HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-06-08, Page 6Married in Blyth I Starlight Group Holds Meeting WRONETER -The May meet. winags °lire•.c.IlleatT tl'ilenVIll'oYM8:11 :fli Mrs. gUrlueil: McMichael with 21 members and, two -vests in attenclanee, ltnth were in cePhlirle o id luddevMortskiDa. Sat1.3 The meeting ,opened with 'a poem, followed by the theme song. The Scripture was read and prayer was given by Mrs. Static. Mrs. Pon McLaughlin was in charge of the topic. Mrs. McDonald sheaved on the work of the Missionary and Maintenance of the United Church. A reading on Dr. Watt was able The president, ..Mrs. D, Static gwjav6. s1ef charge of the baSiness por- tion of the meeting. The catering Committee for ,khe following Month Is Mrs. Miller, M-a, Smith and Mrs Newton. Lunch was served at tin Close of the meeting 'by those in charge. WROXETER Mr. Ira'ISTeLean, accompanied by Mrs. J. F. McLean, visited the sat ter's brother, Mr. and Mrs, Rey- Wilson, Guelph, on Thursday. z Mr. and. Mrs. Ken Wright speni a few days in Pontiac and Detroit returning home by way of Port Huron, Mr,and Mrs. Laurie VanVelsor Hamilton, spent the week-end al their summer home here, Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson Murray and Glenis, were Sunda; visitors with Mr. Will Dane, Gor, rie, and attended the flower ser vices in the United Church here. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Eaton, Ai- leen and Brenda, 'Sea:forth, • wer, Wednesday visitors with Mrs. Al onzo Sparling, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Elliott 'am family spent Sunday with Mt, am Mrs. Harold Mallet, Palmerston. We are sorry to report that Mrs Davey is in the hospital. We hop( for a speedy recovery. A ' surprise birthday party for Miss Joy Longstaff of Wroxetei was held at the home of her uncir and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Waite: Charles, Gorrte, who were asSiste( by Mrs. Bob Mitchell, also of Gor rie. Twenty-two guests sat down t( an enjoyable supper and afterward.' Joy was the recipient of lovely gifts. Those present were from Corbetton, London, Wingham, Gor rie and Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. William. Maxwel. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Harry Pflance, Stratford,' Mr. and Mrs. Telford Montgotn. cry, London, and Mrs. Sadie But ton, of Riverside, visited' Mr. and Mrs. George Galbraith recently - Miss Jean Adams spent the Week-end with her grandparents Mr. and Ws. Elmer Farrish, Got.' rie, and attended the flower ser- vices at Gorrie United Church or Sunday, Mrs. George Hart, Newry, caller on Mrs. A. Sparling and Mr. and Mrs. William Hart on Sunday eve- •ning. ' "'Mrs. James. Doig spent a, few days in Kitchener last week. Mr. Doig went to Kitchener later and visLed Mae Doig, 'St. Jacobs and his wife returned home with him. FAMILY INCOME An excellent _Method of having an adequate insuranee estate for the, man with a young I amity. CONK:ET-- FRANK C. HOPPER -,Representative— Canada Life WINGH.AM, ONT. Phone 462, I 0111PAINS AUTO 000.'Y • WE MEET BY ACCIDENT Call us, we'll come to your rescue! From careful tow- ing to the best in body and fender repairs, we do the job right. All makes of cars repaired. Expert workmanship ut moderate prices. WINNAM BODY SHOP • Sid Adams PHONE 746 WINGHAM If you have a ear problem, we have the answer. IIIIMINIMMIN111111111111111111111111k 1958 DODGE 4-door Sedan One owner car. Clean throughout. 1958 PONTIAC 4-door Sedan • This is a. one-owner car in tip-top condition and very clean. 1958 SIMCA STATION WAGON 1956 PLYMOUTH 4-door Sedan with radio. One owner ear. 1954 PLYMOUTH Suburban And several older •models • TRUCKS 1958 CHEVROLET %-ton Express with low mileage. 1953 MERCURY. 3-ton Chassis and Cab Listowel KIN KARN1VAL '60 MIDWAY GAMES. DUNKIT PIE PLUNKIT SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS THURSDAY — FARMERS' NIGHT . Greasy Pig Contest TV and Rsulio Stars CliNX's Vaughn Douglas rides Pinata FRIDAY: Local celebrities on Dania & TV and Radio Stars SATURDAY: PET SHOW — CliNX BARN DANCE JUNE 9 - 1,0 - 11 Admission: Adults 250 Children FREE LiwrowEL FAIR GROUNDS R FRE .-efftaty at CRAWFORD MOTORS I Len Crawford Motors Your Dodge, DeSoto and Simca Dealer Phone 710 Wingham WEED KILLER FOR EVERY WEED F RE E 19 59 EDITION WEED "KILLER HANDBOOK 'You will find, this handy!, pocket-sized booklet invaluable in its brief, concise instructions on the use of CO-OP Weed Killer& includes root of application, how, when and where to apply, and charts for correct mixing. HC-3.39 CET YOUR FREE COPY NOW/ SEE •Il.01,1111 CO-OP Belgrave „Co-Operative BELGRAVE Phones: Wingham 1091 Brussels 388 R 10 Mr. and Mrs. Angus FalcOner and children spent the week-end utthe home of his brother, Mr. ,Relison Falconer and with other relatives at Sarnia. • Mr, and Mrs. Russell Chapman and Garry spent the week-end at the horiie of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith of Toronto. Mrs, John Ireland of ,Teeswater spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer' Ireland, and .on Sun- day all visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston of Cooksville.