HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-06-29, Page 1VISIT THEDFORD PARK—One stop on the tour by members of the
Middle Maitland Conservation Authority of the Ausable project was
the Thedford area. Shown above are Robert Gibson. of Hewlett Town-
ship; Freeman Ifedgins, chairman of the Ausable Authority; Harold
Cosens, Wallace Township, chairman of the Middle Maitland Author-
ity; and Donald. Aitchison of Harriston, as they listen 'to Andrew
Dixon, centre, public relations chairman for the Ausable e greop,
_Advanec-Times photo
fiddle M
Sees Aus
itland Groim
The Inaugural meeting -ca the
Wingham Turnberry Planning
Board :was held on Monday evening
of this week, in the local council
Attending the meeting, were
Reeve W. J. Willits, A. D. Smith
and Waiter Words, of Turnberry;
Mayor R. E. IVEcKinney, Don ,Na-
smith, Cal Burke and Jamee Gurn-
ey, of Wingham, Douglas McPher-
son, of Turnberry, was absent.
The first move of the new group
was to appoint the final roenther
and Clare Ceetelon, of Wingham,
received unanimous approval,
Nesmith Chairmius
The election of Wipers wee 'held
with Donald .Nasenith being named
chairman, and Walter Woods, vice,
Collect $385 for
Refugee Campaign
Morris Township World Refugee
Campaign committee reports that
they have turned in a total of
$385.55 to the Huron County
treasurer, • John Berry, Qoderich.
:Thanks to all who contributed
and to those who 'did 'the can-
yassing is extended by, the chair-
man, Stewart :Procter,
got busy and repainted the fireball,
—the job loblcs good and is•a credit
to the, boys that pitched In -to do
the job.
0 - 0 - 0
.After aecouple of nice days, Tues-
day saw, ,more rain.. ' It's been a
rough year for farmers , and the
geetielet have shown up' en main gir t business, ,whiCh apparently
rite fallen into the bemn, class
this :spring,
The engagement is announced of
*arlene Elva, daughter ',of Mr.
Robert J. MacKenzie, of Winkhans
and the late Mrs. MacKenzie to
Stewart Giles Leedham, son of Mr.
bald Mrs. Harry Leedhatte of St.
Williams. The wedding to take
place July 16 at 4 o'clock- in Wing-
ham :United Church, Wingham,
'Ontario, F29*
Music stadehts of Hareld Victor
ileym in St. ,Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, Thursday evening, June
30th, 8:15 p.m. F29b
Wroxeter stores will remain open
all day Thursday, June 36th, due
to the Friday beiliday, F29b
'Howick Lions dance in Wroxeter
Town Hall,' Friday, July 1st.
Music ,by Carruther's orchestra.
Admission at popular prices. F29b
With which is amalgamated the Carrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
phikikstilPlanning Board He
ral Meeting
Bible School at •
United Church
Vacation Bible School begins on
Monday morning, July 11th, in the
United Church. The classes will be
held Monday through Friday, ,for
two weeks, from 9 to 11.45 each
morning. , All children, 3 to 11
Bob McIntyre, who has been
engaged' by the Wingham *-
creation, Council to supervise
the emw swimming area far
the summer, got a real worts!:
out on Sunday. The. Weather
and the swimming spelt com-
bined, brought out a horde of
youngsters 'to try this Water,
and' Bob was unable to get
Ironic for his diiiner,
Parents ale reminded that
supervision, is Only provided
for the hours from e` to ingthe
afternoon and from 7 to 9" in
the enening. Children allowed
to go to the river e-at times
ether than these should be ac-
companied by an adult,
" .0 •
CONSERVATIONAREA . ••••• 4, • • 4t, • IV,
It was anneeneed today by jitihn
Herren •Gederich, 'that` a War of
$13,366.17 has been tontributed. by
Hurep County 'eltieens in 'the Blitz
for World 'Refugee 'Year held' :in
May: The total r'epres'ents apprPxi-
mately: $4,00e above thee target: as
set in March by the' Huron County
committee in charge, of which Mr.
Berry acted as treasurer.
