HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-04-27, Page 4••• . • • • • 11- •*. •• • • •• •I• If ••• ** • w * • • * do+ laz'cfa Win tint: Italveatee-lraneb, Wednesday, 41r11 27, 1,964 tuutio, THANKS TOP QUALIATn Itir wrs The relatives of the late -Jessie Higgins wish to thank friends and neighbors for kindnesses and floral tributes. Special thanks te Dr. R. W. Stephens, Rev. Mr. Kennedy and Mr. D. A. Rann, The family of the late .Tohn, J. McGee wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their neighbours, friends and. relatives for the many acts of kindness, cards, messages of sympathy and floral tributes received in their recent sudden bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. W. A. McKibben, the 1 Currie Funeral Home, flowerbear- ers and pallbearers, Rev. McKinney and Rev. R. D. A. Currie. Also thanks to Masonic Lodge, IOOF Lodge and the local firemen, 27b iiournatzr FOR SALE cARDs of, TuArois AEA!. ESTATE FOR SALE' COMING EVENTS FOIL SALE - -^o•ooto . My Daddy and Mummy join me l in saying thank you for all the lovely cards, treats and gifts I received during my stay in Victoria Hospital and since returning home. --Ruth Ann Currie. 27b PULLETS, day-old and started, for sale, Mt. Hope Leghorns, 3 months old 23rd of May; other breeds also available, Contact Chas. Scott, Auburn. Phone 84. 27-1* 44EE.s$ TAXI SERVICE and Hunt- ing and Fishing, License issuer, Phone 185. 3rrb REMEMBER, the Huron. County. World Refugee Year Blitz, May 16 to 21. CE20271b 917-11,PirpM LOTS for sale, for new Homes, $400 and. up. Call Harold Pocock, '57a or 599. 27a L INCOME PROPERTY, close to TV • station, hospital, schools and Churches; central and residential. One apartment available to own- er. Full information, apply Box 114, Advance-Times. 27b GROUND BEEF „ 3 1bs. $1.25 • N U U Custom killed every week. Birds range from 8 to 12 lbs. ,FRESH TURKEYS MILK. FILTERS. for sale-1 4E40a RIO", 6-inch, 35e; 6'i-inch, 89c, Alexander's Hardware, lrrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE. ORDER BY THURSDAY FOR. WEEK-END WING PLEASURE,. I wish to thank those who visited me and sent cards, books, flowers, during my stay in Wingham Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. Cor- rin and Mrs. Morrey and, her nurs- ing staff.---Mrs. Anne Weir, 27') HOLSTEIN HEREFORD cow for sale, five years old, due May 2. Bill Stapleton, pleone 19R21, Wroxeter, 27* TWO HOLSTEIN heifers for sale. Bred Shorthorn, soon to freshen; also two Holstein Dull calves. Apply to Harry Bateman, 27a SUMMER PROPERTIES FOR SALE, RENT OR WANTED GRASS SEED for Sale—Empire Bitaisfoot, Trefoil, 50e per lb. K. L, MacKenzie, R. R. 3 Lucknow. Phone Ripley 164r13. 2027* GRAM., SAND and FILL for sale. Phone 576 Wingham 2711 REDDI-BUILT homes and cot- tages, prefab and erected. Free literature. Easy terms. See our samples, Genoe Lumber, Orange- ville, Ontario. 27-Au3lb SIN ROOM house for sale in. Wrox- eter, belonging to Irene C. Dane estate. Apply to Mrs. Russell Christie, phone 1.27r3, Teeswater, or J. W. Bushfield, Wingham. 20:27 :4b ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••"•••••••°• 111 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF DAVID JOHN HUTCHISON • I wish to thank my friends -and neighbours, Dr. McKibben and the hospital staff for all the kindness shown me while a patient in the Wingham Hospital.---William Fal- coner. 27* Lockridgef s ocher Shop USED BICYCLES for sale. Guar- anteed A-1 condition, Stainton's Hardware. 27h ____._. . • . _ - ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Electrician, who. died on the sixth day of March, 1960, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 14th day of May, 1960, After that date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the 'estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 25th day of April, AD, 1960. CRAWFORD & HETHERIN'GTON Wingham • Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix. 27-4-1.1.b TRAILERS: TRAILERS! 