• Mr. and Mrs. E, H. GrOskorth were in Toronto On Saturday to attend the 50th Wedding •iiiniver- sary celebrations of 'her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Kennedy of Unionville. Dr, Kennedy has been a practising chiropractor in Unionville for many years and over 200 guests, friends and rela-• tivea Were present in' the afternoon, With as many more at the night celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walker visited on Sunday 'at the home of her sister, Miss Gertrude Stewart Of Cdoksville, Mrs, John Runyan and her friend, MIAs Shirley Width of 'Edmonton, Anent the Week-end here with the forrrier's aunt, MrS. J. tt, Gilles pfe, They are Spending three weeks' Vacation motoring from Ed- mordebi and wilt visit With Many Ontario relatives. -three 'generations. :Mr. rind IVIrs.S best RS they undermine 'sortie of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Harker and `1,1klieliel will live irlN Witighani, the wOrit of the thuteheS, • 'fitinily,of Goderich visited on 'Sun. Withdraw 'Services At Bluevale United Ri,,u4vALE.--- The service in the United Church on. Sunday com- memorated Pentecost and alsa the 35th anniversary of the union of the three churches in 1025. Mr. Alan H. Neelon made suitable references to these events is a. forceful sermon, Owing to anniversary services being held next ;Sunday in White- ehurch United Church service in IIItievale United Church will be withdrawn. Softly glowing cathedral candles in bronze candelabra and baskets and standards filled with lilacs and tulips formed a lovely setting in Blyth United Church Saturday afternoon for the marriage of Mary Dianne, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oster, R, R. 3, Blyth, to Donald Bruce McMurray, son of Mr. and Mrs, R, J. Mclur- ray, R. R. 4, Wingham. Rev. R. E. McLagan, minister of the church, officiated at the double ring ceremony. Miss Lois Grasby at the church organ played tradi- tional bridal music, and also ac- companied the soloist, Aubrey Toll, as he sang "I'll Walk Beside You" and "0 Perfect Love." The bride was lovely in a floor- length gown of nylon organza and lace over tulle and taffeta. The fitted bodice was styled with a high bateau neckline of chantilly lace sprinkled with iridescent se-. quins. The short, shirred sleeves and matching gloves enhanced .the full skirt, which was fashioned with aslace ruffle 'cascading, from a V front waist-line, to a low point back. Her fingertip veil of silk nylon illusion was held in place by a tiara, set with seed pearls and iridescent sequins. She carried a crown arrangement of red roses. The matron of honor was Mrs. George Oster, sister-inlaw of the bride. Her gown was floor-length maize silk organza over matching taffeta. It featured short sleeves, bouffant skirt and fitted bodice. Her flowers were mauve chrysan- theinums arranged similar to the bride's bouquet; Miss Dianne Davis, London, 'cousin of the bride, and Mrs. James Gaunt, Wingham, were bridesmaids. MiSs Davis' gown was mint green silk organza over matching taffeta, and her flowers were yellow mums. Mrs. Gaunt's gown was mauve BLUEVALE Mr. and Mss, W. J. Peacock motored to Ottawa for a few days and visited Mr. and Mrs. George Peacock and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pugh and Mrs. Dick Lee, all of Dorchester, visited at the -home of Miss Iviary Duff and with other Bluevale friends on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Street and children of Listowel were Sunday visitors with Mrs. M. L. Aitken. The Bluevale Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. E. Barnard on Thursday, June 9th, when Mrs. T. E. Kennedy will speak and Mrs. Eldred Nichol will report the officers' convention at Guelph Visitor;•on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Horton were Dr, Lorne Maguire and Mrs. Maguire of Port Dalhousie, Mr. and Mrs. Bill 'Wel- ton and Phyllis of Stratford and Mr.. and Mrs. Bob • Douglas of Fordwieh. Mrs. Margaret Ogram, Mrs, Roszell and Miss May Wilson, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Greenaway. Mr, and Mrs. Alton Mahood and daughters of Goderich are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Parkes, Mr. Jack McMinn and Randy of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs, Ar- • nolch Lillow on Saturday, THREE