HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-04-20, Page 1Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Are Wed 54 Years
GoaRnfl----mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Douglas marked their 54th wed-
ding anniversary on Monday,
'April 18th. They were married in
Fordwich by the late Rev. A. B.
Dobson and farmed on concession
17, Howick until retiring to Gorrie
in 1946:
Mr. Douglas is the last member
of his family of four sons and four
daughters. 'He is 86. Mrs, Doug-
las is a, daughter of the late
Charles Finley, Both are quite
active for their 'years. They are
members of the 'Gorrie United
Church. . •
We extend congratulations and
best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Doti.
Four candidates received the
Red Cross degree, the highest de-
gree in the Orange Order, at a
meeting in the council chamber on
Friday afternoon. They were all
members of the Wingham Precep-
tory 797, Sir Knight George Baird,
Sir Knight John Ward, Sir Knight
Willlatti Irwin and Sir Knight John
lVferrinis.. Wor. Preceptor William
Henderson was in the chair for the
The degrees were conferred 'by a
tieam 'from the Amberley Lodge
Under Woe.' Preceptor 'Don Court-
ney, •
Lodge officers, R. W. 'Sir Kt. Oliver.
Jacques, Grand Elector and R, W.
Sir Kt. Walter Scott, Grand Com-
mitteeman. 'Others were V.W. Sir
Kt, Switzer of Woodham, County
Master of Huron; Rev. J, C. Hut-
ton, Deputy Preceptor of Amberley
Lodge, who was one of the speak-
ers; Sir Kt. Cliff Geddes, County
Master of West Bruce; Sir Kt,
Borden Brown, County Master of
South Bruce and Sir Kt. Robert
Hibberd of Howick, Past County
Master of Huron.
Easter Cantata
At St.' Andrew's
Special Easter music was pre-
sented at St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church on Sunday at the
morning and evening services.
In the morning Mrs. J. E. Ostrom
sang the solo "Come unto Me" by
Handel. The choir sang the Easter
anthem, "Jesus I,: Risen".
At seven o'clock in the evening,
the choir presented the Easter
cantata, "The Crucifixion" bf
Stainer. Those taking solo parts
were Mrs. J. E. Ostrom, soprano;
George Henderson and John Don-
aldson, tenor ;and Gordon Leggatt
and John'McKibbon, bass.
The music was under the leader-
ship of the organist and choir
director, Harold Victor Pym, Rev.
Chester LewiS, assistant minister of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
Kitchener, delivered the Easter
messages at both services.
Mayor R. E. McKinney, of Wing-
ham, said-this weaz that he had
beets appointed to look into the
possibilities of having the muni-
cipalities not already attached to
the Middle Maitland River Auth-
ority join together in order to have
the whole watershed under one
conservation group. He stated that
Austin Stinson, of Harriston, and
Lyle Jackson, of Listowel, bad re-
ceived similar appointments by
the provincial government.
Mayor .McKinney pointed out
that the Middle Maitland Conser-
vation Authority now consists of
the town of Listowel, the villages
of Brussels, Atwood and Monkton,
and the townships of Morris, Grey
and Elma. Other municipalities
within the Maitland watershed
Which could be included in an
authority covering the whole area
include the towns of Goderich,
Harriston, Palmerston, Blyth and
Wingham as well.as the townships
of Turnberry, Hullett, East and
West Wawanosh Colborne, Us-
borne, Howick, Wallace; McKiilop
and GOderich,
According 'to Mayor McKinney if
an authority. covering the whole of
the Maitland watershed can be set
up, a great deal of benefit can be
derived for the district. Conserves- Conserve.-
ces and powers to conserve water,
forests, and provide parks and
recreation areas, The existing au-
thorities in Ontario operate on a
local financial level, these funds
being matched dollar for dollar by
the provincial -government ,in
Office hours will change from
. Tuesday afternoons to evenings,
starting April 26th.-Geo. Michie,
The spring 'Hospital Rummage
Sale will be held in the Wingham
Armouries on Saturday afternoon,
May 14th. This is a community
event and everyone is asked to
send donations- furniture, cloth-
ing, hats, shoes, novelties. Any-
thing you cantiot use we can sell.
so make up a parcel for the rum•
inage sale on May 14th. F20b
The Variety Concert to be pre-
sented by the North Huron Jun-
ior Farmers in Betgrave Foresters`
Hall on April 20th will be cancell-
ed till further notice. F20b
Dance to the music of Emir
king and his Kinsmen iti Wrox-
etet Community Hall, Friday, Ap,.
ril 22nd, Everyone WeleOme.
