The Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-05-25, Page 74a:intim abOaturZinu%
OX' TAlai0 wroNgspAy, Amy 1$0,, lop
Trousseau Tea
For .Dorothy Toner
f IORRIE •Mrs, Irving Toner wan
hostess at a trotteeeatt tea at her
borne on Saturday afternoon and
evening for her eeungest daughter,
Dorothy, whose Marriage to Peter
Harrison, Ilarriston, taken Piaea
Saturday, May 28th.
Mrs. Max Bell received the guesta
at the door and Mrs. Toner and
Mrs. Gordon Harrison welcomed
them. Displaying the troiteimeau. was
Helen Mame; Mrs. Wilmer Rosa
clothes; Ruth Toner and Miss .8414,
,larrison, the gilts, Crystal Harri-
son was In charge of the gut*
CJIATSWORTai PEOPLE aiERE-aUnited. Church families from the.
four-point Chatsworth charge was pictured as they enjoyed. supper
served by ,the ladies of the Wingham United Church. Seventy men
trom We charge appeared on Sing Time Sunday afternoon, while
their families toured the station, had, stAnper at 'the church and latex'
attended the evening servicia—Photo by Connell,
United church W. A.
Plans Garden:Party
Woman's Assoc-
iation of the Gorrie United Church.
met' in the Ili/wren nail on 17/00
nekidaa, The . South. Friendship.
Circle had ehasge ser •
- &Rh Mrs. James Dunbar presiding
-"or the wersbip peaty'
The meeting opened with Mrs.
Hamy labarne nt the piano. Mrs.
Dewitt Mams read, the
followed by prayer by • Mrs. J.
The theme of the meeting was
'a 'at'. aira. Deena a in game
:he topic, said, "Faith is our only
lope of salvetion," 0,n11 when Coe
-ad "lie ye faithful unto death'
i; makes us realize the ,truth. of
his statement.
Mrs, Clifford Pyke, president
onducted the business, Piara
Aron madeslor the garden part:
to be held In June, Mrs. Ia. Far.
deb gave a report on the decision
m a new 'oil furnace and wash.
sooma to be installed in the neat
Suture. It was decided to discon-
tinue the nursery,
The eorrimittep in charge served
Mrs. Joseph Horton is a patient
in Wingham General Hospital and.
Keith Johnston was a patient for
a short time after having received
a hurt from a fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Messer of
Toronto, 'spent the week-end at
their summer home here.
Holiday visitors at the parsonage
with Mr, and Mrs, Alan H, Neelon
were Mr, and Mrs. Ed Smith and
family, of Ballinfad, Mr, and Mrs,
Arthur Edwards and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Fickling and family,
and Captain and Mrs, Fred Wat-
kins and family, all of London.
Mrs. Howard Black, of Toronto,
was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Sellers last week.
Mr. Cecil McKinnon of Toronto,
Peter McKay of Brussels, Mr. and
Mrs. J, K. McTavish and children
of Landon, were holiday visitors
1with Mr. and Mrs. R. al, McKin-
Girls Present Skit
At Institute Meet
"Home Economics and Health”
was, the topic for the regular meet-
ing of the Wingharn Women's.
Institute held on Thursday,
Miss Isabel Fortune anti afra.
Lapp were the program conveners.
There was a skit "How to Arrange
a Wardrobe", put on by three 4-I-I
Club girls, which was enjoyed by
all present. The roll call wits an-
swered with a goad first aia hint.
Mrs. Burrell, Miss Bower, and
Mrs, McLaughlin all gave a report
on the district, annual held in
Londesboro on May 18. Mrs. Omar
Haselgrove gave a report on the
convention in Guelph, May 4, 5, d.
Lunch was served by the hostess-
es, MrS. Frank Edgar, Miss J.
Murray, Mrs. Weir, Mrs. Hopper,
Plan Exhibit for
Achievement Day
BLUEVALE- -The Bluevale Bells,
Group Two, held their eighth and
final meeting on Tuesday, May 17,
at the home of the leader, Mrs,
Alex Corrigan,
The roll call was answered by
presentation of the record books
up to date. The exhibit for Achieve-
ment Day was discussed, 'to be held
in the first week of July,
Mrs. Corrigan reviewed the main
points of the club work. The girls
filled a beef and pork 'chart dur-
ing their course on "Meat in the
Mrs. Corrigan and Joan McFar,„
lane demonstrated howa to make
savoury salad.
The meeting closed with the sing-
ing of ."The Queen".
