HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-08-10, Page 1With which is amalgamated the Currie Vidette and Wroloter News. WINGHA3t. ONTARIO, W /1/14rESPAY, AVGLIST 10, 1050 SINGLE COPIES 7 Verdi LUAU IMMO THE MAIN DRAG By The Pedeetrian 0111.0,3121,111p,IF eefs Are Main Dis At Cou n cil Session INSTALL NEW BONES AT POST OFFICE. Within a few days workmen will esoinmenve the lastalletien of drew host office Mixes he the Meal post office. 'The new containers; will be 1:n a range of sixes similar to those new in use, but are completely con- structed of alartduum, During the time when tit a present boxes ;u•e heing torn out eyed: the ,new ones put in their place, it may be necessary to go to the main wicket of the office for your moil. However the changeover will be made without undue delay, so that 410 great inennverdenee will result. COMPLAINTS TAKE UP TIME AT COUNCIL MEET)ING The Wingham Town Council met for the regular August session on Tuesday evening of last week and dealt with a number of complaints from ratepayers, as well as routine business. The .clerie read a letter from the Central Mortgage and Housing Cor- poration regarding a request from council for the transfer of vacant land to the effect that the Corpor- ation was giving the matter con- sideration, A. letter was also re- ceived from John Cruickshank re- garding the painting and repair of signs at each highway entrance to the town, stating that the job had been completed. CouriCil instructed the clerk to write Mr. Cruickshank and thank him for his efforts in this regard, Councillor, Nasmith reported that paving on Charles and Maple Sts. had been completed, as well as the resurfacing of Diagonal Road. He stated that the main street should receive, a new surface within the next two weeke. According to Mr. Naernith a new system of side- walk repair will be tried out on the walk which was slated' for re, pair en Josephine Street ebetweert John ,and 'Victoria, Ste.. A new chemical bonding. cement will be used to resurface the walk rather than completely removing the old LEAVING BUSINESS HELP AT' PARK-,Two weeks ago C. Lloyd and Sou Ltd., supplied two fork lifts and the men to bring in old timber's to reinforce the river bank above the Howson Dam, One of the machines and its crew is shown arriving at the park with its load, as Councillor Gordon Dueliethea looki on. —Advance-Times. photo. HURON MEMBER', RESIGNS . POST • C, MacNateghten,/ merieber. of\ the 'Ontario LegiSlature for Huron, who resides. in Exetah announced recently that he hes resigned from active association with .tones, Macs Naughton Seeds Ltd., of which he has been administrative head' for the past 12 years, Back from Big Scout jamboree Philip Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs, Alton Adams, Wingham, a Queers Scout, arrived home last Tuesday from the Boy Scout Jam- boree held at Colorado Springs. Philip reported that over 56,000 Scouts from. the States and many other countries attended. lie was one of 350 Canadian boys who were en hand for the 'big event which was staged on a nine-square-mile traet, of land near the American oily, Food was handled army style with-'the boys -doing their own cooking. Philips ,Said, when questioned on :he favorite Scout hobby of trading souvenirs, "'You name it -I've got it!" One item he seemed rather proud to have acquired was the head of a diamond-back rattler. From his comments the youthful aveller seemed to have thorough- 'y enjoyed himself and made a I lost of friends from many parts of the world. 0 F> ontier Days Top Stars Here BETTER STREETS-- Residents along Charles and Maple Streets are feeling much better about town affairs these days, now that new surfaces have been laid and the smooth black-top has taken out the bumps. Nearly everyone agrees that the new sur- face on Diagonal Road was badly needed too. 0 LOOKING BETTER-- Community. improvement seems to he the order of the day around town this summer, what with parks, swimming pools,' hew streets and so forth. The latest move likcarne from the P.U.C. When. work started on a big •*j615-the standpipe on John. Street east. 0 - 0.- 0 BIG CHANGE— The past two weeks has brought about . one of the . most obvious changes along the main drag 'since the Brunswick Hotel burned in the fall of 1958, Metkley Motors build- ing has been torn down to make way for a new and modern service station set well back from the street. The removal of ehliehoIder building permits an 'unobstructed view across the corner and Will he a been to traffic as well as to the general appearance of ethe street. The new service station will' be op- rated by Louis Redmond and will o into operation as soon as the rubble has been cleared and the area filled and surfaced. 0 - 0 - 0 ONE FOR THE BOOKS— Mrs. Fraser Haugh of R.R. 1, Wroxetex sent in a dahlia bloom that certainly fell into the unusual Category, if not the unknown. The flower, a twin, had two stems join- ed together and two blooms•joined Back-to-back like Siamese twins. The blooms were normal In every other respect, deep red in color with - yellow centres and ..ahout. three inches in diameter. 