The Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-04-13, Page 1BANQUDT FOR,' CAlto PLAYERS—The Whiginim inifinher; 'Norman Thompson and chairman Bert
Card Club composed of '21 senior citizens (held a Thompson. •-The players snot every day all winter in
banquet alt tile Queens Hotel lest -Wednesday with • the basement of the town indl..--Advance-Times
some 1.1.• in attendance. Shown above liter- left to 'photo, -
right, Robert Colley, secretarY4reasurert cosniniltee. •• , '
Music Festival Finals
eard at High School
The regular euchre of the Ladies'
Auxiliary. Ito the. Canadian Legion
was held_ Monday. evening with five
tables ,in •play, High pried, for the
•,dlivaSWon. by Mis. L. Patterson,
icliigli.lady playing. itS)iatia'Mrs.
aye , Crothers.-DavesGrothets -won
the high..paze for 'ilie ;men. 'Mrs.
getirgesHalls:Wwelheaktor 'prize. A
atiptai fOilowed;,..
Mrs. Nelson Gowdy. Wingliana
wishes to announce the engage-
Monts of her daughter,, Muriel Fay,
to Mr. :Murray Christopher Dale,
son . of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale,
Clinton. The weddleg will take
place April 3rd at 2 /p.m, in the
Winghtim. United Church,
Auxiliary Euchre
the Winghain Fire siren will be sounded at
12 noon to insure that't is in working order;
By Order
.0 • I-,
alataaassais. '
TOP SINGUIRS in Gni Grades III find 1V boys` vocal solo
group Were left to righti Defiald Collar, first; David
Rogers, Wend and Barrie Conran and ittentrd Whatilati
tied for third. The boys. sang in the public School ittilaiti
festiVal last week.
With which is amalgamated the Gordo Vidette and Wroxete; News
SINGT.4 •COPIES ^ 7 eflata, WIN-01/A51, ONTA11.10,.'WOONESDAV, APIUL, 13, 1060
ommitiee Named to. Stu
ospital Space. Shortage
ay The • redleattlian.
Members of She Sportsmen's
;Association are more than is, little
perturbed by the sounds of- shoot-
ing from the proaimity of the
Lower Town pond, which has been
putout of boarkia for hunters since
it la. to become a, bled. sanctuary.
Gan stingers are warned that
prompt and drastic legal action
will ,be taken.
0 - - 0
ItODG-11. ON Tor—
Several of the town's recently
paved streets are a good deal the
worse for the rigors of the past
winter, Edward Street has several
.cavities and even the main
drag, which was paved late last
.summer, doesn't look too hot. Time
someone invented a Paving process
that Will stand up to the punkin-
Meet of the winter monthe.
0 - 0 - 0 •
Snrlisg, so far has been a dliss11)-
pointing affair. Two snow storms
last week were reminiscent of
antifiry and February. The storm
on Friday evening created some of
the worst driving hazards of the
entire season. 'However, a mild
• Wind on Tuesday promises better
0 - 0 - 0
. So far we haven't had'any offers
Of maple syrup. It seems that, with
each passing year there are fewer,
farmers in the maple syrup busi-
ness, what with shortage of labor
and absence of fuel supplies. Some
of the kids in town have been
reaping quite a. harvest though.
0 - 0 - 0
if you want to know just what
sort of reputation Junior luta With
his teaeher you'd better slip up to
she public school this' (Wednesday)
afterimon. The occasion:is the an-
littal parents' day. Door will -be
opened -to the parents a La p.m., and
for 'the following half-hour the
parelita are welcome to visit With
their youngsters_ clithatoams.
Schbol will be disinlased at 3.30
add the teachers will remain to
discuss arty problerris with the
Lloyd .Queen, Department of Ed-
ucation, Toronto, was the adjudi-
cator 'for the eighths annual music
festival of the Wingham Public
School.. Mrs. Carl Douglas, music
supervisor, supplied the accom-
paniment fora the nain be rs Tues-
day afternoon and all day Wed-
nesday at the town hall, when the
whalers of each Maas were select.-
NI, by Mr. Queen. .1.-ET. Kinkead,
inspector of North Huron schools,
was Madman, - • • • • •• . •
Tbe evening .program on Wed-
nesday was held in -the high.
Largest Communion .
Service Ever Held
At the Palm Sunday communion
service held in Wingham tainted
Church on Sunday morning, 55
lietsans were received into church
memberships ;A by profrespion of
faith-mid •21 by letter of traosfer
froin other congregations. • •
'1asaa'wass the- targeataiseannutelon
serwitses•li sthesailatory:ef,.thesaona
gaegatthit taalkiliti ,435spartakibk or
the: alaleat's • Sistine a • The faith
La he re.
weans worshipper's, This was
an 'liisliirin climax th . the-eight
weeks of preparation through
Bible study and prayer for the
Easter season comnrunlon.
