HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-04-27, Page 1With which is imalgitniated the Conic Vitiette altci Wroxeter News
Under !y"Ltiw tin4 )289, the setting off of PIRE:RALIA
with the exceptien cif seven (7) days preoedinq the
24th day of May and SoVell (fl days thereafter,
Persons 4nntrnvening this hy•slaW
are liable to a fine of op to $0.00.
Chief of Police.-
ax Rate Increased
.5 Mills for 1960
fly The P.ed!splart
Workmen this week Metalled'
"sidewalk service" at the Bank of
Commerce. A slotted opening in*
the wee!, wall of the building will
permit depositors to drop their
money Into the vault after banking
- -
Smelt enthusiasts are getting a
bit impatient. Ice in Lake Huron
appears to have delayed the usual
spring run. On Sunday, when the
weather was away up to summer'
levels several of the local fisher-
men were making plans for smelt-
lag. but the cool weather that
week may have changed their
minds. lletwY runs were reported
is Lake hide at the first of the
0 - 0 - 0
Speaking of flab--4113P of you
nitrirods who nab any four or five
pound speckled trout at the open-
ing of the season on Saturday and
Sunday are invited to contact the
Advance-Times so we can take
your portrait, along with your
WROXETER BANTAMS were elso 'weeded inlate.itigeltpthey 'night inglon, 'assistatie roach; front, OP !;sown, Keith johneton, eiendy
at Wroxeler on Friday. Thu team nieitibe,CS ua e,.back: eow, left to Gibson, Man Underwood, .1arrY Oullisoll, Hugh Mundell, -Coach Jim right: Terry Clark, Juek Nieholson, manager; Grant Pity, OBI Wright, "Samiersou; Bill lietiterinetoit and Cliff Si wart were absent,
Joe Nieboleom Graham Thompson, Brian -Nanaersou, (ammo Halter-
Buirea-sOd school. levies were
named as the reason fora. jump of
2,5 mills hi Winghara's tax rate
when the 1960 budget was {!proved'
at a. special meeting of council
Tuesday evening of last weelr,
The new tax rate set the reef-
dential levy at 72,5 irtille •am d 7$.
for commercial, which le 2:4• mitre
higher than the 1959. rate. •
school rests have gotta up,
due to iniereueca in teachers.' sale
aries and addition to the etaff, with
the result that the board asked an
additional $e,500- in ite badgeteThis
figure aniounted to one mill of the
increase, •
The new wine at the high ecleol,
and the debentures issued tin fi-
nance tire project meant another
$5,000 or the eqUivaleet of tvvo
mills In the levy, The total levy
for secondary education in Wing-
ham now rests- at 10.01
Also included In the new budget
was $5,000 for development of the
Proposed River Park and safe
swimming area. Public works will
require $44,000 for street work,
sewer's and other projects,
DOWN ON um 1F'Ail4M
DKr Whiteviturch eorrespon-
'dent relates a tele which
take many veneers bask to. Eas-
ter holidays on tee farm .It •
seems that Mrs. Eight Currie
zed her grandeltlidreu, Carolyn
and Nancy Currie of Tomtit°
were guests with Mrs. Mina
•Ititahle and Currie. Dur-
ing the week Mr. Currie. decided
le was time for elteep-sheariag
and started proceedings with
his rem.
Young 'Nancy, who weevil al-
together 'familiar with rams •and
their pecurliarities, stepped up
to pat the woolly head and
was pI,emptly "rammed" seat-
first into a nearby pail.
The story eoncludee in happier
vein however, for our scribe says
that with goose eggs to hunt,
lambs to chase and Chicks to
cuddle, Lite only real tears were
shed when it .clune time to re-
turn to Toronto.
Take that, you city slickers:
0 - 0 - (I
The Wingham Sportsmen's As-
sociation has just received the
0 necessary equipment for t r al3
shooting, Ivhich will he set up at
their property in Ternberry just
west of the town. We can predict
keen Interest in this latest addi-
tion to the local sports agenda,
0 - 0 - 0
GUNPOWDER 600108---
The annual spring barrage has
started. The quiet night hours
are now shattered by the demoli-
tion charges set-off by the young
wise guys down town. Nothing
like getting ready for the 24th
well in advance.
GORKIN INTERIVIEDIATES played welt during the seasom -althciugh
theyedid not come out on top, ,.;fits team :includes, row, Glen
Alcallellnet; Ron McAlkittate, Boli Mastic, Murray Mulvey and Perry
Strong; front, John Brown, Garry MeCiemenl, Bower Parrish, coach;
Bob Edgar, manager; Gordon Scott and John Newatis.
