HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-04-27, Page 7TRI COUNTY CHAMPS—NVinners of the Tri-Couoty Juvenile Chain- Dienship are shown above just prior to the hockey night banquet held at Wroxeter on Friday evening,, .Included are, left to right, back row: Dave Neilson, coach, Bert Eocaluyko, Bob Tem/Amia, Murray McLean, Ross Pe4coek, Fraser Pollock, Ross Nicholson and Harry Templeinan, manager; front Keith Woods, (ieorge Merktey, Paul Stutia, Wayne King, captain, Dave Edgar, Barry Mulvey. ltt am ~bban~e=~imeg ••,•••••• ilFORTII HONORS :Chrt MEMBERS HOLD MRS, K. LEITH BERJUR MEETING iiVINCIOALSX, CINIt'ARIO, WEDNESDAY, APAllre 27, IWO •-••• . . ease— GORRIE IMEMBERS PREPARE Members of the Teeswater Fel- lowship Circle joined with the Go- forth. Evening Auxiliary in their Spring Thentroffering meeting held, in, the ladies' parlor on Tuesday evening of last Week. The meet- ing, which was based on the re- surrection story of Easter, opened with the call to worship by the vice-president, Mrs. Stewart For- syth, Everyone joined in singing the hymn Jesus Christ Is Risen Today", Bible passages were read by ,Mrs, Robert Arbuckle, followed by the meditation by Mrs. Gerald Smith. Mrs. Ken Leitch led in prayer. A. highlight of the eve- ning was the presentation by Mrs, Ted English of a life membership in the W.KS, to Mrs, Leitch, who served the auxiliary faithfully for two years as prdsident. Mrs. Ro- bert Arbuckle read the address. A contralto solo, taken from Handers "Messiah" was rendered by Mrs. Beryl Davidson. The trea- surer's report showed an Increase in givinge over 1959. The sec- retary read the minutes of the previous meeting and all members answered the roll call with a verse of Scripture containing the word "cross", The offering was receiv- ed and dedicated by Mrs. Archie MacDonald, A favorite Easter hymn, "Beneath the Cross of Je, sue" was then sung, Special speaker for the occa- sion was Mrs, S. M. Scott of Kin, sardine, who was Introduced by Mrs. Ken Leitch. Taking for her key verse, "Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Mag- dalene, Mrs. Scott reviewed the important part women played in the death and resurrection of Je- sus and stated that women were the last at His cross and the first at His tomb. They were the first to see Him after His resurrection, first to hear Him speak and first to tell the disciples He has risen. Now women who realize the re- surrection of the Lord arc serving faithfully so all can catch the -Aston of the great need. Present- ing a challenge, Mrs. Scott said, "Women must make the most of their talents and grasp the vision so can come to the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, until the motto, 'the world for .Christ' may be realized." "Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross" was the closing hymn and. Mrs. Robert Johnston'closed the meet- ing with prayer, A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. T. E. Manning BEI.,GRAVE—The regular meet- of the Canadian Cale in Training. was held on Friday evening, open- ing with the purpose and. Scrip, ture, follOveed by the minutes of the last meeting. The next meeting will be held on May 9 and all members are urged to be present. The roll call will be answered by naming a product of Africa. Ruth Michie and Joyce Procter will be In ehal•ge of the worship Service. A short discussion was held on the affiliation service which, will be held on Wednesday, May 11. The girls decided that they would charge 10% on any jewellery that they sell, The worship service was opened with the call to worship followed by the hymn, "This Is My Father's, World". Margaret Nicholson read the Scripture lesson. She also read about Mary Jones, which was -followed by prayer and the hymn, "For the Beauty of the Earth". The meeting closed with the bene- diction, PLAN BUS TRIP FOR JULY SIIEETING BELGRAVE Mrs. Richard Procter, president, was in charge of the regular meeting of the Bel- grave Women's Institute with 22 members present. The secretary.' treasurer, Mrs, Carl Procter, gave her reports, the financial state- ment, showing that the group had made $1,034:84 for the .year and they now have a balance on hand of $254,58, Thank you notes were read from Mrs. Jean Taylor and family, and Mrs. Mee Bradburn. The group re- ceived and accepted an invitation from the Blyth W. I, to be guests at their 50th anniversary dinner at noon on May 5th. Mrs. Stanley Cook will replace Mrs, Mel