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ospital Wing
With 'which is ma gamoted Yidette anci Wrozete News
lilt WV0Nt'SPAVY, MAY 18, 1560
WECHURCH W.I. members toured the Fry and
Blackball plant last week: Shown above are Mrs.
Russel. Gaunt and Mrs, Garnet Farrier, president
MRS. JOHNS:CON CONN of the Whitechurch W.T; is piattired above us
She tried one of, the chairs at Fry and Blatithall, plant, when the Niro.
nien's group toured the plant last week.
of the organization, they inspected ti choir-re-
ceiving itsfiniSking touches in the upholstery room,
Part of the group which toured the plant are shown.
above as they inspected some of the lumber, Their
guide George Guest, is right,.
.'• The Wingixam Golf 'Club is look-
Jig forward to another 'successful .. .,.
par and hopes to Welcome a num-
Per Of new members this season.
l'Tlie official opening is being held
t5n Wednesday 'of next week and
Olt get under WAY with a mixed
nine-hole match et 1,30- p.m. This
)!Oill be 'followed by a men's game
,a4.3,30 and the afternoon • will be
climaxed with a turkey dinner .at
OM. .
., MI members are reminded of the
'date and time of the opening fame-
Om, and a special invitation is ex-
tended to non-members, who are
interested in playing golf.
.----- .....
a Where does it all come from anti
Where does it all go? There were
the questions asked concerning the
spring rummage sale which the
Ladles' Auxiliary to WIngliam Gen-
eral Hospital held in the Wingham
Armouries, on Saturday afternoon. I
,i Responding to the appeals which
Ind 'been.° sent out, articles came I
i from the whole area, and when
0 sale Was over it was estimated]
bat more supplies had been ga-
bored in, more people came to
4 th rummage sale held" by the
and more money was realized
t' an ever 'before—and this was the
ll&pitat auxiliary!
Totai M d Ooey received amounted:
lb $1.187.04,' which was' mom more
'than last sale, Added to this was
01.91 -*bleb came from the. Sale
Of tags In Wingham and surround-
ing towns, bringing the grand tot-
al to mbre than $1500.00.
, ,
' :kit day 1..'riday members of the
Anxillary were busy sorting and
Marking' the contents of boxes and
pineelS as they poured in, while a
truck gathered the furniture and
heavy pieces. 'Women at the shoe
counter spent hours tying shoes
in pairs and others were busy, put-
otintighahnugnedrrseds of dresses and coats
Long before two o'clock on Sat-
urday crowds were waiting and
when the doors opened the armour.'
les was. jammed with eager buyers,
: r tr:":1a'd*ttat :t- fle,tileswe ieTv
as 'customers ran from place to
place to find the bargains they
wanted. Women may have the re-
putation of bargain seekers, but
many men were there to get a
The large crowd made it diffi-
cult for some. to- find what they
watiteict., counters were lined four
deep with buyers. Everything was
there, from books to feather ticks
and from lamp shades to bassinets.
Even an old-fashioned apple-peeler
which was packed and sent to the
Huron County Museum at Coder-
ich. It took 100 sales people to do
the selling, fitting clothing, shoes
and hats.
Before five o'clock the armouries
was' practically empty of people;
the crowds had gone, laden with
parcels -and satisfied with their
day's purchases. 'Some heavy olo-
thing which was left was packed
and will be seat to Korea, Any
articles which can be used at the
hospital, such as pillows, gowns.
draperies, etc., are valued and 'sent
up there.
The proceeds by departments
were: Adult clothing, $285.25; child-
ren's clothing, $104.20; miscellan-
eous articles, $194.65: hats, $53.17;
shoes,, $96,09; novelties, $120.58;
groceries, $89.79; furniture, $88.41;
donations, $85.40; value of goods
tto hospital, $69.50; total, s
These sales are held twice a year
under the general convenership. of
the president, Mrs a" N. D. Cameron,
and all proceeds go to the purchase
of supplies and equipment for the
Winghain Hospital. To this end
everyone is asked to start right
now Making up a bqx for the next
sale, which comes along in the
Ladies' Auxiliary wishes to
extend Sincere thanks to all who
helped in any way to make this stile
such a success.
The board of directors of -the
Wingliain General Bospital, under.
the chairmanship of if. C. Mae-
Lean, at their Meeting on Friday
evening spent some time in a iii-
eti.ssion of tentative plans for a,
second-storey addition to the hos:
pital building.
