HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-04-13, Page 9You Con D crewon .P to remove excess acids awl, MOW}, backsolio, tired fsdifik, disturbed rest often follow,
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FhlA'r (IRE
The annual meeting of the Cath-
olic Women's League was held
Monday evening In the parish hall.
The director, Fr. Freker, extended
to the executive his thanks for
tbeir good work throughout the
year, and also thanked the mem-
bers for their co-operation in mak-
ing the year so very successful.
After Fr. Freker's remarks, Mrs.
John Hanna, president, thanked
the members of the council and a
word of praise for the 1059-60 ex-
The financial statement was read
by the treasurer, Miss Margaret
Keough, A goodly sum was realiz-
ed, A cheque was given to the
pastor for parochial work and
there remained a good balance, for
the incoming executive,
Mrs, William Templeman, the
secretary, read a report of the ac-
tivities of the year, which was
well received by nit members
Mrs. Joseph Brophy presented
the slate of officers for 1960-61:
President, Mrs. John Hanna; 1st
vice-president, Mrs. Owen King;
2nd vice-praident, Miss Anna Mac-
Donald; 3rd vice-president, Mrs.
Ron Foxton; treasurer, Miss Mar-
garet Keough; secretary, Mrs.
William Templeman; press report-
er, Mrs. Chris, Newman.
Variety Concert
Was Successful
FORDWICH—The variety con-
cert by the Women's Institute was
held on Friday night and proved
very successful, The weather
changed, to winter again but -with
so many acts and songs and a good
crowd evdryone soon forgot the
weather outside. The W.I, thanks
everyone who helped in any way.
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131,UEVALD An most enjoy-
ible euchre was aponsored, by the.
'wintry Curling Club in. I3luevale
emimunity hall on Friday evening.
There were 21 tables in play,
Prize winners were: Ladles' high,
'Jr.s e/ldred Gathers; second, Mrs,
Fred Douhiedee; low, Mrs Alex
MacTavish; men's high, Fred
Doubledee;second, R. J. MeMur-.
my ; loW, Harry Wheeler; lucky
hire t, Elmer Bruce,
First prize for the season's play
was a trophy donated by Howson
& Howson, won by Wes Paulin,
skip; John Nixon, Mrs.Lloyd Mont-
gomery and Ronald Adams.
Second, donated by the United
co-.operative, Ross Turvey, skip;
George Johnston, Mrs, Angus Fal-
eoner and Bob Grasby.
Prizes were given to the next
eight rinks, the skips being Ken
Wheeler, R. J. McMurray, Bill
Dettman, Grant Wilton, Jack Tay-
lor, Ronald Coultes, W. J. Pea-
cock, Alex Corrigan,
In all, sixteen rinks took part in
the games during the season. Eld-
red Nichol, president of the club,
presided at the business meeting.
Jim Coultes presented the prizes..
Morris COUticil
Renews Insurance
The Morris Townshlri
Met on April 4, with all the mem-
bers present, The minutes of the
last meeting were read and,adopf-
ed on motion Of Stewart Procter
and Walter Shortreed,
Wilisinaon-Dunean—That the Li-
ability, Machinery Floater, Spray-
ing and Non Owned Antornobile In-
surance policies be renewed with
the Prank Cowan agency through.
Bernard Hall.
) Duncan-Wilkinson — That the
road accounts as presented by the
road superintendent be paid.
Shortreed-Proeter—That the gen-
eral accounts as presented be paid.
Shortreed-Wilkinson — That we
aeOPPt the auditor's report,
Duncan-Procter—That the meet-
ing adjourn to meet again on May
2 at 1 p.m, or at the call of the
The following accounts were
paid; Association of Mayors and
Reeves, $10.00; S. H, Blake, Muni-
cipal Officers Association, $20.00;
Baker Nursing Home, $185.50; T.
B. Marshall, warble powder, $231.20;
Belgrave Co-Op, warble powder,
$221.62 relief account, $30.26;
Thamer Nursing Home, $92.75;
Bernard Nall, insurance, $346,03.
Bailie Parrott, Geo, Martin,
Reeve, Clerk.
Budgeteers Hold•
Regular Meeting
ENIrIVIORE Budgeteers met'
at the h.oine of Lorne, Woods for.
their third meeting on Saturday.
The meeting opened' with the re-
peating of the 4-1-/ Pledge, After
which 12 members answered the
roll call. The minutes of the last
Meeting were read and adopted.
A collection, was. taken to, pay for
the supplies used.