Brad- burn and attend the public rein- tions conference to be held in the War Memorial Hall, GAO, Guelph, on May 5th and 9th, Mre, George Michie was present and displayed the new W.I. shield for competition for smaller schools in the music festival. Mrs. James Michie will arrange to have the programs made up and printed for the year. She will also send out the cards to the sick and shut-in. The group .has made plans to go for a bus trip, to -• London -and Springbank and points of interest in London for the July meeting. Mrs. Hereon Irwin reported for the groups that had gone to the Wingham Hospital to help with the mending, etc., and stated that the ladies would go the fourth Wed- newirsy of each month. Those vol- unteering to go next are Mrs. Cora lereGill, l Mrs. Stanley Cook, Mrs. J. et Coultes, Mrs, Lyle Hopper and Mrs. Irwin. Mrs. Ivan Wightman and Mrs. Stanley Black were named dole gates to the district annual meet- ing in the Londesboro hall on May 18th. Mrs. C. R. Logan will be in charge of a display from the Eel- grave group at this meeting, Mem- bers were reminded to have plants Mrs. Clark Johnston was con- venor of the program and the roll call was answered with an Easter thought. Mrs, -Clifford Logan gave a reading, "Voice of the Cross Speaking". Mrs. Lawrence Vannan gave, several piano numbers. An Easter address was given by Miss Stella Nethery, Mese Stanley Cook read an interesting letter from her pen pat. The meeting closed with the na- tional anthem and lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. Albert Vincent, Mrs. Leslie Bolt and Mrs. Mark Arm- strong. For Missionares. GORRIE — The 'Thankoffering service prepared for use in the Huron Diocese Was used at the April meeting of the W.A. of St.' Stephen's. Church on Thursday afternoon, at the home of the president, Mrs. Edward Newton, who was the leader, Mrs, E, C. Attwell read the Scripture from Luke and part of the 139th Psalm. Mrs. Bertha Plant read the hymn "Now Thank We All Our God" and "We Give Thee but Thine Own" was sung before the pre- sentation of the tha,nkeffering. The ceapter front the study book, "The fresporisive Church", was taken by Mrs, Luella, Sander-eon, Mrs. R. T. Bennett and Mrs. Nor- man. Wade, They told of the great need for unity, how 'the "Way in lafrica" is full of movement but has not yet arrived, Churcbes in Africa are sending Out their own missionaries but material resources and leadership must come from the older and larger churches, They lack theological training colleges, Many have become leaders by the grace of God and their own apti- tude, The attitude of Europeans in Africa towards the missionary is one of the hardest crosses he has to bear. Mrs. Harry King b r o u g ht thoughts of Easter, the season of new life and awakening. There could not have been the joy of Easter if there had not been the sorrow of Good Friday, Mrs. Attwell ceased the and the hostess served ments. MRS. F. HINMAN HOSTESS TO WA. GORRIE—Mrs. Harry Ferguson was hostess to Woman's Associa- tion of Gorrie United Church on Wednesday evening, Mrs. Ken elynclmari presiding for devotions. Mrs, Ten Hastie read the Easter message from Luke, followed. by prayer. Mrs, 1, Hustle gave a reading, "The Purpose of Life Is to Know Christ, Man's Redeemer", She said that when people ask how you know Christ lives you must be able to say, "I-le lives within my heart and life". Following the Lord's prayr In unison the president, Mrs. C. Pyke, took charge of the business. It was decided to have a garden party early in June. The hostess and committee serv- ed a dainty lunch and a social time was enjoyed. Leader Is Hostess To 4=H Meat Chefs (Late for last week) BELGRAVE — The Meat Chefs met at the home of their leader, Mee, H. Irwin, for the third meet- ing of the 4-14 project, "Meat in the Menu". After repeating the pledge and motto, Mrs. Irwin led the disetis- eion ' on looking for quality in beef and becoming grade conscious, s. Johnston explained how to cook both tender and less tender cuts of meat and demonstrated braising Swiss steak. Linda Coultes• demonstrated making a savory salad and the girls enjoyed sampling the steak and the salad. The next meeting lbe nn Saturday, April 30, at the home of George Proeten• BEIM Miss Karen Pengeity spent the Easter holidays with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Campbell and family at London. Mr. and Mrs. 0,rval E. Taylor Visited on Frielay with Mr. and Mrs. Sheen Idaltehan at. Kitchener. Me, and Mee. Gerald Auguetine of Burlington and Mr. George Bacon of Stratford spent the week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bacon and family. .Me, and Mrs. Russel Walker of Goderich visited, over the week-.end with her mother, Mrs, Robert Stonehottee and other relatives. Mrs. Laura Johnston and George spent the week-end with Mrs. 