HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-03-30, Page 4t514tIge e°14 'OW 'VC` IRhain Advance-Tinter, Mareh 30, 1960 HELP UrANPED NrAct Imn operators witnteti Experierteedt, W. H OUrney. & Son. 3011 141E% TAXI SERVICE, and Hunt- • •. and Fishing, License issuer, hone 185. 3rrb 150 -160 BALES OF HAY for sale. Call Wroxeter 5r13. 30b MILK FILTERS for sale--`•Rapid Flo", 6-inch, 85c; Vi:-inch, 89e. Alexander's Hardware. lrrb BALED HAY for sale. ?hone Blyth 54R13„, Jack Kennedy. 30b TWO-WHEEL TRAILER for sale, with stock racks. Phone 734W3 30t EXTENSION LADDER, 40 feet, for sale. New. $35.00. Phone Wing- ham 886W. 30:6:13* BALED STRAW FOR SALE. Also Steel roofing. James Devereaux, R.R. 2, Lucknow. 30* CHILD'S spring coat for sale. Size 12, Egcellent condition. Also one size 5. Phone 389. 30b ErdECTROLUX sales and service, R. E. Ruttan, Goderich, phone Goderich 1154 or Wingham 553w, rrb SERVICES---Edighoffer's can give anyone 24-hour service on cov- ered, Buckles, Buttons and Belts, made by Singer. 30613b GARAGE for sale at CNR. Best cash offer. Must be moved. Box 34, Strathroy, R. J. Hender- son, CNR Agent. 23-30b ALL VARIETIES of seed grain for sale, Also grass and clover seeds, Highest grades. Low prices. J. Bumstead Sr Son, phone 455. 23-30-6b FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice, repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K. Peck, Varna. telephone Hensel]. 696R2. l6rrb STORE FIXTURES for sale—Oak wall case 20 ft.; 3 display coun- ters; Taylor vault 3'x3'x5'; shelv- ing etc. Will sell separately. Also girls' and boys' bicycles and tricycle, cheap. Mrs. David Crom- pton, phone 59, Wingham. 30b iF3ARRYMORE AND HARDING carpeting and rugs. Wall to wall jobs expertly laid. See the com- plete range of samples including all wool Wiltons and budget priced tough viscose. For an estimate without obligation, call N. J. WELWOOD, Phone 86 or 771. 27rrb ADDING MACHINES and Calcu- lators, Olivetti, famous for speed and durability; Olympia Type- writers, renowned for their in- terchangeability carriage. For prompt and efficient service on present equipment call Owen Sound Typewriter Co. Phone FR, 6-4841. rrb MORE AND MORE people are en- joying the advantages of soft water every day, the service plan way. Soft water saves on soap, cleaning, and improves cooking: Look into the pleasure of Soft water by calling Culli- gan's, phone JAckson 4-9571, Goderich, or leave your name by calling 800, Wingham. No ob- ligation, Fourteen day free trial. 30b VENETIAN BLINDS Aluminum Slats Plastic Tapes 18"-20"x64" $3.99 21"-25"x64" $4.95 26"-36"x64" $5.95 Also available in 72" length at $1..00 more. We have them in stock. For VENTIAN BLINDS and all WINDOW SHADES See WALKER'S Home Furnishings REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MUSE for sale, Immediate pos- session. Phone 329, 23-301, 50 ACRE FARM for sale, on High- way 4 between Wingham and Teeswater. Good buildings with hydro. ISrilled well. Also a range shelter. Will house 200 ellickena, Mrs. Katherine Campbell, R. R, 2, Wingham, phone Wingham 70531. 16-23-30', TWO first-floor furnished rooms, heated. Choice central location. Business couple or single person preferred. Phone 127R. 30b FURNISHED room, to rent. Suit- able for business lady or nurse. Also grey wool rug, 9x10, for sale. Phone 530. 30b CHOICE PASTURE for rent, Plen- ty of water and shade, Phone 335W or 148. 30b SALES HELP WANTED, MALE County, Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write today. Rawleigh's, Dept. C-453- 131, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 16&30b BE YOUR OWN BOSS and make money! Best quality of house- hold necessities and farm pro- ducts including cosmetics, tonics, vitamins, etc. High commission, bonus. Join now a progres- sive -company and become a $ucee$$ful dealer. FAMILEX, Dept. M-I0, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 30b TEACHERS WANTED TWO QUALIFIED teachers want- ed for Morris. Township School Area. Duties to commence in September, 1960. Apply to the chairman, George Michie, R.R. 4, Brussels, phone Brussels 17J13. 16 :23 :30b TEACHERS wanted for the Turn- berry Township School Area, Please state experience and sal- ary expected, Duties to start Sept. 1st, 1960. Alex. Corrigan, Sec.-Treas., Bluevale R.R. 1. 