' CettontoWil ,Minstrel Show will be
held at the Lakelet, Institute Hall
on Thursday, April 2801, at 8,30.
Sponsored by the Lak elet Wotnett'm
Institute. F20*
The North Huron Junior Farm-
ers are sponsoring a Variety
Concert In the Forester's Hall,
Belgrave, on Wednesday, April 20,
at 8.30 p.m. The plaS, "The Pink
Dress" will be presented, also a
comedy ,"Sister Site" and
Musical inimbere, Admission 60c
Next Tuesday you will have a chance to make a
donation that costs you not a cent. On that day the
Red Cross is holding a clinic for blood donors in the
Legion Home-an effort which will be wasted unless
YOU are willing to co-operate.
Until a short time ago blood for transfusion pur.
poses was a costly commodity-usually $25.00 a pint.
If you, your wife or your children were taken to the
hospital and a series of transfusions was found neces-
sary,. the bill would have been a staggering one. Ref
cognizing the great need in this field, the Canadian Red
Cross Society established a number of "blood banks'
from which you or your family may be supplied in case
of need. They are ready and waiting to Serve those
who need blood at any hour of the day or night.
Like monetary banks, however, it is impossible to
make repeated withdrawals unless there is an equal
number of deposits. Right at the present time the bank's
balance is dangerously low. The blood 'bank at the
Wingham Hospital is in such short supply that requests
for blood may soon be refused unless the people of this
community refill the bottles at the clinic on Tuesday.
Donating your blood is not a painful process and
ordinary, healthy individuals are not affected by the
loss of blood. In addition to the service you can render
to others, you gain a distinct advantage for yourself.
for when your blood is token and typed you are given a
card stating your own blood classification. Carried in
your wallet, this card might well save your own life in
case of accident. It provides an immediate guide for
doctors or hospital authorities if you ever need blood
replaced in your own body-something worth thinking
Clip out the advertisement which appears in this
issue of The Advanco.Times-and make a date with
yourself to go to the Legion Home t Tuesday,.
With which is amalgamated the Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
ALONG IOC MAIN 'NAG ill Rate Increase
By The Pedestrian
Child Loses Leg
A tragic accident occurred in.
Galt on Saturday when Jackie LIM, •
formerly of WI/14;h= was Injured
by a freight train,
Jackie, 11-year-old son of Mn
and Mrs, Jim Lem who operated
a, restaurant here, was taking
ride on a slow moving freight train
and fell under the ear. One leg
'Was badly mangled and it was
found that amputatiOn was neces-
sary, He is in the South Waterloo
Memorial Hospital in Galt.
Many of his former playmates
'here will be sorry to hear of
Jackie's .eccident.
High School 13d.,
The board of the Wingliain Dis- The finance committee presented
trict High School met on Thurs- the budget, which met with the
day evening of last week to handle approval of the board, with the re-
routine business. and, to finalize sult tihat the mill rate as set on
the budget for the coming year. the county equalized assessment
ANOTHER, GROUP of earnest young scholars in MiSs Jamieson. Some of the parents are leokli'm
Grade 4 at the Wingham Public School, taught by over the boys' and girls' work at the back of T(pOtil.
Despite the fact that Monday
was brutally, gold ,and there was a
nasty little snowfall overnight,
Spring has returned. Croeuses are
in bloom, the frogs are singing
their insieterit lOVe.songs alpng the
river and roller skates and ship-
ping ropes are standard equipment.
