HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-05-11, Page 8TEAM TROPHIES tor each member of tae Wing- ham Jokers were presented to the players and management at, the banquet put on by the Winglunu Town Council tit the Legion Home here had. Pious- day evening„ Hugh Carmichael, tenni manager is shown presenting one Of The bronze statues to team member Jahn Frylogle as Tory Gregg, master, of ceremonies for the affair looks on. In the past nineteen years Hugh MacLennan has publish; a five TIOVVI:"3 besides wrIting; for various periodietea. The first of these 'Barometer Rising" gives ono of the bent accounts of the Halifax explosion of 1917 that have ever read. ft In !Atli available io tht library, anti late ninny novel:. based loam at true incilleat, has a Gate .PE11 ; 'Flee last of the quintette THE \VAT( THAT TI YE NI: 1lLa by Hugh MaeLemian is a'so gond winking. It 1s the hind of hook I should like to read more than once: Much of the tar.• aresaion of basic beliefs and onto- thms bears thinking about. Vome of the passages were like Seript ore in thin respeet T kola feeling that although I understood the general frond of the thought, there was a greater truth under the sara,c0 concentration would permit rue to grasp. ' The bash- frame of the story is 811111AP, involving three people. There la ticorge falt.wart, who tells the story in the first pertain a radio commentator and part.time 11,$.tilrer al [Lure :Sty. iii' balms bY.(alillat• of hi: e streinely .attistaing marriage la Cathenne. glee, was at ;alai-invalid. but la their. • asc, the Shadow of death brought h lc; stark a lief the ,ii'iir tan of Ian things tit tube pont', d her awarenena rif beauty and her joy iu living (-Ten IL ai ii tilja. Stich paiut;nl', r,turgl? burl known towel! Cathi Vila' US a you'll 'f'he Oath their lives follow!,'] different fonts and she had alarrird tlry,v1J11, M:Lr- HIN loal..;:ilial ha' 1111;151 bad led him biro the Spanish Waif'. When World War If. hega» he joined the mniernromal and having been tortured by the Nazis,. George had become a friclid of eroMets in the thirties. mai had rema ine d close to the family :tit these years, Late in In e. and Catherine had married. As the story aliens, at the beginning of the .Korean War. Jerome lam :tanned up alive in Montreal. Tin, story la Simple the implications ;Ind min- plications are difficult. tleorae an- alyzes . ;aid rationalizes all that has happenett to all of them by a series of flashbacks. The husk cunnut be Skimmed. It must ha t houghtfu IN THE LIBRARY By DORIS (1. McKIRBON. IL is not only a vivid tale, well toil; Maelasintin has a great ea _ 1,Lway for evoking' the of it pi' Pre and a time. In cane it it the oily of ,Monti' al and rw i gaaa tia lie portraya tha depres- sion yelita. 'I hale are r-4 justly attsfl 1Piliti Vt" ones, that. III al With ihr• ring callip.1 of New lamitavica tn the tarty yearn of taitittry nail the Lainantitia lattes beft;re• they ia.„, came peoide• tit.t el ri sort ari I Thigh .Masiatiaan a Canadian writer or considerable skill, polls!) mid worth, I ree,,th.. O lair! 1,,olomend highly ; 'tad that time, experleace or even more 111 101.1. was, reported al, .t-I, atter especially tht„ otie. I 3/1 1131A41,.GAISIS„ G.A 11,011.E, AT • 'The L BETWEEN HANOVER and DURHAM , LADIES' NEW SITIPMENT FEATURING LARGE SELlile- lilt OF BETTER and MF,Dttall PRICED ' DRESSES, SHIMS, •IVLOUSES, SLIMS, SLAX, BANLON ORLON PTILLOVERS, • CARDIGANS AND TWIN SETS SWIM SUITS, LINGERII1, ETC. . All New Colors and Styles N ORLON CARDIGANS — sizes 14 to 20 Regular $3.95 SPECIAL -$1.88 N CHINO SKIRT and MATCHING. BLOUSE SETS U Sizes 10 18, EXTRA. SPECIAL $1,99 a set U YOUNG MEN • Sizes 28 38, all the new odors Regular $11.95 SPECIAL $1.88 LARGE still !.0 or SPORT SHIRTS -Lang or short sleeve - Newest anti tailors sumer sLoprvE BANI.ON SPORT 811IiiT5 51 Regular $8.95 