HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-05-18, Page 3A VILLAGE CHANGES The year was 1898 . the scene an Ontario village. A local historian, reflecting on the things she remembered about the village, wrote that the village had "No electricity, no stone roads, no radio, no telephone, just coal oil lamps for light." Today in her village the coal oil lamp has van- ished, pavement covers the dirt roads, and tele- phones, radios, and electric lights are taken for grained, These changes were possible 'because of steel. In 1898, Canada made less than 10 pounds of steel' per person. 'Last year, the country's steel" industry produced 660 pounds of steel per person. This higher productivity comes from factories Canadians have built, For example, The Steel Company of Canada, Limited has invested nearly P65,000,000 in plants and equipment since the Company started operations fifty years ago. Canadians produce more mainly because Ca- nadian companies are continually improving their plants and equipment. , THE STEEL COMPANY. OF 'CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON ORANTFORD TORONTO Canadian-made steel from Conadiam-owned plants 60/113 Would you cast a stone? Only those without sin, said the 11Itster, may judge the erring. - - This girl and her unborn, babe may be the *lefts of bliotrayal, or of the mother's weakness or folly. The Salvation Army merely , asks, are they friendless and in need? In ita hospitals,, havens and homes, mother and child receive loving care and- the opportunity for a happy future. To maintain this and its other works of therty, The Salvation Army asks your belt). Your contribution will bring you the joy .bf helping othe,rs to build-happy, useful lives. Campaign will run for the entire month of Marty---Objective $9,2 00 ENVOY fit. S, NEWMAN, Phone 129, Wi;tighatn The understanding heart ahCtlio human touch BLUE" CONFINED AT LLOYD. FACTORY A. fire tvihich brace out in the sawdust room at the new G. Lloyd and Son -factory. early Friday morning was brought wider control. by. the local brigade vidthout serious damage being done to the building, Fire- men are pictured above as they 'poured. water into the sawdust, The blaze produced a choking, heavy smoke filled with fine &TO as the streams of 'water Caere into play. $11111110211111111MARUNIMIMIPM1111 DOMINION MIX 'EM OR MATCH 'EM TENDER — YORK CHOICE CUT ENS 4 MEET AND TENDER — UNCREST UNGRADED' (4 ICE PE S la ;ELLENT FOR SALADS— PANTRY SHELF ma Fun Flakes 4 0 I T OZ TINS KVA* SALAD DRESSING CLE WHIP iftAT 39c JARS 49c vAintks EFrIrlys 1t4 - WINGuAM Cle‘—`1". TrPsE SAT., MAY 21 PEACHES • 3 1g INS OZ. ' T HEINZ COOKED PAGHEITI 3 Ifif 9( 'BRAVO PLAIN SPAGHETTI CE . • 2 tc/Y7 'T I NS LRIGHT'S CHOICE II iLVES HEAT AND SERVE YORK In Tamale Sauce DEMI/ WITH POR'' 61- 4 20 OZ.a.A TINS 41. Al 1/46 IS OZ. TINS 49c 49c 49c S1R SPECIAL SWEET TREAT FANCY CRUSHED BISCUIT FEATURE "HILLTOP" PARTY TREAT— SWISS CHOCOLATE' CRAMS STRAWBERRY CREAMS BUTTERSCOTCH CREAMS CHOCOLATE CREAMS YOUR CHOICE ONE FULL POUND PINEAPPLE 31.v .59c i LOOK WHAT 69c WILL ELM ARROW STANDARD DESSERT PEARS MITCHELL'S -FANCY APPLESAUCE 20;17. 69c CANDY FEATURE! DO KOH "PURE MILK" CHOCOLATE BUDS SPECIAL POUND 6 ONE FULL VOWS ROVIN04,4r FAAA VtAlletS Jewel Shortening 21 t4, Pk4.1" $c Prem. 'Lunch Wat. )4 et. tis4 27t wifei, Beef Ski 39t tand 2 I 044t, Pard. Dog food 4 is 'ot -*** Alt Merehreidlse inadakieti et ynlyr DomIniais Store+ is uiscomPlonisiiy guarailieed to wive you 100% sistisfactiois. DOMINION Mk LIMITED .