The blitz was Unique in 'that
Huron Count/was the Only county
in the province of Ontario that was
organized by a group Of local citi-
zens for the purpose of raising
money to assist the Caltadian Com-
mittee for World Refugee Year
to help clear the refugee camps in
Mrs. Frank Fingland, Clinton
who was instrumental in organizing
the blitz, described 'the results as
"We are more than pleased with
the response,e said Mts. Fingland,
"although we do know that there
were many in the county who were
not contacted. It was both amazing
Rev. Henry Leonard Jennings,
B,A.,L.Th., Lucknow, has been ap-
pointed incumbent of 'St. John's
Church, Brussels; St. David's
Church, Henfryn; and St. George's,
Church, Walton. The appointment,
effective September 1st, was an-
nounced Monday by the Right
Reverend G. N. Luxton, Bishop of
Huron, Since 1952, Mr. Jennings
has been in charge of St. Peter's
Church, Lucknow; St, Paul's
Church, Dungannon; Christ Church, years, are welcome to attend. The
Port Albert; and St. Paul's Church, registration fee is only 5c per, day,
Ripley. per pupil. The money received is
Born Jennings used to pay expenses such as ma-
terial for crafts.
Much effort and work has al-
ready gone into preparation for
classes and a very interesting, en-
jeyable and profitable course will
be provided. Each day's activities,
include" gospel' songs, study,
'worship service, games, lunch and
crafts, Parents are asked to en,:
courage their children 'to attend
,this very Worthwhile project.
Renwick, secretor*, A. D. kIndth, it Ill. MeKlimo*,
d'onles Guthey, Cal Rulthe and W. J. 'Willits: The
grasp appointed Elooi iCantelon tfruit
her. Douglas MeBherlion 'Wee alpsent.Advanec.,
Tines Onto
Lu The I edesttian
' In last week's paper we made the
error of. referring to Squedron I
Leader M. J. Fitzpatrick, Minnie
Street, as F/0 Fitzpatrick. We
weren't quite as stupid as we ap-
peared, for the error was detected
and ,then slipped through, in the
final stages of proof coereetien.
We assure you :that the gentleman
in question was not demoted.
0 e '
YNtne3e Geese brought us a clip-
ping Irene One' of the ,Florida dally
papers, telling of a, woman in that
state who had tniearthed an old
cheque. -The article noted that the',
cheque bore a two-cent doeumen-
ggry stamp,'a federal' tax 'which
as required. , .at , the, time, the.
cheque was issued. The story also
Staled' tra, focal 'banker said the
system is, etiel in, effect. ,in Canada",
:Now there's one 'banker who is
about five year 'behind the times.
Don't relle look back with a, cer-
tain amount of nostalgia be the last
do Of school?' Do 'yOti remember
that whoop of joy when the final
bell, rang for, the holidays and all
that freedom -of summer was. ahead
of you? Today's the day and by
gbily it Would be nice to still have
that wonderful, feeling so ,legs not
sit too hard on the kids for a week
or so at least.
ecortling 'to some folk around
e% the community is really get-
ting to be like a 154 'ciey Whet
With special boards for parks and
Planning just coming into effect.
There is just one thing about it,
the men who do the work don't get
a cent for their efforts, maybe
that's the difference between
towns and office.
- 0 - 0
There is always something new
for the borne and we note that one
appliance Seore is offering a new
gadget that looks like a vacuum
cleaner for scrubbing floors. It
yen e can .affordethe price tag 'it'
siibuld take some of the ache out
Of the little woman's back.
0 - 0 - 9
The members of:the fire brigade
'received his early education at
Exeter before graduating from the
`Cnivereity of Western Ontario and
Huron 'College. He was ordained
priest in 1936 by the late Arch-
bishop C. A. Seeger and served as
a Missionary at Port Norman in
the Diocese of Athebasca from 1936
to 1941. He served at Thedford,
Morpeth and Brantford before
assuming his present position.
Mr., Jennings is secretary of the
Diocesan Rural Work Committee.
He is a former rural dean of Kent,
Brant and Bruce Deaneries and a
past • president of Wingham
District Ministerial Association. At
Lucknow, he has taken an active
part in community affairs.
Mr. Jennings is married to' the
former Ivy May Lawrence of Ger-
rie. At Brussels, be will succeed
the Rev. Kenneth Jaggs, who is'
leaving the Diocese of Huron.
PLA1V'NEV3r BOARD—The first *fleeting of the
newly-brined Winghant*Teurnberry Planning Board
Was held .bn Monday overdoes, At .136 Intothlg were,
lett to right, seated, Waiter Woods, vice-cheirmlue.
lend Diniald 144Smitli, ellOirnien; Standing, William
chairman. William Renwick Wee
aPPeirited secretary-treasurer fqr
the new boards
The board then discussed what
action should be taken in the flee
Lure and as several members had
had no previous information on the
subject various parts of the Aet
governing planning boards was'
disclosed. It was pretty well' agreed
that the joint board would act on
problems related to the fringe area
between} the two municipalities
While Problems relative to either
Turnberry or Winghe.m weuld be
settled' by their respective members
on the new ,board.
