HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-03-09, Page 8l investo rs OF 'OA4JACIA. 1.1111/tO Head Office: Winnipeg Offices in Principal Cities No matter how you look at it Royal is the finest PHONE 890 Wingham,Ont. Alikailliiiiiiii111101111100111111111110110 Your Royal Niter in Wingham: THE. WINGHAM: ADVANCEINTIMES Women f i am Churches, Funeral Today for Join in Continuous Prayer IOIDEON SPEAKER You're TIRED- ALL THE TIME Now and then. everybody gets a "tired.emt" feeling, and may be bothered by, backaches. Nth4pa, noth. fog seriously wrong, just a temporary condition yanked by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's. the time to take t/odd'a Kidney Pills. Dodd's help, stimulate the, kidneys to relieve this • .cndifion which may-often. cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel. better, re* better, work better. Get Votbra Kidney Ma now. Look fur the Mae .bine with the red band at till drug counters./ on ran depend on Dodd's. co Vismiaumftw000sion", AEI OXTRA $10g000 FOR YOU Let's say you put one dollar a day into an In- vestors plan. These few dollars a week— will grow into $10,000lin jutit twenty years! More than- 110,000 Can- adians are already making their dreams come true through Investors Syndi- cate, and a plan can be tailored to suit your speci- fic needs. Start now to build a substantial cash reserve for - your future. See your Investors Syndicate repre- sentative soon. Thomas A. Jardin Phone 147, Wingliam, Ont. Emerson Ivel Phone 331-W, Harrision A ffiliav0001,011****.amishiNsk Mrs. John S. Craig The Wingham and NVhiteeburch communities were saddened on -Monday, March 7, to learn of the passing of Mrs. John S. .Cralg, of Whitechureh, in the Wineharri Gen- eral Hospital :tter a short illness, She was in her Itst year. Her parents were the late Wil- liam 'Coulter and Janet McGee of West where deceased was horn and had resided in the OA. 1'1 a 1' ver since. was the former Mabel Ceulter, one of a fantiiy of eight elia hen, Three brothers, Willman, Sion. :nut James and a sisrer, Mrs. Jane Thom. pre , &vernier' her, Mrs. ('raig was (alo- e:treat cal Zealand Sehool. Mr. and Mrs. Craig farmed in R'inloss after their marriage. They were married rio years December 29,1959 and eelebrated their golden wedding anniversary at. the home of their-daughter, Mrs. Bob hall, of Wingharn, at that time, Mrs. Craig was a member of Chalmers Presbyterian. Church, Whitechurch, it member of the Ladies' Aid and a life member of Chalmers She is survived by her husband, a son Dawson of Whitechurch and a daughter, Mrs, Robert (Janet) Hall of Wingham. There are two grandsons, Alex and Harvey Craig and three brothers, Frank Coulter of Whitechureh, Alex of London Women of Anglican, Baptist, Presbyterian, Salvation Army and United Church congregations met in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chureh on Friday, 'at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and at 8. o'clock In the evening for the annual. World Day of Prayer. In the afternoon, the service was in charge of the senior missionary societies of these churches. Lead- ers were Miss Cora Gilkinson, Bruce MacLean, Mrs. William Henderson, Mrs. W. J. Greer, Mrs, Henry Jensen. During the period of intercession, prayers were offer- ed by Mrs, A. Nimmo, Mrs. C. Mule, Mrs. S. Newman, Mrs, D. Sinclair and Mrs. W. J. Roulston, A duet "Sweet Hour of Prayer" was sung by' Mrs. Betty ,Eaegan - and Mrs. Jack Day, 'accompanied : by jVf1:S, W. W, -C,furrie, :who was organist for the afternoon service. The ushers were :IVIrs';•IL. Burrell, Mrs. S. Beattie, Mrs. W. H, Gurney and Miss C. Isbister.' • Arrangenients for these services were made by a committee repre- senting the Missionary Societies of the various churches with Mrs. Herbert Fuller as convener. The message at both services was brought by Mrs. D. S. Mae- Naughton and the theme was "Labourers Together with Cod." On each. World Day of Prayer-- the first Friday of Lent,• Christian women all over the world join in. intercession for one another and-- for the world. Prom east to West, from north. to south, from dawn to dark on this .day hearts are up- lifted- in continuous prayer for the needs of mankind, Since the first and George of Winglia.m. The funeral will he held 'this afternoon (Wednesday) at three o'clock from the R. A. Currie & Sons funeral home with interment in Wingham cemetery. Dr. 