Palmerston Hospital oil Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. L, Melones ac-
companied Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-
Innes of Bluevale to Toronto on
Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs.
Elgin McInnes.
Mrs. Myras Bates' and Anges and
Mrs, M. Katclieuls, of Teeswater,
spent Saturday with Mrs. Ann Rit-
chie. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown,
Betty Ann, and Cindy of Moles-
worth and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gal-
loway and . family of Galt were
Sunday visitors at the same home.
'Mrs, Ruby Goodwin, Lloydmin-
ster, Alta., was a recent visitor with.
Mrs. Effie McCrackin.
Mr. and Mrs, Alvin -Simpson and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry King return-
ed Sunday night from a motor trip
to Detroit and Windsor.
Mrs, Tessie Zimmerman returned
Thursday from visiting with her
daughter, 'Mrs. Jack Shiells of
Patsy Keil of Clifford spent the
holiday with her aather, Mr, Geo.•
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Saing spent
Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Flenallarainerl ilattsaaotaMatattoWataa
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Earls, Lynne
- Time bet table was lovely with
sink ant white mums and spring
flowers were used throughout the
house. Pouring tea lathe afternoon
were Mrs. Everett Carson and Mrs.
Wm, Tilden with Mrs. Dick .0ar-
eon and Mrs. Wm. Connell serving.
In the evening Mrs. Earl. Toner,
Mrs. F, White and Mrs: Rus,
Ernst' poured with Mai. Norman
Carson and Elaine Miller serving.
Other helpers were Mrs. Arehie
Miller, Mrs. Alvin Grainger, Mrs,
Russell Powell, Mrs. Bev. Breams,
Mrs. Art Gibson, Mrs, Tom Olarals
ha, Mrs, Jim Walsh and Miss Mar-
lene Walsh,
Dorothy was honored at a mis-
cellaneous shower an Thursday
evening at the home of Mrs. Ar-
chie Miller. Several contests were
conducted during „ the evening.
Little Miss Marilyn Bell brought in
a prettily decorated baby carriage
with the gifts. .
After the opening of the gifts
lunch was served. Assisting the
hostess were Mrs, Bev. Brears-,
Mrs. Alvin Grainger, Mrs, Tom
O'irrafka and Elaine Miller.
)31.111,DING VAULT—The local nrancre of tne storourem-sionarnion Bank,
whielt,will build a new structure' this year, is, moving into -temporary
quarters in the former Crompton building, In °rams to provide storage
a vault is being constructed in the building. Shown above are John
Donnell and Dermon Muse:heal of the bank's premises department as
they start the brick work for the, vault. —Advance-Times Photo.
DONNYBROOK Bluevale Institute
At County Home
BLUEVALE — A very epeciat
birthday party was arranged by
Bluevale Womens' Institute at the
Huron County Home, Clinton, pn
May 18th. Superintendent Harvey
Johnston and Mrs. Johnston welei
corned the visitors to the spaciot sseeeseee-teseseasse es...seam— a see s
the Mrs. Charles It/fathers presented
M rs, corsages and gifts to six residents
of the Home, whose birthdays were
ook in the month of May.
Church Service
BLTJEVALE Maitland Lodge
LodgelQpi.38';'a4lintd R eid:rsVr 44:1eri'e ret*stie
body at Bluevale United Chruch on
Sunday. The parade was led by
Pipers McFarlane.
The minister, Mr. Alan H. Neelon,
preached from the text. "The
Greatest of These", Using the word
"Love", he illustrated four charac-
teristics which love embraces: L
for loyalty; 0 for open-hearted-
ness; V for virtuous living and E
for eagerness 'to serve.
Assisting in the service were
Brother W. Casliek, P.G., and
Sister'F. Maclntyre, N.G. The choir
sang an anthem and Brother Ross
Smith sang the solo "0 Brother
The service was well attended.
and Leone of London spent
week-end and holiday with
William Doig and Hugh. .
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hanbr
of Atwood, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Shiell and family of Wingham, Miss
Betty Zimmerman and Mr. James
Andari of Clinton were Sunday
guests of Mrs. Sanford Zimmer-
Mr, and Mrs. Graham Hastie,
Harriston, visited, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Edgar on Sundey.
