HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-04-13, Page 12LOCATED IN Former MU N DY STORE Take Niagara's 20-MINUTE TEST WINN 4 5;#3041 CVC1.0-mAssmit - PHONE 290 Thar. Vi101104.41. Advance-Tine,. '*rift!-T'welva. Wed., April, la, fill LYCEUM Theatre Wingham, Ontario l'Wo Shows kiaeli Night Comment.- lug at 7.15 Thum, Fri., Sat., April .14-1.540, Bob Mope, Rhoada Fleming and Wendell Corey in ".ALIAS JESSE, JAMES" 1.30 Hope as the bungling insur- ance salesman who insures the life of Jesse James, ISINIUNEkel SATURDAY AFTER- NOON AT 2.60 P,M, Red wontgrocery ,, Phone:- Our Prices Are Lower Free 590 , We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery iltal5M0 irt'ATETR. Maple. Leal - Tanned " HAM -1,%Ths, $1.29 HOT . CROSS JELLO POWDERS All Flavors 11 for $1.00 BUNS Robin Hood • WHITE A.NGEL FOOD, In Foil Pon CAKE MIX 15'/.: oz. 12 for 39c . . • . 39c' IIIMEESMORMINION liNliligilENNIP (Amen Giant - , .. ' , 15 oz. FANCY PEAS - 3c off . ,, ' 2'tor 31c Green Giant 1'1 (). FANCY CORN NIBLETS ' 2 for 37c Aylmer ( 28 oz. CHOICE TOMATOES 2 for 59c WALNUT QUARTERS_ 4 oz.. 23c ICING SUGAR ... '. .. ..... ' ... : . 2 lbs. 23c YELLOW SUGAR , 2 lbs. 20c Rose Sweet MIXED PICKLES . , . . 16 oz. 33c Club House STUFFED1OLIVES ..-...12 oz. 39c .......4......... Dares , • 13 az, ASSORTED DELIGHT COOKIES .. , . 29c , Coleman's Smoked 5 to' 0 1 1b, average PICNIC 'SHOULDER ' ' . lb. 39c Maple Leaf Boneless, ready to setyc TENDERSWEET HAM , , 110.'79c Devon Kindless - Sliced • BREAKFAST.' BACON :. .. .': . •:-.., .' ... .. .lb.- $3c FROZEN PEAS .. • • -. , . Vern , . , , ' 2 lbs. 53c, ... .. -,:'4° . - 6 01. z FROZEN ORANGE JUICE .. , . .,... 1 2 for.•41c , musinailiaillinatiamaismanalatiamansiallianalationamiamaiin ;‘ John'Thom.as Scott as Probably the oldest life-long re- .itt 93rd Year 48w,hiliopi7t:tht,it:ii.ti.,.7:11riishot•sop'm,Wi tar saocinlootsti id Monday, 7 in ,M*.ic•SeOtt:ceiebrated his 92nd birth- daY,.ati February 22nd. He had ,haen :in fairly good health and only .lieteme ill.a couple of weeks ago. .fleYWas taken to hospital on April 1st: -••• - • • •, Born in East Wawanosh Tow:1- 034ion 1t168, he was a son',df the" fate:,;Robert Scott: and a,ry. Ana Barbaree., He attend- •No. 8, East Wa- Vahosli • ' and. late,r,,toolc up farming 9* the family, farm an the ninth ecmc,eission,. married Grace Peigarna, who ,predeceased him 1.091,.: They had:: one son, Ito- whe. died in 1946. ;111,11, 73c,h_S4001;otht was , and- member in, of of Cal- e- Belgrove •PreahYterian Church, He haa lived kor several years with his grandson, Kenneth' and Mrs. Scott, ie.;•1$;survived by five grandchild- On and ,U,great-grandchildren, 711;e ,Pqrvfee will be 'held this (Wednesday) afternoon at two oleiock,. from , the R, A. Currie & Sons, funeral home with Rev. J. H. .Greene ,.tof Belgrave and Brussels Presbyterian,. Churches officiating. Interment' ,will. be in Brandon deMetery.: , , Weekly, Euchre Late for last week. '..BELGRAVE-t--There were eight tables. in 'play 'at the *regular week- ly 'Ochre .partY:held in the corn- 'High prize winners Wfre'7 Mis!-"Daii.. Noble and Mrs. John' E..