HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-04-20, Page 7BLUEVALE Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Baiter and children of London were Easter I visitors at Mr, J. Greenaway's. Miss Norma McMinn of Toronto was the guest of her sister, MrS. Arnold Mow over the holiday. Mr. Floyd Moffatt of Southamp- ton visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Bum Moffatt over the week- end. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Street and children of Listowel were Easter visitors with- the Misses Duff and Mrs. M. L. Aitken. Mrs. Aitken returned with them to Listowel to spend ,a few days, At the Stanley Darling's over the Easter week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Darling and baby and Mr, Donald Darling of Toronto, I'VE 041,WANS FC)t)ND VANtE'S QRUG STORE , so. SATISFACTORY, 1. KNEW I'D FIND EVERY- THING 4.1ERE FDR. A DIABETIC./ „./ • • It wouldn?t be practical for Imperial to divide its income dollar the way the people in our picture are doing. A more exact division is required, as you can see from the figures below. Here's how Imperial's income dollar is divided Last year, out of every dollar Imperial took in: 5.5 cents was spent for raw materials-mostly crude oil-and for freight, a big item in a big country. 25 cents went for costs of operating the company. This included wages and salaries fear our 13,000 employees. `. 9 cents was for depreciation, money set aside to help pay for replacing worn-out equipment. 5 cents went to various taxes (not including provincial road taxes ranging from 10 to 181/2 cents per gallon). 6 cents was left. But two of these had to he set aside for equipment to make new products and for expansion of things like refineries and service stations to meet the public needs. 4 cents was left for the shareholders-whose investment made the company possible, IMPERIAL oiLliLimiTED P it foe 19 yikard Isader in asomadai!* growth 9 out of 10 ghosts. prefer 'OX-MADE sheets •cAf the Canadian Society 1,cf,- h9su :preer to d thOrs.:tunAitiag in. Tex-Made sheet4., (They hare more body,) WOret riu help the Soc.i&ty2Ii4y a Tex-Made sheet tgiday, 1;4 to 'years at tough Ittmily wear, and .SoMetirne. abo.tit I.V.4 when it's had its day, hang it outside theback doOr etu, it. .010.0 k$S. Mid night.11 will be spirited am' before you .4.a4`1,ontwearing"..(Cartadianhorn! to:ers prefer crisp, b.k:ahtirtit Tex-Made Sheets, too,). sheets MADE RIGHT •HERE IN CANADA Ex, 1950 SHERBROOKE ST.: WEST; MONTREAt „.• These high-qualitu products sold at Carmichael's in Wingham Eno a N y the L-uxury of ABUNDANT HOT WATER At a Cost Everyone Can Afford FLAT RATE WATER. HEATERS ARE NOW AVAILABLE AT THE Wingham Public .Utililies Commission These heaters are glass lined, manufactured by John Inglis Corn- party and meet all hydro specifications. We believe they are one of the finest heaters available and can be supplied with the element size required to meet your family's needs. Electric water heating is one of the cheapest and most efficient ways of supplying your hot water needs. Enquire At " • ingham Public Utilities I Commission U a U U U Ui ti mm i ns i u n nu n w i n u m ni ma w s fi n u i c i mm i o nn um n i ns o in a n az i m u m m in o un ii m i n t iw um am m i nl i ti m un in u i ,.... AVAILABLE FOR RESIDENTS OF WINGIIAIVI, ONLY. * .,-,... , 1.._ .. . . ir--diiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitilifigilitliiiiiiillittaliaiiiiiiitiliiiiiiiiitiliiiiialli0011111110111ilillitiiitillkilltilifilli*Iliailluilis11111111111111Nillaillitiliallillirtlitiliminitilnitnigic • a a N. a U U U U a a a a • a At St. Stephen's Church the rec- tor,. the