The Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-06-08, Page 8JUNIOR, ROOM STUDENTS at the Bel grave Public Schee/ are shown with some of the art work they did for the open house last Friday evening. The group iileilldes George Johnston, Donald Rosman, David Rosman, Richard Anderson, Mary PaSachier, Juiaine Anderson, Monna Purdon and Sherry Stock- •... ,,,,, • TTM OPEN ROUSE at the Belgrave Public School last Friday evening drew a good crowd. A few of the exhibits are shown above, done by the students of Grades VII and VIII. Reg. Pardon, Jean Banon, Linda Johnston and Ralph Logan pose with their handiwork, Lush Pastures Mean Lower Cost Milk But only when your pastures are properly BALANCED with SHUR.GAIN Pasture Dairy Ration does your production cost drop even further! Pastures alone cannot support MAXIMUM milk flow. Spring and early summer pastures are high in protein and moisture but low in energy. For cows to produce the MAXIMUM for which they are bred, you must supplement the grass with energy to meet these extra demands. It takes little SHUR-GAIN Pasture Dairy Ration to balance spring pastures so follow the SHUR-GAIN plan for - MORE MILK AT LOWER COST. SHUR GAIN Pasture Dairy Ration • PRACTICAL FEEDS THAT INCREASE DAIRY PROFITS Grain Growers Discuss Problems . The second meeting of the Hew- lett 4-H Grain Growers' Club' Was held on -Thuraday at the: home of club members Perry and, -Bub Strong. Business. of the dill/ was dis- cussed, folldwed by. a, discusaien led by the club leader, 'JIM 'Ren- wick, The 'discussion included' questions and answers .on such problems. as soil erosion,. hunger signs in crops and 'soil Manage, ment. Lunch was served and.. ft was• de- cided that the July.meeting be held at the horfie of- -the' clubis president, Pete Doig, • • DELL RAV E Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd. Taylor and family of Sarnia „spent the .weak - end 'with his parents, Mr:'andMrs. Orville Taylor, Mr, and Mrs. George Join* 'and family of London spent the„Week=, end with her ,parents,:i1Vre, and-Mrs. John MeCalitun. :. • . Mr. and Mks. 'Artinfr Edgar ..of Wingliern visited oil Sunday, With' Mr. and Mrs. .Lewis Storehouse,' Mr. and WS. James Lament and family visited 'on. Snnday -with and. Mrs. Ray - Hunkiag:Und faM- ily at Blyth. Mr. and livrrs. „Theic*Arrnationg- of Hamilton spent -the-week-end with his parents, My - .and e Mrs. `riaVid Armstrong, . . • Mr. and Mrs.. Jetties •,Michie:,h n'tie purchased the house fiminerly owned by Oraente Anderson;-which was partially burned -iast-•sumMer. Mr. IVIlehie ilea' started .repair ;work on the -house... • Mr. and Nita.; 1rniTA;s1V-'COltitieS and family visited.,,on..StindiA With Mr, and MrSCeell Arnistreng,:iti,ta and Kenneth,. at Lennox- The6eliiff' GORRID--Marian 'levee..` Thee- dort, daughter Of. and 7 _ WS' Stan Lennox, ,Gorrie, and Thoinaa Herbert • Lennox of -.AtWood ,Were united in marriage en Friday even- ing in the vestry of :the Liatowel Presbyterian Church; by the B. A. Mlles. ',.• '• The bride worn; a..white' street- length 'dress, Attendants. Wte,re Mr, and, Mrs. Randolph Ne*te.. The couple will reside.;iii,;*-At- wood. The bride Was henored recently,' at a miscellaneous shower, given; by friends near Trowbridge... SING FOR PARENTS'—The-,Ondents of the Beigrave Pirblie School are shown. above as,fliey sang:n. two-part song; at the, SC110111's Opel! 4 boucle. last 0,4;14.,.:Ahe •gi`9:11r well second piece for their efforts ht the repent Reigravit 11ip is FestiVal„---Advarwe-17imes pilules. • :7111M1111111111§1111111191111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111181111111111111111191101111119111811141 r1.04111.04411.0.0126111141.0.111=1.111=1.1111“..001i11.0.11.01=1.041110.0.11-,94.1neaasa...asoauzconak, YOU'RE TH1NKINfi OF SPRINti THINK SAFETY TOO! Winter has been hard an your car. All the bumps of bad roads mean that it is now time to check your WHEEL. ALIGNMENT AND BALANCE Play Safe and Save at the same time. FOR A COMPLETE CHECK VISIT Ken's Alignment service Phone 355 Diagonal Road Wingham alld. hymns V+ 1, .!')UIL, toddy. a stool. and a eandlestick: and it I IFE OF porTrss t . • ration were taken by Airs, tlifford !that he shall turn in thither," 1 .;-,, a m, ;i t-um psa l m el,, AT t.,„ iie..a. I Using a flaantelgrap_ For t_atara- h f 'II t 13,E14(14,1A.1.' le The tIonie Helpers 1 ,01 84,01E h,a. in itra,,,,,r. A. ,,A4 ,1,c$ I tiuti. her address was most 1115101rItLg Mteting of Knox Presbyterian ,,,,,t1,,,,I20 , %,,z.44 mtemit,ti by 1‘,1r..10,., anti enjoyed by everyone present. (1-4/1-°14 Via/i b tl l',11,1, .r1;.4..'''lla ''' ::;';'11- .1,Inithar to taleste from Senforth Mrs. Greene and Mrs. Elder fay- mg of last Week. 