• McCallum. Consolation prizes Went to, Miss ,Jean Hanna $03110- Cooki: The novelty prkz2 winner was 71.1,fiss dean Hanna AS' expOted, that these weekly euchre;, '•w4i ,eontiniie for two Nekti•hOrei a a n is U a U U Mes. George band BUrip3 Saturday Married 45 Years, Family Celebrates On Wednesday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edgar, Scott Street, celebrated their 45th Wed- ding anniversary at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar have three sons and two daughters, Harvey Edgar, of the second line of Mor- ris, Arthur of the first line of Morris and Maitland of Clinton Mrs. Lewis (Helen) Storehouse of Bolgrave and Mrs. Charlie (Win- nifred) Johnston of Blyth. They also have ten grandchildren. All members were able to he Present for the celebration and a very pleasant evening was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar received many lovely gifts, and the grandchild- ren presented them with a cor- sage and boutonniere. oanumailimpwationanaistanamalawammitausiamatot W. R.: HAMILTON .110§. OPQr0e laird, Vile had been Ileapitalized, tor almost a month, pa..00 away Wednesday morning, A.PrIl flak, in .Wingbarn General HoSpItal, 1.1e was fig. Mrs. Baird was the former Williamina, MacKenzie, daughter of the late Ralph Reid MacKenzie and Janet MaeKenzic„ and was born in Aehfary, Sutherlandshire, Seetland, She was educated in .Secitland and came to Canada in 1910, settling Winnipeg. She was married, to Mr. Baird On September 17,,191.7, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and came to VS/Ingham 1•92!3. Beside.s 'her husband, she is stir- viVed by two sons, Ralph of New York City and Aleaander at home, and a sister, Miss Janet 1VfacKen- zie of Pittsburgh, Penn, • The funeral was on Saturday afternoon at two o'clock from the A. A. Currie & Sons funeral home. " The service was conducted 'by Rev. C. F. Johnsen, rector of St. Paul's Anglican Church, of which she was a Member, and interment Was in Wingham Cemetery, The Pallbearers were Cenclair Phippen, Cecil Walpole, . James Currie, Ken Currie, Roy Mundy and Mild Casemore.. Flowerbearers, Don Adams and Den Cameron. ,; , • • U a a U i i = Phone 37 for appointment =4▪ 11anah11l nawamaiamami smOmmo11IaMOMPWWW11111Wimi0 041011•0111•11.0.1111101.44111101.0.111.IIIINDUO.0.111•{1esIOP01.11111.1111•1.1011,01•......P.......ni WED 45 YEARS:-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edgar of Scott 'Street spent a. pleasant evening last Wednesday when members of their family gather- ed to celebrate their 45(11 wedding Anniversary. Wed in London $5 Years Ago Late for last week. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Howatt held a surprise party on April 4th, in honour Of the 35th wedding;, anniversary of Mrs. Howatt's pares eats, Mr. and Mrs. Clark:nee Rath of the Sixth line of East Wawa- nosh, Neighbours and relatives, were present for the occasion, The house was tastefully decor- ated with mums and calendula. The party commenced with a sumptu- ous dinner, the table being centred with a three-tiered wedding cake. The evening was. spent in play- ing progressive euehre, the prize 'Winners being, ladies' high, Mrs. R. J. Wiggins, Brantford; lone hands, Mrs. Stanley Black; low, 'Mrs. Karl Whitfield. Men's high was won by R, J. Wiggins, lone hands Tom. Flynn and low went to Orval Taylor, Mrs. Stanley Cook called Mr. and Mrs. Rath forward and read an address that recalled many happy memories. Mrs. Lewis Cook, on behalf of the neighbours, pre- sented Mrs. Rath