HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-04-20, Page 13No other car has springs like these! The Wingtt skair4nre-• 41144414Nr, 4PrU OW PAge 174 YALU at Alexander Haibtare TOILET SEAT $4„19 ROTARY MOWER Cardinal 4.cycle - $59.9S New molded Plastic Toilet Seat, with .new rigid Polyetheylene binge whisk cannot V.01.rodes break, rust or mildew, A'`vailalde in Matte, Blatt, Pink and Yellow for 10 days only, Regular $4.99 Cardinal New Style, unconditionally guaranteed, steel sleek, 190 eft. New Maap-on-snap-off •,Handle. All steel rubber tired '7" wheels. Equipped with ltriggs Stratton 4.--eyi9e, X lf.P, recoil starter engine. Come in and See the many plus featitres you'd ordillnrilY pay inolm for. Regular $65.95 indeed-the handiest of them all ...not just department store or cleaners, florist or plumber. You've probably also shopped for an apartment, "Articles for Sale" in the paper, phoned for a taxi or an electrician. The list is endless ... but the point is clear: your telephone is always there, ready to save you money, time and effort. It's always there to serve you in emergencies or for a friendly chat, And nothing beats it as a shopping centre-right in your own home, convenient and inexpensive. Mr. and Mrs. Bud thrr and fttn1-1 llyr .spent the groter weekwtsel with .„ her sisters. and brother, Mr. nl4 Mrs. Jim Purdy, Mr. an.l ,Kennctit Donnell and, 31r. and Mrti Jock Weiler of Onelph. Mrs. James Leitch ,s4 Owen Sound visited a couple of duya last week with Miss .Stella. Ahtlisty until „ other Relgrave fritzok; • Visitors. over the lioilda7.•"•vv1 h r end with. Mrs. 1114.1f .it tqouelionist. ami Mr. stud Me;. Lew». Stone- liotwe were Mr. and Mrs. Ittilt;14 1,Vtliker Of ficaterich, Mr. awl Mr4. Minna» Stossolionsse awl Ssmi3 t•finslost, Mrs, slack Walker and funnily, of Mignon. Mr. an,1 Mrs. Robert Cmiltes airrl (ilea and Mr. 0,11d. Mist. Ltin C,QuitNi and f;intjiy. Mr. and. MO, Lloyd Taylor mu! fatally of Sarnia, riOellt aie 1,1e4^1:• 1'1111 With 1))$ Orenl:ip h7r. and 31r, O. Taylor. Me, and W1111011 l!wyor:1 :011i Miss ,)sif t' of Royal r ask, Mich., spent the week-cod with Mr. and Mrs. ( Proeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred, l'ickell and family of Hamilton :spent. the week-end, wills her Duvets, Mr.. and Mrs. Nett WIWeit.l. (111,1 With other relatives in the elistriet. Mr. and Mrs. Lcs Shaw trod Sha- ron and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ansi- erson Df 7,0/Won v;sittil over the week-end with their 'parents, Mr. and. Mrs. John Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong Rota and Kenneth, Thortulale, vis- ited over the week-end with Mr. sins] Mrs. David Armstrong and other relatives in the distriet. Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Mathers of Toronto visited over the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Pengelly and Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mathers. Mr, and Mts. Alan Campbell and baby of London spent the week-east with their parents, Mr. nod Mrs. Cordon Pengelly awl Mr. and Mrs. Irloyd Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Marshall and family of Sudbury are spend, ing a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook, and with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. :Brave Keys and family of Varna visited on Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs, C. IL Cold- tes, Mrs. Cora Messer mid Miss Mar- tha Armstrong of Windsor spent the Easter week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Williard Armstrong and Joyce. OSCILLATING :SPRINKLER - $5.49 Smartly designed oscillating Sprinkler with proven precision mechanism, covered rectangular areas up 10 2,000 sq. It. Regular $7.05 24" LAWN ROLLER - $14.89 Streamlined smooth Rolling Roller 18" x 21" drum --- weight empty 66 lbs., filled 250 lbs. An mil standing value. Regular $16.98 Plastic Garden HOSE - $2.79 10 year guarantee, 7/10" diameter hoar, Green transparent 59' heavy wail vonstruc- lion and full flow brass couplings, Out- standing quality with economy. Regular $3.25. Cardinal Wheel Barrow $9.99 a Cubic feet all metal tray supported by ragged tubular frame. 