HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-03-09, Page 1The Juveniles' won the WOAA
.-ell;anapionshikin two games against
Wiarton in ,tic best-of-three series.
Tine ;final game was held here in
the Wingham arena. on Monday
night and, following the 'Victory, the
fire brigade treated the. Champs to
aatrip rionve main at:root-on the fire
aledinwett. ;n0aantrabei, eat
cars Filled with fans.
The wives of the team executive
provided lunch in the town hall for
both the winning team and 'the
Wiarton 'boys. Mayor R. E. McKin-
ney gave an address and congratu-
lated both teams on the brand of
hockey they have been playing, and
the Wingham team on winning the
championship, The members of the
Wiarton team. were found to be
good sports and clean hockey play-
ers and it was a pleasure to play
with them..
Monday night's victory came as a
surprise to the spectators, and per-
imps the-players. of both learns as
well. At the end of the first period
the score was '4-0 in favor of
Wiatton. In the second frame 'M-
arton chalked up another goal
and the Wingham crew came up
with three, so that. the score at the
end of the. period stood at 5-3 for
the visitors. The heat was really on
in tine final trans° when Wingham
By The Pedestrian
De: Ernest Pt:Maya who, r left
Winginam. only a mouth ago to
assume duties as a medical mis-
sionary in Jamaica, was one of, the
most surprised men in the West
Indies When, two weeks later, he
mellowed up: at his clinic to find
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Kerr waiting for
him, The Kerea who were va-
cationing in Jamaica, drove out
to the country to locate the doctor
and found that he was just com-
pleting his first day's work.
0 - 0 - 0
ANOTHER F — IRST . . . .
History was made at 1VIonclay
evening's council ',meeting when the
chairman of the public Works com-
mittee appeared on the scene with
his bare apes protruding from a
plaster cast, The cast was made
necessary by a skiing :accident that
resulted in some painfully torn
tendons. Don says the bare toes
is for the purpose of ventilation.
0 nd that with the mercury sneak-
g down to zerol
0 - 0 - 0
The Sportsmen want to get rid
of the turtles in the Lower Town
pond because they are too fond of
young duellinge And the like., A
plan is now afoot to trap these
reptiles, transfer, them ,from. the
traps to a water-filled corral and
periodically ship them out to city
restaurants. Now we know we've
bad our last taste of turtle soup.
0 - O. - 0
%."-aSaitti,: -OF 110SPITALItia—,•
, .
Cam-tenting on the improvement
in the jail cells th, thebasoreent of
the town. hall, one of the town
cenneillors_said it was nice enough'
down there to be used for a motel.
Any guests you'd like to bring to
town? '
With which is atiolgam;ted the iQorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
WINGRAM, ONTARTQf WERNESDAY, alARCH Pak 1000 azzeT,44. CCIPIHS. —7 eenttf
Merry ives' .To Be Sta n Friday
Some eontesion has arisen over
the observation of Education. Week.
.At the. present lime considerable
publicity is being given to Ecluea-
Hon Week from March 7th to 12th
-and hanal residents may wonder
wk.**, there is no special activity on
the part of schools In this aletrant .
The eaniatitalon, according to
Principal T. S. Beattie of the
Wingham Public School, is that
the March dates have been set by
tbe Canadian 'llseachere' Federation
itha oaseryation on a national basis.
However, the Ontario Teachers'
Federation han decided to observe
Education. Week for the 'province
hi the fall.
Parents' day at the Winginam
PaibiieSchool Will he held later
this. epriag,, at winch time all who
Tare interested will hai,e an oppor-
tnfnity to visit the school, observe
the work done by the children, and
talk over their problems with in-
daadual teachers,
The ,Wingliam Lodgers, local in-
termedlate club, played their final
game in the regular series last
Thursday night, when they met
liatneaatiims in the lakeshore Lowe
and trimmed the Bulldogs .18-3.
