HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-05-11, Page 11."7.111117.0,171A The Wingluen itavenve-Times, Wedneectey, 0•I•,a EP IN MIND THE HURON CCUN I WORLD REFUGEE YEAR BLITZ SISIMAN SCAIMP THE IDEAL PLAY SHOE FOR IlOYS • YOUR FAMI LY MAY 16th to 21at STORE PHONE W1NGliAM TTT T-12)10111CT-1 7711C-7,411104111110•11 judge Herefords - the Eagle Patrol. The Alerting closed by the loWerIng Of the flag C 0 tdi timArifittes Around . the hI!t -11#11, Eire Siren out of order?. Since Ft won ennummed in the paper that 4 Saturday noon 'teat would be made each -tvetek the siren has been heard only once. Many of the town folks have been all tensod .011 gait-V(413PN, OtIly to greete,1 by deathly Silence. - a- 0- forrie Swanatm won himself a bawling trophy recently, and -his wife, after ,yeara oh practice at egehre 'fleetly came up with the high iasire for the ladles at the firer/lel-en soeial evening, . 0 - T.,'•iren"(litring April- were 4 chim- ney hire at T, Ilendet•aen'e, towa; 4 pile oh imalme at the United, eliiireb, a cal to Ow home of Ei- mer Sellers at where one very dark roast of meat was (14t envered, and on May 24111 there was a fire at the home of Mt' Gamble in Morris Towaship, • The kitelun was completely gutted, 0 0 On Monday evening the firoMen insayavil the life preservers at both rime and the- McKenzie bridge. They also toured the Pry & Blackball plant - to hanalliarize theretilves with the layout of the building. - fielgrave Cubs , The regale/ meetiog of the Bet- grave Wolf Von Pack was opened with, the grand Bowl aml flog ea- lute. Tim tea-y.ear-ohl Cithe eald the Cul) prayer, The new Clams, who, are study- ing the LAW and the r1.1-111thi1, tuot the Ore of Lord Baden-Powell for inveatitare into the , park, stayed inaide with the leader, Mrs. Ken- netia Wheelie- and assistant 7'otrit, (-halloo Me:Barney. One pew Chnin, Vitieeet, Was, Inve.,ted. V.orrie of the of -here will noon •la read•Y• MTN, Harald Vinev0t, Mrs. 13ild Orr and IVirs,, Clare WI/Mtn) took !lig Cone outside for „garnee re- up; s.rwoll MO 'OW Tfiey dto nroaisei mareh,,! ing for the elinreb, be Fold at Peteeville on Ave ' At the elmie NEM: arl(!al retni a story -• eon pi anti the leader preaeuted -11;. Ii rat Star to Reuald AthefInr- avy awl VIneent, Vorlom, Wrove• estr,( on. I he Eirat StIti work by MPS. Wilople Miring La- et The -4;11tIorink; eleeed whit Ta p -3. ,,a d • ftelgrave Troop The regular meeting. of the Bef- grave Boy Scouts was held ottts,d in 'the Itureil yard with a good at- tendance. A -flag pole project wee attempto rat by lashing staves to- gether with ropes -and flying a 'pet-,• - 0- 4leortf•- Wrnxeter Pa* The Dorrle-Wroxeter Pack tnel.- ID the Wroneter commit/Oil,' park on April 27th, (lames were PlaYod in the parl and then the Pack re- ' Illrned to the Milted Chervil, where the meeting, eon tinted. The Citbniast4r,',I011/1,,,,Si»r namon. told the, Are • Ult 'ttie Geodhel- UM, Oarm a it -ftrnihton, Jahn Wlieeler; Barry' IdIee.bner, Douglit4 (1•'.hig arid DEd.,, lqq. pasisd their Venderphol twits .and were in- i.ested hi the Calanaster, .aesialeri Seouters Bennett, r11,1(1 Clarke. The -Turnberry 4-11 cult Cluo held its May meeting on Nig/1day night at the I'nim iii d wvr Pow- rill. "the 4-1,1 Idedge Wa4i bY the olimites. The roll yell was anewered ny the inemhera their twee. Te e menibers. Were. then dividid Into two groups, lamg Miles eon- dueled the judgieg. of Hereford rows and Mr, Chareberlitia gave tallr -,en feeds. , meeting eloeed with flinch served by Mrs. 'Powell. Marjorie Kieffer - Umnired the Powelle for their Iii opitnilLy. Oa Niue- tIi the Pack:met at the Chareh• am•l the meeting was held out of doors. It epetiod with the Cirerld 7-TIOWI, Wel Gerry Ifyodinan was.,thea ir4iuUi'i.. c'1ai, cJ tiy,i) games, When it's a mutter of form, see us "Bang Baloo" and 'Naval Raid". EollowIng the yarn on uniform, 1 h 0,111Muister jtivcatrd' irla ..more boys 'who had ,,,-.apert their tests.