HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-07-13, Page 7W1NRIAM 4I1
WIN .COUNTY HONORS. Zig ab.bantrZtturo
arded to
AT NETHERY REUNION 1.7Altat'el;n1liT-;Anbleve
I merit Day for the 4sH Club course The fifteenth Nethery-euri ion
- eici at Community Park, Londes-t i "Meat hi: the Menu" held in
Wroxeter Thursday afternoon )bore, on July '2nd; proved to be a were Mrs. Clarence Sperling, Mrs.
Glenn Johnston, leaders; Mrs. Glad.
Edgar, Mrs, Norman Gadelre, Mrs.
Russell Adams, Miss Helen Adams,
Mrs. Clarence Stokes, Mrs, Helen
Stephens, Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Mrs.
John. Strong, Mrs. Bill Strong,
Mrs. Russell Pluttan and Mrs. Gor-:
don Steinacker, also the girls who'
took the course,
Teeswater Couple
Married 40 Years
Mr, and Mrs. Demean Thompson
celebrated their 40.th wedding an-
niversary at their' home in Teesa
Water on. .'/ply 3rd.. Their family
presented them. With a chrome
kitchen lake: All butone of their
five children were able to attend
the eelebretion.
Others attending were Mrs. W.
C. ;Murray, of Wingham;; Douglas
Murray, of Preston.; Miss Sylvia
Alexander, of 'W.Inghani; Mr. and
Mrs. a A. Gellaher, of Wroxeter;
Mr. and Mrs. George Hetherington
and family, of Biuevale.
Carol Heil, Gwen Hynclman, Ev-
elyn Ann Stephens, Joanne Strong
and Margaret Ann Wilson receiv-
ed county honors, having com-
pleted six courses. Joanne Strong
gave the comments on the exhibit
"Uses of Ground Beef". Next
course will be "The Club Girl En-
Miss yvorine Sperling was award-
ed the annual bus trip to Eastern
Ontario, the,St, Lawrence Seaway
and Montreal, which will be for a
Week in August, Two others in
Huron County will also receive
the trip as a reward for best work
in the 4-H club courses.
WROXETER — Fourteen clubs
Participated in the East Huron
4:Hu :X d ay.
oga r
;i 111 "
eluded the presentation of county
and provincial certificates, presen-
tation Of two leaders' certificates
for completing five years' service
as a leadere, skits and CM) ex-
Whits. Miss Bette Tillman, home
economist of Huron County, was
in charge and• gave the comments,
Girls receiving certificates were:
Provincial, Miss Sharon Hubbard,
Miss Margaret Wallace both, Of
Lakelet, County honours, Lucille
Merkley, Mary Taylor bah of
Wingham; Carol Cook of Ethel;
Diane Carswell, Phyllis Wilson:
Fordwic,h'; Yvonne Connelly, Brats,
sets; Carol Kiel, Gwen Hyroirnan,
Evelyn Stephens, JoAnne Strong,
Margaret Ann Wilson all of Gorrie;
Marion Scott, Lakelet; Shirley
Johnston, Anne Peacock, Dorothy
Shaw, Bluevale; Judy Smith,
Skits and demonstration were
given by the following clubs with
the members participating, Group
2 Bluevale, Kathleen, Mary and
Patricia Craig; Ethel, Carol Cook,
Jane Kreuter; Belmore, Nancy
Elliott, Connie Gathers; Fordwich,
Truus Winkle, Pat Harris, Dianne
Carswell, Audrey Ratan; Jean
Sufert; Group 2 Brussels, Dianne
TenPas, Dianne Kirkley; Lakelet,
Sharon Gadke, Marlene Wylie, Pat-
sy Gadke, Nancy, Jacques.
Club exhibits were presented by
clubs from Brussels, Biuevale,
Cranbrook, Gorrie, Molesworth and
Wingham with the commentators
being Sharon Storey, Mary Hamil-
ton, Dianne Engle, JoAnne Strong,
Janet Simpson, Ruth Taylor. Pre-
sentation of leaders' certificates
were made to Mrs. George Rich-
ards, Harriston, and Mrs.' Robert
Mitchell Molesworth.
