HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-05-11, Page 7.4k
DISTRICT STREAMS -received. 6,500 speckled- trout servation Offieer W, M. Wortnworth is showit above.
in .a atociring program carried oat by the"Winghaue, .as he dumped a bucket' of the speckled beautieS into.
Spolitsmeti'S Association in ce,aperatiett With. the , '.4treatrt.-41110to by Cititteloa,
Department of Lands and Forests last 'Friday. Con-
The. death eccurred Friday even-
ing, April 29th of Mrs. Simon Hal-
lahan In her 09th year. She had
been a patient in at. Mary's Ios
pital, Kitchener, since March aataa
Mrs. afallahen was th e former
Anna E. Cummins, Beg,N., the
daughter of the late Montag Cum-
mins and Ellen MeCourt, She was
born at St. Augustine and attended
the separate .eehool there, complet-
ing her high. school edueation IP
Wingtiani, She later graduated
from Teachers' College in Saska-
toon and taught ach001 in Sas-
aatehewan for five years. In 1920
she entered 'St. Michael's Nursing
School in Toronto and graduated
with honours. on July 6th, 1929 as
a registered nurse,
Mrs. Hallahan remained in that
profession until July 1940, when
sae married Henry Kelly of Tees-
water. Mr. Kelly passed away in
1955, She remained on the harm,
operating it with her brother Jim
until April 1st, laaa, when she
Mrs. J. C. Robinson of Winghem. moved to-Kitchener and bought, a
visited Saturday with Mt, and Mrs, home at 9 Pelts Ave. On July 18th,
Edward 'Robinson and family, 1959, she married Simon liallattan
in the Sacred Heart B.C. Church,
Mrs, Hallahan had a wonderful
personality, She was very interest:
ed In the community welfare and
particularly in agriculture. She
gained a number of friends In this
vicinity and in the different farm
organizations in Huron County,
The number of mass dards and
floral tributes showed the esteem
is which, she was held.
Mrs. Hallahan was a member of
Sacred Heart Catholic Women's
League and also the Altar Society.
She is survived by hea husband,
one step-daughter, Rose Marie, a
student atat St. Mary's Girls' High
School, 'Kitchener, one step-son
Maurice Hallahan, of East Wawa-
nosh, and a niece, Mrs. Mary Ellen
Lahn, Kitchener. Also surviving
are four brothers, William and
Thomas of Saskatoon, Michael and
James of St. Augustine; three
sisters, (Mary) Mrs., Kinahan of
Saskatoon, (Ethel) Mrs, D, Me-
Mrs. S., lianaban
Iuried in Morris
Many Noted Speakers Address
3:Day Conference at ,Guelph
r is, J. C. Melavlett
and chiltiren, of London, visited.
with Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Mclainnea
on SulidaY.
Vlsitiog at the Imam ()f Miss
Mary Duff at the week-end- were
Mrs. Ross Douglas of 'reroute and
Mr, and Mrs. Donald Street, end'
family of Listowel,
Mt. and Mrs. Cecil firiffithe of
Guelph visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Charles tiosman.
Jeek Elliott, Miss Idleanor Salta
alert Miss Norma McMinn, all of
Toronto, spent the weelaend with
relatives here. ,
Donald Darling, of .Toronto, was
with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Purling
for a few days, Mrs. James Dar-
ling and baby returned with him to
Toronto for a visit,
Mr. and. airs, A. al. Neelon and
children -spent a few days in Lon-
don last week.
Mr. and Mrs. - Alan White and
children h of Clifford spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Horton,
Clarence Nethereott and soh
▪ Nen of Atwood visited Mrs, Alex
MeCraelde and•Loree on Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs. C. B, Hoffman
spent Sunday at Crediton.
Recent visitors - with /via and Mrs.
It H. McKinnon were Mrs, Alex
Arriistrona and Mr, Peter McKay,
of -Drusseis, -and- Dr. R. E. and
Mrs. Robertson, of Collingwood,
The trip to the Hurqn County
Home at Clinton on May '18 will
substitute for this month's meet-
ing of the Women's Institute.