0-0-0 SUDDEN SHOWER-= One night two or three weeks ago a local businessman, whose wife was away on vacation, settled himself down on a fine summer evening to watch a ball game which was being televised from a city well south of the border, During the progress of the engrossing game the announcer said that a few drops of rain were falling. Before long it was quite evident on the TV screen that there was a down- pour in progress. As the players cleared the field and the spectators hurried from the stands, said busi- nessman found himself halfway up the stairs of his own home to close the windows. Then he recollected that the rain was a long way from home. FRANK HIER NAMED OUTSTANDING CADET MME RAM OFFICER Mr. MacNaughton said that the mounting pressure of his legisla- ture duties and other responsibili- ties related to public office, was the prime consideration in his decision to resign. ' The MPP indicated his member- ship in the Ontario Water Resourc- es Commission is demanding a con- e',derable portion of his them, -"As a =result -of my resignation I' hope to have more time to devote to the responsibilities of my office and the interests of the people of Huron," Mr, MacNaughton said. He will be succeeded at Jones, MacNaughton by Gerald ZWicker, Crediton, a. director of the, firm, Mr. MacNaughton will continue to be associated with the business in a 'consulting and advisory capacity. DR. D. R, YOUNG of Hamilton, Ontario, above, arrived in Wing- ham on the week-end and will work with Dr. R. N. Coedit and' Dr. S. Smith. ..Dr. Young is a graduate of • MeMastereflnivereity „where ha won his B,A. and the medical school of the University of West- srn Ontario. He interned in the Hamilton General Hospital and spent 18 tnouths working in the Wellesley Street Hospital, Toronto and the Toronto Sick Children's Hospital. Dr, Young is unmarried and is boarding at the home of Mrs. William Elston on Minnie Street. harre.Dietrict High School Cadet FOR , spoRTsgE Cujo Gnr, Frank Riehl, of the Winf- Corps, was named the outstanding cadet in a passing-out ceremony which concluded a five-week sum- mer course for student militiamen last week at Listowel. Frank was one of 30 students on course from the three high schools in the area covered by the 21st Field Regiment, which includes Walkerton, Listowel and Wingham. The passing out ceremony was witnessed by parents and friends who saw the young men display hand, Herb the results of their military train- Mesers. Smith and Ashton of Luck-ing which included a, week at the Mayor Et E. McKinney was a guest at the regular meeting of the Wingham Sportsmen's Association on Monday evening, Mr, McKin- ney delivered an excellent. report on the progress of the local parks commission and informed th e members of the support and co- operation offered by the various organizations, industry, the town and individuals. • Three new members wore on newton of Wingham, MRee ETTA DAY celebrated her 90th birthday with friends and re- latives at the Wingham General Hospital, where she is a patient She received numerous cards and gifts, Congratulations to as grand old lady on her 99th birthday, HOLD PARTY FOR JOHN MK 94 Al Cherny Sweeps Field As Fiddlers Foregather also examine all firearms and make sure that they are safe at all times Charlie Davidson will make en- quirks in regard to liability insur- Once to cover all types of accidents should they occur on the property. A trap shoot will be held for members on Labor Day week-end, The winner of the highest score will receive the club trophy, as well as the Labatt Trophy, which will be presented at the annual ban- auet, Anyone winning the Labatt Crurnlin survival camp, now, Following the drill LteCol. M. R, Discussion was held on a number Oliver, officer commanding the 21st of projects with lively debates on each, Alvin Smith was appointed chairman, with a supporting com- mittee elected to prepare a float. I for Frontier Days. Bob Wollendea, artist at CKNX, velun leered to make conservation slogan posters htoour decorate the walls of the club A wiener roast will be held for members and their families on Thursday, Aug, 18th on the grounds. Cartoons anti travelogue films will be shown out-of-doors, Borden Jenkins was appointed as range officer and will be in com- plete charge of all shoots, He will Regiment, presented each of the militiamen with a lanyard, the symbol of the trained gunner in artillery. The course was in charge of Maj. E. C. Milliken, of- ficer commanding the 100th Bat- tery, Listowel. Gnr. Riehl was al- so presented with a military blazer with an artillery crest, by Maj. Milliken. After taking' the salute at the march past Col. Oliver congratul- ated the militiamen and said, "I have never seen a parade of stu- dent militiamen conducted better than this ohe." ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Edmund G. Shaw of Cardale, Man., are pleased .to announce the engagement of their second daughter, Elfreda Noel, to Mr, George Arnold (Barney) Mc- Intyre, son of Mr, and Mrs. James Calvin McIntyre, of Wingham. The wedding will take place in Cardale United Church, Atigust 27th at 6 p.tn. F10* ENGAGEMENT ' Mr, and' Mrs. Carl Priebtirger of Bluevale announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Veron- ica, to Darryl Lionel' Gueguen, son of Mr, and Mrs. Lionel Gueguen, of Waterloo. The marriage will take place in Our Lady Of Lourdes C. Church, Waterloo, Saturday, Sept. 3rd, at 11 am, Floe will wend their way up the main street to the park, headed by Anna May, whose outstanding horsemen- ship was so enjoyed in the same event two years ago. She will also put on acts in the park, where the bands will be seen In various fee- turee and the hiercey Brothers will be seen and heard, On Saturday night the CKNX Barn Dance group will preseut their usual fine type of entertain- ment in the arena, followed by dancing until midnight. The draw for a portable television set will also be made at the arena the same evening. DONATIONS RECEIVED FOR SWIM AREA The program committee in charge ' of events for the annual Frontier . Days has rounded out most of the major points for the annual event. Sponsored by the, Lions Club of Wilieghameinhaid of -theireaoheinmae ity service program, Frontier Days will be held on ThurSday and Fri- day evenings and Saturday after- noon and evening, August 25, 26 and 27, the last 'week-end in the month. The midway and games at the park will constitute the entire ac- tivity on the Thursday evening, when there will be ample opportun- ity for young and old to enjoy themselves. - On Friday evening the midway will again be operating at the park and the big feature of the night will' be a variety show .and dance in the arena. A star-spangled cast has been arranged for to attract a full house. Heading the list are- the famous Harms Sisters of Toron- to, familiar to all from their ap- pearances on Country Hoedown. Another star is Donna Miller who appears or PM Party, as well as Joe Murphy, comedian, Joey Hol- lingsworth, tap dancer and the Paul Simmons Trio. The evening will wind up with dancing to the music of Slim Bou- cher and the Golden Prairie Cow- boys. Saturday Big Day As in previous years the big p Trophy three consecutive years lizerzdy et oondrSitawtu ardbey aout:tizeernocrowd, will be allowed to keep it , it was Bands, floats and horses galore announced that the cost of trap shooting has been reduced from 1 $2.75 to $2.50 per box of anununi- thin, Bill Orvis won the $50.00 raffle I met the evening, draw for a bun- t) tit lantern was won by George / IIietrun Jr, of Blyth. Tee dates for the regular meet- .»g,, have been changed and will :mow he on the last Monday of the month, rather than the first. If is felt that ton meny Monday holidays interfere with the present schedule. Arrangements are being made to finish the interior of the club limier, and e good deal Of Ina- h-rial line been .donated by the members,, Mayor MeTilinncy donated $5.00 for soft drinks and the club provid- ed lunch. Mines Wesrf, Shown on Algonquin Waters and Arctic Wil- derness. The next meeting will be oil August 29th. Al Cherny set an all-time record at Shelburne. on Saturday when he walked off with the three top prizes in the annual Old Time Fid- dlers' contest. This was Al's fourth year to enter and last year won the novelty championship. Since the 'annual event was es- tablished in 1951, it has gained in popularity and each year draws more contestants and spectators. There were 115 entered' in the con- test this year, coming from all parts of Canada, the United States and Bermuda. Al received $1,000 for ,being in first place in the championship class and $250 as the winker of the novelty class. The trophies in- cluded the Shelburne Cup, emble- matic of the Open Championship Class atid the Toronto Globe & Mail Trophy, ,emblematic of the Canadian Championship.. He also received •the -Shelburne• Rotary Club Cup, This IS the first:time -in the his- tory of the 'contest that any per" son has captured all the top prizes. PORDWICH—Mr. and Mrs, Har- vey MeDermitt entertained recent- ly for the 94th birthday of the lat- ter's father, John Fitch of Wings ham. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Renwick, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Renwick, Mr, and Mrs, Jim Fitch, all of Belmore, Mr, and Mrs, Ken Dettnian and family of Clifford, Mr, James Douglas of Gortie, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hanna of Kitch- ener, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fitch of Belmore, Donald, Brian and Allan Edwards of London, Miss Beatrice Shearer, Torn Shearer and Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery of Wing- ham and Mr. and Mrs, Don King and Patti of Fordwich, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Harry Wright of Bluevale, wish to announce the engagement eif their daughter, Mary Line to Mr. Glen Spinning Johnston, son of Mr, and Mrs. Sperling Johnston, Bluevale, The marriage will take place in Blue- Vale United Church, Saturday, August 27th, 1960, at 2.30. F10° ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kappler, St, Marys, announce the engage- ment of their daughter Noreen, Helene to Desmon d Patric k Brophy, eon of Mrs. Joseph Brophy and the late Mr, Brophy Of Wingham. The marriage to 'take place August 27, 1960, 11 earn. in Holy Mune Church, St, Marys, lob High School Teacher Moves io Wingham BAND comma' Clinton Concert Band will pre, sent a concert in Wingham park, Sunday, August 14th at 8,30 Via,—•- Wtnglzam Corhinittee, ENGAGEMENT The engagement is ainiounced of Bessie Jean, daughter of Mrs. Ro- bert Smith, Williatneforel, and