HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-03-02, Page 6WEARY PILGRIM SCENE from the operetta "Medics and Merriment"
staged at the local high school this past week, included the young ladies
shown above, The goddess, left, back, was played by Carol Crawford;
the nymph, foreground, by Deanna Griffith and the pilgrim, Irighty. by
Evelyn Stephens.
eel( • End Special
Bedroom Suite
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GORRIE—March is Red Cross
Month and volunteer . Canvassers
will be calling, at the ,homes, start-
ing this week, to collect money-in
order that the Red 'CroSs. may
carry on its work of mercy and
helpfulness. Through the Red
Cross you help yourself and others.
the present Acts without interfer-
ing with fair administration of
both , these Acts in a very. contro-
versial area of public opinion.
House Committees have been
sitting each morning and all clay
Wednesday; there have been two
night sessions, and the House has
commenced morning sessions on
Friday in an attempt to get the
province's business properly dealt
with and, to clear the Order Paper
for the 1960 budget which, 'Pro-
vincial Treasurer, Honourable
James N. Allan is scheduled. ,to
bring down Thursday, Febfuary
25th, "It is also a matter of" in-
terest that at this session the
attendance of Members Is ranch
above the average for the past
few sessions, indicating the new
interest generated by the revival
of an organized opposition by the
During the week a delegation of
some 40 persons came to Toronto
by chartered plane to present to
the Cabinet the submissions of the
Northwestern Ontario Associated
Chambers of Commerce. It cannot
be denied that our fellow citizens
in that part -of Ontario are full of
initiative, enthusiasm and demands
upon the Provincial Treasury, and
in many ways can give many of
us in old Ontario some pointers
on how to promote one's com-
BULK FEED lowers feed costs . . saves back-
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Space . . . is more sanitary. Here is modern
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modern farming methods. Boys, women, older
persons, and even handicapped people can
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buy at your CO-OP ... you can be sure of fast,
dependable delivery of daily-fresh feed . . in
loads of from c•3 to 20 tons . . . to meet your storage facilities.
lCoop Walpole
Prompt, expert service on those body and fender re-
pairs anything from a scratch to a major wreck.
Sid Adams
If you have a car problem,
we have the answer.
Folding FLOOR
Aluminum WALL
Telephone 260
9On •01411011:4A. "Waits and ivtertirnenV staged at the WO high
selioni this past Week, included top.notch singing Mid acting. .Caught
in one nf'the Optics above bill left to, right "0,47)101110, Claire thuniney, And the nurse, "Glory", played by Mary
-!11101010sian_11111111111110111116lialMillilllnalliN YOUNG PEOPLE HOU
Seven ,members of St. Paul's
A.Y.P.A, and l.. v, C. F. Johnson
attended a vocational conference
at St. John's Anglican Church in
Brussels on Sunday. About 80
young people were present from
Fordwich, Gorrie, Brussels, Sea-
forth, Goderieh, Exeter, Blyth,
Auburn awl Wingham,
Rev, johnson up:'ned the meet-
ing with prayer and Miss Patricia
Doyen of Wingham, deanery presi-
dent, weleomed the young people.
Sister Marilyn of the Sisterhood
of St. John the Divine, told the
gathering about the religious life
and the work done by the sisters.
in an Anglican convent, She de-
scribed a typical day in the life
of a sister,
Ray Farrell. a student at Huron
College. was the second speaker of
the afternoon and gave an outline
of the necessary qualifications for
a boy considering the ministry
and the courses and studies taken
at Huron College. Mr. Farrell has
another year to complete before
becoming a minister.
Miss Elaine Rush of the Angli-
can. Women's Training College in
Toronto, addressed the young
people, From her they learned of
the training available at the col-
lege, for girls who would like to
become deneonnesses or .prepare
for mission work. There is also a
cours6 for women who intend to
marry ministers so that they may
become more familiar with church
work and better able to cope with
their role in church work as a
minister's wife.
Rev. E. C. Attwell introduced
and thanked each of the speakers.