with a cameo broach and earrings and Mr. Rath with solid gold cuff links and tie clip. The family.presented them, with a lead crystal punch bowl and the grandchildren .a 'coffee percolator, Other gifts included satin hound all-wool -blanket anti, a figurine flower vase. ' Mrs. Rath was the dOughter the late Mr. and. Mrs, Thenriai Noble and Mr. Rath, the-son of 'the !ate Mr. and Mrs, William ' Rath of East Wawanosh. :• • They Were. married in London on April 1925. They have a farilOY Of. fohr: laughter's, Mrs. Len (Joye0. ford of Londeshoro, ,Gord9h• (Colleen) Howatt of rt.11 1 'Au.", burn, Mrs. Karl (Saadra.) WhitfOki, of R.R. 3, Blyth, and YVonne, at home. They • also. have -tw.elir.e, grandchildren. THANKS TO EVERYONE OPTOMETRIST a • Now a whole new golden world of SIGHT and SOUND. See our HEARING-AID GLASSES, t: • lightest in weight. The canvass conducted within the past week by the students of the Wingham District High School has been the most successful to date. Sincere thanks to the canvassers and to you, the general public of this district, who gave so generously. IF YOU WERE AWAY when your• canvasser called please make sure that your money reaches the fund head- quarters. You may leave your donation at your bank or contact DeWitt Miller, Wingham, who will see that it is picked up. Lucknow Canvass ! APRIL 29th IM•01•41,11•1M1114.0-111141.41L,11...041Nr.11.11.11,./..O.R.11.111,00....0.1•.,11.0NettelleMtlISSA00.1...1.0.11 0, ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 ' - ,-Mr. mid Mrs. Vse. B`,. French 're- turned .h kome last,wee 'after spend v ing a vacation lii:Florida, ---Mrs. John ,,I'vfeGee-.received word on-Thursday that her brother, Mr. John Gordon, a 'Patirit hospital in-Saskatoon. Mr. J. Serrayin, of , TortinW visited last week with his ,sit'er„ Mrs. T. Y. Smith. • ••• --Mrs. 'Maxine Kovadlis and athi, Steven, of. Toronto, haVe been visiting• for the past ...ample; of weeks with her brother, Mt .and Mrs. Ronald' Seddoiii-and• ;family: Mrs. Ernie• Seddon, of 'Poronto,:ar- rived at the weekiend.; and -is visiting at the home of her- son, --Raymond Merkley, • Who has been .in .victoria Hospital; London. for the past Jive. weelth,:- Was able to return' home onl!Friday. -Mr. and Mrs. Robert .Mowbray returned -home 'last ;veek.lolloW, ing a vacation in ' • and Mrs, Rosa Hilbert, of, Guelph, . we're •week-end visitors With, Mr., and ,Mrs.•'VVoilltam H. Hil- bert. - Rt. Wor. Bro. K. H. Saxton, District Deputy Grand Master, paid his official visit to the Lucknow Masonic Lodge last. Thursday pion- ing. He; was accompanied by Ross Vegan, Gordon Leg,gatt, Jim Smith, Robin Campbell and Fred McGee. --Mr, David Currie, •of Edward Street has been a patient in the Wingham General Hospital since last Saturday. • • -Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carmichael attended a family reunion at the Elmwood Motel a week ago Satur- day and had dlhner the next day with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kersey. 