The Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-06-29, Page 7Ontario's Transport Minister John Yarelnko measures Donna IVIcNall's height with the
aid of the Department's new safety ruler while Lucian DelMonte, Jack Bernstein and
Geoffrey gbisuzaki of Toronto's Clinton Street &heal Wait their turn. The ruler coriabined
height and weight charts with practical traffic reminders for children. For the twelfth
consecutive year the Transport Department and the Department of Education will
distribute one million of these summer safety reminders to Ontario's elementary school
children. A portion of the three-foot ruler is shown at left.
of. the Belgrave Co-Op and Bill Gordon, of the United
Co-operatives of Ontario, are Shown above as they
inspected the newly installed storage tanks at the
Belgrave plant, The petroleum department of the
Belgrave Co-Op which opened a short time ago now
has storage for six different products normally used
by the farm trade.—Advance-Times photo
Miss B. Gallaher
Receive$ Chair
BLUEVALE—To mark the con-
clusion of a four-year teaching
period in Bluevale Public School,
Miss Berva Gallaher was honored
at a gathering of pupils and par-
ents in the school house on Friday
The children gave a delightful
program of musical numbers and
recitations, with Mary Lillow act-
ing as chairman,
A beautiful chair was the gift
presented on behalf of the pupils
and people of the section. Patsy
Taylor read an address. Miss
Gallaher replied with words of
thanks for the co-operation she had
received in the work of the school
and expressed her regret at part-
Refreshments were served at the
conclusion of the program.
There is general regret that Miss
Gallaher is leaving. She will be
married on July 1st and will live
in Barrie.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dean, of
Ingersoll, were recent guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron,
Congratulations to Mrs. Albert
Taylor, who won $50.00 in the God-
errch share-the-wealth contest.
Mr. and. Mrs. Allan Miller, Doug-
las and Lou and Mr. Richard and
Mr. Ellwood Elliott visited recently
with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Corrigan
at Cookstown,
The Jnly meeting of the Women's
Institute will he held in the com-
munity hall on Thursday, July 7,
at 2:30. This is children's day and
the roll call will be your childhood
pictuie a.nd e a ;nursery., rhyme for
the children, Program in charge of
the Happy Handieraftera. Elaine
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin McCabe, of
Windsor, and Mrs. Carl Johnston,
of Bluevale, were visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank McQuillin on Saturday.
Mrs. Robert Elseliner, Janice and
Bruce attended the 'Harper reunion
at Russelidale hall on. Saturday.
Mrs. Albert Dustow attended the
McIntosh garden party and visited
Thursday with. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest
Wylie, Lakelet.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Underwood
and Murray spent Sunday with
Mrs. Archie Gosnell, They also
visited Mr. A. Gomel! in the To-
ronto General Hospital and Mr.
Archie Edgar in the Docters' Hos-
Visitors at the benne of Mr, and.
Mrs. Charles. Koch were Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Ott, Listowel; Mr. and
Mrs, Clarence Becker, Hanover;
Mr. and Mrs. William Demerling,
Kurtzville; Mr. and Mrs. August
Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards
spent Sunday with Mrs. Adam
Darling, Belmore,
Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Elliott, Lis-
towel, visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex-
and Perrie on Sunday.
Miss Gwen Hyndman is visit-
ing Miss Maureen Buchanan of
Word has been received of the
death of Mrs. Ben (Ida) Kerwin,
in the K-W Hospital on. Saturday.
Mrs. Kerwin was formerly of
Mr. and Mrs, Gordan Moir spent
Monday in Chatham.
Mr,and Mrs. W. C. King and
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thistle spent
Sunday afternoon in Goderich.
Mr. and Mt. Mac Abram, Pal-
merston, Mr. and Mrs, Vic Shera,
Moorefield, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Jackson, Listowel and Mr. and
Mrs. Ewart 'Whitfield enjoyed a
picnic in the Gorrie. park Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. George Brown and
Jean of Gorrie and Janet Elliott
of Molesworth visited Mrs. Joe
Pearson of Ethel on Sunday.