0 -0-0
Workmen are preparing le 'pour
the foundation fot a new home on
the corner of Leopold and Alfred
Streets. The house is being erect-
ed by Cecil Merkley,"
After We'lvid. tempi/tined abnut
seeing no signs of maple syrup last
week Dick Procter dropped a neat
little parcel into the office, It con-
tained a ,natIch-appre'efat6d gift of
maple augar an.d sure carried all
the fine flaiar of spring along with
it. Since that time we have pur-
chased syrup from a local dealer,
the best we have had in years-and
it turned Out to be Mr. Procter's
manufacture as well. Thanks Dick.
0 - - 0
Take a good look at the adver-
tisements in this issue '6"f the ,A-T.
Many of the Wingham merchants
have trotted out some special buys
to get your spring shopping off to
a good start. Watch the Advance-
Times each week for hinieSt and
Straight-forward advertising placed
by reliable home-town retailers.
- Mrs. Nelson Gowdy, Wingham,
wishes to announce the engage-
ment of her daughter, Muriel Fay,
to,„Mr. Murray Christopher Dale,
son of Mr.' and Mrs. Verne Dale,
Clinton. The, wedding will take
place April 30th at 2 p.m. in the
Wingham United Church. F20*
To Hold Tea and
Display Craffs .
The Wingham Branch of the Ca-
nadian. Cancer Society is sponsor-
trig a daffodil tea and hobby how
on Saturday. ThiS is the first
tititrIbt6"%iiii•fefkliV" litirrtta7
or any such function, and it Is '
hoped that it will'receive nitiSpert,
Miss Janet Murray and Mrs,
Frank Edgar are in charge of the
crafts display, all local• talent,
which should • be a good drawing
card. The tea will take place in
the council chamber.
• io4 -IIINDERGARJCEN - WORK ' done hiag,
tables, where the children learn not only to apply with one another as they go along.-A-T photo,•
Mr. and Mrs. Abner Nethery,
..Wiliglfatn,. announce Al.):..0 gPgc' meat of their datighter, Beverly
Anne, to Mr. John Roger Kennedy,
of Barrio, son of .Mr, and Mrs.
Valentine G. Kennedy,,, of St.
Marys. The wedding will take place
in. Barrie on April 30th, F20*
A euchre party at Lower Town
Sehool, Friday, April 22nd, at
8.30 p.m. Admission, 50c Ladies
with lunch, free. F20b
Well attended Easter services
were held in Wingham United
Church with a capacity congrega-
tion filling the church in the mor-'
ning and a family song service in
the. evening. The altar of the
church wae , graced by eleven beau-
tiful Easter lilies, many of which
were placed in memory of loved
ones and some. of which. were plac-
ed tM altar gifts 'by members of
the congregation.
Special music provided by the
choir, under the leadership of Alan
D. Bennett, director of music, in-
cluded the anthems, "The Strife Is
O'er" by Ley and "Joyful Is the
Morning! by Lotti.
A special feature of the morning
service was an Easter sacrament
of infant baptism, when the fol-
lowing' babies were • received by
baptism: David Edward, son of
Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy Bennett;, Eliza-
beth Ann, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Richard Wehmeyer; Lynn
Miriam, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
K. S. Whittemore; Philip Dale,
son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Wolf-
enrien; Catherine Louise, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Show-
ers. The parents were led to the
baptismal fount by Russel Zur-
brigg, representing the session,
and the flower girl for the occasion
was Miss Debbie Gibson.
The minister, 'Rev. T. Garnett
,tosser, ,;spoke j Ont . the, ""SuliJeq,;
"You Can't Hold'Bacll the bawsi'',-
taken from St. Matthew's gospel.
He stressed the fact that just as
the high priests and Pontius Pi-
late were powerless to prevent the
resurrection of Christ from the
tomb, so men today are power-
less to prevent the gift of eternal
life which God gives to all His
people. It will come as assuredly
as comes, the dawn of a new day'
and the springtime after the win-
ter. For all those who mourn the
passing of a loved one this assur-
ance of eternal life brings not only
comfort but puts a song in our
hearts. It is the very heart and
core of the Christian message that
We accept this gift from God of
everlasting life and begin to live
eternally now.
The following is a break-doWn of
the amount of money received in
the municipalities covered by the
high school students in the recent
canvass for the Cancer Society:
Brussels, $139.39; Wroxeter and.