Arrangements have been made
for interviews on television with
local !people with regard to the TB
detection survey 'being carried out
in Huron County in July -and
Next Wednesday afternoon pn
CKINTX-TV, with Miss. Anna Mc-
Donald on the "M'Lady" show, two
Seafortlr ladies will appear, They
are Mrs. J. B. Russell, secretary
of the Huron Tuber-mitosis Associ-
ation and Mrs. W. L. Whyte, well-
known leaders in women's groups
and political affairs.
During- the Focus' :show on Tues-
day evening, July 19, Dr. J. C. Ross,
Goderiela will be interviewed. Dr.
Ross has been active in the work
of planning the current TB survey,
On Friday, July 15, over OFPL-
TV, London, on the "At Home"
show about 4 o'clock, two ladies
from the Exeter area Wilt be filter,
viewed. They are Mrs. Winston
Shapton, and Mrs.. Harry Dougall,
both of whom are well known in
the southern part of the county.
A radio broadcast Is being ar-
ranged over CKNX-Radio, in which
Mrs. Stanley Bride, Fordwich,
Guelph Area chairman of the Wo-
men's. Institute, will be featured.
Date and time for: this show are
not yet known.
successful affair, with a splendid
attendance. Members of the clan
were present from. Vancouver, Ni-
agara Falls, Toronto, Hamilton,
Tillsonberg, Gederleh, Wingharn,
Blyth and many other places. Dur-
ing the afternoon gamee and races
were enjoyed by both children and
adults alike. These were splendidly
handled by Abner Nethery, of
Wingharn, in his usual efficient
After a bountiful supper had been
enjoyed, Albert Nethery, of Ham-
ilton, took charge of the meeting.
He read a list of those who have
passed away since the last gather-
ing, these being Mrs. Tris Currie,
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; Mrs. Fred
Overend, Dunnville; Mrs. David.
Johnston, Moosejaw, Sa.slce Mrs,
McMillan, Fort William, and Wit"
ilanl Douglas, of Lakin:ea, Ont.
One minute of silence was observed
in their memory, Letters of good
wishes were read from Annie
eishman, of Bruce Mines, Ont.;
ante Nethery, Q.C,, of Picton,
Ont.; Mrs. James Coad, Hanna,
Alberta; and Mr, and Mrs. Tully,
of Kirkland Lake, Ont.
A. presentation was made to
Henry Leishman, of Goderich, in
appreciation of 'his work on the
pioneers of Huron County, This
was presented to him, by Abner
Nethery, of Wingham,
A hearty note of thanks was ex-
tended to Percy Barker, of the.
Goderich Salt Co., for their gener-
ous gift of salt, and to Alex Neth-
ery, Don Mills, for a donation of
Prizes 'were won by the follow-
ing: Oldest woman, Mrs. Fairser-
vice; oldest man, Chris Nethery;
party coming greatest distance, Mr,
and Mrs, J. Babeock, Vancouver; rest family, Mr. and Mrs, ,Shoul-
lee, Camp Borden, 7 children;
lucky ;birthday, Deane Cooper; most
newly married couple, Mr. and
Mrs, Jim Fisher, of Clinton; lucky
plate, Brenda Kennedy; lucky cup,
Grant Bears, of Niagara Falls;
lucky chair, Brenda Nethery;
treasure hunt, Mrs. Ernest Noble.
A special feature was the choos-
ing of a beauty queen for 1960.
The judges' decision was in favor
of Miss Marlene Walsh.
A wonderful afternoon was
brougt to a close by the election
of officers for 1961. Glen Vancemp,
of Brussels, was elected president,
and Mary Isaleee Nethery, of Bel-
gra ve, secretary-treasurer.
Mrs. Mary Graharre and Mr. Jas.
Graham, Toronto spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Robinson and attended the sere
tennial service at Fordwich Angli-
can chruch.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. pane of
Toronto spent a few deers with Mr.
and Mrs Norman Wade and
attended the Trinity Church Celle
tenniel at Fordwich.
