HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-04-20, Page 10li, ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist rick St., Wingham Phone 770 sc. c4..> Pigs tarn into rrciitable rcrk an/ at te,A o nith littret:lra)eitt* in the feed. AtSIV.C.Int CM 4. ii;t4, !,e ....v alaint.-47ns Sails in the rtecen...e tit CSI:- Thinitl,;. it in1/4'rea•zes; feed etr.,,:!eno, too. :.‘1 Sin. a- at, a pinnta a siay t p v..; neanin4! AU RE () -MY (7,1 1 DISEASE CONTROL see,your feed tuanufae- timer or dealer 'for feed withAureiantyrin.teday, CYANAMID OF CANADA LIMITED 44 11,01). 5). Mr, 4:11 . apthi 11F,' , a 4, 6 „ d .t u . 721 ..!" .1 t it • 'rave Vistatter . ..4•••• . s••41-.:1 •.•‘ Da. • .1'• 47;111 .4 RINt • . • .'s 14e •, • • - - •,; dor 't .. -.I . *'- • .11 •-•.i -4.,...attr au.", 1.1 . • • ir4 - ItI4,41114 1 *d• '.4- in, -.141 in!, :we LT *z_. 1-g.atsta5: T. • L.., • C• • .45-act :Ili a...8' .7,:f . '1 41ettlito ,4t•:.•4 •-,444o1 the 91 44 ,. p 445 5 kere. - Mar, Wctitst,44, -as b„... et!. ..a.rek•etoi !,111 • Frank F.arIts - -• ..4:. It":+g; ri.13 q 3 ••,•• 54.4 4- a 2.3!14<5 .,11f3i”; C•; at744 Mrs :...: :..4 L4-.4. 44f 7.4ee• 1 ,4' • • • ',If Sar..icrf ax.t Miss • 1.41, t41 ‘t• • t -fr.:44g'. 1.4y. 1,-:21nsitari. writ 1:n4 4 4.44 4 re.Stiz het parentR I , Ili ,, 11 1.4•".... of ilisittm- • . ‘.t •-• • 4 I it pays to Dehorn Early ---to avoid infections 1 T. and shrinkage. VANCE'S DRUG STORE FEATURES DEHORNING PASTE TUBE, ELECTRIC and KEYSTONE DEHORNERS -A complete line of Dehorners for all ages. -BLOOD STOPPER and DRESSINGS • .. • - L. • . . Vance's Drug Store Phone 18 Wingham ..44;140.1111441•111.141.4 daS1140.11.4illiocrloaproko-t-Imet410.4....10.1000.-.10-7, Equire at the 111AWHAlif SAKIWILL If you art planning a new building to house cattle or hogs-it's tittle you 'found out _about POLE BUILDINGS. They cart be erected at HALF THE COST of convert. tional type. buildings. WE CAN SUPPLY' COMPLETE PLANS AND MATERIALS OR CAN ERECT TO YOUR SP,ECIFICATIONS WINGHAM SAW Oa, IAA Phone 576 1-1,41101.1) 1.1XXICK, Ninnuot Wingham tell: Them and Sell Them Mrr AtiVaiice- ;:r,C, :211.prit 20,1943 WRIIXETER In The Advance,,TinlbS il r. n‘r. .m r:• Conpiand. gin sec rpf C Ca • .••• I • ,Vo :15:4 •.; 2 t 1!1,3 'Li .1% - 1 I tss' .1e i. • .4 4 4t ituts 4wet the re, f• • • t.•• at 1 Mt!, Cll. ' e t.,14 RIG DAY for the Eindergarten class \Olen mothers and fa.thers, came in Last Wednesday afternoon to tie' how the beginners. were proms-. sing. Mrs. -1,4illiont the tt-aviter.-A-T photo. I W4. Deckles' to join ', COTISUITIerSt'.(i.roup. DELMORE - The annual meeting L of the fielmore Women's Institute was held In the ,elub r00.413 I • Wednesday •aftertsion. After dire chsSion it was tlechicti to guilt the esa.ralian Associstion or esosoin. • ers. The election. u.f officers followril ''''"-"*****"'"'"*"*"*""m^.-Aw•PN. .... with. Mrs. David Emile being, re- eitctrti as -pmkivot; tioit 104- Mts. Fred sec* on i vice-preS., Mrs. Eimer Jeffrey; see.. Mts. W. Johann .; tress., Mrs. :4, /in iiiitherford; press repui ter, R. Applohy; W. ..Tuinuo01 cheerio coons., Mo. .0 110.K Mrs. N. Ilcicatis, Mrs, Win. Mrs. Mann Merilley„ Mrs. W. WO(irtfi. Alfrieultore oral Tittlostries, 1-100 watinec runt Mrs. Arnold ..f.effrey: nine veonolniea 4441(1 hvalth. Walter 1Vi.xx.14 ,4144/ Mrs. I.11,111L` Mi'rk1(1; Cif.O.elt:411111 E4140 (.41.1a'a. tira4, Mrs..V,, Zarin, Mrs. Ivan tans,- morlticy; his- torical re4entek Mrs. Mm. Abraham sod Mrs. Moivey; le" ri'llitinti84 Mrs. Innitoit ftetiwieh: asst., Mrs.' T. Inglis. The next illetling wilt bp 114.4.4 on WNtliegday evening, May at 8.30. , 4 • t*, .