HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-07-06, Page 1040 HOURS DEVOTION
Forty :Hours' Devotion, a special
period given to adoring our Lord,
present 'n the Blessed Sacrament,
was observed in Sacred Heart
Church from Friday morning to
Sunday evening. It extends and in-
cludes parts of three days, to cor-
respond to the time the Lord's
Body remained in the sepulchre
after His passion and death on the
cross. This special devotion or,,
iginated in the early 16th century,
During the three days the Blessed.
Sacrament remains exposed on the
altar and the parishioners go to
adore in prayerful silence. Each
family of the parish was given a
special hour of adoration.
Solemn Mass took place each
morning at nine, with most of the
people receiving Holy Communion.
Evening devotions took place at
eight, and were attended by a large
portion of the parish. Included
was a, sermon by Father William
McKenna, of London, and on San-
day evening, thirteen priests, from
the surrounding district joined in
the solemn closing of the 40 Hours.
The priests taking part were in-
vited to :the rectory for dinner.
Also present in the congregation
were two Sisters of the Order of
St. Joseph, who have come to
Wingharn to teach the summer
school of Catechism this week, for
the children of Sacred Heart
parish, and next week at St. Am-
brose, Brussels,
The congregation is grateful to
the ladies who tared for the church
and altars so beautifully, and to all
the parishioners for being so faith-
ful to their appointed hour of ad-
oration in church.
Recital of Music
Held at St. Andrew's
A lovely arrangement of flowers
in St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church gave a suitable setting for
the annual recital of music students
with their teacher, Harold Victor
Pym. Chairman was George Hen-
derson, who welcomed the large
number of parents and friends at-
tending. The National Anthem was
played by Richard Scott.
The Rillowing took part ih the
Grade I piano — Sandra Fisher,
James Henderson, Joan Cruick-
shank, James McCarter, Barbara
Feagan, Peter McCarter, Trudy Me-
Guire, Norman Ma:cLennan,
Grade II piano — Ivan Wheeler,
Patsy Hotchkiss, Audrey Coultes,
Donald Collar, Joanne Dunbar.
Grade III piano. — Jill Thomson,
Barrie Conron, Heather Hueston,
Helen Hotchkiss, Mary Ann Mason,
Gale Stokes, Joan Cantelon, Greta
Grade IV piano — James Hender-
son, Carol Walsh, Donna Ferguson,
Gary Stokes, Ruth Hotchkiss,
Susan Spry, Stewart Allen.
Grade V piano 7:- Lorna, Woods,
Dianne Davidson, Brian Caslick,
Sandra Dunbar, Wayne Caslick,
Grade VI piano — Mary Phillips,
Barbara King. .
Grade VII piano—Dale 'Thomson,
Brenda ,MacLennan, Elaine Moffatt,
Hugh Sinnamon.
Grade VIII piano—Richard Scott,
Sharon Thomson, Gail Henderson,
Brenda Conron.
Piano duets were played by
James and Peter McCarter, Sandra
and Joanne Dunbar, Helen and
Ruth Hotchkiss, Gale and Gary
Stokes, Brian and Wayne Caslick,
Vocal soloists were Sylvia David-
son, Dale *Thomson, Mrs.. Merrill
Cantelon, Miss Mary Runstedtler,
Miss Christine Runstedtler.
Mr. Pym spoke to the gathering,
congratulating :the students on their
performance. He urged them to
keep up their music, noting their
improvement during the past year.
Favourable comment was made by
those in attendance.
At the close. of the recital, re-
freshments were served by meat:.
fibers of the choir of 'St. Andrew's
Church, where Mr. Pym is organist
and choir leader.
The story of a boy, his dog, and
his dream. of becoming an artist.
Patrick St., Wingham
Phone 770
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"tam tttiteNbtli Ettolkit'l
Mrs. Don MeTaggart was hostess
on Monday evening of last week
when sixteen neighbors gathered
at het home for a social evening.
The party was in honour of Mrs.
Archie Jones.
Contests were won by Mrs.
Meraggart and Mrs. Thos. Jardiri,
Mrs, H. Burrell and Mrs. A. Wil-
liams, Miss L. Robinson arid Mrs.
11, Hopper.
Mrs, Ken Leitch• read' an address
and Mrs. MeTaggart presented Mrs,
Jones with an electric fry pan as
Mrs. Archie Jones
Receives Pry Pan
Mrs. H. Msyk Meets
Sister in Montreal
Mr. and Mrs. Borst Msyk arid
family enjoyed a holiday in the
Ottawa and Montreal district last
week, while on a camping trip with s farewell gift, The group also
Mr. and Mrs, Russell Smith and had a plant for Mrs.. Jones' mother.
faintly. They had a couple of days Mrs. Gross, who was ill, and Mrs.
sight-seeing in both cities and while
in Montreal stayed at the home of
Mrs. Srnith"s parents.
Msyk had the pleasure of
meeting her 'brother-hi-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. J, Rubli, and
their two children, as they decked
in Montreal front Switzerland. Mr.
Rubli has been transferred by his
firm front Switzerland to Montreal.
It was the first time Mrs. Msyk
had seen het siker in five years, them,
Hopper had presented it to het at
the hospital.
Lunch was 'served by the hostess,
assisted by Mts, Ken Leitch and
Mrs. Ed. Meturney, Mrs. F. Hop-
per, Mrs. H, Burrell and Mrs. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones and their
three daughters moved to Listowel
on PrIday. Her' parenis, Rev. and
Mrs. 0, L. Orossi will live with
in ,Gnelph: on Saturday and were
guests at the Kitchen-Gordon wed-
ding in Knox Presbyterian Church.
—Dr. and Mrs. F, A. Parker left
Tuesday • evening for Malton en
route to Halifax and Dartmouth,
Where they will visit a few weeks
with their daughter and family,
Mr. and Mrs. _Morey O'Laughlin,
Patricia and James. They expect
to be home near the. end of the
--Mr. John Fitch and Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery, attended
the wedding:Saturday in Fordwich
United Church of Margaret Mc-
Ca.nn -and Jim Renwick.
.—Mr. and Mrs. Victor Haines
left on Thursday for a month's
holiday to the West Coast, They,
were accompanied by her brother-
in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Calvert Finlay of Kincardine.
--Mr. and Mrs, T. R. Mathers and
daughter are spending the sum-
mer at their cottage at Ambet•ley.
Mr. and Mra. Michael 1VrePhail and
family are living in the Mothers
house temporarily, until they move
to the,Southern States.
—Mrs, Marvin' Brown and two
Children, of Kingston, spent the
last couple of weeks with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs, .Taraes Staple-
ton. Marvin motored up this week-
end, and with his family spent the
holidays With his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W, J, Brown: Mrs. Brown
sand the children, then returned
home with him,
—Dr. and Mrs. Roddick and
family of Brantford visited with
Mrs, W. Davis over the week-end
-c-Mr. andMrs. Donald Rae,
Christine and Stephanie, spent the
week-end in Port Elgin 'with Mr.
Rae's mother, Mrs. Howard Rae.
—Mr. arid Mrs, Fred Ross and
family spent the holiday week-end
With her brother, Mr. Nelson
Nickel,, and Mrs. Nicitlo, hr Madoc.
and also called at the home of
friends in Toronto,
---Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Ilaylow
and Les11c of nyron, visited over
the holidays with her Parents, Mt.
and Mrs. Harold Moffatt.
—Mr. and Vita. Mara and .fain-
ily have 'moved' into the honse on
Mr. And Harry Brovvne, Sr. Patriot 'St.; 'VacEeted by Vir,. and
• and :V.Irs.• Freddie Temple-
Maw, and fl.M1.1Iy visited for a few
days ..with 'her parents, Mr, and
Mrs, Carl Bennett, London.
—Mr. Russell Smith, commenced
a course in Kingston on Monday.
Mrs, Smith and the children are
visiting relatives in Montreal.
—Mrs. John Lorenz and daugh-
ters, .Roseanne and Janet, of Win-
nipeg, are spending the summer
months with the former's parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Fred MacLean,
and Mrs. John 'Baines and
Pliny, of London, visited on Satur-
day with her father, Mr, Ed.
Small, and other relatives.
--Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Shackle-
ton .and daughters are spending
July at a CGIT camp near Sirneoe,
,Where Mr. and Mrs. Shackleton are
I assisting in its operation.
