HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-05-18, Page 11MKT to build your profits! twirl am El in MN roll pram EASIEST POSSIBLE ENGINE MAINTENANCE. Routine service tune is cut to a minimum by efficient design. INDEPENDENT FRONT SUSPENSION. 1960's most revolutionary advance. Front torsion springs, plus easy-flexing Variable-Rate Z'-Stage Springs cut road shock way down. FOR A COMPLETE CHECK VISIT en's lignment Service Phone 355 Diagonal Road Wingharn toi••.••••••••••••••••=••••••q•s......mn.praa•••••••••••••••••ills••••amo.110•0•10.40••••=.0..“..10 wawa •••••••4 Winter has been hare on your car. Ali the bumps of bad roads mean that if is now time to check your WHEEL ALIGNMENT AND BALANCE Play Safe and Save at the same time. .-nar,-.....***••••••••••••1 WEEK-END - SPECIALS - et ReC. Sae .MIX.la) PICKLES oz, jar 29c Tan Tin Reg'. 4. for 044i CARNATION MILK, 4 far 59c Gowen. Dew Reg. Pe Yellow Quick MARGARINE , 1 lb pkg. 27c ,SPECTACULAR BANANA OFFEI R 5 LBS. 59 c Canada Dry Ginger Ale, large bottle, regulak pike with large Canada Dry Orange at 5c At Sam Bondi's Foodland Mkt. Free Delivery Phone 207 YOU'RE THINKING OF SPRINO BUT... . THINK SAFETY TOO! 4 • ,110': •"/ The Wingiront Adva»re-Titues, Weidnerid4y, ilithty VW 'YOUR LA,MILY 'S 0 STORE 11 LS..' SANDALS i»LE NA S . $298 to K95 White or Beige WINCH AM KEEP IN MIND- THE HURON COUNT', WORLD REFUGEE YEAR BLITZ MAY 16th to 21st . rd Over .25/,) delegates representing Mortielpal 'Recreation Committees from the entire Provinro of O»Larii... met at Cornwall on. May 4443 at the annual Ontario Recreation As- sociation eonforenee, Therne,,for the conference was "Prescrit4ton for Living", The MAO speakers at the banquets were Dr, Roby Kidd,- ,executive director, Canadiare:•Association. for Adult Edlication„ land, Friday; and. bather Andre RtMand, •OMT, Ottawa Uni- "'versity .SatItrday, Dr. Ithka-eflaress "Prescription. for moil te 7 pointedout 'various •••- Bill Conrort Is Named Vice-Pres., At O.R.A. Conference • oullelloolliallailm1110011101011 Farthitli Outfittiog. Store L E. • S L RUGGED,, ,.: DEPENDABLE 'TANDEMS. a Ns;: Chevrolet Tandems fea- ..:Ew .:.is., tore rugged twin 16,000 ,;:.4:*" ekt",,, lb. rear axles with forged m steel equalizing beams. •-••i 4. farts needed for healthful living. These included work, education, recreation in proper doses to brinLy about the greater degree of phys- ical and mental fitness needed to- day. Pother Retuma's address "Can We Hein 'Phis prescriptimi" out- HMO: flWallf; whereby reereation among, young petiole young adint.; nod elderly people, enn.nelp fill th e • prescription, Recreation nut limited' to sport only—but in its broader . meaning of varied leisure -time ac- tivities, hobbles, etc. There were also consultation . clinics for people from recreation' committees who felt a need for help in planning and operating various phases of their programs. Mr. c, L. Young, director of Corn-- munity Programs Branch, headed tip one of these valuable clinics and of Directors for their action. Fred Brookbank, of Toronto, was re.-elected president of ORA for a second- year, Vola vice-presidents were also elected: Mrs. Gladys .raeoble,, of Stratford; Doug Fowth- roP, 'earnWall; Wendell Brewster, Oshawa, and Bill Canion, Wing- ham, . OEI, • A very .Well-atterid.ed . Meeting of the•WOmen's Institute was held in ,the ehtb roomy on• Wednesday eve- ning. The topic for the- evening Was. "Education" 'and. the, roll call, "a Verse of memory wayit from school 'days". ..• Envoy G S. Newthan- was pre- sent and 'gave an, intensely inter- esting talk aliput•the work of the ,WilvatiOn'. Army,' • Tile - 'volunteer collectors for the Red. Shield Drive will be railing on the peciPle of the community soon and it_ is hoped they will meet with a hearty re- sponse. A • pleasing exhibit of the hats made at the 'millinery rapine was held, each lady -modelling her own hat.: Mrs. Eldon Renwick... gave a. splendid report of the convention for' conveners of public 'relations committees held at Guelph. Nilson' Piciten showed a half- hour film of,a trip which. included Midliurst, Santa's Village. 