HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-03-09, Page 2in 1 EEN YEARS AGO Winglmat Branch No, 180, Ca- nadian Legion, B.10S.L., has pur- chased the Stevenson house, corner of Centre and John Streets and will make the necessary interior changes to adapt for use as Legion quarters, Congratulations to Miss Mary IFIlizaheth lvfelkibbon, who last Week graduated as a nurse at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, Miss MeItibbon is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, A, IVraKibbou ' after which she will report for duty at Western Roapital, Toronto, Where she has accepted a position*, W/O Norman Welwood, sbn of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Welwifiod of Whitechurch, has Spent three birthdays in a German prison camp. Norman's birthday was on Saturday last. Prior 'to enlistment Norman worked at Huron Motors. Harvey Bryans -has been invalided hoMe after serving in Italy to'r twelve Months„ He is now befog held for treatment in Montreal and it was front, that city that he telephoned his Wife to acquaint her with the 'fad of his safe arrival of which she had been notified some weeks ago to expect. His wife, the farrier Cara, belle 'Dickson of Iningantion, has been the school teacher at, Shep- patdtum since last SototIbm Mrs, Jas. Roherthon ,of LoWer Wingham: picked a 'beautiful bou- quet of Parititita froze her garden on Sunday, lort.E....KorpEN• pitAxttot, The story of Martha a n Mary as record- ed in Price 10 is a very familiar one. It is often quoted to show what our duties should be and to point out the importance e, r Putting first things first. Mary deserved the commendation Christ gave her, when He said "she had chosen that good part which would not be taken from her." There are many such people who shall receive the same vommenda- Lion. But what of the Marthas who Lou daily in the kitchen preparing and serving food for all the fam- ily? Too few .of us realize the im- 'portant place they fill wand how Often they are forgotten. There is a beautiful. poem by Mara Monkeys which she calls "The Kitchen Prayer" which pays tribute to all the Marthas of the world: 'Cord of all pots and pans and things, since I've not time to he A stiint shy doing lovely things or watching' late with Thee, Or dreaming in the dawn light or storming Heaven's gates, was as follows: "Fiettatise they were eheerftti. when it was difficult to be cheerful; patient when it, was dif- field', to be patient; and herause they pushed on when they wanted to he still; and kept silent when they wanted to 'talk, and were agreeable when they wanted to be disagreeable. That, was all. IL was quite simple and always will be." We have all set,n, saints made of plaster or bronze. Thi,q kind look down from pedestals and .have no part ,in the work and sufferings and struggles of the world. The living saints which all want to see . are those ;who spend their time it the kitchen, the field, the factory, and the school room, or wherever the day's work is to be done, and •. doing it "not with eye service as men pleasers but in simpleness of heart, fearing God." . When Paul wrote the Epistle to the Romans he spoke of them as "called to be saints" and then pro- ceeded to tell them how. Christ. said "I came not Lo he• ministered • unto but to minister." Are not the .Words of the one who wrote "The 1-Critelunt Prayer" endeavoring td make us do likewise when we pray "Thou who adst love to give men food, in room or by the sea, Accept this 'service that do; I do, it unto Thee." Make rile a saint by getting, meals and washing up the plates. "Although must have Martha's hands, I have a Mary mind And when I black the boots and shoes, Thy sandals, Lord, I find, .1 think of bow they trod the earth, what time I scrub the floor Aceept Ibis meditation, - Lord, haven't time for more. "Warm all the kitchen with Thy love, and light it with Thy peace; Forgive me all my worrying, and matte my grumbling cease. Thou who ditist love to give men food, in room or by the sea, Accept this service that I do, I do untoit Thee," This is, I think a 'beautiful prayer filled with humility as all prayers should he. It has in it also that faith which recognizes all honest work as unto Vim who said that we were to "do all to the Glory of ()tat'. When we can truly pray this kitchen prayer we possess many of those qualities which make true and faithful Christians; when we can perform the common tasks of everyday life with an uncommon Christian. spirit. Someone has asked "Why were the saints, saints?" and the answer It took .a lot 'of planning, but wangled a 30-hour leave the other week-end. It was the first time in about two years