HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-07-27, Page 7tug barn b antr*trinttil
Afternoon of Gaines
At Annual Picnic
service in Calvin-Brick United
Church this Sunday. This con-
gregation held their annual picnic
at the home of Superintendent
Norman. Coultes on Friday when
about 90 gathered and enjoyed a
full afternoon of sports and games.
Tinder the leadership of Alex Rob-
ertson, Edwin Smyth, George Mee
Gee, Jack Shiell, Janet Beecroft,
Ruth Taylor and arm Currie. AU
joined In the ball game that fols
lowed the bountiful lunch,
WHrl'EOHUHCH—Fifteen ladies
and 25 children attended the July
meeting of the WMS and Mission.
Band of the United Church, held
On Wednesday at the home of
Mrs, J. D. Beecroft. On account of
the cool north wind,• the meeting
was held indoors,
Mrs, Milian Moore, superintend-
ent of the Mission Band, presided
and held a short quiz. The theme
of the meeting was "The Stars in
Our Univetse", and David Sleight-
holm, Beverley Soloman, Lloyd
Sleightholm, Margaret Moore and
Kirk Beecroft read passages of
Scripture that referred to know-
ledge of stars, Janis Fareler sang
a sole, and Diane Coultes led in
BIBLE SCHOOL WIND UP—Friday .evening saw the end of The two-
weeks' Bible school which was held at the United Church for' local
youngsters, The top piCture shows the primary group as they lined
up to tang their songs fur the audience. The bottom picture .shows
the kindergarten class as they did their bit.
New York Relatives
Attend Reunion
the Yuill family relatives met i on
Sunday at the home of the presIe
dent, Alex Robertson. Mr, and
Mrs. Richard Procter had charge
of the recreation and games.
Robert McMurray of Morris was
named president for next year,
with Mrs. Edwand MoBurney as ASSIST NEIGHBOR FOROWIEll
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Slesser and
fancily Of Glamis visited with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Coals
on Monday and Mrs, Agnew and
her daughter, Helen of Campbell-
Ville visited here on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Eckenswiller
and family spent Sunday with
Goderich friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rintoul and
family visited on Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and. Mrs. George Cald-
well of Blyth and Miss Donna
stayed to visit there, this week,
The W.M.S. of Belgrave United
Church will have charge of the
church service in Calvin-Brick
United Church on Sunday, Aug. 7.
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Reid of Mount
Brydges and their family attended
a family picnic at the honie of Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Reid of Marnoch
on Sunday. Those attending were
Mr. and Mrs. George Reid, Ken-
neth and Gary of Strathroy, Miss
Darlene Reid and Mr. John Priest-
ly of Strathroy, Mr. and Mrs, Jaelc
Reid and Rickie and Kevin of Wes-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Janes
and Roger of Delaware, Miss Mari-
lyn Reid, Mt. Brydges, Cohn Ston-
ham of Lambeth, and Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Reid and family of Windsor,
Gary Reid of Strathroy is spending Mr. and. Mrs. Douglas Holt are
spending this week in Orillia, with two weeks at the Reid home here I BY HARVESTINli CHOP
Beverly Solomon presided for the
Mission Band program, Diane Swan
sang a solo. Mrs. Eieecroft played a
piano solo and a group gave a
shit, "Ringing the Bell for the
Bush School." Sandra HUI read an
old fable, and Diane Coultes told a
story. The superintendents, Mrs.
Moore and Mrs, E. W. Beecroft,
told interesting missionary stories
and the meeting was closed with
the Mizpah benediction,
Mrs, Moore and Mrs. Beecroft
were in charge of the games and
contests on the lawn in the recre-
ation period that followed. All en-
joyed the picnic lunch and the
treat of cake and ice cream.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillespie and
'40 WKITECHURCEI.--The quarterly
birthday tea and the July meeting
of the WSM,S, of Calvin-Brick Un-
ited Church was held last Wed-
nesday evening at the home of
Mrs, Gordon MoBurney with 25
ladies present, and with Mrs, Ken-
neth , Mason presiding for her
Mrs, Mason read Scripture pas-
sages, referring to the topic, -"The
Bible and Prriyer", Mrs,' Lawrence
Taylor conducted the comments,
While Mrs. John Jamieson gave the
comments on other Bible passages,
Mrs. Mason read a poem on pray-
Mrs. Cecil Coultes gave an in-
teresting talk on Eskimos, telling
of .the book, "Land of the Long
Day".' She said only two-thirds of
the children go to school, The
book tells of the scarcity of cariboo,
needed for food and clothing, and
or their work to have a hospital
near -their homes, instead of being
• brought so far to get care,
The ladiee decided to take charge
of the .church service on August 14
file-tend, of having an August meet-
ing' iri 'a home. Mrs; Gilbert Bee- secretary. Those from a distance
croft and Mrs. Chas. Shiell were who attended were Mr. and Mrs.
