HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-03-09, Page 7Illy. and Mrs. Harry Weber, Ult. 3, Hare-Selene who recently
celebrated their 50th wedding atunversary.
GRour40!etooft: couple,: iS"..1
• A a°. lbasessist ass.dithig,
• •••-....
swimming pool committee has been studying two (Mena.
five projects, either of which could provide a pool for
this community. Above are the general plans for a pro.
posed community centre which would contain a heated
swimming pool. dressing rooms, washroomS, etc., on the
ground floor and auditorium, kitchen, washrooms, etc., on
the second floor. If this type of community centre were
erected it is expected that the cost would be about $75,-
000, as opposed to about $35,000 for an outdoor pool only.
abliattrt tarnto
WINtiliAM, °Isamu°, wzion*D4y, MARCH We 1060
•Joe D unbar
LAG. and Mrs. Fred Thompson
and Benny of Exeter spent a few
days with her parents, Mr and
Mts. Gordon Macrhersoll, before
leaving for a- two-metes' holiday
frat Trail, B.C.
The name of Mr, William Forster
was one drawn from. those of the
milk patrons of the TeesWater
Creamery on CKNX television on
Friday evening. Me Forster will
receive an amount equal to three-
quarters of his last pay cheque.
Fifty persons of the community,
including Mrs. Jaelt Fisher and
pepils of the St. Helen's School,
enjoyed the Ice Capaties at.Kitch-
Mier on Saturday afternoon. They
travelled via Allan, Reed's bus.
Mr. Ivan efeQuillin of Elmira
and Mr. Barry McQueen of Leath-
eimi were home for the week-end.
The ladies are reminded of the
meeting of the Women's Institute
this (Thursday) afternoon at. 3
o'clock, Mrs. Lorne Webb of Gotha
each will be the guest speaker.
Mies Wilhemina Smith of Lang-
side was the week-end guest, of
Oise Gladys McDonald.
Mr. Roy Hawley of Oshawa was
a week-old visitor at the home
of it'll`, and Mrs. Lorne Wood,
Miss Donna Woods returned 'to
het duties as student nurse at the
Kiteherier-Waterloo Heepital ;On
,Sunday after a two weeks" vacation
lit rei' einem here.
Day of Prayer
At Green Home
ST. HELENS—Because of fitness
in the ctimmunity only 12 ladies
were in attendance at the World
Day of Prayer service held at the
home of Mrs. H. be Green pit Fri-
day afternoon,
The theMe of the interesting
and inspiring service was "Labour-
ers Together with aloe" and the
leaders were Miss W. D. Ruther-
ford, Mrs, Joint 'Cameron, MM. W.
Miller and Mrs, Green. Scrip-
ture lessons were react by Mrs. G.
MacPherson and Mrs. Lorne Der-'.
tan and prayers were offered by
Mrs. S. deBoer, Mrs, Demi/1,41m
W. A. Miller, Mrs, C. McDonald,
Mrs. Green, Mee tensile McQuillin
and 'Rev. B. V. Green. Mrs. W.
Bice favoured with a esolo ""Peach
Me to Pray, 'LOW aed Mr; Green
gave a short address in keeping
With the theme.
At the conclusion a pleasant
'social hoer was enjoyed with lunch_
'served by Mrs. Rice and Mrs.
W. G. Humehtee.
Women's Ins/Rule
Sponsors Dance •
BLUEVALE---The Women's in-
'dente sponsored a very enjoyable
dance hi the Bluevale community
hall on March 4th when there was
a large attendance.
Farrier's Orchestra supplied the
Music and a lunch counter provid-
ed refreshments.
BLUIVALE --,, The quarterly
meeting's of the women's organize-
tines of Knox Presbyterian Church
were held in the (hutch on Mar.
2nd. Mrs, (Renate' 'lemmas, pre-
sident of the WeVI.S., opened the
meeting with the eat' to worship
and the reading of a Verse, "Search-
ing for' God". 1Prayet :in' unison
followed, The Scripture aitd com-
ments were giVen 'by Mrs. William
The :minutes and tteasureee re-
port Were adopted. 'Mrs. Eldon
Kirten had charge of the study per-
loci on Atrlea. Tt was given in
three parts. Mrs, natal() Grant
spoke on Customs at Old Africa,
Mrs. Eldred Nichol.' he Afticae
Culture and Revolutions and. Mrs:
E. RirtOtt ott The NOW Age of
Communleatione in Africa:, The
program was very interesting arid
much enjoyed.