Chairman Nasmith pointed out
that the board had been formed
with the hope that some oe the red
tape folind fn connection with lois)
problems, that in the past have
been settled in Toronto, would be
cut and things made easier on the
local levee
The problems of building codes,
zoning and general planning were
discussed but only on a super-
ficial basis. Reeve Willits -suggest-
ed that ordinary farm land :trans-
actions and buildings would not be
affected by any authority vested in
the board, but he 'suggested that
there 'are areas in the township,
where control would be just as
necessary as it was in town.
Mayor McKinney stressed the
valtie of having representation
from both town and country and
the fact that mutual problems can
be settled with co-operation and
harmony by the board working as
a group.
Before the board adjourned it de-
cided to hold another meeting on
the 18th of July and will call in
Mr. Smith, of Kitchener, who is
acting as consultant for the group,
to go over the proper course of
action with the new group.
and heart-wirening to observe the
growing interest elering the cam-
paign on 'the 'part Of Huron County
citizens ,as they' learned , of , the
plight of the refUgdes, While World
Refugee Year is officially closed
June--the problem is not by any
means solved. We, In Canada, who
have the second highest standard of
living in the world, will, of neces-
sity, and in a spirit of compassion,
continue to give to these despair-
ing people,"
Rev, R, G. MacMillan, Goderich,
as campaign chairman, had work-
ing with him a large number of
volunteer citizens representing each
area of the county. Other members
of the county committee included ,
Mrs. Bernard Hall, Blyth, secretary,
and Mrs, C. A, Trott, Clinton, ,pub-
licity chairman.
A report on Huron County's
complishments for World Refugee
Year will 'be personally presented
June 29 at Toronto by Mrs. Fing-
land, when she attends a special
June 30.
All -children who participated in
the tournaments, sponsored by the
Lake Huron Zone Recreation
Council, will receive their crests
in the near future. The Lake
Huron Zone is contemplating hold-
m September 10 for Pee Wees
end Squirts and on September 17
tit Listowel for Bantams and also
:'or Junior girls.
Parents are reminded that the
'ee for those registered fot lessons
it Teeswater is the same as last
'ear, 250, per trip.
WAS 91 SA111111MY
GORRIE—Mrs. Martha Breck-
enridge quietly marked her 91st
eirthday on Saturday, June 25th.
.5he resides with her daughter, Mrs.
eanieron Edgar and spends the
summer Months with her son,
'eclair Pre c ken ridge of Jathestown.
Born near Whitby, she Dyed- in
Morris and Grey Townships before
eoheleig to Wroxeter, She was a
ineMber Of the Wroxeter United
Church, fifer husband was the
law timid 13reckernatege.
.Reereeentetivee from the thirteen
'Municipalities comprising ' the
Middle Maitland Conservation Au-
thority, saw at first hand the
excellent progress made by the
Ausable Rivet' Conservation Author-
ity in a special bus tour last
Guests of the tour included rep-
resentatives from Howick, Minto,
Turnberry and Hullett Townships,
as well as from Harriston and
Wingham, The group was joined
at Exeter by representatives from
the Ausable Authority who describ-
ed the various aspects of the pro-
jects being carried out In the
southern region,
The guests from this area in-
cluded Robert Gibson of Howick,
Stewart McEachern of Minto,
Reeve W, J, Willits of Turnberry,
Reeve Tom Leiper of Hullett,
Mayor McKinney of Wingham and
Councillor Aitchison of Harriston.
Several other civic representatives
had been invited but were unable
to attend.
The primary objective was to
acquaint the guests with the work
of conservation authorities, as there
is a move afoot to bring the 27
municipalities in the Maitland
River watershed under one con-
servation authority,
The tour left Listowel and picked
up the various representatives in
its route to Wingham and down to
Exeter where the group saw the
first project of the Ausable Author-
ity and were met by members of
that organization.
fig Dann
The John Morrison Dam, close
to Exeter was the first point of in-
terest. It 'was explained that the
underground water. .table,
pieted two years ago, the darn 'was
built at a cost of $199,000 over a
two-year period, According to
Freeman Hodgins, chairman Of 'the
Ausable Authority, the dani is
-doing a fine job and the results
of the project are everything 'that
was expected in the planning stage.
To build the dam 70. aeree of
land were purchased with the lake
it created covering about 30 acres.