Rev, E. C, chose as 'his text "For God so loved the world- that he gave his, only be- gotten son, that whosoever believ-- eth. on him should not perish but have life everlasting'. The choir sung the arith.ern. "Would Yea Know the Joy of Easter'„ with Mrs. Harry King taking the soled part. Flowers on the altar were in memory of Mrs. H. V. Holmes and Mess Edith, Perkins. The lilies were in memory of -the late Mr. and Mrs. William Corbett. PLUEVAL.E. Miss 'Dorothy.. GORR1E-There were sped Greenaway wag hostess. fOr tIlWigAger _Service* in the three APrit meeting of the Blue-vale Wee, OPM:elle* Su day and speciti men's Instittite„ held in the corn,' 111141c' mushy hall on April 14th when Mrs. Sperling Johnston presided. M's gto,red JO* .eonverter of public relations, with the aSala, lance or Mra. Alex Corrigttn, gave an interesting demonstration to , illustrate. OW tbtaga: and etistorna 1 have seen die OW. She P47. hibitod antiques, some from Atig to 150 years old-a, knitted table- cloth„ woven counterpane, leivell.r3,,f., candle mould, apple pa,rer..articies for butter-making, which were famill t lue .$ i the cla s ar po.e 1 A. „..7. London Soloist At Knox Church RLUEVALE-- Knox Presbyter- .an. Church held a special Easter service on Saturday morning, with large congregation in .attendance. The chair rendered an appropri- ate anthem, "In Joseph's Lovely. Garden", and following the ser- mon George Moffatt, O.P.P. London, sang "Were You There?" The Minister, Rev. T. E, Ken- net-1n, spoke on the verse, Mark 10;9, giving a glowing account o the ministry of Mary Magdalene Christ and his. appearance to her. after the resurrection. He also stressed three lessons for us from her life. Pigdex Stops Anemia Losses New PIGDEX* Injectable Iron virtually eliminates baby pig anemia ,Pigdex saves young pigs .by giving them the iron "they need-in a form -they can easily use. It is your lowest cost .injec:table iron. Get :new Pigdex today! *T.M. Reg'd. cyanamid of Canada Limited PIGDEX STOPS ANEMIA Annual WMS. -Council At Rosodale ,Church The 45th annual council meeting of the Womens' Missionary So- ciety M.D.,/ of the Presbyterian Church to Canada. will take place in Rosedale Presbyterian Church,. Toronto, May fith to 13th, and will Include .about 100 delegates. from Quebec to British Columbia. The special speaker will be the Rev. Neil Q. smith, librarian of Knox College, Toronto. whR, will give an address on. the 400th an-. niversory of the Scottish Reforma- tion.. The Rev. Boin MacKay, :minister of Rosedale Presbyterian Church, will conduct the daily de- votional services and also the elec- tion and installation of officers. Officers in different phases of the mission work will give reports of progress in their departments, Anyone is welcome to go to these meetings, but only appointed dele- gates may vote, Ar cgular meeting of the Howick •Township Council was held in the clerk's. office on April 5th. All members were proent and the reeve, Arthur Gibson, was in the. chair. The minutes of the last regular meeting' and special meet- ings were read and on motion of Haskins and Allan were adopted as read. ,Gibson-MeMichael - That we charge 12e a head for warble fly spraying of cattle, 60c a lh, for powder for brushing, and 14c a -head if not paid by July 1st, when unpaid accounts will be added to tax roll. Allan-Haskins- That the assessor attend the convention of the Asses- sing Officers of Ontario with ex- penses. McMichael-Gibson .-That we take no action on the resolution of the trustees of the Police Village of Clorrie re the rink. Allan-Haskins- .1.That we renew the robbery insurance policy on the township treasurer. Haskins-McMichael That we appoint TI, Gowdy as supervisor of the Gorrie dump; Garn. King of the Fordwich dump and Jack 'Clarke of the Wroxeter dump. Haskins-Allan.