HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-05-18, Page 2U. a -Two Tht ' 'IngTttt;ity AarlRncnx-" 1 wed t iw AM ti x CO YOU �N Meeting- rece'lltly to - ill ak-t. Iftils for their snlnivaer r -o ram, the nlleiin hers of t1w locaal Recreation Coln- Illittee di,c aic'sed the need ttlr adults to aa.s,i,t with the -various sport-, 'itshich are e. rritatl out ditrillr the &I'Mlller llldllltll . N\ ith dtlzeus of yong ;Ill 1nnxitllis it) get ill: on tilt, failn, the llurdell is Simply Tot) nannt h for rine faithful few who have been eaapryiup, the Roast tiza far. if We fall that te-llen it i, known that help i- needed edl there vdll lit' plennt e of This is the t cps. 01 x onup people's work which 1s familiar to ui aiat: tat the Filen in the WVRE SO INNOCENT Not ,ills a tine davs of the Sliez crisi, hle;e petellle ill the Western section ,If the ertlrlti lleell as deeply 41W'k-etj .:, the'C !'6'ffe 0'lc'r tile' 'aj nlia>ion1 dial an American plane had .actttIll 11d't,ia c.aaight anti, :hot down N41 :a SpyingL flight over ventral Ras • A i. M tist o lis, reaciett with an. "it d`:a1a"t tat' 14 -ale" attittattt'. p l•�dia,v ta,ale:°e Can we zg°-e$ ; Bev ause we :algia, a\ -, a ie w our own caltse _;1. s llciing taf anti essii e right sat andlistti tt e k1oWr reheat. that onr militarists w.ala lira + tudlaita i iYa anv underh ud �.'�ilttl+.t' e.8$ta ,lY''t' Ota �dlaie3,i'ai:l�li lstlmrldi i€ee all Flie brays izliallediately heftsre Pearl llarlliw, When the ainl ha`a-sa4or from Japan saliled alld tocithii i zissal ed. tisk' president o the l`ani4eel Stales Ili -it Tapan had: uk-ahin lawn 10noTherly lave for the Awerie tans,. Sda . Ole kniericaiuk believed t liter e014e sell tiat a ntal tale, didn't 11wher 141 maintain evell basic, iniorYl adoll Channels and as a, result daree-quarters of the Pacific fleet went to the tlom:ann$. Thosr "rano :are responsible for our alefeilc'e silliply have to know skinnething-aboa$t \ihat preparations 'a potential enemy $nnivlit be ma in!. The Soviet, being a police state, where iAl . ;:, is ntann led', there is nava wav iof findinlg mitt what gie+e x-11 holilld the Troll Curtain wi'theml 41� IYLg, 011 the other hand our mews .caaz r`�d hertz art do mit spok en that the Rai„iaans would kaloe3 nine - tenths, of slur defence story by simply 1; ll in. :a. tete newspapers. If we think the Ainericzin $unitary fader, ~te;er-e stupid it-, penult spy Rigyhis, just imagine lnoa,3 n�lnwh nniore tepid we e'1 ouldi helieve them to be if ftsim it ourselves under Batt wk tram new anti completely :'t'e re: F soviet wea p ons. 