'at Brace- bridge, North Bay, Copper an across the bridge at 11/Witl»ac and down through Michigan, It was rntieh enjoyed. . A contest,. "Know Yotij:...Ontario" was 'conducted. by Mrs. R, Appleby with packages of flower .seeds as prizes. At the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served. 1 /4 Relgrave Troop Tice regiar meeting of the Bel, grave Boy Scouts ,was ,held ore Tuesday evening and they aiad as their guests, the Wingharn Boy Scants, plans had b'een made to play. -baseball but owing to the rainy weather of last week, games were played in the Arena. Scout. master, Lorne Campbell was in charge. • Following the games, lunch was served, Wing/gam Troop It is a long time since there has been any news of the Wingham Scouts and Cubs. At the moment they are without a meeting place but the boys, hope to get hack 'into operation again, The only, activity the Wingham Troop has had was last week when they were guests of the Belgrave Troop, The evening was thorough- ly enjoyed and the boys are grate- ful to the Belgrave Scouts for-the invitation. They were excellent hosts, Project is Now Completed BELMORE — The Budgeteers held their final meeting on May 14th at 2 p,m,. in the Belmore com- munity centre The meeting was opened in the tiOal manner by repeating the 4-H pledge, The minutes of the last meeting were read and the_ roll call, "My record book and 'file up to. date", was ans- wered, The girls made -covers for their record -hooks, Mrs, Kieffer asked some questions on the different cuts of meat. Mary volun- teered to prepare the demonstra- tion for Achievement Day, REFUGEE YEAR IS MEETING TOPIC - ST, HELENS—Mrs. W. I. Miller opened her home on Thursday for the monthly meeting of the W,M,S. and' the W.A. of the United Church with. 14 ladies present. Miss W. D. Rutherford, the vice 'President, Was Charge of the W.114.S., the theme of which Was on, the subject of World Refugee Year. Mrs. W, I. Miller read the Scrip- ture lesson. Mrs. John Cameron read an article about refugees in Europe and Mrs. W. A. Miller led in prayer. Miss Rutherford told of the canvass being, conducted for the World Refugee fund, The treasurer reported the Eas- ter Thankoffering to have been $26 and $61 had been sent to the treasurer, $5,94 -had been spent on Christmas gifts and cotton had been forwarded for a leper colony. In the roll call, 14 hospital and 3 home calls were reported. The chapters from the study book, "Africa Disturbed" were tak- en by Mrs. E. W. Rice. An in vitation frotn the Lucknow 'United SOCIAL EVFNIN6 The- lady bowlers held their an- nual -banquet -last Wednesday (ye-, ning at St. Paul's. Anglican Church and the prizes for the season's • play were -awarded by the pre.st- dent, Mrs. Winonah Elliott. ,The Oardellias, with Captain Irene perrott, Ruth Tiffin, Fran Edwards, Roberta Seddon, Marlon Underwood, Betty Ewing .and :Parkinson, won the league ,championship -trophy, The play-off champions were 'Ruth Thompson, Joan Fisber, Joan Colvin, Cathy Wolfe- and Phyllis Thompson and their captain, Sharon Brown. InclIvidnal prizes went to Sharon Brown, high average; Ruth Ron- son, high triple; Margaret .Tamie- son, high single; Marie Lavergne, bigh single playoffs -and Sharon Brown high triple. A special prize was -awarded to Mary Campbell for five years' perfect attendance, The election of officers for post year was field after the dinner. Marg ,Jamieson was elected presi- dent; Marg Keough secretary; Ruth Thompson, 'press secretary and Kathy Forsythe, treasurer, Appointed captains of the various teams •for next year were Gwen MacLaurin, Mary Campbell, no., herta Seddon, Thelma Rowsell; Hel- en Gardner and Lila Richey. Cards were 'played during the -evening. Roberta Seddon had the high score for ladies and Mrs. Brownlee was high for the lady Playing as a man, Doreen Wylie had tile most lone hands and the consolation prize went to Hilda Gordon. Nellie Gannett won the draw. ST. 