A. hymn, and neettyee by the pee-
sieeet cipsed pie Meeting. •
Mrs. Harry lelliett, president of
the Ladles' Aid, artaided at the
meeting, opening With Scripture
reading and prayer by Mrs. T. el
Kenn city.
Two items of 'business. Were dis-
missed, The play, "The Pink
Ladye, to be given on Metall 11th
in Biuevale edeatteleity epee-
eered by the Bluevale Circle, was
arranged for, aleng with leetd
ing of the Women's Missionary
Society of Knox Presbyterian
Church was held on Tuesday of
last week at the home of Mrs. J.
Young, with a good attendance.
The president, Mrs. Joe Dunbar,
presided and opened the meeting
with a short reading, "Searching
for God", followed by repeating the
23rd, Psalm lii unison,- The Scrip-
ture reading was given by Mrs.
Yletor Youngblue and Mrs.' Bud
Ort led in prayer,
The minutes of the Febrilary
meeting 'were given by Mrs. 0, G.
Anderson and Mts. Victor Young-
blot reported the financial state-
meet. Plans were' made for the
WOrkl• Day, of Prayer and for the
Easter Thalatoffering meeting. Vire
its do sick 'and slnit-411s were re.
ported. The toll tall was 'answered
with- a. verse of'eripture froth
the church calendar. Offering was
received and dedieated.
Mrs. toe Dunbar had the topic
frohi the, stony book, "Cultural
volution" and "Christian Manta.
lion" in Attica. A, review of the
March Glad Tidings was given by
Mrs. 'Garner Nicholson and Mrs.
Clifford Portion closed the meet-
lug with. the Glad nano pteyea
numbers. aerie 201.1). was the date
suggested, for the :congregational
garden party.
Prayer by the president ("keeled.
ed. the Meeting,
*a axr4 Mre. Goidie Wheeler
eeld family of London vieited olt
Sunday With. Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wightman
had 'family visited on Saturday
with her mother, Mrs, Annie Rae
at Wroxeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Arm Lamont anti
Weedy visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs: .Stewart Cloakey anti
family, Brussels, R.R. 4 and with
Mr. -and Mrs. Bert Honking,
Mr. and Mr;; Bill Manning and
Mr. and Mrs. John Manning. of
Berth, and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Orr
visited on Sunday with Mr. anti
Mrs. Ralph McCrea,
Mr. and Mrs Clarerice Berea
anti Mrs. George Johnston visited
on Sunday with. Mrs. Mac Johnston
and George, on the occasion of
George's birthday,
Mr. Herb Wheeler field Mr, Ray
White were able to return to their
homes last week after being
patients In the Winghem General
Mr. ,Stewart Procter and Mr.
Gordon Higgins attended t Re
Shorthorn bull sale held in Toronto
on March 3rd. Mr. Biggins pur-
chased a testae bull consigeed by
-Thomas 'Webster of Auburn.
William Messer Was
Pharmacy Graduate
BLUEVALE—'Willlern McKenzie
Messer died in London oh March
eth iu his 83rd yeae. Mr, Messer
was born in Bluevale, the sou of
the late Mr. and Mrs. William
Messer. tie attended Bluevale
Pelee.: School and Listowel
School anti served an apprentice,
ship in the 'Williams Drug Store,
Wrigham, graduating from the To-
tonto College of Pharmacy. lee
located in London and 'for many
years was a representative of the
Parke Davis' drug company.
He is survived by his wife, Ma-
bel' Sutherland Messer, one son,
William Grant, of Pickering, and
a daughter, Mrs. J. R. :Demi (Shir-
ley) of Toronto. One brother and
four sisters predeceased him.
The late Mrs. Harold Pilkey
(Cora Messer), of London, was a
sister, and. R. E. McKinney of
Wingham is a. cousin.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Hoffman
and Bobby, of ..leeetee, were Sun-
eititre ateliers " with Mr. and • Mrs.