li-E-N-EiATIONS WORKED NICHOL FARM BLVEVALE --Mr, and Mrs. El- dred' Nichol were guests of their neighbors on' Friday evening at Kirton's School, Progressive euchre was Played, and a presentation T011owed, Mrs. Harold Grant read an ad- dress of , appreciation to Mr. ant" • Mts. Nichol, who have been valued citizens of the community,_ for many years. Harold Grant, Eldon Kirton and William bettinan pre- sented gifts Of a trilight floor lamp and step-up tables and Mr. Nichol replied. Refreshments were served at the close. Mr. and Mrs. Nichol have sold their farm to Mr. .arel Mrs. Fred Van brig, of lleadowvale, after 41 years spent on their fine farm, which has been in the family for —Photo by Msyk Studio. silk organza with green mums. Janice Gaunt, daughter of the bridesmaid, was a charming flower girl, Her frock was of the 'same material and color as the matron of honor, and she carried a nosegay of mauve mums, Each attendant's, gown was fashioned identically 'to that of the matron of honor. Jack Rumball, London, cousin of the bride, was ringbearer. .Robert McMurray, Kingston, was his bro- ther's best man, and ushering the guests were George Oster, Blyth, the bride's brother, and James Gaunt, of Wingham. A wedding dinner in the church dining' hall, served by a group of W.A. members of the church, fol- loWed the ceremony. Assisting in serving were Miss Yvonne Rath, Belgrave, Miss Mae Doubledee, Wroxeter, and Miss Dorothy Frie- burger, Kitchener. The bride's mother received the guests wearing a dawn blue linen tunic dress, white accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. 'She was assisted by the bridegroom's mother, who had chosen - an en- semble of blue brocaded nylon with a plain matching blue nylon duster. She wore white accessories and a corsage of lily-of-the'-valley and pink rosebuds. The bride's table was centered with a four storied wedding cake flanked with pink candles in silver candelabra. Other decorations were table bouquets of lily-of-the-valley and pink roses. For a honeymoon trip to the Southern States the bride wore a beige shantung ensemble, green ac- cessories and a corsage of orange ice mums. On theiir return they will reside on the 'bridegroom's farm, R. R. 4, Wingham. Guests at the wedding were from London, Stratford, Toronto, Port Credit, Kitchener, Kingston, Wing- ham, Belgrave, Wroxeter, Blyth. PLAN RECEPTION FOR REV. AND MRS. WELSH BLUEVALE The Woman's Association ...met in the United Church on Thursday. Mrs. Spar- ling Johnston, first vice-president, presided and conducted devotions. /11/Irs. Alex aVkiCrackin, treasurer, reported bills for building mater- ials paid and a substantial balance on hand. It was decided to buy certain articles of furniture for use in the parsonage, • Plans were made for the •recen- tion of Rev, W. R. Welsh and Mrs. Welsh after the induction on the evening of July first, " A table will be purchased for tin of the Eeginners' Class of the Sun- day School. It was decided to send $10.00 to the March of nines, • United Ladies Study Africa BLUEVALE---The W.M.S. met in the United Church on Thursday. The president, Mrs. Milton Fraser, presided. The study program was in charge of Mrs. W. J. Peacock, who read Scripture and gave com- ments on "Extension of the King- dom". Mrs. Alex, Corrigan spoke on "Old Patterns and New" in Africa. Alie showed how Wornen are taking their places in important activities in different countries of Africa, In Ghana there are women in the professions and in `business, Wo- men leaders may be found every country and women's infinehee helps to accomplish the best things for the people, There ,is now the first woman &leather in the Legis- lative .Assembly in Uganda, • The Y.W.C.A. and YM.C.A. are valuable for their aid in, many directions, especially in inducing. ,o-operation. The church some- times causes divisions on account Of so Many denominations. Western ideas are being rapidly learned, and not always for' the BLUEVALE LADIES' QUARTERLY MEET BLUEVALE • quarterly Meeting of the WMS and Ladles' Aid was 'held in the basement of the Presbyterian, -Church on Wed- nesday, with the Presititnti Bernard Thoas presiding. She Opened the meeting with the, Vail to' worship, after which a hymn was sung. The• Serliptore and comments were, given by Mrd. Harold Omni. and prayer followed by Mrs. burns Moffatt. The roll call was answer- ed with a verse eoutaining the word "Seed" and the secretary's and: treasurer's reports were given and adopted as read. The offering was received and dedicated by the president; The :topic wit4 given by Mrs, T. E. Kennedy, which was on. Nigeria. She told of the work of tin' mss, donaries there. Nigeria is looking ?inward to independence this coin- :lig