SPECIAL $5.99 Gr — EVERYTHING .IN MEN'S NVEAIL F4 JUST . ARRIVED — LADIES' LEATHER OR SUEDE COATS AND JACKETS — Latest styles., Newest; colors, Gold, Bronze; Green, Brown, Rust, etc, — Regular $29.95 to $35.00 WHILE THEY LAST EXT RA SPECIAL $14,95 '1'0 $19.95 FULL LINE OF WORK CLOTHE S AT PRICES YOU WILL LIRE. N GIRLS' SUMMER JEANS — Pastel shades. Sizes 3 to Ox EXTRA SPECIAL 44e, a pair Sizes 7 to 12 EXTRA SPECIAL tithe a pair 111 A COMPLETE LINE OF BOYS' CEO THING — DRIVE OUT AND SAVE! N Telephone 152 FRIDAY and SATURDAY May 19 and 14; 241i1 Mine°. in a "PRIVATE 'S AFFAIR" Co-tarring :fairy Crosby and many more Popular Yining Stars. 2nd Feature "VILLA" MONDAY and TUESDAY May 10 and. 17 IT STARTED WITH A KISS" Debbie Reynolds and Glean Ford it's Really A Delightfal Comedy Please Note ADMITTANCE RESTRICTED TO PERSONS 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY anti SATURDAY 'I.ay 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 "GOLIATH AND tHE BARBARIANS" last- Thursday. The Members xvere given silver mugs by Mayor Ni'eli:nney, seemul right, The banquet :tad presentation was, spotisoired by Vile toan crnia.' iii111111111111111111111111011111111111 • A SPECMI, PRESENTATION to Joe Kerr, who c '4,(,),".,ttak;,1,„1,.:'itivtvi;v.•1:::141,0kit..:1-t1/4;..0..Ach .;,:1(17,: Carmiehael, manager, Wlti made by the town (owed Conducted by Kinsmen Club of Wingham Give -and Give Generously This mivt. rlonntetl h) the nAsistnnee of the Sa Ivation Army by the Wing-ham Ativante4imes, Let your purse speak for your heart. , Salvation Army RED SHIELD FUND BLITZ- Friday Evening MAY 13th HURON PRESBYTERY ELECTS OFFICERS Theatre - Harriston - Rev. A. E, Enstaee of North St. Iinited Church, (toderiela was elect- ed chairman of Huron Presbytery for the coming year at tin- Presby- tery meeting last week in Myth. He succeeds Rev. l)r. James Semple, of Egmoralville, who pre- sided for the meeting. Rev, R. Evan MaLagan, Myth, was re- elected secretary and J, A. Snider, Goderieh, treasurer. Rev. Eustave and Mr. Snider were elected com- missioners Iii the General Council of the Palled Church of Canada which meets in Edmonton this fall. Mr. MeLagan and Mr, Lloyd Tint- inntyma of Thames Road, were named as alternate delegates to tend. taimail. Rev. „T. A. Me- Rim, Clinton, Rev, .1. lawart Clarke, Gortie, Rev. G. la Mills, Clinton 11 (1. Manning, Clinton, Robert Southeatt, lasaiter. and Albert Dann, Hayfield, i.iYere nominated to the ('onforeniy Ballot of Cam- missionera The Layntti A:-.S1101:11ion .eleeted Norman Hoover, of Brussels, as president, Robert. Taylor, Clinton, an viva -president, and .T. 1). Bee- ;Toff, af Whiteeloureli, l'i!, neetetata- treasurer. J. II. Kinkead, flotierielt, report- ed for 111,-, capital "fonds Moodier- big Counoittee outlining the rattle of the projects 'included in the S250tsill appeal and the value of this united effort of the Presbytery. The Capital It a year campaign ineludesr fordo fur tin University .Chrintian Ceatre h, be astablaited thin ;;ear .0, tla. flamer ILint club property ill rffi/Idfili, the radio 5103 TV ministry of the Alain-a, camp- tag and lay traiaina at tanierieh Smarner F., },dui anti Vivo I edit.. 111)!,,itiii.i-11 homing for retired • minister and bierstiries.L for aludent- candid:eta for the ministry. ' The Presbytery iaistained -foul' miaitterial. cads: Rev. A. IT. ,Talin- aton front isi. Thoinaa to the lowly • amalgamated Bracetiold - Rippcm charge: lit v=. J liarold AnderAnt, .............