C. B. Hoffman.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan White and
children of Clifford visited Mr. and
Mrs, Joseph Horton on Sunday.
Mr. and MM. Earl King and Mr.
and Mrs. Arnold billow attended
the. Ice Capadee in Kitchener on
Mr, and Mrs. Lou Hutton and
children of Wingham spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tay-
lor and family.
Bert and Albert Hertug, of Sud-
bury, and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Here
tog and family of Hamilton were
week-end visitors with Mrs. Bert
Day ;of Prayer
At United Church
RTHEVALE-- Women of Renal
Presbyterian Church mid the Un-
ited 4.1therch joined in a commun-
ity service 'to observe the 'World
Day of Prayer on Friday after-
noon, The service was held in the
United Church. Mrs. T. E. Ken-
nedy was the speaker and she en-
larged on the theme, "Laborers
together 'with God", stressing the
pert that each should play in the
work of the kingdom.
Mrs. Bernard Thomas, president
of the W.M.S. of Knox Church and
Mrs, Milton Fraser, president of
the . of the United Church,
were the leaders. Scripture read-
ings were given by Mrs. Spading
Johnston and Mrs. Joseph Horton
and prayers by Mrs. H. J. 'Mc-
Murray and Mrs. B. H. Moffatt.
Mrs, Walter Willits sang a solo
and Mrs. Cart Johnston was organ-
BLUEVALE-- The class which
recently undertook the making of
lampshades, sponsored by the
Bluevale 'Women's Institute, at-
tended Achievement Day in Clin-
ton on March Sad. The leaders,
Mrs, ;dos, Horton and Aire. Alex
Corrigan and Mrs. W. J. Poem*,
Mrs. Spat•ling Johnston, Mrs. Stan-
ley Darling and Miss 'Dorothy
leteentiWay attended, taking lamp
shades for exhibit.
AIM. Corrigan commented on
the greup's 'exhibit and Mrs. Hor-
ton spoke en"experiences in the
Work. The lamps shown 'by the
various groups were all lighted,
Making a pretty glow,
BeeetteRAVE—The regular meet,
lugs of the Woman's Missionary
Society and the Woriteree Aeeectee
lion of Knox United Church Were
held oil Wednesday afternoon in
the female Mrs. Leslie Belt was
in charge of the W.A. meeting.
Minutes were read, by Mrs. Jack
Taylor anti 'Mrs. J. Coulter gave
the finenciai statement showing
balance on Ilene: of $1184.2e, Mrs.
Clifford Logan gave an extensive
report for the manse committee
ou the work to he done there. The
roll call was answered with a verse
of 'Scripture.
Mrs. William Black anti Mrs.
Jack Taylor were In charge of the
short devotions! period.
Mrs. Walter Scott °teem(' the
W.M.S. meeting with a. !arum. Min-
utes of the last meeting were reed
by Mrs. Wiillard Armstrong. Mrs.
George Martin gave the financial •
statement and the offering was
received and dedicated. Members
were reminded to save old stamps
as these can be used to purchase
Mrs. Earl Anderson and Mrs.
Kenneth Wheeler were named as
delegates to Huron Presbyterial,
on March 24th in Seaforth United
Church. It was announced that
inn 1e59 Huron did not meet the
allocation and $550.00 more Will be
needed this year, making an aver-
age of $10.30 for each member.
The fifth line group 'was in
charge of the study period on
Rhodesia, with the red call being
answered with a, missionary-or
Christian worker in Rhodesia. Mrs.
Bolt told of the climate and farm-
ing methods, Mrs Williard Arm-
strong told about life in the cop-
per belt and mining. Mrs. George
Martin explained a church service
there, Mrs. Earl Anderson gave an
account of the missionaries and
their work, and Mrs. E. Leslie.
told about the fleet Impressions of,
The meeting closed with a 'hymn
and the Mizpali benediction.
Mrs. E. Wightman
Addresses Women
BELGRAYE---The World Day
of Prayer services were .,held in
Knox Presbyterian Church on
Friday afternoon with a fair num-
ber in attendance.
The three presidents of-the three
different church organizations
were .dun eleargeleaeles. chin .• Vele
Camp, Ladles' Guild, Trinity Angli-
can; Mrs. Walter. Scott, Woman's
Missionary Society, Knox -Welted'
and Mrs, Joe Dunbar of the Wo-'
men's Missionary Society, Knox
Presbyterian Church.
