HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-04-20, Page 12Win Iv Apra O. luso A nonce-Tianes„ Weillueckla• RE-OPENING for the 1960 Season FRIDAY and SATURDAY, APRIL 22 - 23 JERRY LEWIS in `DON'T LIVE UP TILE MirE "STALAG 17" . Starring WILLIAM HOLDEN .. .. . HONEYMOON IN FLORIDA —Muriel Jean -Whytock, -'laughter- of Mrs. Howard Whytock of Teeswater and the late Mr, Whytock, was married to Robert Clair Everitt of London on Saturday afternoon' in the Teeswater United Church. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Everitt of Bothwell. On their return from Florida they will make their home in London.--Photo by'Msyck Studio. —brought PEACE OF MIND to the people of ONTARIO *F4:04144•\ • 4 < HERE'S WHAT TO DO IF YOU CHANGE YOUR JOB... Be sure to get your Certificate of Payment (Form 104) from the firm you are leaving. Follow the simple instructions on the back. IF YOU GET MARRIED... Family Hospital Insurance premi- , urns are required. Be sure you are both protected. Tell your em- ployer or collector right away. If you pay direct . . . tell the Commission. IF YOU ARE NOW NINETEEN ... This means you ate no longer in- sured under your parent's Hospi- tal Insurance Certificate. When you become 19, separate premi- ums are required. Application forms are available at hospitals, most banks and any office of the Commission. IF YOU CHANGE ADDRESS.:. If you pay through a group, no ac- tion is necessary. If you pay on a direct basis, tell the Commission immediately. IF YOU GO TO HOSPITAL Make sure you take your Hospital Insurance Certificate or, at least, the Certificate number. To .avoid confusion jot the number down ° now, where it can easily be found when needed. IF YOU NEED EMERGENCY CARE... Remember — Emergency Out- patient hospital care is insured only if received within 24 hours following an accident. AND REMEMBER ..; Always pay premiums when due. Don't take chances. Prompt pay- ment of Hospital Insurance pre- miums safeguards your future protection. It may be a blessing to you some day. READ YOUR HOSPITAL INSURANCE "GUIDE" — an interesting little folder which gives you the answers. Copies are available from. insured groups, all hospitals, most banks, or any office of the Commission. IF YOU ARE NOT INSURED YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR BENEFITS Application forms are available at hospitals and most banks or any office of the Commission . . Firms having 6 to 14 persons on the payroll may elect to form groups. Obtain details from the Commission. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION toRON 03 10 ONTARIO due to wheels that 4,200,000 ONTARIO RESIDENTS, IN GROUPS, are now in- sured . , . 26,000 business firms and other organizations are co-operating to make these benefits available to their em- ployees- and members. 1,200,000 RESIDENTS, NOT IN GROUPS, are insured through premiums paid directly to the Commission. 100,000 MUNICIPAL WELFARE RECIPIENTS are also covered for hospital care. $158,000,000 WAS PAID IN 1959, through the Commission, 'for standard. ward hospital care received by insured residents. EVERY MONTH LAST YEAR, MORE THAN 80,000 PATIENTS received hospital benefits under their Ontario Hospital Insur- ance Certificates. These benefits covered cases ranging from minor emergency treatments to long-term illnesses costing several thousands of dollars. $,000 ONTARIO RESIDENTS RECEIVED BENEFITS for hospi- tal care while outside the Province. MORE HOSPITAL BEDS IN ONTARIO Communities, hospitals and the Commission are working together, assisted by Provincial and Federal grants, to meet the need for more hospital accommodation in a growing Ontario. In 1959, 2,000 new beds were added; accommoda- tion for 3,000 beds was under construction and facilitiw for 3,500 more beds were in advanced planning stages. WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEAN TO YOU? it means many things. But, to you as an insured person, prob- ably the most important is the fact that hospital expense is no longer an obstacle when your doctor recommends hospital care for you or your dependants. This means greater peace of mind for all concerned. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard 'Coyne and family of Windsor are spend- ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor and with other Robinson relatives in East Wu.. wariest), Loeknow and Goderieh. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Payne of Toronto spent the week-end with Tiffin friends in 'claims. Mrs. E. H. Groskorth and Kar- en and. Elaine Conn were in Strat- ford on Thursday. Mr. Paul Gros- korth of Toronto is spending his vacation with his parents here. Mr. Gary Morton of Kincardine and Waterloo College had charge of the service in the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Lougheed and children of Midland spent the week-end with her . parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher, The Lougheed family are moving to St. Thomas as soon as they can find a home there. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Purdon and family of Sarnia spent the week- end withhis parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Ptu•don of LucknoW and with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer: Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer and children, . also of Sarnia, spent the• week-end at the Falconer home hefe. Mrs. Falconer and, the . children" are --staying here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Coupland- of Toronto spent the- l's'reek-end with her parents, AL: and Mrs. Charles Robinson -and with . Wrox--. eter relatives. Mr. Lynn O'Malley of Sarnia spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. OlVal- ley. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Taylor of Namilton :Spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Showers -of Turnberry and with Mr. and. Mrs. Lawrence' TOYlor• Mr. rind 4frs. Russell Ritchie of Larigilde- visited on. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Victor Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton. and children, of Ashfield visited bn -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Inglis. Mr. and Mrs, S. Lambert of St. Catharines spent a few days last week at the home of their daugh- ter, Mrs. Myles Ste. Marie, Lugs, Brown and her little daugh- ter, Of Toronto, spent the week, end With her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. William Evans, of Langside, Mrs. Earl Caslick and Mr. and. Mrs, Wilford Caslick, Wingham, Were in London on Wednesday for a checic 7.ap,,,on her eyes after her recent Operation. Mr. assn-I Mrs. Edward Nicholson and Co4en of Thantesford spent the weeic„.:0d with her parents, •Mr. artW'Mf";s. John Hutchison, and "with Godolich relatives. Many,".'"in:inches of crocuses are -brighteninrup the lawns around town tlq.yveelc. They each the eye .anct, give pleasure to all. Mr. Calue";ron Simmons of Lon- don wW•bitsy last week-end put-. ling up ,.r.q.:bricic chimney at the villagehop of Mrs. James Laid, -law amt* Kenneth Laidlaw was installing-t ai new oil furnace. Surprise Gathering Marks Anniversary WHITECTILIRCH The memoria l ball was prettily decorated with streamers, wedding bells, nuts and other spring flowers on Sat- uraay afternoon when the family of Mr. and Mrs, Gerahom Johnston gathered for a family dinner In honor of their parents' 45th wed- ding anniversary. The, long tables were centred. with a three-tiered wedding cake and a victrola sup- plied music, Members "of the family who at- tended were Mr, and Mrs. Johns, ton,. who were totally surprised, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Smith and family of .Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Wood and family of Sea- forth; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnston. and daughters and. Mf. and Mrs. Ross McMichael and children, all of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs, Edward Robinson and fam- ily of $t, Augustine, Mr. and Mrs. ClarenCe• Ritchie and children of WhiteChurch, and 'Wir. and Mrs. Jack Johnston of London. There 22. grandchildren there, with two: -Violet andj Nancy Johnston pf Barrie,' unable to come. One grandson„.Donald Smith, who is in the' Wavy. in Nova. Scotia, came by Plane, and in a week proceeds to Vancouver, where he will be sta- tiOnea ,for the summer. ' Kenneth Johnston acted as chair- man 'for the sPendid. program that followed and Jack Johnston read an address, 'The family presented their parents with a`platiorm rock- ing chair and a, space saver. Mr. and Mrs.