Sidney Somers and daughter, Mrs,
`Versa Heinz and her two daugh-
ters, of Lincoln, Mich., Miss Mar-
garet Yuill from Carleton Place
and Miss Mary and Mr. Raymond
Petrie of Herkimer, N,Y,
Ml enjoyed renewing old family
friendships and the social time to-
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs, J. G, Gillespie,
appointed to secure a speaker for
the. ,fall , Thankoffering meeting.
TheY., reported that a 50-pound bale,
worth, •$40 had !been sent to Toronto,
Mcleitchie was asked to or-
der :•tpc.:fa11, literature,
Mrs:. Ronald Coultes gave the'
financial report and Rev. Mr. An-
dereen pronounced the benediction.
All senjoyed the social time with.
Rev; and Mrs. Anderson present.
family of Sarnia are spending this
week with his mother, Mrs. .7, G.
Gillespie and her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. R, Farrier. Jack returned
to Sarnia on Sunday.
Mr. Garnet Farrier enjoyed
trip by plane with Mr, Russell
Farrier, Wingham to Wiarton on
Sunday morning.
The service in the United Church
here will be withdrawn on Sunday
and Rev. T. E. Kennedy of Blue-
vale Presbyterian Church will
have charge of the services in the
him after spending the week here-
• Mr. and. Mrs, Carl Stewart. and
Douglas, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Sothern,.
Miss Nancy Sothern and Mn Bill
Mulvey spent Sunday at Goderich,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons and
Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Simmons and
family spent Sunday at Port Elgin.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Kirkby (Marlene Johnson)
who were married on Saturday,
Miss Anne Millar spent all last,:
week with her grandparents, Star.
and Mrs. Drew Aitcheson In Elora..
DINSMORE—to Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Dinsmore, a daughter, in the,
Palmerston Hospital on ThuredaYs
July 21st, 1960.
FORDIVICH—The goad neigh-
bour seristem is still very much
alive in this community, Last
Thursday a gang of men, tractors
and balers gathered at the farm
of Lindsay Galbraith, V.4 miles
east of Fordwich and ,drew in all
his hay.
Mr. Galbraith is confined to Lis-
towel Hospital with a fractured
knee, being thrown from his tractor
two weeks' ago when just starting
to cut hay.
Mrs. Bert Winston.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jacklin of
Kitchener visited over the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon
Mrs. Ed. Matthews and Barry
spent the week-end in London with
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Corbett.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore, Master
John Breaker and Miss Elaine
Millar visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Denny in Erin, Miss
Brenda Lee Denny returned home
after spending a week in Pordwich.
Misses Margaret and Patsy Mc-
Dougall of Palmerston spent last
week with their aunt, Mrs. Jennie
M°1-sl'irF. ISi. and Mrs. Robt. McElwain of
Ottawa visited last week with rela-
tives here,
Mr. and Mrs,. Archie Halliday of
Toronto are spending two weeks'
vacation at the home of Mrs, Ruby
The many friends of Mrs. Jim
Warren will be sorry to learn that
she is confined to Stratford Hos-
Mr. 'Mrs. lernernan, Dereerlieg
of Kitchener visited friends in the
aomnimeitY tine day lescweek:
Me and Mrs. Ray .Hilburn, Don-
ald and Anne of Gait, spent several
clays last. week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, George Pittendreigh.
Mr. and Mrs. Pittendreigh accom-
panied them one day to Goderich
end visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Mrs, Clinton Jantzi, Barbara and
David of Baden visited four clays
last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Hiram Eastman.