23-30b WINGHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL— invites applications for the po- sitions of Grade Teachers. Salary schedule in effect, Minimum, $2,800; maximum $5,200. Appli- cants requested to state qualifi- cations, experience, name of present Inspector and telephone number. Applications will be received up until April 8th by Mrs. Roy Morgan, Sec.-treas., Wingham, Ont. 23-30b WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--Good grass farm.; Apply to Box 104, Ad- vance-Times. DEADSTOCK WANTED FARM SERVICE—Dead or crippl- ed farm animals removed for sanitary disposal. NO REMOVAL CHARGE. Phone COLLECT Wingham 378 or Palmerston 123w or Durham 398, GORDON YOUNG (ELMIRA) LTD, rrb DEADSTOCK — FARMERS! We have the fastest service and the highest prices for dead, disabled cows and horses, $4.00 each and 314e lb. for good mink horses. 24 hour service. Call for long distance OPERATOR and ask for ZENITH 43900, no toll charge. Lorenz Stock Removal, Durham, rrb EUCHRE PARTY at Lower Town School, Friday, April 1st at 8.30. p.m. Admission 50e. Ladies with lunch free. CE730b- ATTENTION Veterans, 17,x-Ser- vice men, women and dependents The Canadian Legion Service Bureau officer, Mr. A, H, Scott, London, Ontario, will he visiting Branch. No, 180, Wingham, on April 5th, from 4.00 p.m, to 5.00 p.m. Anyone wishing advice or assistance contact Bob Casemore, phone 872M. CE30b TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders, marked as to na- ture and contents will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon on Friday, April 8th, for the purchase and removal from present premises of the United Church parsonage, Wingham, Ont. The highest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Inspection by ap- pointment.- -Colin Fingland, chair- man, building committee. 30:6b TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until April 30, 1960 for supply and installation of oil heating for United Church, Wroxeter. Tenders must be ac- companied with heating plan by an accredited engineer. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. Work to begin July 1, 1960 and completed within the month. Tender forms and specifications may he obtained from C. J. GIBSON Chairman Board of Stewards. 23-3(1-6b WANTED ROOM AND BOARD wanted for single man, Contact The Wing- ham Advance-Times, 30* NEW CANADIAN Hymnal wanted, in good condition, with music. Phone Wroxeter 69. 30b MISCELLANEOUS FOR PIANO TUNING, musical in- struments, accessories and re- pairs at reasonable rates phone Ross Mann, 735.14 Wingham. rrb S. FORTNEY—Spray painter and roofer. Phone EN 7-2024, Mild- may. 30-Ap274- EACKHOEING-, excavating and trenching. Phone Harold Con- gram, 1079, Wingham. 30jnel5b BRICK REPAIR SERVICE—Brick cleaning and sandblasting, brick repair work, Agent for hot roof- ing. Small and large work wanted. Free estimates. Write Fowler's Masonry Repair Service, Bcx. 369, Mitchell. F10A27h SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED—Mod- ern equipment, quick service, work guaranteed, Phone or write Louis Blake, R.R. 2, Brus- Sets'. Phone 42r6, Brussels. ' ' 24Au 17* INCOME TAX RETURNS If you are a farmer and haven't filed tax returns, my advice to you is--do so. If you have filed regularly, let me check your Capi- tal Cost Allowance (Depreciation Schedule). S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74, Lucknow, Ont. Public Accountant since 1944 306132027* LIVE POULTRY Picked up Monday to Friday inclusive. Highest market prices paid. C. MICHEL — GORRIE Phone 21r21 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION 'Where Better Bulls Are Used' Artificial Insemination Service for all Breeds of Cattle Farmer owned and controlled Call us between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. week days 6:00 and 8:00 p.m, Saturday evenings at CLINTON ZENITH 9.5650 or Collect TEESWATER 126 FINANCING A CAR? Before you buY ask about Out Lot, Cost Vinancing Service with complete Insuranee Coverage, STEWART A. SCOTT Photia 208 Witufba CARDS OF THANKS --„ I wish to express my sincere thanks to -friends. and neighbors, for the many kindnesses during my recent stay in the hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Corrin, Mrs. Morrey and the hospital staff on first floor.---Jean Davis. 30b I- wish to thank all those who sent the lovely cards and gifts and visited me while a patient in the Wingham Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. B. N. Corrin and the nurs- ing staff:--Mrs, Shirley Lamont. 