-......... from Who alley it, the Belgraxe charge: Rev. W. C. Smith from Port Stanley tie the Ilayfield • charge; Rev. Dr. James gf-Illph , . frtene Egrittenilville•to C"aohstown it }liTat.64. l'ae.",bytti•ry. Approe:al Was 43iY081 to the tees- t4.4 of Winglians United Church for slet ur iii,,posat of the par-Zoi- nr,I , with pang.; to IP)P=iPt a new one fan 4.1i( same site and to the trun- tsen of 1401111(41b1711). Cluireb for the ;sal t , of the ebureh shed to matte ironnt fur putting fatilitic.54. • .1. I). Shynitar, a re eent graduate Eatinanuel Thr-olocieal Coilege, '1'4)nd-do, wai; recommended to. the ifs-ant-di ecartferenee for ordination to the en:deist* tie %vitt lx tier w-ed AU* preach by a sprezai ulee tiag at tire. Presbytery in .Wolgliarn United 'hutch on. Friday. May 12th, An.nounicement was msde ,of - %RIMS, - FRI, May 11 12 - 13 "OPERATION AMSTERDAM" Wartime Esaioarta..a In Wartorn Bahama ▪ "THE SEVEN THUNDERS" keltlten r,oyd, Kathleen Harrison Adult Entertainment fittlIt RDAY ONLY — May al "THE ENCHANTED ISLAND" Dana Mairews and Jane Powell in Paaattna near Adveature "FORT DOBBS" gltarring aclint la:Allier of Tlia tat ataaa 'Ma tan,f, MONDAY awl. Tc1F;1:4111.41.- May IC arat 14 — WED. - THURS. - FRI. FFnr '1R - 10 - 10 "CRY TOUGH" A Thrilliita Madera Crane Story "INSIDE THE MAFIA" The'llush, liu;It Story Behind the Blatt. Hand of Crime Adult Entertainment 1111111.111.1111411Tilhalll wommiommixwmemmemmi Brownie's `DRIVE-IN Limited CLINTON •.- ONTARIO Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County. Two Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear First Show at Dual( Admission: 65c Children Under 12 in Cars Free. 1.11CRSDAY and FRIDAY May 13 and 13 — Double Feature — "THE HORSE'S MOUTH" (Colour) THUSDAY and FRIDAY Alec Gat-Mess -- Kay Walsh May 12 and is "GUN - FEVER" "THE DEVIL'S Mark Stevens -- John Lupton DISCIPLE" (One Cartoon, Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Lawrence Olivier MTURDAY and MONDAY May 14 and 16 — Double Feature — "THE HOUNDS OF THE BASKERVILLES" Colour) Peter Cushing "TEN SECONDS TO HELL" Jeff chandler - Arafat Palanoe tOne Cartoon) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 17 and la Gregory Peek "PORK CHOP HILL" aim; Cartoons) TUESDAY, MAT 17 ADMISSION 05c CLEsiTON LIONS f THEATRE NIGIIT iimomminnoimminsammosimmuss THaEu GREGowit e In. WITHOUTraCK PICTURE 100ALI IN mom mni winos aunt Apo ADMISSION 195e ►WNIE SOlkiVEalls1 Clibtort ti • Mrs, Margaret Lowry and Mr. Fred Lowry of Hondas spent' a few days last week with Mrs. Corn Mr. and Mrs. 'Lloyd Anderson. of London spent, the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson .0.1a1 other relatives in'the Mr. and Mrs, Russel Walker of Goderich spent the week-end with Mrs. Robert Slonehnuse anti other relativeg in the village. Mr. anti Mrs. Rally Williams of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vie Stackhouse and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Willey MeLelland and family of Willow Grove, spent the week-end vvitIi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Les Shaw and Sha- ron of London visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, loln: Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Campbell and Than of London spent the week- end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pengelly and Mr. and Mnt. Floyd Campbell. camps to lie held at •Gotlerich Summer School. Teen Camp, duly . 10-17; cmuT Girls, Aug. 7-14; Janior . dais- Aug. 14-21; Junior and in- termediate Boys, Aug. 21-25. Plans wee, begun for a Workshop on the Rural Church to be held in north set4lon of the Presbytery this fall. A motion • expressing a whole- hearted :support of the proposed une i.trgailizatioa for the women of the I wan approved by the Presbytery. Named as eonveters of Presby- tery committees were; Archives, R, v. W. I P. ;lark, Wingliam; Chris- tian edavation, Rev, Dr. 11. 'S. lititz, Ex e ter; chareh praperty, Rev. D. M. Goes, Centralia; college:, anti slittletil;-;, Rev. J. A. "VfeRila, Clin- ton; .evangelisin and soeial ser- v:oe. A. E. 