'George Johnston and other rela- tives in Wingham. Mr, and Mrs, James Lamont and family and Mrs. Thomas Smith visited on Sunday with Mrs, Grace Rodgers at Stratford. Mr, Albert Bacon has been a patient in the Wingham General Hospital the past week, Mr, and Mrs. Russel Rae of Brantford visited on Saturday, and Mrs, W. Campbell and Mr, A. Seigner both of Poole visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Wightman and family. Parents and friends are reminded of the Belgrave music festival be- ing held Thursday and Friday in the Foresters' Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wallace and family of .Seaforth. and Mr, and Mrs. Albert Vincent visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vincent and family. Miss Connie Woods of Walker- ton spent several days last week with her aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, Bud Orr and family. She returned home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Woods and family who visited with Mr. and Mrs. Orr on Sunday, (Late for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nethery and children, Valerie, Brenda and Lance, of Toronto, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Irwin and other relatives and friends, Mr. and Mrs, Gibson Armstrong and two children, Gail and David, of Lon- ; don, also visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Irwin, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Armstrong, and other relatives in Wingham and East Wawanosh. INSTITUTE SPONSORS SUPPER AND CONCERT sr, HEr.EN'S—The annual pot luck supper, under the auspices of the Women's Institute, was held' in the community hall on Friday ev- ening, with a good attendance. After everyone had done justice to the bountiful supper, Mrs. Charles McDonald presided for the following program which opened with community singing, led by Mrs. E. W. Rice, with Mrs. Will Rutherford at the piano. Readings by Mrs. Fred MeQuil- lin, Mrs. Jae. Aitchison and Miss W. D, Rutherford; piano solos by Miss Norma Murray, Terry Wil- son and Mrs. Rutherford; clarinet solo by Larry Miller accompanied by Mrs. Ernest Walker; an accord- ion solo by Mary Purdon and a vocal solo by Mrs. Rice. Gladys 'McDonald gave the speech on the subject "To Live To- gether in Peace as Good Neigh- bors", which had won her first place in the Junior girls' public speaking contests in Lucknow Nigh School and Terry Wilson, who was runner up ja the Senior boys' contest spoke on "Canada in the Next 25 years". The Queen close, a pleasant evening to a hall on Tuesday evening, May 3rd at 8.30 pan. Roll can for members, "Name a flower beginning with the letter of your first name". Roll call for the grandmothers, "What I'd do if I were 21 again", The infant son of Mr. and. Mrs. Verne Hill, Clifford, born Wed., April 20th, was burled in the Gorrie former's cousin, Mr. H. V. Holmes, one afternoon last week. The Friendly Fours will meet at the home of Mrs. C. Carson on April 27 at 8.15 p.m. Mrs. Ken Rustic, Marie and Margie, spent Friday at Milton with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blythe, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Earls, Lynne and Leone of London spent Thursday =with Mr. and Mrs, W. C, King, Mrs, Mary Shippam and sister Helen and son, Mr. Gordon Ship- peen of Durham visited-with Mr, and Mrs. Ernest King and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Underwood on Sunday. Mrs. M. D. Irvin is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Horicridge in Scarborough. • Mr. and Mrs, Murray Sinai and family and Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Shiell and family, both of Listowel, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs.-David Neilson.. Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Anderson and family, Hanover, Miss Mar- guerite Ford and Dr. William Mur- phy, Stouffville, Miss Joyce Fond, Wroketer, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edgar on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolander, of Listowel, and Mr. Earl Bolander, Sarnia, visited Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Bolander on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowde.11 and Mrs. John Hyndman of Toronto spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs, Fred leynciman. Mrs. J. leyndman remained to spend the summer months. Ray Stewart, 16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stewart, uncl- derWent an appendectomy In the Palmerston Hospital on Wednes- day. It is expected that he will be able to return 'home early this week, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Witherow for' cooking meats. Mrs. Kieffer led the girls in a discussion about how much meat to buy, and careful storage. The fifth meeting was held on Friday afternoon in the Belmore community centre. The meeting, Was opened in the usual manner. Eleven members answered the roll call which was "One way I could improve my food selection". Miss Tillman, home economist, attended the meeting, and spoke about Achievement Day. Mrs. Kieffer spoke on pork cuts, Under the leaderehip, of Me'e. Donnie-ekes the girls discussed pork cookery, At this meeting the members pre- pared braised liver with vegetables. .The next meeting will be held at the home of the leader, Mrs. Do Li bledee. of Nipandn. Sask., spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Strong last week. Mrs. C, Lawrence has been vis- iting with her daughters in To- ronto. Mrs, Ida Griffith, Wingham, vis- ited. Miss Emma Irwin last week. Mr. Ed Taylor, of Jackson, Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Underwood, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Un- derwood and Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Day last week. Miss Donna Marie Strong spent the Easter holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Erling Arthur-s, at Drew. Winners at the L.O.L. euchre on Wednesday night were Mrs. Clark Sharpin and Mr. William Taylor. This was the last euchre for this season. Easter visitors with relatives were Mr, and Mrs. Alex Taylor of London and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hoc'kridge and little son of Sear- borough, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ilyndrnan. Clean-up work in the park start- ed Saturday afternoon, Bulldoz- ers will be used later. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart and family of Oshawa spent the week- end with the foreser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stewart . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koch vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mach- ans of Fordwich on Sunday. Mr. Harold Edgar and Jimmy of Guelph visited Mr, and Mrs, Gor- don Edgar, Mr. Birics Robertson of Teeswater was 'a recent visitor at the same home. Friends were sorry to learn that Mrs. J. W. Hind had to return 'to Palmerston Hospital last week. Her condition is improving. The Rev. A.' J. Love of Hamilton is spending some time with his daughter, Mrs, Clark and the Rev. E. J. Clark at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bridge and little daughter of Seaforth were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bower Fattish. Birth DAVID—In Palmerston General Hospital, on Wednesday, April 29096e,,,te Mr. arid Mrs, Ed,. ward David, R.R., 1, Wroxeter, a son, Glenn Edward. Howl& Lions Ladies' Night Late for last week. Members of the Howielt Lions Club and their ladies met on Mon- day evening, April 18, in the Wroxeter community hair when the W.A. of the Wroxeter United Church catered to about 45 guests. Lion President Don McLaughlin presided, and among the head table guests were Lion Deputy District Governor Harvey MeDer- mitt of Fordwich, paying his offic- ial visit, as was Lion 'Zone 'Chair- man, W. T. Lumby, of Goderich. On behalf of the Howielt Club, Lion Roy Hunter presented these two speakers with gifts, Music and entertainment were provided by the Slim Boucher trio of Wingham. Tailtwister Lion Ken Edgar con- ducted a draw, and those winning prizes were Lions B. Whitfield, A. Munro, S. Bride, IL Townsend and Mrs. J. H, Wylie, Mrs. Whit- field, Mrs. D. McLaughlin and Mrs. K, Edgar. Several games of bingo were played, and the evening closed with the usual Lions' roar. ST, HELENS Congratulations to Crawford Mc- Neil, who has successfully come pleted his junior year at the Western Ontario Agricultural School at Ridgetown. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Gaunt, Don- ald and Karen, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Miller, Mrs. Frank McQuillin arid Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller attended the funeral of Mrs. Gaunt's sister, Mrs. William ;Knott at Thornbury on Saturday, Mrs, Knott, the former Miss Sadie Me- Charles was the popular principal of the St. Helen's School from 1936 iCt to 1039. Mr. and Mrs. T. ,r. Todd and Miss Isobel Miller spent the week- end at Rochester, U.S.A., while Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laidlaw of Wingham were at the Todd home. Easier Is Theme At April Meeting The April meeting of the Even- ing Auxiliary of the United Church was held in the ladies' parlor. The call to worship was given by Mrs. Albert Rintoul, after whigh rill sang "The Day of ResurreCtion". Prayer was offered by Miss Mare Ian- • • . a-a. The Easter story, taken from St. John, was read by Mrss G. L, Dun- lop, The meditation on the mean- ing of Easter was given by Mrs. Rin tout. The hymn, "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today" was sung, followed by a poem, "The Destiny of the Three Trees", read by Mrs. Chas. Hoagies. Mrs, Jack Reavie gave an inters esting description and showed pic- tures of their trip to California, The president, Mrs. Ross Vog,a.n, conducted the business and 'a so- cial hour was enjoyed. • WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis and Mr. and M117. Allan Davis and Helen of Toronto spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. arid. Mrs, Lawrence Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor of Hamilton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Showers, Turnberry, and at the Taylor home. Mr. Fred Leaver and Mr. Jones of Toronto spent the week-end at the. Leaver home on the river road.' Mr. and Mrs. 'Howard Martin and family visited on Sunday with her parents, Mt and Mrs. Ed. Spiel' macher of MildrneY. European Attitude In Africa Is Cross Was Born in Cuiross Mrs. Thomas E, Manning, the former Elizabeth Ballagh Boyd, passed away suddenly last Tues- day in Victoria Hospital, where she was recuperating following an operation. She was born at concession 4, ilo Culro8s, eldest daughter of the late Mr.ancl Mrs, J. J. Boyd. She was a member of Hyatt Ave. United Church, London. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Lola Bruce Toll ready for the cemetery flower beds, and one granddaughter, Joanne Toll; also one sister, Mrs. Hugh Gilmour; Wingham and one bro- ther, David J, Boyd, of South Por- cupine. The funeral was held on Satur- day at 2 pen by Rev. Rapsen at the Needham funeral home in Lon- don to Forest LaWd Memorial Gardens. Relatives" attending the funeral were Mr: and Mee, Hugh Gilmour, Mrs. and Mrs. Ken McKague, of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell, Listowel, and Mrs. G, Mae Smith of Meleewerth. meeting .ref resh- A the cogrrdaind grandmothers isthexteeld medunto. BRAisrn ity to attend the May meeting of LU L the Women's. Institute which will BELMORE—TheBudgeteers held t he held in the Gorrie community their fourth meeting on Tuesday evening of Jest week at the home of the assistant leader, Mrs. Kief- fer, The meeting was opened with twelve Members repeating the 1-H pledge, The minutes of the last meeting were read and the roll call, which was "Bring record book in for dis- cussion" was answered. Under the cemetery on Friday. He was a leadership of Mrs. Doubledee, the grandson of Mr, and Mrs. Jack girls discussed the score sheet for Hill, the former Mary Vatic. leach day's meal, reviewed the cuts Misses Beatrice Taylor and Mar- i of meat and the specific methods ion Ellis of London visited the (main IstR WIRES were one of the teams which attended the banquet at Wroxeter Ott rrzdti,:v evIstimg lest week, The team includes, hack, left to tight, latiWer Parrish, iulittarger, dint lontrisit, Rory ttschnut ' Ted Gill:ham, .dieri Graham, Don Watson, ain't Itiyudnian, Tom Ontlittltat Oath, ften Partisit: Troia) Gaits, Watson; Gerald Itytidinau, bale SinipSOtti, DWI and Catalan Ilatnilton, MWGET CHAMPS--The Go rrie-Wroxeter Midget squad above won the Tri-County Midget crown as well as the Lakts Huron Zone Ueete- talon Vettneli TOut,i)anient at Durham, Titcs team members are left to ight, Gerry literal, manager, 1(cil. Conner, Richard Irwin, Bob nether. ington, 'Gerald Brown, Don Wheeler, metvme Greig, Don Whitfield and Dave Neilson, coach; front, Alex Strong, Alex. Smith, Peter Delft, captain, Ned Adams and Keith Nieholson,--Advance-Tinics hockey pates.