'Nnl$n:aalle' Mr. R. is making the ae oso of !Che. ", Ca4i -,m i*V.: use lit' $$eeJej a good pnopa;.;;aindaa instnunent ftir the iordid-onzhkg ;n nianlit a onferen;ct', The patiern is Y:t,er -et. We 7�ho'aalel hear r"dt'9d18t'ria�� 21� f8d4tY1 1 +nor Russian '41'C'Anting so that rat the rest cd the a word in. 'AnorM i SCARCE SOLITUDE f.�f11> Bio i:� a bi!v }�t$'d" `ince. Its 9aFt area into u nendinll, dhl :ta9ace. i1owev en•. within tine part fe`;¢,h ,k..ears the 'g ---Nal t'SF$IIQ`lcwtv':s has be- tC(M+ e pp�ts t9 l lg l a : f fit H i9uK F+t'35 it,ll ' Sia"ard to fhai a"a spot in whida lade $c�g�re tyrnily_%,- a'ltoa�e. t'1lae fact ��la'l the, 'atixl'li%i#1 er s, fliaat jonl' a`3 `anal", prt:q -txtifin 41it thegen- eral publir ever xv alms tai he alon , even 42)14 a cant ing trip. Tbw4sewho, II7at7'J� It ale r .: di417 wn' -h fug,$ ti a$'ti e elop :a l anging that is, liar to ! is i sf,*. 1't tii'ev go to the hi ,a ` a the-' ,,ta:'rcely f6n4i mrmD tc, !tae Inn the s=tair" I ithol;t a bend. of colher hon, ansa iron ever v sDaae, The camping, Siw,, t.`tlII' t�4�l.'i$''iIIt3II atlnf' proving e are iS}; 9rslr$1f'.t ci t"apma^t'1a y in i lie tt'1'y` rtt+F3-s- tnC,i tfiv_M and qrV*,r die-�� a��Hr°':, are <mY'i' xA,-4 with lfkhtlnam, lab"° thcise wht� thituk Thi Wingham Advance - toes P'-!Vr >i, WAOX04, WG A*x11 r. U%* a fd ` ;t uxtr :1t!e-4 d t r"Aht-14 tp A*thbttfkkl1 u* _%W.M 144, ftak f w-jt+t n#vk k* 0ANVOU 4", ' . I& odftoce rev*** Uw*Wo ; cc,zilalnannlity alld t1wre will probably Ile ttlativ who are iinl.iotis to offtcr assistance in this line. Silnee, early evenings during' tht' week :aild ;oultll $attirdaav mornings are illy tine -m, when the lids are in .'action, the snllerriyion would lint seriolaslti affect t nnul4t 34111ts. If you :art:' dile of diw;' '`:`ho Ilan, tilt"" necessary e\perienoe, sioii't lie­!- late iedbate tjo offer your service-;.. It will he sincerely appreciated. G.et in touch with Charles 1lerrutt, ;etre tart' of the recreation,,group, or an\ other mernberof the coli nnlittee- they are fishermen. All this er tiwding, of course. spell, booze tildes for the ve,;ort op- erzatom and fishing camp owners. Fishing spots, even ill the fan` North are gaiznin- sneer ell'stlllliers, every year. Last sillmiler we 'travelled Borth to capreol by Czar, ellen all - other 112 miles farther uorth by rai)-and Nvlaat dirt we #izld A beautiful camp --crowded with fish- ertnien, some of theni frani as tali' away as West Virgghnia. There is real talite in a tett• hilears Spelit all alulle. It gae-es alinst of it', a. mance for.