. Mrs, Tessie Procter -of Yorkton,
spent the week-end with her
cousin, William. N. Robertson and
Sing Greetings for
Two MB. Members
BLUEVALE Grace Mathers
presided at last weeksa Mission
Band meeting ' in the United
Church, The roil call was answered
by each one giving ,his second
Patsy Craig read the Scripture
and Betty Hetherington led In
prayer. Birthday greetings were
sung for Douglas Stamper anti
Mary Edith Garniss,
The seniors did hand' work. Mrs,
A. H. Neelon read the African
story to- the juniors, Games/and
lunch followed the meeting.
The sixth -meeting -of the Wing-
ham 4-H Hometnaking Club was
held at the home of Joyce Morrison
on,Friday evening, and opened in,
the usual manner. The roll call
was answered by twelve girls and
the minutes- of the last -meeting
were read by Lucille Merkley.
The next meeting is .to be held
at the home -of Shirley Clorigrarn
on May 20. A visit to the'slaughter
/mime of Mr. Ackert is scheduled
for May 10.
Mrs, Lapp read about' the use of
ground meat for variety. Tine
members' pamphlets Wert tutnedI
in and the girls read a recipe fer
meat loaf, and the leader demon
strated by making one.
Mks', Currie explained menu plan-
ning, the topics being, "General
Rules for Meat Planning" and
"Planning the Menu la Mote be"
lair. Mrs. Currie passed around
menus and each member had to fill
hi the missing parts. A letter WaS
read from Miss Monad; Eddie,
For this week's home assign*
ment the taierebete were requested
to plan a. day's Menu for the
family and put it In the record
book; and work on the -record
As usual, the girls sampled the
meat loaf their leader had made
in the deratiestratiot and it was
fourici to be 'test delicious,
the Grey County Music Festival at
Owen Sound recently,
Margaret Is recelving eongtatula,.
Urine for -attaining highest stands
ing in violin, -She received a vio-
lin bow as a prim, and her friend,
Lols Whitfield, cense second,
BLUEVALE—The W.M.S. met in
the United Church. following the
Woman's Assodation meeting on
The president, Mrs. Milton Fra-
ser, conducted devotions. The
treasurer, Mrs, Spatting Johnston,
reported the receipt of a donation
from the estate of the late Mrs.
Arthur Shaw to, be used in mis-
sionary work,
Mrs. John Wickstead Presided for
the study program, the Associate
Helpers' program. Mrs,
too read- the Scripture.
The topic was taken by Mrs.
Graham Campbell from the book
"Africa Disturbed". She• describ-
ed the drift (rem the country
centres which disturbs family life,
Men leave their aomes to seek em-
ployment and the family loses its
security. The men live in crowd,
ea quarters in the cities. Theaevils
of intemperance .and •prostitution
often follow the disruption of, the
family. •
The treasurer, Mrs. Alex Me-
Crtackin, reported a large balance.
It was agreed that the Woman's
Association assist in the expense of
remodelling the ' kitehen of the
' Mother's Day decorationa 'were
planned, for the church.
Choir 'Sings Anthem
For Family Day
BLUEVALE— "Christian Faraily
Day" was observed by a. large at-
tendance of lamiliee the United
Church on Sunday, The minister,
Mr, A. Neelon, preached on the
toying relationships 'of parents and
children and friends and the ef-
feets of these on young lives.
Ross Smith, Suhday School su-
perintendent, conducted the 'service.
Patsy Craig read the Scripture pas-
sage and . the choir sang an ap-
propriate Wilda' With 'Miss M.
Lou Wright,aaganist, conducting.
