HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-05-18, Page 8 memismiemeolealla i NEARLY 400 MEMBERS of the Ladies' Auxiliary of 1:he m dian Legion were on hand :foe the ZaneI. rally at Gorrie last Wednesday, which 'VMS a highly successful event, Pictured ;shove are Comrade Wilson, president -of - the Howick Auxiliary the host branch; Comrade jean Trairseridce, I3lytlt, 'Zone Sports Officer; Comrade Mary McCium of Fordwich, Zone Commander, who was re-elected for another two-year term and Comrade F. :Pegg, Toronto, Pro- vincial Chairlady, Ontario Command, who was guest speaker, ADMISSION 05e - Children under 12 in cars Free. Box Office opens at 8 p.m. Brownie' S DRIVE-IN Limited CLINTON - ONTARIO Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County Tivo Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear First Show at Dusk. Admission: 65c Children. Under 12 in Cars Free • THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 19 and 20 "ALIAS .JESSE JAMES" uColouri Bob Hope - Mon& Fleming (Two Cartoons) il.TCP.DAY ONLY - May 21 -Double Feature - "FORT MASSACRE" (Colour) (Ciriemaseope) heel "Vicente -- Susan Cabot "HONG KONG CONFIDENTIAL" 'Gene Barry Beverly Tyler (Orie Cartoon) SUNDAY M1DNITE arid. MONDAY -May 22 and 23 - Double Feature - ."GUNS, GIRLS AND GANGSTERS" Adult Entertainment Mamie Vannoren - Gerald Mohr "RIOT IN JUVENILE PRISON" Adult Entertainment Ma rcia Henderson -- Scott Mario (One (nttoon) WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY May 18-19-20-21 "GOLIATH AND THE BARBARIANS" Starring Steeve Reeves as the Giant of Giants, Ws loaded with suspense and exciting action. Watch CHNX-TV, Channel 8, for Details on This One. MON. - TUES. - WED. May 23 - 24 - 26 "THE WRECK OF THE MARY DEAR" Gary Cooper, Charlton Ilegton, Michael Redgrave and Cecil Parlthr team up to make this a very excit- ing and unusual yarn, 1110111111111111M1111111511111111111 11111111ii1111111111111111111101.11111111111•11.1111ii WED. - THURS. - FRI. May 18 - 19 - "CRY TOUGH" A Thrilling Modern Crime Story "INSIDE THE MAFIA" The Rash Hush Story Behind the Slack Hand of Crime Adult Entertainment SATURDAY ONLY -*MAY 21 "THE KETTLES IN THE OZARKS" MA, PA AND AIL THE RIDS "THE GUNMAN FROM LAREDO", Led by a Fiery Indian Girl Back to Laredo SPECTAT, SUNDAY MIDNIGHT Holiday Show - May 22 - 2 Real Creeps - "THE BLOOD OF THE VAMPIRE" Plus "THE MONSTER ON THE CAMPUS" Admit Entertalimient S artri 12,05 Sunday Midnight Sai 114ineo. James Darren, Susan Kohner t< t'he. Secret Of Mountain" Valerie. French, -Raymond Burr SATURDAY ONLY MAY 21 Double Feature , "TARAWA BEA,CH- .1 HEAD" Kerwin Mathews, Julie Adams • `FORBIDDEN ISLAND' Color Jon Hall, Nan Adams SUNDAY MIDNIGHT and MONDAY, MAY 22 - 23 "ZARAK" Color CinemaScope Victor Mature, Anita Ekberg TUES. - WED: MAY 24 - 25 'PAL JOEY" ts- Colour Rita Hayworth, Frank Sinatra CROWN Theatre - Harristou Telephone 152 TUESDAY and WENESDAY May 34 and 25 "FROM HERE TO ETERNITY'' Adult Entertainment Frank ,Sinatra -- Deborah. Herr (One CattOOn) 11111 Two Wonderful Comedy Attractions "IT HAPPENED TO JANE" Doris Day, Sack /Rittman 1111111n1111.1111111111,111[0111111111111111 MON. - TUES: WED. May 23 - 24 - 25 13ACHELOR HEARTS" Sweeping- Clearance , of Full Length Coats Better Coats ®- for after Easter Savings Every coat a Spring-inspired masterpiece The selection includes ranges selling for, as high as $59.50 Luxurious all wools, imported and domestics Wide selection of plain and fancy weaves Styled for spring - - many interesting fashion details