HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-05-11, Page 1With which is amalgamated the Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
wi ry-01m% 0/m1Im), WEDNESDAY, ialAY •0, 1060 SINGHE COPIES. .c
Tory Gregg pointed out to the:
team that it was unusual .for a
municipal council to honor a eham-
pionship team and said the lads,
should be proud to have a council,:
which is willing to give this kind,"
of recognition.
Joe Kerr, the team's sponsor,
said that he was happy to have
helped along and would do what
he could in the future. 'A toast 'to
(Please turn to Page Three)
Complete Plans for
Rummage Sale
The 'meeting of the Ladies' Aux-
Diary to Wingham General Hos-
pital was -held in the emitted
chambers with the,presicient, Mrs,
N. Cameron, presiding. During Ap-
ril the cutting and sewing groups
showed' much activity, 157 articles
having• been completed and laid on
the shelves for use. These included'
bedding; patients"' goWis and tire
eery supplies as well as much mend
ing, a total of 220 hours of wo-
men's time, the mending alone tak-
ing 103 :hours.
Plan's were made for the rum-
mage sale, which will be held in the
armouries on Saturday, May 14,
Committees wore appointed and ar-
rangments completed' for sorting
and marking the articles to be
Sold, Everyone was reminded to
send 'in unneeded artiales. "Any-
thing you cannot use, we can
for the Girl Guides and Brownies was held last
Wednesday evening when a mother-daughter ban-
quet was staged in the basement of 'the Presbyterian
Church. The dinner marked the Golden Jubilee of
Guiding in Canaia. Shown anove are airs, George
Henderson, Guide Captain, Mrs. Bert Dixon, Harris-
ton, Division Commissioner for Guides, Mrs. Norman
Elliott, District Commissioner and Mrs. Alan Hafer-
meld, 'Brown Owl of the local Brownie troop,
KINSMEN HARD AT WORK—Two local. Kinsmen,
Ivan Gardner and Bruce MiteDomda are shown
Aimee as they installed the ibig Sign last Week on
the south end of the arena advertisieg the Kin
Trade Pair Which Will be-Staged early iti June. The
Kinsmen Club has been working for the
months making arrangements for the
lining up a program that should make the
best to date,
past two
fair and
event the
Baptisms. at' -United Church
A large congregation joined in
the Mother's Day service in Wing-
barn 'United Church on Sunday
when the minister, Rev. T. G. Hire-
sea Spoke from the etthject, "20th
Century Challenge to Motherhood,"
He asked the question, "Whet has
happened to the old fashioned
Mother?" and pleterea the model
home with the family together and
Mother in the eentra* The home
Makes the nation, Mid the future
of the antlers depends upon the
place God finds hi the 'home, The
Mothers who pray With their child-
ren are the mothers Who 'control
the Christian life of the nation,
Mr. Husser gave, the challenge to
mothers to be godly Women, fen'
the woman who feereth God shall
he praised, The ;Scripture read was
Proverbs 31:10-31, "The Perfect
During the service Mr, fusser
christened the following children
Pamela Elizabeth, daughter of Mr
and Mrs. Murray Gerrie; Patricia
Lynne, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert ,James Brennil; Joanne
Elizabeth, 'daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. la`eanetli E. Wood; Olsen
Margert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
IS, Russel Smith; Susan lane.
daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. (Patricia
Carmithael) Donald Edward Ilaw-
thOrite, of Toronto; Murray Jolla,
sort 'of Mr. and Mrs, John
Wray; Barry Steven, son of Mr.
and Mrs. James Donald Burns;
Waltei Jay, soil of Mr. and Mrs.
Ian C. 11/taeLaurira Leonard Kerry,
eon of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Brute St, George.
P011OWing the christening tile
Man Mayer girl, Sandra Tiffin,
preeented 0(10.1 mother With a tor-
Sage Of carnations,
By !rho Pedestrian.