13ELMORE--The Budgetears held
their seventh meeting at the home
Of their leader, Mrs. Doubledee,
last Tuesday. The 4-H pledge was
repeated and the minutes read by
the secoetary. The roll call was
answered by submitting a -menu
'Manned -for the family,
A eolleetioe was taken to pay
for some of the supplies used for
the meeting and designs Lot the
record Woke were discussed.
"Made-over Dishes" and "Frozen
Meats" were the topics covered by
the leaders, Mrs. Doubledee and
Mrs. ,Kieffer. The girls were given
a recipe, to be tried Some time dur-
ing the project. Staffed flank
steak and -savory salad were pre:
. The next meeting will be oh May
18 at 2 a an. at the Belniore corn'
triunity- teritre,
Christian, Horne
Sermon Theme
FORDWICH—The Sactameitt of
Holy 13s,ptiem was held Sunday
Morning iri the FOrdwieh 'United
Church. Ilea. A, V. -Gardner .toOlt
as his sermon "The Cattlatitte
Hoene". The following children
Were haptleade
Bradley Thomas, see of Mr. and
Mrs. Wallahs 'Hutehleoill Donald
William, son of Mn Mrs.
George Belarider; Batten filmy,
Soh Of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zur-
lirigg; Janet Ellattlieta, daughter
Of Mr. and Mt s. leek Brouria
Teresa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Nichol.
The choir rendered lovely an-
There were seven infants bap-
tized, Heather Elaine, daughter of
Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm, Struthers;
Donald Murray, son of Mr. and
Mrs. -Lorne Metcalfe; twins, Judy
Deanne and Geffrey Ralph, infants
of Mr. add Mrs, Ralph Dickson;
-Paul Gordon, son of-Mt, ainti—acrae
Jahn Dickson; Doreen Elizabeth;
daughter of Mr, and Mrs, George
Nickel; Glen ,David, son of Mr,
and Mrs. Arnold jeffray,
Many former -members and
friends. were present for the ser-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riddell and
two daughters of Harriston, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Stan Bride,
Mr. -and Mrs. Maurice Wallace of
Hamilton, spent a few days last
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Aitcheson Wallace. On Thursday
of last week Mrs, A. Wallace, Mrs.
Jean Massey and Mrs. Maurice
Wallace visited at. Victoria Hos-
pital, London, with Mrs. Don Goetz,
who is confined there.
Week-end guests with Mr, and
Mrs, E. A. Schaefer were Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Wendt and two children
of Toronto.
Miss Clara, Baetz of WIngilarn
spent the week-end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Wally Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Naha and
family of Cowanstown were Sun-
day guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Hutchison,
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Galbraith
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Coen 'Galbraith in Guelph.,
Master Norman Wilson, 13-year-
old son of Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Wil-
son, is at present confined to
Palmerston Hospital.
Week-end visitors with Mrs.
Mts. Dora Ridley were Mr, -and
Mrs, George Bolander and family
of Markham and Mr, Earl Ridley
of London,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Doig of
Palmerston spent Sunday with Mrs,
Harold Doig.
Mr. and Mrs, Crosby Sothern-
speet the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs, iV R, Campbell in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lloyd
spent the week-end with 'relatives
in Owen Sound.
Mr, Bert Winston and Mr. David
Kreller returned home over the
week-end from a nix weeks' visit
in -Englund, France and Germany,
Mr., mid Mee, Fred lianibla and
Janie visited oh Sunday in Knelt-
eller, at the home ef Mr. and Mrs,
Meta 'Ratably.
Mv, and Mrs, Anson Kemerling
skirt the, weekend at the home
of lift. and Mrs, Gordoa Goldrich
in London.
lati. 'William Mama returned
-to her home in Guelph hit Sunday'
after spending a week gat the home
farm home, Lot 40, Con, 5, East
Wawanosh. The funeral took place
Tuesday, May 4th at St. Michael's
Church, Blyth, with interment in
St. Michael's cemetery, Morris Twp.
Requiem high mass -was sung by
Father Reed-Lewis, whose text was
"No greater faith have seen in
_Wad', 'Father' Mut Poreda Of
aaered Heart parish, Kitchener,
officiated at the cemetery.