Tim. choir sang rt, eammunion
anthem under the leadership of
the organist soil choirs-neater, A.
D. Bennett, The meditation by the
minister, Rev. T. G. Hutser, war
entitled,- "Around the Cross", de••
scribing the various groups (31
people who watched the sufferings
of our Lord, The. central theme,
"1-le -saved others, ilintaelf .11c
school auditoriuth and was attend-
ed. by a, large number of interested
parents and frienda..• . Stewart
Beattie, principal made the open-
ing remarks • and intioduc*ed the
first, second 'and third Place win-
ners, as they were called upon to
sing their numbers,
Diane Caslick conducted the
Grade 2 rhythm band- in Crieg's
National. Song, Teachers pf these
classes are Miss' Phyllis-' Johns
and Mrs. Marlene Mackenzie.' Ter-
esa McGuire, ViCici Rosonhagen
and Marilyn Tiffin were -the win-
8,A.flan d FeStival
'& thnill.on
A Salvation Army band festival
was held in Hamilton at the week-
end and on Saturday night massed
bands supplied aa excellent con-
cert. There Were 'three Sessions' on
private courtsel :for Salvation Army
musicians, led. by: Capt. J'. Dean
Coffin, feillinetlY•of :New Zealand
and now Of' lasnidon, ,England, He.
Is 'head. of 7theai$riternational Music
Bosixf, Salvation-Army.
Several limn.'.;the .• VS/Ingham
Uorps atteudest, They were Envoy
G. Stanley Newman,. Bandmaster
W. J, 'Henderson, Sgt. Major Joe
Clark and Bandsthen'SLuart Henry,
J. Dedalder and - Andrew Rodger,
and Iwo girls of .the Wingham
Band, Barbara Byer and Janette
could not -save". stressed the fact
that if - we, too,. would liana our
Christian obligations of being sa•
viours of the world, we must do so
at the expense of ourselves.
The brat step in a move to pro-
vide more accommodation at the
Wingbain General Hospital was
taken on Friday evening when the.
board of directors named a build-
/he, committee to survey hospital
• :needs.
The committee will be headed by
outs V. 'Fischer aand will include
. B. Cousins, •DeWitt Miller, t;.• W.
WiNtillAM G111111111ES
• Au Hasler baptismal service will
bn held in the Wingham United
.anntreit on Sunday morning. The•
`ialinir, under the direction of the
aergantst and choir leader, A. D.
...Bennett, will sing three special
sniusical numbers for the Easter
; A Malay evening fellowship
nour will be held at seven o'clock,
sallish will center around World
•Refugee Year and a film will be
;shown from -the National Coun-
sal, on refugees. This ties in with
the Easter theme since Christ
Came to give us new life, and we in
,turn should present that new life
to those deeply depressed and in
Mm. J. H. Ostrom will -be the
aolnist in St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church -on Easter morning
and will sing "Come Unto- Him" by
Handel. The choir will sing the
anthem, "Jesus Is Risen", under
the direction of Harold Victor
Pyin. Rev. Chester Lewis, assistant
minister of St. Andrew's Presby-
terian -Church, Kitchener', will be
the guest speaker for both the
morning and evening services.
At seven o'clock in the evening,
the choir will present the Easter
4Matits. ."The Caateifixieta4,by
Stainer. Mr. Py-m, organist and
choir leader will be the director.
The young people will take an
active part In the Easter Day ser-
vice at the Salvation Army. Envoy
G. S. Newman's topic in the morn-
ing will be "The Meaning of East-
er" and special music both morn-
ing and evening will be by the
Young People's Singing Company
of the Corps Rev. Joe Baker will
give an Easter message for teen-
agers in the evening and all young
neople in the community are wel-
There De three communion
services in St. Paul's Anglican
Church during the day, so that
everyone has an opportunity to
partake of the Lord's 'Supper on
this happy day. There will be com-
munion at 8.30 a.m., morning
prayer and communion at 11 a.m.
and evening prayer and quiet com-
munion at 7 p.m.. The choir will
sing the anthem, "Worthy Is the
Lamb", directed by 'Mrs. Gordon
Davidson, organist-
Bev. D. Sinclair will be in ehargc
of both services in the Wingham
Baptist Church and the choir has
prepared special Easter 'music,
under the directiou of Mrs.
Tiffin, Mrs. N. 1). Cameron, W. B.
Anderson and Dr. P. J. Leahy.