Mrs, Albert Deetow spent Thurse
day with her sister Mrs. Agnes
Neill at Woodstock.
Mies W. Snell of Elliot Lake is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. WM, Behrns
and othei relatives, Mrs. Harry
Boothman, Roger, Andrew and
Stephen of Calgary, spent a, day
recently at the same home.
Mrs. Wilbert McCraekin, Misses
Violet and Viola MeCrackin attend-
ed the Orange Celebration in To-
ronto on SatundaY.
Mr. and Mrs. Mae Newton, Bev-
erley and Brian are on a trip, to
Saskatoon, Sask, and other points.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Ward and
'family of Ethel visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Blake MCMilian,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Quigley and
family of Tugaske, Sask., and Miss
Margaret Jardine, Wroxeter, spent
Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil.
Mrs. Mary Pollock of Ripley,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. 'Robt,
Mr. Bert Hubbard has' sold his
farm in the Lakelet vicinity and
has purchased Mr. Bower F'arrish's
home in the village. The Geo.
Dane farm has been sold to Mr.
Hamilton of Roekwood, who has
moved in. Mr. Roy Strong has
sold his farm on the sixth conces-
sion to Mr. John Learch, Harriston,
Mr. Harry King and Mrs, Edgar
Dane are patients in the Wingham
Mr, and Mrs. E. N. Strong visit-
ed with relatives in Port Credit
on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Felgel, How-
ard and Bryan attended the old
home week celebration at Victoria
Square on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Les Davidson, Lis-
towel, Carol and Sylvia Davidson
of Wingharn visited Mr. and Mrs.
Jas, Edwards on Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Searson, Mary Emma
and LaVonne of Kitchener visited
with Mr.. and Mrs. Roy' Gow-dy
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy on
Mr, Frank Harris of Detroit is
spending a week's holiday with Mr.
and- Mrs. Ernie Harris.
Mrs, Martha Baker, Fordwich,
Mrs. Mabel Gilkinson, Mrs. Wil-
bert Gallaway, Mr. and Mrs, Nor-
man Wade spent Thursday at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Lock-
hart, ,Eastwood,
Miss Joyce Procter has received
word from the Royal Conserva-
tory that she has passed Grade 2
Theory with first class honors.
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Henderson,
Kathy and Ellen of Deep River,
visited last week with his sister
and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
'Richard. Procter and Joyce.
Mrs. Hereon Irwin and Mrs.
Clark Johnston accompanied the
girls of the 4-H homemaking club„
to Loncleshoro for the Achievement.
Day 'on- Fifday.
Mr. Charles Johnston has return-
ed to his home, after being a
patient in the Wingham General
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hood of
Owosso, Mich., Mrs. Stanley Bristow
of Normanby Beach, New Jersey,
Miss Alice Bristore, East Orange,
New Jersey and Mr, Albert L. Cole
of Kitchener were week-end guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Michie, • "
Mr, and Mrs. Alan Campbell and
son of London spent the week-end
with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Pengelly
and Mr. arid Mrs., Floyd Campbell.
Mrs; Clarepee Wade of. Wingham
has disposedeof het property, here
in the village to Mr. Charles
Nethery, who takes possession in
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Errington
of Glenfield visited on Friday with
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Vincent.
Mrs. Alex Armstrong and Mrs.
Wm. Bell, both of Brussels, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Institute members and their
friends are reminded of their 'bus
trip to London on Tuesday, July 19.
Car and Buildings
Saved from Fire
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Felker.
Mrs. John Wylie and Miss Betty
Wylie are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Carter McKee of Fergus:
Mr, and Mrs.. Ivan Felkar, Paul
and Jimmy attended the Felkar re-
union ,in Elora 'bergeePark on
Sunday. There were 70 members
present •
, Sex-vices .itisSte Ste'plien's Angli-
can church will revert to the usual
hour of 11,30 commencing next
Sunday morning, „A layman from
Seafortie will 'take "'the services, in
the absence of the 'rector on July
17th and 24th.