Mr. Birks Robertson, Teeswater,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Glad Edgar.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cameron
and family of Hamilton and Miss
Wilma Jean Edgat of Sarnia were
Mrs. Sperling Johnston, president
()fettle Bluevale Women's Institute,
addressed the gathering and was in
charge of the program. Community
anging was a feature in which the
residents took part and was con-
ducted by Mrs. George Hethering-
ton with Mrs. Carl Johnston at the
piano. Mrs. John Wiekstead sang
a solo and Mrs. Hetherington gave
humorous readings. Choruses, were
sung by a number of the Bluevale
A tour of the building, followed
The Friendly, Fours of the Cur-
rie United Church will meet at the
home of Mrs. -Albert Dustow on
Thursday at 8.15 pan, The com-
mittee in charge will be Mrs. Bill
Nay, Mrs. H, Hamilton and Mrs.
ft, Carson, '
The Woman's 'Missionary So-
ciety of Gorrie United Church will
'meet in the church hall on June
1st at 2.30 P.M. with Mrs. Burrell
of, Wingham, and Miss Elva, Hap-
''er • as guest speakers., Commit-
-UseiPseattlasiaare KM. asciAtlaigUiltre
Mrs. K. Mastic and Mrs. R, Adams. • Mr, • and Mrs, Joseph Gillander
sf Windsor spent the week-end at
the hump of Mr. and Mrs. Justin
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Itoch vis-
aed' Mr. and Mrs. John Koch on
atinslay evening.
Mrs. Jame8 Edwards is a pa-
pent in the, Palmerston General
Hospi tal.
Tom Hastie, Toronto, spent the
holiday week-end with Mr. and
Mrs, Ken Hestia
Mrs. Carl Gregg and Mr. George
Gregg, Toronto, were. at their
home over the week-end.
Mrs. Ann Ritchie called on Mr,
and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy, Tees-
water, on Sunday.
Mr. and, Mrs. William Edwards,
London, visited Mrs. J. Edwards -in
holiday and week-end guests of the serving of refreshments by the
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Edgar. Bluevale group and the staff.
GORR:DI—The Garth, community
ball was filled to capacity "on
Thursday evening when the schools
of East /lowlier preaentad a con-
cert, under the direction of Miss
Jean Campbell of Listowel, teach-
er of. music, Clare Harris was
Oraclesa I and ft gave the opening
numbers. Canada's history was then
shown by costumes, ,songs and
period in the history ----- first the
Indians no to , 153e; . then the
French and later the English, Irish
and Scotch settlers, Following. the
First and Second World War per-
iods, Hollondere and Austrians
were portrayed. . •
Highlights of the program was
the soldier boys from the Fordwich
senior -room in uniform and the
stirring marches and war time pa-
triotic songs in 'which the entire
group of children joined in singing,
4110 'The girls of the senior room sang
"When on My Day of Life. the.
Night Is Falling'", wearing choir
Assisting Miss Campbell were
Mrs, Lyle Murray and Mrs, John
McGregor, as accompanists, and
other teachers, Miss Campbell was
presented ,with a gift. Family Reunion at .
Jefferson Home
At Convocation
In Si. Catharines
Harold A. Watson of London
was re-elected on May 17th as the
Grand Master of the Grand Black
Chapter of Ontario West, at the
fletn annual convocation held in St,
Catharines, May 15-17. His associ-
ate officers were also re-elected
for a second term. Delegates from
nearly 60 municipalities, from
Windsor to Peterboro to Fort Wil-
liam numbering 125, attended the
A distinctive feature of the meet-
ings was the many special guests
who were received and heard from
during the three-day event. These
included Most Wm'. Sir Kt. Arthur
Holden, Grand Master of the Grand
Chapter of British America, M,W,
Sir Kt. James Jackson, P.G,M.,
R.W. Sir Kt. Harry Deyell, Grand
Master of Ontario 'East, Rt. Wor.
Bro. William Tatford, Grand Mas-
ter of the Grand Orange Dodge of
Ontario West, R,"eV, Bro. Morgan
Brown, Grand Master, G.O.L. of
Ontario East, M.W, Sir Kt. Joseph
Carson, Director of the Sentinel
and Orange Insurance, and John
Thompson of Pittsburg, Pa„ of the
Grand Black Chapter of the U.S.A.
During the sessions several spec-
ial events were held, On Sunday,
the annual 'divine service was held
at Queen St, Baptist Church, pre-
ceded by a memorial service at the
•On Monday the annual banquet
was attended by 125 guests, dele-
gates and wives. Mayor W. R.
Bald and his wife of St. Cathar-
ines wore special guests, Several
solos were sung by Major Honey
Church of the Salvation Army
Corps, accompanied by his daugh-
ter Patricia.