10° Rubber fti•ed, easy rimming Wheel., „Rig enough to be useful, but not big to bandles Regular $11.05 • HOSE TENDER - $3.99 Portable. lightweight, holds. 200' piastie hose, tnade from steel. tubing. Can he used 011 111W0 and for winter storage, a real prac- tical hose bolder. Regular $1,49 Royal Tex UTILITY MATS - ikurliolve 1.,,,rta mats with a luxurious •visemse, fabric bonded to 3/16" Rubber Wise, available in several eye appealing colors, Regular $1.99 . THE DELL TELEPHONE CONIPANY OF CANADA KITCHEN & BAR STOOL * $7.89 Solidly constructed with 'chronic plated 1" seamless •thlitilar 30" high with foot rest, non-marking thaw glides, hill 13". diarnete.r seat with deeply padded cushion,, decorated pattern, White vinyl upholstery, Regular $9.98 For your Garden 1-pc. Stainless Kitchen Tool Set . „ . reg. $6.39 Sale $4,99 Adjustable Ironing Table reg. $9.95 Sale $7.49 Burgess Flashlight Batteries reg. 25c ea. . . Sale 2 for 39c 3-piece Shredder Set • reg. 95c Sale 79c Hunter's Lantern reg. $2.49 Sale $1.79 Alum. Clothes Line Pulley reg. $1.29 Sale 99c Plastic Covered Clothes Line reg. $2.25 per C ft. Sale $1.69 Paralline Outdoor Clothes Dryer, reg $17.50 Sale $13.49 $3.69 $2.29 $1.19 $2.99 $7.99 59c 99c $2.49 $1.39 $7.49 Aluminum Rose Trellis ea. Cardinal Shovel ea. Grass Shears pr. Hedge Shears sea. Fertilizer Spreader . . ea. Dandelion Weeder , ea. Pruning Shears ea. Rubbish Burner ea. Hose-End Sprayer ea. Wall Mount Hose Reel ea. Cardinal Brand. Lawn Seed 1% lb. 99c - 4 lb. $2.49 Long Handle Cultivator ea. $1.79 Air Sprayer pa. $7.49 Fan Shape Broom Rake ea. $1.29 D-Handle Turf Edger . ea. $1.69 14-tooth Bowhead Rake ea. $1.69 Fishing l ackle Complete Casting Outfit $4.98 Cardinal Nylon Fish Line 79c Steel Tackle Box . ea. $2.29 Cardinal Casting Rod ea. $2.79 Spincast Reel ea. $4.79 SEE OUR FULL LINE of . GARDEN FERTILIZERS • AND WEED KILLERS ALL AT SPECIAL . SALE PRICES Step-On Can ... $7.39 Clothes Line .... 50c Breadbox , $6.39 Bath Scale $4.99 Wheelbarrow , $25.95 Alum. Teakettle $1.89 Baseball Glove $5.39 Baseball Glove $6.59 Inseam Softball $1.59 Hand. Cultivator 39c Sediment Faucet . , 59c Ball Cock Assembly $2.39 Bonded Loomex .._ . ft. 6c Baketlite Receptacle 16c English Chamois $L19 Tidee Sponge Mop $1.69 Liquid Wax Applier $2.79 Chain Link Fence ft. 191,42c 4-in-1 Electric Outlet 79c Stairtreads „ 35c & 39c Rim Night-Latch .. $1.89 Cotton Gloves ... 35c Rubber Gloves .. 59c Bag of Sponges .59c Bicycle Basket $3.69 Current Tap , 25c Toggle Switch .. 25c Switch Box .. 35c Outlet Box 30c Sink Strainer . $2.69 Deck Faucet .. $8.89 comes to riding comfort-not size. Volkswagen's kide on any road is unmatched, even by big cars. That. Volkswagen's famous engine is different, is a well known fact. It's in the rear, of course. It's air-cooled. In fact, it has set a new trend in motor design. You get up to 40 miles per gallon and can drive at top speed all day' long-if you wish. All this makes Volkswagen different. When you drive it you'll and-,i Volkswagen rides like a big car-with springs you can't even see! Sealed in tubes, they're protected from rust, dust and dirt, These torsion bars give independent spring•. ing to each of the four wheels-unlike any other family car. You get the same remarkable riding comfort front seat or back. Volkswagen wheels are different, too. They are larger than normal with larger tires for a softer, mere comfortable ride. And oversize brakes give you maximum safety. Volkswagen's unique suspension, large wheels, luxurious contoured seats-these are the important things when it Brass Haze Nozzle „ 49c Galvanized Pails 89c-$1.19 Folding Lawn Chair $5.99 Galv. Square Tub .. $2.89 Galv. Square Tub . . $3.65 Galv. Garbage Can $2.89 Alum. French Fryer $1.59 Car Wash Brush .. . $1.49 Aluminum Saucepan $1.59 Hand Garden Trowel 39c Transplanting Trowel 39c 46.4.4e oiepario i.44•4444 BIG 10 DAY SALE STARTS THURSDAY APRIL 21 it pOs to be different. ENDS CARDINAL ROLLER COATER KIT Regular $L19 with coupon only SATURDAY, APRIL 30 SAVE Tills COUPON I 79t b4.444i1 via4.411. .1•Amilwit 1•044040 xander No wonder, the; that Volkswagen Is the largest selling imported. Car in North America-by fart VOLKSWAGEN CANADA LTD. ar ware MERKLEY MOTORS .00* WINGRAM lttlephott tt