't 11(''' 4 "1" e'll 4'nd T1111 4 A,110.11.3t1 Uttureit, gel- tired with a duet, On behalf of the era eceretary, Mrs. .I.:, laity Wight Inave. Auxiliary, Mrs. Burl Orr thanked Man, presided, and ieseted t I It• meeting with the eat! The oil' riot; anti reed iced anti the speaker and all who took part `the meeting was based rht tEtIll1,0113 pfietit%ti, Pinner, C't °any, and Mrs J gave an avec-nun- of her life she became blind es let$40 11114t Tire Wingharn AdvancesTimes, Wednesday, Jars` lith, 1960 topic the verse from. II Kings, "Let • I 1)5 Make a little Chamber I nraY AC,CouT Of .1.01() wrote so many of the conga I him there a bed, and a. table, and. ;mil yet lived to be a great poetess thee on the wall and let us set for N , tir kittlqlf tetasi de. kind o u choir tltt Jant• hats dedittatt4k. a as rti,4411-'11. it). tit's. girls. Vretor Youneblut lia-rodusen meeting the guest suerriser„Vr:, h. Unit- ItY thar. Betmore. ;ate took as .her and it :aortal hour enjoyed. The lesaspture tending Owl tnedi ehini be when he corneth to Its, httruf ,"Utr''''A'd in the meeting. A hymn Was sung anti Mrs. Wightman -closed, the prayer. Lutieh was ladies of the church with the NYLONS ARE NEEDED FOR MISSION BALE BE,LORAVE The regular meetings of the Women's Missionary Soci- ety and the Woman's Association of Knox United Church were held ih the church on Wedmaalay af- ternoon. Mrs. Walter Scott- was in charge of the W.M.S. meeting, opening with a hymn. The minute;; . were read by Mrs. Willard Armstrong and the financial statement was read by Mrs. Gearge Martin Mrs. Scott -gave the gift fund report. A card of thanks was nail from • Mrs, George Marlin. The 'worship service was taken by the group led by Mrs, Henson opening with a hyrim. Mrs. R. H. Coultcs gave the meditation and Mrs. Irwin IrJ ill prayer. The topic on the World Ranee Sear was read by Mrs. Irwin, after which Mrs. 3, At. eoultes gave .11' reading,. Mrs. Harold Procter led In prayer and Mrs. Walter Stent gave a reading. Tina part of the meeting tamed witlt a hymn. The:group betided to again spon- sor the Mission Band picnic •In the near, future. Members were re- minded that tin' bale is to he 'pack. rid On Time 8, and they were told that used nylons were needed. • IVTfis. 'Leslie BO; was in -charge of the WA. meeting. The minutes were, read by Mrs, Willard Arm- strong ha the absence of the see- reta,rY. 'Mrs. J. 5‘4, Coultea rend the:Bear-100 report', showing a bal- ance on hand of 4:4-18.93, Twenty- two -members answered the roll can: The fourth line group will be in charge of the devotional ser- vice-. at the July meeting. COninderable ditieussion was held as al -having open house one after- ROLM and evening at the newly de- (-grated manse. It was ileeided to have this on June 24, if it was fine weather,' • Large Turnout .At Garden Party RELGRAVE-----About 300 persons, tufned'out on Thursday evening to the-'garden narty sponsored by the- WoMan's Association of Knox TM- ited..:Church, Everyone enjoyed a boiniteinta supper held in the chilreh basemen t. Following, the supper the Lake- leCWomen's Institute presented a maStrel show in the Foresters' d'o'ur Confirmed .13tyth Service BgLORAVE—Special confirma-- tinh services were held In the Ang- '11can Church in Blyth on Sunday for.ahe'three 'charges Myth, Aub- urn .and. Belgrave. Bishop G. N. Luxton confirnied 17, the four from Beigrave being Lindit--.Tobnston, :lean Bacon, Joyce Parieter and Walter Q3acom A reception. was held later at the manse and lunch was served. DONNYBROOK Mr: and Mrs. Stanley Lawrence and-Miss Gladys jefferson, of 'Woodstock, spent Friday with the latter's. sister,. Mrs. James Led- dyAnd Mr. Leddy. Mr. and Mrs. Don Jefferson and, Cheryl of Clinton visited Saturday with. his- parents, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Jefferson. Miss' Lucy Thompson of Bronte spent the week-end at her home here; Mrs..Elgin ,Tosling and Betty of Londesboro visited Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs, Wesley Jeffer- son: Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson and family were Mr. and Mrs. jack Tiffin, Stephen and Roger, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thompson and Mrs. Ce- cil.Chanmey, all of Wingham. ' • • GORRXE---The Gorrie United Church School held their annual Anniversary and Flower Service on Sunday, with the church filled to capacity. Familiar hymns on the organ and chimes, by Rev. E. Clarke, and organ and piano music by ,the organist; Miss. Path Toner,- and Mias'Sandra Edger, made-the' hour'before the service very enjoy- able, The theme was "God'a World", and - the theme music "I see God", The lobby of the 'church was beautiful 'with evergreens over each stairway, carrying the "Great Commission" in old English lettering on white, "Ga e into All the World", and "Feed My Lambs", Baskets of spirea, iris, and lilacs, added -color and beauty. The central point of interest was a large globe of the world, amidst a setting of spring flowers, 'Illus- trating that in God's world, • the many colours are included in one family, seven -little girls dressed in native costume encircled the world. As Hindu, Judy Galbraith; Japanese, Gail Dnithar•, Chinese, Helen Thornton; Dutch, Larke Carson; Turkish, Susan Temple- man, and American Indian, Bar-, Mira Thornton. • The windows fur- ther illustrated the theme, each one representing a country Of the world, with-dolls dressed in authen- tic coaturries, and floWering,plarits peculiar to each. country used to create a very effective and realistic picture. A typical African native village, which had been the ,work of the MiSsion Band in its mission study, added-'a-point of interest. The children entered the church in- a ,floral-.probeasional,-.-each„ child carrying a nosegay of flowers; and the choir was comprised of the junior and intermediate pupils. The call to.worship, taken by Alec Hamilton, Was followed by the. theme music "I See God", sung by the church school..Kenneth Farrish recited the Old Testament Scrip-, ture lesson, after which "This Is My Father's World", by the chili-eh school, with JiM Farrish reciting 'the verse; a poem,' "Oh ,the -Sheer Toy of It", recited by Linda John- Ston, and the hymn "Jesus Loves the Little Children", by the church school • followed. Donald Watson recited the New, Testament lesson. While the congregation joined in singing the hymn "I Think when I Read that Sweet Story of Old", the children took their places in the .pewa---re,seaVed- for-them, 'Two- vocal duets by Phyllis Pace and Wayne Douglas of Belmore, ac- companied by Mrs. Carl Douglas, added greatly to the service, as did the girl's quartet of Misses Carpi Robinson, Corinne -Rhame, Yvonne Snarling arid Helen Adams, who sang the theme anthem "I See God" as an offertory. The guest speaker Was Miss Mary Haig, W.TVLS, Missionary to Japan, who apoke of her work in. a very interesting talk which, demonstrated the great need for volunteers for missionary work in "God's World", Rev. Clarke very graciously paid tribute to the teachers, and -thank- ed those who in any way contri- bitted to -the success of the service, It IS only through the co-operation of the many Who work hours be- hind the scenes that such a setting ;can be created and months of planning culminate in a service which IS truly a highlight. of the church year. Wingham Feed Mill W1NGHAM ONTARIO REV. EWART CLARICE offielitted in (101110 United, Murat On May 28 for the Wedding of Dorothy leant TObet &Ad :Fetes` Latirtoht liarrison. ---PhOte by Connell. GOO'S WORLD IS SERVICE THEME Mrs, M. HL ,nankin Is 94- :To mo.rrow- GORlilla On .Thursday, June. 9th, Mm,, Mary '„iiyndinan will lie 94 years' of age. She ihnS been a resident of Gorrie,and vicinity for the greater Part'. of her'*life.-. She now resides' with her. .s.on'' Fred Hyrlman, 'hitt ..'spends 'the winter months with her deligliter, MM. Fred Dowdell- in yTeratito, Hyndman. has';:very„. good' health and Would ;pas "for go years less than bee age.; 'Miry many friends will join with lirairr hest wishes, a a 1 a iii U fr BLYTH ......sanitio.smoalmicePOHNINit4Nowilmotlarlumnems.aiwYgol.mi.oaittoemporromairoiSaia.m.a.4Possa Novo . . Choose the Right Chick , Use the Right Programme The kindhf chicks yOu get • . the kind of start you give them:. . the -,way you develop them, and protect them against disease and parasites ... all these affect the efficiency of your layers, and your profits from them. EXPERIENCE PROVES THAT 'DETAILS ARE IMPORTANT. Get your* -copy of the4)(trina Chink Programme from us. Chick Startena, Growena, . Growing Chow and Grain owson & Howson a fin ill iii iii wINGHAM — CARGILL ra, Final Meeting G,ORRIE -- The "Meat Mem) Makers held their last meeting at .the home of Mrs. Clarence Spar. ling with an attendance of eight. Margaret Anne Wilson is presi- dent. Mrs, Clarence Snarling ands" Mrs, Glenn Johnston are the lead,. era. They studied "How to identify Cuts of Beef" and during their course have learned to make -Swiaa steak, beef stew, stuffed flank, savoury salad, meat loaf, and to cook liver. , Gi a a a iii Farmers Outfitting Store SALE 11finghain SALE Men's Suits $29.95$34.95.$39.95 5c Buys Extra Pr. of Pants. • FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY MAY 21 TO. JUNE 21