Costs were split with the towle. of
Exeter paying a major share and
the provincial government con-
tributing 50 per cent, • • '
From the Morrison, Dam
went to Exeter park, which has
been an Ausable project, Tiedepark
is a credit to the distriee 'aneeehe
Authority is in the ,proCees, of
setting up permanent offices,00 the
Reforestation Projects
The visitors saw several eefores-
tation projects, which are a very
important phase of the work being
done by the ,Ausable Authority,
Over 1,300 acres are held by the
Authority in Hay Swamp tract
with another being planted in the
Wright tract. Hal Hooke, perma-
nent fieldman for the Ausible
Authority, who also spends part
of :his time in the Mid-die Mait-
land, explained that the lands
acquired for reforestation are be-
ing managed under an agreement
with the Ontario Department of
Lands and Fotest.
(Please turn to Page Three)
Dancing at Blue Moon (west of
Wingham, B-Line) Friday night,
July let. Good music. F29*
dam ,evas ea, multiemteppee projeet,
it created a 50,000,000 gallon water
store that can be used by the town
of Exeter in case of emergency,
It assists in controlling flooding
and will help to keep up the
There will be no milk delivery
this coming Friday, July 1st.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Bateson's Model Dairy. F29b
Due to holiday ea July 1st the
towns truck will make the garden
refuse pick -op oe Friday. Jule
and Friday, July 22. By order—
Wingham Town Council, Feel)
Commencing the first Satur-
day in, enly The. Advance-Times
office will be closed on Saturday
afternoons. Though this may
cause inconvenience in a few
eases, we have been keeping'
track of office traffic and .find
that so few people call in to do
business with us 'on Saturday
afternoons that a very small
number will be affected.
You are also asked to take
note 'that the paper will reach
you a day later than usual next
week because of the holiday 4311
Friday. With no staff in the
office from Thursday night
uIonday morning, the delay
is necessary.
"Menke in advanee for your
usual understanding of our prob-
in Toronto, Mr.
Results Were Good for
World R.efugee Year Blitz
• .................
Total $ 13,266.11
meeting of the Canadian Committee to be held at Goderich June 26 to
for World Refugee Year to mark
its official termination. Invited
guests from the federal government
and representatives of the 42 na-
tional sponsoring organisations will
be on hand to learn the total fund-
raising efforts from. Canada.
Breakdown of the results of the 'ng Et ball tournament at Listowel
canvass in Huron were:
County of Huron ... $ 500.00
Town of Goderich e,126.21
Clinton and RCAF Sta-
tion, Clinton 2,735,43
Wingham 980.86
Seaferth ........ 973.37
Exeter 1,460.16
RCAF Stn., Centralia . 723.6e
2; CreditCreditors 15
Aubtent 126.2e
Brussels 131.48
Hensel] .. ....... •300.00
Hayfield 121.60
Township 211.6C
E. Wawanosh Township
8'0 Usbothe Township 1000,0'C
Grey Township . 358,5(
Goderich Township . e22.8E
Colborne Township
Ashfleld Township 23::::
Stanley Township
Morris Township
Ray Township 100:0'T
Hullett 'Township ..... ad
Mrs, Ruby Saint gave a report
on the Ontario Recreation Con-
vention held this year at Cornwall
early in May, at the meeting of the
Wingham Recreation Council last
Thursday at the town hall.
Plans were made for the summer
program, Bob McIntyre was hired
as guard to :supervise the dam and
adjaeent swimming area each af-
ternoon from 1 to 5 and 7 to 9 in
the .evening, Any, children swim-
ming there other than at these
times should ,be accompanied by
an adult. A letter will be written
to the Parks Commission suggest-
ing that life preservers, etc., be
placed at the new swimming area.
Swimming instruction will be
given on Monday and Thursday
mornings at Teeswater, coml./le/1c-
log on July 4th. On -Saturday 160
children registered for swimming
and were assigned to one of the
buses which will be leaving Wing-
ham. at 8.30, 9.30 and 10,30 am.
The Kinsmen wading pool will be
open each afternoon from 2,30 to
4,30 commencing on July 4, with
Sundays and holidays excepted,
The four-week summer program,
similar to last year, will be held
front July 25 to August 19. Ruth
Hotchkiss will be sponsored by the
committee to attend the Lake
Huron Leaders' Training Course,
FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1960
Puhik Oh* Holiday
I hereby call upon all good en -ens to observe the same.
t. MCKINNEY, Mayor,