Howick D i st r i c t L.O.L. and
L.O.B.A. will hold their annual
parade and church service in the
Gorrie United Church at 11,15 Sun-
day morning. The Rev. J. Ewart
Clarke will be the speaker.
At a ball game on Thursday
night in •Gorrie, the Gorrie team
defeated Kurtzville 11-6. They
played again Monday night with
Visitors With Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Sanderson on Sunday
were Mrs. L. Stirling and Barbara
of Bervie. Mrs. Sam Kincaid~ and
children of Winnipeg are visitors
at the same home.
Mrs. John Young of :Vancouver
and Dr. Parker of Hamilton visit-
ed Mrs. Bella Greaves on Thurs-
day, of last Week. eee,
Mr. and Mre. bill Blakeney and
Janice and Mrs. Mae Blakeney of
Toronto, visited Mrs. 0. Gregg on
Saturday. Mts. Mae Blakeney, the
former Mae Elliott, will remain in
Gerrie for a two weeks' visit.
The Presbyterian Sunday School
held their Sunday School picnic in
the park on Saturday afternoon.
Miss Diane Irwin, who has com-
pleted her commercial course at
the Wingham District High School,
has •taken a position In Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wylie of
Toronto spent the week-end with
Mrs. J. Wylie. '
The Rev. E. C. and Mrs. Attwell,
David and Mary Margaret and Mrs.
Smith spent Saturday in Brant-
Joanne Christine, infant daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard San-
derson was received into the church
by baptism by the Rey. E. C.
Attwell on Sunday morning at St.
Stephen's Church.
The TB clinic will be held' in
Gorrie, August 2nd and August 4th,
Linda, Mavis, Peter and Debby
Stewart of Harristorl were recent
visitors with their grandparents,
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Underwood.
Jim Austin, youngest son of Mr.
and Mrs. William Austin is a new
member of the bank staff. Miss
Nancy Newton's last name was 'In-
advertently omitted in last week's
issue, Miss Newton has been on
the staff for several years.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Strong spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Hermiston of Normanby Town-
FtRIE—The arena, gaily dec.
orated for the occasion, was well
filled with the large gathering
that turned out Friday night in
spite of very disagreeable weather,
to attend the frolic. It was spon-
sored by the Community Club, to
raise money to restore the park
after the spring flooding had caus . ed much damage,
The club is made up of inter-
ested citizens of Gorrie and sur-
rounding country and hap been
responsible for the Gorrie Com-
munity Park, which is a beauty
spot and used by persons from far
and near. It is estimated that
there will be more than $400 clear
after expenses are paid.
Slim Boucher and 'his musicians
from Wingham put on a short
program and played' for the dance.
Bingo and other games were play-
ed, At twelve the draw was made,
the winners •being Mrs. Ernie M-
oon, Listowel, $50; Mr, Lloyd Ash-
ton, Lucknow, $25; Mr, Andy Ed-
gar, Gorrie $10.
The club wishes to thank every-We who contributed in . any way
to make the evening a success..
Stanky Lennox
Dies Suddenly
GORRIE--Stanley Gordon Len-
ilex, 52, died suddenly at his home
in 'Gorrie on Wednesday evening.
Death was attributed to a heart
attack, which he took while driv-
ing his ear near his home, He was
,carried into the house 'and passed
away shortly after.
He was born in Wallace Town-
ship, June 26th, 1007, and was a
'son of Thomas Lennox and the
late Minnie Louise Master. He
was married' January 17, 1955 to
Mrs. Marion Theodorff of .Gorrie
and has resided In Gorrie for the
last five years,
'Surviving besides his wife and
father are three children, all at
home, one Infant ten day$ old;
one step-son Gerald Teodorff, Lis-
towel and one step-daughter, Mrs.