30 I wish to thank all my friends. and neighbors for treats and visits While I was a patient in Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Leahy, Mrs. Morrey and the nurs- ing staff. --Arthur Bryce. 30';' I wish to thank my friends and relatives who so kindly remember-, ed me in many ways during my stay in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, These acts of kindness will al- ways be remembered.—Mrs. George Griffith. 30b My sincere thanks to all those who remembered me with cards, flowers, treats and visited me while I was a patient in Stratford Gen- eral Hospital. Also thanks to the- Wingham Advance-Times for send- ing me the paper.-----Mrs. Morley McMichael. 30b I wish to thank all my friends and relatives who sent cards, flow- ers and treats and visited me while I was -a patient in Wingham Hos- pital, and thanks to the ministers, Mrs. Morrey and her staff of nurses; their kindness shall never be forgotten. Special thanks to Dr. Leahy.---Sam B. Marshall. 30* We would like to thank our rela- tives, friends and neighbours for the lovely flowers and messages of sympathy sent to us at the loss of our wee boy. A special thanks to those who helped at home, Rev. L. Brown and the D, A. Rann Funeral Home. Your kindness will always be remembered.—The Bridge and McArthur Families. 30b The family of the late Melvin H. Taylor wish to express their sin- cere thanks and appreciation to their neighbours, friends and rela- tives for the many acts of kind- ness, cards and messages of sym- pathy and floral tributes received in their recent sudden bereave- ment. Special thanks to Dr. W. A. McKihbon, S. J. Walker, Rev. Mr. Sweeney, Rev. H. C. Wilson and Rev. Dr. Hiltz. 30' I would like to express my sin- cere thanks to all those who sent cards, letters and treats -to me while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London;' also to the doc- tors and nurses who did so much for me. Special thanks to my sis- ter and neighbors who were so kind and thoughtful to my husband and family during my absence from home. These kindnesses are deep- ly appreciated.--Ruth Haugh. 30h IN MEMORIAM MEMORIAM CIIAMNEY—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Ce- cil Chamney, who passed away March 29th, 1959. Time takes away the edge of grief, Ent memory turns back every leaf, --Ever remembered by his wife Beatrice, daughter Anne, and son- in-law, Sam. 30b REID'--In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. William M. Reid, who passed away, March 30th, 1958. 'Tis sweet to know well meet again Where troubles are no more, And that the one we loved so well Has just gone on before. - Ever remembered and sadly missed by daughter, son-in-law and grandson, Louise, Lee and Gregory Sirripell. 301' rtnin- In loving memory of a clear mother and grandma, Mrs, Wil- liam M. Reid, who ,passed away March 30th, 1958. Somewhere back of the sunset, Where loveliness never dies, She lives hi a land of glory, With the blue and gold of the sky. And we who have known and loved her Whose departure has brought sad tears, Will cherish her -memory always To brighten the passing years .-4Always remembered and lov- ed, Mildred, Jack and Susan Mil- Man. 30 4' FEMALE 1IF,LP WANTED GIRL or woman wanted for res- taurant work. Full time. Sundays and holidays off. Apply Andy Scott or phone 440, 30b [RECEPTIONIST and switchboard. operator required at CKNX, to start immediately. Please apply for interview, phone Wingham 158. 301) AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of livestock, im- plements and real estate will be held on Saturday, April 2nd at 1.00 p,m. at Lot 22, Turriberry Township, one mile north of Wroxeter.-- Harvey Coupland, Prop„ Allan MacIntyre, auction- eer, 39 4' BIRTHS HELLINGA.