•Mr. and Mrs: AttWell, David and
Mary Margaret leave for holidays
on Tuesday. They , will 'be at
Rondeau Parka , ,
Mr. and ,Mts. Leslie Carson. of
Winter Haven, FlOricht, snent'Wed-
nesday evening tne home -:of
Mr. and Mrs, ClaSerice Sperling.
Mr. and Mrs. .Sparilitg ,Yvonne aled
Wanda, aeeemPanAd iay,Miss Ahn
Carson Of IXTintei *He'ven, sPent the
week-end 'at -Pari'Illgire.'
Fred irWin Cane frem- the
Rainy River :district on holiday,
In Tri-County Intermediate soft-
ball at Fordwich, Gortie won 27-
14 over Fordwictf.
Guests at the rectory on Satur-
day were Mr. athd . Mrs. Kenneth
Hawthorne and Marianne of Lon-
don. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Irwin,
Jane and Mary of Montreal and
Mrs. Jas: Skelton' and Andy of
Sarnia were Week-end guests at the
same honle.
Walter Elliott wakened last Thurs-
day at 12 a.m. to see that a fire
was consuming the small structure
over the motor of the pressure
pump system. This had stood near
the garage and was near their
parked car.
The oil in the pump was boiling
from 'the heat and the garage, car
and woodshed would soon have
been on fire if they hadn't quickly
Put out the flames with water.
They- attributed the fire to a short
in the motor.
Mrs. Irving Toner, Miss Ruth
Toner, Mrs, Mac Bell and children,
Mrs. E. W. Carson, Mr. and Mrs.
Mel Tayler and family and Mr,
Bill Taylor attended a Taylor re-
union in Springbank Park, London
on Sunday,
The Rev. Geo, and Mrs. Wylie
and John of Wallacehurg have
been visiting with the forrner's
mother, Mrs. John Wylie and Miss
Betty Wylie.
Mrs, Ruth Corbett Is spending
some time with Mrs. Lindsay Gal-
braith, Fordwich. Mr. Galbraith
is 'in hospital with a broken leg.
Mr. and Mrs, Bill Blakeney and
Janice spent the week-end with
Mrs. C. Gregg. Mrs. Mae Blakeney.
who has visited here for the past
two weeks returned to her home
in Toronto with them.
Miss Judy Smith, R,R. 2, Gorrie,
received county honors at Wrox-
eter Achievement Day, having
completed six courses with the
Molesworth W.I,
Mr, and Mrs. Don -Charles, Ken-
neth, Robin and Caroline of Bur-
wash spent Sunday and Monday
with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Charles.
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Woods, Judy
and Eugene of Kitchener spent last
week-end with Mrs. Jas. Shera,
Mrs. Velda Johnson and Michael,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Daniels of Lon-
don visited Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hutchison.
Michael remained for a longer
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Boyd, Mount
Forest, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. T. L. McInnes.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Underwood
and Mr. Murray Underwood spent
the week-end with Mr.' and Mrs.
Allan Underwood of Uxbridge.
Miss Gwen Hyndman spent the
week with Miss Nancy Elliott of
Mrs. John Metcalfe, Paisley,
visited last week with her sister,
Miss Beatrice Potter.
Me. and Mrs. D. J. Metcalfe and
Ken of Paisley, Miss Verdella of
Guelph were also recent visitors at
the same home.
Masters Bryan and Floyd Waite
of Drayton spent last week at the
Dinner Held on
30th Anniversary
• GORRIE—Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Charles celebrated their 30th wed-
ding anniversary with a dinner
party on the lawn on Sunday
Afternoon. It wee also the engage-
ment announcement party for Miss
Louise Mitchell, daughter of Mr.
ad 'Mrs. Robt. Mitchell, Gorrie,
Mr. Cecil Clark, son of Mr. and
Mrs. 'Clarence Clark of Ethel.
Bah parties received Many beauti-
futl from friends and neigh-
Guests included friends from
London, Huntsville, Burwash, At-
wood; Ethel, Wroxeter, and Gorrie.
Seventy guests were present.
Tables were decorated by Mrs.