The Dodgers were bellied 3-1 in
tile first period but kept the op-
ponolla scoreless for the remain-
der Of the game and chalked up
17 goals for themselves. Ellwood
Irwin and • Doug Murray Were the
big gets for the Dodgers with four
markers each. Jim Campbell not-
ched three, Bill Loekridge, Mur-
ray iStaieton and Barry laryfogle
two. apiece and aim Bain scored a
Wingham now enters a best-of-
"seven Series with Port Elgin. The
Wiarton Radmen are playing off
a Staniar series with the Idlora
Reeks and the winners will be
matched in the finals. The Dodg-
ers played their 'first game in Port
Elgin last night hut the 'results
were not available at press time,
The returit game will be played
here on Friday evening.
Mahy or the local lads who are
deVeted Co the rod and reel will be
beading for Toronto within the
next Week to take in the annual ,
Sportsmen's ShoW, which epees
on Friday Mid continues until
March latla
So far we have heard no stories
of robins back from the soeth, but
a flock of geese flying northward *s reported in the Whitechurch
ea, and several crows have been
seen in or near town. If spring
is to arrive at anythingx near the
normal time this year we shouldn't
have to wail more than two weeks
for the big thaw,
WINGBAM 1.0,L, ISO, 794
Will hold a (maitre at the Wing-
ham Council Chambers, Friday,
March ilth at 8,30 p.m. Admission
50e, Lunch, Everyone welcome.
The regular euchre sponsored by
tine Ladies' Auxiliary to the Ca-
tertian Legion will be held in the
Legion Home, Monday, March 14
at. 8.30. Prizes will he given.
*inch, Everytme welcome, Pro-
ceeds for 'Guides. Feb
110,17 SuPrult
The ladies of St. Stephen's An-
glican Church, 'Gerrie, are sponsor-
itig a bazaar at 4 p.m„ Saturday,
March 12th," and a hot supper, 6.30-
7.80, in 'Carrie Community
A congregational pot-leek supper
for all ,members and adherents will
'be held in St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church on Wednesday even-
ing, March 16th front 6 - 8 p.m.
Ladies` Aid' are sepplying meat
only, so come and bring your
latently, Dr. Ale/metier NinannO will
show slides atteewards of Ills re-
cent trip. Feb
- —
A. ;Orle•nnet ploy, "Jim .laielt
Ocsa", by North Huron Junior.
,Itriter0 will be, presented to Balsa
Vale Hall, Friday, March 11 at
8.80 p.m., sponsored by BIM:Vale
and Bonn-Wary Green of Presby-
terian Ladies' Aid, Additierilni' pro•
grata will consist ,of songs by
Tommy Parkear, Harvey Arid Contrite
Mane, a monologue and other
Musical numbers, Adtlita 50e,
Ohildren 2ae, F011
Mayor ft.Iu. Melalneey mut mem•
bets of the town council expressed
their approval of plans outlined
by a deputation from the Wingham
Speltsmen's Association on. Mon-
day evening. Ab .Nethery and
Borden Jenkins appeared before.
council and told of the plans which
the• Sportsmen. are developing for
thca formatioe Of a bird sanctuary
and public park along the reaches
of the tower Town pond.
Nethery said that approval
to proceed has already been ga•ant-
nal by the Township of Turnberry,
the Tdwn A,f Wingliam and the
Wingham Public 'Utilities COM.
mission. The east side of the pond
lies within the corporation of the
town, the west eitleas in Turnberry
Township and the P,U.C. etertrols.
the water rights for the operation
of the generating, elation on Lower
The :spokesman said that the
club hopea to remove as Many of
the water weeds es possible from
the pond, remove the aerub trees
where necessary and reelane them
with plantings or treei; 8niinble to
the location, Fifteen auedred trees
are already on order from the De-
partment of Lands and looreats and
others will be 'transplanted from
wood lots in this area. Another
project Will be to trap as Many
turtles as possible, -singes the rep-
tiles are 'destructive to fish an-d
you/1g birds. When the pond tete
been properly prepared it is the.