--Mr, and Mrs, Roy Bennett and
family visited on Sunday with Mr.
and: Mrs. Norman Lambertua,
—Miss Winnifred' Moir, of Lon-
don, spent the week-end with her
Mother, Mrs, Miles Moir.
Ohas. E: Smith, 83, his.
daughter, Mrs. Jack Rea-vie, and
granddaughter, Lynda, flew to Sal-
ina, Kansas, where they are at-
tending the wedding of Mr. Smith's
grand niece; This was his first
—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kennedy
moved on Friday to the former G.
W. Cruickshank home on Catherine
Street. :Mr. and Mrs. Cruickshank
and family have moved into the
home. of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Rin-
toul, who are on a two months'
heliday, until the new home they
are building is completed.
annual summer sales meet-
ing of. C. Lloyd & Son was held
above the fire hall this week with
representatives from Ottawa, King-
aton,' Toronto, North Bay and
Wingbara: attending.
'211t. and Mrs. J. H, Marshall,
Jean and 'Harry, of Owen Sound,
spent Sunday with Rev, and Mrs.
C.: F. Johnson.
L-,Mr. and Mrs. George Cameron
spent a few days the latter part
of last week in Flint, Mich. Miss
Barbara and Master Doug Cameron
are spending a, two weeks' vacation
at Rolling Acres Ranch, Varney.
---Mr. and Mrs. Jim MeBiarney
and' Mr. and Mrs. Barney Keemar
viisted on Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery.
—Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Coutts and
Peter, of Leaside, were visitors
over the week-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs, A, A. Coutts.
—Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Murray
and family, of Toronto, spent the
holiday Week-end with his mother,
Mrs. W. C. Murray. Mr. Doug
Murray, of Preston, is spending a
two 'Weeks' vacation at his home
here, ,
'—Miss Jean McKenzie, of Knell-
ener, visited -one- day last week with
her:friend, Mrs. 'Robert Wenger.
-.Mi's's Helen Haines, of - London,
Spent a few 'clays last week with
her, parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Haines, prior to taking a summer,
-course- at the University of .West-
ern 'Ontario..
E. E. Madill has left for
Loirclon-. -Where he is taking • the
-five-week - high school principal's
course at the University of
crI'mr.and Mrs
- Lorne Scott were
tual. SAT,
5 - - 7 - - 9-
David, Ladd, Donald Crisp
Trailing ivy and white and pink
Peonies decorated Brussels United
Church on Friday evening, June
24, at seven o'clock for the double-
ring, candle-light, ceremony, in
which Rev. Lloyd Brown united
in marriage Sheila Rose Porter
and. David Keith Cameron.
The bride is the eldest daughter
of Mrs, Louise Porter and the late
William Porter of Brussels. The
groom's parents are Mr, and Mts.
Norman Cameron of Wingham.
Given in marriage by her mother,
the bride wore an oiginai street-
length gown of white peau-de-sole
featuring a bateau neckline and
double crown of seed pearls held
her finger-tip, hand-rolled French
illusion veil and she carried a
cascade of stephanotis, white
shasta mums, and trailing ivy.
Miss Pamela Porter attended her
sister as maid of honor. She wore
a gown identical to the bride's in
French green peau-de-soie with
ing three candidates for officership
in the fall. They will be taking
their first year's training in the
old Salvation Army College in Tor-
onto, and will be among the first
students in the new college when
they take their second and final
term next year.
The candidates are Mr. and Mrs.
Alan H. Neelon, formerly of Blue-
vale, and Miss Barbara Byer, of
Wingham. They all enter college in
Mr. Neelon has been pastor of
Bluevale and Whitechurch United
Churches for the past couple of
years and was popular in this dis-
trict. In his younger years he was
a soldier at the London Citadel.
Following graduation from high
school, he attended seminary and
university, pastoring a church at
the same time, Mr. Neelon recently.
made the decision to apply for
tealning as a Salvation Army of-
ficer, and devote full time to the
Mrs, Neelon was raised in the
Presbyterian faith, She trained as a
laboratory technician at Victoria
—Photo by Msyk Studio
matching petaled headdress and
short circular veil. She carried a
nosegay of green carnations and
white shasta mums.
Jim Drehma,nn, Clinton, acted as
best man.