The pallbearers were Jerome and
Desmond Brophy of Wingham,
James and Leo O'Keefe of Toronto,
Dennis Hallahan of IVfalton and
John Hallahan of Blyth.
Make Two Quilts
At W.A. Meeting
FORD WICH—The president, Mrs.
Glenn Johnston and secretary, Mrs.
W. Campbell, Were in charge of the
Ferdwich United Church W.A.,
held in the Sunday School rooms.
The theme of the meeting was
"Freedom of the Spirit".
Miss Minnie McElwain read the
Scripture and Mrs. George Rich-
ards read the commente. The com-
mittees from the last meeting re-
ported their findings. Arrange-
ments were made for the garden
party and the choir to be respon-
sible for the program.
The ladies spent the afternoon
working on two quilts. The-meet-
ing closed with the Mizpah -bene-
diction and lunch was served,
of Mr, and- Mrs. Jack Browne,
Mrs. Harold Wallace is visiting
for a few days at the home of her
parents in Saskatoon, Sask„ where
she was called because of the
critical illness of her -father, Mr,
D. Stewart, who suffered a severe
stroke last week,
Mrs. George Ashton spent a week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rosa
Durst in Tort:into.
The sympathy of the- community
gots to Mr. Earl Coact in the
massing of his father, the late Mr.
Cotter, who died in Listowel Hos-
pital last week, Funeral services
were held in Gormley on Sunday
Ernmereon Hargrave was
Londoit last Wednesday. where he
attended a Synod meeting held in
St, Pallas Cathedral.
Mies Margaret McCann of Lis-
leave' is spending two weeks' va-
eatioe with her parents.
Mr. John Tudan of Toronto visit-
ed over the week-end with his
wife and family.
at. Anne's Gaild of Trinity
Church sponsored the Cotton Town
Minstrel Show Friday evening hi
the- eortatanity ball by the XAlrelet
Women's Institute and their 'fam-
ilies, Everyone enjoyed the Olen-
program by the group, Songs,
lattaital selettlens and 'dances Were
wear we=ll given by the eeioure,d
edDt(lhteeg ja-21..tehs .0,nnunmilaael r Flaegcie8r3a2tearittewnod:
men's Institute Conference heal. enh
Wednesday, Thursday and Fritia.y .
at the Ontario ,4.grietural College,
Guelph. The theme chosen for
1960 was "All that evil - needs to
triumph, is that good men do'
Early Wednesday registration
began as delegates arrived from the
farthest sections of the province,
the Rainy River District in the
north-west, to Ottawa and Wind-
sor in the south. They came most-
ly from rural districts with a few
from the cities of Ontario.
"Public Relations" was the sub-
ject for discussion and the varied
program was built around this
Subject. S. A. Eccles, director of
public relations, welcomed the dele-
gates and arranged bus tours for
those ,arriving early. The :tyiVir..;.
-phYsical education .bitilting4as in-
spected and also the green houses.
He told the delegates they -were the
first of approximately 50,0Og vis-
itors .who would visit the college
this summer,
Rev, W. A, Young, padre of. the
college, extended a welcome and
introduced Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Kidd, directors of music for the
0A,C., who led in a sing song -at
all sessions, "Mystery in the
Kitchen", was the film shown by
Jarvis Stoddard and John Fisher Of
the National Film Board. The
story depicted a reasonably intel-
ligent woman buying in such a
a way that She robbed her family
of good health.
'A distinguished guest was Mrs.,
B, J. -Roylance of Greenwood,
British Columbia. In her ad-dress
she reviewed the work of the
F.W,I.C., to which . she was re-
cently eleeted president. Mrs. Roy-
lance accompanied Miss Il'elen Me-
Karcher of the Institute Branch,
Department of Agriculture, to the
newly purchased home of Adelaide
Hoodless at Stoney Creek. The
speaker told of plans to organize
Institutes in the Yukon, At pre-
sent there is one branch there,
This was started in 1950 by Mrs.