that Pd been off the reserve without the family hanging around my neck like an albatross, 111, was nicely accomplished, if I do say it. I had to see a man in the city about a deal. Being an old and entitling husband, I let on to the family that I could see. my Innn any week-end. This lulled. my wife into a false sense of security, and she started planning our week:-end in. the city. --v—v--- Waiting until conditions were ideal, I struck. She didn't have her hair done, one of the kids had a cold, and our favourite baby-sitter wasn't available. So I arrived home from work on Thursday looking depressed, told her I'd just had a phone 'eall from my man, that he was leaving on Mon- day for a month in the west, that I had to ga ;clOwn the next day or the deal was off, and wasn't it a shame, Rho couldn't do much but itiatn me to go. I protested that it wouldn't be any fun: going..alone. "You go on, now", she pressed, "it's important and anyway Would- n't you, like to get away from ns till for a day?" That's like-asking an alcoholic whether he'd like a drink. Tint I was smart enough to protest enough to keep her on the offensive until she got a little their farm in: Ashfield, Mr. Gra- ham's nephew, Norman. Mahood of Kincardine, is • assisting him. The Sunday Schools of St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church. St, Paul's Anglican and the Baptist Church held their annual skating party on, Friday night. Folldwing the skating all gathered in - the Sunday School room of St, An- drew's Church where. a ,program Was ,givcii,,wititi as chairman, The Presbyterian' Orchestra rendered several selec- tions, George Henderson sang 11, solo accompanied at the piano by Teta Reid and the Rintoul brothel's gave a guitar duet. Rev. Kenneth MacLean welcomed the guests and Rev. E. L, Roberts told of his first experience al; skating, 0 - 0 - 0 . 0 - 0 - twENtry-InvE TEARS AGO The Winners of the weekly crib- bage tournament in the Legion rooms on Monday evening were Prank ;Paw 1170; 11, Kennedy, P, Skeates, 1104, The prize for the lucky draw Went to .T. on Wednesday night of last Week Miss Laura Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Clark, was seriously injured While skating. 'tile fell raid injured the back of her head and hack. We are most happy to report that ,she is now run the rOad, to recoVery. Mr, ,and Mra, Make, who have been five years with Mr. j`, M. • Graham, florist, have returned to It is with regret that we learn that Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Kerr have •deelded to Move front Lower Winghant to Whitechurch. They have purchased Mr. Chibb's house in that :village and have sold their place in Lower Wingham to Mr. Horne, blacksmith for Mr. William Robertson. Friends of Mr, Hiram Smith, Lower Wingham, will regret; to learn that while coming down a ladder at the stable he fell and badly injured a foot, Mr. Smith celebrated his 80th birthday on Christmas Eve.. The accident will be. the means of confining him to tits home for'a few weeks, Mrs. Itobert Day, while downtown on Tuesday afternoon, slipped .on the Sidewalk in front of Clete Mason's store and broke her right wrist. Miss Marjorie Haines, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Haines, has accepted a position US librar- ian, succeeding Mites Annie Cots- ninghtml. ny..•00001 ;;;;;;; t1111111111111V 000000000 {1111111.1 lllllll iiiiiii I iiiiiiiii I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiii iiii 11111111,1 Sugar and Spice Ry Bill Smiley sore at; my stubbornness. I finally gave in reluctantly, and after she'd searched my. bag to make sure I hadn't, any liquor, 1 went off, waving wistfully back- wards at Draughty Windows. I've never seen the old place so pic- turesque, the garbage cans sil- houetted on the snow banks, the icicles forming a pipe-organ effect over the. doer, in' which. stood the little woman, her brow -darkening as she simultaneously waved and wondered whether she'd been con- ned again. That's when you really feel your age -- when you leave home and loved ones omen 30-hour pass. `Nor- mally, I feel, about 04, but that day I felt every one of my 31) years as I belted gleefully through. a blizzard to catch thn train. —v--v-- When I arrived at Union Station, I found it was the week-end the big snow had -hit the city. !bout 200 people were waiting for cabs, and none in sight. •Undaunted, full of good cheer, I was about to head for the subway, when I saw an old gentleman ;talking to the cab (Us-, twitcher in great distress. In my kindly Canadian way, I enquired why they were .kreaming at each other in fractured English. The old chap was in a flap, ,He was a stranger in the