Mrs, Kieffer and Mrs. .Doubledee
led in a dismission Under the
headings of "Loeicing ''fpr Quality
in Meats" and "The Secret -a
Meat Cookeries" Norrna Harper,
Nellie &Groot, Connie Gathers and
Lorna Woods demonstrated the
proper method of preparing Swiss
The next meeting will be held
on April 19 tit 2 p.m. at the home .
of the assistant leader, Mrs, Kief-
The regular meeting of Turn-
berry Township council was held in
the community hall o n April 2nd,
at 1 p,m„ with all members pre-
Sent, the reeve, W. Jack Willits,
13rTeshie minutesding of the last regular
meeting of council, was read and
adopted on motion of Herb, Fox-
ton and Harry Mulvey.
Communications were received
and read from Department of
Planning and ,Development, Uni-
versity of Toronto, Department of
Municipal Affairs, Department of
Agriculture, Clinton, Department
of Transport, Department of High-
ways, J. H. Kinkead, Inspector of
Public Schools, Alex. Corrigan,
secretary Turnberry School Area,
and John G. •Berry, Goderich.
Appleby-Mulvey —. That the rate
for spraying cattle for 1960 be as
follows: lie per head if paid in
cash; 13c ,pet head if put on the
roll; 10c per head for inspection
and powder; 8c per head, for In-
spection only.
Smith-Mulvey That By-laws
Nos. 5-6, 1960, be read a third time
and passed, signed by the reeve
ST. HELENS- Mrs, Charles Mae:,
Donald was re-elected president of
the' St. Helens' branch Of the We,
rntnecen's tingInwstair heei wheno ttubee saunoncryi
School room of the United Church.
Other officers were 1st vier,
Urs, Ross Garntnia; .2nd viee, Mrs,
Harold Cfnent; see.-treae,, Mrs.
Ernest Gaunt; assist, sec.-treas., Mrs, Frank Mequillin,; pianists,
Mrs. Wit )a Rutherford and Mrs.
Andrew Gaunt; auditors, Mrs.
Harvey Webb, Mrs. E. W. Rice, 2,,',Srot,andGintfrdoecirlmtrimicttrehe,emeoonnverimerrse:
James Aitolieson, Mrs. Fred MC-
Whin, Miss Mary Murray, Mrs,
Harvey Webb; public relations
representative, Mrs. E. Barbour:
Mrs. E. W. Rice conducted the
installation ceremony.
rt dv e dC ha Udroenha t If °oil;
Use of SZ. rooms for meeting's
which eould not be held in the hall.
spuoIpt waseurek clseuevi dpeedr t oon holdm otnhdeanynnatinadl
the community Is invited to at-
tend, a, program will follow the
An Invitation to attend a, dinner
in honour of Blyth Branch's 50th
anniversary on May 5 as ccept-
ed, and owing to till date being
the regular May meeting, it was
decided to have the meeting on
May 4.
Mrs. William Rutherford favored
with a, piano instrumental, Read-
ings were, given by Mrs, L. Woods,
Mrs: Frank Meguillin and a, solo by
Mrs: de Boer.
'The meeting 'Closed with the
Queen and W.I. grace, Lunch was
sbrverl by the committee in charge,
Courtesy remarks were given by
Mrs. Allan "Miller.
and the clerk, and the seal of the
corporation ,attached thereto,
Foxton-Appleby—Tbat the gen-
eral and road accounts be passed
and paid as follows:
General Accounts
McKay's Nursing Home, $185.50;
N., J, Hunkln, relief a,cat,,, $24.17;
McDougall's Grocery, relief acct.,
$25,93; Gestetner, supplies, $8.88;
Huron Colinty Municipal Officers,
membership, ,$20.00; County of
Huron, spray buckthorn and tax
collection, $147.75;', Relief, $50.00;
John V. 'Fischer, pt. salary $45.00,
telephone, $3,65, $48.65; A. Peebles,
unemployment ,Insur., $8.16; Geo,
Day, balance of salary, $28.00; Mrs.
A. 0. Smith, envelopes, $27,801 C. B,
Hoffman, stove oil, $2.60; H. C.
MacLean; treasurer's bond, $8.00'.
Pay Roll
George Galloway, $306.25; Wm.
Wilda, $225,00; , Fleming Johns-
ton, $58.00; Bob , Foxton, $10.00.
Road Accounts.
Thomas 1VfacEwen, snowplowing,
$787.50; Harvey Reicit, repair truck,
$450.00; Simertest Petroleum Corp.