Intention to place swans, geese and
ducks. on the pond and hoUse• thein
darling the Mater months,
Sites along both the ma' and
west btuilui of the' pond have, been
selected where trees will he plant-
ed, and be:mince and Ricrac, tables
set up for the enjoyment. of the
public, The plans include Small
(locks on both sides of the river
for the use of those who -enjoy
Mr. .Nethery said that the 'club
'was not asking. the town council
for money; but rather for the
appointment • of a 'committee of
council to participate, in the plan-
ning of - the sanctuary with the
The mayor expressed the appreci-
ation of emu-101.1'ov the explanation
of the club's plan anal for. their In-
terest in the -development of the
,community, arid he -neared the
deputation- that -the • council is
deeply interested,, in the project
and , full co4eleratiOn -woUld be
councition. Warren Callan was
appointed to reprinseet Lim council
on the Sportsmen's sanctuary Com-
Regan-tar jausineem _
Included in the reghlar business
for the Month was th.e reading of
minutiae or the last regular meeting
and a special session,
'A eonmiurdeation was read from
the Town Of Daderich in regard to
Daylight Saving Time, which mtg.-
gested that several tanVens, in this
area are adopting. fast thine from
April 24th to .0etaber 80th, and
seeking agreement to. dates which
would be the same Ear the area.'
Cnutteillor •NaSritith teradatied the
aaav aaltaaller
Managers Attert4
Berry Door Meeting
The' annual meeting of Berry
Door Co., Ltd., was held at the
plant offices on Friday and Sat-ma
day, Don. Service of Calgary,
sales manager for WesteraCanada,
Harry Jackson of Toronto, sales
manager for Ontario' and Gus
Sounallard, Montreal, sales manager
for tannebee and the Maritimes,
were 'present.
Wingham plant management
attending the meeting consisted of
F. R. Mills; H. A, Fuller, A. B.
Adams and Harry G. West. Also
present and representing the Berra
Door ,corp„ Birnahighare, Mich.,
were Lu Diekuon„ personnel diree-
•tor and Hobe Mansell, sales •Man-
ager. Mr. Munsell gave a very in-
spirational address on sales policy
and promotion as carried out in
the United States,
The meeting was climaxed With.
a buffet supper at the home. of
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kills,
banged in four more and held the
Wiarton 'boys at a stand-still.
Bill Dallimore chalked up two
counters and Ray Walker, Bill
Crawford, Doug Lockridge, John
Fryfogle and George Skinn were
credited with singles. There were
.about, 4W), :fans ,in the arena to /wit-
ness the winning of the WOAA
championship. This is tire first
time this cup has ever come to
Wingham. Alt, Loekridge has been
playing or coaching hockey for 33
years and tine is the first time he
has ever had a championship team.
• The boys will now meet Watford
to compete in the first round for
the 0341-1A. championship,, for all of
'Ontario. Dates for games have not
yet been arranged.
Unit Sets Goal
For April Drive
Mr. and,Mrs. C, Fingtand and
DeWitt; Wilier were In Ooderich
laet :Friday evening to attend a
meeting of the Huron County Unit
of the Canadian Cancer Society,
to arrange for the annual tuna-
raising campaign. There were 38
delegates at tine meeting, represent-
ing Coderieh, Winghain, Blyth,
Seaforth and Exeter.
The goal for the county this year
has been set at $13,000 and the
campaign will be held in April. A
meeting of the local branch is be-
ing held here on March 25, la the
town, hail, 'Dr. Ivan Smith, of Lon-
don, will be the speaker,
Raise Funds For
Junior Red Cross
The Junior Red Cross has a fund
raising campaign each February
and the pupils at Wingham Public
School take part in the drive each
year, This year's receipts have
been designated to World Refugee
The contribution made by the
Wingham pupils is $182.00, Most
of this has beep raised through
voluntary .contributions .placed ill
the Red .pran$.• jars _avialen, ate, in,
-every room. Some of it has been
made through extra activities on
the part. of the youngsters, such as
candy ,and bake sales, white ele-
phant sales etc, ,
Dance to the music of Ken Wil-
bee's orchestra, in the Wroxeter
Community Hall on Friday, March
11th, sponsored by the Hail Board.