city, spoke al- most no English, wanted to get to his hotel three miles away and couldn't get .a taxi. I made it; kno- wn that. I'd see he got there, via, subway. Tears of gratitude filled his eyes when he understood. As we emerged from the station, me carrying his hea.vy hag, a taxi pulled up to disgorge a passenger. .my gentle old com- panion snatehed his bag from time, leaped across a vast; puddle, linti- ed -himself into the (tab and shout- ed. "Vest airy "Betel" without backward. glance. As ;I tramped 11U'migh..11ie. tb the 'subway station, . somewhat, sombrely, that this was Brother- hood Week. I thought a - good ;dinner might lift my spirits, When I'm on leave, I do it'up brown. I slip my aperitif with appreciation, I glance; at the other diners, with disdain, J order exotic foods, This- night, 1 was having pheasant au flam- beau or, something, A white- gloved waiter brings in your •bird, which is blazing merrily,, and with long,skewers and a flourish, trans- ports it to your plate. Quite im- presses the poor people eating steaks. Only this idio- t's flourish was a little, too fluid, gloves* caught tire mid he dropped my bird on the Home Wilde lie heat his hot handit together, to the de- light; of the other diners. I called the headwaiter, informed him With some hantettt that had Ordered phoasaht, an flambeau, not Bain- ipnlagee. peasant, a h ml stalked out of te My whole leave went like that. Had a shave in the hotel barber shop. Paid was Paldso the bcuassyhiterry•iwngithto a find bill a dime for the little guy who was beating me around the shaulderS with a whisk that I Walked Out Without my change, ,seate $8.70. Late for My train home, I ran, skidded on ice, tore -a cartilage in my knee and have been on the gimp ever since,, Bought seine Sandwiches for the ride home, set tbent on the station floor while 1 purchased my ticket, and walked off without them, IloSt, time my Wife; feelS pulling a dirty trick like Willing inc Off on, a 80-1tatilt pass, alt meet stone pretty stiff re- ststarice, I can tell you. I6%" x WM" — Choice mullity'and colors DISH CLOTHS , 2 for 29c WASH CLOTHS, Reg. 19e 2 for 25c rn, ucfaaiarivvifa00osoia9itf,Ir,giPalq 01 oupiiEwto Ari 1 0 Wig O WPIOROOFII0ii041401 pa fp 0o ow 000 03•00 amita Lifiiio 0g • ••••••0•,••••••+•••+.40••••••00.0,00,6,00•101,0, ONE :MOMENT,. PLEASE! 13y 1)11. ALEIXAND11. N111,11140 St. Andrew's Cht1reb, Wingluiim ii111filiwilkillign1gil11lit111110111111111111111111111111111 1 1 11111 01111 1111 111111111J11111111111111 Big Money-.Saving Values AT OUR March Drug Sale MONDAY TO SATURDAY MARCH 14th TO 19th .....""•!.."4••••.•"•••••r•or•?•••••••••,••• ONE TIME OFFER— Milk of Magnesia TABLETS 500's ONLY 98c HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES 100's 200's 000's REGULAR . $1 .1 5 $2.29 $4.29 SPECIAL _ , , . , 89c $1.89 $1.49 .A.B-S et C TABLETS .. , . Reg. 35c ONLY 29c Vi. (Win . 100's 000's 1,000's SACCHARIN TABLETS ... , '14c 39c 59c WAX PAPER, heavy grade 2 rolls 55c IDA TOILET TISSUE . ' 4 rolls 49c Regular Otic $1.25 IDA MINERAL OIL .... Special 53c $1.09 PAPER NAPKINS (70 per box) , . 2 boxes 33c IDA SHAVING' CREAM, Reg. 49c for 39c RUBBER GLOVES off color pair 39c Easi Gloss FLOOR WAX • . ....... ... lb. 45c TRI SOD - PHOSPHATE, inexpensive. washing compound lb. 19c MOTH BALLS or FLAKES lb. 29c Regal Brand Regular $0.03 BATH ROOM SCALES ONLY $4.95 .._ 3 BIG SPECIALS LADIES' PLASTIC RAIN . HAT Smooth writing Retractable '2 COMII SPECIAL BALL POINT PEN • Each Only, 9c U Excellent; Quality IDA FACIAL TISSUES 2 for 49c ,to(rs U N a U ii Boxed GREETING CARDS with 59c U envelopes $1.25 value - Men's CLUB and BRUSH and COMB SET . 98c N IM a a a it a a N 00, a a iii a rte a a ei a aia a a a a iii a a a a ae a a ri a a ins (VNINOWNIN,./No, (1 .PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST DUBARRY-fILIDAWT-TAINI-REVLO/V /8- :4-1011110 C1111111112111811113111111111111111111111111181111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111.111111111111111NIN a I A Reminiscing FIFTY YEARS AGO • • Miss E. J. Welsh, who has been superintendent at the hospital .for some time, left on Tuesday to visit 'in London. Miss Welsh intends. leaving about the fifteenth on, a trip to the West, Dave ;royal; has purchased the barbering business of Joseph !Watch, and took possession on Tuesday morning. Dave will re move the shop to its former lottatton in the course of a few days, 1*. C, Burford of Wingham, delivered to A. E. Louttit, butcher, a fine quartette of hogs, They were seven months, two weeks old and, • weighed 1,230 lbs. They dressed at 1,000 lbs. and brought Mr. Burford over $104. • 'r, Stewart; brother of our townsman, .T, G. Stewart, has bought out Dr. Hamilton at 13c1- grave. The doctor is no stranger to the people in this community and will no doubt meet with sue- --cess -An his new field. Mr. John Hewer has moved' into the cottage on the corner of John and Francis Streets, and the house he vacated on Victoria Street, owned by Mr, Rich.. Anderson, will be occupied by Mr, Forbes of the • High School teaching staff. Mr.