District farmers are more than a
little_ unhappy with the wet wea-
ther which 'has prevailed since
Friday. However, it appears that
a fairly large proportion of the
crops have been ecededa aria when
warm weather does sat in there
should he rapid growth.
You are asked 'to bear in mind
that the Red Shield cempaign, to
raise funds for the Salvation Army,
is not yet completed. Sandwiched
in between other campaigns, the
fled Shield. collection is inclined to
suffer from tee much competition,
despite the fact that it is -one of
the .most important collections •in
the entire year, The Kinsmen will
conduct a blitz campaign on Friday
evening of this week. Please have
a generous donation ready,
0 - 0 -0
Have you taken a drive around
the newly-opened streets in town
recently? The buildingahoom in
'Wingham has been quietly going
On for some time and some beauti-
ful new homes have been added.
There is a very attractive area on
the extension of. Carling Terrace,
north, and the development in the
Berry Patch eoritirtues to thrive.
These new homes add a great deal
to the appearance of the commun-
0 - 0 - 0
S!taltEIST 'I1.0 GS--
A few weeks :,go Chief Deycil
handed out several tickets • to
drivers who insisted on doable-
parking along the main drag. tt
is to'be hoped he has some of those
tabs left, because some motorists
don't mind a• bit when their cars
block half the street and jam up
the tsefficaaaWleectlaa-baVe tw.0=
heaai parking by-law in this' town
Which inns been , completely fargot-
ten in Otte a_ few instances.'
Vaughan Douglas was in Toron-
to on Sunday where be appeared
on the MSC's "Country Calendar",
showing films he had taken on a
trip ..to Winnipeg with Walden
Bros.' Transport and the shipping
• of livestock by road, Al Cherny,
another OKNX personality, Was a
oguest on "Country Hoedown" last
Dr. B. N. Corti u's offic , will be
closed until Saturday of this work.
Dr. Shartneeeyai. office w ill b e
closed all day Monday during May
June, :July and August, and Open
Tuesday through Saturday 9-6, re
The North Huron Junior team-
ere are sporisoring a Variety Con-
cert in the Foresters Flail, Bel
grave on Friday evening, May 20.
at 8.30. The play "The Pink Drees"
rlvill be presented, also a one-act
eRlnedy, "Sister Slat" and musket?
numbers. Admission 50e. 10.11-18b
A Cadet Graduation dance is to
beheld on Monday; May 16th in
the auditorium of the Wingham
District 'High School, Dancing
from 9.80 to 1 rain, to the music of
Bill" Wolfe and his orchestra. Dress
is formal, Everybody welcome.
faunal-nage Sale time and House-
cleaning come together. The rum-
triage sale Will be held in the
Wingham Amenities on Saturday
afternoon, May 14, at two o'clock
sparisored by the Ladies' Auxiliary
to Wingham General Hoepital, So,
When youettre housecleaning, make
up a box for the trbnfnage sale,
Anything can be sold, fureiture,
clothing, hats. shoes, hoVelties, etc,
if you wish your donation called
:or, phone Mrs, .f, MeKay, 118,
r Miss Marguerite Johns 200. tft
coltheetion with the Mania& stifle,
tags wilt be sold in 'Wilighani bn
Saturday, May 14. These are com-
munity events with all proceeds
being used for the hoepital. So
bring along your pareels---"Any.,
thing you cannot use, we can
Please hare parcels at the Arlatotir-
les Friday 'so they tart he e011ted
Slid Marked,
Team Fete,
t Council Dinner
The May Meeting of the -Public
School Board was held at the
school on Monday evening of this
week, Due to the fact that an ex-
tra class room will be used in the
fall, the 'board decided to engage
the. services of Mrs. M. Douglas,
music teacher, for another half
day each week. In the same con-
nection the board decided to pur-
chase three small pianos to be
placed on each. floor,_ and moved
from room to room ,as required,
In- the past the extra class room
has been ttsecl as a music room,
the children moving to that loca-
tion for thele music instruction,
Ttustee , Herb Puller reported
that arrangements have been com-a
picket for the installation of a
sprinkler system, in the boiler
Chairman Roy Bennett reported
that all teachers' have signed th.el
1960-61 contracts and at the mo-
ment the staff' is complete for 'the
coming year.