Expertly tailored and finished Materials include Kitten-soft fleeces, durable eye-catching Tweeds, neat as a pin checks, casual gabardines • Every Coat Reduced for Quick Sale SAVE $10.0.0 TO $20.00 ON EVERY COAT COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION PRICE i$14.99 up C The Right Dress for You at the Right Price • Nearly,200 Dresses reduced from values to $21.50 10 Exciting spring styles at exciting Savings * The styles and 'fabrics are-so varied, we can only briefly summarize Here are Dresses with a bright future - • for you'll wear them now and right thru the summer! The savings are wondeful The group includes' flower-fresh Rayon Prints. cucumber-cool Cottons, Staple Crepes, Novelty Taffetas What a garden of colors. • OUTSTANDING. SAVINGS ARE YOURS AT $7.99 $9.99 $12.99 MISSES' T SHIRTS Combed Cotton Values to $3.95 949c = $1.49 $1.99 Girls' COTTON DRESSES Sizes 7 to 12 Values to $6.95 $3.99 = $4.99 FULL SLIPS Shadow Proofed $1.99 and $2.99 LADIES' BLOUSES Values to $6.95 $1.29 rllp BRASSIERE SPECIAL. Extra Value 69c and. 99c NO=IRON HALF SLIPS Terrylene and Acetate $1.99 and $2.98 HAT SPECIAL Values to $7.95 99c Misses' and Women's SWEATERS Value to $7.95 $2.99 up SHOP and SAVE Discounts 10 to 50° SHOP and SAVE Discounts 10 to 50° • MAY 18 9 Great Sale Days MAY 28 Coats, Suits, Dresses CLEARANCE 111111111111111111111.111111111 antta s Ladies' Wingharn Ontario - Save on this Spring's New *Suit Re-Priced for Substantial Savings • Regular values to $59.50 Save Now! • - on your new spring suit. There are suits for tawni suits for travel or suits for business or your social occasions. What a wonderful variety of quality suit fabrics! The styles are in , a splendid selection of the boxy look, the very feminine fitted line, the precisely tailored. The skirts are all tailored in a matching manner to blend in with the characteristics of the "topper" at these . prices. REDUCTIONS 20% TO 30°?o Sale Price -$19.99 up tot Weight, Feel$ Young -Ago% milansTfiNO, oN'T. "I have teen using &tic Naran Plan for arra clot ariii have lest 32 (pounds. I Wel twenty five rouriver and rerommehd N the uran 'flan to W;one tylm NITlilies to. InSe la(..e.s.s wkitht and. 100k Totinge7:-." R Lei5h- U3an, 'BE 1, ilittiri5tene, Ont. Too iraIgli v.-eight saps your Strength, ;,tilt feel tired, takt5 t4 tun ant o life. Bout lt:.0"cf•FA weight mrike von Ica-. 4-114 teei older than you are. Try the ii!al-611. Plan today, it's amaz- ing now -noteldv ,ou can lose VoUrlds krf unsightly fat right in. 'Your own hme, Get the Naran '.lair from your druirgist today, it iSi-Arople, ine-,:r.eiist,-e end .o14 money Vii.a.4iliciriliktee. • Liashmar DRIVE- IN LISTOWEL THURS. - HU!. MAY 19 - 20 Double Feature MRS ,1. STROM rim HISTORY OF 1111.A FORDWICH Trinity W.A.. met in :the church basement on Wed- nesday with V.; members and one visitor, M55. liViter presided. The .Scripture v.-as read by 1,7,1y4, eocw,v and Um 3. Strong gave a splehdid; report of the VO.'d 1.'nfo:psatt annual linen to it.oncioa April 20th and 27t1).. The W.A. was stewed 75, years : at.o with onit, a few members and.: etas griavn to iiii.d011 ssa-: for hi-at-101es. Diocesan W. A 'Ft-Laid:coffering inereased by 195,66 from .1.9.9 an all time high of $10149.29. Notice of the Dean- ery mesting to he held a31 Wingtiam un i".fay 18th ;.:as Mrs. Foster kd in the LitanY, Mrs. Ferguson had a chapter from the stmt.' boolt, Mr. Attwell suoke in support of the Huron Church News, daily Bible !