Following the dinner,, the Royal
'Black Degree was conferred on a
class of six candidates by R.B.P.
877 Guelph, under the direction of
R.W. Sir Kt. Whitney Street.
The sessions will be held in
Windsor in 1061 and in Fort Wil-
liam in 1062.
Huron County was represented
at the sessions by R.W.' Sir Kt,
Oliver Jacques, Hensel], R.W
Sr. M. Walter Scott, Belgravia and
V,W. Sr. Kt, Max Switzer, Wood-
Graduate Nurse
Miss Gloria, Elizabeth Stobo was
one .of the 77 graduate nurses, who
graduated from the Nursing School
of Victoria Hospital, London, on
Friday evening. Graduation exer-
cises Were held in Thames Hall of
Western University.
Miss Stream is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Stobo, R.R. 2,
Teeswater and was a graduate of
Wingham District High School.
Cub Honor Guard
At Church Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robinson
and family visited Sunday with
their uncle, Mr. Henry McClinchey
of Althorn,
Me. and Mrs. Sam Jefferson,
Newmarket; Mr. and Mrs, George
Reeves, Toronto and Miss Elaine
Jefferson, London spent the week-
„add, „WaSam , Mr., 'arta ,„Mess, Crsa elas,
Jefferson amid bther relatives.
Misses Jeseie. and Minnie Dunkie,
Moffat; and Mrs. Carl Beese, Mor-
rieton were week-end guests with
Mr. and Mrs., James Leddy,
Mr. Colin Dunaie, Moffat; Don-
ald and John Jefferson, Newmar-
ket; Miss Gladys Jefferson, Wood-
stock; Miss Irene Jefferson, Dunn-
ville; and Mrs. Fred Fredrickson,
Valley City, North Dakota were
holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Hilliard Jefferson and family.
Mr'. and Mrs. Lawrence Wyatt,
Larry, Joe and Terry Sue, London;
Mr. and Mrs. Don Jefferson and
Cheryl of Clinton were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John
Noble and faintly,
Mrs. Cecil Chamney of Wingham
spent the holiday with Mr. and
Mrs. Sani Thompson and family,
Miss Lucy Thompson of Bronte
visited ata her home here over the
Mr. and Mrs, Lyal Mulhern and
Rota of Chatham were guests of
Mr. and Mrs, Cyril' Boyle and
Mr, and Mrs, William. Thompson
and Bill of Minton, and Mrs. Mina
Sheridan of Oshawa, were Sunday
visitors with Mrs. John Thompson
and Howard.
Visitors with Miss johephimie
anti Mr. David McAllister on Sun-
day were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mole,
Walter and Nancy of Dungannan,
Miss Lucy Thompson of Brenta,
Mr, and Mrs, Lyal Man-tern and
Reta of Chatham.
Newman of North Bay and Andy
Paulipi of Kitchener. A guard of
honor was formed as the young'
couple emerged from the church
by twelve boys of No. 24 Kitchener
Cub Pada of which the bride has
been a 'leader.
Guests were received in the
church parlours, where the recep-
tion was held, by the bride's
mother who wore a light blue
jacket, dress with pink accessories-
and a corsage of pink roses. She
was assisted by the gr'oom's. =tilers
gowned in rosewood with white
aeeeSSOri PA: r corsage was
white varmint ;nee.
For her wedding trip Mrs, Paul-
ini an oyster coat ensemble
with chocolate brown accessories.
They will live in Kitchener.
White Chantilly lace over silk
organza, with a roar-tiered skirt,
was chosen by Nancy Hutcheson
as her wedding gown when she
became the bride of Matthew
Fantail on Saturday. A crown of
pearls held her 'shoulder-length
veil and she -carried a bouquet of
white roses and tinted blue corns-
Rev. T, Garnett Husser perfornm-
ed the ceremony at WI:maim:In
United Church, Weill guests were
present from Kitchener, Watetleo,
Hamilton, North Day, Toll 11/,
Clinton and Teestvater. The Male :
is a daughter of Mrs.. David
Hutcheson, and the groom's par-
ents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Pahlini of Kitchener,
Donald Watson wive his sister-
in-law In marriage.
Miss Dorothy Noticy of Torohto I
:was the maid of hemmer and Miss
Carol Pleteh of Kitchtmet was
bridesmaid. They wore baby blue
-organza, with white headdresaes,
gloves and shoes.
