The Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-06-29, Page 4The Wingham AdVanee-Tilne$,I. Wednesday, alone 2.9„ 1090 FREE Set of Pillow Cases with Each Pair of Pillows NOW ONLY $11.95 Anok....nAnd,604,04 WALKER'S Home Furnishings Wingham Ontario ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service Highest Cash Prices Paid for Dead, Old, Sick or Disabled Horses and Cattle. Call Long Distance AtsiOod Zenith 3-4900 (no toll charge) Day or Night SEVEN DAY SERVICE 8-ROOM HOUSE for sale. Three- piece bath. Built-in cupboards. Phone 569J. 22 :29* EIGHT ROOM with sun porch in- sul brick house, in Whitechurch, for sale. Double garage, Modern conveniences. Large garden. Ideal for retirement or business man. Apply Garnet Farrier, White- church, phone 711J1, Wingham, 29-8b BRICK HOUSE, 9 rooms and bath. New barn, suit hogs or poultry, 31*. acres of land, about 4 miles from, Wingham. Stan Kay, phone Wroxeter 18R4. 29b 3-BEDROOM COTTAGE in good location in Wingham. Possession this fall. Write Box 129, Advance- Times. 29b REAL ESTATE 200 acre grass farm, on highway, 214; miles from Wingham, 160 acres workable. Good drainage, with a never-failing creek flowing through property, stocked with trout. Priced to sell, with ,low down payment. 103 acre farm, 21 miles from town, 96 acres workable, Good water supply, Bank barn, 52'x64'; a lean-to 28`x52' with steel roof. Also a hog pen and chicken pen 18'x25'; garage and wood shed 21'x 14', Concrete silo. Aiso a two storey white brick 9- room dwelling with 3-pee, bath. Full basement under main part. Coal, wood or sawdust furnace with circulator. Good roof. House has been modernized. Priced to sell, with about half down. Three building lots in Wingham for sale, with good drainage. Reas- onably priced. A beautiful one storey brick house in Wingham, in good loca- tion, Completely modern, three bed- rooms, four-piece bath. Full base- ment with cement floor. Oil furnace with circulator. Fully insulated, asphalt roof. Reasonably priced. Contact: FRANK CASKANETTE Phone 305, Victoria St., Wingluun Agent for Wilfred Melntee Real Estate Broker, Walkerton. 29b DEADSTOCK WANTED FARM SERVICE—Dead or crippl- ed farm animals removed for sanitary disposal. NO REMOVAL CHARGE. Phone COLLECT Wingham 378 or Palmerston 123w or Elmira, MOhawk 9-5564. GOR- DON YOUNG (ELMIRA) LTD. DEADSTOCK FARMERS! We have the fastest service and the highest prices for dead, disabled cows and horses, $4.00 each and 31/2 e lb. for good mink horses. 24 hour service. Call for long distance OPERATOR and ask for ZENITH 43900, no toll charge, Lorenz Stock Removal, Durham. rrb IDIOM PROJECT FOR FALL FAIR REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NOTICE CREDITORS MILK FILTERS for sale—'ill'apid Flo" 6-inch, 85c; 6%-inch, 89g. Alexander's Hardware, 1rrb. ELECTROLUX sales and service. G. Cooper, Clinton, phone 1-1Unter 2-7200, 29rrb RED and yellow -clover hay for sale, Heavy. Terms; exchange, also will store if baled. Fred W. Daw. 29b ELM PLANK for sale. Apply Jas. Devereaux, R. R, 2, Lucknow, 29-6* APARTMENT - SIZE refrigerator and electric stove for sale, Phone 1177W. 29b GRAVEL, MORTAR sand and fill for sale. Call Wing-ham Build- ing Products Ltd., phone 576. CRAWLER front-end loader and dump truck wants work. Phone 18rrb CHILD'S 3-pee. Northway winter outfit for sale. Pink cotton dress, size 6, good condition, Both for $5.00. Phone 263. 29b , WOOD or coal burning annex, like new, for sale. Oil burner with air circulator, buffet, small tables, girl's dresses, misses' sizes 10-12. Phone 964 after five, 29* NEW HOLLAND 76 baler for sale, and New Holland baler loader. Both in good condition. See either Ken Bennett or Hugh Harris, Wroxeter. 22-29* UPHOLSTERY REMNANTS, frieze material, 26x24 in., assort- ed colors, special 35c each. R. A. Currie & Sons Furniture. 29b LLOYD •baby carriage and baby walker, Singer sewing machine and wood cook stove for,sale. All in good condition. Phone 517W. 29b FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice, repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K. Peck, Varna, telephone Hensall 696R2. lerrb SINGER SALES & SERVICE—Re- PairA to all makes of sewing machines, vacuums and floor polishers. Used machines fm • sale. Phone 665, Wingham, George Henderson. 