HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-05-18, Page 6Billy O'CONNOR HIS BAND AND 10 STARS OF TV, STAGE and . RADIO Present a Spectacular FLOOR SHOW • AND DANCE in. LUCKNOW ARENA TUE., MAY 24th 8.30- to 10.30 DancMg'td'1.00 Auspices Lucknow District Lions Club ALL. FOR 11.00 "T-D Safety Deposit Bpxes offer you maxi- mum protection for such valuables as property deeds, mortgage docu- ments, insurance policies, stocks and bonds, jewel- lery and all of those small, important things that would be impossible to replace should they be lost, destroyed or atolen. safety Deposit poxes are located inside the maxi- mum-security, fire-proof vaults you see in every Toronto-Dominion branch. Your valuables are doubly secure be- cause you are the only person who can open the box, Renting a Safety Deposit Box is easy and economi- cal. For less than two cents per day you can enjoy the satisfaction and peace of mind that comes with the knowledge that your valuables are safe and secure. Safety Deposit Boxes are typical of the many con., venient services available iat your neighbourhood Toronto-Dominion branch,. Be sure to visit the one nearest you soon. You'll really enjoy our kind of "interested" service. See for yourself 'shy 3-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE • g • • * • • • Y JOINT 1VMS SERVICE AT UNITED CHURCH rt-rrthsaha Advance-Time* Paler S.4 Wed,,, 'gay 1,5, IOW WROXETER Hear Report of Dist. Executive. ST: HELENS-The May meeting of the Women's Institute was held In the community hail with 20. la- dies. answering the roll call of Items from the press of work done in other branches, During the business meeting it was decided to, hold evening meets. ings for the inontha. of June, Aug. ust and September, to start at 8.30. July is to be children's day meet, ing usual. Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, district, vitt.. ector, ga:Ve a report of the district. executive meeting, held in Dun- gannon, Mrs. E, Barbour gave her paper, "Snags and Snails in In Work". During the progrs he group was favoured with readings by Mrs. James Aitcheson, Mrs. Wil- liam G. Humphrey, Mrs. -- Harold Gaunt, and a. piano itistrumental by Mrs. E. W. Rice, Mrs. Rose Gammie conducted a contest on flowers and Mrs. Wil- liam Pardon won the prize. A read-s lug for mothers was give,11 by Mrs. Barbour. The motto, "Why find fault when there are so many nicer things to find?" was ably given by Mrs, T. J. Todd. The national anthem and, W.I, grace .brought an enjoyable meeting to a close with the cour- tesy remarks given by Mrs, Frank McQuillan to the hostesses for a very delicious lunch, C. KO 0 1'4 S • Mr. and Mrs. Parish Moffat, of Teeswater, worthy patron and worthy matron of the local chapter Of the Order of the Eastern Star, honored four past patrons and eleven past matrons in a very im- pressive ceremony on Tuesday evening of last week. There was a good attendance. Mrs. George Guest sang "Teach Me to Pray", at the ,.close of the ceremony. Mrs, ,Jack Reavie described their trip this' winter to California and the West Coast and showed movies, A social time was enjoyed during the lunch period, convened by Mrs. Lillie Arkell, of Teeswater, and her committee. Mrs. Alec Nelhery Arranges Program Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith spent Sunday afternoon with, Mr. WI Carson, Listowel. We are pleased to hear Mrs. Ro- bert IVICMichael has been able to leave the hospital and. is at the home of her son, Mr, Harvey Mc- Michael. Mrs. Oliver Riley and daughters. Brussels, spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCuteheon. Mrs, Glenn McMichael and Miss Joyce Ford were visitors during the week-end with. Miss Marguerite Ford, Stouffville. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and Mr. John MacNaughton, Wingham, attended church service at. Wrox- eter on Sunday. Bonnie, Ronnie and Brian Elliott sold tags for the Wingham General Hospital on Saturday._ The- sales were quite successful and the people of Wroxeter are .to be thanked for their support, " Mr. and Mrs. Art Gibson at- tended the reception and dance at Belgrave on Friday night for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna, in hon- or of their 25th wedding anniver- sary, C ?remony Held Huron Chapter ii NOW IS THE TIME TO RESERVE BUSES ‘FOR YOUR. SCHOOL OUTING .Licensed and Insured to operate in U.S,A. RIDE IN COMFORT Highway Type Coaches with Reclining Seats TOUR SPECIALISTS 4 VOR INFORMATION PHONE- Western Ontario Motorways • LONDON GEN. 9-9881 on H. Jackson, Wingham 539w iet me show you how easy. it Is to safeguard your valuables in T-D SAFETY DEPOSIT Boxes .Dairy-Calf Club. Holds 'May Meeting The May meeting of the Blyth .Lions Dairy Calf Club was held cat atiay 5th at the farm of Bob Henry,. The meeting opened With the leader expressing a wel- come t0 all the members present, The -president,. Douglas Bell, was chairman, The roll call was answered 'by sixteen members. The minutes of the last meeting were read. The agricultnial representative Donald Grieve, introduced Gary Chamberland, student assistant for Huron County, Mr. Grieve demon- 4644'a:41e of Mr. Henry's Holstein cows, explaining the points to look for in judging dairy - cattle, Gary, Chamberland explained "Fee0 N4Liki 'Management of Dairy Livestrithh• to. the 4-11 members, A written quiz was then answered. Mr, Henry spoke for a few minutes on -his new milking setup, and al-layered many'questions ask- Oti by tir6 members„ Duke Bylsma thanked Mr. Henry for having the meeting at his farni,to, which Mr. Henry replied. The meeting closed by repeating the 4-H pledge. The members were then invited to the house where Mrs. Henry served a most. delicious lunch. On behalf of the 4-EL mem- bers Dorene Howatt thanked Mrs. Henry. OFFICERS ELECTED AT RHINO RALLY .001O0$--The combined W.M,S, Auxiliaries of the Gorrie. Wroxeter and Fordwich United Churches .41S0. the COIN: and girls met in the G.orrie 'United Church -on. May 9th. More than, 70 were in atten- dance, , .The FOrdWiehs W.M.S. was In charge of opening devotions, Mrs. Stan Pride leading with a prayer,. a poem and a hynrri. Mrs. WM. Wilson read Scripture, Mrs. Robt: Gibson reviewed the reading "Eel- lowship with Each Other and .with God", referring to our church sending missionaries to Angola,. and eaying "Would we welcome in our church one from Angola?"' A trio was sung, by Mrs. Ken Gra., .ham, Mrs. Geo, Richards and Miss Minnie Malwalne. Mrs; Crosby Sothern closed devotions' with prayer. The film of the people of Angola was shown depicting the hardships 'al* suffering the natives have to endure yet they are alwagil cheer fill, They sing, not cry over their troubles. Rev. J. Ewart Clarke introduced the guest. speaker, Rev, T. Gil- christ, of..Grand alley who, told. cif, the rapid changes in Africa in the -way of living, and of the race troubles, uprising,s and blood shed.. The Africans of today are so anxious to learn to read and write. They will trade food and walk hundreds of miles' to get a chance. He said missionaries mean so. IMO to so many of the African people. Mrs. Harold Doig thanked the speaker on behalf of the societies. 1104.M.11•44/...•••.n...cluel...NMANI.,41•11.1.10•1404.•..u.•“.04010.14esimmim0.111.3.101•411•11.0.164111111111H11 111 1101/1.401.0.10p.10.11INDOellW1.01Mr took. at- This .; May 134rgajn,, .t Walker tionio L $18.56; Campbell's Gai'age,botts• and washers, $3,12; Wm. MUnde'lla license and rent of truck, $27.00; Burns Moffatt, account, $7.80. Foxton-Malvey-That we do now adjourn to meet ,an june 4th, at 1.30 p.m. John V, Fischer, W. Jack Willits, Cleric. Reeve. BELGRAVE -The regular meet- ing of the Ladies' Guild of Trinity Anglican. Church was held at the home of Mrs. Richard Procter on Tuesday afternoon, wi the presi- dent, Mrs. Clare VanCamp in charge. She, opened the meeting with a hymn, prayer and the Lord's prayer in unison. Mrs. Cora Mc- Gill read the Scripture lesson. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. Richard Procter and the financial statement was read by Mrs. Cooper Nethery, A card of thanks was read from Mrs. Mel Bradburn. Plans were made for a group to go to the hospital to help with the mending and a conirriittec' was appointed to inquire about ma- terial to make surplices for the members of the junior choir. Plans were made .to invite the members of the guilds from Blyth, Brussels, Wingham. and Auburn to meet at the church on June 9, • Mrs. Alec Nethery was in charge of the program. The members ians- wered the roll call with the name of a boy from the - Old Testament. Mrs.-Nethery read two poems, "The Folly of Parson Brown" and "Bless- ings". Sandra and Marjorie Proc- ter gave a vocal duet, accompanied by Joyce Procter. Joyce also gave a piano solo. Mrs. Nethery conducted a "con- test and . a sale of miscellaneous articles was held. The meeting closed with prayer, grace was sung and lunch was served by the host- ess. ...41111111111111111111•111111. APPOINT MEMBERS TO PLANNING BOARD BOOKCASE BED IN SONORA', SAND FINISH (Light Brown) REGULAR PRICE $199.00 NOW ONLY - Walker Home Furnishings Phone 106 S. J. WALKER ' Wingham o-IN•104.1.1..e.f.r.1.11..c3stleiget.ani.m.wpami•tleinbImileiSimmil.110041m..M.411111.41.6111•041Mnmalmoaembar1161110/.41111•0,1m1M.MpaisTIOIMPt appal911.1=•111.o.sea.mt The regular meeting of Turn- berry Township council was held in the council chambers on 'Satur- day, May 7, at 1.30 p.m„ with all members present, the reeve, W. Jack Willits, presiding. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and adopted on motion of Herb Foxton and A. D. Smith. - Communications were received and read from Department of Planning and Development, the On- tario Municipal Board, Toronto, and Wm, Renwick, cleric-treasurer of Wingham. Mulvey-Appleby -- That By-law No.'7-60 be read a first and second time. - Appleby-Mulvey-That we recom- mend to the Wingham Council that Douglas McPherson he appointed as a member of the Wingham and ii AUBURN • Knox Presbyterian Church, Auburn, was filled to capacity when Young People from the Huron-Maitland Presbytery as- sembled for their missionary rally. The president of the Auburn group, Edgar Leatherland, gave the call to worship and Margaret Haines presided at the organ. Clinton was the only YPS in the Presbytery not represented. Edgar opened the meeting by singing "The Church's One Found- ation". Marie Leatherland read the Scripture, and all repeated the Lord's prayer. Edgar welcomed everyone and turned the meeting over to the Presbytery president, Ross Smith, of Brussels. He spoke on the mission rally and introduced the guest speaker, Miss Hilda Hermanson, missionary on furlough from Formosa, now Taiwan, who has served on that mission field for 28 years. She described the people of that Hand, and told about their way of living and how the Gospel mes- sage is being ,told in the country. As a missionary nurse she, de- soribed the terrible filth and dis- ease found there and how the peo- ple are being brought toJesus through the work done by the nurses and doctors. She told about the schools, colleges and univer- sities and asked the Young People to pray for this work being car- ried on. „Miss Mermanson superintendent of nurses for many years but the government has asked her to teach health and hygiene. Ross thanked the speaker for her address' and invited all to the Sabbath school room where a fire- side meeting was held. Miss Her- manson showed pictures of her work, the country and the people with whom she lives, and nye re- marks as the pictures were shown by Miss Barbara Woodruff, deacon- ess of Knox Church, Goderich, A sing-song led by Miss Jean Smith, of Brussels, and the elec- tion of officers was conducted by Rev. L. Elder, of Seaforth. Ross Smith read the report of the no- minating committee, in the absence of Murray Gaunt, of Whitechprch. Others on this committee were Or- lin Walsh. of Kincardine, Erlma Percy, of Kinlough, George Vais. of Hensall, and Ross Smith,. of Brussels. These officers will