Marion Longstaff and daughter
Joy of Wroxeter,
Mr, and Mrs, Charles have been
residents of the sixth concession
for several years. They came here
from Manitoba. Best wishes of
many friends go to the couple.
ONE OF TIIE HIGHLIGHTS of the 4-H Achieves
merit Day at Wroxeter last Thursday was the pre-
sentation of provincial honour certificates for com-
pleting 12 projects, Miss Bette Tillman, Huron
County home economist, left presents a provincial
lunionr certificate to Sharon Hubbard of Lakelet,
—Photo by Merrill Cantelon.
PRESENTATION of two leaders' certificates to dis-
trict leaders for completion of five years' service in
club Winer was a feature Thursday at the 4-11
Achievement Day. Shown left to right, Mrs. George
Richards, Harriston; Mrs. Robert Mitchell, Moles-
Worth; Miss Bate, .Tilbnaen. Aint'en .CsinntY, Heine
economist, who made the presentation.—Photo -• by
Merrill Cantelon,
IC, Lloyd Heads
I Procter Clan
BELGRAVE—The annual Procter
reunion was held at the Seafotth
park on Sunday with the president
in charge 'of business session.
New officers elected for next
year's reunion are; Preaident,
Charles Lloyd, Winghame vice
president, Alvin Procter, Winghaiii; .
secretary-treasurer, Clayton Proe-
ter, Goderich; sports committee,
Jack' Higgins, Wilbert, Procter and
John Spivey; lunch committee,
Mrs. Jack Higgins, Mrs, Helen
McBurney, and Mrs. Alvin Procter,
Sixty-two members signed the
register and enjoyed a social time,
while the children played games
and had races.
Anglican Ladies
To Aid Hospital
BELGRAVE—Mre. Clark John-
ston welcomed the members of the
Guild^ of Trinity Anglican Church
to her home on Thursday after-
noon, The president, Mrs, Clare
VanCamp was in• charge, and open-
ed the' meeting with: a hymn, pray-
er and the Lord's prayer'in unison.
The Scripture lesson was read
by Mrs. Mel Braciburn, Mrs. Rich-
ard Procter read the minutes and
Mrs. Cooper Nethery gave the
financial statement.
It was stated that 12 choir cas-
socks had been completed and it
was decided to make more, An-
other group volunteered to go to
the hospital to help with the mend-
lug. Plans were made to clean the
Numbers on the programme in-
cluded, a duet by Marjorie and
Sandra Procter, cornet solo by
Joyce Procter and a recitation by
Connie Nethery. The roll call was
answered with the Beatitudes, and
the meeting was closed with pray-
er. Grace was sung and
was served by the hostess.
BELQRAVE—The regular meet-
ings of the Woman's Missionary
Society -and the Woman's Associ-
ation - of Knox: United Church were
held iii, the ehilretz on Wednesday
afternoon. Mrs. Leslie Bolt, presi-
dent, evas in charge' of the WA.
meeting and , the worship service
was taken by the 4th line group
with Mrs. Bolt; Mrs. James Coultes
and Mrs. Stanley Cook taking part.
The theme of the devotional period
was Dominion Day,
Final expenses of the manse were
'Itemized and Mrs. Bolt expressed
sincere appreciation to all who had
worked to renovate the manse.
Mrs. Walter Scott opened the
W.M.S. meeting with a hymn, fol-
lowed by prayer. The minutes were
read by Mrs. Williard Armstrong
and the financial statement was
read by Mrs. Earl Anderson. Visits
to the sick and shut-ins were re-
corded. Mrs. Scott extended a
welcome to Mrs. J. H. Anderson, 411
Council Presents
Rd. Superintendent
The Morris ToWnship council met
on July 4 with all the members
present. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and adopted on
motion of Welter Shortreed and
lunch Gordon Wilkinson.
Procter-Duncan — That, a tile
drain loan be granted and that
the contractor he paid the loan
money by the township.
Duncan-Shortreed—Thet the road
accounts as presented by the road
superintendent be paid.
Wilkinson-Shortreed — That we
give a grant of $25.00 to the Sal-
vation Arnly in Wingham.
Procter-Duncan —That the gen-
eral accounts- es presented be paid.