Mr. Ross burst of Toronto spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
George Ashton, Mrs, Durst and
the children returned home with
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn. Miss
Karen Lynn returned home with
them after spending two weeks
with her grandmother Mrs. Dora
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hambly and
Janie, Misses Shirley Idurig, Doris
Carswell and Marjorie Connell
spent one day last week at Port
Mr. and Mrs, Willoughby Patter-
son and family of Thamesford
visited over, . the week-end with
Mrs. Pearl' Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Golarich of
London visited over the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Demer-
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gibson spent
the week-end in Toronto. Mrs.
Jessie O'Gorman returned home
with them after visiting the past
couple of weeks with relatives here.
Miss Elizabeth Armstrong, Messrs,
Paul Schaefer, Bernald King • and
Gary tgothern spent Sunday at Port
Mr. and Mrs. George Wipp and
three sons of Thamesford spent
several days at the home of Mrs.
Pearl Patterson. Miss Ardyth
Campbell of Cordova Mines is
spending a few weeks at the same
Quite a number from Fordwich
and vicinity went on the 441 bus
trip to Toronto last week,
The new gates to the entrance of
the fair grounds are being built
now. The cohtr'aetor is Mr. R.
Harkness of Teeswater.
Mrs. Nellie Ruffle of Toronto 18
spending a week with Mr. and
Minimum Legal Age
For Drivers in ,
New York State
The Ontario Department of
Transport draws the attention of
drivers visiting New York State to
the feel-that ethe state does not
issue full drivers' licences to drivers
living in. the state if they are under
eighteen years of age.
The New York State issues a,
special juniors licence to 'those be-
tween ages of sixteen,
This means that drivers licensed
in Ontario who are between sixteen
and eighteen years of age cannot
legally drive a. vehicle in New York
State on their Ontario Licence.
Young drivers should be aware of
this fact in order to avoid a
violation of the New York Stata•
law in this respect.
morning at 10 a in, here, during
August, Rev. Mr. Walsh had
charge of the morning services in
Belmore and Bluevale Churches in
July. In this way the several con-
gregations enjoy the different
ministers during vacation months.
The annual United Church picnic
will be held an Saturday, August
6th at the Turnberre Park. All
are invited to attend.
Mr. and Mts. Nelson Sleightholm
artia lesnity spf Brussels vie-teed. on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Mr. Frank Stockill of Blind River
and his sister, Mrs. Don Bennison
of North Bay, spent the week-end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Morrison. Mrs. Stockill and baby
son were able to return home from
Wingham Hospital on Sunday. Jim
Morrison ansi. Garry Chapman
accompanied Mr. Stockill home to
Blind River, to spend a week there,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Aitcheson
and baby son of St. Helens visited
on Sunday with her mother, Mrs.
Dowling and all visited with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. With
Rooney of Mount Forest.
shown above as she presented June English 'with her
certificate as Mrs. Russel Zurbrigg looks on, The
little boy in the foreground is unidentified.
all the' children nho • attended regularly at Bible
school' over the past fortnight. Mrs. Ken Leitch is
Clinton visited this week-end with
their mother, Mrs. Gershom Johns-
ton and with Mr, Johnston, a
patient in Wingham Hospital.
Mrs. Orville Tiffin and Mr, and
Mrs. Dan Tiffin and family visited
on Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. McInnis of Walkerton.
Mr.. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and
grandsons, Paul and Brian Fal-
coner, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Norman Clark of Shel-
Mrs, John Noyman and baby son
were able to return home from
Wingham Hospital on Friday.
Misses Brenda and Barbara
Ritchie are visiting this week at
the home of their uncle, Mr. Ken-
Marlene Johnson
Y'o Make Home
In Port Credit
FORDWICH—Ferns, candelabra
and baskets of mauve and white
delphiniums decorated Fordwich
United Church for the wedding of
Marlene Carroll, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Carroll Johnson of Ford-
wide and Murray Herbert Kirkby,
"Port Credit, son of -Mr. and Mrs.