`' little quiet retiecticni which is never possible ill the burly- burly urlybu rl`n' of modern Boase and hilsiueSS life. Ili such quiet hour one may t oute to Annie fresh conclusion aboaFt hilliself. Oil the tether hand perhaps we are happier without the.:e concha - sinus. TOO CLOSE TOGE'T'HER :�s L r la kn '� � B e i ca e Irate ., the s}avail,, has become the season of financial campaig'lls. We have Easter Seals, Red Cross; Salvation army -- and this year the c tolle titin for refuge.es. as well as numerous callers. All of these projects hat e ee: orthy motives, hitt it would appear haat some changes in thning are needed If :all lire to Succeed. This year, in particular it is plana that there is great need -taf co- ordianatetl planning- to the groups responsible for there ra$lipaignis. T'la Salvation lv collection Da i, mit t t t`tampleteti and those who hre worh- iai_ ou Clad' project have been met in several instances b hrtnYsela,elldler, who have stated that they are with- holding part or all of their donations for the World Refugee Year C'dallec- titlil. Sin":e b atli (Ii, these eollletclidlns :fie ft'ar tile Verb fitleSk Of P111"pw;CS., it is tragic that they are so close to 4ine a9ntither- s We believe thai the tinge leas i:"aowe tt' r the eN-ecut$e'fc'S Concerned 891 all'ilae ge ner:al ecxlleclions tin get lo- gethear far a re-$aaapping of their It l$a s en *t gge' 'tec'i colt iiia mer gavz that -we - uinld have a Red Feather caffipaig- n here ---one Uk" Airi're for the entire year, in which IIhe n e4s syr 0 tilt' da9,~.airaia a3$aaras .isaal cl$aaa tie•; Ise loa ked after. Some gale t 4n, tend irh a single cana- paiFn iv,-3airla never raise the too al -wlnkch i- a.i pre-e>nt reaDiziNl frdi$nn sep3rate That ,inn V toe Irene, haat there a!� Aanrely a Ihnait to the mizalIer oii times flue -ansae r>,ec p:e imn coo` tr5hate in one year. HOUSING PICK UP7. Roguing sales are siartang iota iriz to �, ,alul hese �,eetsna tit he taii real .r w its T"la l „ 4 nal po5t. wafer -ill '�J$,rtu'lI'e tier �C`��a,r�a. Sliglady tloveir za tw�a' ea 4af lh;&na .inng; tnnha :. hitt cogni- pletions are s capsligbaly ooveir la:t y,eanr 14:4 O63 e+ Th* I"3oi n ing Say inuitte lwaQ, never hF`sriiII tC7at-t�e td7)Y "�l:iw3 wIIeti hat" the next mn,on1h ox Six week 'r,tela41,ra;) n" -"fie - Tb re 1has �hefm a iig sl*p- np An ��tiCrilv_ ,, in a11 4 l` Af:`r IND BANQUET -The, Fordivich itttert edlate boelms, tenni Isere, also on hand for the hockey uigi)t at For>dJ,vieh last, Fr day. `l"rarr} olentbera sire, frOlitr mw left to right, tilennn Johnston, tilers Zurbrigg, Mirold Gibson, Jams 'tfnnu; baek ruts, non. King, a Ai tantk :coach, Ivan Calupbell. Bob Gibson, All atexvart, uiaziager, Gordon Mann and Gleu Wallace* conch, Absent were Frsdser McClenient. Jack Dim,, more, Mull Ilut(ta and .Lina ratters011,-1: hotos .by t'.anuell. BANT-01 TRA'Af-The F"or1wich Banttatnt tetras Donald ` T33or, DanRuttmr41?,eter Porde, JohnCh rs• eais} enjoyed � 9 gser�!i� evening rncIule., hao .Norxwx��%tIson. Peter Heil,Fritz Fordes front, lett to rl_ght, Jack Ruttasi, Brian Allen, Fmser Les toughen, coach, Leonard iLvnk Winkel, alb,son, Ronald Hibberd; cenn re, Bruce Rea nedy, .Iliac Duke a James Shylikar � �taining the 'mast tient• nienibers �OARD DISCUSSES , during the year. The trophy was t;sintiaratec. #mea pageone �. 