A buffet dinner was served and a
church service held in the even-
in the Wingham General Hospital,
There were seven tables in play
at the L.O.L. euchre party on
Wednesday night. Mrs. Mabel
Stewart had high score for the
ladies and Mr. Jack Cathers for
Mr, and Mrs, Glenn Johnston
attended the convention of On-
tario Agricultural Societies in To-
ronto last week.
Miss Yvonne Sparling spent the
week-end with friends in Atwood.
Mrs. Clarence Sperling and Mrs.
Glenn Johnston attended the Train-
ing School for 411, Homemakers
held in Wingham Monday and
Tuesday of last week. The pro-
ject is "Meat in the Menu".
Miss Sandra Lemmex of Atwood
spent a couple of days this week
with her friend, Miss Yvonne Spar-
Miss Karen Michel was home
from Stratford Teache'rs' College
for the week-end. She was stu-
dent teaching in Waterloo last
The Wo-rnan's MissionarykSociety
of Gorrie United Church will meet
at the home of Mrs. W. C, King
on Thursday, March 3 at 8.15 p.m
Program committed, Mrs. 'Russell
Ruttan, Mrs. L. Ruttan and "Mrs.
W. Trimble. Roll call to be an-
swered by a baby bib for the
Baby Band.
The Gorrie Mission Band will
meet at the United Church on
Thursday, March 3 at 4.00 o'clock.
HOWES—In Palmerston Hospital
:on February 16 to Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Howes, Gorrie, a son Dale
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Durst and two
children of Scarborough spent one
day last week at the home of Mr.
anc' Mrs. George Ashton.
Mrs, Margaret McCoff in return-
ed home last week from Palmers-
ton Hospital, where she has been
confined for two weeks.
Master Bobby Clarkson and Ron-
ald Hibberd, both under went op-
erations for the removal of tonsils
at the Listowel Hospital last Wed-
nesday. Dr. J. D. :Porde of Ford-
wich was in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Royden Devitt at-
tended the funeral on Wednesday
of the latter's niece, Miss Joan Ann
Stoskopf, in Kitchener. Burial
was in Memory Gardens, Breslau.
Mrs, Anson Demerling and Mrs.
George Richards attended the 4-H
leaders' meeting held in the c.otin-
ell chambers at Wingham. The
course for the Vordwich Institute
is "Meat in the Merin".
Miss Mabel Loughran 'spent a
month with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Relies, at Wal-
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Simmer.
maker and two ,children visited re.,
latiVes in ElOra.,,On Sunday.
Mrs. Pearl Patterson, Misses Les.,
lie Campbell and Donna Petrie. and
Mr. James Patterson -• visited one
day last week with Mrs. Wilda
Campbell at the chronic wing in
St. Joseph's Hospital, Guelph.
Mrs. George Baker spent one
day last week in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dickert and
family moved their household be-
lerigingi from the ninth conces-
sion to the house in the village re-
cently vacated 'by Mr, and Mrs.
Cecil Lynn,
Mrs. Wellington Hargrave and.
David and the .fortnees father,. Mr.
Bert Reed, visited a few days last .
week with Mr. and Mrs, Alex
Wray in. Toronto,
Mt, Behr •Campbell •Of Guelph •
vtatedqor a couple of days last
week with Wits. Pearl Pattertan.
In the Legislature last week the
usual business of government was
well interspersed by lively debates,
sparked by Opposition Members'
spirited attacks on various phases
of government activities. The De-
bate on the Throne Speech cont-
inued each day and as this is the
occasion upon which each member
Usually wishes to speak, the
resulting succession of formal
speeches has given a pretty good •
picture of all Ontario, with each
part of our province presented in.