Ltd. fuel oil, $201.16; Alexander's
lland,ware, toels, $9.03; Wingham
hc(Vanoo-Tin es, -$1.05; Snap On
'Tools, $11.10; Dominion Road Ma-
chinery, grader blades, $20.59; Wm.
trink rent and mileage,
$16.50.; LillOw's Garage, account,
$14,43; Joe . Kerr, snowplowing,
$17:50;., Walter Woods,' snowploW-
ing, $3.00.
Foxton-Smith—That we do now
adjourn to. meet on May .7th, at
1.30 p.m.
John V. Fiseher, ,W. Jack Willits,
Clerk. „ •, Reeve.
-Mrs, V., Brothers has returned
to her ...borne after .sliending the
widiter..montirs ill the home ,of her
sell, Mt. Lyle, Brothers, &arbor-
ough..• ' • '
:A'. coinnaunion` sbrece Was held
ai ,I,ItrroXetet" United' 'Church on
SididaY Wand Rev. Clarke's theme
Was "Forgiveness of Sin". The
choir sang the anthem "Easter
Prayer". ,Harvey Thum And Stew-
art Iliggins were ordained as eld-
ers chiring the course of the ser-
Couple Celebrate
25th Anniversary
WROXETER—Open house, hon-
oring Wt. and Mrs. Oscar Niekle
on the 'occasion of their silver Wed-
ding .anniversary was held on Sun-
day at their home in Listowel,
Mrs. /Vickie is the former Jessie
Edgar of 1-lowlelt Township and
was 'married to Mr. Nickle by Rev.
Bell in London on April 10th, 1935.
Mt, Nickle was employed by the
county and they made their home
in and atound Listowel. He now
myna a grocery store and was
Mayor Of that town for several
years, retiring thig year,
Both are' devoted members of
the United Church and have a
family of three boys, Bob, Stewart
and Paul.
The faMily Was at honie on Sun-
day When. A Manlier of friends, re,,
IatiVeS and business associates, in-
cluding the present Mayor, Elwood
Stnith, 'called on them iii the after-
noon and .eveultig.
Mr. and Mrs. assisted by
their attendants of 25 years
Mr.' and Mrs. William Wright of
Wrox-eter, received the guests.
Niekle wore a corsage of
yellow counts and Mrs, Wright pink
button mutts.
The table Was ,centred With a
three-tiered Wedding cake and tea.
was poured by 11.1t$. Strong and
Ictrg. Cameron Stewart in the after-
notin and Mr, Niche's aunt horn
W'ellisley and Ms sister, Mrs, Cow-
an off Harriston in the evening.
The honored couple were the re-
cipichtt Of many invely gifts, cards
and congratulatory Messages, Mr.
fickle WO knoWh in this
toitimunity; having once resided
With Ur, and Mrs. 'Alex Wright.
Pei/ell-Grubb Vows
Exchanged Friday
A. quiet wedding took place on
Friday afternoon at three o'clock
at St. Paul's rectory, Wingita,m,
i 1 Karen
waenddd iRngo e:ot
Rev.C.ks. Johnson performed the
The bride, a member of the
Wingham General Hospital staff,
is a daughter of Mr. and. Mrs.
James Grubb of Wheatley and the
groom is the son of Poliee Chief
'Gordon Deyell and Mrs. Deyell of
The bride was given in marriage
by her brother-in-law, Rae Mc-
Donald of Leamington.
She Wore beige street-length
sheath dress with a matching flow-
ered hat and short veil. Her cot-
sage was pink and white carna-
tions. Her twin sister, Miss Car-
ol Grubb of Wheatley. wore a
dress and hat identical to that of
the bride and her corsage 'was yel-
lowd ok brornc eraicig rnac ftionos.
William Wing-
ham was best man.
Members of the immediate fam-
par e nts.
(,:en.nt ajso.nydeawedding dinner at
for Wheatley, where 'a reception
was held at the home of the bride's
Restaurant before leaving
wedding trMipi.8 i0 1)(Yp'otiilnttsooiln a'Sosiulothrt-
ern Ontario and Michigan. They
will live in Wingham.
Evelyn Pike Weds
William Brears
The United Church parsonage,
Harriston, was the secne of the
wedding on April 2nd, at 2.30 p,m.,
of Evelyn Lillis Pike and William
Crosby Brears. The bride is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garland
Pike, R,R, 3, Palmerston, and the
groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs.
Belfour Brears of Fordwieh, Rev.
J'. F. A. Beweil of Harriston per-
formed the ceremony.