- The meetin g closed' with the ran d. -When it comes to devising a form (or forms) to expedite your office opera- tions, see us. We have the "know' how'! to come up with suggestions that will save time and money. Ya,u'll like the quality and speed of our work and•our prices! The Wingham Advance-Times "PHONE 890 " WINGUAM, 'ONT. rt4tere are now, 12 .• Cabs proudly • • wearing tile. neelser- rot flag on Lop, '• ehiet's of, the Wroxeter A reidow in signals was conduct- pac.. Tie (lifts Aik ',has Sixer ed, after which Scoutmaster Loree Gerey Hyndiian Seuiid Barry Campbell led in several games( mschner, g'itbs,Sell G'1,tpliam and The Camparee Troop is still mak- Billy Wheelee: ' ''.Tawny Six bot.us quote on •• your next jobt - 0 - 0 Firemen's meeting on Monday evening, May 30th at 3 o'clock sharp, WOLF' ,CUB PROMISE ing plans for the long week-end at Camp ,Martyn in competition with other Scouts in the district. Plans were made for the Wingham Troop to be guests in the arena grounds next week, and the group is also planning a hike on May 20. Jimmy Cook was investeid into has Sixer Oarra'ar it•"1-lanfilton, Sec- , , „ . on Douglas, -Ring, 'dubs Dale Simpson and'Garry•Watson. The Red Six MIS ,Sixer Joh'i'l Wheeler, Second Date. :McLean, cubs Gar- ry Chambers . and Stanfey Ridley, Buchart Bateman- and Rghert Mit- chell are New Chums. Congrate who reached April 19th. president of the W.O.A.A.,• rear. They arc piattred with Doug Loebridge,- team captain anti John•Metkg ley, hailing Abe Stafford Trophy, emblematic of the Juvenile "C" einunpionship. ATTEND RAINTQUCT-Atteniling- the banquet spon- sored by the town council for the Wingham jokers last Thursday evening were TM' Gregg, past presi- dent of the,0HA and Norma-n Hill, New Hamburg, 0 - 0 - 0 o' Harvey Aiteheson, another milestone on IMCC aNvitria 44# Yell 1610(IN 41.6111 Every Wolf Cub promises, . . . "to do a good turn to somebody everyday." It is said that a certain Cub, when repeating his Promise, stated that he would . . "do a • good turn to, everybody someday." The wording may have been wrong but the spirit was right. atioa accounts as approved to $10.00 be paid, Gibson-McMichael-That the road accounts as approved • to $3,336,71 be paid, Haskins and Allan that the fol- lowing aecolmts he paid. Brussels Convalescent Home, ac- count, $135.00; Town of Wingham, Fire area account, $381,20; Town of Listowel, Fire area account, $27.60e Tovvnship of Turnberry, Hyslop Municipal Drain, .$220.00; Norwell High School. Board, De- benture payment, $2,072.69; Wee. Helpeil, Caretaking Wroxeter Arena, $180.00; Robt. Gibson, 2 Hospital Board meetings, $10.00; Lloyd .Weber, Wdrble Spraying, $700,00; Mae Backer, Warble spray- ing, $117.90; L, Debson, Relief account, $28,69; B. A. Schaefer, Re- lief account, $43,16 H Gowdy Son, Relief account, $26,90; H. Howe, Relief account, $20.74; Wm, Marriner, Relief account, $22.77; R. H. Caraon C Son, Relief account $14,30. Moved by R. 011bson and Mc- Michael that we do now adjourn to meet again out Junle 4th, or at the call of the Reeve. killill$11411111111111111 111•111111111111111111111111111111•1111111311111211111111tRill011111111111.1111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111till1011111111111111111(11111111111111111(11(1•4141111111101111.11111111t BOWLING Ladies' Wednesday' League Monday night, April 25th, wound up the bowling season for the year, ivith the Tulips winning the championship. Our congratula- tions go out to the Tulips. Mem- bers of the team are Sharon Brown, Ruth Thompson, Phyllis Thompson, Cathy Metcalfe, Joan Fisher, Joan