11 awarded by Divisional Supreme Church. • lie gnnd3nated frons tae- lMonarehars Sheik Stan Byles of traria i"aaieeassi3> wit9r a P.A. degree ROUTINE A 1 �'S flg Ottawaand taus restsated. to. 'Mr. in l:1M aniffrorn Emmanuel C'o#fegt, 'i:Zeeion at the 1)41i3et VA "tars with hbq RD in 10641. on Deli. 13th The ata,y7 oweting of the win.-�da * naight, heforR ran audience, of he Wa3s exaniared by Huron Pa*.lby- aaam District Mgh Sehool Board',, � pPolife. tery and r'sed� minended fair ➢:genas- was held at the school oil T'lannrsday" o Pe le. Dresser of 13TiiadsOr, in:g and dardination. "ening of last ":eek. Mantes of ;f N'lany members of the lei inghasm the previous, raneetiaig aJrd current Past Grand Chaplain of the Gratis. t'nitfd ('hureb and frcerds ()f Jima ac ce-unts were approved. � Lodge saf Ontaria, 1.0.4CLF utas Shynkiar attended alae sere'ke ;arid The decision x as reached to elected the neer Divisional 'Supreme ttei�eptiona of c-r+.aards for Mr. and ]told Open Hoigse at the school vn': Xfonarchuk Mrs.Mvnkar, l:e$d in the azi= *xffay- Itat from 7 gem. to 1OZ5 P.m ;! L oval neem who are members of r ,:. Minae �anr 131E <ir a'laaa -ir. I ny a rd "r>i3t to fi.•te rsint+ gd=sspeet public gra old I Sahara sanctora rn are 13arsey rc�,:eptiosa was i,liair�l Sty P.aa.�ia }�z:3rturaity � irsper. �+asth the older , Zarb gg, wbe w0ko y ed Me FIenn- Mart of the School as well as the ; Aitcheson, Reuben Appleby, 'Nelson tams tY the israsl3stery and C.:iler new sting whirls aliened .earlier this ii Pieltell and Myrton shaeMeton-of v2sat5cag aa> nlsters. Severa i s;okj? year. Principal Fl. Madill shall speak;l1'l�s`nghann, rats Neelon, Ha E'l- ai.dl o\tfnded. FJeat scathes tt3- tht, to Grade Ll students Haat evening., ilo'tt and James Johmton of Blue young vouplt�: , ba are "raving to Courses araila bee. vs.e, shor tls, for the .`3 dyr lakm r� ;�^,4rz The property coo nrattee reported ;1 f eAl., t.nf't: WPM g3sra r1"_ .eta 'Mr. tura$ snlyd.img andfesaemg ►a,^.11 bel 0.. Satarrdsy Brenn. the Adonis d r.. aytal,a. aS:t3 lsa`, b, iczgiainx". and sa!d that sri auatesti-;;$aractoraann arrow Brantford. ion- the Fv9lx�.aaaic, d3r saai�aacs fts of tine rase ,real be made into tine, ferrel the Degree orf liunaiiity an a cihar<h- Lf, f)3'ffsOIA RDAz1,] the priaprr number and tyre of fare =class of etihill hies In the MO -P. Af