40 YORK PIGS for sale, 8 weeks old, Phone 773w2, 27* 7 ROOM FRAME house in Brus- sels for sale. Good construction. Basement throughout, New forc- ed air oil furnace. Good appear- ance -and location. Phone 23rd Brussels, Douglas Hemingway, 27* -------- None BETTER - None CHEAPER One you buy, see af-Y! One of the largest stocks. of new and used trailers in Ontario. Dealer for the world's largest manufacturer of mobile homes, Anything taken as trade-in. Low, low down payments and monthly payments, Bank rates if your credit is established. .Phone or write for free literature. M-Y MOBILE HOMES LTD., Highway 7, Kitebeiter, Ont. Grth • iiii ............. I . I iiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii ttttttttt I 0000 11111118•1 00000 1101Ilet tttttttt ttttt tt tt ttttt f a USED fee sale, in expel- lent 'condition, $39.00. Stainton's Hardware. 27b 11 PIGS for sale, Apply to Lloyd Montgomery. Phone 743J1. 27* Save oney by PREPAYING The family of the late David Currie wish to express their sin- cere appreciation of all the kind services rendered by Dr. W. A, Crawford, the- hospital staff and neighbors, and the many expres- sions of sympathy from relatives and friends at the time of their bereavement. 27* LADY'S LONG net formal dress, in shrimp color for sale. Size 16. Phone 719w12. 27* LOST TWO APARTMENT dwelling in Wingham for sale. Well located near public school. Good income property. Priced reasonably for quick sale. For full particulars contact. Grant MacLennan, Real Estate and Insurance, Listowel, phone 92. 27* ANYONE FINDING parcel in Foodland please leave at Car- michael's, 27b MOTHER'S DAY cards by Rust- craft for 1960 are lovelier than ever this year at. MeXibbons. 27b • MISCELLANEOUS ELEC.TROLUX sales and service. R. E. Ruttan, Goderich; phone' Goderich 1154 or Wingham 553w, a rrb COAL brooder stove for sale, near- ly new with Hoover and pipes. R. A. Powell. 27b I would like to thank all my friends, neighbors and relatives, also the members of Rebekah, Lodge for the lovely flowers, gifts, cards and letters which I received during my stay in Victoria Hos- pital, London, and since my return home, also visits from friends, Everything was very much appre- citeda-Mrs. R. G. Gannett. 27* FOR PIANO TUNING, musical in- struments, accessories and re- pairs at reasonable rates phone Ross Mann, 73574 Wingham. rrb GRASS FOR RENT SEVEN ROOM house for sale, with laia acres and barn 30x40, in Wroxeter. New forced air oil heating. Good spring well with new pressure system. Priced for quick sale. Contact Eric Sharpe, 759 Rockway Drive, or phone SH 2-2380, Kitchener. 20-27b Town of Win PASTURE for cattle. Apply John :Burchill, phone 762W12: 27-4* ham GARDENS cultivated with tiller. Earl Jenkins, phone 694W. 27:4:11b 'ae GOOD GRASS, shade and water for about 20 year-olds, Allan Pattison, Phone 719w2. 27* 1960 TREADLE sewing machine for sale, Good 'condition. Phone 331W. a 27* a es LAWNMOWERS repaired an sharpened. All makes. Used mowers for sale. Phone 694W, Jenkins Repair Service, Minnie St., Wingham. 27rrb ANYONE wishing gardens plough.. ed, call Bruce Anger, phone 992R. 27-4b GRASS FOR 30 head of cattle for rent, Wm. Henry, Whitcehurch, phone Wingham 402w3, 27b iViamonftwoololgalairr FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES Taxpayers may make payments on. account of 1960 taxes up to 80 per cent of 1959 taxes. Discount at the rate. of per cent, will be allowed on payments made in April. :Prepayments of taxes must be made at ttilf. Town Treasurer's Office, Town hall. WILLIAM RENWICK, Treasurer, Town of Wingharn. I wish to thank the friends and neighbours who visited me and sent me cards, letters and flowers while I was in the Wingham Hos- pital. Thanks too, to Dr. Corrin and nurses for their kindness to me.—Mrs. Ruth Austin. 27* DON'T MISS the big Spring Values , at latelcabbons lc Rexall Sale. Sale continues until Saturday. MoRibbons Drug Store, Wing-. ham. 27b 100 ACRES for sale, lot 18, con. 4, Kinloss. Spring creek in front, trout creek in back. Large barn and straw shed. Water in barn. Frame house with new siding. Furnace, bathroom, built-in cup- boards, hydro. Kitchen, dining- room, living room. Upstairs over all. Thos. Inglis, R.R. 1, Lucknow. Phone 43R22. 