'HELENS Rev. and Mrs, B. P. Green have returned from a ten-day visit with their son, Dr, Burdge and Mrs, Green and family at Stilwell, Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs, Callum Cameron and Carol of Detroit were. visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron, on Sunday, This community lost one of its oldest citizens in the death of Mr, James McQuillin. A life-long, high- ly respected resident, Mr, Mc. Quillin was in his 91st year. Church WM:S. for June 7th, was accepted. and plans made for a special number. The theme of the worship service for the W.A. conducted by Mrs, T. J. Todd was the spirit of the Lord is the candle of the Lord `Freedom in the Spirit", The meeting opened with the 'theme hymn, theme pray- er and the creed. Mrs, Lorne Durnin read the Scripture lesson and Mrs, Lorne Wood, the lesson thoughts, The treasurer reported $41,23 in the treasury, Ways of making money were discussed and it was decided to hold a tea on Jun6 23rd. The painting of the basement of the church was discussed and it was decided to get estimates on the cost. At the conclusion a pleasant social ham was spent with lunch served by-Miss Annie Durnin and Mrs. McNeil, • Men's Suits $29.95-$34.95-$39.95 5c Buys Extra Pr. of Pant . FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY MAY 21' TO JUNE 21 7.. •••••,^ THE BEST ENGINES FOR YOUR JOB! V8 or Six, every Chev- rolet engine packs the thrift, performance and dependa- bility ,every job needs. NEW ROOMINESS, LUXURY. Wider Seating, greater head-room, softer seats mean better con- ditions for your driver—better results for you, -outlinoti the help which is available • from this brunch for Muni,-ipa. 'Recreation. -Committees. 'There were ,several resOlutions : analog from the discussion groups. Inducted in these were a resolution. . asking that the province ha,T• periodic inspection of all public: buildings used for recreation nor-, po.sen to 'ensure safety tinder any and all conditions, A A' e3olution ask-, Mg that all grants for recreation hoill facilities and pr)-, gram, he handled by one -depart-.. meant instead of several, as at• present. A 'resolution dime the various; means of communication media he, used more to aeonaint the people of Ontario and Canada with brollal''' or concepts of recreation. These and several other "resplo.. dons, Were passed on to the Board, Phone 13:9 ,WIngham Whir ate chevrOlot Truc :-NQ 1 INn SALES'? The answer can only be that year after year, Chevrolet builds trucks . best in the opinion of men who know trucks best—the men who make a living fromtruck operation. AND HERE ARE JUST SOME OF THE REASONS WHY CHEVROLET TRUCKS ARE CANADA'S FINEST WINGHAM MOTORS- CHEVROLET'S POWER WORKS FOR ' YOUR PROFIT. Chevrolet's rug- ged transmissions turn torque into traction, the swiftest, most efficient way. - J gm* - activioes Whoa there son Y Wedding presents are for Both bride. and groom. That's Why modern electric household appliances `make such ideal gifts. The easy, carefree living that electricity provides is meant for sharing. No wonder electrical wedding gifts Are most wanted-by brides and PeopleWho Whop W;ngh m Road TheAdvance-Tintat ILAHY BOWLERS 110t11 HYDRO Is yours Girls are lucky...look at the presents they get! grooms. "Hers" ... the anticipa- tioli of work-saving, time-saving , convenience. —His" the appreciation of depend- able, economical service, "Theirs" the Awed pleasur0 in a gift ihat is as modern as they are ... in tune with today's LIVE 13ETTEtt way of life, ELECTRICALLY