HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-04-27, Page 3:k1,414041111!#100,10M110080010,141411,11141,10,10411(11111,11111111110141011H10414111.10011$11114101041001104144,14100,011+1,11.1111; a SPECIAL 3 pc. SILVER rEA SERVICE on Round Gallery Tray $39.95 Other Services from $19.95 3 pa, SILVER CREAM and SUGAR SETS FROM $4.95 HAtERMEHI., VAN, 1 4/ EWELL PHON ''454 WINGliAM, ONTARIO Amotml,14(41,1400 mmmlitt,14 W1.041,11,41101 01114010,1 4,,14.,,,k,M,4~,FAMMII711#701111,M4M11,44141,filiff104' ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE CHANGING JOBS? -keep insured! READ YOUR ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE GUIDE -if you haven't one, ask your employer or write Be sure to get your Certificote, of Payment (Form 104) from the firm yo u are leaving. Then follow the simple instructions on the hack. ONTARIO KOSPITAI, $ERV10ES COMMISSION TORONTO 7. ONTARIO CHOOSE YOUR NEW POWER MOWER From the BIG SELECTION NOW ON DISPLAY AT STAINTON'S Choose from 16 Value Packed Models PRICED FROM $39.95 to $114.50 Dependable Slfat,VICE is an extra that COSTS NO MORE when yea buy your POWER MOWER at STAINTON'S. LAWN CRASS SEED MIXTURES Per Pound ;pecial 60c relvo=Lawn 75c 'erma.Green 95c ihady.Nook 95c Sow 1 lb. per 200 sqnare feel. LAWN SWEEP RAKES ONLY 89c GARDEN Light weight, all steel construction, 1 piece tray 2if: eta ft talladtYr 10" rabbet tired wheel SPECIAL ONLY $9.95 HEAVY DUTY TILLER Do a whole week end's work in a few hours! A single pass does the work of plow, disc, harrow .. , pre. pares ground for planting, furrows for seeding. cultivates at any stage of growth. Operates with single control center aria recoil starter. Works ground 11", 22" or 33" wide , as deep as 10". Goes be• tween narrow rows. I POWIR TOOL DO'S IT ALLI • breaks ground • hills a cultivates • weeds • furrows 14915 Dependable SERVICE is an extra that cosTs NO MORE ithen you !My POWER LAWN and GARDEN EQUIPMENT at STAINTON'S Lawn Border Fencing 15° high, guivait- ited wire painted Green, stroll top. Per Feet - C YUBA CHORE (',)MASTER T ." TO OR FROM WIN HAM " TORONTO OR WINGHAM LONDON Call WALDEN BROS. Transport NO LOAD TOO BIG NO LOAD TOO SMALL ALL RECEIVE CARE, WHEN YOU SHIP BY WALDEN BROS. 'HONE 15 WINGHAM trick St., Win Phone 776. MO Ruby Duff, riding in Mr. For, Past,, ..flicient Overnight Freight Service Hall's car, was slightly injured. red on izsinevale main street on 'Sunday afternoon when cars owned by Fleming Black and Cordon Fall were badly, damaged. Two Cars Colder WiNhHAM MINISTER Are BadlyDamaged rumen qr-v virr BLUIVALE'---A collision occur- IIIMU u jOLD TIN NEVINS IN EWER ftounitu . . byterian Church on Sunday with' the minister, Rev: T. E. Kennedy, in charge. Judy Bitton, Carol Ro- bertson and Mary Robertson were received in membership. Mr. A H Neelon preached In Wingham 'United Church on Sun- day, exchanging Milpits with Rev. T, G, Hisser. The Penny &Were held their third meeting on Wedno4.4 7 after, president, Mrs. Bernard Thomas, Mon at last week at the home of Presided, gave the call to worship Anne Currie. Thirteen members and read an Easter poem. repeated the Ode, 4-H • pledge and After the adoption of the secre- motto to open the meeting. Maine tary's and treasurer's reports, Mrs. 14 0ttat read the minutes and called William Robertson gave the Scrip- the roll, which was answered with, "How our family gets Its meat ,supply,, Mrs. Lapp read "Look 'for Qual- ity in Mats", "Become Grade Conscious", "Secrets of Meat Cook- ery' and "Cooking Tender, and the Less Tender Cuts". Methods of cooking Meats, sueli as roasting, broiling, pan broiling, frying, pot roasting and braising were discus- Sed. A recipe was given for mak- ing Swiss steak and Mrs, Lapp demonstrated. The