Mee. 'William Brydges sang a
solo, "lify Task" accompanied by
Mrs. Laeerence Yannan,
The theme of the. meeting,
"Labourers' Together with , God"
was taken by Mrs, Edgar Wight'
BELGRAVE—The annual meet-
ing of Morris Township Federation
of Agriculture was held on 'Thurs-
day evening in the Foresters' Hail
commencing with a dinner pre-
pared by the Ladles of 'Trinity
Church Guild. The president, Ross
Smith called the meeting to order
and grace was said by Earl Ander-
Following the dinner, the presi-
dein introduced the members of
the head table, and gave a short
address, stating that last year new
concession signs had been placed
by the 'Federation and a survey
for brucellosis had been made. A
possible project for this year is a
park site in the township. Iie also
announced that 38 boys and girls
had completed a club project in
the past year.
Tim secretary-treasurer, Load
Anderson, read the financial state-
men,- which showed a balance of
$381,40. Stanley Hopper expressed
thanks to the ladies for the excel-
lent dinner,
The program took the form of a
panel discussing Hog Marketing,
Douglee agrieultetal repro-
'tentative for Huron was the nto-
tierator, Members of the panel
included, :Frank Nesbitt, iilyth,
elialtinmi of the Farmers 'Union;
Arnold tearreele Clifford, member
of tile Free tinteretise Livestock
Marketing system; Eldred Aiken,
Allenfotd, member of the Hoard
of Hog Ptedueers Association; and
Bill Oswald, (Mosley, secretary Of
.Bruce Federation of Agriculture.
Each member of the panel gave.
a, elk minute talk about time organ-
ization they were, toptesenting.
Following this, 'questions were
asked front the flow' and theft
wee Softie lively discussion between
tele audience and the panel Mem-
Doug Miles, euirening up at Lhe
Belgrave Co.Op
Social Evening
BELGRAVE—There was a goad
turnout en, Friday evening to the
ForestersHall when the Belgrave
Co-Operative sponsored a care
party and social evening,
Tkere were 15 tables of euchre
and lost heir, and high prizes for
euchre were won by Mr. and Mrs.
Hereon Irwin, Consolation prize,-
went to Kenneth Black and C. R
Coultes. (playing a lady's card).
High prizes, for lost heir were
won Mrs. James Michie an.'.
Georg.aleeeele. Consolation 'prize
wens; ;to 'Lewis' Cook and Donalt
Vincent: .Door prizes were won by
Donald Vincent, Lewis Stone
house' aria Beeson Irwin.
Bill Gordon of 'Guelph, U.C.0
representative for 'Petroleum pro
ducts, was present and gave a fey
remarks stating that the Beigravt
Co-Op was having tanks installed
some •pf , which are already here
to handle-- fuel - Oil, furnace' oil,
stove—oil, and gasoline. A nee
truck will .suen arrive to euppl,
theseeproduets to the farmers.
A lunch of donuts and coffe
was enjoyed by everyOne.
BELGRAV11.----The regular meet
lug 'of the ili-C group of yeuni
people': Wee held ore Sunday even
ing iii tine :church, opening with
sing4eg ,Led' by Muriel Coultes
The Mintitee of the last. meetin;
werelead by the secretary, born.
Bolt:Ara She also gave the rol
ealt. e beneren Robinson gave tin
treasur'er's report.
P'lan's were made fur tobuega,•
Peeler tee held in „ 'the nee
fature, Murraye- thiells geVe th
call t& AV4lisAlp followed by a hymn.
Rene:Cakes read the Scripture
lesson awe Murray teed a store
about the meaning of Easter. The
offering was received by Camerop'_
Robinson and was dedicated.
Tim meeting closed with prayer
by iKen Coulter and the singing
of a hyena. The members divided
into four groups and made plans
for topics for future meetings.
Best Performers
At. Drama Festival
BELGRAVE—The Huron Latina
beanie Festival was held in Sea
forth on Friday with 'Exeter ant
North Huron the only two club
competing. North Huron Won tin
contest with their entry, "The Pint
Dress". The ExetPr entry wa
entitled 'rite Storm".