William Hough, wife of the super-
inteedent of Whitehorse Experi-
mental Farms. Upon her hus-
band's death Mrs. Hough returned
to her home in Stratford and will
be sent by the -department of
of observing and organizing more
bNroarntoltheer: Affairs with the purpose
Mrs. 'L. C. Lymburner of Port
Colborne, who was elected' presi'
dent of in November,
'folk and all dressed In southern
eolou rs,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Marriner of
Toronto spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marriner,
Mr. Harvey Bride of Toronto
slant the week-end here. Mrs.
Bride and little son returned home
with him after spending the past
week with the latter's mother, Mrs.
Harold Doig. '
Mrs. Nina Armstrong ie spending
this week with Mr. and Mrs: Irate
McDowell la Galt.
Mr, and Mrs. Ken Jecklin of
Kitchener spent the week-end with
relatives here,
Mrs, Boyden Devitt attended the
aublie relations officers' eonvera
tion for the Women's aestitute
held ih Macdonald Rah In Guelph,
Mr. and Mrs. T. Schaefer and
Master Michael. Reiland spent
Saturday in Stratford.
in -the program when John Ash, a.
public relations officer from, a
Toronto advertising firm, held a
brainstorming session. Mr, Ash
explained this was a technique
found highly successful, which was
based on a group meeting to deal
with a common problem. He then
carried out the idea with a group
of women on the subject, "How to
Get New Members". The ideas
Came fast with 75 suggestions on
getting new members in the 10'
minutes period.
leader training school will be in-
troduced by the department on
meat eookery. A district workshop
will take up a nutrition project,
Hold Presbyterial
At ,WIntec lurch
Manua Church, WhItechurch,
will be host to the May meeting
of the Maitland Presbyterial of the
Women's Missionary Society of the
Presbyterian Ohara. Sessions Will
be held at 2 and a7 on Wed-
nesday, May 18, with Matt E. it.
Johnson, of Toronto, giving the ad-
dress at both sesslone. The* theme
of the meeting is -to be "Con-
Tbc ultri bani antr-zunro
WINtiilikaf, ONTARIO, WiaDaa4SPAY;
DUAL 'VA LE Bluevale Belles,
diGroup One, inking aoureq,
w"Meat in the Mena" met at the
home of Mrs, W, J, Peacock on
Tuesday- evening. This was the
seventh meeting and opened' with
the 4-al pledge, The tell earl was
"Submit the menu planned for your
Discussions were on made-over
dishes and frozeit meats. All the
girls took an active part in demon-
strations on "Staffed Round
Steak", "Shepherd's Pie" and Set-
, vory Salad" and tempting dishes,
filiteante fltotip Two,, held
lade "(lath Meeting' at the home of
Mi's. Alex ,Corrigae oh May and.
The roil call was answered by give
ing .a reason for using liver. Min-
utes wort; read and adopted.
. Under the instructioo of the lona
biers the girls prepared a Meet
at Topics of discussion were
Meals with Stutfing", "Grotted
Meat in Many Poems", aSteralard
for Meal Loaf" (tad 'Menu Plan.
• aing"
The meeting closed with the na-
tional anthem. The teat reentleg
will be May 9th at the home: of
Mrs, Jack Nicholson.
TWO MOUS HOLD Makes Meat Loaf
in Prc feet
TWO MEMBERS of the Wingbat Sportsmen's Association, Robert
Walsh and Percy Willie were caught by the camera as alley carried
two buckets of trout fingerling to a. local stream, la a .restocking pro-
gram: The Assimilation worked in estaiperatian with the Department of
Lands and Forests.--Photo by Citiaelona-
Receives S.S. Pin Takes First Place
For iftear Record In Music Festival
BLUFAIALE- -A large vongrege.- Man:VALE— Margaret Craig
flan followed the Mother's. Day 10-year-ola aatiaater.• of Mr. and
program In 'Knox Presbyterian Mrs. Mel Craig of Morris, and Lai
Church an Sunday- morning. The Whitfield' of Cranbroota attended•
choir, with Mrs. Nora Moffatt at
-the organ, sang an appropriate an-
them, "My Mother's Bible". Rev-.