The committee was not instrue--
ed to take any action in stonnee- •
tion with a building project, other
than to make a study of the areas
of greatest steed so that prelimin-
a ry drawings for '-in addition could
he vaned for at a later date
School Boys Aim
To Protect Birds
BELGRAVE-The young natural-
ists of the Senior Room of US'S
No, 17 have been busy building
bird houses. As Mr. and Mrs. Blue-
bird prefer living -in open spaces
they have placed them on vacant
farina in the district. •
The boys hope their efforts
will be helpful in protecting our
bluebirds from their enemy, the
starlings.. We wish, the boys sue-
cess in their worthwhile endeavor.
You are asked to mark Saturday,
May 14th; on your calendar, This
is the day of the Spring Rummage
Sale, sponsored by the Ladies'
Auxiliary. to Wingham general
Hospital. The date was -set at the
meeting of the -auxiliary on Fri-
day, at which the president, Mrs.
N. U, Cameron presided. During
these spring housecleaning days
evarktssime is asked to main up' a
box .for the aunniage sale,
It wise ' reported that, . besides
large quantities of %mewling,. 1,67
articles had been completed by the
sewing groups. These. Included
sheets, Pillow covers,'Patients!
gowns • and - nursery- atippliegaand•
represented 257 hOurs of. time. It
was decided to hang new draperies
at some of the windows. •
The final game of the marathon
bridge parties will be held in the
council chamber On Friday eve-
ning, April 29th, at which trizes
for the season's play will be award-
Mention was made of the Re-
gional Conference of Hospital Aux-
iliaries to be held 'in Stratford on
April 27th and Will include a tour
of the Festival Theatre. •
Family Dinner at
Sinnamon Home
The family of Mr. and Mts.
Hugh fainnamoit gathered at their
home on Minnie Street on Friday
evening to surprise their parents
and enjoy a turkey dinner. The oc-
casion Was in honour of the forty-
sixth wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. Sinnamon.
Besides the local families, Mr.
and Mrs, Philip McMillan and
Isabel .of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Hertel and family of Kit-
chener, and Mr. and Mrs. John
Sinnamon and children, of Wrox-
eter, attended.
Badly Overcrowded.
For more than two years the
hospital has been seriously over-
crowded. With the addition of
the last wing in 1955, total accom-
modation was brought to 90 beds,
but the average hoapital popula-
tion has been averaging about 115
,and on the evening of the meet-
The students of Wingham Dis-
trict High School have done a ter-
rific job for the Canadian Cancer
Society in the annual campaign
for funds. DeWitt Miller, chair-
man for the campaign, who has
had considerable experience in
drives of this kind for various
worthy causes, has found this
campaign to be one of\ the most
successful he has ever conducted.
The boys and girls started out
early last 'Friday evening to cover
the homes assigned to them, and in
eases where people were not at
home, they returned on Saturday.
The receipts were still being
counted on Monday evening of this
week and at that time amounted
to $2,300. This means that the
Wingham and District Branch is
over 'the quota whieh was set at
Mr. Miller. is grateful to the stu-
dents and feels that their conaen-
trated effort is responsible for the
success of the campaign.
Son Appointed tc)
Clinton Staff
...RebeetAtaratatia, of Miteheti,ssand.
son of Mrs. Bbrtha Homuth, Wing-.
ham,: was named vice-principal of
the Clinton Collegiate Institute at
a board meeting in 'that town last
week. 'Four other teachers were
also engaged at, the meeting, to
fill out the staff. A new addi-
tion to the Clinton school will -be
opened in' the fall.
.Another matter brought before
the meeting was an account from
the Wingham District High School,
board for the tuition of six Clintan
district pupils. The Clinton board
refused payment of -the account,
claiming that it did not receive
notice from'the Wingham board at
the beginning of the 1959-60 term.
lug mentioned above, there were
127 patients lustier cat%
As a result of this overcrowd-
ing patients are placed ill , the
halls, extra, -beds are set up- in
semi-private and ptshlic Ward%
and the third floor of the original
building Is fully occupied, despite
the fact that the Provincial atith-*
orities have placed that section
out of bounds for patient 'are,
Another drastic need is new op-
erating room and delivery room
accommodation. The operation%
are at present handled us 3 -room
in the original wing. which,-has
become entirely inadequate Or the
number of patients uridergOing
If a new section is V.dcled la, the
hospital, it -will In all .probabilitY
be in 'the form of a secontl4loot
addition to the 1955 Wing,' acid as
a result would not be 'nearly as
costly as the 'two previous Addi-
tions. It is thought that the pre-
sent laundry, heating and kitch-
en facilities would be adequaSe to
handle the extra load.-though It
is just such problems Whieh
be determined by the preliminary
Busy Month
Vice-chairman R. B. Colmina
presided over the -meeting and, the
administratrly, Mrs, 1, Moirey, re-
ported 159 admissions for -'the
month of 'March, with 27 births;
3645 hospital days and an, average
of 117 patients under care. There
were 68 operations, -318 X-.rays,
1375 laboratory Procedures .and 64
attended cancer clinic,
There 'was an operating sutplus
of $2,756.79 for the. month, 'With
revenue listed at $42,519.00 and. ex-
penditures,at $40,054.61, 'The Our-
plus is calculated before •alloWianed
for depreciation,
Reeoranendatidna . Of AbLe:,711aan.