15rrb BUTCHER COUNTERS for sale, privately: 12 ft. open island frozen food counter; 12 ft. ser- Vice meat counter; 12 ft. produce counter; Cryovac exhaust pump. All modern, excellent condition. Burton's, 15 Queen St., Bramp- ton,G111-0410, evenings GL17 4689. 29b litARR.YMORE AND HARDING carpeting and rugs. Wall to wall •r Jobs expertly laid. See the com- plete range of samples inelhding all wool Wiltong" and budget priced tough viscose. For an estimate without obligation, call N. J, WELWOOD, Phone 86 or 771. 27rrb ADDING MACHINES and Calcu- lators, Olivetti, famous for speed and durability; Olympia Type- writers, renowned for their in- terchangeability carriage. For prompt and efficient service on present equipment call Owen Sound Typewriter Co. Phone FR. 6-4841. rrb SUIVTMER PROPERTIES FOR SALE, RENT OR WANTED REDDI-BUILT homes and cot- tages, prefab and erected. Free literature. Easy terms, See our 1i-temples, Genoe Lumber, Orange- Ville, Ontario, 27-Au3lb EMPLOYMENT 'WANTED HOUSEWORK and baby sitting wanted. Live in, References. Phone 424W2, 29* CAPABLE young woman would like housework by day or week. Apply Box 18, Advance-Times. 29* VINT THE REAL LIM SANTA May 24 to Thanksgiving FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILY CHILDREN 14 years and tauter atecariPanted by parent FREE 9t30 a.M. to 6:00 p.m. STINDAY 1:00 pan. to 0:00 p.ht. SANTA'S VILLAdE CoNt. 094074 DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST CASH VALUE Please Phone Promptly Call Collect - 133 Bruce Marlatt Brussels, Ont. 24 HOUR SERVICE asrmemaimalterge umiidiromer FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about Our Low Cost Financing Service with Complete Insurance Coverage, STEWART A.' SCOTT Phone 293 `Wingbani Choice, Crushed Cement Gravel Excellent for all your concrete needs. DE/AVERED OR AT TICE 111' Watkal Armstrong Phone Teeawater 45r12- 18rib NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN ALEXANDER ATENZIES, ALL PERSONS having claims ,gains the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Mitchell, in the County of Perth, Gentleman, who died on the twenty-second day of May, 1960, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the second day of July, 1960. After that date the executors will proceed tlii distribute the estate having regarcronly to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham this thir- teenth day of June, 1960. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Otnario, Solicitors for the Executors. 157-22-29b NOTICE TO 'CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF JOHN LYNETT, late of the Township of Celross, in the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late John Lynett, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to J. W. BUSH- FIELD, Q.C„ Solicitor for the Ex- ecutor of the said Estate, on or be- fore the 9th day of July, A.D. 1960, and that after such date the Ex- ecutor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 15th day of June, A.D. 1960. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.C., WINGHAM, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor, 22-29-6b MISCELLANEOUS FREE PICK-UP and delivery for wash jobs, oil changes and grease jobs. Phone 940. 22-29-6-13b SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED—Mod- ern equipment, quick service, work guaranteed. Phone or write Louis Blake, R.R. 2, Brus- sels. Phone 42r6, Brussels, 24Au17* HAVE YOU SEEN the big prizes at Margls Book Store for the model contest that is now in full swing. Better come in this week and pick your model and get in on the fun, Over 100 models to choose from at Marg's Book Store, Wingham. 29b WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION 'Where Better Bulls Are Used' Artificial Insemination Service is provided from bulls of all breeds. We are farmer owned and con- trolled and operate at cost. Summer calling hours: 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. week days 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings For service or more information call: CLINTON ZENITH 9.5650 or Collect TEESWATER 126 CROWN III FI RECORDS 12-INCH, LONG PLAY GOOD SELECEION ONLY $1.49 EACH at PATTISON ELECTRIC WINGHAM 1.11•441.11.1•14.1.111104111111....0.0041i9.11.11,04.1WITMINWININ, BROILER GROWERS WANTED We have an interesting deal to offer good gr;owers. Our proposition can be profitable to all concerned. ALL• REPLIES HANDLED IN STRICT CONFIDENCE. Please write Box. BFPO THE BANNER Listowel, Ontario 2249b