. rine)Pal '17a: Sapetatti e
enrolment" 'for April stood -at' 002'
pupils, a alight drop from the pre-
vious month. Attendande - aver-
Last Thursday evening the Wing-
ham Town Council honored the
Wingham Jokers, WOAA Juvenile'
"C" champions, when they tender-
ed the team a banquet at the Le-
gion Home. Tory Gregg, formerly
of Wingham and a past president
of the O.H.A.,, was master of cere-
monies, Head table guests includ-
ed Joe Kerr, the team's sponsor,
Mayor 11, 111. McKinney, Hugh Car-.
The students of the Luaknow
District High School have com-
pleted their canvass for the Can-
adian Cancer Society, which prov-
ed to be as successful as that con-
ducted by,. the Wingham District
High. School a few weeks ago,
The canvass included laticknow,
Kinloss and the northern part of
West liVri.WeateSti,': The aetildent'S
were thorough in their canvass and
made their returns promptly, which
amounted to $725. The pupils took
aged 92.27 aper 'cent during the their kits from the school on Fri-
month. , day and the principal, P. W. Hoag,
had received all the •donations by
ENGAGEMENT Tuesday morning,
Michael, team 'manager, Tory
Gregg, Norman, Hill, 'New Ham-
burg, president of the WOAA, Alf
Lockridge, coach, Reeve Roy Adair
and Bob Wenger of The Advance-
Mayor McKinney said that he
was proud of the boys and, hoped
that they will continue to receive
pleasure in the future when they
look at their trophies, He went
Holds Exercises
Wingham, Listowel and
ton batteries of the 21st Field Be-
ment held exercises in Walkerton
on Sunday, Major R. P. Ritter,
Lt. E. 'Anderson, Sgt.-Major J,
Blackwell and four other members
of the 99th Battery attended.
The purpose of the exercise
to practise communications
signals in a devastated area,
to carry out mobile rescue work,
with Walkerton as the disaster
21st Field Regiment
DeWitt Miller, general chairman,
arranged with the principals, Mr.
Hoag of Luelcnbw and P. E. Ma-
dill of Wingham, and the students,
to conduct the canvass over the
entire district. The donations
in. total amounted to .over $3,000,
on ,hy saying that tine s, e council, xe
presenting the people of Wingharn
felt happy and privileged to pae,
sent the team with the trophies.
The mayor said. that the council.'
appreciated what had been done
by the loyal supporters of sport in
Wingham, and without men who
were willing to give their time,
thingS would not have gone along,
so well. •
Reeve Adair thanked the 'eotin-q
ell for the. dinner and, looking ov-,
er the players, suggested that sev-1
oral will likely have a future lei
hockey. Ile said the boys have
Walker- been a real asset to the community;
anclothave set a good example.
The blitz is being carried out in
all 'Huron centres during the same
week, and it is believed that this
county is the only one so organized
in the province, An active coUntY
,committee has been set up for
some time past and 'has provided
'excellent publicity about the drive.
Purpose of the collection, of
'course, is to provide funds for the
thousands of unfortunate families
still in refugee camps of Europe,
Asia and Africa, many of them
since the closing days of World
War II. Entire generations of
children are being raised in the
:squalor and hopelessness of camp
where housing is minimal and
prospects for the future are bleak.
Most of these families have
committed no greater crime than
finding themselves without homes
or friends in the rapidly-shifting
political picture which followed the
As far as Canadians are con-
cerned the World 'Refugee Year is
an expression of deep gratitude for
the' vast material blessings which
make life here so very pleasant.
There is a, general feeling that we
have room for a lot of these un-
fortunate victims of circumstai'ice
land the funds to' help them out of
nolserY• '
Robert B, Taylor of Clinton and
a passenger in his car, Miss Olive
Wilson, received treatment at the
Wingham Hospital on Frida.y for
eetaaand hruiees .aollowleg a -.car-
tractor collision a half-mile west
of the Zeeland Bridge on High-
way 86.