At the dinner and reception
following at the bride's home, the
bride's .mother received the guests
wearing a two-piece mint green
silk shantung dress with a sheath
skirt, white accessories, and 'a :cor-
sage of white mums.
The groom's mother, wearing a
re-embroidered pale green satin
dress with white accessories and
corsage pf white mums, assisted
Mrs. Porter,
For a wedding trip to the United
States Mrs. Cameron wore a black
linen cluster over a rose flowered
sheath, with a white straw hat,
black patent accessories and cor-
sage of white shasta mums.
The couple will reside in Wing-
while working at the hospital,
through a Salvationist nurse, She
married Mr. Neelon in 1951 and
they have. two children, Paul 7;
and Ruth Ann 3. •
Mr. and Mrs. Neelon left last
Thursday for Camp Selkirk on
Lake Erie, a Salvation Army camp.
Mrs. Neelon is in charge of the,
girls at the camp, and between
them, they' will have a great deal of
responsibility during the summer
Miss Byer is held in high esteem
at the Wingham General Hospital,
where she has been on staff for
several years and has for the past
three years been X-ray technician.
She is a member of the Salvation
Army Band and her work with the
young people has been invalup,ble.
She will take with her the best
wishes of a host of friends when
she leaves in September.
Mrs. Dave CrOmpton
Moved to Toronto
A surprise party was held at the
home of Mrs. Mae Blatt-la:ford on
Thursday evening, in honor of Mrs.
Dave Crompton, when a number
of friends and neighbors gathered
to bid her farewell. Mrs. Cromp-
ton left on Tuesday for Toronto,
where her address is 14 Ctang
Ave., Toronto 10. •
Mrs. Crompton received a beauti-
ful floor - lamp from her • friends,
for which she graciously expressed
her thanks.
1 i.-"V 4.
,-Zr. and Mrs.Ctte Bosqrpts. UM+.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Posorek Of De-.
trolt,And Miss Edna MeKentie of
.Guelph, spent the week-end' with
'Mr. And Mrs. Frank McCormick,
--Visiting with. Mrs, Blatehfortl:
Over the holiday week-end were
her son-in-law and daughter, Lieut.
and Mrs. L. R. Eldridge and son
Mark of Camp. Borden.
- Miss Norma Coutts is attend-
ing sununer school in Western Uni-
versity, London.
—Mr. and Mrs, Bruce MacDon-
ald and family spent the week-end
in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Les
Laurendeau. They were aceom-
pan:ied by AW2 Isobel Laurencleau
of the R.C.A.F. station, Clinton.
Mrs, MacDonald and children re-
mained for the week.
1YIr, and Mrs. 'Ed, Fitzpatrick
are spending a few days in Wal-
laceburg and Detroit, visiting with
—Mr, and Mrs. Wilford Caslick
and family left on Friday to spend
two weeks at Amberley Beach.
Mrs. Geo, McKay, Mrs. Bob
Carson and Mrs, Harry Capstick,
all of Hamilton were recent guests
of Mrs. Geo. Egleston, Centre
—Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Pielrford and family last
Tuesday and Wednesday were Mrs.
Piekford's mother, Mrs. W. H.
Candy, and uncle, Mr. G. N.
Thomas, both of Toronto, and his
daughter, Mrs. Joseph Holbrooke,
of Bate Comeau,\P.Q.
—Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tiffin are
spending a two weeks' vacation at
Bruce Beach. '
—Visitors with Mrs. D. S.•Mac-
Naughton at the week-end' were
her sister, Mrs. John Mowat and
Mr. Mowat of Milton.
.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Quigley,
Ron and Laura Lyn of Tagaske,
SaSk., are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. William Jardine.
Miss Marg Jardine of Wroxeter is
a guest at the same home. Mrs.
Quigley is a niece of Mr. Jardine.
--Mrs. C. R. Riches and chil-
dren of Toronto returned home on
Sunday after visiting with her
parents, Rev, and Mrs. C. F. John-
son for a few weeks.
—Mr. Stafford Bateson left last
Thursday for a holiday with rela-
tives in Midland and other points.
—Recent visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McMurray were
Mr. and Mrs, Will Frisken of
Napanee and Mr. and Mrs. Casey
Chapman of Stratford.