=1**MINMONIMIAMOMM IN0JLI-1.1L-11-10U-LLAA-A-. DAISY BRAND bittAKFAtr I IR. PKG. GOLDEN RIPE Miss. Sharon Metlacy ofkBelmore spent last week-end with Miss (741,01 Kell. Mr. and Mrs. Claus O'Kraflta Spent Sunday with friends hi Galt. Mrs. Russejl, Dilworth mid Mr.. Glenn Dihvorth of •grh.o], spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Har- old. Ifyildman, Mrs, Dilweitth. will remain for a longer visit with her daughter. Mrs. George Brown has been ill -at her home for the past two weeks. The W.A. will meet on Wednes- day evening. at 8,15 at the ehureh, The Smith FriendShip Circle will he in eharge. At the Presbyterian Church on May 8th the- Rev. W. j. S. Mc- Clure baptized. Richard Kirk, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Blake McMillan and Vicky Allison, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Gerry Browns . Attending the annual meeting of the East Huron District Women's Institute, at Cranbrook on Tuesday of last week were Mrs. Glenn Johnston, mrs, Harry Rhame, Mrs, them after spending several weeks - Willard Willard Peel, Mrs. Clarence Stokes in Toronto, and Mrs, Norman. Wade. Mrs, Congratniatlex4 to. MiS0e0. Karen Itliaine is district secretary-trews- • Michel' and lielen Maros, students Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Iluehanan Ur" for another year, of Stratford Teacbers' College, who. and John of Inverhuron visited Mr, The lieu. K. and Mrs, Clark have„, been , granted#0:ir first, year and Mrs. Lloyd Griffith onTues. R B Tues.- and the Rev. !v, C. and 1Vffid, trying: externs. 4""ra'''' are fitly Attwell were in Arthur on Thurs- taking' two. year courses” They re- turned Friday to their respective homes,. Me, and Mrs, Percy -Celiner of Toronto spent Sunday With the. latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Bra est King and celebrated Mrs. King's 84th birthday, which was on Saturday. Other umber of the family joined them. Best wishes go to Mrs, King. Word has been received here that the Rev, J. C. and Mrs. Caley, David arid Winifred are moving to• Stockton, California. Mr. .Cagey was rector of .Stl, Stephen's- Angli' can Church, Gorrle, also Fordwich and Wroxeter from, 1045 to. 1955. He has been rector of St. Philip's Church, Coalinga, Gal., for about five years. Mrs, Orville Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Tiffin and family of White- church spent Sunday with. Mr. and. Mrs. T. L, McInnes. ONE Tom Hastie and Bob Black were home from Toronto at the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Rawilorne,, Listowel, spent Sunday with Mr, ,SenimanotettsnomtmrnisiomiltilOriPloiloW11011P01110.00pipwlimIgigpoOlilmoppiproillioNAMOOSWISHAMIW.0,1-1411001 e WinOmq)24,4vslitcloqfm6s, 111 tolottid#11. Nay 1,s,, SPECIAL, OFFER DINNERWARE 66,piece service for 8 - $4$.00 y .. day evening for the Scouter's! -ban- quet bola there. • Mr. Jim Walker of Brampton spent Saturday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Walker, Fraser Ashton of Lucknow, grandson of Mr, and Mrs. HtitOn Ashton, was chosen "King" at the Lucknow High School. This in- cludes high academic standing as well as sports and. Popularity. . Mrs. James Hocy of Fort Lauder- dale, Florida, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Lucille SandersOn. Mrs. Ernest King, Mrs. Harry King, Mr. and Mrs. Earl King and Carol, Also Mr. Mel Allan were in London on Thursday, -The Rev. 1,. Q. Attwell, Wayne King and Grant Day, also Ford- wieh 11,Y P A. members attended a Diocesan AX,P.A, gathering in Owen Sound on Saturday. nir. unit Mrs. Lloyd Hockridge and Tinimie of Scarborough spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ilyndman rind other friends. Mrki. M. D. Irwin returned with children, Kingsville, Mr. and Mrs. E1.1404 Riley and Mr, and Mrs. Everett Miller, Leamington spent S unday. with r. and. Mrs. Justin Will. Jack King of Toronto spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank King, Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Graham and sons 'were week-end visitors with relatives' in Wallaceburg and at- tended the. wedding of Mrs, Gra- bath's niece. Members of the Junior Auxiliary and their leader, Mrs. C. C. Attwell, attended the Junior Auxiliary Rally of the -Huron Deanery in Goderich on Saturday afternoon. Miss