The Taylor car was proceeding
east when ai traeLor• driven by Pet-
er gostrzewa, R.R. 5, Wingham,
made a left turn in front of the
ear .with the result that tire ear
collided with the left rear wheel
of the tractor. Taylor's ear sus-
tained damage in the two doors,
roof and front end to the extent
ef $500. The driver suffered la-
Jerations to the head and bruises
to the right, shoulder, Miss Wil-
ton suffefed facial and arm Ina
ceratioue. Both were given first
aid at the Wingham hospital and
The operator of the tractor was
uninjured and the -treetop 'itself
was not.damaged to any kient.
The aceidert was investigated by
Constable joint' Parkinson of the
local Provincial Police detachment.
Charges are pending.
The same officer itivestigaterl on-
other accident early Smalay morn-
ing, when it car driven by John Ie.
Brown of Gornto loft No, 87 High-
way east of Wroxeter, went off
th e right shoulder of the road and
took off six guard rail posts be-
fore corning to test against a tree.
The driver was uninjured, but the
vehicle suffered about $3011 dam-
age. Charges in this case are also
The annual inspection of the
Wingham District High School
Cadet Corps will be held on Mon-
day, May 16, on the athletic field
of the high school. The parade will
be, formed nip for inspection at 7
p.m. This is a departure from the
usual ettelom of holding an after-
noon inspection, and is Mtended to
provide a greater opportunity Tor
the general public:. to witness this
colorful ceremony.
Taking the general salute and
March post will 'be Major G.
Vickers., 2nd in command 'of the
21st led. Itegl.. RCA (Mn with which
the corps is affiliated. Other in-
specting cffieers include Lieut. Col,
R. S. Hetherington,, chairman of
the school cadet committee; Capt.
W. A, Anstis, Western Ontario Areal
Cadet 'Officer, and Major B. P.
Ritter, Officer Coremandieg the
09th Vtl.
Corernanding the 20e strong cadet
corps wilt be Cala Major Douglas
(Please Tom to Page Three)
Round Cord Presented
At Annual Banquet
Mrs. W. Dixon of Harriston was •
atrea gueet speaker -ona•Wetineadaaer•
evening when the Guides and
Brownies held their Mother and
Daughter banquet at St. Andrew's
Church, There 'were about 125 at-
the dinner, with the Ladies' Aux-
iliary to the Canadian, Legion and.
. the Dinette Club catering. • '
the program of There were several musical num-
will be bets by the Guides and Brownies,
and the Brownies put on a one-act
play, "Toward the Golden Hand".
The principal characters were
played by Mary Aiwa, Gloria Reed
and Kathryn Ducharme.. The , di-
rector was Lynda Reavie.
The district commander', Mrs.
Wenonah Elliott, introduced Mrs.
Dixon, divisional commander, :and
the other head table &este, the
leaders, of the Wingham
and Brownies and their daughters,
Mrs. Dixon spoke on the history
of Guiding, from about.,•1010 to the
present time.
The highlight of the evening was
the presentation or awards.
appointed delegates to her (,alien Band badge, while
at badges wore awarded to
a number of Guides and Brownies
by Brown Owl Mrs. Jeer Hafer-
meld and Captain Margaret Hen-
- derson. District Commander El-
Saint and W. B. Con liott presented Mary Ahara with
Ontario Recreation Association the llllicttl
convention, which was held last Brenda
reee Ciolin(rdorn
and Karen
badges ;o ld Jean Jones her tattle
House :Emblem from Div, Com-
mander' Dixon,
Mrs, Dixon also presented Karen
Elliott with. her All-Rnend Cord,
the second highest achievement, in
Guidieg. This is the first time a
Wingham Guide has earned the
cord. She received it on the
merits of holding six homemaking
badges, her First Class badge and
passing a number of 'other tests in
which she gained such badges as
swimming, pioneer, first aid and
child nurse.
