The Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-05-25, Page 8At Both the Crown and Drive-In Theatres, Harriston JUNE 1st THROUGH JUNE 30th CROWN Theatre - Harriston Telephone 152 TRIMS, - - SAT, , • May 26 - 27 - 28 ‘‘SOLOMAN AND SHEBA" Adult Entertainment Starring Gina Lollobrigida Yid Brynn.er and George Sanders The Greatest 'Spectacle of All Time Shows at 7.00 and. 9.20 p.m. La MON. - !WES. MAY 30 - 31 HELD OVER FOR TWO EXTRA DAYS. "SOLOMON AND SHEBA" Shows at 1.00 anti 9.20 p.m. WED, - - FRI. SAT. lune 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 "SINK THE BISMARK" DRIVE-IN Theatre - Harriston THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 26 and 27 Sal Mineo in "THE GENE KRUPA STORY" — 2nd Feature "GUN FIGHTER FROM ABILENE" SATURDAY ONLY — MAY 28 "BORN RECKLESS" This Rodeo Queen Has Everything — 2nd Feature — "THE ISLAND OF LOST WOMEN" Romance and Atomic Adventure in the South Seas. MON. - TVES. - WED, May 30, 31, and. June 1 "JET PILOT" Starring John Wayne - Janet Leigh Plus "VIRGIN ISLAND" Nature In .The Raw - Fun For All SEE WHAT YOU'RE MISSING MONTH At Both the above Theatres JUNE 1st THROUGH JUNE 30th SPECIAL COUPON ptLOW — GOOD AT EITHER THE CROWN OR DR,TVE-IN THEATRES, ITAERISTON tilr Ittil VIAift T l 1111 - in NM ON NO UP UP U Clip this Special ,FREE---OFFER, Coupon PRESENT AT THEA.TRE BOXOFFICE G0011, FOR, ONE ADMISSION wrm :111iRCIIASE OF ONE ADULT AOMTS5TON" MON., TUES., WED„ Tiftlit$44 TIIII011D1101117 MONTH Or JUNI', MVP DOOD FRIDAYS OIR SATtlitDAYS Ii MEMBERS OF ERLGRAVE Scout troop de- to right Ron Nicholson, Robert Taylor, Scout Master moustraie first aid by preparing ai l arm sling. Left Larne Campbeli.-Tfluno by Merrill Cantelon. I FOUR OF THE 'OFFICIALS and Scout leaders look over the program. Left to right Scout Master Lorne Campbell of Belgrave; Mickey MeNaughton, ham; Walter Gaeler, Cliesley,,chairman of Satig&in district; District Commissioner Archie Gowanlock. —Photo. by Mertill'Cantelon. • Ara, Utacardine, Each treOP. Vuaki allowed to register eight scouts had some tit scouts and 20 leaders 0.4ended, The camp, was in charge ,of Ar•- chie flowardock of Walkerton, the district sionvinissioner; Sid Street, Chrsley, deputy chief; George Johnsten, ,Eurbarn, quartermaster; Wailer (hider, Chesley, ,.rhairaten of the Satigevn district !Ind Robert "laylar of Hanover. l-t-1;19hal _Chat- missioner. Week-end events consisted of a Inumber of competitions including scout craft, fire lighting, tree iden- tification and estimates, first aid, compass and map rending and oth- er events. Mr. Gowanloek an- nounced two week-end Cub Canine to be 'held in ,Tnne with 'Cubs from various points in the district In at- tendance. the iirst Siatgeen diatrlet rkamparee, Mtown is it. section of the camp as Stouts prepare for the eompetitiona.—Photo by Merrill Cantelon. „CAMP MARTYN Boy Scott eemp, north liv.t -Tivoitok httenned with activity this past week-etut as troop* front eight centre attended Mr. and •IVirs. Lun Leader "and family, „Luelsnew„ visited Mr. ty.id. Mrs. George Adams. We are sorry to hear Mr. Jack Gibson is a patient, in the Wing- ham Hospital andlwe wish him a speedy return to good health. Mrs. Percy Caupland spent last weelc In loronto with her nephew and niece, Mr, nal Mrs. 