Carrie, $185.25; Kinloss Twp„ $46.09;
Culross Twp., $69.10; Teeswater,
$173,35; Morris Twp„ $108.60; East
Wawanosh, $106.75; Formosa,
$69.69; • Turriberry Two., $161.85;
Huron, $166.39; Howick
$129.75; Wingham, $961.15. Total,
Following the joint meeting of
the Turnberry Township and Wing-
ham councils two,.W`ce'ks•'agii at
which time a proposed 'plan for a
joint planning board came. up for
discussion, the rural 'municipality
approviiii the, plan. Wingham, had
done so earlier.
As a result,the;two municipalities
have sent in identical resolutions
requesting the formation of a joint
planning beard to the Department
of Planning aint Development. 8o
far no word has been received
from Toronto by either council on
the subject, but it is expected that
approval for the scheme will be
forthcoming shortly.
W.D.H.S. Exam Results
ANNOUNCEMENT ' , .• Mr. A. N. Atkinson, D.C., arid
• Mrs: . 'Atkinson, • Diagonal Road,
ViTingharri, (formerly of Goderich
and-Mitchell), will be at home to
their 'friends 'and acquaintances on
Wedneiday; April 27, both after-
noon and evening, oil the occasion
of ,their' fiftieth wedding anniver-
Ross Hamilton Will
Represent Wingham
It has been announced - that
Ross Hamilton has been appointed
Wingham representative to the
Huron County Committee for
World Refugee Year. .
John Durnin of Auburn, warden
for'Huron County, is -the general
chairman- for the committee and
Rev, R. G. MacMillan of Goderich
is - the campaign chairman. _ The
treasurer is John C. Berry, clerk-
treaSurer for Huron County and
Mrs.. M. L. Hall of Blyth is secre-
Several meetings -have already
been held at the home of Judge
Frank Fingland in Clinton and the
committee is now organizing for
the campaign to be held between
May 16 and 21. It is estimated
that a minimum of $1.00 per fam-
ily will be needed in order to
reach, the goal set for the county. GRADliii
First Class Honours-Wayne Gas-
lick 93.3%; Hugh Mundell 91.6;
Susanne Reynolds 91.1; Kathleen
Hodgins 90.0; Elwin Moore, 89.8;
Wayne Martin 88.8; Thomas Powell
87.4; Claudia Norminton 86.6; Marie
Coupes 86.0; Judith MoKihbon 85.8;
Call Henderson, Larry Simpson
85.6 (equal); Ruth MeKague 85.0;
Patrick King 84.8; Alex Hamilton
84.4; Helen Run:AN-Met, 84.2; Susan
Bennett 83,7; Elaine Moffat 83.4;
John Campbell 83.1; Betty Dalli-
more 82,6; Linda Couites 81.9; Phil-
lip Adams 81.5; Paul Strong 81.2;
Douglas Procter 80.8; Adeline Mc-
Kinney 80.7; Julia Thornton 80.1;
Wayne Farrier, Kenneth MacTav-
ish 79.6 (equal); Glenn Harris,
Richard Scott 78.0 (equal); Brenda
A dance will be held in liltievale
Community 1lalI, Friday, April
29th, under the auspices of the
Bilawale Women's Institute. Far-
rier's Orchestra. bunch counter,
Popular prices. Ir20-27b
The Wingham and District Can-
cer Society will hold a Daffodil
Tea in the Council Chamber, Satur-
day, April 23rd, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Everybody welcome. F20b
CELEBRA'rE ANNIVERSARY-.Mr. and Mrs, Gerahom Johnston were
honored by their family on the orjenaion of their 45th weddhig Miniver•
sary an. Saturday. Besides their children, there were 22 grandchildren
at the gathering. A pleasant evening was spent dancing and playing
euchre.-Advance-Times photo,
Conron 78.3; Grant. Is/lePhersoli
77.6; Patricia Ross 77.5; Patricia
Hastings 77.0; Robert Hethering-
ton, Doris Paulin 76.9 (equal); Wil-
liam McIntyre 76.4; Joan Chittick
'Second Class Honours - Alan
Glasgow, Linda Templeman 74.8
(equal); Reta Redman 73.3; Bar-
bara Chapman 73.2; Larry Chap-
man 71.4; Rosemary Millen, Marie
Noble 71.3 (equal); Ruth Michie
71.0; Donna Moffat 70.7; Ted
Welsher 70.6; Sheila Ross 70.5; Di-
anne Deyell 70.3; Nancy Clark 70.1;
Thelma Ste. Marie 70.0; Lynne
Finnigan 69.4; Brenda Cathers
68.9; Mary Craig, Harry Vander-
hock 68.1 (equal); Melville Greig
68.3; Sharon Edwards 68.0; Charles
Congram 67.9; Elsie McCormick,
Marlene Martin 67.8 (equal); Mari-
lyn Campbell 67.6; Betty Jane Ad-
ams 66.6; James Hailahan 66.3;
Ruth Hotchkiss 66,2.