27-4* TEACHERS WANTED • WEST WAWANOSH Township School Area Board requires a Protestant school teacher for S.S. No. 12 Fordyce. This is a good, up-to-date school with, hy- dro and furnace. Duties to com- mence Sept. 6, 1960. Apply stat- ing qualifications, experience and salary expected; to be in hands of secretary by April 30, 1960. W. A. Stewart, sec.-treas., Dun- gannon, Ont. 20 :27b RODNEY OATS and mixed grain for sale. Phone 741W21, Fred Daw. 27b BULLDOZING, excavating, level- ling for sale. Phone 576, Wing- ham Sawmill. 27b We wish to thank our ninny friends and neighbours for sending us cards, fruit and flowers and also since returning home, Also special thanks to Dr. Corrin and Mrs. Morrey and nursing staff of Wingham General Hospital, while we were patients there.—Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cameron. 27* Instalment Savings Plans—. Morethan110,000Canadians are planning to save $500,000,000 with Investors Syndicate cer. tificates. Single Payment•CertMenteS —with guaranteed investment values. A Balanced Mutual Fund--'.; Investors Mutual, Canada's ler• gest mutual fund, emphasizes income, stability and capital gain potential. .A Mutual Fund For Growth —Investors Growth Fund em- phasizes long-term capital gain. Tax-Deductible Registered Retirement Plans — Fixed interest, equity and combined plans for individuals and groups. Thomas A. Jardin Phone 147, Wingham, Ont. tinerson Ivel Phone 331W, Harriston SPRING CLEANING SPECIALS— Used Vacuum Cleaners.: Electro- lux, Royal; Filter Queen, etc. New hose for your cleaner $6.95. Pattison Radio & Electric. 27b S. FORTNEY—Spray painter and roofer. Phone EN 7-2024, Mild- may. 30-Ap27* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 100 ACRE GRASS FARM, 3ik miles from Wingham, 85 acres work- able, 35 acres fall ploughed, good water supply. Asking $6,300.00. MODERN 22'x8' Trailerhome, fully equipped, priced to sell. FRANK J. CASKANETTTE Phone 305 Wingham Agent for Wilfred McIntee Real Estate- BrOlEar Walkerton, Ont. 27b t llllllll nturuttott tttttt n,uml CUSTOM GARDEN tilling, also light lawns, 24" rotor. Prepares ground ready for sowing. Phone 866J. 27M25b BABY BUGGY and playpen for sale. Also combination swing and ear seat. Phone 1188. 27b U URA BY-LAW NO. 6, 1960 of the TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY A By,-Law of the Municipality of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron for licensing trailers within the Municipality of the Township of Turnberry. Whereas, the Council of Muni- cipal Corporation of the Township of Turnberry deems it expedient to pass a By-Law for the licensing of trailers within the said Corpor- ation as provided by the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 243, See.- tion 388 S.S. (1) and amendments thereto: Therefore the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Turnberry, enacts as followsc 1. That every owner . or occu- pilaf of a'trailer as defined in the aforesaid Act, used for residential purposes within the said Muni- cipality for a period exceeding thirty days shall be required to pay a license fee of $5.00 per month, in advance for each month or por- tion thereof, as such trailer is used for Such purposes thereafter. 2. That any person who -contra- venes. and is found• guilty of any infraction of this By-Law shall upon conviction, forfeit and pay a fine in the discretion of the con- viction Magistrate, not exceeding $50.00, exclusive of costs, with same to be recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act, R.S.O., 1950, Chapter 379 the provisions of which shall apply, except that in the case of imprisonment, same -shall not be for a term exceeding 21 days. This By-Law shall come into force and be effective on and after the 2nd day of April A.D., 1960. Read a first, second and third time and passed this 2nd day of April 1960. John V. Fischer, W. Jack Willits, Clerk, Reeve. 