George Kirby of Burwash on Satur-
day afternoon at three o'clock,
Rev. A. F. Gardiner- performed
the double-ring ceremony. Paul
Need, cousin of the bride, Kitchen-
er sang "The Lord's Prayer" pre-
ceding the ceremony and "The
Wedding 'Prayer" during the sign-
ing of the register, accompanied by
Mrs, Shirley Durst of Scarborough,
Who was the organist.
The bride, who was given in
marriage by her father, wore a
formal gown of embroidered nylon,
styled with fitted bodice, Sabrina
neckline and short sleeves, anti
wore matching elbow-length. gloves
The bouffant skirt was fashioned
with tiers of scalloped embroidered
nylon and bustle back, worn over
tulle and taffeta, A crown with
tear drop pearls held her double
tiered silk illusion veil and she
carried a cascade bouquet of
Happiness roses and white shasta
Miss Donna Johnson, sister of
the bride, was maid of honor and
the bridesmaids were Miss Patricia
Kirkby of Burwash, sister of the
groom, and Miss Judy Rabb of
Harriston. They wore dotted nylon
ballerina-length dresses in lilac,
with scoop necklines, short sleeves,
and crushed cummerbunds en-
circling the waistlines, forming
butterfly bows at the back, Their
headdresses were half mohair
crowns with face veils and they
carried cascade bouquets of white
and mauve pompons.
Ian Kirkby of West Hill, Ont.,
Wag his brother's groomsman and
the ushers were Ron Ennis of Lon-
don and Wayne Johnson of Ford-
Guests from London, Toronto,
Seaforth, Walton, Sudbury, Kitch-
ener, Owen Sound, Brussels., Pal-
merston, Listowel and Harriston
were greeted at the reception In the
church parlors following the cere-
mony. The bride's mother wore
a beige dress with matching nylon
duster, 'Mint green accessories and
a corsage of bronze inertia, "rile
gtoornat mother assisted in reeeiv-
ing, Her costume was greed and
white, with white accessories- and
het omega was yellow roses.
Mr. and Mrs. Kirkby, who will
live in Port Credit, left on a honey-
ineon to the New England States.
The bride wore a champagne toned
suit with champagne and blue
accessories and a corsage of pink
Garnett roses.
The groom is a graduate of Strat-
ford Teachers' College and Is on
the staff of South Peel Board of
Craig, president of the WAILS. of
the Presbyterian Church, presided
at the meeting of the Home Help-
ers on Wednesday afternoon in
the Sunday School room of the
church. The theme of the meeting
was "Homes of the Bible". Mrs.
George MeKague read the Scrip-
ture lesson and Mrs, Ewart Mc-
Pherson led in prayer. Mrs, Geo.
Fisher was in charge of the topic
and conducted a questionnaire on
the difference in homes. Mrs, Rus-
sell Ross and Mrs. Craig sang
"God Will Take Care of You".
Mrs. Johnston Conn gave an in-
teresting talk on the highlights of
the Record. The roll call was ans-
wered by each naming a home in
the Bible, telling whose and what
kind of Mime it was. Mrs, Fisher
invited the W.M.S. to meet at her
home for the August 'meeting, when
the Mission Band will he enter-
tained. Mrs. Casliek led in the of-
fertory prayer and the meeting
was closed with the Morel's prayer
in unison.
neth Johnston of Clinton.
Dr. Arthur Watt of London visit-
ed with his parents, Rev, and Mrs.
W. J. Watt on Friday and Dr. and
Mrs. Donald Watt and family
also visited at the Watt home, after
motoring from Bella Coola, B.C.
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Watt and
family of Toronto also spent a
few days here, i
'.Mr. arid Mrs. (Jas. Currie, Miss
Leah Currie and Mr, and .Mrs
Russell Gaunt, Janet and Donald,
visited on Sunday at the ,home of
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Snyder and
Mr. and Mrs, Currie Ross of
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McClenag-
han and Michael of Kitchener, and
Mr. and Mrs Win, Parker and
family of Exetet Visited on Sun-
day with their patents, Mr, and
Mrs, Ben MeClengsslian. Douglas
Parker, who had been'visiting here
for the past two Weeks, returned
Mr, Fred Leaver of Toronto spent
the week-end at the Leaver home
an the river road.
