HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-07-27, Page 11PHONE, 12 wimimmilmonoWY CALLAN H YOLK RFAMILY SHOE STORE WINGHAM A 7110 WUP/411114-m A4valate-'1`11:teS, 1! ednesRtaa, July x7, UI0Q 1"1144,0 .EVER WIM LONE BE EFFICIENT! BE A B.E.A. GIRL! Prepare for a position in business by securing a diploma issued by the Business Education Association of Canada. Fall Term com- mencing Sept. 6. Tuition $24 per month, GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE 34 East St. GODERICH JA 4-8521 lost Weight, Feels Young Again MAIDSTONE, ONT. "I have been using the Naran Plan for about eight weeks and have lost 32 pounds. I feel twenty five years younger and recommend the Naran Plan to anyone who wishes to lose excess weight and feel and look younger." R. Leish- man, RR 1, Maidstone, Ont. Too much weight saps your strength, makes you feel tired, takes the fun out of life. Don't let excess weight make you look and feel older than you are. Try the Naran Plan today, it's amaz- ing how quickly you can lose pounds of unsightly fat right in your own home. Get the Naran Plan from your druggist today, it is simple, inexpensive and sold on a money back guarantee. FAMOUS PLAYER—Tony Manock, of Kitchener, was one of the well- known golfers who .attended the Wingham golf tournament last Wed- nesday; He is shown receiving his prize for second low gross, from. club president Wilfred 'French. Tony chalked up a par for the course. He played without a hanicap, HOLD YOUR BREATH--Ken DOW of Byron is shown above as he got set to make 'his last putt of the day and break the course record with a 66 at the Whigham Golf Club tournament last week. He made the putt and received a big hand from the gallery. - X 'THOLS6IAT ALL 71-4E QUESTIONS WERE QUITE SIMPLE 1 Always On Our Toes. JUST DRIVE UP ... Tell us your auto troubles Every job gets immediate attention from a careful, skilled mechanic or service expert. SEE US NOW! WINGHAM TORS PHONE 139 . WINGHAM MESH NORTGAG1 -UST COMPANY I FROM $390.60 to $500.00 in just 5 years Your money grows this rapidly when you invest in a safe, guaranteed British Mortgage ACCUMULATIVE certificate, Interest is paid on the maturity of the certificate. To invest — see your local agent or send us your cheque. Certificates are issued in amounts of $100. or' more, Founded in 1871 Head Office: STRATFORD I TO: BitrnSiti MORTGAGE & TRUST, STRATFORD I I enclose my cheque for $ felt investoient in a I British Mortgage ACCUIVIVLAIIVE Guaranteed Investnient Certificate. I NAME ADDRESS Ej Please Send ,rne a folder giving full Information about British Mortgage Ss Trust Guaranteed Investment Certificates. — $AVE $AVE — $AVE — $AVE HI NEIGHBORS, YOUR 'FOODLAND MARKET has specials galore throughout the store. Heinz, Fresh Cucumber Wafer Reg. 31c PICKLES, 16 oz. jar Only 23c' Maple Leaf Reg. He CHEESE SLICES, 8 oz. pkg. Only 29c Large 82-oz. jar Reg. 69c Kraft MIRACLE WHIP Only 59c 4-Roll. Package Reg, 470 Ballet TOILET TISSUE 39c York Brand Reg $1.00 .1/2-gal. ICE CREAM Bricks .... Only 856. SATURDAY SPECIAL — Is GALLON '19c Lyons—Noodle and Alphabet Beg. 5 for 65e CHICKEN SOUP 5 for 45c (Each package makes 6 generous servings) Maxwell House — Large. 6-oz, jar Beg. $1.00 INSTANT COFFEE 99c LOOK AT THESE LOW PRICES IN OUR LARGE MEAT COUNTER Fresh Canadian - Guaranteed Lean Reg. - MI lb. 39c Burns Breakfast BACON ... 1/2.1b. 27c Fresh Canadian - Guaranteed Lean Reg. 4513 Burns BACK BACON 39c Fresh A-1 Reg. - lb. 49c BROILER CHICKENS 39e Canadian made - 1 lb. pkg. Beg. 53c Finest Quality WIENERS 49c Fresh and Delicious Reg. lb. 55e RING BOLOGNA 4k BANANA SPECTACULAR We buy direct tram the express car, to give you the Lowest Prices. lbs. for 6 rn n ONLY i-JUC COME IN AND SEE OM SPACIOUS DISPLAYS Or FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES WE GIVE THE LOWEST PRICES BECAUSE WE SELL ON VOLUME, We have a full variety of Frozen Foods at Good Values, in our brand new spacious white deep freeze counter, IMPOI?T'ANT NOTICE BETTER GET YOUR SUPPLY IN PAILS OP MONTMORENCY 22-lbs, cherries, sugar, WHILE THEY LAST, —SPACIOUS PARKING SPACE AT BACK 010 'STORE SHO E SALE CONTINUES TYPES OF FOOTWEAR FOR MEN, VALUE:-PACKED BARGAINS IN ALL WOMEN AND CHILDREN. By the Health Use vitamin pills with caution, Many of them contain folic acid,' which can hinder the diagnosis of pernicious anemia. Some doctors say many cases of pernicious