October. The church 'is self- supporting. They - need ordained: ministers to train others,*also doc- tors, nurses and teachers. The uresident closed this meeting with )rayer. A short business meeting of the Ladies' Aid followed, presided over by the president, Mrs. Harry El- liott. She opened. the meeting with prayer and reports were given by 'the different secretaries. Plans were made for the garden party to be held late in June and other items of .business were- discussed before the meeting concluded with prayer. day with Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Burney.. Mr. - arid - Mrs. Calvin Robinson and sons visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin of Langside. Miss Marilyn Reid of'Mt Brydg- es spent the week-end with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Reid of Marnoch. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Weber and family attended the funeral last Wednesday of the late Hugh Al- bert Reed of Rothsay, 20, who was killed in a nlotor accident at St, Agathe. Burial was in Derryad. Cemetery, His father and brother survive. Mr, and Mrs. Sheldon. Jacklin and family of Brussels, and Mr,, and Mrs. Harold Slesser and chil- dren' of Glands were visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, one day last week. Mrs. D. Willis and John visited on Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Willis of Gowanstown, Many from this district made a trip' to Wingham on Sunday to view the beautiful floral decor- ations in Wingham United Church. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Thompson and Mr. John Beadle . of Goderich visited with Robinson relatives on the Ath of East Wawanosh one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cameron, LueltnoVS,”. Mr, and Mrs'. Mason Robinson and Mr, and Mrs. Albert Bieman were in Kingston on Sat- urday where they attended the marriage of the fornaer's grandson, Mr. Russell Cameron to Miss Hazed In St. Luke's Anglican Church at 3 p.m. Later all spent the week- end with Perth relatives, The 'bride and groom will visit with relatives in this district and Po- wasson this week. , Mr. Leroy Rintoul of Milton spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bolt and family of Belwood, visited on ,Sun- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purdon. Mrs. C. T, Boss of Walkerton spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coulter. Wayne Eckenswiller of Harris- ton spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eckenswiller. BANANA SPECTACULAR • STUPENDOUS LOW PRICE EEG. 150 lb. ' 3 BIG DAYS of . Door-crashing SPECIALS i WI Limited quantity, while they last — Adults Only. i Phone Orders Accepted. THURS., FRI., SAT., JUNE 9, 10, ' 11 HOURS OF SPECIALS EACH DAY : ' i • 1st Special — 11 a.m. ' ' ,- i Westminster 4 t 0 p c 4- a I TOILET TISSUE 6 .5, 1 . . (One to each customer) Ili ....s.: 01 •. 2nd Special -- 3 p.m. -.1 TOMAHAWK BRAND CREAM CORN EL” Canada. Choice — .15 oz. tin . ' Reg. 2 for 23c = ' E iTi . -1.-ii (Two to each customer) 2 for 15 c ri •. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES . = i /I ..".................,.."...............................,....... a IT'S FUN TO SHOP AT YOUR El T4-0. a 600e€4- pa Wiept&e ._ i i--1 FREE DELIVERY . PHONE 207 a i i aunim usiiiiiumniousiminonniminounismusiiiiimionsismisio 444 Th Winglts n AdVancenTintel, WedneOday, &silo 4th, 1,9,0 • GERHARD JOHN noss, B.S.A. 'of Bluevale, Ontario, has graduat- .cd from the degree course special- izing in General Science at the annual spring convocation held at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. Active in literary and athletic fields, he will be engaged in post graduate studies. WHITECHURCH Kmilemonionmincomitimummigiumuici".""or: „.,. Week-End Specials ii- . .111 Fresh Canada No- 1 Leafs B 6 ' Golden Dew Yellow. (WU* . erl:14.50c ii. id. BREAKFAST BACON b 48e i = • , - Reg.'lb. 330 MARGARINE fir! oil S knoider's — i,2 oz..' tin 1 lb. pkg. 27c i iC PORK . M INCED Reg. tin 59c 4 for $1.25 TAI I . • N = A i a ' 6 s- .9 'b 5 c for . II U U N U iA Beg. pack 49c 25.c ...1.10.1••1•1/41.1•11.1•1•6041.1.411,111.1......0.m...114•••01/001s0011•11.1101•0.0011•441.00.11MIMISPOMMAYMEWOMMOIM141... IN WINGHAM The Tci3t and Slaughter program to rid calik of 'Tuberculosis has been 'in effect for many years. As a result the danger of people catChing TB from cattle is very slight. BUT --YOUR CATTLE COULD CATCH TB FROM YOU! We can't have 'a "slaughter" program for people with TB. But the sari- ` toria are sending dozens of healthy people home each month. Early detection is the reason'. FREE -TB DETECTION CLINICS will be held hi Huron' County between JuIy 19 and August 5 PLAN TO ATTEND Huron County Tuberculosis Association