•eadmg and centennial plans. Mrs. Strong will attend the work- shop at Huron College on May 27th to 29th. Committees to look after the bazaar in June were named. The bales were packed to go to- Cardston Residential School in Al- berta, as well as the Mohawk In-: stitute in Brantford, containing • layettes, new and used clothing and quilts, Mr. Attwell -closed with prayer I and lunch was served by Mrs. Gamble, Mrs. L. Jacques and Elva Foster. 'ORDWICH - The Hawk* gion Auxiliary Branch. was host, for the Zone rally -of Zone .elholt- Wednesday !riight when 12 branclvs. were present with about 200 ladies an attendance. Seated at On: table. on the platform van, Mra, jock 'Wilson, president of the local bramiti Mrs. William, McCann of Vorriwich, Zone room:min-kr: Jean FairaerviN of Walkeit.,,4, 04' - sports officer and Mrs. 1lore4ce ,Pegg, ,of Toronto, lirnriiiciat eh' r lady of the .C -ninand, who was the . guest speaker. Gilmore, -president of the la•: cal Legion, -brought greetings front the branch. Arthur tlihsoo, of Howic4, spoke -for the towtadito and; Rev. E. C. A•ttv.rell kate the in. vocation. Little Miss Connie and Ricky Clarke of Wronter saag two duets, accompanied on tit, piano by Miss Ann „Don;-;at, cf rox,eter. Mrs. Luella Hall of Myth pre, seated. the bowling trophy to a team from Goderich and also priz- es to the novice team front that, each. Mrs. Florence Pegg said service was the motto and the' auxiliaries! were hying up to it one hundred - W.A. Holds Meeting. BF,LmORE - The McIntosh Wo- men's Association was held at the Borne of Mrs. Bert Wylie on Mon- day of last week with a. good at- ter! d Ce. Mrs. - Jack berguson opened the meeting with devotional readings. It was ritelded to have t 'g ;teen party at the Molut,11 Church on June 22nd. lit.--mnants of -print were sorted to be used sfor making ar- ticles for a bazaar. The meeting closed witl. praver and tomb was served by the com- mittee is charge. per vent. ?he said quality, not quantity. was the main .characfer- t;0 to, lit for tii members. Mrs. A. E. i.latoders,..gorte com- mauler tor thie oronto area, spoke a few wards and congratulated the ladies on their :eomradeship in the rural Mrs. William .);Teetnin -of Ford - wich' was re-elected for 'another ' term as zone commas. A draw for three prizes was held. IA)ubuk lxinis e teasy of t 1.3y t lt npiblyimit,rs, e v1 easni jiye Mrs. Ken Simian-ton of Winginun and fancy towels by Mrs. Rathle,n Forster -of Lucknow, The meeting adjourned and the local branch served a delleions lunch. Will Attend Church Parade. FORDWICIi--The Ladles! Aux, airy to Howlett Legion, 307, met in the Legion hall Monday night with, Comrade .Jennie Wilson in the chair. Reports .wera given by coin- mittees that were in charge of the plans for the rally held on. Wed- nesday night, A donation was Made to t Camp Fund. Letters were re from several branches that wot be attending the rally. Members were reminded of the church ser- vice on. June 5th at 2,30 in the Clor- rie Presbyterian -Church. Several Were Paid. The meeting adjourned and a social half hottr was spent. Hold Ticket Draw For Building Project FoRmica __ The L.O.RA... will have the ticket draw On a (milt and cushion early June, the proceeds to go towards the building pro- ject. g • Plans were 'made for -flowers to be set on Memorial Mound and. the Orange Memorial Book is almost completed. A letter of thanks was read far the Easter parcel sent to the war veteran at Westminster Hospital. • rftwe 73104 The WI0014.4% AdvanCe-Times, WetioeSdaY, May 18, 1960 "THE GENE KRUPA STORY" TWELVE BRANCHES ATTEND ZONE MY