A. representative from a firm or
architects visited the hospital about
two weeks ago and. had submitted.
to Building Chairroan .1. V, Fischer,
a rough sketch .of the proposed
layout for a wing to 'be built over
the most recently added section of
the hospital. The plan inclarled
seven four-bed wards, two two-bed
wards, - one single bed room, plus
major operating room, minor op-
erating room, sterilizing room,.
Scrub room, recovery room, clean-
room, olanli;old'aqcotroyl,'3WajTtoliTg "rsotorn1(tharidr
three nurseries, as well as several •
other service rooms of various.
Discussion -centered chiefly
around the possibilities of raising,
the necessary money for the wing,
several board members expressing
opinionrthaiesed t
that fourn d shot:sopa 'tEad not be
poses: It was finally decided 'that
permission would be sought from
the Ontario Hospital Services Corn-
mission to secure preliMlinvy
architect's drawings, Which: would
provide time -basis .for a formal pre-
sentation of the hospital's '..re-
Muuth's. Statistics
The hospita.l'administralrlx, Mo3.
Morrey, reported for the Month of
April; 212 admissions, 30' .birtlis,
194 discharges, ,1,05 operations, . 120
out-patnents, 223 x-rays, 4 basal
metabolism ratings, 21 'blood' trans-
.cer.oi_in21:5, 8 1,aplao.:0to:ysp:o;e:1;:t.:
eleetro-cardiograms. 79 at aeate.
• ak. eoa
tag 13 7i3iiiigibIliet'apy.- patients.
Total hospltahpatient clays for the'
month amounted to 3491 for a. daily
average of 1.16.
Chairman A, D. MacWilliarn of
the finance, committee reported
total revenue for the month at
$41,277.95; expenditures, 538;350.01,
leaving $2,927.94 to cover depreci-
ation, bad debts, etc,-
Purchase Property
The chairman reported that, fol-
lowing a discussion at the previous
meeting the board had purchased
the property of Michael McPhail,
which acljoInts the nurses' real-
dente), immediately' to the north.
Purpose of the purchase was to
provide room for possible future
expansion of hospital buildings.
until such time as the space is
needed the residence will be rent-
Dr. Sliatinessy's office will be
closed all day Monday during May,
• June, July and August,- and' open
Tuesday through Sattirday 11-6.
— •
• Dance in Bluevale CoMmunity
Hall on Friday, •May 27th, under
the auspices of the 'Women's In-
stitute, harrier's- Orchestra.
- The Wingham. District High
School is bolding the annual spring
track and field meet on the school
playing field on Friday, May 20th.
Anyone interested is welcome to
On Saturday, May 28th local Win-
Airs will go to a Huron County
vecondary School meet at Clinton,
ecru in the Foresters Hall, Bel-
at 8.30. The play "The Flitic Dress"
will be presented, also a one-act
comedy, "Sister Sue" rind musical
numbers, Admission 30c, . F1I.1817
OPEN moor mAr 27
Wingham. District High School
Is holding Open Night on Friday
evening, May 27, from 7,00 to 10.30,
While no official opening eeremon-
les are being planned', this will
give the public an hpportimity to
inspect the beautiful hew addl-
tic% as well as the Original build-
A cordial invitation is extended
to everyone to come -and spimri a
pleasant evening at -the school.
A. F. A, 11101
The Annual North 'el.tiron blattict
Divine Service will be held; In
Wingham, at the Winghain. I/lilted
Church, Sunday, MO 200, 1660,
The 13rethren;Will aster/kin at the
Masonic Hall, Witigharit, at 1.0:30
H. n. ,sttXton,15.110.11it.
, E. S. "Ted" Gauley coffin-rem-3;d
duties with the Ontario Rural Hyd-
ro in Owen Sotind on Monday
morning of this week. Ted lies
been transferred there from the
local crew.
lie wonted for the. Hydro prior to
his enlistment with the RCAF durr
ing World War. TI and after his
release from service returned to
ffydry and came to Whigharn
Mrs. CauleY and the children will
remain In Wingham for, the time
OPPICE 101,0Sra)
The office of 3. A. Pox, D.C., will
be dosed, from the 23rd to
of May, incinsive.
