HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-03-23, Page 1011'044 ":t`lto Wingha n dVn Wed., Niareb i$, 94119 Allan Park Bargain Store Between Hanover and Durham Ata'ays Rigger and Better Bargains, Best .Quality WHERE EVERYBODY SAVES. MONEY OUR LADIES' DEPT, FEATURES a Large Seleetion of Dresses„ Skirts, Blouses, Maternity wear, lSitix„ Slims, ,site., Air TERRIFIC SAVINGS LADIES' PERRY COMO 100 per cent Illi-gh Bulic (Moe Ciill.BIGANS — Reg. $5,95 EXTRA SPECIAL $2.99 A FULL LINE OF GIRLS' NEW SPRING DRESSES, COATS, COAT SETS; BLOUSES, 'SKIRTS, SLIMS, ETC., AT A SAVING, YOU WILL SEE, ! New shipment of LITTLE GIRLS' DRESSTh, newest spring 1 llturtber, sizes 2-0x—Reg. $4.95. EXTRA SPECIAL . $2.98. Men's Blue Denim OVERALLS, sizes 32-52, Reg, $4.59 ft pr. EXTRA SPECIAL . pair $2.99 i ' 1 Lot .of ,Men's WORK SHIRTS (small sizes only) i . Ileg. up to ' $2.95„ EXTRA SPECIAL , .,.. enc.!' • 99c 1 "Alen's Spring WINDUREAKERS — Reg, $8.95. EXTRA SPECIAL ....... each $3.90 . 1 Reg. $12.95. SPECIAL . ....... ....,. ........... ..... ..... pair $0.99 i Men's Better DRESS TROUSERS — Men's $7:95 Wash and Wear DRESS TROUSERS ! 1 EXTRA SPECIAL ... Men's. Long Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS .---‘ - '.- " ... - - Pair $3.99 I . Reg. priced at $4.95, $5.95, $6.95. EXTRA' SPECIAL $2.99 Boys' Spring WINDBREAKERS, sizes 8-16 yrs. Reg. $4.95. EXTRA SPECIAL ........ ..... ........ ...... ..... .. Boys' DRESS TROUSERS -- . $2.99 .! Reg. $5.95. SPECIAL $3.69 1 • Boys' 65 per cent WOOL CARDIGANS, I Sizes 8-10-12 yrs. — Reg. $3.95. SPECIAL .049 i Boys' all weather 100 per cent Nylon JACKETS, . ! newest styles and colors. Reg. $12.98. EXTRA SPECIAL $8.95 I Boys' heavyW1.141DBREAKERS for Spring and ! Fall — Reg. $7.95. EXTRA SPECIAL each $5.99 I Boys' COMO SUEDINE JACKETS — Reg. $7.95. EXTRA SPECIAL $4.44 1 Canada BALL POINT PENS each le POCKET KNIVES — Reg, 75e each 39c BEDROOM LAMPS — Reg. $6.95 for ...... a Pair $3.99 I BOWLING BAGS — Reg. $t59 88c SHOE BAGS — Reg. 98e 06c PKG. OF 5 SPONGES . 19c i • PLASTIC FREEZER CONTAINERS 2 for 15c I We reserve the right to l iimit the quantities on any item. OPet 10 a.m. 'til 10 p.m. . Mail Orders Filled i — — - - —.1 001. LOTS OF PARKING SPACE oesqiroesmornarronommirmlwarnaon• Cs 411010411.0.1•01).111111 ••••••••••••MIVNIVVV ,•• Avate HELPS BENEFITS A Good Start is half the battle when it comes to raising chicks. As a poultryman, you know this to be true. SHUR-GAIN CHICK STARTER is formulated to give your chicks THE RIGHT START — to see them safely through those first critical weeks of their young lives. A fast start, early feath- • ering, strong body devel- opment, freedom from dis- ease — you want all these, and all are im- portant to the success of your poultry op- eration. So — to guarantee your own suc- cess, you apply sound management prac- tices, you provide adequate housing. and decide on what is the most efficient, most economical, CHICK STARTER FEED for your chicks. When Chicks Get a SHUR-GAIN Start ... THEY'RE AHEAD EVERY STEP OF THE WAY Choosing the brand of CHICK STARTER is your easiest decision — it's SHUR- GAIN — first in results, first in efficiency, first in economy. ONTARIO 5111111 - fiAIN CHICK STARTER FRESH CHICK STARTER ECONOMICAL CHICK STARTER YOU CAN RELY ON YOU CAN BE SURE IT'S YOU WILL FIND IT IS THE MOST FOR FASTEST SERVICE FRESHEST FEEDS CALL— Wingham Feed Mill INCLHAM so MADE BY YOUR LOCAL SNUB GAIN FEED SERVICE NMI CANADA PACKERS LIMITED FEED DIVISION GROWING PERIOD CHICK STARTER STARTING PERIOD PRODUCING PERIOD :4( tk • tVA, t LIGHT BREEDS such as Stone's, Demlerchix, True - Lines — All high producing leghorns from famed U.S. blood lines. HEAVY BREEDS—Roe Red X Sussex and Sussex X Red Crosses for larger dual pur- pose birds with remarkable egg records of large eggs. NEW CONCEPT IN CHICK BUYING ROE FARMS buys the finest U.S. Blood lines outright and offers you a wide choice of the best —to fit your job. NO PENALTY PAYMENTS Rom FARMS LIMITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO Write for prices today. PAST ACTION—Some of the hot .action seen when the Goderieh Bantams .defeated Ebeneezer 7-0 for the ehampionShip in the Grey-Bruce Police Association tournament is shown above, Four of the •God.erieb players were caught by the camera as they swarmed in on the.Ebeneezer,gealie.--,-Photo• by Connell. 1 11 I ".."'":1:11111:11 11:1111' . ' AUTO BODY REPAIRS EXPERT AUTO PAINTING From a touch-up to a complete job, we can make-your car look like new again.. BODY REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES. WORK GUARANTEED. FREE ESTIMATES WINGHAM BODY SHOP FOR CAPITAL,, GROWTH, Thvestors, Growth Fund CondiSIS the advantages of 'common stock investment and full-time'protegq- ional management, ADS. Fs of the fund are invested* • wide range -of Canadian .eoms =on stocks selected for lono.toio growth potential. FEATURES; • Automatic, free xe•hwestriteilt. of dividends • Cumulative investment pin* • Variable income plans • Income tax credits. For complete ;nformatiori contaet Thomas A. Jar din Phone 147, Whigham, Out; Emerson Ive1 Phone 331W, Harrislon investorst VOMIith dij de. OF CANADA litik;' Head Office: Winnipeg Offices in Principal Cities Aithoompiswomummiumeammixi Use .Caterpillar To Right Logs, WI ITECHURCH - The Whytoek brothers have been drawing logs from their farm, across George MeGee's farm to the sideroad and then on to Lueltnow mill during the past month. On Thursday, when the snow was soft, Everett Whytoek had a 'big load or logs on the truck and north Of 'Silver .Creit got off the beaten track. The back wheel sank in the snow and the load toppled over against the bank. They had to get a caterpillar to pull the load upright and get the truck on its way again. This was the second load that had sleeved over on the river curves this whi- ter. CHOOSE THE EIGHT BIRD to fit your market I ACCEPT INVITATION FROM WINOHAM W.M.S, WHITECHURCH-- The 'March meeting of the W.M.S„ of Calvin- Brick United Church, was -held last Wednesday at the borne of Mrs. I<enneth Mason with 14/ ladies pre- sent. Mrs. Gordon McBurriey's group was in charge. The theme was "Repent and. Be Forgiven", Mrs. Charles Shiell gave the medi- tation and Mrs. Roy Pattison led in the Scripture message, Mrs. Shiell read an Easter poem. Mrs. Qoultes, reported that the ails.- Sionary for prayer was. Miss Violet Langland of Japan. Mrs. MeBur- ney led in a questionnaire, "What Shall I Give Up for Len .?" and "What Lent Means to Me". Mrs. McBurney had charge of the chapter in the study book on Northern Rhodesia, telling of the industries of the lands and the mines of coal, gold, copper and as- bestos. Mrs. Coultes, president, had charge of the business period,. A letter was read from the London. Conference School for Leaders, telling of the Brussels work shop and an invitation from the W.M.S. of Wingham United Church to at- tend its Thankoffering meeting on April 5th was accepted. Calvin- Brick W.M.S. decided to hold its Thankoffering meeting in the Eas- ter 'holidays and entertain the Mis- sion Band. Mrs. Alex Robertson was appointed to procure a special speaker,' The WM.S. will have a special quilt ready for quilting in two weeks, and Mrs. Taylor, Mrs.• John L. Currie and Mrs. Mina McRitchie were appointed to plan for a quilt for the bale.- Thank you cards were read. The group, Mrs. Mason, Mrs, Taylor, Mrs. Ronald Coultes• and Mrs. John Jamieson served a St. Patrick's birthday luncheon. Mrs. James Mdnnis Hostess to Group WFITTECHURCH— The regular meeting of the W.M.S. of the Pres- byterian Church was held on Wed- nesday at the home of Mrs. James McInnis, with the president, Mrs, Dawson Craig, presiding. She gave the call •to worship and the Scrip- ture lesson was read in unison. Mrs. Craig, in the meditation per- iod, spoke on the trees of the Bible. Mrs. Russell ROSS led in the Glad Tidings prayer. The Thankoffering meeting Will be held on April 19 with Belmore ladies and the United ,Church W.M.S. from here invited and with Mrs. T. E. Kennedy of Bluevale as the special speaker. The roll call was answered by naming a tree from the Bible and its use. Mrs. 'Craig conducted a Bible quiz on trees. Miss Annie Kennedy gave the offertory pray- er. Miss Lila Emerson gave the talk on the highlights of the Glad Tidings and Mrs. Johnston Conn read two poems, "Signposts" and "Hold Me Steady". . Mrs. Craig closed the meeting with. prayer. WHITECHURCH WOMEN TO ATTEND SEAFORTI1 MEETING WHITECITUFtCH— The W.M.S. of the United Church met on Wed- nesday at the home of Mrs. Garnet Farrier with• 14 ladies present. Mrs. .1. D. Beecroft, leader of the south group presided. The theme was "Claims of the Missions". Mrs. E. W. Beecroft read the Scripture message arid Mrs. Martin gave the meditation talk. Mrs. Beecroft gave a short talk on Stewardship. Mrs. John Purdon read a story, "The Empty Tomb". Mrs. James Falconei had charge of the chapter in the Stlidy book, "Old Patterns and Newq, telling of -the great lack of transportation, and the many jobs in cities taken over by the women. Mrs. Charles Martin led in the missionary prayer and Mrs., Falconer played "Far and Near the Fields Are Teeming" and "Wonder- ful Words of Life", on the violin. Mrs. Milian Moore, president, was in charge of the business per- iod, and announced that Rev, H. T. H. Steed of Rothsay, a returned missionary from Angola, Africa, could be present for the Thankof- feting meeting, held on Tuesday, May 11th. The ladies were asked, to contribute used children's clo- thing for the April bale. Mrs. Fal- coner was appointed delegate to the W.M.S. Presbyterial meeting on Thursday at Seaforth, and plans ,were made for two carloads of wo- men to attend. Mrs, Moore closed the meeting with prayer and Mrs. Farrier and Mrs. Gaunt served a fine St. Pat- rick's lunch for the quarterly birthday tea. Brussels visited on Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. William Rintoul. Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Smith, Dwight and Diana of Kitchener visited on Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and'Mrs. Gershom Johns- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robin- son and family of Donnybrook also visited oh Sunday at 'the Johnston• home, after visiting with his mo- ther, Mrs. Charles Robinson, Diag- onal Road,. Wingham. Mr. arid Mrs. Howard Martin and faMily visited on Sunday with het parents, Mr.-and Mrs. Ed Spiel- macher; of Mildmay, and with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schefter, Mildmay. Mr. 'JaltrieS ' Robinson has bee working for the past few weeks for Mr..Harvey Coupiand of Wrox- eter. Mr.' Coupland, because of poor health, is having a sale of his farm and -stock next month. Mr. George Walker and Clarence have both'been laid up with severe attacks of flu during the past week. Mr. and 'Mts. Jasper Snell and children of Westfield visited on Sunday with her Mother, Mrs. E. Dow. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jaynes,, Leonard and 'Roy, and • Jonathan Moore, of Woodstock, spent the. week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore, They al- so visited with Mr. Edward Moore of Lucknow, who is a -patient in Wingham Hospital, suffering from a heart 'condition. Mrs. Cecil. Falconer and Mr. and Mrs, Angus Falconer and children visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffin of Lueknow. Mr. and Mrs. Groskorth and Ka- ren spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Fred Bagg of 'W11- lowda.le, and With relatives at Milli- ken. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bullet of God- erich visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. James Meinnis, Mr. and Mrs. George Stanley of LueltrioW also visited at the McInnis hone on Sunday. Mr. Jelin Beadle, Mr. Joseph Thetripatni and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thompson, and family of titlsons burg visited 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ratan and 'children of Pordwich Visited on Sunday With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11,6bert Montgomery. 11,M find 31 S 1-161`p &thin: bf Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacAdam and family of Belmore visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie. Mr: and `Mrs. Donald ranter and children of Lucknow, Mr. Harold Howald of Oakville and Mr. and Mrs. William Gibson of Ashfield visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher. Mrs. Fisher and her pupils have plan- ned for a euchre at the school this Friday night. Mr. John •Congram of Knox Col- lege, Toronto, had charge of the services in the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft were called to Brucefield on Mon- day because of the illness of her father, Mr. Robert Watson. A good crowd gathered in the memorial hall on Thursday night last and all enjoyed the social time. Miss Marilyn Reid of Mount. Brydges spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reid of Marnoch. Mr. and Mrs. R. 5. White of Ins gersoll visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Cook and Austin visited re- cently 'with Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly at Seaforth. Mrs. Clifford Neville of Straf- fordVille spent a feW days last Week With Mr. and Mrs. William Kennedy at Marnoch. Mrs. Walter Lott spent a feW days last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Orval Newby, of Chesley„ and has been visiting at the hone of her Son, Carl Lott, in Wingham. SIX tables Were• ill play at the WrclYe'e Sdhobi entlire onVriday night. Mrs, Harold Cram~~ and Tommy Hebinsciii held high points and the lucky draw card was held by Cairns .Alteheson. Mr. and Mrs. Mac dautiff of • . , Ashfield and Mr, and .1VIrs.,'Ildbek Ward McClenaghan. We welcome 70 SUITES OF FVRNITURE age Mildmay Furniture Showrooms 011•1•1110•11, Select from about . Also choose a "LOWRY" ELECTRIC ORGAN or a NEW SPINET PIANO MILDM'AY and MOUNT FOREST "HARDING" BROADLOOM CARPET AT SCHUETT'S "CARPET BAR" them.: to .the,eommunity . Mr. W. H„' Thornton of Orillia, . who' has been visiting with his sister, Mrs. Musgrove of Wroxeter, spent the Week-end at the home of his niece, Mrs.. D. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aitcheson and baby son of Lucknow visited on Sunday with 'her mother, Mrs, Dowling. Sid Adams PHONE 746 WINGHAM If you have. a car problem, we have the answer. Trade-Ins Accepted Free Delivery Purdon .attended birthday eele- br'ation' atx the home of Mr. and, Mrs, Richard Curran, St. Helens,. on Sunday, in honor of the second , birthday of Paul Curran. Mr. Herbert Laidlaw was able to leave the Wingham Hospital Thursday last and go to the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Kerr, Bluevale, Miss ,Wilhelmina Smith of Lang- side, spent the week-end at the home of her sister, Mrs. William A, Purdon. Mr. Ronald Coultes and Gary Jamieson were scarletina, victims last week. Mr. John L. Currie has been laid up again 'with' a back injury.. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan have been. under the doctor's care' during :• the week-end, , suffering from flu. `. Mrs. ',We4lings and her brother, Mr. Gillis 'Haines, and Mr. Harry McClenagltan visited on Sunday with Rev. and MrS. W. J. Watt'. Mr. andMrs. Dan Tiffin and. Mr. Jos. Tiffin:. attended the ' reception held for`Mr. and Mrs. Biid McInnis of Kitehener -in. Walkerton on Sat-; urday evening. Tiffin Bros..pro- vided (lie Inusiefor the dancing. . Mrs. ,A16x Inglis .•is. spending two _weeks .:.visiting with Mrs, , Jack' Flannigan, 'of, Toronto. * Miss ''.WaVerley Douglas orWing- ham spent. the Week-end at, the home of .Mr.' and Mrs: William T. Irwin. • Soho& was culled off in S.S.. 10, 'Kinloss, on. Thursday, when several cars were stuck on the hill north of the ,aillage. Mr. and Mrs. DeBroeyn and their family moved last week from Woodstock and are living on the farm they purchased from Mr. Ed-