errysafari Anvaliziry 43f the W.?tt a 3fia.a as?neaythat are ae qui red in i lodgesu7¢aahxs in Se3dort3a the EV f, jr,ag Anax*uliny, td.e Y"3tan9: the huildinaa, 't 'Bean- Aaa-sdieasrc„ the C,131`.':, Flag traraii1rfiatiosi, easmmittde-e ae-? # t the Sund.asa lzieh� aril also a gaff , >partedf d2nj "Otte ef �tt3e laws Bines � �'�d�lf#�a�,� �� ���� �2(It:7T f ianf a n, ! , i"bFr cf t�eati_cde5 o f the�1sa syr h aaig a han di, A a.r.,s dtss3ar� G,f .I `'x L"gha= polo a °i 1. b� zs regm5m encs for the, fall soa.-ft , y� �: r .rear aye �y.i tt; LSs. -lea" n tock p'!are. Im-riled 60 ` t?k" rs, the gc°: ssoatuLr at ta-_ r�tt` The pr3nieipsl a portzd3 that Met! lter3 +t bur .h bast arta vat lLw evi • c�de4 ataspee xai and . a (zentli:ned , 2W. ;and Mrs. Waller Ira gidge nmg ..t*deg 4�f 1:6S a)3zt at. =Jaaai;:wa-i-andet dare, wuss to be; bre in 'femme alta Sas id3y when 11tk- Yc__aas i'ex e?s "s cat . 3ft_a Bald a3, the Peals -'Hing Monday. Hca- i"latives of- MOW and UnklAter .rh .as f3 :• g >J i pre=f:.i�. Um ra ms for Aprif, he said, was 5.11 'fa es ga*tbelVd 41to.aceuor _'ASr. and wr'it`s a 2O1, Saadratta *sa.b an aavE�raage of MAiR;Y11M A. ""i'c�r�'''Niekoi. The couple t ti3a ,ems I3 ewes 3 t Lei-. pcprzent ca#tr-a�3a^ak , Ht- ai'td, rt- ,: t aaaarra GJ ve�ass :ago, ?rSay? itis Jam .i.,l tr"»] r,Y'.. jaj, V.,x- za:e parled utast s ekacg tfe0d 'at eel !Cavil the CiO-c-sr,00n .vias UPM data a{ t" laasw tome. a.auzr:b: II..._.dvm rs�n�i. be °weuJ Ctrl ":djai 24tb, Ott $�:nday, _-at, the home of Melt a2d ",.i rh_ars&as, . �.p• �: ' a: f iha3 t d str zt feel d ,aaaeet vcol4 be , 4-'sst later, Mrs, west: P=, !u, ..l bt- +x,'n?ai�ed ai KrSftra-viw4 , =d V�fi b�,- Izc-&i at airaan -Mr. and 1,fm :&Ubel ary natives St A..dvr %'s t`hazAa, Z= 0. ittcbe--r --5tb. Two =ifadents, d.- winghatt; ,'.11ze is the former Jaxe $Yeah- i Aon a L.Jn klater. Mr. !,T9vhol was a here its his *243f years ' . f % `�" t :k �e ers!,ap 4; it at f.;a a>e CO-4g9.::and tken became a traveller for a ��'1j owlin wr --h-l.g tbrs t -u :r. ,l inxrdwasd� rc r . They re --Med she b" and agf� i i n. try the ex- i on Vag sa l'"d. Tte y� mnveA dui Yy?iE# -4!Pz i9 ✓ LM;c`c4Se =t,*l Pw� was i3ez ,of le�,rs,e %iiiii-ni to zbe MUM. jI IjGadGnri �wkr ` 3,ears .":go, and ', adz �u t'caa 'ea t9- min;:ar to W 1 Where he Ar*uncd from hss tiaa-4ung hz33 sat: i�_ .- �'A=e rf s Ix -an _ oarater sa�Ih tt9 e s r +Qmaog 1:eld of the vera »f Jdanp ;n r na din. t .tz ; p aryl a 3 a h iia stare K-s*rz se's. rt sx s fi f,i5 II l2 tie aha laat.e�ii >,.933i of cs i1 rtiel ;ata �9e caQ, �.eh3 to pfr res st itla .max >u „ st'hzid dao igen a s_:lis ax �t9aer. ijbig sot,, t'Lenra4b.. =d a U: ,s-�s:�� was hr .1 c^ it.ae rf3�ea� �ri�a9l] .''