-- That the road accounts as approved be paid. McMichael-Haskins--•That the re- creation accounts as approved be paid. Allan-Haskins- That the follow- ing accounts as approved he paid. Registrar of feeds, registration fee, $4.60; Village of Clifford, fire services, $250.00; Miller's Home Furnishings, ambulance service, $50.00; Baker's Nursing 'I-Tome, account, $139.50.! Harriston Review, advertising, $0.00; Listowel Ban- ner, advertising, $6,40; United Sta- tionery Co.„ supplies, $52,00; W, E. Whitfield, part salary, $75,00 J. H. Pollock, part salary, $100.00; S, H, Blake, membership Mun. Officers' Assoc„ $20.00; G. A, Gibson & Sons, Ltd„ snow removal, $8,00; G, L. Dobson, rielief account, $20.82; Gee, Walicey, relief account, $26.00; - A, Schaeffer, relief account, $42,37; Wm, Marriner, relief ac- count, $20,04.; H, Howe, relief Re- count, $16.95; R. H. Carson & Son, relief account, '$14.30; R. H. 'Carson & Son, Warhicide powder, $315.00; N. Wade, insurance premium, $12,50; Howick Telephone System, service and • tolls, $15.40; • road account, transfer, $5,251,66, Gibson-McMichaThat we -do now adjourn to meet again on May 5th or at the • call 'of the reeve, .Harold Pollock, Arthur Gibson, Clerk, Reeve. long past. She described the pto, cesses of butter-niaking, soap- making,. vinegar and apple butter- made from cider. Mrs, Nichol was appropriately dressed in an old fashioned gown and dainty white cap, to exhhibit her antiques. The roll call was answered lay the payment of fees and angges- tiona for resolutions. Reports were- given by conveners of stand- ing committees; Historical re- search, Mrs. Alex Carrigan;; home economies and health, Mrs, Carl Johnston; agriculture and Canad- ian Industries; '4We. Bert Garoiss, for Mrs. R. J, MeMurra,r• resa- lutio.ns and. public, relations, Mrs.. Eldred Nichol.. Further arrangements, were made- for the birthday party to be. held at the County Home, Clinton, on, Mai!' yitb, when, the members will entertain the Inmates, A resolution to be sent to the district that a bursary be available to a child of the Children's Aid Society was carried.. Miss Ruby Duff and Mrs.. James. Johnston were appointed delegates to • the District annual meeting to be held at Cranbrook 'In May. Refreshments were served by the lunch committee, Mrs. Alex Me- Crackin, Mrs, Wendell- Stamper and Mrs. Jack Nicholson, Bluevale Belles Hold 4=H Meeting BiLUEVIALE-The Bluevale Belles met at the home of Mrs. • Jack Nicholson on, April ,18th, • the sub- ject under discussion was meat, looking for .quality in -meat and meat cookery, The officers for this year are: Leaders, Mrs. Alex Corrigan 'And -Mrs, Jack Nicholson; president, Mary Hamilton; vice president, Elaine Kirton;, secretary, Joan. McFarland; pianist, Rose Marie Nicholson; press reporter, Susan Sellers. The next meeting will be at The home of Mrs. .Alex Corrigan on Wednesday, April 20th. WAWANOSII COUNCIL JOINS ASSOCIATION The East Wawanosh council met April 5th, with all the members present, Reeve Hanna presiding. The minutes of the meeting held March 1st were read !and 'adopted on -motion of McGowan-HaTlahan. The clerk was instructed to write the district highway engineer N. E. Neilans. Buchanan-Pundon-That the road and general accounts as presented he passed and paid. I-Tallahan-McGowan- That coun- cil join the Mayors' and Reeves' Association and pay the member- ship fee. Purdon-Buchanan - That council adjourn to meet May - 3rd at one o'clock at the Belgrave Community Centre, Road' Cheques Stuart