Thomas (Joyce) Lennox, Atwood;
two brothers, David, Britton, and
Herbert of Listowel; three sisters,
Mrs. Clarence (Ruby) Hanna of
Belgrave; Mrs. Norman (Olive)
Hanna, Atwood, and Mrs. William
(Florence) Geiger, Listowel.
Funeral was Saturday at the
Gibson-Harrison funeral 'home, Lis-
towel, conducted by the Rev. Bruce
Miles of Knox Presbyterian Church,
Listowel. Burial was in Fairview
Cemetery, Listowel.
Edward ,W. Coates
Buried in Listowel
GORRIE—Edward Walter Coates
of Atwood died Thursday hi the
Listowel Hospital in his 84th year.
A native of Grey Township, his
wife, the former Mary King, ,pre-
deceased him. Surviving are two
daughters Mrs. 'Oliver (Eva) Stew-
art of Howick Township, with
whom he had spent some time;
Mrs. John (Pearl) McTaggart of
Elma Township and one son Frank
of Elma Township.
Funeral service was in Listowel
at the McLaughlin and Reid fun-
eral home on Saturday, Burial
was in Fairview Cemetery, Lis-
Change in Time
For Services
GORRIE—Starting next Sunday
Gorrie United Church Sunday
School Service will be at 10.00 am.
and the Gorrie United Church
morning worship will be at 11,15
Rev, J. E. Clarke will be on holi-
day in July. Services on July
10th and 17th will be conducted
by Rev. J. W. Hird. There will be
no services on July 24th and 31st.
I-/old Reception
For Newly-weds
GORRIE—A very large erowd
gathered in, the community hall on
Wednesday evening to• honor Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Harrison (Dorothy
The evening was spent in danc-
leg to music of Carruther's or-
chestra, Toni O'Krafka, read an
address and Mrs. Alvin Grainger
preeented the couple with a gift
of money,
Both Mr. and Mrs. Harrison
made suitable replies. Refresh,
ments, were served,
GORRIE--The 33rd Higgins re-
union was held in the Gorrie Com-
munity Park on Saturday with
noon 'lunch in the park and the
evening meal in the community
hall. Over 65 attended from Morris,
Turnberry and Howick townships
and from Brussels, Mitchell, Guelph
and Wingham. They were descen-
dants of the late. Elijah, Thomas
and Joseph Higgins of Turnberry
Officers for this year were:
President, Joseph Higgins, Mitchell
and secretary-treasurer, Charles
Higgins, 'Brussels, The 1961 offic-
ers are: President, Jack Higgins' of
Morris and secretary-treasurer,
Mrs, Lois Hoy, Wingharre
Mr. and Mrs. James Graham and
Mrs. Mary Graham of Toronto
were week-end visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Whitley and
Mrs. Orpha Riley of Toronto and
Mrs. Elizabeth Carter of Assiniboice
Sask., spent several days with
Mrs. L. N. Whitley. Other visitors
at the same home were Mrs. W.
Mountain, Mrs. B. Jesting and
daughter Betty and Mrs. R. Young-
blue all of Londesboro.
Mr. David Ashworth of Lucan
spent Sunday with his daughter,
Mrs. E, C, Attwell and Mr. Attwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Strong,
Donna Marie and Bobbie visited
Mrs. Strong's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Erling Arthurs of Drew on Sun-
Mrs. Percy Colmer, Gary and
Deena". 'erent Thursday with Mr,
and Mrs. Ernest King and other
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft,
East Wawanosh, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hamilton,
Mr, Gordon McNee of Belgrave
spent Sunday evening at the same
The Howick Junior Farmerettes
and Farmers were in Guelph on
Saturday at the Square Dance com-
petition. They were placed fourth
in a contest with dancers from ten
Several Village
Residents Ill
GORRIE—Friends will 'be sorry
to know that Mrs. Anson Ruttan
is again a patieq in the Wingham
General Hospital'. Andy Edgar 'has
also been a patient there for the
past ten days.