„ hear .'.;:.:1a..s.:tr-•••11 0:3S Z4•11551111 t 3„o.p.:1,1/ L'IrAt gn,t4+A.4,1,2:velt 711 ,4, 114-4.1.4-4r.1 Fitcrz..;!...:urgBis were- ...4...414 at noss Ttimats's. 741:s. Frstril.; :Millers nit- •• .t4.!=',33:t; Vfikita FS With Mr . :4r4-• 4-444144•I s. A 244 ...-1441 4.17.1e4 f 1u9s,•i--1X.01 s •••• 7.J 31 31 ttia. !...;aiss, eaf ItEle 7;‘, I:1 15: 8aturthy. zgy., said: Waterloo, fur the wet.h-etit, 4,, *4,1141 4144 Viaii I* 1111'.*',i* 4' R HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST tdl ito , Now a. whole new golden world of SIGHT aid 1-1 SOUND, See our liEARING-AID GLASSES 4 tightest in weight. iii t Phone 37 for appointment al SEED TIME SOME SEED GRAINS ARE GETTING. SCARCE. WE ADVISE ORDERING NOW WHILE AVAILABLE. Our Grass Seeds are all Top Quality the old reliable Steele Briggs Seeds. HOWSON & HOWSON Blyth Wingham - Cargill -..7,11tii*ilfililltlif.*10111111i111,1111111111111 (414 t 3141 IS trillliTt 102.4.0*44•04••••••••Maomba***421.64.1•4242.44;moo-inooamwc-~.440*.o....ala Jr Dehorning Time Is Here Again ! 00 Any tincerriment Deficiency Pity. •Ment Wilt apply unky pr011erly gradelt Spillrf , theoto ot I potrializiog 1.1444 orgottiOtion that Made this pussiltie. SHIP, COLLECT TO Dar Itegistercit Wart-Immo tin. 1 Weston„.ibil:wrio Obtain huelis nod. twine $1101014 ('14f4 legv• from Morley MCMICIlltittl lilt WroArld t* Ufa. N.orrnar; McDowell 1Ieigrove, Ont. or, by writing in C4NADIAN CO-0 PIA1 WIVE WOOL aft0Wf:Its \ ILTE0 217 Rfty M4-1-14 T4,011:101-0, JUNIOR GALLERY-Youngsters in Eintlemirtert tures. inehnic various imprest,itras uf the 't"tari catiN on -their artistic- -expression. These pits- M. William Elliott-A-Tr photo., letie ter, ALL-MASH or MASH.SCRATCH RESTRICTED or .NONRESTRICTED MEDICATED or NON-MEDICATED Growing puilefs for •fop production is not as complicated as a may sound. The foots are there is only ONE system that suits YOUR operation. Yes, there really is a SHUR-GAIN Growing Prograiri to snit every individual poultryman. These pro- grams have been tested and proven for every Coat:peon tondition. We want to be SHUR you use the system be suited to YOU. A cell to us will insure you have the right SHUR-GAIN Feeding Program - tailored $o tit your individual needs. For economical growing of pullets, astuting you of laying hens for rntrisifIllin% tegg production it has to be The '11.11R1:11fiRiltP:S .1101/• -,Easter Observance '-Chub 20 Meets at ASTER ATELI" At United Church :I. NVileeier.Home. NTROXETER---.A. ',large EVL.T1,1111.•,:".1..:i: - Mr. ..1.7.1 ..7i Mr.e. Ken-. ,ation aiterded the E344ter 4.-... 4-- -1 ..• th Wt. 4:.:::, :.--4 -,.'. t::-....s..Q the 31'5£133-i %lees In irttaater Uratted 1-rtnar..,34!.... Ti- sf-47'S.4:.• -'.. : ::,'• ::- *r h,;nte un' whirt Ct.*. F14-v.Ewart .4:nark*. stpi•-•"4:*. , -.,4 -..•••:74 .: .'t:-.; . -. - ..i........t.. ,4 ?.e.4--1:13. A time tin the thivate I Bt-I;i-ve in th - -.7;•.12. 