13-20-27b WOOD• FOR SALE— Hard maple and elm ,slabs. Truckload lots of about 4 cords; Also sawdust. . SpenceIrtalia, phone 171, Luck now. 6:13:20:27b BACKHOEING, excavating and trenching. Phone Harold Con- gram, 1979, , 30jnel5b BRICK REPAIR SERVICE—Brick cleaning and sandblasting, brick repair work. Agent for hot roof- ing. and large work wanted. Free estimates. Write Fowler's Masonry Repair Service, Bcx 369, Mitchell. F1OA27b WANTED CATTLE TO PASTURE, good grass, water and shade. Oran Russell 5th line Morris. Phone 17J5 Brussels. 27' PORTABLE , BABY CRIB 27"x51''' for sale. Metal, in light finish, complete with 'mattress. 'Excellent value, $16.00. Curries Furniture. 27-4b • 4.4.:;*5•W CARS FOR SALE WANTED_ TO RENT 1953 METEOR coach in perfect condition with radio, tires excel- lent plus snow tires, reasonably priced for quick sale: Phone 616w2 Wingham. 27* SMALL APARTMENT or house- keeping rooms by elderly man. Must be reasonable, Ground floor preferred. Apply Box 113 Ad- vance-Times. 27* HUNDREDS of REAL BARGAINS Check your list of requirements and order now at McKibbons Drug-Store — Save at the Rexall One Cent Sale until Saturday, April 30th. 27b SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED—Mod- - em equipment, quick service, work guaranteed. Phone or write Louis Blake, R.R. 2, Brus- sels. Phone 42r6, Brussels. 24Au17* IN MEMORIAM DEADSTOCK WANTED FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice, repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners.' Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K. Peck, Varna. telephone Hensel] 696R2. 16rrb ----------- WITH ALL OF .1 E F EATURES E cTVPEIWitil - FARM SERVICE—Dead or crippl- ed farm animals removed for sanitary disposal. NO REMOVAL CHARGE. Phone COLLECT Wingham 378 or Palmerston 123w or Durham 398. GORDON YOUNG (ELMIRA) LTD. rrb SOMERS—In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grand: father, Wesley Elwin Somers, who passed away, two years ago April 28th, 1958. Nothing but memories as I journey on, Longing for smiles from a face that is gone. But I keep in my memory the love of the past, For deep in my heart it was plan- ned to that. Unseen by the world he walks by my side And whispers dear one, death can- not divide. —Fondly and lovingly remember- ed by his wife Hazel, family and grandchildren, 27* BLUEVALE TRAILERS' Agent for Maple Leaf, Great Lakes, etc. All famous makes available. Several new and used models now on the lot. Also travel trailers. Trade-in accepted, furniture, etc. • _PHONE WINGHAM 60873 Al3rrb Investors Wingham Adance=Times. ov[rDcHoata Phone 890 Wingham iremmarommimmum;mmermesema OF CANADA, 1.1AWDO. Head Office: Winnipeg Offices in Principal Cities SEE the display of Hallmark cards , foia eveeyday—and Mother's Day at Marg's Book & Stationery Shop. 27b • a DEADSTOCK — FARMERS! We have the fastest "service' and the highest prices for dead, disabled cows and, horses, $4.00 each and 31/2 c lb. for good mink horses. 24 hour service, Call for long distance a• OPERATOR and ask for ZENITH 43900, no toll charge, Lorenz Stock Removal, Durham, rrb INCOME TAX RETURNS If you are a farmer and haven't filed tax returns, my advice to you is—do so. /f you have filed regularly, let me check your Capi- tal Cost Allowance (Depreciation Sohedule). S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74, Lucknow, Ont. or c/o General Delivery, Wingham Public Accountant since 1944 30-6,13,20,27* CRAt FORD & HETHERINGTON, For QUALITY FISHING TACKLE —a new line of tents, camping equipment and Italian am- munition see Ern's Sport Shop in 111! Bluevale, open Tuesday, Wednes- day, Thursday evenings, all day Saturday. . 