'Alex- ander Nimmo will officiate and the pallbearers will he Albert Patter- son, John Gaunt, Alex . Coulter, Charles Coulter, Wilbert•Thom and John Craig.. World Day of Prayer improved systems of communication have brought us all closer together. For the third time in 30 years the theme has been chosen this year by the women of Canada. Canadian women have been given much, and therefore much will be required of them. Their prayers and gifts will servo Co strengthen the hands of those in other lands. Mrs,. MaeNaughtort said that the season of Lent gives time for reflection, Let us ask, "Are we truly labourers together with God? Have we the necessary qualities for this high calling?" St. Paul points to these in ist Corinthians 13:13, faith, hope, love. an closing, Mrs. MAel\lauglitou reminded her hearers of the pro- mise of Jesus "Lc), I am with you always", and called upon each wo- man to redediente her life to God's service, and to eullivate faith, hope and love in order to enter into and further God's plan fur the world. Mrs. Gordon Davidson was or• ganist at the evening service and the 0,(1.1.T. choh. sang, "Fairest Lord Jesus". The leaders were Mrs, Len I'hillips, Mrs. Gary Gib- son, Mrs. Anne MeNivin, Mrs, Chas. Dwight:I and MI's, Miller Davis. Mrs, Lev Balser, Major Margaret Wheeler, Mrs, Prank Collar and Miss Phyllis Johns .offered prayer and the ushers trove members of the C1.0.1.T„ Mn.ry Helen Thomp . son and Freda. Lott. Honored by Firm Mrs. John Cl. Anderson was .en- tertained at a luncheon in the King -Edward Hotel, Toronto, on Feb 25, the occasion being her 25th an- niversary with Shell Oil Company of Canada Limited. Shp was pre- sented with. a beautiful wrist watch and Shell pin, Mrs. Anderson is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mac- Gregor and attended high school and business college here. Letters Read from Formosa and India The March 1st meeting, of St.. Andrew's Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society was opened by the president, Miss C. Gilkinson, reading a poem, "Our Daily Task". The Seriptgre lesson was read by Mrs. John Pollock, who, in a medi- tation on the .passage counselled members to use their time, skill and money generously in the Mas- ter's service. Prayers were of- fered' by Miss H. Wilson and Mrs. E. WelwoOd,' "Changing Ways of Life in Af- rica" was the topic for the meet- ing and was in charge of Miss M. Walsh, assisted by Mrs. A. Ho- ninth,' Mrs. T. C. King and Mrs. W. E. Ford. With the rapid in- dustrialization of Africa, there is a rush from tribal life to urban centres. Much of the labour is un- skilled and the work seasonal; this results in a high transient popu- lation with its attendant upset in family life, The Church is faced with the problem of following these migrants with Christian ser- viee, housing and education in an effort to keep families together, Tine political structure is based on racial lines, Interesting letters from 'Formosa and India were read. Arrange- ments were made for the Easter Thankoffering meeting on Match 2fah, at which Mrs. Nimmo will be the speaker and 'Mrs. 1:), Rae clos- ed the meeting with prayer. WHITECHURCH Mrs. R, .1. Currie and Mr. and IVIifs, Robert Gibson of Port Elgin, spent the week-end with Miss Marjorie Currie at London, Mr. Lawrence 'Taylor was laid up last week after being struck on the left side of his hack by a falling limb of a tree, when the men were working in the hush, He was badly bruised but no bones were broken. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Watt of Toronto visited on Wednesday- with his 'parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Watt and Mr. Archie Watt of To- ronto spent the week-end here With his parents. W1ROXETER Mr. and. Mrs, IIiehard Griffith and Mr. Allan Griffith spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Elliott and family attended the golden wed- ding anniversary of Mrs. 