The bride wore a gown of Chan-
tilly lace and 'nylon net over satin.
The bouffant skirt was fashioned
with a, peplum of nylon net and
lace, topped with a lace bodice,
featuring a nylon yoke with seed
pearl flower design sprinkled with
rhinestones, The gown had lily-
rhinestones held her finger-tip veil
of het illusion, appliqued with
Chantilly lace. She carried a bou-
quet of yellow roses and white
carnations with yellow ribbon
Her sister, Phyllis Marion Pike,
of Palmerston, was maid of honor.
She wore a. yellow waltz-length
dress of nylon net over taffeta,
with a large taffeta bow at the
back, bouffant skirt, a roundbd
neckline 'and cap sleeveS. Her
bouquet was white carnations with
white ribbon streamers.
Arthur Brears of Fordwieh was
Guests were present from Hay-
Liston, Palmerston, Clifford, Lis-
towel, Acton, Fordwieh, Kitchener
and Alberta. The reception and
dinner was at the Harriston United
Church at 4.30.
Mrs. Brears wore a beige suit
with royal blue accessories and a
corsage of white mums as they
started out on their wedding trip
to the United States, They will
reside at R.R. 1, Fordwieh.
The Fairview nursing home at
Hanover has been approved by the
Ontario Hospital Services Com-
mission and is eligible for hospi-
tal insurance for chronic patients;
these eases to be decided by the
commission, effective as of April
the first,—Hanover Post.
Is Your Car
giving you the
411.ue to wheels that
PORDWICH—Eftater was tilt,
theme of the April meeting of the
Fordwieh United Churen W,A.
held in the Sanday School rooms.
The ladies enjoyed quilting, In
the absence of the president, the
vice president, Mrs. William. Wil-
son and Secretary, 1VCrS, W. Camp-
bell conducted the meeting.
...TM meeting opened with an
Easter thought and hymn. Mrs.
William Lloyd read the Seripture.
Mrs. William Wilson led in prayer.
And read an Easter message, The
Worship .servite Closed, With the
hymn, "Rejoice the Lord IS Ring"
Several committees reported. The
garden party was discussed and It
was decided to have one Itt June.
It Was alaci -decided' to finish the
painting and varnishing in the
The Meeting closed with prayer
and a pert 'Welt slipper was served
by Some of the men bers.
There's no need to start shouting from the
housetop when it comes to buying and sell-
ing! Just drop in or phone The Advance'
Times office and place a classified ad. You'll
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at the
Early American
Mr, and Mrs. Jim Robinson
were Kitchener visitors one day
last week.
Miss Ruth. Hibberd of Stratford
Teachers' College visited over the
week-end with her parents.
Mrs. Tom McClerrient and Miss
Betty MeClement and Mrs. Bill point sleeves and a Queen Eliza-
Sothern spent Thursday in Kitch- both tiara of seed pearls and
ener and Galt.
Misses'Jean and Marjorie Foster
visited Monday and Tuesday of
last week with Mr. and Mrs. Vic-
tor O'Brecht in Mimico
Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Allan spent
Thursday in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tudan spent
one day last week in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Dernerling
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Sehinhein in Mitchell.
Miss Louise Browne of Toronto
spent the week-end with her par-
Miss Marjorie Foster left on
Sunday by plane from IVralton for
Vancouver, B.C„ after spending
three weeks' vacation with her Mo-
ther, Mrs. Ruby Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart and
Douglas of Listowel, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Schaefer spent
Saturday in Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith and
Mr. Roy Gadke were in Kitchen-
er Tuesday night and attended the
Sportsmen's Show.
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Galbraith of
Guelph were Sunday visitors with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lindsay Galbraith.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ashton
were recent visitors for a few days
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Durst in Scarborough.
Mrs. Margaret Horshurg return-
ed to her home last week after
spending three months in Haines
City, Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Golcirich
of London, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Wilding of Toronto, spent the
week-end at the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Dem-
Mr. and Mrs. John Craig spent
one clay last week in 'Kitchener.
Mrs. Stanley Forester visited
several days in Listowel last week,
Mrs. B. Hargrave and Mrs. W.
Hargrave and David visited on
Thursday in Teeswater with Mrs.
Shirley Grant and Mrs. Gordon
Mrs. Ross Tomlin of Hanover
visited One day last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Art For-
Mr. Frank Benin of Kitchener
spent the week-end at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Moore. Mrs,
Berne and two children returned
home with him after visiting for
ten days at the same home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don-
aid Doig in Galt.
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