4..y.t:::•4-.:1 _Ind tc4.4.rt crhist was 21 l:-.... •j...-.-::::,. 4-7 ..! vir.., wayialr, +214 .1.:RetPzirrect4a1:-.. and told an inter- 21,7 'i•:.1 . itr,.5..z..,-s T.-ere won byl ., _1,, , ,,.„4413 -,s1,....,...,......,m ,. , .71-.;.,..6'4 estizo. story to the elai1ttren, T'h'ai'- 1 1:1 7..,• .•:::- Sl i at.-"••-- •".4'1' ar-41 eleoreste 4 --' - lataitly of the I.0y,."*. 1VI -re. n. 4.'•••-...:-.•:•.2..:.4 .r1 4-ortzes went - .,4,1 t: -.T..-...t4.'n3:r* ;4-c:1.F, .4 .ten tcs• Vir4.- i• 1 Hymns' in kftilin.f,r wait t.1-.44: " 19 21:73''''' q•''''-'"7,-.'. •"'''' h:t' '-'41:d Re* Is:t.„at; ek,r4WIT.t-F. :::,71.1 5 h:-,t,s1 ....".-1.,.T - ra..,41,..4„ st.,3„...,02 ,,v,.3,,,t, „.,,,,,,,:-. :,.1..,.ii , - i..4x-.1 : 1‘..;::•..4.b: . A. 7"..7,.. .1 ::::!16 i!...!.".17elt 1 v:05 '4.:)1: 7:,....11.;1 t....11i'i!ti-........ - t.t.:.r.:17-4 .'. %vet,' anthem was renlerei 1:414. ',hi-. ti ....,..;-•• ......-• • ''.'.'s'11-4•.. •i'*:..3-------‘: 7 tr.hair. A har-ket of eadie.l'i atal .G.,...1.4,.]f., .40:H4 .• , ?d,2 _ fr„ns wrs„ ,,,ki '• re3 aaa white oarnatInns T'IZIP ai-r adii] in =.E.MCIT'S id' Lte lati' NI* ; Wi• az!. 1;434 ......4. -I. 14:4 re,part Irr. '.. ' • ....:.,t114t*: T-r47.4-74 :ea:: ••",: r Jessie Hig,ghts, -,.tiln wns 4111re an .1".7i:h-tni S-11,---n- :•-:-...7.4 hta.4•4 bet,t in tz...7._....,:::•. 4-a4h L'il .f..“1:T....; a "....:- *:./47nriast here, and f.c.ur loatat,.f....t) .1-4-t-,--ii;I: -:?-..44 -,. . If t•-•:..- 7s'ii:11:42., VMS , '.',1:.• 'IL., ... ,.. ..14.1t-.:-.. -T ii.:-.47...4 L...t i,ga_sfrr R,I n-.,F, it LIEf alory of tte ,,,:.,..!:.,..... -.2.......f. 7.i.1 r.• ',...iX 7 :-1-1- f>.:: V..T4-41‘,13Y. ' --, :1:,2 • - '''''' tt-'....4-;:'1-'47=:: .-1--•:*371--'.1.-•.':•'• Mr a74:1 Ill'i4. lIrrtras ilibszn and YROXETER 3.a4i ere t -L44...of.•rz•-• matt M1ss Plark1 Vrid att. 5...DIFF Ti13511 iAJ , 443, Lorine tihanaht.rs .:-. C4.-11.4.t1 • --J!• ,-,•-•••-.7 ElVs".c.ghr.nan (..`eneral tams1 •'1 •-.4#:•• &p. to, 1-.A ag7:Ln5 VIER Arme Jan:e5.- : s' - tt1.1*' 11• ."1 lir:M. is $pk---tilir,g M.. ..3*44 :ter gratiS,isart-nts, ar.i1 Mai" '-'" ti414zrw.. ••••:, • 4-4. , -74'4-I 'gr.. atzl Mr;. ett..,,T4n •••47 nst:a , MO.nkton, wire Zsaiti-r - ar. i 1.1.115,. IIr 1 Milai-QT, ,11 -. • 7:1 1 ••••: •'' Mrs. 0.-1:37:4"1. 5131:1.1 c4,44:!:!: Han. Aormoltatt.,pa Mrs. Ilan, Sant ft-tt'5' Trlan 'al 34,„„*._ lamt Mrs ant/ 114.1t, Efart L:4.- '1 ' • 7., • .521 .11".-74-4' ..:a W24•3 Et '7.13 ' ....:::E11zz:14 7.7111.;(37 1-2Z4174;fkl-Ttl='D.:5w3t.-55"7:1-37i-11.4•. :;j • 1 a!, E.,..:143.1. ' Ijr44•_. ▪ tar. Mt?, gref.1 att5 air'?. 1n v.1ra3a vivatfvra. ..kft taitir cz11'•:11 Orztan ezt a Et...tzvt !MT -t• att•_:1 sZti. ci* !It •j -. •-•„ 4!..v ,51:11T,.? 14***sa'..7zer (12..,a_•_::171.7;ztt , „.- , „; 11x«0.17,1 As - ". •• .• cit:1 11 22145 ent..,77„.1,:,,r4 14,54, 'arr.* ?,11"... nor Hatt er"...3 .4.7, . :1' Inv W.114.:44. anti 7 , 41 .'21 Mrs .7 T. < A .••• "Izt - s5:4ht. . • t - 4. ‘27: is ]<•.-• .. -Ii..:•.:4-3.1`:::na T3li-4- .4.ri Nitz, at.,...1 724,,,s George jiv,„13: fr45. tubc.:a.. hs..,. :.. 4. 44::• 41„ .4„.,•,.... ..A ei:.4-: . '''.0..z **:.43 immlue„...... if1 , .2 tt .... -• -,, ti.., 4 ...41.,-.1. P:4s- 707-.1 CAN SAVE YO-0..NEY ......