'Elliott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber of Harriston in Mount Forest last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Maurice }Miser, ListoWel, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Clark, Mr.' and Mrs. Carl Griffith, Wing- ham, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith. Friends of Mrs, Wilfred Brown will' be sorry to learn she is con- fined to hospital, having under- gone surgery. Friends of Mrs. George Griffith will be pleased to learn she was able to return home last week from St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where she had undergone eye surgery, Teacher and Pupils Sponsor Euchre WHITECHURCI-T. -- Six tables of euchre were in play last Wed- nesday evening at the euchre in Fordyce School sponsored by the teacher, Mrs, Fisher, and the pupils, Mrs. Walter Lott and Mr, Albert Patterson held high points, and Mrs. Thomas O'Malley and Cairns Aitcheson held low points. The travelling prize for euchre was won by Mrs. Fisher and Thomas 1<'J RSOIlTAT;, PENSION POUCIPS, ASSU1317. COMIAMV3IM wrxwmaINT Consult. FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT.. Phone 462 CEIP4 TAKES TIM guesswork o-ut of CRICK at less cost TO YOU TZ O' rARMS now bring in top blood' lines fromp.S.A.,such as STONE'S, DEMLERCHIX, TRUE-LINES. Prove them under Canadian condi-. tions and offer you a selection of the best. NO PENALTY PAYMENTS Be safe, sure with ROE CROSSES at big savings Write for Ti terature awl prices FARMS LIMITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO rage tight Wioghoan Attv MU. MILLER SPEAKS AT HAY OF PRAYER WROXETER — The Women's World Day of Prayer was observed on Friday afternoon by a service in 'the school room of the Wrox- eter United Church, which 30 wo- men of the community attended, Quiet music, with Mrs. Doig at -the piano, and the call to wor- ship by Mrs, K. Edgar, president of th.e W.M.S., brought the meet- ing to order, Representatives of the other church groups assisting in leading the service 'were Mrs. Charles MeCuteheon, president of the W..A.,; Mrs, D. Statia, president of the Starlight Group and the C.G.I,T, president, Mrs, L, McGee. 'Scripture passages were read by Mrs. George Gibson and Mrs. K. McMichael and prayers were offer- ed by Mrs. S. Higgins, Mrs. G. Gibson, Mrs. W. A. Gathers. Mrs. J. Sanderson and Mrs. V. Clark. Mrs, Archie. Miller prepared and presented a fine address, the theme of which was "Labourers Together with God" In which 'she stated that the mother in the home, the doctor, the missionary, as well as the farmer, must be co-workers with: Clod, and that each should never forget it is a privilege not to be overlooked, Mrs, Charles McCuteheon favour- ed with a vocal solo, "Beautiful Garden of Prayer" and was accom- panied . at the piano by Mrs. H. Coupland, The offering was received and presented by Mrs, FL Wylie and Mrs. William Wright. AT UNITED CHURCH In W nghain United Church on 'Sunday morning C. R. Roberts of Kitchener, field secretary for Eas- tern Canada for the Gideons, pre- sented the work of that organiza- tion to a, large congregation. He spoke from Ezekiel 3:17, "I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel," saying that God's watchman is the Bible, found In hospitals, hotel rooms, penal in- stitutions, schOols, among the armed services and many other places, placed by the Cideons. There are 47 established Gideon camps 'for the distribution of Bibles and they believe that this has been the answer to spreading the gos- pel to countless millions .where the missionary has not penetrated. Mr. Roberts showed the set-up of me- morial 'Bibles which may be sent to the funeral home in time of be- reavement and then forwarded to some designated institution. The Scripture lesson was read by jack Currie, secretary of the Gideon Camp for Wingham and the minister of the (howl), Rev, T, G. TInsmer, conducted the service, iminuminsiniimmaninliimminominammunsimmixamiemiiiiisisinmosy n p. 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