FORDWICH---- Mrs. Robert Gib- son was hostess for the June -meeting of the Forclwich W.I. last Tuesday night. Correspondence was read by Mrs. Lyle Simmons and current events by Mrs. Bert Winston. The roll Gall "A cheer for the blues", was answered by 36 members and six visitors. The Institute holiday at Guelph in July was discussed, also a pro- ject for the fall fair in FordWich this year, which will be a historical Project with the new gates being dedicated. A donation of $10.00 Was voted as a prize for this, The bus trip to London on July 14th was planned and a committee named to look after arrangements. The motto "No one gets indiges- tion from swallowing their pride", was given by Mrs. Glenn Martin. What kind of world would we have without pride, especially in this great land of Canada? Pride is like the attic to a houset--the highest part and the most empty, The most of us at some time have had to swallow our 'pride because there comes a time in all our lives when we have to depend on some- one, so don't be afraid to swallow your pride, "you won't got indi- gestion", The guest speaker, Mrs. Charles Schaefer of Gowanstown, who spoke on first aid and took as her theme "Point YOur Way to 'Safety". She stressed that it is better to lose seconds, than lose lives and said persons with first aid training are more safety, conscious. She said careful hands- on a steering wheel are friends, unsteady hands your enemy. The home and car are the two places where most accidents happen, Mrs, Schaefer was presented with a small gift,' Sandra Allan and Annie Winkel favoured with two songs and the 4-H club girls presented a humor- ous skit; "Meat in the Menu". The president, Mrs, Anson Demerling closed the meeting and a social time was spent. Mrs. Mel Allan, Mrs. Emma Williamson, Mrs. John Winkel 'and Mrs. Fred McCann served the lunch, Honor Families The friends and- neighbors of Blake's Church and community honored the Kilpatrick and Mc- Dowell families at a gathering Friday night. Rev. Mr. Kaiser in- vited the two families to the front and addresses were read by How- ard Blake and Mark Berger. Lovely gifts were presented from the community, and the Choir of Blake's Church also presented Elaine and Murray McDowell with a gift. An addrestwas read by Louise Andrew, A program followed and lunch was served. meeting. We children, while going back and forth to school, would wait for Mr. Anderson; we were always sure of a ride in his buggy. I mention Mr. Anderson's name as an example of the kind of people who lived in those days. There were many others who were equally as upstanding and as noble as he, men who were honest and true and not afraid to take a stand at all times for what they believed to be right. Many of the younger men today are occupying and cultivating the fields which their fathers and grandfathers cleared so many years ago., Matthew 'Arnold was quite _right when he once said that "the history of a nation is the history of its great men." As we all are citi- tens of a good country it there- fore behooves the younger folk to offer themselves more 'freely in promoting a better way of life. DommommlwOommomm.ftroo4moramwommi.ommimilwoom.pm LAWN FURNITURE SPECIAL AT CURRIES 2 patio chairs - reg. $15.90 1 sun lounge - reg. $16.75 Total $32.65 3-Pce. SPECIAL. - $28.95 R. A. CURRIE & SONS 2.41M41i40.11.4•111.411111.4=•110.1•11411•011111110011 BusinessOpportunity START YOUR OWN lio:talo BUSINESS with a Patin Feed-, mobile mid a top-quality brand of feed in. the Wing-hum areu, sell directly to the farmer while your Mobile Mill converts. his grains and. roughages Into quality formula, feed, merchandise feed, feed concentrates, blaeicstrap molasses, arnil perform a much-needed service for farmers. Average operators , report .asinual net incomes of well above $10,000, Initial invest., meat of from 4009 to $8,000. For convincing details, write to. • BOX No. 120 ADVANCE-TIMES, WINTOPEAM, 22-99-6h 4.11,10111M.Mral, Reminders Are Expensive , Ws, not hard to forget all about your fire Insurance--and how much or how lime ii covers. But . . , if you wait; to be re- minded by a fire loss the delay could be drastically expensive. Review your insurance protection NOW — or better still, talk it over Mtn..., J. H. WYLIE Agent for Huron 6:: Erie Mortgage Corporation and Sterling Trust Corporation, PHONE 100 WROXETER General Fire Insurance — Liability Auto — Theft Wind *V' FO ENT SPLENDID SINGLE OR DOUBLE OFFICE upstairs over P.U.C. building available immediately ediately APPLY WINGHAM P.U.C. tree- atipole Folding FLOOR Aluminum Aluminum WALL SASH AWNINGS TILES DOORS LUMBER —, BUILDING — CUPBOARDS Telephone 260 Wingham NOTICE TO Water C nsurner The hours for watering lawns and , gardens are from 6 a.in. to 9 a.m., and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This will be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less prompt pay- ment discount of 10 percent, is made for the use of a hose or outside top for the above noted purposes. Anyone found wctering lawns or gardens, who has not paid for this service will be billed accordingly. Wingham Public Utilities Commission C. E. SHERA, Superintendent BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY •••••••10110M11.111000111.1111.10 A. H. McfAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Wednestiv4 afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. Frederick F. Helmuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Ho:nth, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario CAVILLER, McINTOSII & WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building WALKERTON E. Kennedy, B.Ed,, B.A., C.A., - Resident Mgr. Telephones:, Business 633; Residence VA DANCED ALL NIGHT AT BARN RAISINGS. By R. Henry Leishman It has occurred to the writer that a partial history of the growth and development of our country should be a matter of pride and gratification to every loyal Ca- nadian by birth or adoption. Huron was behind most of the other coun- ties in being settled. It wasn't until 1833 or '34 that there was any settlement in the northern part of the county. About 10 years previous to this the counties of Grey and Bruce were being settled byway_ of Peterborough and Markdale. As our native township of East Wa- wanosh. came into being the same years as Confederation, 1867, a short retrospect should be of in- terest to the people at large. Our Prime Minister has said that "Corne1967 Canada will cedebrate, in right royal style, its centennial". It is hoped that the enterprising folk of Wawanosh will also under- take to celebrate their hundred years of progress in a fitting manner. "I have been in many places Sweet as the lily of the dell, Some of these I often fancied, Others I did not like so well; But I always 'heard you calling 'Come back home and hang your at td hat : DearHuron, I always loved you, You ain't such a bad old place at' The land of North Huron was rough and hilly; it was thickly wooded country, and before any crop could -be had the trees had to be cut down, sawed into logs, made into long piles and burned. Millions of feet of fine timber, not only in Huron, but throughout Ontario, had to be destroyed. To us it seems tragic, but it was unavoidable. The major task in the early days was the erection of a barn to serve a derooupbs. le purpose, a shelter for the livestock and a place to store the • At the beginning these barns were made of logs, The trees had to be cut down and sawn into the requir- ed length, morticed at each end, and hewn flat on two sides, then placed one on top of another to the required height. The space between was chinked with mud and with a substantial roof such a building was quite strong and comfortable. The erect i ng of these buildings was a task• which required a lot of men, so invitations would be sent out for a barn raising. The men .from the countryside would come, also the women and girls of the neighborhood to help with the lunch. A barn-raising was always quite a social event, Whiskey was plentiful and cheap in those lays. I have heard it said that one could buy a gallon jug of whiskey at most any grocery store for two York shillings. These -barn raisings always ended with a good old square dance at night, often on the barn floor or sometimes out in the moonlight where one could swing his partner: .until nearly day- light. The men and women of those days worked hard,,.