Dancing begins at 10.15. Feb
The people of this district are in
for a rare musical treat ea Friday
evening, when the all-professional
Canadian Opera Company will pre-
sent "The Merry Wives of Wind-,
sera, at the .nigh school auditorium,
This is the second time for the
Company, to stage a performance
The opera Is sponsored ,by the
Wingham Lions Club, and will be-
gin at 8.30 p.m. lane Merry Wives
of Windeora was composed by Otto
Nicola', and is based on Shakes-
peare's rollicking comedy. The
opera's enchanting music, combin-
ed with Shakespeare's wonderful
characters will be sure to delight
every member of the audience.
This opera Is the latest addition to
the Company's repertoire and is
being performed for the first time
in Canada during the present tour.
In order to make the opera ac-
cessible to as many young people
as possible 'the price of students'
tickets is only 50 cents. Adults'
tickets are $2.00, obtainable from
any member of the Lions Club or
at the door.
The parents of the boys who were
on the range • have signed papers
granting their permission for in-
struction with live ammunition.' It
is to be noted that all safety pre-
cautions are being taken to ensure
against accidents. All guns remain
on the floor with open breeches
except when in actual use and only
the instructors have ammunition,
which is fed singly so that there is
never more than one bullet in a
chamber while the boys are shoot-
ing. An instructor is. beside the
marksman at, all times and If there
is any fooling around, the boys 4n-
volved are automatically expelled
from the range.
They returned to the club house
about 8 o'clock to join the rest of
the club members wino had 'been
taking instruction on hunter 'safety
from Frank Caskanette, Ron Bell,
Harvey Carriek and Ross Worm-
I"rank Rival presided for a busi-
ness meeting when all 45 members
Were united. It was decided to
raffle a 13-13 gun in a -couple of
weeks' Limo to raise funds for sum-
mer camping. Trophies will be of-
fered for the best 'shot on the
range and the best eta-round junior
sportsman, the latter to include
bet -wider at meetings and target
practice as well as the instruction
George Whitby, who lens passed
his tests, helped the instructors
.during a question and answer per-
iod in which the members Were
Spit into -groups. The next meeting
will be held oft Marvin 21st.
Win Trophy at
Legion Bonspiel
A rink from Wingham attended
the Legion bonspiel last Wednesday
at Palmereton, in which 12 rinks
were related.
Cy Scott, skip, Jack Batesora
George Brooks and Don Adeline
were the curlers front Wingliam
and won the Labatt Trolly with
three wins .plus eight in the luitio
o'clock 'draw.
TROPHY PRESENTED—The Stamford • Trophy,
emblemetic of the Juvenile "C" OhamPionsitia, was
presented to Doug Lockridge, captain of the Wing-
ham Jokers, when they took the second game of a
best-ea-three series from Wiarton .on Monday night.
Presenting the trophy is Johnny Bell, of • Listowea
past president of the WOAA,—Finetins by CKNX.
;ninnies ,Straight over Wiarton; the Wingham -Jokers
wrapped up the. WOAA Juvenile ."C" championship
on Monday evening. Mcmaers of the- ni shown
above, left 'to. right back row: Garry Templemania
-Alf toeltridae, coach; Peter Carmichael, Rill- Craw-
•ford;•Bili 'Dania:we, Bill -Henry, George Strain and
ough.-Carunieliael, 'Manager:. front, Murray Kerr,
•• aadarFryfogle,•johnt Markley, Doug Lock-ridge am)
laityntOnd Walker. ••
portsmen Outline Plans
'o Create Park, Sanctuar
board that in tr previous discussion
it had beet' the general conceasus
of opinion that Wingham would
set the same dates as those decid-
ed 'upon by the city of Toronto,
since tran'aportation difficulties
arise if such is not the case. To
settle the matter it was. decided
by Motion of Committers Nasnittin
and Pocock that this course of
action would be taken and it is
believed that Torento will adhere
to the October 80th date . for the
fall changeover.