Jack Underwood, Guelph, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Underwood, who
was injured in a car accident at
Bluevale, is making favorable pro-
gress but will be hospitalized for
a few more weeks. Alexander
Graham, manager of the Toronto-
Dominion bank, has been a patient
in the Palmerston Hospital for the
the past week. It is expected he
will be able to return home Tues-
day or Wednesday.
Little Joan Clarke, daughter of
the Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Clarke,
is also in Palmerston Hospital for
Joint Services
BLUEV.ALE — Joint services of
Knox Presbyterian Church and the
United Church will be held during
July and Augusta Rev. W. R. Welsh
will be inducted into the service
of the United Church on the even-
ing of July 1st and will preach in
Knox Presbyterian Church during
BLUEVALE—On the occasion of
Mr, Alan H. Neelon's farewell to
the United 'Church congregation on
Sunday, the sacrament of the
Lord's Supper was observed by a
1"dge' group ' of 'members and
friends. •
Mr, Neelon spoke on the sub-
ject, "The Lord's Table," showing
we participate at Christ's invita-
tion which is for all, high and
low. The sacrament is symbolic of
Christ's sacrifice and is for those
who truly repent and are His fol-
At the close of the service a
presentation was made of a sum of
money and other gifts to Mr. and
Mrs. Neelon, Paul and Ruth Ann.
Alex. Corrigan spoke of the con-
tribution of the Neelon family to
the church during their two years
here and read an address. Mr.
Neelon expressed gratitude for the
kindness of the people of the 'com-
munity and the pleasure he and
Mrs. Neelon had in working with
them, '
Mr. and Mrs. Neelon and family
will leave on Thursday of this
week to begin social work at the
Salvation Army Camp Selkirk on
Lake Erie, and in the fall will be-
gin a two-year course in Salvation
Army studies in Toronto.
Proceeds of $60:00
For Re=Decorating
ST. HELENS — The Sunday
School room of the United Church
was filled on Thursday afternoon
for the annual tea and bazaar
sponsored by the Woman's As-
Mrs. T. J. Todd, the president,
was assisted in the worship ser-
vice by Mrs. E. F, Green and by
Mrs, G. MacPherson, who read the
Scripture lesson. Mrs. Todd extend-
ed a welcome to the guests from
the United Churches of Lucknow,
Whiteehurele Calvin-Brick and the
Ashfield circuit, as well as from
her own 'community, and introduc-
ed the following program.
Readings by Miss W. D. Ruther-
ford and Mrs. Falconer, of White-
church; vocal solos 'by Miss Mar-
garet Rae, of Lucknow, Mrs. Cook,
of Zion, Mrs. S. deBoer and Mrs.
E. W, Rice; piano solos by Mrs,
Chester 'Taylor and Mrs. Will
Rutherford; a whistling number by
Mrs. John Currie, of Calvin-Brick
anti an accordion solo by Mies
Mary Pardon,
A pleasant social hour followed
when tea was served, Proceeds
from the tea and bazaar and bake
sale amounted to nearly $60,00,
This Will assist hi the project,
which is the re-decorating of the
Stag* School room.
Baptist Picnic
At Seaforth Park
The Sunday, School picnic Of
Wingham. Baptist Church was held
In. Seaforth Lions Club park Sat-
urday, under idea weather :eerie
nations. There were 00 in .attende
Activities, consisted or SIVirell'anX0
races and delicious. =eel, at which
time Rev, 1301 Large of Peru spoke
for a few moments •on his mission-
ary work in that country.
Results of the races were an
follows; Foot races, children 5
Stad under, Marilyn Collar, Sylvia
MeLean and Stephen Sown, tied;
6-7 years, Adora McLean; Stephen,
Large; 8.9-10 years. boys, Barry
McLean, David. Rogers; 84-10 years
girls, Linda. Reid, Joan Cantelen;
11-12 years 'boys, Bryon Collar,
Grant Kilpatrick; 11.12 years cirle,
Patsy Selling, Lynda Stapleton.