be in- stalled at the fall rally in Kin- cardine in September. The officers are: Hon. Pres.. George Vais, Hensall; past presi- dent, Ross Smith, Brussels; presi- dent, Mary Scott, Wingham; 1st vice-president, Mervyn :McKinney, Teeswater; 2nd vice-president, Jim Dougall, Hensall; secretary, Erl- ma Jean 'Percy, Kinlough; treasur- er, Bessie Moffat, TeesWater; wor- ship convener, Jack Clements, Goderich; fellowship convener, Jim Young, Kincardine; missions, Cath- arine Simpson, Molesworth; song leader, Jean, Smith, Brussels; pianist, Riphard Watson, Goderich; Editor, Jim Hyde, The stewardship and evangelist convenership was turned back to the nominating committee to be filled. This inspiring service was brought to a close by the benedic- tion and lunch was .served by the Auburn Young People. Turnberry Planning Boned for a term of three years; and Walter Woods for a term of two years, and A. D. Smith representing the council "for a term of one year.,. Foxton-Smith-That the general and read accounts be passed and paid, as presented. • 'General Accounts • McKay's Nursing 'Home, $176.50; Harry C. 1VIerkley„ (relief account), $59.67; H. N. Gowdy, (relief .a'eet,), $51.10; relief, $50.00; Wingham Advance-Times, $8.21; .Association of Assessing Officers, membership, $10.00; - Canada Packers, Clinton, warble fly powder, $276.75; Mac Backer, , warble fly spraying, $476.33; John V. Fischer, pt. salary $45.00, mileage $5.60, $50,60; James J. Elliott, pt, salary, $200.00; Blue-, vale street lights, $37.50; Lower Wingham street lights,, $38.00; John Milligan, Hyslop drain, $5.66; John Glousher, Cruiltshank drain,' $18.40; Percy Biggs, Cruiksha,nk drain, $6.00; Monteith & Monteith, audi- tors, $375,00; Mrs. A. D. Smith, un- employment insurance, $5.28, - unemployment insurance, $5.28. Pay Roll Ted 'Holloway, $2,25; Geo. Green- away, $11.25; Bruce Montgomery, $187.36; Fleming Johnston, $99.00; Geo. Gallaway, $187.36; Wm, Mundell, $225.00. .• Read Accounts Township of Turnberry, Baird drain, $58.67; Township of Turn- berry, Hyslop drain,, $60.34; Town- ship of Turnberry, Cruilishatik drain, $273.45; Township of Howick, boundary account; $490,15; Andy's Garage, repair trtielt, $240.00; H, C. MacLean, truck insurance, $22,88; Supertest Petroleum' Corp. fuel oil, $263,40; State Farm Mutual, grader insurance, $62.09; Wroxeter Tele- phone, tolls, $16.05; Presbyterian Church, shed rent, 000.00; Everett Cathers, hauling gravel, $68.25; Ken. McMichael, rent of tractor, $153.01; Andy 1VIeMichael, snow fence removal, $60.50; Geo. Glousli- er, snow fence removal, $6.00; Beaver Lumber Co., plywood signs, PAY TEN, PERCENT DOWN , GET THE BESTa. DEAL AROUND ! ! 6. - are for To prove it -- Here's a Promise from CAR ICING "I GUARANTEE TO TOP Any Car Deal in Ontario TATS WEEK'S SALES PEARSON 3 cars in London 2 tars Goderich 1 car in Seaforth 1 car in Parkhill 3 cars in Clinton 2 cars in Wingham 1 car in Lucknow 7 cars in Zurich and Exeter 1 car in Grand Bend 20 CARS SOLD ! t 1 Zurich, VAUXHALL MOTORS TRUCKS BEDFORD VANS PONTIAC - BUICK - LTD. BANK (OR :GIVE YOU FREE GAS Min) fivfit people Tae. ilia difference at TORONT00 DOMINION R. Michie Hostess To Meat Chefs (Late for last week) I3ELGRAVE - The Meat Chefs held their fifth meeting on May 4th at the home of Ruth Michie. The usual opening exercises were held and Joyce Procter read the minutes. Eight girls answered the roll call with a suggestion for one way to improve food selection. Mrs. Irwin explained the various cuts of pork and the girls were asked to complete the pork chart in the members" pamphlet. Mrs. Johnson gave "Secrets of Pork Cookery" and Rath Michie gave a demonstration on pan frying liver, Linda Johnson cooked' baedit and the inernbers enjoyed eating the liver arid bacon, The home assignment was given and it Ware announced that the next meeting would be held on the afternoon of May 14, • a • Exeter THE CAR kING HURON COUNTY 103 CARS LEFT I t ittiNSTEUTLER, Manager Wingham Omit A, E. GRAHAM, Mon r Gorier iironth