Third Class Honours-Carol Rob-
ertson, Carol Robinson 65.8
(equal); David Kreuter, Joanne
Strong 65,7 (equal); Harvey Huber
65.2; Sharon Merkley 65.0; Sharon
Wilkinson 64.7; Wilheimina de
Groot 64.6; Grace Fox 64.4; Bar-
bara Hall, Peter Mulvey 63.1
(equal); Marian Scott 62;3; Russell
Robinson 61,8; Marjorie Moffat,
George Schoeman 61.7 (equal);
Joseph' Smith 61.3; Betty Jo Howe
61.0; Benny Meurs, Allister Willie
60.7 (equal); Robert Downie, Bruce
Parker 60,3 (equal); Barry ThOmp-
Son 60.2; Bonnie Ballagh 60.1,
Pass - Janette Henderson 59.9;
Marlene jackliri 59.7; Frank But-
ton 59.5; Dianne Foxton 59,2; Doii-
eld Ritchie 59,1; Trudy Allen 59.0;
Robert Buckle 58,9; Carol Keil,
Joyce Morrison 58.8 (equal); Eight
Please turn to Page Two.
Daylight Saving Time
The last euchre 'of the season will
be held in the Legion Home on
Monday, Aoril 25th, at 8.16, Spoil-
-Wired by the Ladies' Auxiliary to
the Legion. Lunch, Coed prizes.
Everyone welcome, 102013
will commence in the Town of Wingham
SUNDAY, APRIL 24th, 1960
at 12.01 a.m.
citizens are reminded to advance their clocks at that dine.
R. E. McKINNEY, Mayor
Town of Wingham
The 13elgrave Music Festival will
be hold in the Forester's Hall,
Belgraye, all day April 29th and
nth, and at the Vs./Ingham District
High School in the evening, April
80th, starting at 7.30 n.m. The
adjudicator will be Dr. G. Roy
Venwlek, Falb
for the km.h001 Cliptriet: he in-
creased to 10,04 mills, a jump a
crease was necessitated by 'reason
mills from last year. -rug, in"
of tire new ,debentures which were
isaued to construct the Addition t'
the school, and by higher salaries-
being paid to staff members. -
Principal Frank Madill reported
that Mr, Smith and Ma Yates
would ''he leaving the staff and that
-three teachers .have been engaged
although, two more will be requir-
ed to bring the staff up -to the fUll
complement in September, -
Chairrrian of the property 00-01,..
raittee, R. B. Cousins, -reported
that repairs will have to 'be made
to a few minor items in the old
part of the school. Insurance car*
tied by the bus operators was- din.,
cussed, as well as the condition of
the vehicles. The board also de-
cided to call for tenders by ietteV
foz . fael oil of upp.
A letter from th `H e uron County
Agriculture in re,
gard to a vocational training School
in Huron County was filed, no
Lion being taken 'by the board.
It was reported that the cadet
grant had been received and was
somewhat higher than last year. - -
'The board delayed until'-the nod
meeting a decision in regard to.
sending delegates to the convention
of the Associated High 'School.
Boards, which will be ;held at
agara Falls next month.
Minutes of the last meeting and
current accounts received the ap-
proval of the hoard 'before adjourn.
merit at 10,00 •p.M.