Thel- ma -Bennett accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gathers, Wroxeter, Mr. and 'Mrs. Arnold Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finlay and Mr and Mrs. Harry Gowdy were supper guests on -Saturday evening of Mr.,:,and Mrs. Roy Gowdy, Mr. Cliff Pyke is a -patient in the Palmerston Hospital: • • Miss Joan Calhoun of Stratford was a guest of Miss Helen Adams over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finlay, who spent the. winter in London, have rehirnbd to- their home here. Mr, . and 'Mrs. McDonald of Chesley and Mr. and Mrs. Metcalfe of '.:Gtamis visited Miss Beatrice Pagel 'on Sunday. Mrs'. Bertha Plant returned home from Palmerston Hospital on Tues- day of last week, She IS spending a few. days at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Glad Edgar. I'Vo Accidents,' No In,j uries , GoRRIE_ Harry dowdy had a narrow escape on Saturday when the ,truck he was driving was hit by a CNB, train hear W114;1111)11. Mr, Gowdy was delivering lumber to Adair's broiler plant on the Mc- Lean sideroad at the time of the accident. He was not injured but the back of his truck was badly damaged. Hotiald Mann of the Toronto- Dominion Bank stuff also escaped injury in an accident one morning last week' when his car overturned. Extensive damage was done to the vehicle. BLUEVALE Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Paterson and Mrs. Fred Stroudger of 'l'o- ronto visited at the home of Miss Mary Duff last week. Mrs. Sparling Johnston, Mrs. Mel Craig and Miss Ruby Duff attend- ed the East Huron 'District Wo- men's Institute meking at Cran- brook on May 10th, Albert Hertog held a, sale of household effects on Saturday, He is returning to his homeland, Hol- land, .his wife. and -children having gone some -months ago. Mt. and Mrs. William Beville and daughters of London were week- end *visitors at the parsonage with Mt. and Mrs. A. H. Neekin. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott visited at Walton -an Sunday, MIA, John Mckee of Montreal is visiting her mother, Mrs. Jos, Cur- tis, and Miss Margaret. Misses Margaret and Rota Og- ram of Toronto were ,recent, vial- tors at the borne of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Gteenaway. Arnold Lillow mid Ernie King are enjoying a. ,fishing trip In Northern Ontario. Mt. and Mrs. Frank Stomper vis- ited at Dungannon on Sunday. Oltievale Belles, Group One. held their final meeting at the home of Mrs, Mel, Craig last week when plans for achievement day -were Made. '`111s group. studying "Meat in the Mcmi" were led -by Mrs. W. J. Peacock and Mrs. M. Craig. 001481-1 -COUNTOYSILliK .801.1NiK and .Mrs, Harry Mastic.. SUnday Services Mr.. and Mrs. Glenn Will and Ai United Church GORRIE-,-At the morning ser-, vice at the Gerrie, United Church Mr. Earl Patt of IVIonkton spoke on the work of the Gidcons. Forest Lodge, A,F, A,M. 'held their annual church -service • in the evening, over 50 Masons at- tending, • The Rev, J. W. 1-lird was the preacher, tile Rev, J. 1,;wart Clarke assisting, Vv. Bird's text was "Let every 1nan take heed how he buildeth there upon. "Every man Is the builder of an unknown cathedral. Masons should strive to put into effect on the street and every where the principles of Ma- sonry. The choir with Miss Ruth. Toner at the organ sang the anthem "He Is the Guardian of My Soul". Ceci Folding Aluminum AWNINGS LUMBER — Telephone 260 Walpole FLOOR Aluminum WALL SASH TILES DOOR BOLDING CUFBOARDS Winghatn Just like milk - butter belongs on your family table. ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCENR* MARKETING BOARD. REPRESENTING 50,000 CREAM PROOLICfg PhIONE 250 WINGIAAIVI. ONTARIO- m..0.00004,0.00110,,1 lllll MO0000116 llllll ill1111101114 111,111114411111 llllllll MOW.; ll I llll pt100101;) lllll /10,10110,;14M404 \WNW\ 'WAY/ \NA 94kitr. "Wye Valley" Do.n completely gador glt14 " M EH EWELLERYt