the late Mr. Smith, to Rehald Stacey, on of Mr. end Mrs. John Stacey f Whigham, the wedding will take place September 3rd at 2,30 in Wingham United Church, VIO* sidewalk and replacing it with new concrete. He also reported that churn washings from the Co-operative creamery had been discovered en- tering the river above the swing Ming area and that immediate ac- tion was being taken .by the firm to correct the problem. All accounte read by the finance chairman, Councillor Warren Cal- lan, were ordered paid, Paint Job Delayed Reeve Roy Adair reported that the walls and woodwork in the clerk's office had -been washed and cleaned. The reeve.also stated that Bruce MacDonald had been hired to construct steps at the cenotaph. The painting of the town came tip for discussion. This work had been started last year and the contractor spent a few days on the job this summer and then left The clerk was instructed to write the contractor and inform him that unless the work was completed he the .end. of this 'month the town would hire someone else to finish the job and deduct the cost from the'' contract Price. Councillor Gorbutt, chairman of the fire and hand committee pre- sented a proposal from the Bell Telephone Company reducing the number of phones to be answered in case of fire from 27 to 9. Counci' concurred with the proposal. Councillor Garbutt also present- ed a list of band instruments be- longing to the town and reported that the Lions Club was attempt- ing to form a band from the town and surrounding municipalities, He also said that the Clinton Concert Band will play in Wingliam on Sunday evening. The chairman of the cemetery committee, Councillor Burgman, pointed out that a stretch of steel fencing should be erected at the Cemetery and stated he would bring in prices for council's con- sideration at the September meet- ing. Councillor Harold Pocock report- ed that the Lions Club had donated several pieces of playground equip- ment for the swimming area at the river. Clerk William Renwick read a number of applications for build- ing permits with a total value of $24,000. All were approved by the council. The clerk also pointed out that building- permits issued so far this year amounted to nearly $666,- 500,00 in property values, Councillor D. C. Nasmith, who is chairman of the newly-formed Wingham and Turn.berry Planning Board, reported to council on the July 18th meeting, Counicllor Gorbutt stated that Joseph Clark was burning tires and car parts in his javrecking yard. The council decided to contact the town solicitor regarding action to be taken to curb this smolte nuis- ance. Oilier Complaints Councillor Gordon Buchanan said that the people responsible for the Saint property at the rear of the United Church had not been co- operative in removing an old shed and suggested that the town sol- icitor be contacted regale:ling the le- gal rights of the town in having the building torn down and the cost added to the taxes of the property involved. Another complaint was received regarding spoiled fruit and vege- tables at the rear of the Bondi fruit market. The clerk Was in- structed to write Mr, Bondi and Suggest that 'he have the garbage Collector call every day, especially deiriag the summer months. The clerk was also Asked to write George Cameron and suggest that his school buses could be parked on the Municipal parking lot dur- ing the summer instead of on the street, as a. number' of complaints had been received from ratepayers in this connection. Council considered the possibil- ity of extending Wilfred street west to join with the old CPR, roadbed, In order to do so a right of way would be required through the pro- perty owned by Harold Pocock, Councillor Pecoelt said he Nvould be 'happy to 'co-operate with council on this matter, klajtitiNG CHAMP—A,1 alertly 'von $1,250 and several ;reptiles et the Shelburne Old Time tiddlers' Contest on Naturdnee It Is the first time a visite:stead has worm all the the Op photn, Interest throughout the com- munity menthe keen as far as 1110 new swimming area in the Mait- land River Is convened. Last week Wilfred White donat- ed bicycle racks, material for which had been supplied free by the Beaver Lumber CoMpany, Roy Portet, who has been sup- ervising the work at the pool, also donated $29.00 toward the project. togiggclION In an aeeeent. of the preliminary in reielmow for the beauty con• test at the Kineardine Centennial, we stated Miss Mary Tiffin of Whitechureh WAS.: the wanner of see- end nrize. This was an error and should have read Miss Mary Fisher. Mr, and Mrs, R. B, Vivien of Dryden arrived in Wingham on Friday and Moved into their home in Lower 'Wingham, which they purchased from Ableert Gibson. Mr. Vivian, who will teach at the Wingham Netted Hight School, has completed a yeaes course at the Ontarki College of Education in Industrial. Arts, and has been taking a summer course in music. Their family did not accompany them at this time, We Weltoxyle Mr, and Mrs. Vivian to •this triunity. DONKEY BASEBALL Wroxeter Park, 9 p.m, Friday, Aug, 12th, under flood lights, Pee Wee baseball 7.30 Pate sponsored by Howiele Lions Club, Adraleslon 75 emits and 25 cents. FIOb NOTICE The Clerk's ()Mee will be closed from August 13th to 26th Inclusive, FlOb