- At Wingham General Hospital on Wednesday, March 23rd, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hellinga, R.. R. 3, Walton, a daughter. VAN OSCH -At Wingham General Hospital on Wednesday, March 23rd, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Osch, R. R. 3, Lucknow, son, MeKNIGHT—At Wingham General Hospital on Wednesday, March 23rd, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald McKnight, Wingham, a son. EBEL—At Wingham General, Hos- pital on Friday, March 25th, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ebel, Brussels, a son. RAWN—At Wingham General Hos- pital on Monday, March 28th, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Morley Rawn, Teeswater, a son. GERRIE — At Wingham General Hospital on Monday, March 28th, 1960, to Mr, and Mrs. Murray Gerrie, Wingham, a daughter. J. Lynett Farmed In Culross Township John Lynett of R.R, 2, Wingham, who had been ill for a long time, died on Thursday, March 24th in the Wingham General Hospital. He was born 83 years ago in Culross Township, Bruce County, and was a son of the late Patrick Lynett and Julia McGee. He was educated at Delmore and took up farming as his life-long occupation. Mr. Lynett is survived by one sister, Mrs. Alice Wilson of Wing- ham. Mrs. E. Fitzpatrick of town is a niece. He' was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Wingham, where mass was said by Father G. J. Freker and Father Higgins of Teeswater on Saturday morning at ten o'clock. Interment was in the Wingham R.C. 'Cemetery. The pallbearers 'Were Joseph and John Wilson, Jim Kenedny, Wilfred Lynett, George Chettleburgh • and Edwart Fitzpatrick. Holstein ,Mother Of Ten 441 Heifers A Holstein cow owned by Harold R. Davis of Belmont, Ont., is one of the most prolific bovine mothers ever developed in Canada. In a period of less than ten years, she has given birth to ten heifer calves, all of them single births. With the exception of her seventh calf which died when a few days old, each of her offspring has served as a 4-H calf for one of the three Davis children. One of them was the Champion 4-H heifer for Elgin County. "Old Vicky" as this remarkable mother is affectionately called by the Davis children, is officially named Bell Victoria Wayne. She was bred by Don Soper of St. Thomas from whom she was se- cured as a foundation heifer, when the Davis herd Was started in 1949. She is 'the only one of the original animals still in the herd. Her blood Is now widely scattered as her first four daughters were sold to breeders from Ohio, Now York, 1Vfexico and Venezuela. The later daughters are being retained as foundation stock, I3ox Holders' Names Not Given Out It is strictly against our rules to divulge the name or address of any advertiser using an Advance-Times Box Number Please do not ask its lot this tritOrinstios, OLD-TIME SCRAPPER. IN FARMERS' CORNER By Don Fairbourn Ontario farmers are rapidly be- coming aware of a new face and a new force In the marketing pic- ture. It's a familiar face in the provincial department of agricul- ture but its appearance on the marketing front caused more than a ripple of excitement. It belongs to 39-year-old Everett Biggs, whose appointment to the newly-created post of assistant deputy minister in charge of mar- keting is evidence of the govern- ment's determination that the pro- vince;s farm products marketing legislation on behalf of the primary producer will remain efficient and strong. When the Toronto press learned that Ey Big,gs was a champion middleweight and light heavy- weight at college and an exhibition boxer in the Canadian ,Army, they dubbed him "an old-time scrapper in the farmers' corner", who had taken on some of the toughest op- ponents on' the farm and In the town. It was also predicted that he was "in training" for the biggest fight of his career. "Farmers must be in a strong marketing position", he says, "and the present number of marketing plans in existence in Ontario is evi- dence that the Departmnet of Agri- culture, in conjunction with the producers are making this legisla- tion work. Responsibility for the legislation, in all Its aspects, must be accepted by the people who are responsible for its administration". He feels strongly that the con- solidation and improvement of the position of the farmer, individually and collectively, must be based upon friendly consideration and mutual discussion of problems and that the farmer must maintain a vigil against "those who are violen- tly opposed to the principle of or- ganized, orderly marketing". As head of Ontario's farm Marketing programs, Biggs fre- quently refers to the views express- ed by the late Colonel Tom Ken- edy, long-time minister of agri- culture, who stressed to the farm- ers of this province the necessity of growing two blades of grass where they were then growing one. "Now we have accomplished this and the big problem is finding markets for farm produce," Biggs