PINfi ,r hl. N r
Mr. and 1\Tes, George F. Botch-
kiss, of Wingham, announce the
kigagernentif 'their eldest daugh-
ter, Mary 'argaret, Mr. John
MeNaught Eadin, eldest son of
Mr, add Mrs. Dave Teadie, ILA, 2,
Wingham, The wedding will take
'place Saturday, Ulu' Mr, at 2430
p.m, in Wingham Baptist Church.
Alan H. Neeloti of . Bluevale
attended the Northern Division
convention of the Ancient Mystic
Order of Samaritans, "The Play
ground for OddrellOws" held at
Leamington, May 6th and 7th.
There art, 18 Sauetoruins, or
lodges, froM such widespread plac-
es as Ottawa, Peterboro., Brantford,
Toronto, London, St.. Thomas,
Dunnville, Windsor, Winnipeg and
Toledo, Ohio,
The newest Sanctortim Is Sahara
No, 295, at Seaferth. R was insti-
tuted on March 18th, 1660, by the
Supreme MOnarchus of North Am-
erica, Sheik Max 1(erlall of St.
Thomas, who officiated at the cere-
mony in Sertforth, Over 300 at-
tended the ceremony, which was
open to the pnblie.
Members of Sahara are taken
from 1.0.O.P, lodges at Winghath,
ilrussels, 8eaforth; Clinton, 13ruce-
field, Gadetich an.1 Exeter, Sheik
Alan H. Neelon, 'United Chfireh
;Please turn to Page Two,
The Wingluun Branch, No. 180,
Canadian Legion and their wives
held their V-E Day banquet at the
Formosa community centre on
Tuesday evening of last week.
There were about 80 in attendance.
Jack Orvis, president, presided at
the banquet and Bill Hogg and Cy
Robinson were in eparge of the
entertainment and social time
which followed.
' The bowlihg and euchre prizes,
donated by Walter Bt•owa,' Jack
Orvis and the branch were pre-
sented to the winners by Mayor
R. E. IVreKinney, Mr, McKinney
also Wave a brief address on the
importance of being a Canadian
and expressed the 'appreciation of
'Canadians to those who are veter-
ans and served their country in
war time.
Ted English worm the prIZe for
high triple in bowling for the men
and . Muriel Irvine had the high
triple for women, Mae Peachy
and Norma Orvis had the high
singles of the season and .lack Or-
vis and Graham Adams were low.
Glenn 'Sinnamon and Frede..(lan-
Iey had the high euchre scores and
Bob Ca,serriore and N'adine Sinria-
mon won the prizes for low score.
Reg, Bitton and Dolores .Bader-
wick entertained and later in the
evening dancing was enjoyed.
Cadet inspection at the Wingham
District High School 'drew an ex-
cellent crowd of spectators on Mon:
day evening of this week. The big
day for the cadet corps was chang-
ed to an evening event in order
to 'permit more people to ,attend.
The colorful eeromeny was bless-
ed with excellent weather.
Major L. C. Viekars, 21C, 21st
Field Regiment, RCA (M), took the
salute and commended the corps ten
a grind inerftirmance and fine de-
nionStratioris, Other Members of
the inspection party included;
Lt.-Cot. S. Retherington, chair-
man of the cadet committee, WD'
RS; Capt. W. A. /Ostia, WO Area.
Cadet °Meer and' Major R. P.
Ritter, 0/C 99th Field Battery
RCA (M), Wingham.
The cadet corps demonstrated
its skill at various chills under
the command- of Cadet Major bong
Locirridge, Varian's teams also
demonstrated their efficiencY with
weapons, signals, first aid and
gymnastics. Music was provided
by the well-trained cadet. band.
The girls of , the school also
demonstrated their ability at
physitai training with Welt co-
ordinated exercises.
Winning awards were Cadet
William De/7101'1ring, son of Mr. and
Mr4, Harvey Dernerling, llowiek,
r thesbest dressed cadet CO par-
Two New Guides
Receive Welcome
A Flying-up ceremony was held
at St. Andrew's Church on Monday
night when the Guides met for
their regular session.