Kennedy- used as his text the fifth
ecaernandment, "Honor thy father
and thy mother",
The Sunday aelinol children, sat
an the centre news with their tea,
(hers, and during the service were
presented with certificates and
seals. for fuitaful attendance in
1059. Hugh Mundell was given a.
pie for _completing ten years of per-
feet attendance,
Two infants were baptized, They
were Wayne Alexander, son of 'Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Campbell and
David Bradley, son of Mr and Mrs.
William Gamble.
Miss Carol Greig read the Scrip-
ture lessons in a very pleasing way.
Mr. and Mrs. Willows. Mountain.
and little Miss. Betty Joshing of
Lontieshora visited, .a few -days laet
week with Mr. and Mrs, Wesley
Jefferson and Debbie.
A large crowd attended the
dance at St. Augustine, which was-
held Friday night honor of the
.newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon.
Ma Kenneth Hasler of Canale-
Way visited Sunday with Mr,- and
Mrs. John Noble.
Kos tiliainr Jefferson of London
spent the week-eel with her asa-
eats, Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Jeffer-
son. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Jeffer-
son anti -Cheryl of -Clinton were
Sunday visitors at the same home,
Baptismal service Was coii,ducted
Su nd ay at the Donnybrook United
Church for Murray Shawn, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Woods.
Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard, Jefferson
attended a wedding reception for
the latter's niece at Listowel on
Miss Betty Devereaux of London
lashed with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Gus Devereaux,
Mother's Choir for
Sunday Service .
BELIVIORE— Knox Presbyterian
Charch, Belmore, was filled to
capacity on Sunday, May 8, when
a special Mothers' Day program
was -followed.
Rev, T. E. Kennedy' gave a
splendid address to both parents
and children from the text "Honour
thy father and thy mother",
Miss Ruby Duff
Presides at W.A.
BLUEVALE—The Woman's As- The _mothers' choir -sang "My Malian of Detroit and. (Bridget) sociation met in the Mated Chute].) Task". Miss Shirley Baird and Mrs. 'Mrs. F. O'Keefe of Toronto. on May 5th, the' president, Miss Harvey Ballagit read the Scripture The body rested at the family Ruby Duff, in eharge.
presided on Thursday and in ber
address urged the members to
recognize their own abilities, She
'deplored' the piehentsdaa tanaeney
of joining the crowd to escape
responsibility and letting the lead-
ers think for us, She pointed out
the W.I. was not --a tea-drinking
gossip club, "Think' for yourselves,
then act"; was her advice.
Professor J. D. McLaughlin and
Professor Margaret 'McCready wel-
comed the delegates to the campus
and outlined the courses provided .
at the college, A banquet was
given by the Department of Ag-
riculture, represented , by Hon.
W. A, Goodfellow, minister of
agrietilture and also attended
by' tar. „Graham, deputy minister.
Aar. Goodfellow 'remaritea in tt,s
address that profession is as ,de-,
pendent as a farmer is on his wife,
and *continued . that a wife coital
'Waste iyielethrin amen could make,
Unless a farmer's -wife la a goOd
'manager he had better get oat of
Mrs. W, F. Pepper of the On-
tario Aasbeiatimi foe Retarded
Children outlined the work of that
society, She stated statistics show
that '100 'babies would be born' in
Canada in the next two hours. Of
the 160 three would be, geniuses,
94 of various aeareas of normal
iatellagence aaea ...thtee would, be
mentally retarded to some degree.
To teach them requires patience,
love, ability, and courage. She
pleaded for tateleretanding and
acceptance of the retarded child.