says. "Farmers are beginning to learn the advantages of organiza- tion, while many processor groups are beginning to worry about their own positions". In any disagreement that may develop between farmers and pro- cessors, Biggs will be on the scene to see that the farmers get a square deal. As a youngster he learned farming on his father's farm in the 'Ottawa Valley. He chose the Ontario Agricultural College rather than Osgoode Hall, served as an agricultural repre- sentative, won a Rotary Foundation Fellowship for study at Wye Agri- cultural College and the London School of Economics. Before be- coming marketing chief, Everett Biggs headed the government dairy administration as commissioner. Biggs believes in getting away from office problems on week-ends. Both he and his wife, an amateur artist, won their pilots' licences the same day. He has been a Sunday School superintendent in his home community of Brampton for seven years and ,says his work . with young people gives him "the right perspective". District Agent For Wingham Canada's leading manufac- turer of aluminum windows, doors and awnings, with local office in Waterloo, offers an ambitious person. UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITY Man selected will be fully trained, and assured of a top earning position. NO INVESTMENT NEEDED To arrange an interview CALL COLLECT SHerwood 5=9411 DUMONT 21 KING ST. NORTH WATERLOO SPECIAL is it ii LOWPRICES ii on ii ii SHOULDERS OF PORK ii SIDES OF PORK AND ii LARGER CUTS ii al LARGE CUTS OF it OF BEEF it AT REDUCED PRICES : . 11 GROUND BEEF 3 lbs, $1.25 i • , i ITI iii Lockritige's Butcher Shop ITI .., ill :-11111111111111111111111111111191111118181111$111811111111111111111M111111111141111111 1a1111118111111111111M111111 4.11110.1.. uomoiabromm, Junior Sales Clerk WANTED YOUNG MAN REQUIRED, BETWEEN AGES OF 17 AND 20. AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO ACQUIRE TRAINING IN THE SALES FIELD. PREVIOUS SALES EXPERIENCE NOT REQUIRED. APPLY: Hanna's Men's Wear WINGHAM, ONTARIO .......... I .................... ..... 01.11110.11111111.1 lllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllll lllllllllll IIII401411141 llllllllllll Save Money by PREPAYING Town of Ingham 1960 Taxes Taxpayers may make payments on account of 1960 taxes up to 80 per cent of 1959 taxes. Discount at the rate of 3 per cent, will be allowed on payments made in March. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the Town Treasurer's 0ffice, Town Hall. WILLIAM RENWICK, Treasurer, Town of Wingham. ........r•NF/•••nnarmk,,o••m•msr•mmomw000..Imr.••=o•rriu•k•amas,r CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc% Wingham, , Phime 48 3, H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. J. Vi. BUSIIFIELD BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Weditesd...y afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. Frederick F. Homuth Phrn.B., R.O. Insurance Company Carol E. Hornuth, R.O. An all Canadian Company which Est. 1840 has faithfully served its policy Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, R.O. holders for over a Century. OPTOMETRISTS Head Office — Toronto • PHONE 118 II. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Harriston, Ontario Wingham CAVILLER, WINTON & WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building WALKERTON J. E. Kennedy, &Ed., B.A., C.A., - Resident Mgr. Telephones: Business 633; Residence 106 FOR, SALE' TOR RENT COMING EVENTS -{ • ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service Highest cash prices paid in sur- rounding district for dead, old, sick or disabled horses and cattle, For the fastest and proper removal of all animals, day or night, use our automatic exchange (at no cost to you.) Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD ZENITH 34900 OR GEORGE HISLOP WROXETER 2 It 112 DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and Horses man STOCII AT HIGHEST CASK VALVE Please Phone Promptly Call Collect 133 Bruce Marlatt Brussels, Ont. 24 HOUR SERVICE WANTED, Man. for steady travel TENDERS WANTED among Consumers in Huron 11 1 1 W IS IM IN A IR EC i 1 ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Telephone ,TAelt,,on 4-9321 P. 0. Box 478 GODERICH, Ontario A. H. WIDISH Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Ete. Money to Loan Office—Moyer Block, Wingham WELLINGTON FIRE