W.H.D.S. Results
The following results of Grade
'XIII), Special Commercial, have
been received front Wingharri Dis-
trait High a. ictol, Fiist Viaesi
Roamers; Ilettry„, Franees 87,5%;
Pickford, Barbara 81.0; MeKinney,
Second class elotmers: Moffat,
Mary Lou 71.6%; Wallace, Marg-
aret 69,8; Irwin, Dianne 6805. •
Third Class Honours: llenhoeffea
Frances 65.8%; Coulter, Frances
65.2; Haskins, Muriel 60,5, •
Pees: Stobo, Lioye 09.9% e•Fietair;
Mariam 07.4; Kathleen
55.2; McPherson, Gwendolyn'. •53;'4;
Scott, Shirley 52.7, , •
Below the line, ,Saint, ..1ahet;
Fischer, Loretta, Abhant: 'Settles-
tel, Alice; Harpee, aiorinae' At State Dinner
For French Pre-&
Mr. stns! Mrs. Edward J,,Moore,
Lucknow ,announce 'else engage-
meat of their dalighter, Margaret
Rena to Mr. William Hugh Mont-
gomery, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
G. Montgomery, Ingersoll. The
wedding will take place May 20th
at 8 p.m. in St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church, F27"
. . ,
.Adance will be held in Bluevale
donneunity Hale Friday, April
29th, udder the auspices of the
Bluevale Wathen's Institute, Far-
1rier's Orchestra. - Liteelf counter.
Popular prices, /020-27h
The annual meeting of the Hur-
on Branch of the Civil Service As-
sociation wan held .in - the perish
room of -St, Paul's Church, Wing-
ham, on Friday night, with 25 of
the 57 metubers present.
AlACCA e§ttatee,eaceaaniatiteneeie
a •dommloa-wide organization, with
each province having its, own as-
sociation.. Any employee, of ,the
government may belong. The pur-
pose is to educate, and try to Ob-
tain for its members better work-
ing conditions, and to charnel any
grievances to the proper govern-
ment heads,
The- elective of officers was Con-
ducted by William Thomas, district
director of the- Civil Service Assoc.
from Guelph. The new officers
are: Pees., Ab .Nethery,* Wingham
(third terin); vice-peas„ C. Kerr,
Exeter; sec.-treas., Ed McQuillan,
Lucknow, All are 'employed with
the Department of Highways.
Willianm Harper, himself an em-
ployee of the the Department of
Highways since 1934, was the spea-
ker for the evening. Mr. Harper
is provincial president of the as-
sociation, and resides in Toronto.
After an Informal talk concerning
the purposes and aims of the as-
sociation, Mr. Harper conducted a
question and answer period which
proved to be very popular with the
members. , The question period
lasted for' more than two hours.
The highlight of the Couple's
Club meeting of the United Church
on Aeormda,y evening 'wee an address
by Envoy G. Stanley Newman of
the WhIghain Corps, Salvation
Army. Envoy Newman was intro-
duced by John Wray and the club
members regretted that Mrs. New-
man was unable to be with them,.
due to the death of her mother.
Mr, Newman gave a brief his-
tory of the organization .and work
of tire Salvation Army, which o
iginated in 1805. Envoy Newrimia
himself was Commissioned In -1928
and with his wife has worked full
time for the Array since that time,
• The aim 01 the Salvation Army
IS to brew people to Goa. 'The de-
nomination is not of particular
concern, as long as they attend
church, The Army is best known
for Its social welfare activities and
85 per cent of its work is with so-
da! problems. Me told of the pro-
gress at, the Salvation Army Vil-.
lage in London, .where children
from broken homes amid orphans
are cared for with more of a fam-
ily Writ than tire old Institutional
methods. There are several cot-
tages and a man and his .wife are
responsible for a family atmos-
phere for a given /lumber of child-
ren who hive with the in 'these
separate buildings.
The Army has a home In Ham-
,lieUe etalt
tilers, and through understanding
and kindness many of •these girls
are able to return to society with-
out stigma. in Waterloo a Dutch
couple are doing a tremendous job
for the Salvation Army by caring
for badly retarded children. Sal-
vationists also use a spiritual ap-
proach in •the case of alcoholics
and many of these have been help-
ed back to normal Ilfe through the
grace of God.
Envoy Newman was thanked by
Bill Renwick and presented with
a suitable gift. The ten couples
present felt that .this had been a
very Informative address and left
the. meeting with a great admira-
tion for the untiring work of the
Salvation Army and a new under-
standing of the urgent need for
social work,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ahara were
in charge of the opening worship
service and Mrs. Altera gave a me-
ditation on hymns and what they
can mean if one truly meditates
on the words. Russell ZurbrIgg
conducted a sing-song.