- Johnston both • expressed thanks fOr the well-planned ga- thering, the gifts,_ and the happy tune, together. Jack Johnston called off far the dance that fol- lowed, others. played euchre and Wilen„ the. evening was spent all ertjdYed coffee and cake and a family chat. [Mr. and- Mrs. Johnston's many friends wish them many happy re- turns. of 'their anniversary. REPORT IS GIVEN ON PRESBYTERIAL clWIAITECHI,JRCH —'- The April meeting of the W.M.S. of the Un- ited Church was held on Wednes- day in the Sunday School room of the Church with Mrs...Russell Ross, leader of the North group, presid- ing, with 14 ladies present. The-theme of the , meeting was "At the Name of Jesus" and Eas- ter hymns were sung. Mrs.' Gaunt gave the call to 'worship and led in the , meditation period. Mrs. Ben McClenaghan led in prayer, Mrs. James Falconer 'gm.'re" an in- teresting report of the recent Pres- byterial at ..Seaforth, saying that there were 57 societies in Huron, and. that 57 members had passed on during ,the year. Mrs. Ca"rl 'McClenaghan played • a. piano number, and the roll call was 'answered by each giving the firit two lines of a favorite hymn. '•'/VErS. Milian Moore had charge of ;the?; etaptei.:9it .ihe'StUdy book "Africa Disturbed", and told of the change in the life of the people from growing their •own food to paying far everything and the dif- ficulty of finding jobs that bring in cash, in a land where they are not allowed to own farms or homes. , Mrs. Ben McClenaghan gave a reading on how the Easter lily changed the thoughts and ultimate- ly ,the surroundings, when people were asked to. keep It white. , The ladies decided to ask the Bluevale, Lueknow, Langside and Whitechurch Presbyterian groups to the Easter Thanlcoffering on May 11th, When Rev. Steed of Rothsay, a former missionary, will be the special speaker. Mrs. Moore closed the meeting with prayer, Mrs. James Falconer presided for the W.A. meeting that followed and the ladies planned for a cold meat supper in June. Attends Meeting At Walkerton WHITEC'HURCH— Mrs. Victor Emerson represented the South Bruce Women's Institute at a meeting of the truce County Farm Survey Council directors, held on Tuesday last in Walkerton. The following officers of the ex- ecutive were elected; Chairman, Orville Taylor of 'Kincardine; 1st vice, Russell Wagner; 2nd vice, William Rowley; seekreas„ McBrideliaeri and four directors, E. Bruce W.I., Mrs. Pilgrim, Bruce County Warden 'Fischer, Junior Partners representative and Centre Ere W.I., Mrs. Wilbur Ribey. The project Undertaken is to Clear corners for visibility and er- ect stop signs at all corners. The Institutes decided to paint all bi- vole; With itindrions paint. WHITECHURCH THIS MEANS THAT 93% OF THE POPULATION NOW HAVE MAXIMUM PROTECTION AGAINST THE COST OF NECESSARY HOSPITAL CARE TODAY, MORE THAN, 51/2 MILLION RESIDENTS OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO ARE COVERED ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE SAVE TAX OLL,AiR S You can deduct from your tax- able income payments made on any of these Registered Retire- ment Savings Plans distributed by Investors Syndicate: Retirement Savings cortiti. awes —Fixed-interest, guarani teed plans tailored to your individual needs. Supplementary insurance aVailable if desired. Equity Retirement Plan 0) Investors Mutual of Canada Ltd., a balanced investment for stabib ity and income, or (2) Investors Growth Fund of Canada. Ltd.— an investment in equity securi- ties for capital growth. • Combined Payment A selection of plans which com- bine shares of either mutual fund. with Investors Retirement Certi- ficates.. Thomas A. Jardin Phone 147, Wingham, Ont.' A Emerson Ivel Phone 334W, Harrislon Investor -ilk ornatioato Of CAHADA. WIC'S al Head Office: Winnipeg Offices in Principal Cities logisiossiORMIMmousammiX• 4 V60 KEN'S ALIGNMENT SERVICE Diagonal Road Phone 355 Wingham ammummummeeeRmeeeeme frili"r *lir e i lhi • • • rid your wheels of both"wiggle and bourne by getting our,, 'BEAR: DY-NAMIC BALANCING SERVICE as advertised in the ,,. W H knows best.? Eliminate guesswork,- • get proven bred-to-lay chicks from famed names. Stone's, Dem. lerehix 6 True-Lines, , Roe Red and. Sussex io.Citor name Crosses. All under the .1PiAlr IT SAFE with. out high Cost franchise 'ayments to U.S. hatcheries. The finest proven blood lines available now from FARMS 'LIMITED Armor), ONTARIO Eliminate Trade name peualiii,