Haskins-Allan-aThat we instruct the reeve to supervise the cleaning up of the Howick Cemetery at Wroxeter (formerly the Church of England burial, ground). Tee new agent at the C.P.R. Allan-Haskins That the clerk be instructed to 'prepare a by-law station, Gorrie, is Mr. Norman Chambers, Mr. and Mr's. Chambers to amend By-law No. 10-60 chang- come from Port McNichol, ing tire Gorrie Police Village rate Recant vieitors with Mr. and from 7 mills to 8 Mills. Mrs. Chas. Koch were Mr. and R. Gibson-Haskins—That we meet Mrs. Alf Kemp, Toronto, Mr. Win. the cost . of the Correspondence Timm, Mrs. Hilda Wahl ,and Rich- Training Course for the township ard, Miss Emma Wahl, Wm. Byer. clerk, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Diebel, Listowel. McMichael-R, Gibson—That the Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Hoekridge road accounts as approved be paid. and Thninie of Scarborough were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson-McMichael—That the following accounts be paid, Allan Hyneirrian. Mr. and Mrs, GET), Brown and The Ontario Municipal Board, fee, $11.00; Mrs. Harvey Adams, Jean left on Sunday to take in the 'six day trip arranged for member's poultry killed by dogs, $23.00; of the "Horst-less Carriage Club H. G. Talton, sheep killed by dogs, which left Port Elgin for Tither-$40.00; Public Libraries, 5 grants, navy., where they will board the $1.25.00; Ontario Welfare Council, Ferry for Manitoulin Island. 'they handbook, $2.00; Wilfred Brown, will visit Espanola, Sudbury, Parry cutting grass Wroxeter Park, $5.00; Sound and Wasege, 'Beach return- Wm, Marrinar, relief account, big to Port Elgin for dinner spon- $21.98; H. Howe, relief account, sored by the Chamber of Cann- $21.63; E. A. Schaefer, re lie f rnerce. They travel in antique account, $46,14; G. L Dobson, relief ears. account, $30.80; Howard Harris, Mr. arid Mae Winfred Irwin re- postage, $65.00, IVIclVliehaelsR. Gibson—That we do now adjourn to meet again on September 6th or at the call of the reeve. Carried, ARTHUR GIBSON, Reeve. RArtom POLLOCK, Clerk, Honor Newlyweds WROXETER—A capacity crowd attended the shower given in hon- or ,of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black (Donna Coupland) in the commun- ity hall on Friday evening, July 29th. Mrs. Harvey Bradshaw read the Address and Mrs. William Mundell„ Messrs. William. 'Strong and Bob Hastie presented the yotmg couple With a purse of money Old a trilite floor lamp, An enjoyable evening of dancing folio:tared and a delicious lunch was served. On. Farm 66 Years, Move Next Month turned on Fridey from a weelee holiday with Mr. 71114 Mrs. Cecil Rhubottem, Listowel, at their cot- tage at Sundridge. Mt. and Mee. Irwin spent the week-end with friends at Newmarket. Mrs. Hilton Ashton is i.4pending: some time with her son. Me, Lloyd Ashton and :Mrs, Ashton at Luck- now. Mrs, ti.oy .Gowdy spent the teen - end with Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Halliday at Wingham. Condit-1On Of Mr. Roy Gowdv in the Wing. ham Hospital remains much the same. Mr. and atre. Gerry It ermine of Stratford omit the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feign' Their 'daughter, Laurie, returned hurne with them after spending a ever}, with Mr. an Mrs. 'Feign,. To Teach Children Of RCAF in Germany GORRrE—Miss Verdella Met- calfe, a former Paisley girl and a flees of Miss Beatrice Potter, left on Friday by plane from Melton to Montreal, She will sail from there to Germane, where she will teach school at a Royal Canadian Air Force station for the next two years. Besides being a teacher. Miss Metcalfe holds a private pilot's license and received her wings at Breslau recently. She is a member of the Waterloo-Wellington Flying Club and has been flying for the past two years. 'She has 'been flying solo for a year. Hilton Ashton. Howick Native GORRIB—A life-long resident of this 'community, Hilton Ashton, 81. passed away on Sunday. July 31, in the Wingham Hospital, He had suffered a severe stroke on the Monday previous to his death. Born in Howick Township he was a son of the late William Ashton and Margaret McKee. He farmed in Hon'ick 'before retiring to Gerrie several years ago. In his early life lie had Conducted a livery busi- ness in Gorrie. On February 21st, 1912, he was united lit marriage with Alberta Evans of tamale, who survives, with one son, Lloyd, of Lucknow. One brother, Laughlin Ashton. of To- ronto, and one sister, Mrs. James Johnston of Arthur, also survive. There are tWo grandchildren, Funeral Menace was at the Moir funeral home on Tuesfle.y at 2 p.m. conducted by the Rev, .1 • Feeart Clarke of the Gorrie 'United Church of which he was a member. Burial was in the Gorrie cemetery, Pallbearers were Burns Sten'art. Earl Underwood, 1.lrilliam Stinsinv.. Dick -Carson, George King and Torn McInnes. .Mrs. Glenna Edwards of Port Credit visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. IC. H. Strong. Brock Hueston of Wingham visit- ed las aunt, Tiara. C. Gregg, for several days. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolander, Fart awl Wayne of Listowel, Mr. Dimald Cherry, Waterloo, Mr's. Geo. -Cherry and Mr. Win. Cherry, Pal- merston and Mr. and Mrs, L. Burrell and Sheila of Ayton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Finlander. Among those attending the fun- eral of Mr. Hilton Ashton were Mae Jae. Johnston and son, Arthur. Mr. anal M17:4, Jack Watson, Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Radford, Clin- ton, MrS, Beryl Hobbs, Monkton, Mr, Laughlin Ashton, Mr, Spencer Ashton, Toronto, Mr. Sturton Ash- ton, Hemilton, and Mrs. G. S. Grim-trod, Port Credit. Elgin. iind Mrs. Andy Edgar and Sandra and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ed- gat and family are holidaying at Port Mr. Waller Pickford of Wingham line token the services in St. Stephen's Anglican Church for tire, last two Sundays, The Rev, E. C. AIL well is retureing this week from his vacation, and will be in charge next Sunday. A nember of Gorrie residents went by chartered bus to London ctu 4iaturday for the Derry Day celebration Mrs Watson Brown of Brussels spent Thursday with Mrs. Roy Gowdy. 1.1r. mei 'tire qlerm Will, Kings- ville, Mi. and Mrs. Norman Died- rich, Comber, visited with Mrs. Justin Will and with Mr. Will in the Wingram Hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Koch and ehildren veined Mr. and Mrs. Ghee. Korn on Sunday. Mr. mud Mrs. Stan. Elliott, Lis- towel spent. Senility with Mr. anti Mrs-. Alex. Petrie. Mr, Cliff Cooke has yet weird home after taking a summer course at OWen Sound. Be will leach et a school in Wallace Township at the beginning of the fall term. GORRIE Frances Strong, Roy Strong and Mrs. Hesslewood were taken by surprise on. Friday evening when neighbors and friends gathered a,t their home. The evening was spent playing cards. Later the three were pre- sented with gifts and a social time enjoyed and lunch served. Mrs. Strong has been a resident on the same farm for 66 Years, since het marriage. Having sold their farm they will he aneVing to Gorrie neat month. GORRIE—The August meeting of the Gorrie W.I. was- held at the home of Mrs, Russell Adams on Tuesday evening of last week. The vice president, Mrs. R. Adams pre- sided, Mrs. Clarence Sperling was ap- pointed leader and Mrs. Glenn Johnston assistant for the 4-11 homemaking project, "The Club Girl Entertains", The training school will be held at Brussels, Sept, 7th and 8th anti at Wingham, Sept. 20 and 21st. The WI, will give $6 to the Howick Fair for prizes for Club girls' work in their' projects, ' Discussion then followed about a bus trip to Brantford and other points, to be taken the week of August 29th. to September 2nd. Anyone interested please contact Mrs. John Baylor, Mrs, Stewart Strong or Mrs. Robt. Elschner. Mrs. Mel Taylor displayed a millinery kit and booklets, Mrs. Clarence Stokes reviewed the mil- linery course held in the spring, The motto, "Character is like em- broidery, it is Made stitch by stath" was discussed by Mrs. Nor- Snail Wade. Chatacter is not de- veloped in a day but is the result of our mental attitude and the way we spend out' time over a period Of years. at has been. said that character is what a, man is in the dark, The dietiptine of hard work is good for a child, It isn't the easy life that developes character. A 'pattern is necessary for em- broidery so we need a pattern for the formation of a good character. Mrs. Mel Taylor conduetol a con- test. Mrs. Stewart. Strong and Miss Kate HaZiewood were, whiners in the Dutch auction, Roll call was tips on storing clothing. /eiatitnth Gecieke, Mrs. Wil- lard Peel and Mrs, Morley assisted in serving refreshments: Breaks Ankle —Photo by Connell was the matron of honor, gowned in midnight blue crystal eharin styled on 'princess lines, with an Empire waistline. It featured a pleated back panel, scooped neck- line and elbow-length sleeves. The junior bridesmaid, Miss Vin. ginia Murray, sister of the groom, wore a dress of bronze crystal charm, fashioned with a cummer- bund and back bow, She wore matching bows as a headdress and carried white carnations and ivy. F/C) jetties Strong of Hamilton was the best man, Guests attended the wedding;and the reception later 4t the home, of the, bride's parents, from London, Guelph, Owen Sound, Woodsteek, Flesherton, Glencoe and Aillstori, For travelling the bride wore a navy atria silk sheath with navy and white aecessories and carried a white duster teat, She had corsage of white Shasta mums. PM and Mrs. Murray will live in lashlquettletrit, Prance, where the geooin is stationed with the MAE, GORRIEe-Mr, Atitin Simpson, local filler, had the'rnisfertline to fail down some steps et the Mill on Saturday, breaking his ankle. He Was taken to the Wing General Hospital. Lucknow United Church was the scene of a wedding on Saturday afternoon, July 23, when Jean Anne Richards ,became the .bride of F/O Ray 'Eldon Murray.. The 'bride's parents arc Mr, and Mrs. Orland Richards of Lucknow and the groom is the son of, Mr. and Mrs. David Murray of Wingham. Rev, G. R. Geiger perforated the cere- mony and Mrs, Ross Cummings, organist, accompanied Miss Nancy Webster, who was the solatet. Given ill Marriage by her father, the bride wore a pure silk organza gown in two-piece ;design. The napless lbasque was shirred and ntinned into a 'bouffant skirt, which ended in a 'batons flounce. '1'he jacket 'featured a Queen Anne collar and cap sleeves, Her head- dress of 'crushed silk orgatiza with pearls and fluted edge, held a fin- gertip veil cif silk illusion. She ear-' tied white carnations with trailing IVY, Miss Resale Reavie of London