MAY 16 TO MAY 21
Please Give 'Generqusly.
Signtd IWK1NNEY,
Ross Hamilton, local chairman
for the World Refugee Year earn-
paign, has announced that the
Lions Club of Wingham will con-
duct a "blitz" type house-to-house
canvass in the town on Friday
evening of next week, May 20th.
The. calls will commence at 6 p.m.
arid continue until about 8 .c.'clock.
Most of our townspeople are
familiar with this sort of campaign
and will no doubt have their dona-
tions ready for the canvassers, If.
however, any homes are missed, or
hoUseholciers are away, they are
asked to Bend their donations to
Roes Hamilton, Wingham.
Miss Walker Will
Teach Kindergarten
Beginning in September, Miss
Frances Walker will teach the
kindergarten class at the J. A. D.
McCurdy Public School, RCAF
Station, Centralia, Ont. For the
past three years Miss Walker has
been teaching Grade IV at the
D. N. D. School, Centralia.
At a meeting of the Wingham
Recreation Committee held Tues-
day evening Of last week plans
were. dismissed for
The Recreation Committee will
again take the responsibility of
providingswimming instruction
for the children, transporting them
to the Teeswater pool. Irene Saint
will be in charge of the• summer
program of general riftivities and
it is hoped that several new fea-
tures can be added to enlarge the
scope of this section of the pro-
Mrs. Ruby
summer activities
carried out for the children of the
It was decided that teams will
be entered for competition iii
WOAA Bantam and Juvenile hard-
ball and Ladies' Intermediate soft-
ball. ,Kon. Hodgkinson will again
take charge of ball for Pee Wens
at the town park on Saturday
Thursday, Friday and SaLlArday at
Hockey accounts carried over
from the winter program were
passed for payment.
The burden of supervision for the
summer program has been carried
by comparatively few individuals
and the hope was expressed at the
meeting that some of the „men in
the community would volunteer to
spend a. few hours weekly during
the early evening or on' Saturday
morning, to assist with recreation
%Mrs. David. John Hutcheson
wishes to announce the engage-
ment of her younger daughtet,
Nancy Anne, to Mr. Matthew
Pauhni, eon of Mr, and Mrs. Mich-
ael Paulini of Kitchener. The wed-
ding will .take place in Wingham
United Church on Saturday, May
21st at two o'clock..
Mr. and Mrs. A, Irving Toner,
ale, 2, Wroxeter, announce the
mgagereeet of their daughter,
Dorothy Jean, to Mi. Peter Lamont
Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don S. Harrison, R.R. 2, Harriston,
The Wedding will take place . on
Sattinday, May 28th at 3 p.m. in
Gamic United Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wood of
Brussels, Ont., announce the en--
gagement of their only daughter,
Mayne • Lilian, to William Ralph
Itintoul, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Rintoul, of Winghton. The
marriage will take piece at St.
John's Anglican Church, Brussels,
early in June. hit
Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Agnew, ELM-
wood', Wish to announce the en-
gagement of their eldest daughter,
Elizabeth Jean, to John David
Steinaeker, only son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Steinanker, Fordwieh.
The marriage will take place June
11th in St. John's Lutheran Church,.
Elmwood, at 1.30 o'elock, Flab
Mr.' and Mrs, Wallace Agar of
Wingham announce, the engage-
Meat of their daughter, Wilda Ar-
lene, to Mr. Chester Gordon Hig-
gins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Higgins, MR. 6, Brussels. 'The
wedding will take name in Blur-
vale. United Church on Sellirday,
May 28th at 3 pan, '1014'
Me, and Mrs. James Smith, for-
merly of Wingham, annerenee
the engagement of their only
daughter, Sandra Marlene,.'to Mr.
Harold Shantz, son Of Mr, and Mrs,
Jesse Shantz, H.R. No, 3, Waterloo..
The marriage will take place
Saturday, .Trine the eleventh at S
O'clock it Erb St. Mennonite
Church, Waterloo.