.A grant of $50.00 'was approved
foe the Salvation Army home in
Hamilton, as well as the usual
grant to the local Corps of the
Salvation Army,
Within Budget
Deporting for the public Works
committee Chalmers. Nasntith
said that there is every indication
that expenditures will be kept
within the budgeted amount,
thanks its part to less demanding
weather conditiOna Limn last, year.
Re pointed out, however, that it
would appear that this year's
method of removing allow along
the main street before Halms. had
a chance to acme-veleta to any eon-
aiderable degree, has also mental a
saving to the town
Re also suggested that the pollee
department look over the entistieg
stop streets in town to determine
Accounts were read by rierince
chairman Warren. Calkat and
ordered paid,
Tine thairrean of the property
Please 'turn to page Eon
Lions to Sponsor
Canadian Opera
Juveniles Capture
WOAA 'C' Crown
To Ballot on POol Ouestion
Most of you will recall thot.The Advance.Times car-
ried a series of front page articles last November, in
which it was stated that an effort would be made to
secure a realistic measurement of public opinion about
the type of swimming pool most favored for this com-
munity. For several reasons it was found impossible to
carry out the survey at that time—but now the com-
mittee has finalized arrangementi.
On Thursday of next week, March 17th, every house-
hold In Wingham, Belgrave, Bluevale and Whitechurch
and the rural routes served' out of these post offices,
will receive an envelope containing a brief outline of
the pool proposals and a ballot on which you will be ask-
ed to express your opinion.
You may remember that two alternative plans for
a pool had been suggested. The first was for a regular
outdoor pool with dressing rooms, similar in general
layout to the one in use at Clinton. This pool would
be limited to use in the warm weather only and tentative
calculations indicate that it would cost about $35,000.
The second proposal was to construct an indoor,
heated pool for use all year round, in a building which
would contain, on the upper floor, an auditorium which
could be utilized for the serving of suppers, for enter-
fainments of all kinds, and for the Scouts, Cubs, Guides
and Brownies, or any other organisation in the com-
munity in need of a meeting place. it would include a
kitchen, washrooms, lockers for clothing, eft. in this
issue of The Advance-Times you will find a reproduc-
tion of the proposed plans. This 'Nee of noel and build-
ing would cost in the neighbOrhood of $75,006.
At the present time the pool committee is holding
$5,700.00 which has already been turned over to them
to be used in financing a pool. Other committnients
have been made for the period 'of the next two or three
Essentially, the present Whiting is that $75,000 in-
vested in the pool and community centre building would
be much wiser spending than $35,000 in an outdoor pool
useful for 'three months of the year. The big question
is whether or not the people of this community, who
will have to loot the bill, are in agreement-.
The ballot you will receive next weekstates the
question quite piainty, You will he atked to mark on
"X" after the project of 'your cheice.....00 if you disagree
with both plans, you can marl your ballot so. The im.
portant thing will be to have a high percentage of the
ballets returned Se the committee Wilt have taalt real,
isfic guidance. the ballot will be 'printed on p petteard,
with postage affixed and you will be elated to Mail it
back promptly,
tCleiteervittleaaaCinnb., A4. "
met on, Monday even-111w and there'
are eleven new members, Twelve of
the boys were taken to the range
and these lads are really keen on
target ,practice. Their scores were
better than they have been to date
and they used live ammunition. The
instructors at the range were Bud
Cruickshank, Ken Carter, Bob
Walsh, Terry Nethery and Slim.