4tidoWn, of -Vindoilvdr,;Who • has not been here for ten years, re- turned home with them to spend a few days. --Mrs. Jack Alegaucler,....who underwent surgery • at St:, Joseph's Hospital, London, last Week, progressing nicely. --Visitors With, Mr, f Stafford, Bateson on Sunday wepe hrs :Xis- tor, Mrs. Neil .11/IiieMillan,•,ahOliis sister-in-law, Mrs. Bert -Maddax, both of Midland.. • •. Ruth Ann Currie, sdv.en,year- old daughter Of Mrs. and Mrs,. It John Currie is undergoing, Surgery this morning (Wednesday). in Vic- toria Hospital; London. •Mr. and Mrs. William) McCool returned home last Wednehday :reallayiKkqma. -Herbert A. :16111cii;':''Altaie,Wd- ems, • Barry and Robert • Wenger were in Torohto on Thursday- and Friday on business, and Iltt000'd the Home Show, where the,BeqY Door Co., Ltd. had a• • - --Friends 'of Mr, Les. ChM: 0g- hum will he pleased to, learn that he he is improving after being,serloUs- ly ill in Wingham ,11(ispital,*tor over a• week.. • -Miss Shirley Perkins; 'eif the hospital nursing staff, had- the ails- fortune to fall from a •horse-'at the week-end and suffered a lirglien ankle. Inatallanamumalailimianaitaininailawailainittailainanitiamatilanattiattalawainalamminiiiallawatai • • Eintjoy the Luxury ABUNDANT H --David Scott, 43 ROio couue• of Canada, Taranto,. spent, the Week-end. with Iiis PatetitS, hind Mrs: George Stott. Robert Ything, of,,Saraia„ was a week-end visitor at, the hoine of his parents; Mr. and Mrs.' Wil liam Young ' • `---Mr:Pred:MeLein•Was 0.kenato the hospital' on ,MOndiy: bf C.this Week, he suffered a atttt k.' At a Cost Everyone • • FLAT RATE WATER HEATERS ARE NOW Wingham Public Utililies Commission tb.104., G els Under y prise Party .for r..014-fritS‘. Dawson (Late for Jest week) 'Mr. and. Mrs. Phil Dawson were honored on their 30th wedding an- niversary when a surprise party was held at their home Saturday night, April 2nd. The evening was spent playing progressive euchre. The high prizes went to Mrs. Roy Dawson and Douglas Machin) and the low prizes to Mrs. Phil Daw- Aon and Alex Nethery. Lunch was served with a three- tiered anniversary cake and white eandleo centering the table. The address was read by Mrs. Alex Nethery with Connie and Joyce .Nethery and Arhold Dawson pre- senting the gifts to their grand- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson re- ceived, a roasting pan, aluminum cookware and, an electric coffee pereolator. Mr. awson made a fit- ting reply,•• • . • Telephone; congratulations were received Irani Everet Shrigleip in Sarnia,: Those present were Mr, ankh` Mrs: Robert ,Hogg and Ray- inehdikrs. Jennie Lott, Mr. John ithax,, Mt. and Mrs, Alex Nethery and Mrs. Roy Daw- sap, and AFnold, Mr, and•Mrs, Mer- vin, Ritchld: astr. and Mrs. Douglas Maelian, and, Linda, and Harold anti igar'raY Aawson. , • . 114.0.5 'NOW Office AVAILABLE AT THE for Eadeet The • first meeting of the Wing- bath 4-H homenialtiiri ' . class was, held at the "home of the leader, Mrs. W. G. Lapp, on April Itli, at 7.30 p.m., with 16 members present. The, meeting opened by singing the. "Ode" followed by the 4-11 pledge and motto. Mrs, Lapp told what a 4-H Club is and that the 4 It's stand for Head, Hands, !Heart and Health, The motto is "Learn to do •by do- inn." • ' ' The "Members' Pamphlet" And "Friod Guide for Health" were handed out. The members then had the eke- tion of officers as follows: Presi- dent, Jenny Jouwsma; secretary, Elaine Moffat; treasurer, Betty A.nn Lapp; pianist, Mary Taylor; press reporter, Anne Currie, The covers will be black and white and the name, Penny Savers. Mrs. Lapp then read the require- merits of club