The best actor named was Jin
S.owinan of North Huron and tin
best actress was Miss Ruth Proc
for, also of North Huron club.
last of the discussion, stated that
If and when a vote is called it
will be to decide how the hog
growers want their hogs marketed.
He urged every member to vote.
Cad Hemingway was chairman
Lot the election of officers result-
ing as rams: President, Ross
Smith; vice presilent Stanley
Hopper; directors; boundary north,
Tom Henderson; con. 1, lien John-
ston; 2, Bed Garniss; 3, Joe Black;
4, Ted Peat; 5, Robert Granby; 6,
Glee Smith; 7, Bert Fear; 2, Ken
McDonald; 0, Mervin Richnunat
County directors named were;
Hog Producer, R, II. Coeltee and
Albert Bacon; Poultry Producer,
Robert 'Procter end 'Louis Phelan;
(-Veal)). Producer, Richard Ptoeter
and Glen Sellers; Beef Producer,
till Elston and Don Craig; Lady
tMreetor, Mrs. Bert Garniss. Au-
ditor, George Martin,
WROXETER — Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Weber, R R. 3, Hareiston,
celebrated their 50th wedding an-
niversary with a, family dinner at
St. John's Lutheran Church, Mount
i were married March 2, 1910,
at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs, R. Roluff, of Nor-
nanby Township,
Seventeen years after their mar-
riage they moved from Normanby
Township to Concession 6, 'Mint°
Township, where they still farm.
Mr. Weber is a son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Weber, of
Normanby, in a family of nine bro-
thers 'and three „sisters. •
Attending the anniversary cele-
bration were the couple's three
sons, Norman, of Harriston; Albert
and William, of Min to Township;
and six daughters, itkare. William
(Alma) Dowling, of Mount Forest;
Mrs. Douglas (Gladys) Greerevoott.
of Minto Township; Mrs, Harold
:Marie) Mallett, of PalMerston;
IVIre, Lloyd (Verna.) :Elliott, of
Nroxeter; Mrs. Gordon (Ruth) Me-
. . at,,,Kelaworti-0,.5** atteet
(Helen) Gasoline of
There are 23 grancichildreit
Friends anti neighbours prase/AO
he couple with stew-table and gold
iushion, mre. Roy Mee:,•aehern and
Um, Robert Sinclair made the
Mrs. Harold Burrell of Wilighem
'resided for a varied program of
skits, demonstrations . and songs
last Wednesday afternoon 'the
Clinton Legion Hall, when the On-
tario Department of Agelcultnee
held Summary Day, a local leadet
training school program, The topio
was "Old Lames for New". About
150 were in attendance.
Miss Jean Armour, home furnish.,
lags eraciallet, who conducted the
training schools last October, pre-
sented badges to the leaders as the
roll call was read.
Miss Bette Tillman. home econo-
mist, introduced Miss Helen Mc-
Kerchee, director of the home
economies service and D. G. Grieve,
associate agricultural representa-
tive for Huron, They both express-
ed their interest and best wishes to
the group
Many ideas- for lamp shades were
presented during the afternoon.
Leaders froin this area who Attend=
ad were Mrs 3. Horton and Mrs.
A. 'Corrigan, of Bluevale; Mrs. T.
Lawlor and Mrs. G. L'obie, Auburn;
Mrs, W. Brown and Mrs. C. Blake,
Dungannon; Mrs. C. Craig and
Mrs. el. Riehardie leordwich; Mrs,
R. Adams and Mrs. W. Peel, Gor-
de; Mrs. H. Burrell and Miss
Murray, of Wingham.
Club 20 Meets
BELGRAVE—Ml's. Roes Ander-
son and Kenneth Wheeler Were
the high prize winners at Club "20",
which was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Michie. Con-
solation prizes event to Mrs. Geo.
Johnston and George Martin. A
lunch was served.
Weekly Euchre
BEnufm.vp;_-mr8_ Grant Elliott
and Stanley Cook were the novelty
prize winners at the weekly euchre
held en Weattesetty 'evening in the
communita centre. There were 9
['dike in play and high prIzee Weft
won by Mrs. Cora McGill and Lew-,
is Cook, Consolation prizes Went
to Mrs. Bert Vincent and Gordon