The flower girls and junior
1)1110mM-id. Gayle Vaal:seri rrf Clins •
ton and Judith and Carol Newman
of North Bay, needs of the bride.
wore identical cornflower bine
dotted nylon dresses with match-
leg gloves and headdresses.
Ed. Tears of Kitchener Wes best
mail and the nahers were Donald
Showers .Held
For Bride-Elect
The construction staff, Mallen-
Pr branch of the Bell Telephone
Co„ honored Miss Nancy 'Huteliteen
prim' to ner marriage en Satheday
and nreimenteil her with a steam
iron and a bread box.
One of her friend:: wen hostess at
a shower, when fa people enjoyed a
social evening nun presented Nancy
with an electric, floor polisher.
The Cubs In the pack of which
she is a leader, gave her rt. eat glass
amyl as a wedding gift.
School Area Holds
Variety Concert
The Colborne Township schools
presented a successful variety con-
cert et time Gaderich Collegiate In-
stitute on Friday with a large
crowd In attendieke, The pro-
m consisted of Oise cholla swig
in unison with descant, two and
three part, novelty songs, singing
games, folk dances, rhythm bands,
and sidle.
The chairmen for the evening
Was ,Tenses Pi'est. Mr. and Mrs.
-Glen Gardeer were present, Mr,
Gardner, sehoel inspector, com-
mented on the high standard of
Work presented by the Music
supervisor, teacher's and pupils.
Frank Moore, Sanford senior
room; Miss Lenore Harrison, Salt-
ford junior room; Miss Andrea Mc-
Cabe, Nile; Mrs, Annie lairtnigan,
Zion senior room; Mrs. Mary
Robinson, Zion junior ream; Bob
Gardner, Bentraller; and MM. Har-
old Bogie, Maitland, were the
teachers and Mrs. Elaine
Music supervisor,
DONNYBROOK---A -reunion of
the Jefferson families was held
Sunday at the home of Hilliard
Jefferson. Those attending were
Mr, and Mrs. George Jefferson,
Clinton; Miss Gladys Jefferson,
Reg.N., Woodstock; Miss Irene
Jefferson, Dunnville; Mr. Gordon
Jefferson and Cameron, Owen
Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Randall Dick,
Elizabeth and Ian, TorOnto Mr,
and Mrs. John Jefferson and Ina,
Fullerton; Mr. and Mrs, Robert
Laing, Marilyn and Mergaret,
Cromarty; Mr. and MI's. Bill Cites-
sell, Norman, Donald, Paul Joel
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing,
Lorraine and David, Cromarty;
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reihl amid
Michael, Stratford; Misses Mar-
garet and Laura Jefferson, Lon-
don; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jefferson,
Donald and. John, Newmarket;
Mr, and Mrs. George Reeves, Tor-
onto; Miss 'Elaine Jefferson, Lon-
don; Mr, and Mrs. Gorden Dow
and AIJIn, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs,
Bill Osborne, Barbara and Brenda,
Mr. and Mrs. Cameren Dow and
Kenneth, Puller-ton; Mr. Earl Dow,
aelthn; Ur. Colin and Misses 'Min-
nie and Jessie nullitie s Moffat;
Mts. Carl Breen Morristen; Mr.
and' Mrs. * Don Jefferson. and
Cheryl, Clinton: Mr. and Mot,
Janies Leddy, Me, and, Mrs. Charles
Jefferson, Mr, and Mrs. Wesley
Jefferson arid Debblealtar, and Mrs.
Jefferson, Louise, Bob,
Mary, Sharon and Linda all of
Donnybrook and a very special
'Al Seat, Mrs. Fred Fredrickson,
alley City, North Dakota. Al-
! though rained most of the
afteritooit rill had a good thew. .
the oldest inetriber of tit; local Army group betl'i in age aria years of
service. Bolet lit South Afriera she was inatvied in England at 'as
years of ago andeefinio to Canada in 1012. Her leasband pressed away
somne eight yenta ago, She has two sous, Arthur of Wingham,
whonl she !lees- and Richard of lihmestediee, AileanceeTimes PhOta.
CIKIATIMATI1S liOnt mammy -lor4. -tifolui Stone of Wiingiumen
celebrated her 10th idelaulay lest Wednesday and was, the honored
guest at a, special seaming in her honour at the Salvation Arley
She IS pictured arsine, reamtee. To the lefs are Envoy and trite,
Staidor Newman mid tight lift. find MrS. Jos, Beer. 1411.s, stole is