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Dickson
and childten of Bele-tore visited on
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Moore. '
Mr. and. Mrs: Carneten Skeletons
and Nancy 'of. London spent Sun-
day with her parents, Mr. and, Mrs.
Chas. Martin, Nancy stayed to
Spent the week with relatives here
and at Wingham,
Mrs, W. J. Coulter, Wingham,
and Mr. and Mrs, Victor Emerson
visited on Sunday With Mrs. C. T,
Base of Walkerton,
Mt. Clair Agnew lies Sold - his
school this to Mr. Russell Chaps
man, Who wilt be' a charge of the
bus route ftom LateknoW to Wing-
hate District I4igh School' in :Sep.
Forest Armitage"Of tandett and
Gary Barbour of Beigteve are
VISiting this Weeli-With the Matter's
grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. John
eolinte of weeks, Two of the dmitto Which %Vete
set up for :the open house last Friday evening are
shoWia above,
MArts `triad ; PkVIRT of lifts iniaresting subjects
studied by local petingsters tit, the 'Vile...Mien Bible
School held in the United Mirth during the past
Institute Members
Annual Bus Trip
8ELGRAVF1--About 40 members
of the Belgreve Women's Insti-
tute and their friends went nit their
annual bus trip last Tuesday. Their
trip this year took them to Tam-
don, where they toured the Kellogg
factory, the.hoodoo Free Press
and Westminster Hospital, where
they enjoyed their basket lunch
On the grounds.
A visit was made to Story Book
Gardens at Springhtielt Park, The
group returned to the city and en-
joyed dinner at a restaurant and
then returned hams,
WHITECHURCH—Many in this
district were interested in the
Choosing of beauty queens at sev-
eral places in Bruce County last
week, as a preliminary for the real,
ccantest to be held at the Kin-
eardine Centeunial this week-end,
Nine contestants were present at
Lucknow on Friday evening, The
judges were Dr. and Mrt. Wyatt
of Elmira and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Elliott of Torente. The young wo-
men first appeared in street attire,
then in a personality contest, coe-
versing with the judges, and then
in evening dress, The first prize
was a cheque of $15 and an accorn-
panyieg cheque of $25 for appli-
cation to the Ceitterinial contest.
The first -prize Went to Mrs.
Hugh McMillan, formerly Coleen.
Tiffin of ,Langstele. Second prize
went to Miss Mary Tiffin of White-
ebutch end the third Wee to Men,
Barry Met)onagh, formerly a Tees-
water girl.
Mrs. Robert Ross ,has been a
patient at Victoria Hospital, Lon-
dori since Wednesday last. Mr.
'and Mrs. Donald Rosa visited with
het theta on Sunday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt of
Wingham visited on Sunday with
Me, and ,Mrs. John Gwent,
Mr,' and Mrs. Robt, Allan of
Clifford visited en Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert •Burchill and Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Smith of Camp-
hellville also visited at the Burchill
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Minn and
*family and Helen Currie spent
Sunday at Inverhuron Park,
Mr. Robert Gibson goes to Brant-
ford' ,next week to take over the
work of sanitary inspector there.
Mrs and Mrs. Gibson will move
there from Southampton the middle
Of .the . month. Mrs. Gibson will
take a position in the bank in
Biantferd on September 1st.
Mrs, Allan Walker and family of
Owen Sound spent a few days last
Week with Mr.. and Mrs, E. E,
Walker •and Mr. and Mre,- E. E.
Walker visited On Sunday with him
aunt; Mrs, Fred Bailey of Tara and
With Owen Sound relatives.
lair.. and Mrs. John Smyth and
Jattfueline Of St. Catharines visited
on 'Sunday at the }Mine of his
"brother; Mr. Edwin Anlyth and
Donna Ritchie of IsticknOvir visited
last; week with Doreen Smyth.
Gail Donaldson Of Teeswater is
spending this Week at the Sniyth
Mr. and Mrs, Harold 'Currie, also
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth feettaplace
and faritily of Teesevater visited on
Sunday With Mr, and Mrs. Richard
Deacon of fraoras
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Smith of
Winner,. and Mt'. and Vita. 'Chas.
Wood of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Johnston of London and Mr.
anti' Mrs. Kenneth jelnistell of