Dr. Wallace Graham of the Ca-
.hedian Atthritis and Rheumatism
Society, Toronto, founded in 1948
said 68 of those disabled from
"Eat to ive", proposed, by The
Federated Worhen's Institutes
Provide Entertalmnieat
thetertainment was nut forgotten
en 'the conference program, Mrs,
Loren Guild of Rockwood display*
ed her historical dolls, dating front
early history to the present day
ettwaittyaah.A, chit, also writteitThi
Mrs., Guild, was presented by ten
ladies with Mrs. Guild and Mrs.
-Ralph Kidd directing. "The Title
Bedlum or the -Gold Stamp Issue"
had a Gilbett and Sullivan musical.
-accompaniment, West End Insti-
tute held a Puppet show. Soloists;
at the afternoon sessions were Mrs,
Richard Lamb of Kitchener and
Mrs, R, J. MeKercher of Seafortle
A. manorial service was condhete
ea for Mrs. Mildred. Summers :of
Welland, who died in April,' Mrs,
Roylance, F.V17,I.O. President, -Mi's,
James Hagerty,' -vice president of
• ! and Mrs, .Lyraburtter
spoke of Mrs. Summer's; dedication
to the work, of.,the W.I, froni the,
branch to vice-president of Associe
ated Countrywomen of the World.
Mraa'R, J, lardKerit.itataittna "The
Lord's 'Prayer".
Discussion . groups suet. hi the
various college buildings with their
subject "Public -Relatioes", .The
-findings of the seventeen groups
were presented by Mrs. Pa YaMe-
Candless, . provincial pulsar re-
lations officer. Many new and
valuable suggestions were. made
such' as budgeting donation money
and exchanging akits and slides
with' Other Xlistittdes. It -was point-
ed out the personal- contact Is.the
best relationship. Well prepared
programs draw new members. The
press, TV and radio are all. valu-
able mediums for public relations.
Courtesy remarks -Included the
many who, had made the confer-
ence a success, but special tribute
was made to Mrs, E. V, Thomp-
son, conference secretary, who is erthrats are of working age be- In charge of billeting and many tween 18 to 64. -Three times as
many women as men suffer from other duties.
the, disease. Pictures were shown . LOvely summer sunshine and the
and a question period held, spacious grounds of the 0.A.(".
with flowering trees M. bloom were Something new .was I ntrocluced enjoyed -by the delegates who
strolled around in summer dresses
and according to many comments,
the conference was a wonderful
experience and the best yet.
Funeral Today for
Mrs. Thos. Dickson
Mrs. Thomas Dickson died sud-
denly at her home on Victoria St.
on Monday, where she suffered a
heart attack.
son. Re predeceased her in 1951.
Mrs. Dickson Is survived by
two daughters, Miss Zorn Dick-
son at home and Mrs, Joseph (Eva)
McGill -of Belgrave. A son, Car'.
paedeceaSed her, There are also
two sisters; Mrs. Elizabeth Weir
of Chicago and Miss Pearl Van-
stone of Randeau Park, Gut,
Rev, T, G. Hasser of the United
Church will conduct the ataviee
this after-nowt at two O'clock at
the S. A. Currie & Sons funeeel
home and Interment will be In the
Winghent cemetery. The. pailbear-
ere *ill be Jack Stacey, Jim Prig-,
toile, Earl Dickson, Jack Wright,
W. W. Currie and Walter Chatte
Miss Meliercher urged that WI, She was the former Clara Van.
members put a stop to stash stone, daughter of the late Samuel
children driving tractors On the Vanstone and Mary Watcher and
farms, She. reported that some was born in •Ternberry Township in
farmers have installed pasteuriz- 1882. She attehded B.S. No. 9,
ation units at the cost of about , Turnberry and was later a tallorese
.140.00, since many families still I prior to her marriage at Brussels
drink raw milk. A new loeal en December 13, 1900. to Mr. blek-