20b ROY N. BENTLEY • PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Telephone 7Aelcaon 4-9321 P.O. Box 478 1 - Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Phone 48 : J. IL CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETITERLNGTON, Q.C.' GODERICH, Ontario PAIN= and ENAMELS for sale, at 25% Off; 3-1 Shingles (210 lb. asphalt) -$7.95 square, delivered; Fresh Cement, 10 lb. bag and over, $1.10 bag; Fresh Mortar Mix, 10 lb, bag and over, $1.10 bag; Fresh Mortar Sand, deliver- ed. Winghara Sawmill Co., Ltd. 27b ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service 11•1100.. J. W. EMMY A. H. IFTAVISH ELLIOTT SEED MILL Phone 154J Lucknow Barley contracts available. Clover and Grass Seeds for sale. • Green Cross weed and brush •sprays,. 13-20-27-th LIVE POULTRY Picked up Monday to Friday inclusive. Highest market prices paid. C. MICHEL — GORRIE Phone 21r21 Highest cash prices paid in sur- rounding district for dead, old, sick or disabled horses and cattle. For the fastest and proper removal of all animals, day or night, use our automatic exchange (at no cost to you.) Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD ZENITH 34900 OR GEORGE HISLOP WROXETEll 2 R 112 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Weditesdv.i afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Ete. .Money to Loan Office—Meyer Block, Wingham FIARRYMORE AND 'HARDING carpeting and rugs. Wall to wall jobs expertly laid. See the com- plete range of samples including all wool Wiltens and budget priced tough viscose. For an estimate without obligation, call N. J. WELWOOD, Phone 86 or 771. 27rrb Lloyd "Sleeper" Strollers Combine smart appearance, high quality Materials and exclusivt features to pro- vide the finest stroller toe can buy. SPRING SPECIAL WINN KINSMEN PAPEV, DRIVE WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION 'Where Better Bulls Are Used' Artificial Insemination Service is provided from bulls of all breeds. We are farmer owned and con- trolled and operate at Cost. Summer tailing hours: 1.30 and 9.30 a.m, week days 6.00 and 8.00 P.M, Saturday evenings For Service or more information call: CLINTON ZENITH 9.5650 or Collect TEESWATER 126 WELLINGTON FIRE CULLIGAN WATER. SOFTENER —YOURS on service basis or easy-ownership plan. Provides Unlimited supply of soft water all through your home . auto- matically—you don't have to buy it to try it. Call 890 Wing- ham or Culligan's phone Gode- rich JAckson 4-9571. 27b ADDING MACHINES and Calcu- lators, Olivetti, fatuous for speed and. durability; Olympia. Type.' writers, renowned for their in- terchangeability carriage, For prompt and efficient service on present equipment call Owen Sciind Typewriter CO, Phone I'R. 6-4811. rrb Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario $1750 VENETIAN BLINDS Insurance Company Est, 13.40 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto nr.c.maer.man Insurance Ageney Wingham CIMPLETE Aluminum Slats Plastic Tapes COMING SOON COLLECTION TOM WILL BE ANNOUNCE!) NEXT WEEK. DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST CASH VALUE Please) Phone PrOMptly Call Collect 133 l3ruce Marlatt ittruttels, Ont. .24 HOUR SERVICE R. A. CURRIE & SONS 4. • 18"-20"x64" 21"-25"x64" 26"-36"x64" FURNITURE $3.99 $4.95 . $5.95 • • • Y • •••••••01•••••••• • • • • GAVILLEIR, IFINTOS11 I WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building , VVALKERTON J. E. Kennedy, 11.Ed,, 11.A., C.A., - Resident IVIgr. Telephones: Business 633; Residence 106 IS THE GATE OPEN? Also available in 12" length at $LOO More. We Mitre Mein in stock. For VENETIAN BLINDS and all WINDOW SHADES ?Meat farm (primers and htisitieSs men sit ((DWI: Oriodically to review their insurance coverage, Misfortune can' and does strike anywhere. If there aro gaps in ;your fence of insurance protection eMisUlt FOR RENT See FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about Out LOW Cost Financing, Service with complete Cost, Coverage, STEWART Al SCOTT tifititham J. H. WYLIE 'AI tlit TIME .for rent. Irr Virginity trfWinghal 'hydra, ritorlIta bath,' teent,. hot and cold crrtcter:W1, tap. -00; itifarmation t(ititta neix 112. AAtnet-Z*041C• WALKER'S Home Furnishings PHONE 100 General Fire Insurance Auto Theft .6Q' WROXETER Liability Wind