--Miss Anne Geddes spent the
holiday' week-end visiting in Tor-,
--Mr. and Mrs, Frank Gibbons
Of London visited at the week-end
With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Mr: and Mrs. Peter Neely mid'
family of -London. were :visitors .at
the week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. M, Forbes. .
—Rev. John. E.' Ostrom has re--:
turned to' his home on Minnie
Street for the summer vacation:
Mt. ()Strom will, be returning to his
position on the staff at Feller
COligge, Grand Libne, Quebec,. in
September, Feller College is a
Baptist residential: school, which
has been operated 'by the Baptist
Convention of Ontario and Quebec
since 1837.
'Granddaughter Wed
In .Toronto Ceremony
A very pretty wedding was
solemnized on Saturday, June 25,
when. Alice Marion 'Browne, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Browne, of Willowdale, became the
bilde of Mr. William Hynd, son of
rs. William Hynd and the late
Hynd, of Dunfermline, Scot-
la`pd, at St. George's Anglican
Church. The Rev. J. R. Thompson
Given in marriage by her father,
the, birde wore white brocade styled
in a boat neckline, long sleeves,
fitted bodice, full skirt and train.
ger Veil was of fingertip length
With small Matching headpiece
trimmed with pearls. She carried
red roses and white carnations with
a sprig of white heather froM
Her attendants were Miss Lyn
Fisher, maid of honour, the brides-
Maids, Miss •Norrria, Brodie and
Miss Barbara Nixon, with the
'bride's nephew, Six-year-old Doug-
las BroWne„ as ringbearer. The
bridesmaids' dresses were of mauve
borribatine with a shawl collar and
eurnincrbund with bow and stream-
ers with matching whimsies. Their
bouquets were pink and white car-
The best man was Ian Rodgers
With Arnold Weiss and William
Foote as ushers.
The reception was held in St.
George's parish hall with the
bride's Mother receiving, 'dressed in
a powder blue silk shantung
Sheath with beige picture hat: as-
sisted :by Mrs. •G, Lewis, Who Was
in a 'fitted beige dress with pink
After a Sit-doWn supper 'and
evening' of dancing, the bride and
groom left for their:honeymoon in
Raliblirton. She was dressed. in an
apple green two-piece fitted suit
With matching flower hat, On their
return, e happy couple will live In
The -bride IS a granddaughter of
Mrs, .4.,rcnie JOael. 4rid. 'Mrs,
Ronald Seddon. .and r3inily
Move into the 'house en Alice fAt.,
in wnieli the Ahura, family has
been living, and Dr. S. Leeditatri
will occupy the Seddon residence
following his marriage to Miss
Marlene MacKenzie, in the near
—Mr, and Mrs. Neil Stainton,
London, spent the holiday week-
end with . her parents, Mr, and
Mrs, A. Blair, Teeswater, and. with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy.
.Stainton at their cottage at Pine
River. Miss Marlepe Stainton or
London was also a week-end visitor
with her parents.
Frank 'Thorpe of Toronto
waa a week-end guest with Mr:-
:and Mrs. S. 11/cBurney.
—Mr, and Mrs. Don Hastle and
Poriri* T-04- or TrOrttna OW 04
week-end. with his mother, Mq,
Gottlon nestle, .alid visited hi:s
rather in Winghani Hospital. Other
recent visitors at the aame liorne
were Mr, and Mrs. George Thomp-
son and Mrs, A. W. Norris of -
Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs, William.
Thompson of Long Beach, Cal.'
--Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Bennett
and family of Ingersoll visited at
the week-end with .her father,
Mr. James Sell. Linda, Brenda and
Cindy remained to visit with rela-
tives In town.
.—Vlsitors this week with Mr,
and Mrs. Alvin •Iliggins and twill),
.are her -aunt and sousin, Mrs, W.
J. Frankton. and Miss. Sheens, Mac-
Donald ,of Toronto, On Sunday
they all visited with an aunt' in
•Goderich, Hospital.
I*, V eellme,
July 6, 1,960
LYCEUM Theatre
Wingham, Ontario
Two shows knelt Night
Conuneneing at 7.15 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. David Cameron
Three Candidates Accepted As
Salvationist Cadet Officers
The Wingham Corps of The Sal- ; Hospital in London, She became
vation Army is justly proud in hay- I interested in the Salvation Army