'Tolley, Grant Bend; finance. Rev. R. C. Wietlaw, Ihse,ail; lama- mis:siona, Rev. 5, A. Monte, Goderieb; industrial rela- tions, Rev. W. IT. Summerell, Me- l' illop; km and steward- ilip, Rev, .7. E. Clarke, Gorrie; ionorials. Rev. S..E. Lewis, Ex- ,r; missionary anti maintenance, The. .1. L. 0. Brown., Brusrels; obituaries., Rev. U. W. -Down, Este-' ter; overseas mit:shoes, Rev. J. C. -Mon, Sentient); pensions, Rev. '1'. I. 1".0.1„ Varna; preAytery balm- thoies, Revt G. L. Mills, Clinton; publications, Rev. H. M. Sweeney,; A4111)13111; radio anti television, Rev; A, 1;,, vostaet ,, Goderiell; reeruit-. merit for the ministry, Rev. IT A. lounge, Itonde;:boro; rural life, Itev.• A. ‹lartiner, Vont tie. ad Pastoral relations:. 11,eva H. C. Wilnon, Thomas Rod; uni- vemity rasa:et:Ca. Rev. R. El, Mc- Eagan. Blyth; 0.atiferenee tillers, Rev. I Clartre 'Marie, and Rev. J. L. 0. nIVA31, Brussels. Pi BERM Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ansley of Pia- ta Gonda, Florida, are spending a few Weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Camilla-II and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C1areneer Stokes of Gorrie visited on ttanalay with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence •Vitill and .fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Spivey and family of Ingersoll :.pent the week- end with Ins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'arold Praetor, Top quality COMMERCIAL PRINTING Itnoldel4 * Stationery e Envelopes • Office•Forms Ai tirculiers Let us quote. art estimated price on yotir nevi job! 6 THE WINfilIAM ADVANCE-TIMES Phone 890 Whigham a ger.c1.0 WingIwo ilAra! 0 May 1L 1900 $14.1C.KS, t141.01 Murat 0 P 1401,44,.. CAN: MA.K.e Y94 1401M .0MEORT.1414 St.tgf. Jima SICK ROOM SUPPME$• FROM VANCE'S DRUG STORE Clinton Lionist Clu mrs b THEATRE NIGHT trAti Starring Sleeve Reeves as the Giant of Giants. It's loaded with suspense and exciting action. Wateh CITNX-TV, Channel 8, for Details on This) One. Llashmar DRIVE- IN LISTOWEL SATURDAY and MONDAY May 14 and III Doable. Feature "CAST A LONG SHADOW" • Audio Murphy, Terry Moore "THE HORSE'S MOUTH" Colour Alec Guinness, Ray Walsh TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 17 anti 18 Adult Entertainment "JUBAL" Colour CinernaScope Glenn Ford, Ernest 13orgnine Children untie 12 in can Free. Box Office opens at 8 p.m. PORK CHOP AY 1 P1U Z I. BELNAVE Meet- ing of the CGIT was held on Fri- day evening in Knox United .Church basement, with the girls nradtising for the affiliation service to he held on Wednesday evening: The group agreed to spend $5.00 fot the special objeetive. ' They then worked' on the Af- C.G.I.T. Meeting lUilLGRAVE---The regular Babies Baptized. At Sunday Service BELGRAVE— Special Mother's Day service was held in Knox Un- ited Church on Sunday morning with Rev. W. Clarke in charge. Baptismal service was also held with the following babies being baptized; Marjorie Elaine, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs..10101 Nixon; Loric,Lynne, daughter of Mr. and MrsaV. Stack- house; Margaret Elizabeth, daugh- - ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Walah; Mark Lloyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tolin Taylor; Mary Anne, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook; Gary Lyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ITopper; Cameron John son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yuill; Dent! .Tames, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Campbell. few. games. ;.SWIM SUITS FOR BABY , nnorimi.‘,n SISTER — MOTHER anti FATHER U 7.! riean homes, for, their. Afrieanaproa jest, The meeting closeocl with a Always a Thousand-and-One Bargains in Novelties and Gifts for all occasions We reserve the right to limit quantities on any items, i Open 10 a.m. till 10 p.m. ,....._ Plenty of Parking 1 Space il — Mail Orders Filled — - i .-,.immTowimmiummilwilmimilmimmil i nmsamsmivmmiumicamminsifignimemsmilumnimmwmalmimmmi BEDFORD CORD MIAX - TAPERED LEtic.; 1 ..