members, record books, recipe file whith every girl is expected to keep,. important part meat plays in our•,togow .dieti growth and repair,. .regulatien, mainteria.nce, of health,. and Cana, dais Food Rules. Mrs. Carrie. read the part meat Plays, in our healthful, dieti , Oohs- ing food fOr health. Each girl then read in tarn 'working' procedure, dishwashing, abbreviations used' in recipes, direatihnS frit measuring and. Mrs. Currie •explained theft: in More detail. • • :. : The leader gave out borne aSsign., merits: as follows:• Lent( :the•rid6 for meat in• the Good ,Guide for Health; begin record recipe the; make a list of foods, `inL: Cludlrig 'meat, that Edrifetin hithb0 anality or earaniete proteivii. try. find pietures of those .ftiodap 11,611 call, "My list of highe's't quality or complete pratein. food". The Meeting clasett isingink "The Mere We Ott TOgetlie•Po., • • The next meeting Will '13'e on Apia. 13th, at, Lacille Merkley'4, • . • • U U U U U U U Ile U U U U "LOVELY" is the Word for our new Spring Ceats and they're so elegantly styled in to-day's latest trends of fashion. Every one it a "Leading Easter Parader". Flattering styles' from luxurious fabrics of petal soft pastels to bold checks and tweeds with effective treatment to collars and pockets presents a beautiful fashion picture for Spring and Eaiter. - Price $29.50 to $39.50 All Weather Coats $18.95 to $29.50 U These heaters are glass lined, manufactured by John Inglis Com- pany and meet all hydro specifications. i U cy) We believe they are one of the finest heaters available and can be supplied with the element size required to meet your family's needs. The Easter Pohnel Is a Must Chic and dainty are our Spring Hats. Pert Styles and novel designs in the newest shapes and colours de- lightfully fashioned' just for you. • Priced from $4.95 a Accessories Too, Are-important • Electric water heating is one of the cheapest and most efficient ways of supplying your hot water needs. Enquire At Wingham Public At Sarnia Meeting Commission. BUJEYALE, WiLiSeki Ethel ii.•46•riorfidq tieht4 tie, cif Sea,frirth, kit ft. GritnISS on. Sunday, • • • (W Ingham). Limited • ill optio • ritotxDoe. -grotto AVAILABLE POR RESIDENTS: OF WINGRAM, ONLY. momintaimituommiswOmormOmmAmOmmtvAmmmummiummmommilmithomimmagmemomiamoimitmsfflammOmimem,444 .... 1 - for Spriny and Easier '. A, HANDBAGS - A wandekul selection of smartly styled • bags in plastic calf. soft textured •-cir metocco F.- orl leather. Priced from . 52.9i to $11.95 11-• El GLOVES - A large end 'line assortment Of gloves _ priced from $1.00 i ...- ▪ SMART SCARVES and SQUARES from . Ogg il il i BEAUTIFUL NYLONS in regular, secimless ni:".th or ;-.-- O stretchies . „., Mc and $1.00 to $1.75 !EN = ' PIM i ii ED1GHOFFERS' : ill i bitb. V. B. Crtilkshank was in- 'as corresponding secretary last Wednesday at a Meeting of tliq .1-401.0en 'Conference Branch of the, WM.S: of the United Church. $e'sSiOh4 *erg held Monday,- Tues- 1146,9',airtj'Wedziesday ift Settle,. : "Otget4':‘,416. attended were Mrs. .W.:''13ffin, .president of Huron Presiretl0 and Mrs. RoSS Vogan, ;4,10e president, teSiderit, VOrth Section Au- ;kin, •Presbyterlai, both of Wing- :lift*: ,Gilbert bederoft, cOrre, spending, Sectet4tY for Huron and Mrs.. George' of Belgravo, 844'414S Iinpfer of Whitechurc11. • -