Two new Guides, who received
their wings from. District Commis-
sioner, Mrs. Norman Elliott, were
Lynda Rea-vie and Mary Ahara,
Lynda was also presented with two
proficiency badges, skating and
minstrel, which she had earned in
At the conclusion of the meeting
the girls were welcomed by a party
in their honor, convened by Mary
Joan Lapp, Helen Currie, 'Wendy
Reynolds and Patsy Coulter, who
are working on their hostess
Present Gift to i
Children's Ward
Linda Schiestel, Barbara Scott,
Joan Welwood and Virginia Murray
represented the Brownies last
Wednesday afternoon when they
visited Wingham General Hospital
to place a sign in the tulip bed,
which they planted last fail.
While they were at the hospital
the girls presented a gift of kinder-
garten table and chairs and a com-
mode chair to the children's ward.
.Joan Welwood gave the address
and the gift was accepted by Mrs.
Julia Kerney, Reg. N, assistant
superintendent of nurses.
To Spend Summer
At Camp Shilo
John Runatedtler, son of Mr. and
Mrs: John.. B. Runstedider, Wing-
ham, spent the week-end with his
family. John, who MIS' just com-
pleted his second year in the
Science courae (honour mathe-
matics) at Western University, left
on Tuesday for SIAM, Man., Where
he will take his second year with'
the Canadian Officers' Training
Co rps.
Huron Presbytery of the United
Church of Canada met in the
Wingham United Church on Fri-
day evening to license ,Iamnes Shyn-
kar, BA., B.D.. to preach. Rev.
James Semple, of Egmondville,
chairman of the presbytery; Waa
the presiding minister with Rev.
.1'. A. McKim of Clinton convener of
colleges and secondary ,schools,
delivering time sermon, Rev, T. 'Gar-
nett Husser presented Mr. Shyn-
liar for licensing. Presentation of
Presbytery Authority ,was made by
Rev. Evan MeLagan Blyth. Rev.
H. q. Winlaw read the Scripture.
The Wingham United Church
Choir, under the direction of the
organist, Alan Bennett, sang the
plainsong setting of "Come Holy
Mr. Shynkar was accepted as a
candidate for the ministry of the
United Church by Huron Presby-
tery on May 30th, 1954, mean —
Mended by the Wingham United
Please turn to page two.
ade. Cadet Major Doug Lock-
ridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. AIL
Loeltridge, of Wingham, won the
award for the best officer or
NCO, and Cadet Lt. Donald Mur-
ray won the Strathcana Award fat
From all report's the school
ituclItoritles conaldered the in-
spection one of the best of recent
years and most certainly there
were a good many proud parents
on hand, The corps unheld the tra-
dition of the School With BS crt-
cellortt display.
oenthined cadet and graduation
dance followed In the achdol audi
represented Sahara Sanctorum at
the convention in LeamingtOn for
the Ancient Mystic Order of Sa-
maritans. His sanctorum 'was pre-
sented with this trophy for obtain-
ing' the most new members during
the year.
"Workmen have been busy for the
past ten days remodelling the in-
terior of the Crompton building on
the corner of Josephine ,and .Pat-
rick Streets. When the renovations
are completed the building will he
occupied by The. Toronto-Dominion
Bank as temporary qUarters while
the former Mason Block, which has
housed the bank for many years, is
being demolished and replaced.
The big job at the present time
is the construction of a steel lined
vault. In order to provide full
security the, vault: is being 'con-
structed in exactly the same way
as 'though it were to .be used for
blie next 25 years. The basement
section was completed last week.
including the concrete cover which
forms the ceiling of the basement
vault and the floor of the vault oh
the business level, When, .complet-
ed it will be .truly fire-proof'
The Interior of the building is
being completely redecorated and
modernized. Whim everything is in
readiness for the move from the
Mason Block time counters' and
desks will be taken out, cut to fit
the dimensions of the Crompton
building and installed, so that there
will be no interruption of business.
It is expected that the move will
be made in &mut four weeks.
As soon as the Mason Block
has been vacated workmen will
commence the demolition opera-
tions. The only other tenant, Ma-
aon's Book Store, was redoceted
in the Queens Hotel building some
months ago.