'Baru Km mar and returned home with ,Ti mil Mrs, Stuart Coupland, Mr. anti Mrs. Rubor.. J, rho lia 'and daughter Sherene lutv. moved from Saskatoon, Sask., to 1, ahcou- ver, B.C. ''' They were accompanied .by Bob's mother, Mrs. Jessie Pope ,I3urice, who will reside with there "A/Ingham were Mrs. Gordon Un- derwood, Mrs. Jos, Bennett, Mrs. Norman Wade, Mrs. I-Terry King and Mrs. Ted Newton. The .ROV. E. C. Attwell was also in Wing- ham attending a meeting of the- clergy of the deanery. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hermiston of Mount Forest spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs: l, Strong. Mrs. S. M. Johnston of Listowel is, visiting with her son, Mr. Lionel JOhnstort and Mrs. Johnston. Miss Verna Harris of Wingham was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ted Newton over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hart of Oshawa were also guests at the same home and with. Mr. and Mrs. William Hart, Wroxeter. The Rev. E. C. Attwell, Mrs. Attwell and children spent :Satur- day with the -formees parents at Bran tford. Mrs. Albert Heibein returned to her home Saturday after under- going surgery in Victoria •Hos. tat, London, • The Northern 'Helpers of the dorrie United Church Will meet at the home of 'Mrs. Edgar Dane on Wednesday, May 25th, at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. Max Bell and Mrs. Roy Hunt will be in charge. """Mtcribthtlei at CRAWFORD MOTORS 1958 DODGE 4-door Sedan One owner ear, Clean throughout. 1958 SIMCA STATION WAGON 1957 DODGE 4-door sedan With Automatic transmission, 19,56 PLYMOUTH 4-d.00rtSedan • with i'adie. One owner ear. 1954 PLYMOUTH Suburban 1953 DODGE 4-door Sedan • And several older models TRUCKS 1958 CHEVROLET 1/2 -top Express With low mileage. 1953 MERCURY 1 , 4ton Chassis and Cab Mr. and •Mra. Lea Shaw and • Sharon of London visaed, over the week-eral with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, Mr. and „Mra, Ralph McCrea, Maureen and Douglas, visited oh Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Ted Honking, and fandly hear Auburn. — Mr. Roy MeCi ee of 'Kitchener audit the week-end with. his bro. ther, Mr, Cordon McGee, and Mrs. Wilfred Pickell and , family of fiamilton, spent the .reek end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wheeler, BELMAR FIRM CAMPOREE froili tight (goitres at- tended the first Saugeen District Seoul Camporee Clitio• Martyrt, north sit Tituton tit tiu• weer-end.• Smuts were miner earn as f rom • Haitovyr, Darhain. Wails- erton, Luricnow, Bc•Igravei Cargill DISTRICT COMMISSIONER ARCHIE. GOWAN- LOCK of Walkerton, left, looks- on as members of the..Beigrave Scout troop demonstrate knots. Left • •_-.• to right, Mr. Gowanloek, Jack Marks, Clayton Robinson, Ralph Logan, Scout Master Lorne Camp- bell.—Photo by Merrill Cantelon, PLAY AND CONCERT -1 WROXETIR- Kit ATTENDED ..• towel, spent Saturday with Mr. . Mr. Lyle Hart and Patti, and Mrs. William Hart. *. Mrs, 13111: Hart, Oshawa, were day callers -at the saute home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gibson and Dane, Xfoulrton, were ,guests, with. Mr. and Mrs, Ira McLean. Mr, and. Mrs, Harry Adams, Alp.. companied by Mrs, R. Newton, spent Sunday with Mr. and .Mat's. Harry Adams Jr. In Gocierieh. Mrs. Jeffrey Musgrove is siteigi- int,: some time with bier daughter, Doris Willis, Whitecliureb. Miss Nancy Newton was a w. ek- end guest of Mr, and Mrs. Barry MeEouagh, Luelthow. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Steuetnal and Rim accompanied by Mr. Bob West al.e, Elmira, were week-end visitors with Mr. aril Mrs. Georg.a Wcstialse. tan:day callers .a.t‘ the same home were Mr. and Mrs. BOY'. SCOUT TROOP Ba,GRAVI `Fife regular meet- ing of the. Belgrave WomeWs stitute was held on Tuesday after- aeon in the cOmhaunIty centre with Mrs, diehard Procter in charge and 18 members and four visitors• ans- wered the roll call. :Minutes of the last meeting and. the finaneial statement vitere read by the seeretary-treasitrer, Mrs. Can Proeter; A haler of thanks was read from the London Branch af the Rya. Crusa, extending al(Pre .- .ilit.on. to tire kit4aavi., area foe the $2.1.Y.,115 sent In from the igient /1.1.V0.5:i. 'rile would. like to :hank the following who canvass- ed Belgrave oil distria: (Jordon 3,4)4:11), lVfts, Harold Carrie, El- don Cook, Cora d M.S Charlie Smith, Ms. E'en W.ght man,,,, Mrs, Laur. Mrs. i-ogsn Mrs. Budd Orr, Mrs. Masoa son, Mrs. Edgar Wightinan,-Mis Mary Isobel Nethery, Mr's. Rlehar •Procter, 'John Nixon, Mrs., Ear 'AnOrson, Mrs, J, S. Proctor: M - and Mrs. Ronnie Coilltes and' Mrir C. R. Coulter.. The group decided to .agahi :'spon• sor the short...course, "Aid.;) to Ef festive Suealring",,.to be lied iii th, fall. IVIembera were'" reminded :of 'the bus tour Co London on July 21 Mrs. Stanley Cools, Mrs. Lyle .14013 - Per, Mrs. Clifford Logan, 'Mr„s. J. M. Coultes and Mrs, • Rabert -.Hig- gins volunteered to go to the hos. pital to help with the m.endiiig on May 25, • Members Were reminded to leave flowers or rilps for the cerni•ter,t flower beds at the hotne of Mrs Carl Procter.. A donation of $30 was voted to the tialgrave Scouts. lib's, Garner Nieholson, was eon vener of fah r= program which in eluded a readiuk,,, "The Diet Sheet' by 'Mrs. Leslie B6,11, The addresss "Beauty,of Mowers" was given by Mrs. • L. Seri itteogoii r. Margaret Nicholson gave LW° Piana spina and Rlionda- and Wendy Feat' gave a vocal duet.' The 'roll call .was answered by the members exchanging flower slips" and Lunch waa•fierved lay Mr's. Lyle Hopper,' Mrs. 'J, M. Coulter and Mrs. Clark -,,Johnston, BtffittAVE . Mr. and Mrs. Carman NiXonof Toronto spent 'the , week-mid :with Mr. and,IVErs. John Nixon and--fam- ily. Mrs. Cora McGill accompanied Mrs. Alex Stiles to Mirnico and they flew from Melton last Monday and spent the week-end in 'New York.. , Mr...and Mrs„ Ripsel Walker of Goderich, spent the ,Week-end with Mrs. Robert Stonehouse; Mr. and Mrs. LeWis Stonehouse and ether relatives. . . Mrs. Laura Johnston.and 'George Visited on' Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Borho and, Mrs. George Johnston, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs, George Janes and family of London visited over the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. ,John E, McCallum. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Watson and family of Forest, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Lamont and family. Mr, and Mrs. Tim Irwin ,and family. of Hamilton spent the ,holi- day week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Herson 'Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stoneheuse vlaited on Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edgar, at Wingham. BT LGRAVE Quite a large crowd gathered in the Foresters' Hall on Friday evening for the variety concert, sponsored by the Nufoioll :won raa,sr,Jii 111 nal rrm a nFaor fme the lowing Monologue. "Driving a Cllr" by Marjorie Kieffer; vocal solo by Miss Mali Procter, "Sunshine of Your Smile" arid "Look for the Silver lining" accompaii:ed by Mrs. l! lame Nlz;.aee".11811 solo, 1‘4"., Nixon. The following members presco red the play, "Sister Sue", Margaret Wightmen, Marian Kieffer, jean