Teenage girls sack race: Mari-.
lye Rogers, Karen Kilpatrick; teen
age boys sack race, Bill Hotchkiss,
Ian Cairns; men's sack race, Bill
Large, Frank Collar; girls' and
boys' wheelbarrow race, Bill. Hoteh-
kiss, Marlene Rogers; Ian Cairns,
Helen Hotchkiss; bean and straw
contest, Marilyn Rogers, Ruth
Hotchkiss; men's shoe kicking,
Bill Hotelikies and Ian Ceirns,
Two New Ministers
At United. Churches
Induction services for United
Church congregations will be held
at Bluevale and Belgrave. Rev. W.
R. Welsh, formerly of Guilds, near
Blenheim, will become minister of
the Bluevale and Whitechurch
congregations at an induction ser-
vice to be held iii the Bluevale
United Church •on Friday, July 1,
at 8.30 p.m. Rev. J. L. G. 'Brown,
of Brussels, and Rev, J. E. Clarke,
B.A., of Gorrie, will represent
Huron Presbytery and conduct the
Mr. Alan Neelon, who has served
these congregations for the past
two years as a lay supply, leaves
for Toronto where he will take
further studies.
Rev. J. H, Anderson, of Wheatley,
will be inducted at Belgrave on
Thursday, June 30, at 8 p,m., as
minister of Belgrave and Calvin-
Brick congregations, which have
been served for the past eight
months by Rev. W. D. Clarke,
Wingham, retired minister.
Rev. T. G. Husser, B.A., 13.D., of
Wingham United Church, and Rev.
H. A. Funge, of Londesboro, are
commissioned by Huron Presbytery
to conduct the induction.
Passes in Music
GoRRIE — Congratulations to
Linda Johnston, daughter 'of 'Mn'.
and Mrs. Lionel Johnston, who was
successful in passing the Toronto
Conservatory Music Examination
in Grade 3 piano. She is a pupil
of Mrs. Norman Carson.
ON TOUR—Members of the Middle aIaitland Con-
the Ausablo Authority last Thursday. Shown above
servation Authority thoroughly enjoyed a tour of are Hal Hooke, Exeter, secretary-treasurer of the Ausable Authority and part-time fieldman for the Middle Maitland, with Toni Leiper, reeve of Hulled
Township and Jack Willits, reeve of Turnberry
Townhip.—Advanee-Times photo.
Misses Ethel and Plorende Beat- Mrs, Albert Cold, wiilowdale,
spent several days last week with the week-end with Mr. .and Mrs.
Hazel Sperling spent part of last
week with Mr. and Mrs. James
A. Hunt,
Mrs. Alonzcs Sperling and Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Brown, and Robertson, Goderich, and the week-
accompanied by Mrs. Brown, spent end with Mr. and Mrs, Walter
a day with Mrs. Dan McTavish, Eaton of Seaforth. Mrs. Sperling
Milverton, remained for a longer visit,
Mrs. Mary Rose, Mrs. Bella Arm- Mrs. Richard Griffith and Mr.
strong, Miss Vesta. Coombes of Allan Griffith were Sunday visitors
Brussels spent Wednesday with with Mr. and Mrs, William Nord-
stron, Grand Bend, AIM Alex, Wright.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coates were Mr. and Mrs, Richard tngrani
iu Listowel Friday evening due to were week-end guests of Mr, and
the death of the former's cousin, Mrs. Elgin Ingrtini, Stratford, and
Mr. Ed Coates. The deceased was attended the Ingram reunion there.
known to many here and Was the Mr. and Mrs, Verne Clark, Dawn
father of Mrs. Oliver Stewart, to Lue and Terry were Sunday visitors
whom we extend sympathy. with Mr. and Mrs: Bud Stewart,
Mr. and Mrs, George Gibson, Harriston.