-,and it wasn't many years until:•" these crude 141dings were rePtaced by larger Oooden houses; else narrow clear- ings gave way to wide fertile fields, orchards were planted and the wheat fields waved with the golden. grain — and the country grew and developed into the beauti- ful surroundings that we see to- day. We of the present generation can surely say with the Psalmist: "The lines are fallen unto us in pleasant places. Yea, we have a goodly heritage". Mr. Finlay Anderson was a Scotsman of the old Kirk. He was treasurer of the township, a posi- tion which he cherished for a long time. He was also a director of the Wawanosh Fire Insurance Co. with headquarters at Dungannon. He owned a black driving horse With a white blaze on the face and four white legs, and• Mr. Anderson, with his white flowing beard, driv- ing' along in his nice buggy, surely resembled an Old Country gentle- man. Once every Month he would drive to Dungannon, a distance of 18 suites, to attend the directors FOR RENT -• COTTAGE for rent, water front, on Georgian Bay, Bruce Peninsula. Rates reasonable, Phone 197. 22-29* WANTED TENDER CORPORATION OF WINGTIAM Tenders wanted for removal and replacement of concrete sidewalks on the east side of Josephine Street southerly from, Diagonal. Road to a point approximately 100 feet north of Victoria Street. Specifications may be obtain'ed at the office of the Town Clerk. Tenders accepted until noon July 8, 1960. WITAJAM RENWICK, Clerk-Treasurer. 29-6b MUSIC SUPERVISOR WANTED Applications are requested fOr Music Supervisor in the eight Pub- lic School class rooms of East Wawanosh Township School Area, duties to commence September 6. Lessons are for a continuous period of one hour a week per classroom, for not fewer than thirty-five weeks per year, Applications stating qualifica- tions, experience, and salary, will be received by the undersigned up to July 9th. James R. Coultes, Chairman, Bel- grave, Ontario. J, A. McBurney„ Secretary, R, R. 1, Belgrave, 29-6b CARDS OF THANKS Howard Wylie wishes to thank all who visited Mm, sent cards and treats while he was a patient in the Wingham Hospital. 29b To all those who sent me cards, gifts and treats and visited me while I was sick, I'd like to say "thank you." Thanks also to Dr,. B. N, Corrin, Mrs. Morrey and her staff at the Wingh'am ,Hospital Brian Mcl3urney. 29* I wish to thank all my friends and relatives who viisted me and sent cards, treats and flowers while I was a patient in. Wingham Hos- pital. Thanks to Dr. Corrin, Mrs. Morrey and her nursing staff, Rev, T. E. Kennedy and the Belmore Women's Institute.—Edith Stokes. 29* IN MEMORIAM MITCHELL—In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Mitchell, who died in Stratford, two years ago, July 1st, 1958. Gone from us a smiling face Those pleasant cheerful ways, The heart that won so many friends In bygone happy days, --Ever remembered by the West- lake family. 29* BIRTHS WEISHAR—At Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, June 22, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Weishar, Formosa, a sori. BALLAGH—At Wingham General Hospital, •on Wednesday, June 22, 1960, ..to And Mrs., Jalapa' Ballagh, R. It': 21 *TdeSivitfela' daughter. HOWALD — At Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, June 22, 1960, to -Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howald, R, R. 5, Luckno%v, a son. GREY—In Victoria Hospial, Lon- don, on Thursday, June 23, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Grey, of London, (Grace Bailey), a (laugh-, ter, sister for Michael. HENRY—In St. Joseph's Hospital, Guelph, on Friday, June 24, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Henry, of Georgetown, a son, a brother for Dianne. MILLER — At Wingham General Hospital on Tuesday, June 28, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mil- ler, 6891 Markham Street, Tor- onto, a daughter. BED PILLOWS THE BEST GOOSE FEATHERS WITH NATURAL DOWN LEFT IN • rola SALE: LEE'S TAXI SERVICE, and Hunt- ing and Fishing License issuer. Phone 185, 3rrb COME and get sl good puppy cheap. Phone 725W4. 29b LLOYD 3-way baby carriage- for sale. Pale green. Like new, Mrs. N. Coulter, Phone 3. - 29* KITCHEN CHAIRS for sale. Fold- ing cot with mattress and library table, Phone 341W. 29* RECITAL MUSIC STUDENTS of Harold Victor Pym In St. Andrew's Presbuterian Church THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE' 30th 8.15 pan. Sinker coilettion Everyone invited CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.O. J. W. BUSIIFIELO Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta. Money 'to Loan Office—Meyer Block, Wingham WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. • Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham