HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-03-09, Page 10WIN.CRAWFORD TROPHY--A Midland rink won the Harley Crawford Trophy at the annual ladies' bonspiel, staged by the local , Ladies' Curling Club laskyiredaesday. The rink, pietured above, included, left to right,.'Mrs. Elva Barrie; second, Mrs. Dorothy Shaw, vice; Miss Phyllis Bremner, skip; .1-Turley Crawford; who presented the trophy and Mrs. Marg- aret Newton, Acad. The rink 'had three WAS: .and were tied with" a Walkerhparink, but won on, their aggregate of '28.—Advanee-Tirnes. photo. WROXETER Mr. and Mrs, George Gibson, Murray and Glenis spent Sunday' with Mr. and Mrs, Allister .Green,, Goderich. • Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray (nee Shirley ReLdt) who were married Satur- day, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Bradshaw and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reid( visited Mr. Lyle Reich. in Victoria Hospital, London, on Sunday. • - Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ingram,' Roger and Carol Anne of Stratford spent Sunday with the former's parents, • Mr, and Mrs. Richard' Ingram. Mr, .and Mrs. Stewart Musgrove,' Robert-and :Faye called on. 'Mr.' and Mrs. Allister Green, , Goderich, on Sunday. A number from here attended: the "Ice Capades" in Kitchener last week, among whom were Mr. astd 00.0.1111111.0=4IAMPOomo.son.amemermnam...lownwoopemopomo.mmowommwoommo.mwo.wm.0140.0wW7011+..04001.14,m4mm.00.MM GOLDEIT ANNintivErtsmly Buys spEciAL vaLuEs MAR ••112 AND NEW ITEMS FR 1 fFER. SUPER PLENAMINS ,0 to help maintain yoarFamily's Winter Health 9 VITAMINS (including pi) plus LIVER and 12 MINERALS ! ska.f 28-day Supply (28 tablets) '• ‘ ao••••*” with each NOW. 144 REXALL All fdr ', SUPER PLENAMINS TABLETS $7"98 ow 14.day Supply (14 tablets) with each NOW 72 REXALL All for SUPER PLENAMINS TABLETS $4•98 We reserve the right to limit quantity Iva* .. NEW .. NEW N W NEW Z 4 z ....... NEW,.. NEW... NeW PEW INTRODUCING AN AMAZING NEW PROW INTRODUCING AN AMAZING NEW PRODUCT 0 1/Ott/Ming AN AMAZING 0 New Rexall both FOR COUGHS DUE TO COLDS 3 oz. boat $1.49' • Treats toughs due to colds Faster relief for sore chest muscles 4 - Ask your . Druggist for FitE# t motor (I Gram) ir CO Nair t NEW! insorb Liquid Chest Rub IIIRAND.NEIN PRODUCT! 11EXALL HEALING HAND LOTION (with Hincnchlaraphone and Allantoin) • WIN heal :tin irrilalient surface Lk/10'10 • and rough red liandth 4 mune bottle. $ 00 • Restotas softness and smootimais SAVE 77 Reg, 75 Tube STAG SHAVING CREAM with each Reg. 32.00 size i! Bottle STAG .... AFTER SHAVE LOTION —an ideal shaving combination, NOW BOTH fOR $1.98 Reselsr 0Ss size • SACRED* AEROSOL SHAVE CREAM - ounce p ter rvdes4nstant lather Clean, smooth shaves. NOW ONLY 749 T oeueirl AN AMAZIN ,..I" 0 '1.1t.iNG P4 MAZ O T W This' TO Only a partial list of our Anniversary Values over 50 limns in all With $1J10 or over purchase, ask about the GOLD FISH DEAL. C. A + You Serve By Giving • BATTERY • RADIATOR • IGNITION 01.4914' • OIL CHANGE • CARBURETOR • BRAKES LET lUS BEEP YOUR CAR OPERATING EFFICIENTLY! WINGHAM MOTORS Phone 139 Wingham CARD OF ItliA1110 May we express our sincere thanks to those who sent eards and treats to our son Alan, while rte was 'confined to ,hospital; as well as to Dr. ,Corrin and the staff of the Winghain General Hospital., —Mr. and Mrs, George Carter. Oh pressed •his thanks to Councillor Callan for assuming the responsi- bilities of acting mayor .during the past few weeks, Motion for adjournment came at 9.35 p.m. Mao D. Bennett WINOILANI ILJNEVEW Teacher of Theory, Piano, and Organ, Telephone 879 Mrs. A. Nimmo Shows Pictures Of Far East at St. Paul's Tea was rendered by 'Leone Chambers. - The' ehtiptoe. Of • the - study', book on Afrierr .waa ably given - hY.Mrs. Jack %Mof..,ean.,'.. bacrol'..`Cdupiand 'commented on the construction of an African. home, ,•. , • :A-" shamrock contest was eon- dueted by.'Mrs. L. 'Douglas.. • Jean Newton' gave a recitation, "The • Plans- are being •made by the executive"fqr the Easter Thankoff- . .• skingprojeat are being considered. ; The , "Woad 'T./Tends" inagazines were' ;distVibuted '.Eof each •family. Hyinns: 'sung' 'were "Can a' Little Child.' Lige Me". and "When" He. Comoth". The meeting *seri with the Mizpah benediction. siah'1,:.in, English. ' ' / . . . — ' ' Mrs, Bruce Chambers and family, Or. the. 239 Universities in Japan Mr. and Mrs. James Dunbar ' and 16 are Christian and' at the ;Tokyo Gail, Mr, and Mrs. Jack McLean: Academy, there; are 1,900, women and family, Mrs. Mabel MOLean; students showing how far ; reaching Mr. Herb Patterson, Mrs, Charles the.influence of Christianity has McCuteheon, Mrs. Oliver',Riley, °ring meeting :on April 13th; when .- , Misses. ElVa. and Evelyn Hupfer; ,ii'l l 1'11 , i1,16 019'8' a,Pd: W.M.S.".rnem-b een: :Ws... Nfnutio- stressed the need'hf, more missionaries as more Vera' are invited: 'Ideas 'for a Miss Mina; Ball, - Miss Beatrice. Wade, 'Miss Rona yanVelsor,', Misses Margaret Paulin, -Betty; Anne 'and HOnnie Adams,"MrS.: 'Jessie Koch, Mrs. -Herb' PattersOhl. and Miss Hazel Spatting. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen and Miss Barbara of London spent a clay last week with the former's aunt, Mrs. L. Hemphill. .and Mrs. Nimmo Entertain Friends A pleasant social evening was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Nimmo recently when they entertained the ministers of Huron-Maitland Presbytery and their wives. Also present were Rev. and Mrs. Sam Kerr of Exe- ter; Rev, and Mrs. J. a.. MacDon- ald of RoseVille, Mich,,, formerly of ;Ripley and Ashfield and 'Rev. and Mrs. R.- T. A. Marshall of Strathroy, formetly of White, church- There were 31 in titten- cian e:ring ; .the evening the' guests enjoyed seeing; the many pictured of the trip to the Far East that Pr. and Mrs. Nimmo took last No;'•' vernber and December, and hear- ing stories about their visit there, the petiple and their customs, and the work the church is tarrying, out in that part of the world, This was also an evening of farewell as Rev. and Mrs. Wallace McClean of Lucicnow will leave at the end of the month, and Rev, and Mrs. W. B. Mitchell of Kin- cardine will shortly go to Dur- ham. Rev, R. G. MacMillan of Gocletich has ..resigned to accept a position as director of the Huron County Children's Aid -Society. Vingito411 Wfsa West, ritareit 9, 1960 • . . ORIORPORINIBuinizienamiumamezzawse LYCEUM Theatre Wingham, Ontario 'tvo ovws, Eno,. Night. Couniteite- WO 1St 7.15. p.m. „,. . grugation celebrated its 130th anni- TIMM, Vri„. Sat, march 10,414.2 versary. In the evening Dr. Nimmo preaehed at Calvin Church. Dr. and Mrs. Nimmo were week-end guests with Lieutenant-Governor and Mrs. Keiller MacKay at their home in Toronto, • Mrs. James H. Lawson of Montreal arrived on Saturday for an extended visit with her son-in- law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron. Mr. Cameron met impimmumimmummlimigammini her at Mallon. —Mt and Mrs. Mel Keating and family, and Mrs, David Chamney of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Tiffin and. other friends in Wingham on Sunday. —Mr. and Mrs. Ken Downie and family of Penetang spent the week-end with Mrs. William Brydges, and family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Downie. —Mrs. M. 171. VanWyek of Mont- real is visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. VanWyck and Mr. VanWyck. ---F/0 Ray Murray of the RCAF, who has been stationed at Portage La Prairie, spent several days during the past week with his par- grits, Mr. and Mrs. David Murray. He leaves on Thursday for Chat- ham, N.B., where he will be on course. --Little Brian Skinn, seven-year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Skinn, was taken to Victoria Hospital, London on Sunday, where he was under observation, —We arc pleased to report that Mrs, Howard Fuller was able to return home on Friday from Lon- don, where she had been a patient in Victoria Hospital, --Miss Patricia Hall went to Lon- don, on Monday of this week and underwent surgery on Tuesday at 'Victoria Hospital. —Toni Brydges, a student at the University of Western Ontario, London, spent last week at his home here. He returned to London on Sunday. —Mrs, Donald Rae visited over the week-end .with het son,,Robert, Mrs. .Rae .and—fainili: in .44ondo,), and with' her brother, Mr. 'Leslie Grieve, St Thomas. —Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred White are spending a short holiday in the Windsor and Detroit arca.' —Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mills and Miss Jean Mills, who have been in Birmingham, Mich., for , some time, were 'home for the week-end. They returned to 'the States on Sunday. —Friends, in Wingham and dis- trict will be pleased to learn that Bill Young of Hatriston, who is .a patient in the Palmerston Hospital, is progressing nicely. Bill is' still not allowed to. have visitors. —Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Fox visited the Bollingrath .home and gardens at Mobile, Alabama, a couple of weeks—ago. Bellingrath Gardens, famous for one of 'the world's largest camellia collections, mass blooMing azaleas• and year-round beauty, is owned by a non-profit foundation -set up fOr the benefit of three collegessand two churches. . . ---Raymond Merkley 'is a patierit in Vietoria Hospital, London, where he underwent another operation on his •leg on Saturday 'Morning. TO - SEND' RELIEF. DALE ,IN APRIL The W.A. of St. Paul's Church held the annual Donation Tea in the basement,, on Thursday„ noon, 'The, 'meeting opened with the ,V,"A. hymn "The Love of Christ Constraineth", with Mrs. Gorden Davidson at the piano, The president, Mrs. Jensen, gave the Scripture reading and Mrs. C, F. Johnson read the prayers, all join- ing in the W.A. prayer. A very interested group of wo- men followed closely as Mrs. Nim- mo of•St. Andrew's Church showed picinfes and gave a running corn-• mentary on them, In', Dr. Nimmo's capacity as Moderator of the General Assembly of the 'Preabyterian • Chruch in CanSda", 'he, accompanied • by. Mrs. Nininie 'toured the missions of the Presbyterian ;Church in, the far East, • Sailing from, Vancouver they landed,. ,in ,Japan,ivhete they. at-, tended the 'Centennial celebration of the. establishinent of _the Chris- tian *Church in , Japan:, in One place:10,90Q people, 'gathered 'for a service and- a Japanese choir of 200 voices rendered Handel's "Nies- schools. 'ripen' up, and natives.' be-, come nitre anxious 'to learn English and 'adopt 'WeStern WaYs: of' life. Byawisit-to their daughter.„Mrs.. Malcohn.' and ' the George. Malcolm; they were. brought into close personal contact with the missionary work of • Formosa. Many pictures showed, the native customs, the church services and the : rugged terrain over which they must travel to conduct ser- vices, Mrs. Nimmo had on display sou• venirs of her trip including cur- rency of Japan and Formosa, native embroideries and wool carving. Tn conclusion she was warmly thanked; and presented with a small gift, after which tea was served and a social half hour spent, Pancake Supper At St, Paul's Members of the Evening Guild of St. Paul's Anglican Church held then- annual pancake supper on Shrove ,Tuesday with, over 160 people in attendance, The usual Male helpers, 'Herb Fuller, Mike McPhail, Slim Bouch- er, Alvin Higgind, Norm Cronk- wright and Terry Ncthery turned Out to lend a hand and wore quite proficient- in flipping paneakes. Several of the ;young girls of the congregation helped the Guild Members to wait on table, The junior choir members were guests of the Guild. been .arranged by Rev: Anson Moerehouse, and wax deeply im- pressive. . In relinquishing her. office in the Auxiliary, Mrs. O: Struthers .Spoke briefly of the fine fellowship she had experienced .during her short time as a Member of - this soeiety. It was decided invite the. auxitiarieN of Belgrave, Calvin. trick, Whiteehurch and Bluevale at the next meeting on April 4 and jOin in .Easter Thankoffering set. LOCATED IN • Former MUNDY STORE Take Niagara's 20-MINUTE TEST PHONE 290 WINMIAM Red Front • Grocery Phone: Our Prices Are tower • '. Free ,, 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery SAVE 30c Maple Leaf rl'imaed • HAM 1 1/2' lbs. '$1.19 earath. BUTTERMILK BISCUITS \ -,..... --"‘ ----,I --," t "egt"--I. :1\`' k. -.4, , ../.i N '`WE MAKE gem- 1,1:DU Bos.tkE 'EM" SAVE lie L Stolcitly's Pineapple and Grapefruit DRINK 48 oz. — 3 for $1.00 SAVE Sc ; Campbell's TOMATO SOUP 10 oz. — 8 for $1.00 Reg 29c PAY — Save 4c ONLY 25c Mountain Blend. lb. COFFEE (Ground Fresh) 77c Monier Parker's TEA BAGS, 60's (10c OFF) 69c, Holly 20 On. FANCY CREAM CORN . 2 for 39c Holly 20 'or,. FANCY PEAS 2 for 37c , Crulney go oz. CHOICE TOMATOES 2 for 39c • 1 4e' OFF LB. MARGENE MARGARINE 29c Redbird MATCHES .... (pkg. of 3 boxes) 33c Sugar Ripe Large PRUNES lb. 35c Club House MINUTE TAPIOCA 6I/2 oz. 17c Jello 4,i4 on.. LEMON PIE FILLING 2 for 25c Maple Leaf 8 oz. CHEESE SLICES '(3c OFF) ' 29c Schneider's 8 or Sliced BreakfaSt BACON ' 29c Maple Leaf - 2% to 3i lb. average lb. Sweet Pickled COTTAGE ROLL 45t Fancy SPY APPLES 5 lb. cello 39c on Easaakei 470ted I Zigeact So Right for Gifts or Home Use. BRIDGE SETS consisting of a wonderful assortment, luxuriously trimmed and in the loveliest shades you could wish for. Price $3.95 to $6.95 LINEN CLOTHS — Double Damask cloths in the lead- ing popular sizes of proven patterns, 'Priced as low as $9.95 Larger sizes up to $29.50 i GIFT BED SETS — These attractive sets consist of one • sheet and two pillow cases, very beautifully trimmed and displayed in a gift box. Price $9.95 and $10.95 • TEA TOWELS linen or drip dry ....„ from 59c to 98c Vim Famous WABASSO Qualify SHEETS & PILLOW CASES Hemititched or Plain from $6.95 pr. to $9.95 pr. SHEETS PILLOW CASES .„.„from $1,39 pr. to $2.15 pr. FINE QUALITY FITTED SHEETS Twin Bed Size $3.75 each Double Bed size $3.95 each II ▪ Fancy Boxed PILLOW CASES with cut work designs, and embroidered. P.riced .. . .. . ... $2.98 to $3.95 111 EDIGHOFFERS (V" ing ham) Limited fit lilt "r.C11.1it• triatiN01141t STOlit" . . . .— 4111111111111g1111111111111111116111111114111111111111111/11111111111111110111111141111111!SIIMIII*118111S15 Heralds Report for Japan' and India WRQXETER—The March meet- ing of the "Buds of Promise" Mission Band opened with quiet music played, by the pianist, Mrs. H. Durst; The president, Ann Gibson, gave the call to 'worship, after which Stanley 'Ridley read the Scripture and Kaye 'Wright led In prayer, The minutes Were read by the secretary, Leone Chambers. Twen- ty-threeMembers answered the roll call by naming their favourite hymn, Kaye Wright, gave the treasurer's report. ; Murray. Gib- son and. Dale McLean, heralds for Japan and India .both reported for their countries. ' The :offering was taken by Brenda' Townsend and , Shirley Mead and dedicated by the presi- dent. Gary•Chainbers gave a reci- tation ' "A". GayChickadee". A musical selection, 'Laven,der, Blue", • "When the history of ;our age is written, this will not be called the Century of the -Cotniton Man, as Originally christened, but wit surely be remembered as the Cen- Wry of the HOnatleSs Man. That's Why we 'have -World; Refugee Effan, Rem chairman, .International .Committee for World neftigee Teat Sportsmen Outline Continued from Page One, committee, Reeve Roy Adair, said that some painting has been done in the town hall, minor repairs have been made ak the fire hall, and the jail cells in the town hall renovated. Chairman William Burgman of the cemetery committee had some figures on a part of the lowering device in the chapel which will have to be replaced, ,andwas'asked to seek quotations from other com- panies. Ale:alse 'repibited that he and the rem Aaci' spoilt, some. time on the (procurement of additional land for the cemetery,, but that no specific progress has - been made so, far. The Matter will be• dealt with further at. the next meeting. Attend Meeting, Notice Was 'given Of a Meeting to be held in Clinton on Wednes- day when municipalities kir Huron County will 'Mect with officials of the 'Department of Planning and Develepthent on the problems sur- rounding industrial prnspects for this area. Representatives of the ceunell will attend the paceting, Two by-laws were passed, one the routine legislation to 'cover request 'for subsidy on a total of $25,000 in road maintenance and construction expenditures. The Other .by.laW required local police to enforce the regulations of 'the Liquor Control Act and the Liquor Licensing Act Before closing the Meeting Mayor McKinney reported that the town has already .edn'tacted the 'appro- priate dePartMent of tho Ontario Government to seek clarification of the announcement which ap. pettred in the daily press in regard to new forma' of ASSIStanee for „ also , ex. -- The Right Rev. Dr. Alexander Ninon° was the speaker on Sunday at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Toronto, when the eon- , Shirley MaeLaine, David Niven in "ASK ANY fillir highly amusing romanth. comedy. 1..ATINEE SATURDAY AFTER- NOON AT 2.00 p.m. The March meeting of the Wo- man's Missionary Society of the Wingham United Church was held in the school room and was con- ducted by the president, ;Mrs. C. Fingland. It was reported that a bale for home and overseas relief was being prepared to be sent forward in.,April and it was asked that donations be brought to the next meeting. The program was arranged by Mrs. W. J: Greer and the devo- tions centred around the life of St. Paul, Portions of Scripture show- ing his conversion on the Damas- cus road were read by Mrs. W..7. Adams and Mrs. F, Edgar. A brief story of the life, of St. Paul was told by Mrs. Greer. This in- eluded his missionary journey into Europe and the 'consequent spread of the gospel to the Western world, Prayer was offered by Mts. R. Charnney, Mrs. Victor Haines read a paper on Christian citizenship, pointing ,up our responsibilities and obli- gations to the New Canadians who are coming to live among us. The study of Africa was contin- lied and a brief map review shOvv- ed the location of the United Church mission fields in Angola and Northern Rhodesia. Mrs William Crulkshank showed the colored film; "Angola Awakes", which gives in picture an excellent Ontline of the work done by our missionaries and alter dedicated Men and women. it highlighted the great aced for further instrile- tint in :medical care, sanitation and Chriatian education, which Is already •being Carried on by mis- sionaries and natiVe tee.clers This Was followed' by a worship service in the Afriean language Which had U U U UU U I~ 1U ! il : ~lt (i ik i i l{ i i l l li ll l ~ ll l i il ii l f : ~i l a ll i i l li i i tl i ! 1a ll i i lt i ii t l ii l l i U