."red. st "fie deZetr�-aSs me t�ufri l� yew gge_ They Dive in their G,wm &_z;- SMne ter h a s ggd�t �s for ." ;h��e, 7a'1ls. �W��aal' fuss n=e lints d'- 1we Cn_ etla s:va exec ipat aa7 �r5a LFaSr T ___ r c f yg_: vas c_n Gsai4, -►;. M -_e lxmr3a et d> "tbnl work a rdf -Mr. ;hiish:sf Boss to work ,Fmnp a.._a 0Ew en %_arb' tn:e i-kv _0:3m "aV0:afti bp xix$s antag ns la't a -`i' °L, 3rZWar;P S101* *Ven' daly- ef3� 91? .xa 5 ra f dyi, r3 deg4 rept to ga-aLr--C_ZS it eno�g3s , 4 3r twa c8r2".dnen, mr,'9th' QUM M%'la •'''.i{ ::� ia::.a`w k'.:£+a ... 't y AE'i ak1'a"i.S` .fi1"P ll*.1 1' few, _ n.. 1} .�. an, i�, 4iv dal Own l n:i a era f:ar �e�?�.� a: � atF^t�,� s d -y via � tread gam a grafi d? - a �- .3-:=sx %, for Qrade V111 vtho vp5a; rthu^dae l ry�p,r yy�y�� y p p " ry , p ryry Mr. a 'Mrs. Mzttl :ate km -d, -n Mrs-, .%.I,r�-,i...a'e r�4 zn .b ft� Ii�e +.�fng Yah Y'" Ill ._-u '�}�1 S'uv'a. Y311A.1 n -AIM -Q x Er;.:a* ?1l_ nw�s Ixas t 'si'lae ba' ati ,repiea the aysIgma-iftz many htere ams �d-ar fa';eri& r'T slsdff t;r_,Mr .' e71 P.: "aca'si be ploged to hrar of this t2j'i9"a,jyr taaw�. zn. i'r'zu krsdge is ea, MIs. 11i4 r 'S The svr tart' zead a lelu'r froto tEz, L gh _ . M2 --L "lir, 11as nzt Mgb aohotu �,^- .W' Vis,. i4�t.l.firi2 Stated K,t ....:_...,a a't� .3 % - �±v^3 $ 'R�.B � cd;a'd7 S3, a, ti �.}lat'�r ;. n t. #.-.3°"� � i. IO34 -_2 �'.]'�;.T Iras � i�Sa �' ' � � �= Couple Married ffgaa„; , tidy 3�=&=Cw j�j j.� a y�r Church t•'V�'kbD IJR4 a''i�t.+" A•� 4tt..�:At ii'±.i#t ��yy +► �a.g3i: i. ' 2:e' Zt&, ,Jz 1�''+�°z,4*_ 1a.` ',c':h"133 w ,`�i.=::i �'t;-`-�.'�."',.�" S{��'G.E:i,.zmy> was kelt t t t an i~ Ircate oaf *w7 U rf ffi FSst �a �y pairs r3� f rsh�a :fa�ara y SEWRAVE�a a ar. ,scam,, �a 7Jn tas l:t n l+r-f ant m _V: t ,t H r irffard3Y, t a a'is.. r c "'tFcr4zww .~�. a s.' w"Y H« eelo t, bexle s a, d3r t;gbtvr et. Uz% 1 li*^aa its. ' ± a c � Ka 1 VaA j ear"m Page Otos 1NUtzhift an. a lbe grV=,11A parkn'ts `ar_S �r� �..itvi ij li `_"i:3'S vt *1 a i"rw:9 d? "dku"N? �a'lf`ill Al arp r. -t-_4 wr`�. ``a`:4L'!`f post, xaf Cat*t'n it rw as by 9 e�- fa - snj C-Ud a n tntn�e ,a fit= +fr, i,`s" . "t' . . . t�. .rix a aa,r'meal'.carm Over ±�s. t,t, Cal c7 ; s 5 l fes ctcat a ,tt 'e*t." e i �t- glen dress>efratq ( a'z=o if tY Px..n,g a :=,Ml ct la ttrz.r� V 0' 0,Ea c',t"_'titiY;i�'iflSti0tod 'iN!wxt * Sot" rt"t•'st c�ia.. ; �' Itte s s' Aft t ::f=ai ft -t dui -;lfte w, -:re a vh to ttf h:U116%U 3z k white w essorles, a white rose car- a - bouquet Of ptAk d;arnations. W. e. and carried a whltfr rosch 1Yilli rrn Neth,,ry, of Bel,grave, oresteil Alble. - was the groomsman. Dint Totttwsma was }ter slster z .a W?dding Tfe"ptlon =3 held at attendant, wearing a street length, the how(- of the bride's parents striped taffeta dress with thvc,.