Colvin. Final standings-Tulips, 6310; Lilies, 6025; Petunias, 6005; Asters, 5974; Gardenias, 5825; Roses, 5602. A banquet will be held this eve- ning (We.dnesdayl at 6.30. - • Enjoy the Luxury of eek0Endi Specials ABUNDANT HOT WATER SPECTACULAR BANANA OFFER .6 lbs. for 59 c 288 size ORANGES, very sweet .. ,., 3 cloz 4 8:9c Large, firm HEAD LETTUCE each 20c', Canada Choice- 20 -oz. CREAM CORN - packed by Tip Top Canners, reg. 21c 6 for $1.00 Christie's Big Value Fancy Assorted COOKIES reg. 69c for 59c Sam Bondes Foodland Market FREE DELIVERY PHONE' I107 - AVINGUAM- Arthur Gibson., Reeve. .1. Harold Pollock, Clerk, gl1111111111111111EINIIINIII11111•1110111•1111•111011111111111111111111111111.1•11•118111•11111111111IMIIIIIIIIII14110,13191111111IN111111111110111011111011111111111/Illit • a Sweeping Clearance'ef FULL LENGTH „-. ▪ SAVE $10.00 TO $20.00 ON EVERY COAT COME EARLY FOR, BEST SELECTION At. a: Cost Everyone Can Afford 1 FLAT RATE WATER HEATERS ARE NOW AVAILABLE AT THE , Wingham Public Males Commission ASK ENONEER TO INSPECT RINKS These heaters are glass 1.ined, manufactured by John Inglis Com- pany and meet all hydro specifications. Discounts of 20 to 50 • a We believe they are one of the finest heaters 'available and can be supplied with the element size required tdstneet your family's - needs. A regular meeting of the Howick Township Council was held in the clerk's office on May 5th. All members were present and the reeve, Arthur Gibson was in the chair. The Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and on motiOn of McMichael and R. Gibson were adopted as read. idaskins-Allan---That the petition of certain ratepayr•rs of Wroxeter re a drain be referred to the town- ship engineer, R. Gibson-McMichael--That we have an engineer inspect the rinit of the villages of Wroxeter and Gerrie for soundness of structure and safety, Haskins-Allan-That we instruct the road superintendent to adver- tise for tenders for a motor grader, snow plow and wing, Tenders to bp in the hands of the clerk not later than 12 o'clock noon June 1st, 1960. • Allan-Hhalcitui-That the charge for the grader for custom work he $8.00 per hour. Allan-Haskins-That We ,1; the reduction from the general town- ship rate for the Police Villages at 3 mills. IVfeNficlutel-R. 'Gil/Ann-That we sot the general township rate for isso as follows: Commercial 13.5 mills, and residential and farm 11.1 nt1118. Alellificheel-R. Gibson-That we instruct the clerk to prepare a by- law adopting the tnx rates for 1960. Allen-Haskins-That we instruct the clerk tei send a letter of appreciation to Om 'Department of Highways for signs erected at the 'Cairn site. McMichael-R. Gibson-That By- law No. 7-60 of the Township of Howlett for the year 1060, a by-law to lieetitie trailers, as read the third time be finally Weed. Ailikit•Thtskins-irlifit the Tore- Electric water heating is one of the cheapest and most effiaent ways of supplying your hot water needs. • Better Coats - fra• after Enter Savings SI Every Coat a Spring-inspired masterpiece IP The selection inehules ranges selling for as high as • Luxurions• all wools, imported and domesties '0 Witle selection of plain 4#11'd tanCy weaves • Styled for spring many interesting fashion details • Expertly tailored and finished • Materials include Rittem-soft fleeces, durable eye-eamting Tweorts, neat as a pin cheeks, -casual gabardines • Every Coat retineed for Wick Sale • 4., . ....• Enquire.41.1t. rire ifighain 'Public . .Commission • • • S AVAILABLE .POI- REgIDENT5 OF NINGI4AM,..ONI:4Y. tit ilicificifillittiirlitificatiii111111111111111111111111111111114111111 Ili1110111111111111# Price $14.99 up HANNA g Ladies* Wear ONTARIO :Fmmicisoilminuropioniuitifitadisilloacumaiikotaliutaimi Illlhi1tlll? -)U1 It •