finished pro- duct was later sampled, Mrs. Currie described different cuts of beef. Tile home assign- ment was to continue with the wont on the table of cuts and get the record books up to date, The Penny Savers met again on Friday at the home of Janny and Anne Jouwsma, There were twelve members at this meeting, which opened in the usual manner. The roll call was "Record books brought in for discussion". Mrs. Lapp introduced Miss Bette Tillman, home economist for Huron County, who addressed the girls briefly and then looked over the record books, Mrs. Currie review- ed the roasts of beef and Mrs. Lapp BWEVALE-Aev. T. G, Nasser, of Winghain United Church, con- ducted the service in Bluevale United. Church. on BundaY, when infant baptism •a gel .communion Were held, ' Mr, Husser's subject was, "Power to Overcome", and clean with the life of Thomas, the disciple.. The children baptized wore: Douglas James, son of Mr. and Mrs, James Darling; Linda Frances,. daughter of Mr, and Mrs, George Darling; Barry Charles, son of Mr. and Mts. Bruce Webb of Bar- rio, Fourteen young people were re- ceived into the fellowship of the church; Grace Mathers, Patricia Craig, Linda 'Purvey, Patricia Taylor, Mary Lou Wright, William Hetherington, Donald Wheeler, Keith Johnston, William Wright, Robert Mathers, Frederick Brew- er, James Sellers, Joseph Nicholson, Jacob DeGroot. Nine members were also received by transfer from other :congre- gations. A large attendance merit- ed this special occasion, Bluevale Belles At Leader's Home ;BLUE VALE Bluevale Belles Class 2 met at "the home of Mrs. Alex Corrigan on April 20th. The home economist, Miss Betty Till- man was present. Topics of dia- eus,sion were, "How Much Meat to Buy" and "Store Meat Carefully". Under the instruction of the leaders the girls cooked beef stew with dumplings. The next meeting will be on April 25th at the home of Mrs. Jack Nicholson, Mrs. Fortune Speaks At Raster Meeting BLUBVAZ4e --- The W.IVf.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church held the Easter Thankoffering meeting in the church on April 20th. The lure reading and Mrs, Ross Gray led in prayer. Mrs. Gordon Greig gave the offertory prayer, Misses Carol and Mary Robert- son and Judy Bitton gave a vocal number. The guest speaker, Mrs. Leslie Fortune of Wingham, spoke on '"The Unchanging Christ the. Sane Yesterday, Today and Forever". She gave instances of the continual changes in our lives and stressed the permanence of Christ's abiding Presence. The message was much appreciated by the members. Rev. T. E, Kennedy closed the meeting with prayer, after which a dainty lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. BLUEVALE Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, C, B. lioffman were their daughter,. Mrs. Bruce Webb, Mr. Webb and Barry, all of Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McMinn, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ar- nold Lillow last week, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Holloway, of Barriston, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Horton. Miss Eleanor Smith was home from West Hill for the week-end and. Mr. and Mrs. A, D. Smith drove her to West Hill on Sunday. Mr. Harvey Messer, of Toronto, visited his sister, Mrs. Raymond Elliott, and Mr. Elliott, at the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Aitchison and Janet, Alice Aitken of Kitchener,' visited Mrs. Win. Abraham. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed in Knox Pres- rtvitIrtd tat methods of coo lag. A recipe. was read for stew and dumplings, and a demonstration given. by the leader. The topics discussed were"How to. Huy. and How to ,Cooli", "Meth- ods of Cooking Meats" and Row to Buy Wisely". It was announced 'that the Women's Institute had donated P0.00 for supplies. Mrs. Lapp then gave a recipe tor dumplings and made a batch to go with the stew, which the girls •saTnPled later, The home assignment for the week Was to find two meat recipes where meat is cooked by moist heat and two by dry beat. These are to be added to the recipe file, with indication of the method • used. If possible, another recipe is to be tried from the members' pamphlet using the simmering or braising method and the results. recorded in the record books. The roll eon for the next meeting is "One way X. could improve my food selection". HOCKEY TEAMS ARE OMB AT BANQUET wactx4frEn - The community catered to a banquet in the Wrox- eter Hall last Friday evening in honor of the six Gori :!.Wroxeter hockey teams and their coaches, when about 100 sat down to supper, Davey Neilson, president of the Athletic Association acted as chair- man and introduced the guest speaker, Glenn JohnsEon of Ford- wich. Murray MacFarlane gave two bagpipe selections, Lorne Ma- dill, Shelbourne, who donated the midget trophy a, few years ago, was on hand to present it to the win- ning team this year. James Wylie thanked the ladies for their efforts and Mrs. Ruth McDonald and Mrs. Gordon Greig replied. 1. ALAN WILLIAM optometrist "w-Ne.""e•••••rvw,," "•••••••••-•ne,,,,,A•o•neW•osr. * All Loads Insured New Wingham Warehouse • Serving Wingham apd District • Household Moving Service to any Ontario point. Ti4 Vitioploxr4 'HE OEST IN FERTILIZERS FOR YOUR LAWN WC RECWIMEND ' MILOR6ANITE FREE. USE OF OUR SPREADER WITH LAWN FERTILIZER WHEE'LBARRO'W Bamboo Lawn Rake A (100(1 Quality Mike at u Bargain 'Brice. ONLY $1,79 NO, 1 GOVERNMENT-TESTED, HIGHEST IN PURITY and GERMINATION GRASS SEEDS ALFALFA-, Per Bushel Einar Brand $29.75 Canadian Grim $24.00 Certified Ranger $27.50 Certified Vernal b•yh h 4 $38.00 RED CLOVE Ontario D. Cut $24.50 English D. Cut $23.50 La Salle .. $38.00 TIMOTHY- Common $ 9.50 Commercial Climax , $12.50 Certified Climax ... `. .1 . . . 414.00 ALSIKE $18.00 YELLOW SWEET CLOVER. $ 9.00 Ladino Clover 90c lb. White Dutch Clover 80c lb. Orchard Grass „ - ..... , 38c lb, Brotne Grass , - , 4 4 4, g • -.33c lb, Mebdow Fescue , 4 1 A i 4,4' 4%4 ,,,40c lb. Kentucky Blue Grass . 4 4 4 ,:4 .4 6:; .70c lb. Reed Canary Grass :95c lb. Perennial Rye Grass .... •, :25c lb. Kentucky "31" Fescue 37e lb. Por average soil, with Fair to Good Drainage SOW ',),0 LBS. PER ACItt " - ONO TERM PASTURE MIXTURE' For Medium and 24 lbs. $13 50 High Land -- - per acre ..4. LOW LAND PASTURE MIXTURE For Low Land 20 lbs. Subject to Flooding , per acre - $1 _ • _ 1 25 The easiest starting, simplest operating power mower you can. buy! ROD 'N REEL ONLY $3.49 4-It. Fiberglass Rod and Level-wind Ilea SPECIAL Set Complete $349 SMELT NETS STRONG AND RELIABLE WITH FLOATS AN!) WEIGHT& 4 FEET DEEP 10-ft. ...... $4.45 20 ft. $9.50 15 ft. $6.75 30 ft. . ..... . $13.95 BARBED WIRE 80 Rod Spools - 4 point 6 rer Spool 76 Pound HEAVY $8.95 87 Pound EXTRA HEAVY $10.25 A COMPLETE STOCK OF FARM Fence and Wire FARM GATES POSTS - STAPLES LRUMPBOY CANADA'S MOST POPULAR POWER MOWER talc SO ;liREEN 40 lbs. $2,95 80 lbs. $4.95 ONG LASTING - EAS"1"r() APPLY WILL NOT BURN Use 40 lbs. per 1,0(10 square feet. a tireless "work horse" for tough garden jobs HAY -PASTURE MIME $9,75 Standards, Lightweights, Roadsters, Sports, Club Racers or Juveniles, C.C.M. is your best buy. Safe, strong, free running and beautiful. C.C.M.'s are qua- lity built froth the ground up! See the full C,C.M. line of Wheel goods at STAINTOWS. $39.95 Our eumplete stock of C.C;;NI. repair parts mid ne.00Ssor,, les. IN your assurance of services when you. need it. STAINTON HARDWAR 6 ANLJ FARMERS SUPPLY HOUSE- PHONE ;CI WINGHAM