- Forbes expects to move his faMily from Lucan in the near More. 'rim new superintendent of the hoSpital, Miss L. Matthews, enter- !upon her duties last Tuesday. Miss IVfatthewS has had a wide experience and comes to Wingham highly -recommended as an excel- lent nurse, and will no -doubt fill the position with credit to herself and the 'institution. • •Again we congratulate W. Glenn Campbell on' his successful report of music examinations in connec- tion with both Toronto and London iT.';OnSeritatories of Music. Miss Gretta Kennedy obtained ist class honors in • Theory in connection with 'the Toronto ConserVatory, tind seVet;id.;,of his other gilr1lils from ni9fii"did -Weit their examinations, 0 - 0 - 0 itiotTv YEARS ACAO JACK KERR REFRIGERATION & ELECTRICAL SERVICE REPAIR TO ALL MARES HOME FREEZERS and REFRIOERATORS DISPLAY COUNTERS ICE CREAM ('.AMINE 'S DEYERAGE COOLERS COLD and CTITLL. ROOMS PHONE 608 J 22 WINGHAM THE SALVATION ARMY it* am Coro SUNDAY SERVICES 11,00 a.m.—Troliness Meeting 2.30 'lire,---Sunday School 7,00 p.m.—Salvation Meeting Friday, 7.30 p.m. — Youth Group All Teen-Agers Welcome There's n welcome for YOU at the "Arne lOeSUllii,i ... ...... ... .......... ...... .. .. llllllllll 111111,111111111/1111111finl • lll•4,0 ... .. . . ...... 1,0,••01,04.,••y•ii•••• ..... 0000ii .... 0'0 .. Iti llll llllllll ll 0 llll lllll 01 lllll (ANGLICAN> inlynn Rev, C. P. Johnson,' LTh. - Rector Mrs. Gordon Davidson - Organist 2nd Sunday in Lent 9.-15 a.m.—Sunday School and Conrirmatiom class 11.00 a.m.—Morning. Prayer Wed., March 901, Lenten Service, 730 Thurs., March tOth, Altar Guild, Rectory, 3.33 Tues., March 15th, V,vening txttild , 8,00 p.m. N No doubt municipalities aril. over "the province of Ontario are licking their lips after the recent announce-, ment that the government will insti- tute a new system of grants-in-aid for parks. Doubtless, also, the pro- vincial authorities realized they were announcing a very popular handout. The news could hardly have come at a better time for the town of Wingham and the Townships of Turnberry and Morris, where active planning has been started for parks projects. in town a start was made last summer on a riverside park near the McKenzie Bridge. In Turnberry one admirable recreation spot has already been opened, on the ninth concession and there is talk of the development of still other • areas yithin the township. The folks in Morris have been looking with en-' violin , eyes at the accomplishments itn Turnberry and will no doubt -be in action -Wore long. It is much too early to surmise anything about the basis upon Which. grants will he made, the announce- ment simply contained the informa- tion.that the money would be avail- able in. amounts to $50,000. I,o- i...ated as we are at -the' forks of two branches of the Maitland, we have all kinds of places to locate parks. ,The. situation chosen last Summer at the north end of town is an excellent: One', for it will be an inviting spcit for townsfolk and motorists alike, as well as badly needed project to THE HAND OF MERCY This week .the members of the Wingham Legion are •calling at the homes in town to solicit donations for the .annual Red Cross campaign for funds. It is one of the most vital in the entire year. - It is hardly necessary to enum.- . +.1r erate'the hundreds of tasks assnmed • by ,the Red Cross. Most of them .4! liA3.0-WII '0 all of you. As al- ways the Red Cross stands ready to serve, wherever the need arises, in any part of the globe. One single aspect of the work is worth extra consideration here, how- ever, for it . is providing a -needed service every day of the week. The Red Cross has undertaken to supply blood for banks in local hospitals. in. Western Ontario „And --hundreds' f patients. have already benefited frOm this particular phase•of.activity. The bank fOr. this 'district maintained at the Wingham Tiospith,l - and each month there are many.calls•for blood. to be sent ottt -to Whet hospitals in nearby towns, This 'is:Only one of the ways in, whicli :Red. oss stands ready to serve you. Theirs is the only organization gearp-1 to the unexpected needs of calamities — those sudden, chilling tragedies which - strike when and where they are least expected. The Red Cross deserves all the. support .,„you can provide, SEE YOU FRIDAY EVENING • We would like to remind y611 that "The Merry Wives of Wind- sor" will he presented in the high school audit oritun on 'Friday evening of this week. it is one of the few opportunities we have in a year in hear first-class mush' in a direct presentation. The Lions "stick their necks out" When they contract for an opera company and so are entirely de- pendent upon the people of the com- munity to Show their interest in a practical fashion. if you are one of those who appreciate truly fine en- tertainment, it would be welly in contact any member of the Lions Club for your tickets right away. The Wingham Advarice.Times Published at Wingharti, Ontario Wenger Brothers,. PUbliabera W. barry Wenger, Editor 1%101113er Audit Bureau at dIreUltttlini Anthorited as SeeOlni thisa Mall, PoM Offied Dept, 0 tiption Rate One V011.11.06, silt Mr) $1,60 in adtatite 11 fl A. $4t/0 pet ,Yeitt trofeigt Bate $4.00 .per Year AdVartiaing ROOS on apPileatlett 1/40r T'W4 • The Wttighom Advance-Thoo$„.Weiloesofm. Notch %low GRANTS FOR PARKS INTERESTING. clean up the river in. that area and vastly improve the appearance of the town. This winter the Sportsmen an- nounced their project to create a bird sanctuary and park along the verges of the Lower Town pond, so anything in the way of grants will he welcome news to them. In years gone by the expen- ditures necessary for the construe- .tion of parks were frowned upon by many citizens who thought that it \Vas simply a waste of money. To- day, however, the majority of inter- ested people are quite in favor of a properly organized plan of park de- velopment for it is quite evident that dwindling water resources and woodlands, coupled with an expiod- ing population, will soon leaVe ps with a heritage of asphalt roads7 and concrete sidewalks—and darn ; few places to sit down under a' 'tee or peel off and go in for a.. Swim:, With all the available land. aticl river front we haVe . for park Use in this area, And with the Ambitious plans already forming,' perhaps it is time to call in someone who is quali- fied to offer suggestions for the.best . use of our natural facilities. - NEW PLANS AFOOT? : , The . Ontario minister.- of. edu- cation must have been casting, his eye over the other provinceS'of- the Dominion, for the most: recent wOrd from QUeeres 'Park indicates ,-that there is some likelihood'-that•a new deal be arranged in it-Ie.:matter of .sChool textbooks. There has -been the suggestion that Ontario May adopt the plan which .has beep:used in B.C. .for some time = a textbook rental system which reduces .Costs for parents, particularly those with children in secondary s'ChoOls, where the price of books runs high. • Other innovations are:also tinder discussion .and it, will he. interesting to see what- changes emerge .under the leadership of 'the' •neW.Minister, In his second • budget address before the Legislature Provincial Treasurer James N. Alain predicted that very soon educational costs will run higher than the budget of. the department of highways vihich has been traditionally the. government's biggest spender. To venture a look into the,future, we'would feel it-safe predia'that Within a few years viTtaally"all costs of education will be-borne -sly gqvL- ernment, at whatever -leveVa:nd that university education will be provide ed on the same general assessment basis as public and high, school, Such a change would, Of course, create the need for a new and. more .drastic weeding-out program s' so that educational facilities would not be cluttered up with timewasters. All this is in line. with the dawn of a new age where the supreme value of the human brain as` 'the nation's greatest natural asset, will- be recognized. . NON'.VItWER'S REWARD More than one Canadian news- papers in editorial comments on the 'financial position of the C,11.C„ has suggested that, if it is really neces- sary for the Canadian taxpayer to pay half or more of the cost of tele- vision programmes sponsored by commercial advertisers, 116 should be allotted equal time with his co- sponsors to remind the audience of his unwilling participation in the provision of their entertainment. The suggestion is logical, but it 3c 'di fficult to think of A, way in which the taxpayer's ease could be effec- tively presented, As a takpayet; tie has nothing td sell attd.. the exactions of various governments have left him with little to give away, if he is a television viewer, he, may eon- shier that, the entertainment ,he te- rtives, In spite of the singing tom- mereials, is worth what it tosts Ilut if he is a non-viewer, what does he get for his inotity?'-ithe Printed Word.