McBurney, salary, $185.00, hills paid, $2.40, $187.45; Allan Me- Burney, wages, $180.31; Arnold Bruce, wages, $126.65; Wm. T. Ir- win, wages, $14.70; John Jamieson, wages, $10.00; 1TVinIc Cooper, wages, $13.00 Kenneth Scott, wages, $10.00; Alex. Robertson, wages, $6.00; Almond Jamieson, snow removal, $33.75; Dave Murray, welding, $7.10; The Workmen's Compensation Board, $62.68; To East Wawanosh General Account, insur, on shed, $12.50; Wingham Advance-Times, adv. tenders, $5.13; R. IT. Thompson, truck license, '$2.00; , Gilbert Beecroft, towing grader, $6.00; Joe Derr, cable, $13.54, snow removal, $39.00, $52.54; Goo. E. Radford, 168 -hours snow removal, $1,344.00; W, C. 'Becker Equiprrient Co.,, grader repairs, $65,45; Harry Williams, 765 gals. fuel oil and grease, $372.85; Do- minion Road Machinery Co., grad- er repairs, $128.19; Winghtun IVIo- tors, service call, $15.00; Receiver General of Canada, income tax, $20,40. General cheques H. C. MacLean Insurance Agen- cy, premium on treasurer's bond, $12.00; 'rho Workmen's. Compen- sation 1Board, $9,29; The Mtinielpal World Ltd., suppjlits, $12.32; The Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves, fees, $10.00; "Town of Wing- ham, relief accounts, Feb.-March, $81.80; Mettay's Nursing Howie, maintenance of patient, $92.75; Huron County Municipal Officers' Association, fees, $20.00. C. Hanna, tt„. ReeVe. Clerk, Mr. 1,14d Mrs. Howard Lints Milcio..44Y. Mr. .and Mrs. Charles Campbell Ana farnay .eta George i arxr Mrs. Darling and their .family. Mr. and Mee: %ro, Wertfelder, of 'I'oronto, Ake gaater VW :tors With Mc and .MrS. JOSepli Horton. A Good Friday .4erviico, was held 'in Knox Presbyterian Church when the .ntihtater. ger. T. E. KerteedYt conducted the he. Mr. Alan H. Neelon, Munster of the United Church, preached the sermon on an Easter theme'. The choir sang -an anthem, tea lay We. NOM Moffatt, organist. Members of the two, ongregatioas ertieYed the service. Mr. anti Mrs.. Merles Coulter visited in Clinton for the Easter week-end. Mr. and Mrs.. Joseph Horton spent Wednesdays don. Mr. and Mrs Ala* BeCitt and Friday at. Gordon ],'Tail's, The congregation of the 'United Church. Was pleased to have Mr. Alan H. Neelon in the pulpit again on .F.aster :Sunday, when he preach- ed o.n the. resurrection. The choir • sang an anthem and a triple duet gave an EaSter number. Mr. and. Mrs. Cecil Griffits and 01). of Guelph were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boman. Guests over the Easter week-end at the manse, with Rev, T. E. and Mrs. Kennedy were, Mr. and Mrs. Ballantyne, Toronto, Mrs. W. •..). Hunter and Mrs. John Ballantyne, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Camp- bell, 'daughters Anne, Mary and Jay of Molesw.orth, Visitors at the 'home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Boarnan for the week- end 'were Mr. Lyle McKinneY, Northville, Mich., 11/.1r: and Mrs. Archie McKinney and gTan,ociatto., ter TzIonnie,.. and lYfr. .a.nd Mrs. Al. fred Andrews, all of Leamington. Visitors with Mr.. and Mrs. Robert McKinnon,. were, 'Mr. and- Mrs. John. MeTriviSh and children of London and Mr. and Mrs. Spence McKinnon and children of Niagara Exhibits Antiques Ea$ter Service Over 100 Years 010 At St. Stephen's ec., Illfalpo Folding FLOOR Aluminum • Aluminum WALL SASH AWNINGS TILES DOORS' LUMBER - BUILDING - CUPBOARDS Telephone 260 Wingham NM COUNCIL RENUR MEETING. The Wingbant Ady.Aute-Thite n dnesday. April AO. Watt „.. children of Newton spent Good Mr. and Mrs. Weil Gilbert and Neil Jr., Louise Neilson and son Toronto were visitors. with Mob 14., ,.Garrgas. over Easter. Mrs. Me- Eachern ia remaining with. her mother for a few days.