During the course of the Meeting
Reeve Bailie Parrott, on behalf of
the council and employees, present-
ed Road Superintendent Williane
MeArter and Mrs. McArter with a
pair of lamps in honour of their
recent marriage.
Procter Wilkinson That the
meeting adjourn to meet again on
August 2, at 8;30 p.m., or at the
call of the reeve.
Accounts paid:
Blyth Telephone, ;toile, $3,10;
Bailie Parrott, Mayors and Reeves
eenvention and fees, $50.00; Bailie
Parrot, telephone call, $1.25; Bern-
ard Hall, compensation insurance,
$43.75; `sown of Clinton, debenture
btr lifel School, $376'06; Amos C.
Martin-, tile, $108.37; Cordon Wilk-
inteh, Blake drain, $5.00; Jack
Brewer, .equalithig school, $13.80;
Baker Convalescent $176.50;
Arnie° Died/lege and Metal Pre-
duets, $133.20; relief account,
$351/0; Salvation Artily, WA;
Wingham Postmaster, stamp's,
To Ship Gifts
BELGRA.VE—The Women's Mis-
sionary Society of Knox Presbyter-
ian Church met on Tuesday even-
ing in the church with a good at-
tendance. Mrs. .1. C. McBurney Pre-
sided and the meeting opened with
the Apostle's Creed. A Psalm, was
sung. Mrs. itoss Anderson read the
Scripture lesson, followed with
prayer by Mrs. Bud Orr.
The topic from the study book
was given by Mrs, Athol Bruce en-
titled "Christianity, Race and
Nationalism", Mrs, Garner Nichol-
eon gave the Glad Tidings prayer.
The secretary's report was given
and adopted, and the financial
Statement given by the treasurer.
The roll Call was answered by a
verse of Scripture. Sick visits were
reported and offering received.
Mrs, Joe r) ti ki a r presided for the
business period, and reports Were
given of the executive meetng held
In Clinton, and. Christmas gifts for
the Birtle School and Cecilia Jef-
frey School are to 'be brought to
the August meeting to be packed
and shipped in early September. A
letter from Miss Dorothy Douglas
Was read by SVIrej Duribar.
A review Of the Jttly-August
Glad Tidings was given by Mrs.
Ed, Wightnean. A hymn Wed sung
and the Meeting elated with the
Lord's ilrAYet•
It was announced that the Mis-
sion Band picnic will be held on
July 27 at the arena. It was also
mentioned that the members of
the are to be in charge of
a church service in. August.
Some discussion was held about
a delegate to go to the School for
Leaders at Alma College, the theme
of the school being, "Into all the
Wald together". The roll call for
August is to be answered with a
favourite verse of Scripture from
The study period with the theme,
"Stewardship" was taken by Mrs.
Carl Prbdttr'A group, With Mrs.
Mrs, George Miehie as leader, hal-
ing prayer. Mr's. Michie gave some
of the .highTighte of the Confer-
ence Branch at Sarnia, and she
conducted a Bible study from 1
Acts, similar to What had been
done at Conference,
Reading on the "SteWardellip of
Time" was read by Mrs. Procter,
"dieing Thanks or Gratitude" was
reed by Mrs. Stanley Cook and the
"Stewardship of Money" was read
by Mrs. James Michie, The meet-
ing was closed with a hymn and
the benediction,
Pliellle Wilson both of Votdivieli; Yvonne Connelly, 13ruSsele; Marion Stott, Lake-
let; tileley Johnston, Amine Peacock, Dorothy Shaw ell of 13IneVale; Judy Sinith,
MeleSeverth, 'Ave of the girls de not appear in the eilctrireee-Pbeifes by Merrill
SIXTEEN DISTRICT GUMS' receleed county honours at the 'East Huron
Achievement Day at Wroxeter for ebrenletion of eist nrojectst
Mary 'l'oylor, Winghame Carel tttei, Gevers idyndrisan, Evelyn Stephens, elloAelne
Strong; Margnret Anne Wilson ell of Gertee; Carol Cooke Ethel; Mane 'Carswell,