Jim Spivey, Ivan Dow, aid Murray'Llociver, Following the play, Mrs, Nixon gb„anevricseeBov,t,eiinolainiritoigreeaffveeeir:(4`fatac'vtolgirarleile ll.wtsiiontill.0-1 aanadrrityfrisitlia:oriti ,, ,ltr.ltfrmrd and; Mr. d final number on the pro- Edgar, Kitchener, spdat o:II:he:era:7's Hornpipe". aby d:nutetel. ;he was aecompanied on the piano NU. and Mi's. Stewart -Copelaucl, Toronto,- and Mr, and Mrs. Jack hull- gram 1 was the play, "The Pink • day week-end with their even ts, Dress", which the Junior Farm- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cmeland, rs lied presented at the drama I Mt. and Mrs. (1. L. Dobson [ma 'festival in the spring and had, Sally, aceotopani-cl 'by Miss Helen aken the winning honors, Tak.rig McGee, spera the weds-end at e', ')a,rt in .the play were, Mnis Ruth trailer home at the l:;Ic lla(c'M . Bee Illovilen and The singing of the national an- them closed the program, ------- Len Crawford Motors , Your Dodge, DeSoto and Simca Dealer Phone 710 Whigharn ..iiismifformaramaarim. SEE. WHAT YOU'RE MISSING MONTH Whighani Advance-1SM 1,VedneaeteY, It 20r. 19•04) SCOUTS- .ATTEND rowrot -s .DRIVE 4N .Limited CLINTON ONTARIO Featuring the fairgest Wide Screen tn iluron County TWO shwa Nightly, Itehl or Clea r 4st Show at Dusk AdlatisSion; hie On'drew Under 12 in L'a's Free T(- URSDA.Y and FRIDA,Y May 9,4 aini "ME FLYLNC FONTAINEE".. Colour) Michael Callan Evy Harland (One Stooge C'sitnedo (One Musical Featm'ette) (One Cartoon) I'..ATITIDAY and. MONDAY May 28 and 80. — Double Feature — "1001 ARABIAN • NIGHTS" (Colour) Mr, Magoo ''THE 7th CAVALRY" (Colour) Randolph Scott -- Barbara Hale (One Cartoon) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 31 and June 1 "JEANNE EAGELS" Adult Entertainment Kim Novak -- Jeff Chandler (One Cartoon) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB THEARTE NIGHT Llasinnar DRIVE- IN LISTOWEL THURA. - -FRI, MAY 26 - 27 "THEY CAME TO CORDURA" Colour CinemaScope Gary COoper, Rita Hayworth • SAT. - MON. MAY 28 - 30 Double Feature "COMANCHIE STATIONS" Randolph Scott, Nancy Gates "HAVE ROCKET, WILL TRAVEL" The Three Stooges TUES. - WED. MAY 31 - JUNE "JEANNE EAGELS" Adult Entertainment - Kim Novak, Jeff Chandler ADMISSION 65e — Children under 12 in cars Free. Box Office opens at 8 p.m. WITH THE SCOUTS Beigrave, Troop The regular meeting of the Belgrave Boy Scouts Was held on May 17. Scoutnienster, Lorne Camp hell led in several games. A discussion was held about go• .ng to camp and the patrol the points to go. Ml-mbers cf this patrol are Ronnie Nicholson, Ralph. Logan, - Clayton Robinson, Lob Taylor, and Jack Marks. These boys will represent Belgrave and accompanied by Scoutmaster Lorne Campbell. The meeting was closed with the lowering of the flag. GORRIE Best wishes go to Mrs, Prances Strong, who had an 88th birthday on . Tuesday, May ].7th. Her sclaaighter i. Mrs. Carl Peaniagtoyv,of Teeswater, spent the day with her, also the other members -of her fam- ily, Sbe 'received many cards and gifts, Mrs. Strong has -fairly good health. Mr. and Mrs. .Tack Evers of To- ronto spent the week-end and boil- day with Mr, and Mrs, Manfred Irwin. Mrs. Myra Simpson, of London, visited her mother, Mrs. Bertha Plant, over the week-end. Mr. R. T. Bennett went to Ras- seau on Friday. Mr. Chester Ben- nett • spent a few days with his brother. Harold King, Glenn Underwood and Ken Underwood motored up our Saturday for the week-end and holiday. Attending the Huron .Deanery meeting on Wednesday in •••••••,,,,*