anemia have gone unreported be- cause the patients took daily doses of vitamin pills containing the acid, Folic acid is needed for the normal function of the intestines and in the formation of red blood cells. Mast people get all they need from a balanced diet, contain- ing plenty of green vegetables. Twins, who may be hard to tell apart physically, psychologically need and seek individual recog- nition, according to an article in Today's Health Magazine. The article says, "Twins struggle for an identity which, because of the very circumstances of their birth, is constantly threatened with eclipse, They therefore find it necessaryto assert a cherished individuality and to demand in- dividual recognition." The article added there is scien- tific proof that even identical twins are not carbon copies of each other. It suggested a few rules which would help each twin evolve its own personality. Dress them differently and give them different toys, encourage and praise their different skills, refer to them by name rather than "the twins", re- quest outsiders not to ask which one are you?", encourage each twin to develop his own interests as well as some friends he can call his own, as they grow older en- Courage each to spend some time on his own away from home. - 0 - 0 Smoked glass or dark glasses cannot protect the eye from the direct rays of the sun. Dark For Your Information HENSALL Community Arena ZURICH Comiliunity Hall BAYFIELD Town Hall DUNGANNON United Church BLYTH Town Hall ETHEL Community Centre BRUSSELS Library GORRIE Community Hall FORDWICH Community 14011-4 . Au First Day • Re-Visit July 28 Aug. '2 July 29 Aug. 3 July 28 Aug. 2 July 29 Aug. 3 Aug. 2 Aug. 4 ' Aug. 3 Aug. 5 July 28 Aug. 2 July 29 Aug. 3 Aug. 2 Aug. 4 g;..3 Aug. 5 League of Canada glasses only screen against the re- flected glare of the sun's rays striking the earth, Never stare directly at the sun to "test" a pair of dark glasses or you are apt to sustain permanent damage to the retina of your eyes. Over 400 Members On Bus Tour On Tuesday of last week Huron County held its annual 4-H bus trip, Eight bus loads, numbering over 400 members and their leaders, made this very interesting tour to the Ontario Stockyards in Toronto, United 'Co-Ops of Ontario, Massey- Harris Farms .and Shur - Gain Farms at Toronto. At the Ontario Stockyards the members were divided into groups and guides directed the tour throughout the yards and buildings. An inspection Of test plots of grain and crops were inspected at the Massey-Harris Farms, At the barns Lacombe and Landrace sows were shown, as well as an excellent herd of Shorthorn cattle. Massey-Harris Farms have a test track where machines are tested to see if they work efficiently. This proved an interesting Tart of the visit there, At Shur-Gain Farms, a well-kept turkey flock was inspected. A de- licious chicken barbecue was serv- ed, which brought the tour to a close. All members arrived home after having spent an interesting and very profitable , day, Provincial Police Report Charges District No. 6, Ontario Provincial Police, reports 166 traffic accidents for the month of June, in which nine persons lost their lives, and 71 were injured. Regular vehicle checks covered 8,106 cars and trucks and warnings were issued to 3,330 owners, Nine hundred and fifty-nine charges were laid and 16 'permits were suspended. Other charges were laid as follows: Speeding,- 420; careless driving, 63; overload- ing, 31; infringements of rules of the road, 136; failing to remain at the scene of an accident, 4; driving while prohibited, 4; failure to re- port an accident, 3; criminal negli- gence, 1; driving while intoxicated, 7; ability impaired, 17; other charges, 21. Don't use paint to cover those bark wounds on your trees; it's a common, but useless, remedy, and often does the tree harm. Here's what to do: trim the bark off with a sharp knife to form a boat- shaped wound rather than a ragged One. Coat the bark and cambium evitheshellac, Smooth off the wood and paint it with a disinfectant such as, creosote or corrosive sub- limate. Avoid the use of these ma- terials on the cambium itself. The other day I heard of an idea which seemed to me to have ,a I great deal of merit. Not only is it a time-saver but it could be a boon to you when you are ready to redecorate or sell your home. For lack of a better name we might call it a "Home File". The !object of this file is to have all pertinent facts about your home at hand. If you have bought a new house or an older house, start your file right away with the details of purchase. Any alterations or major repairs should be noted. Mark what they were and their cost and file them away. This way you will always have on hand the amount of money that you have invested in your home, As you go about the task of your interior decoration, jot down the details. Details such as the size of each room, the size of the windows, how much material was needed for the draperies, how many square yards of carpet you bought for the various areas and 'how much wallpaper and paint was re- quired for each job. Attach samples of the draperies, wallpaper, paint colour or carpet to these notes and put them in your "Home File". Why is this such a good idea? Well when it comes to rewallpaper a room you need only go to the file to find out your needs. Instead of having to measure your windows to find out the yardage required for new draperies in the dining- room, a trip to the file will tell you. If you want to sell the house at some time—your file will tell you quickly what you paid and what you have put into improvements and repairs. When it comes time, to actually move, give your "Home File" about the decorating details, to the new home-maker—a welcome gift in- deed. SUMMER SCHEDULE FOR REC. ACTIVITIES It is suggested that you clip out this program and tack it up in a convenient spot for future refer- ence as to times and places of the various activities. Summer Program—July 25-Aug. 19 Children 8 years and over Tuesdays — 9:30 to 10.:30—Girls' crafts at the Council chambers. Tuesdays — 10:30—Girls' softball at the town park. Wednesdays—Hikes for boys and girls together. Meet at town park at 10:30 with lunch and drink. Fridays--10:30—Boys' softball at town park. An attendance record will be kept of these activities with wiener roast at Turnberry Park at the end of four weeks, for those with the best attendance. Mondays and Thursdays through- out July and August — swimming instruction at Teeswater Lions' Pool-191 are registered for these morning classes. Children 4,-s sears Program at Town Teaser Program Monday to Friday: 1:30 to 2,30—Crafts, quiet, sing- ing and action games at pool. 2,30 to 4:30—Wading poor open every day except Sundays and holi- days, Wednesday, August 3, at 1:30— "On Wheels Day" (decorated bikes, trilces and d611 buggies), Prizes will be awarded. Wednesday, August 10 at 1:30— Pet show at park. Prizes awarded, Wednesday, August 17, at 4:30— Picnic supper at park. Attendance record — Prizes for best attendance. Tennis net available—phone 276R. Insurands:---$1,50 to cover all re- creational activities from now to end of Novencioer. 13-20-27 Huron Had Largest Rabies Count Last year Huron County bad the largest number of confirmed rabies eases in animals recorded for the province, a total of 93 Oates. Human exposure occurred to some degree in most. of the local instances. Through the splendid co. ovation of the county office of the Health of Animals branch, Ca- nada Department of Apiculture, it eases developed here. While this year there has, br=oil a market overall reduction in the incidence of rabies in Southern. On' tarin the reduction is bused 'the market degrease (72%) in the nom, ber of eases of proven rabies hi the fox. There 114S been no reduce tion in the number of proven rabid. skunks during the current year. T,11. eleven Ontario counties, skunks were the Only wild creatures report* ed with rabies, Six other counties reported rabies also in cattle).doP, cats and horses. IT'S FUN TO SHOP AT YOUR et ett IN WINGILAM 'FREE DELIVERY PHONE 20 SAVE -$AVE • ,SAVE - SAVE Still time to visit Free TB Detection Clinic at the following centres: operating from 2 to 5 p.m. and '7 to 10 p.m. For Health's Sake - Don't Forget! the 10 Door Prizes—No Limit to Number of Advs. was possible 'to check promptly on all cases which involved humans. Rabies vaccine, while available through branch laboratories, is also kept in stock by the Huron County Health Unit and in several urgent cases it was possible to dispatch vaccine immediately on receipt of the request for prophylactic treat- ment. Despite some initial apprehen- sion, the people of Huron County responded most intelligently to the threat—in some instances actually on their doorstep—and no human