U,43).161tan.PMAra..643.4 001a-4.^-- in regard to the ealaries of sakretal
staff members which Were date for
adjustment. The 11MreaSee. Ware
Made in coMpliance with a person-
nel schedule which was adopted
some -time ago.
H. L. Sherbondy, 'who bar been
in charge of the Office staff,was
appointed secretary-trenstiik
the hospital.
DeWitt. Miller,• chairman see' the
property committee, reported ..that
the hospital morgue bas been .-coin
pletely rebuilt and re-painted; ,a
new cloak room has beeataetinipl4L,
ed and sink and atipbeatda' in-
stalled in the 'drug totatiS.:'Asnesss
lawn mower is to be .purChaSed.
hers of the girls' vocal, solo, Grad-
es 1 and 2, and sang "Sprilig.
Grasses". "Make Believe" was, the
title of the chorus by Grade 1,.
Miss A, Williamson and Mrs. C.
Robertson, teachers. '
Whiners of the boys'-solo, •Gradea
1 and 2, were Doggies Thomson,
Brian Deyell and Billy Fuller. They
sang lithe -Mee Bird". A two-
part canon, "A . Spring Morning",
was sting by Grade 3 pupils, whose
-Leachers' are Mrs. V. Sacra, and
Miss Joan Armitage.. "
Artitd ''IStesiea'siVa:r 'Clime
girls' sole for Grades 3 and 4. El-.
len Cirtackshank and Debbie Fox-
Lon tied 'for second place and Rita
Fitzpatrick and Nicola Jeff ray -for
third. They' sang "Early One
Morning", Grade 4 pupils of Mrs.
J. Gowdy and Miss M. Jamieson
sang is two-part chorus, "Katie
the Kangaroo".
Winners of the boys' solo in
Grades 3 and...1-, singing "Ships"
were Dpnald Collar and David Ros
gem, first and second, with Barrie
Couron and :Richard 'Wharton tied
for third, Alla;entries of Lae triple
duets joined legelher to sing "The
Hunter's. Horn' and •-'titia was fol-
lowed by the mails of Mrs; G.
Webster, Mrs. 'D. Thornton and
Mrs. L. Hoy forming a massed
choir.. These Grade 5 and 6 child-
ren sang two munbers hs two-
part choruses, winie Squid Jiggle'
Ground", . a, Newfoundland souf'g,
and "En Roulant Ma Bottle", of
French Canadian origin. '
"The South Wind." was the title
of the solo for girls 'in Grades 5
and 5. The winners were Brenda
Ellacott, Verna Hunter and Patsy
Selling. Utility Hanna. and, Jane
Colvin won first place, Dianne Da-
vidson and Mary 'Phillips, •second,
(Please turn to Page Sevent•
There will be no. progressive
euchre in •Wrorseter community
hall on April 14th. Isl 3 b
illkyrtev .
There-. Will he pd • milk delivery
this,coming Geed .Friday. May we
ask your co-opetation. Bateson's
Model Dairy. • • F13b
Ruth Lott's Beauty Parler will
ie-Open on Monday, April 18th,
titioN -COUN'T'Y
The Meeting of the Huron Coun-
ty TraPPere Association will be
held ih Chilton Agricultural Hall
on ThUraday, April 14th at 9 p.m.
Films and fur show. Fur buyer
will be Present. Everyone 'wel-
trate. F6:13*
AT itt)YA.1.,
There Will he Old time tits] Med-
ern daticing at the ROW: T on
Thursday, Aril 14. Boucher
And the Golden Prairie Cowboys,
feattithig Al Cherny. Daneing 10
to 1 Etna rig*
ditAitikit wisrecitt IN
The North Huron JddlOt Harm-
ers' are sponsoring -a Variety
Contort in the Forester's -Hall,
Beigrave, dii Wednesday, April 20,
at 8.30 p.m, The play "The Pink
Dress(' win be proaanted, 'also it . .
one-act edmedy "SiStet 8110" arid WINNIP,R,S OF OPEN DDET Class did a Tina lob'
4Wastedi ntiatibers, AdriiisSiOn 60C of diAnlitYing their Went 4 a the iriirsdc kethial litSt Week.
'01-3-29b 9C4on duet Wits Cathy Hain* and elnite Anne CoWin, loft;
'n second place were, Aittry Phillips and 1) Davidson
centre; in third owt) Welle ttnati Iiioltl Mid 'lean Rogers.