Long a landmark on the main
Street of the town, the Mason
Block has developed serious strue-
tura]. defects. The Toronto-Do-
minion, Bank, owner of the pro-
perty, will replace it with a com-
pletely modern bank budding.
specifically constructed for their
Doug Murray Goes
To Preston Bank
Doug Murray, son of Mr. and
Mrs, William McMurray, Wingham,
commenced duties with the Preston
branch of The Toronto-Dominion
Bank on Monday Morning. A. morec7
her of the Wingham branch staff
for the past two years, he is re-
placed by Arthur Affleck, of Har-
row, who arrived in Wingham last
Doug will be Missed by a host of
friends in town-, not only at the
bank, where he was a valued staff
member, but "in snorting circles as
welt Starting In minor sports, be
was a member of virtually all of
the championship teams which
brought so mach honor to the town
during the post tori years. For the
past three years he lies been one
of the outatandidg players with the
Interniedlate hockey club,
James W. Coulter, son of Mr.
and Mrs. .George H. Coulter, Pat-
rick Street, has been appointed
public school inspector for Huron
Mr. Coulter received his public
school education at S.S. 7. Morris,
and attended Wingham High_
School. He graduated frail Tea-
timers' College and taught in Kit-
chener for eight years.
Through summer schools and ex-
tension classes of the University of,
Western ,Ontario he received his
Bachelor of Arts degree arid a Bre-
ebelor of Education degree front
the University or Toronto, and fin-
ally a Master of Education degree.
In June, 1035 Mr. Coulter Was
appointed as a master at Strat-
ford Teachers' College by order-
in-council, approved by the lieu-
tenant‘governar. 141s Many friends
are pleased to learn Of his new tip.
pnintment, His headquarters will
be in Gaderich.
Young Sports Cet
$50.00 in Bottles
The Junior Sportsmen's organiz-
ation was out in force on Satur-
day to collect bottles throughout
the. community, They garnered hi
between $45 and atia worth of Ilse--
able bottles. The ones which could •
pot be sold were trucked. to the
dq.mp as as service to the house-
The club extends thanks to Ab
Nethery, Andy Winters, Reg Bit-
ton, Bob Walsh and Charlie David-
eon for assistance and ears.
The Juniors have also present-
ed a .gift to Elmer Walker,' the
school caretaker, for his' co-
operation and extra work when
the boys were using'the rifle rang-
es at the school in the evenings.
About $30.90 was realized out of
the recent sale of tickets on an
air rifle, The draw .was. won by
Sinnamon, teacher at the Low-
er Town' sehobl.
The boys who were not able 'to
help with the bottle collection -will
. undertake a clean-up. job at the
Itclub's 'property in Lower Winghain
'to. ready the grounds for the sum-
mer progralin
Mr. and Mrs, George Cook, Bel-
grave, wish to announce the en-
gagement of .their daughter, Flor-
ence Mary tel. Mr. William Camer-
bn McArter, of Brussels, son of
Mrs. Ivan. McArter and the late,
McArter. The wedding will
take place in May, PIP!
Everyone is invited, to the an-
nual meeting of the Wingham
Figure. Skating Club on Tuesday,
May 24th, at 8 p.m., in the Council
• Chambers.' •F-18b
White's Supertest will he closed'
gay 30th to June 3rd inclusive.
-Wingham United Church Sunday
School Anniversary and Flower
Sunday will be held on Juno 5th.,
11 a.m, and 7 p.m, Ilqab
Lawn Bowling will start Friday,.
May 20th at 8- o'clock. Anyone in-
terested will be welcome. This is
not the official opening, Flab
01,01111g ,ecerit Wetinestleya May
. 25th. Mixed . Match, 1.30 .
The North Huron'junior Farm-
ers are sponsoring a Variety Con-
grave on Friday evening, May 20, Receives Transfer
men's game,-3,30, Dinner...4-9,30a, 46.,..6 c4occ-c'
YclYone 'intereatett.' Welcome,' SitT FACTORY—Time WilliCaatirell Women's Asti-
Fa acid b tut& visited the Fry Blackball furniture factory
-------- 'there. last week and thorouginy enjoyed, themselves.
To the MUSid of Revotiah Orch-
estra in
Hall May 20th.
Sponsored by the Hall Board,
Oddfellows annual church service
will, be held, in BlueVald United
Church on Sunday, May g at 11,30
a,m. Decoratioa. service • at the
cemetery at 2.30 p,m, All brothers
and Rebekahs are invited to attend.. • . • Flab
ig 'Crowd for First Cadet.
Inspection Held in Evenia
Bank will Move into
emporary Qua rs rte
• e(
SINGT,10 COPMS. 7 alma.