- and, the young d:te11010 left On a quarter length sleeves, ra Vlk;t4- wedding trip to Northern Untar:o. kandeanhat qnd sham, at,fl yarded. They naill hie its %vingit;tirt. UMlit�;ll:��lltilnrt�iGRi;[�l�ilflfi ItiigllllNllt�!IfYtiltY#�11 t�i1'M'IfiM9tN0J'I�Dti�IifMtlltWi�RMa1t0 A, r Specia".1 Prices lit 'jj,ect1v,0 Nqjj 18-11- to May 241h One Found ;firms weight roll each ABSORBENT ATTr-4N ................ 79c 4 rlastte Brush Rollertt and Mir Styling #'Sooltlet with - ADORN HAIR SPRAY . , ...... , ....... $1,0.9 ftek of .60. Rofferltt -'double q1tieir relief for'•headOebe - r09-51.'33 $ave. 2Sc -- I3i3F ERIN ................. 90c IMA. A. Brsredl. 4 -oz, reg. 80c, 8.07, reg. me, CALAMINE LOTION ...... 22c 39c regular 99ca and 600 trotites - Both for ,Save 29c --T FIA1.0 SHAMPOO . ........ 79c SAVE 32e, -- Mod's Regular f,5e bottle MONEY az it ALMOND CREAM ... 2 foil 98c ,c:A'4'E 37c. 7iegrtiar 73e ,jar NOX2Z MA Slon. Cream ... < ..... 2 for $1.09 ODO-RO-NO DEODORANT r, Cream reg. $1.25 for .......... 79c Spray ,-' reg. $1,50 for .... , , .... ,. 9$c Brash and Comb Travel Stat with only 1 EPSODEN T DENTAL iCREAM......... 98c Duchess Brantt-eontains 6 8-iueh pin.te$, 6 serviettes, 6 fibre forl#s, 4 sitoons-,- PiCNIC KIT ................. , .. all for 29c, Trlsod.ituu rhospliate- WASHING COMPOUND ............... 19c Regular 75c: Mottles -- WHITE RAIN Lotion Sliampoo .... 2 for 99c CUT MONTHLY PAYMENTS?. keUere show you how, say you uow�owe about $500 and the monthly instalment payments are takiiigtc';o big°a'bite outofyourpayche&Simply arrange an HFC Payment -Reducer .Loan for that amount and pay off all your debts. Chances are ,you pay HFC much less per month than you're paying now (see table). Drop in or phone, low cost Ute -insurance available an afE leas. ,watlttt MOMMY PAYMEW tilt you get more d 3 0 20 3 !2 LOAN. eaani3t reatbx saoutbr soartda< t t $� $.-. $.»,. $ 611 $ 9.46 30.01 46.72 1000 41.45 58.10 91.54f 600 66.62 §3.19 146.68 2000 M30 8327 116,49 183.35 and ,n eci*or qMW - M. R. Jenkins, M' anager 35A Wort stnef Tete0hone JA 4."83 GCIDERICH THE SALVATION ARMY t1181jaill aY�3� SUNDAY SERVICES 11.00 a,nin ---Holiness Meeting 2.30 p.11l.--Slailda�i- , Cljooj 7,00 P.M. ---Salvation :greeting . .Friday, 7.36 p.m. Youth 'Group AD 'Tet-n-Alrors Virclrrinxc, i'ie,�zr�„itptrnrt the iced Shield Nuipaign. . fA14GtttA1`1i 1:?.elr. C jollinso n, I,a'Itlna _ Rector NIrs, ClOtdora I)Mvidson - Organist Fifth SiMda after as �` a'E Eer May 22ricl <_a*.;� na:ant.-��Stainfl;n�° "t�incrcal 1i.t�laa.tll<�'tltlfil•ttlaltitlla St'ar�it`t? _ 1"widler, l t. leer. W, A. °l':ew n.,lnc mi, D.P., Silffr"ggratn Ilisholl of Huron 4