A discussion was held on the
proposed rally for Hume County
clubs which is expected to be held
in Clinton next November. The
next meeting will be held when
the club members take a trip to
Five Oaks on May 28.
Lovell McGuire conducted games
while lunch was being prepared.
Those in charge of the meeting
were Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tiffin,
Mr. and afrc John, Wray. Mr. and
Mrs. R. Zurbrigg Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Abate. and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Mr. and' Aere. :Pain W. Hanna
were Melted guests at the dimmer'
iu Tonon(s) on Thiu'edev evening
when Lie«Lenant Governor Keil-
lor Mackay was host to President
Charles de Gaulle of France. Pre-
mier Leslie Frost and several cab-
inet enlnisters spoke at the ban-
Dr. and Mrs. aleximeler Nimmo
of Wingham were invited as heael
table guests za. the same function
but were unable to attend because
of the former's Mime>,
Orr iiiiiturclay Mr. and Mrs. Han-
na .wprp guests at a wedding In
Kingsway United Church when
Patricia Bend, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, ,fairer Band was married.
They also attended the re-option
at time Old Mill Mr. Band is the
deputy minister of welfare tar the
• •
lehe .Winghten BreWniee will hold
Clair annual Cookie Day on Satur-
day and will make e door-to-door
CAM vase of. the town, As in the
Past, the proveeds will be used to
further their work during the com-
ing year,
The Brownies have clecidnet to
donate a kindergarten table and
chairs and a commode chair Le
the children's wind .at the Wing-
ham Geeeral Respite]. They hope
to be able to make the presentation
in the near faturei
On Wednesday ,elmniag of next
week theC.luirles tied Firm/des will
enjoy a Mother: .:and. Daughter
banquet at .the e , Presbyterian
Church, The'eleitatniet • :is being
sponsored by lifee Ladies•..Pientiliary
to the Cartattielr "Legion and the
Kinette. Club, ' „'• '
VVIah iga* Sportsmen's Ae-.
eoelatioe -will, be holding their May
Meeting on Monday, May 2nd al
8 p.m, at the Cluh Rouse, Two
films - will be shown on speckled
trout fishing, finportant business
to be discussed, Draw will be
made for Tlehing laultle. 13uffel
lunch will 'be served, Ab NetherY,
peeeicient ite271i
Student Minister
To Saskatchewan
j obi' Craw fortio coMpleted'his
first .year: at Emineniiel
Torontheand ,hae eccePted tte'eietrge
as student :minister for the Unit-
ed Church in Saskatchewan for the
summer months.
Following a few days with his
Paients here, John left on 'Tues-
day for Cadillac, where be will
have a three-point charge in Um
Cypress Rills district. Ile will re-
turn to lerreentnuel College in the
Wingham Credit Union Organiz-
ational Meeting, Thursday, April
28th at 8,30 p.m. ht the Council
Chambers. You are welcome. F27b
The Ladies' _Aid of St. Andrew'S
Presbyterian Church are holding
their Spring Tea on Saturday, May
7th, from 3 to 5 pan., the Sun-
day School room, Thee° wilt be a
bake table and a delicatessen-table.
All ladles ere cordially invited.
The final game in the annual
at Marathon Bridge will be held in
the Council Chamber oat Friday,
April 29111 at 8,13 pen. Those -who
have substituted foe regular play-
ers throughout the Whittle are also
Friends of this community were
saddened to learn of the death last
Wednesday morning of Mrs. W. A.
Crawford., who passed away at her
home in Witigham, ,folloWing st
lengthy illness, Mrs. Crawford had
been confined to hospital for Some'
time earlier this year.
Barn at Allsa Craig, Edna• J.
(Jane) Munro was a daughter of
Mrs. Munro and the late Angus
Munro. She received her education
at Ailsa Craig field in London. In
1928 she was married to Dr, Craw-
ford and they resided for seven
years in Michigan before moving
toMWrsji.IgChraallord, who 'was a mein-
ber of the Presbyterian Church,
was also 1: past president of the
Ladies' Auxiliary, to the General
Hospital and a member of the
Order of the Eastet'tt Star.
'Besides her Imbued, Dr. W. A.
Crawford, she le survived by het
mother-, who is a patient, in the
Lucknow nursing home, and one
brother, Angus L. Munro, of Lon-
Rev, T. J. MeKinfley, of the
Teeewater Presbyter/at! Church,
officiated for the funeral service
whi6li was held at the, U. A. Cattle
& Sons funeral borne at 2 .p.th, -cm
Friday. fnternient Was in the
Wingliam Cemetery. 'Me pailliear-
ers were H. P. Car/M.01RO, War
Norman Crottltwright and T. A.