Murree/ and Glans, Mrs. W.E.Weir Miss Patti Hart, Listowel, is
and Miss Gertie Bush were in Visiting her grandparents, Mr. and
Toronto On Saturday and visited Mrs. William Bart, this week.
Me and Mrs. Lloyd Weir. Ross Tornane spent Sunday with
Me. and Mrs. George Hunt, Deb- Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Toman, Kitch-
bie and Larry of Brerripteli, spent ener.
Wroxeter stores will remain open
all day Thursday, June 30th, due
to the PrIday holiday. VVN291.
Tte d itigt am Rbbantrk:Zintro
13MMORE—Mrs. Edwin Harris
and her ,daughter, Elza from Sid-
Australia are at present visit-
at the home of John Doig,
Carrick, and other relatives in the
Mrs. Harris' great grandfather„
William Smith,. went as a young
man from Glen Morris, Ont„ near
Galt, to Australia, at the time of
the gold rush theie in 1852. Wil-
liam Smith was the son of Mr. and
Mrs. James Smith and a brother
of the late Mrs. George S. Inglis,
who with her husband and fanilly
lived on the farm near Belmere
now occupied by Gordon and Aleck
William Smith's family in Aus-
tralia have written and kept in
touch with the relatives in Canada
over the years, but this visit„ of
Mrs, Harris and Elsa ie the first
neesonal contact the direct deseen-
Wts have had.
An interesting comparison is the
difference in the mode of travel.
William Smith was over four
Months enroute to Australia in a
sailing vessel, whereas Mrs, Barris
..and Elsa came on a jet plane from
Sydney to New York, then T.C.A.
to Melton. They left'Sydney on
Friday afternoon, June 3rd, stayed
24 hours in (Honolulu) Hawaii, and
arrived at Malton at noon on Sun-
day, June 5.
On Sunday, June 10, Mrs, Harris
and Elza of Australia, Miss 'Ger-
trude Fleming of Galt, Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Findlater and David of
Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Woods and Lorna of Wingham,
and IVIISs Nellie Doig of Mileima.y—
all descendants of Mf. and Mrs.
James Smith, attended the church
service in Glen Morris United
Church. This church was built loa-
f* William Smith left for Aus-
tralia over 100 you% ago, They
also visited the old Smith home- ., a mile from, the village. 'This
was originally taken tip by
the family in 1829—arid sold out
of the family in, 1986.
Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Elmer Jef-
fray, of Belmore, have correspond-
ed tee "pen-pals" ever elate their
school days so this visit has been
a happy Meeting for thani, too,
MRS EelliARRIS and her daughter, Elsa, of Sydney, Australia, leave
today after a visit at the home of John Dole', Carrick. Mrs. Harris is
the first descendant of William Smith to visit Canada, Her great
grandfather left for the gold rush in 1852.—Advance-Times photo
tie, of Seaforth, visited Mrs. R.
F. Geri-Liss last week.
Rev. Paul and Mrs. Barb, of New
Hamburg, were guests of Rev. T.
E. Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy at
the manse last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coultes
visited at Clinton 'recently.
Mr. and Mrs Harvey Messer, of
Toronto, spent the week-end at
their sunnier home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sellers and
family spent Sunday at Mono Mills,
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Masters, of
Parkhill, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs, Gordon Hall last week.
Mrs. Edward Johnston spent a
few days at the hares of Mr. and
Mrs. Cooper Nethery at Belgrase.
Mr. and Mrs, Kay Karlson, of
London, were week-end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Greenaway,
Mr. and Mrs. Irving McCabe and
family, of Windsor, are visiting Mr.
amid Mrs. Carl Johnston.
A successful sale of house furn-
ishings was held at the home of the
late Mrs, C. J. Biggins on June
122nd, 'The property was not sold,
owing to a reserve bid.