Manuel, bon Cabieron, Lee -Vance,
Currie. The floral tributes were
tarried by Percy Clark, P114"
Forgie Mid Prank Hopper.'
The Belgrave Music :Festival will
be held In the Foresters' Hall,
grave, all day April 28th and 29th,
and at the Wingham District High
School in the evening, April 29th,
starting at 1.30. The adjudicator
will be be. G. Roy Fehwick. P27b
bMembers Majestl Lad e y g
Six Initiated
Mrs, Anne Henry,. diete•et deputy
president of No. 24, Kincardine.
South, paid her official , visit to
Majestic Rebekah Lodge an Moe-
day of last week, when six mete•
hers were initiated into the Lodge,
Mrs. Florence Maelntyre, pre-
sided and those initiated were Mrs,
Nora Finnigan, Mrs. Edna Con-
gram, Mrs. Ethel Adams, Mrs. pieta
Mokley, Mrs, Kathieen t Aitchison
and Mrs. Della Johnston.
Thirty members from Goderleh
were present and several from
Ripley. also attended,
Mrs. Henry also made her official
visit tojeeawater, Ripley, Welker-
ton an'a Kincardine, aceompanled
xittette sponsored Motto -ook.
lag Scheel, Wednesday, April
at 8,15 pan„ in Council Chamber.
Excellent and numerous EltaMt
prizes of groceries, etc. V27b
iitg of the .group. ShoWir above are Utoitin.s,
Installing officer; Mr, :Slattery; C. Reit, Bigot,
Act-president; d 1ticlQuillIity Luelettow, ederiatatae-
teeasuteree.Pheto by Connell.
leitESItiCNT-4th Nethery, second front
left, of Winghant woe rimmed preeident of the noon
Wain+ of the Civil Service Association last Friday
evening, election took place at a ttinatt
Beautiful Display
Of Arts and Crafts
At Daffodil Tea
The ,counell chamber was brutal-
fully - decorated with daffodils on
Saleteday afternoon for the ton,
sponsored by late women of the
Wingham Brame' of the Canadian
Cancer Society, The Lea table
'had three bouquets of claffochla,
pleasingly arranged in bee Wiled
old glass container's. The
arrangeMentu were done by Airs.
Cohn Fingined,
Mrs. D. MacNaughten, hunci-
dent, and Mrs. George t cgtt, elm r'
Man of education, welcomed the
gueste at the door. About 11:,
signed the gueet book and each
was presented with a daffodil
favor, Mrs, Walter Pocook, chair-
man of service, .and Mrs. faille
Fingland, committee member, pre-
.shied ;EL the Lea table,
()tiers who tie:Meted were
Prank McCormick, Mrs. Jim ('err.
ivies. Horace Aitehecon, Mrs, Wil-
fred Congrain, iris Irene T-'10011,
Mrs. Annie Moot, Mrs. Ken In-mt-
Mrs, Howard Peden:, Mre, :Elwood
,A.rinitage, Mrs. T. A, Currie mid
Mrs.. Jack Lloyd, Mm's, W. W.
Currie and Mrs, Carrion Havideon
provided mink during time after-
Mrs, .toratilt Edgar ithe Mise
Janet Murray were lit charge of
the mutt and crafts which wore no
dispta.y. These included cerainie,
-failey work and eMbroidery,
mats, mint):', a collection .of iipoonce
a celleetion of prints by Canadian
ail:tits, at celleetion of driftwood
and numerous other Item.
The ladies are very gretettil to
all those who loaned time beautiful
articles for the display, In those
who assiiiteel, and to the people
who contribilled throltgli donation::,
The proveeds will be used for the
'vole( oh' the Meal branch.
In Wroxeter Community
liursday, April:28th, at 8,30 p.m.
Ladies please bring lunch, 1'270
Ilumniega &1c Brine and house-
eleaeing collect together. The Pine-
al/age sale will be held in the
Wingham Armoludes oh Saturday
afternoon, May 14, itt two &Mack
sponsored by the Ladles' Auxiliary
to Winghithe General Hospital. So,
when you are hOlfseeleallifig, Make
Up rt bee: for the tatinree,ge
Anything con be sold, furniture,
clothing, hats, shoes, novelties, etc.
if you wish your ,donations called
for, pholIt Mrs, 3. lit MO/Vey, 1.18,
of Miss Marguerite Johns 20k,
connection with the rtnumage sale,
tags will he sold, I the neighbor-
ing towns on SattierlaY, May 7W
and in WInghtim ea 'Saturday,
May 14, These are cenntunity
tetrite with all proceeds being used
for the 'hospital, So bring along
your parcels—"Anythirig you tan,
not use, we can sell", V21-4b