its best light by its proud Mem-
ber. Some of the new -government
Members in their speeches have
been as critical of some -govern-
Went functions as any opposition
Member, which is a sure sign
that the Conservative Party has
an important place for the man or
woman with constructive •views.of
his or Ter own. Likewise the
Liberal Members have been de-
livering orations which cannot but
serve the public good. On the
other hand, the CCE Members
have continued their attempts at
reputation-assassinatio.. and pour-
ed tirades of unending• criticism
without suggestion as to improve-
ment The -debate on the 'new energy
resources legislation embracing
the natural gas, uranium and hydro
industries has been most acri-
monious and the vigorous defence
of government policy by Honour-
able Robert W. Macaulay has not
succeeded in quelling COF erup-
tions, particularly with respect to
the so-called Sarnia Indian land
deals of Ontario. Hydro, And the
House Committee on Privileges and
Elections of which Don H. Mor-
row, M.P.B. (Ottawa West) is
chairman, has had referred to it
the charges made by both opposi-
tion parties with respect to the
Niagara Parks Commission and its
Chairman, Honourable Ch arles
Among new Acts presented to
the House, were some amendments
to The Liquor License Act and
The Liquor Control . Act which it
is hoped will do away with some
of the anomalies to be found in
Women Meet at
Sacred 'Heart
The Catholic Women's League ,
met on Monday evening in the
parish room at Sacred Heart
Church. Mrs. John Hanna presided
and the minutes and correspon-
dence were read by Mrs. William
Templeman. Miss Margaret Keough
gave the treasurer's report.
:SeveraI items of business were
discussed. Mrs. Walter Lock-
ridge was appointed as -chairman
of a nominating committee to
bring in a new slate of officers at
the next meeting. There were
thirteen in attendance.
Win at Euchre
FORD WI0I-1 -- Eleven
progressive euchre were in play
Tuesday night in the community
hall. Winners were Mrs. Russel
Behrns and John Weak, Conso-
lation winners were Mrs. Bruce•
Sothern and Jim Marwood and
Mrs, Harold Doig won the special.
Those in -charge of the evening
were Misses Rona VanVelsor, Bea-
trice Wade, Miss Minnie McEl-
wain and Mrs. Crosby Sothern.
See the line oof wedding stationery at Advance-Times
Farmers Outfitting Store
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190 DODGE, 2.door
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1953 DODGE Club Coupe
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Come in-and see the new model Simca,
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Your Dodge, DeSoto and Simca Dealer
Phone 710
THERE IS.NO NEED to pack the sack any
• longer . . . especially as it costs you time that
can be put to better use . . . costs you extra
feed for your poultry or livestock ... and costs
you your good health because of over-exertion
.as a result of unnecessary hard work.
Belgrave Co-Operative
Phone Wingharn 1091 Brussels 388 R ,
r ge
The NViagilMO Advance-fl'imes, Wialinesd; Mareh 2, libid
Miss Sandra Ireland of Tees-
water spent Monday with Miss
Corinne Rharne.
Mr. and Mrs, Glen Will of
Kingsville, and Mrs. Edson Riley
of Leamington spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Justin Will, Mr.
Glen Will remained for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy, Mr.
Ross Earl, Mrs, Roy Gowdy, Mrs.
A. Davidson called on Mr. Andrew
Davidson in the Ontario Hospital
on Sunday and also visited Mrs.
Mary Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Finlay in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edgar,
Frances and Jimmy of Guelph,
visited Tuesday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Edgar.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blythe and
children of Mimico, and Mr. Tom.
Hastie of Toronto spent the.week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mrs. Bella Greaves left Palmer-
ston Hospital Sunday, and is con-
valescing at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Underwood.
A number of A.Y.P,A. members
from Gorrie attended the Hurbn
Deanery vocational conference held
in the Brussels Anglican Church
Sunday afternoon and evening.
Miss Elaine Ralph of the Angli-
can Women's Training College,
who was ,a speaker at the after-
noon service, was a guest of Rev.
and Mrs. E. C. Attwell at the
The World Day of Prayer ser-
vice will be held in St. Stephen's
Anglican Church on Friday, March
4th, at 3 p.m. All the women of
the community are asked to
attend. "Labourers Together with
God" is the theme this year and
was prepared by the Women's
Inter-Church Council of Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Newton and
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pyke return!'
ed on Friday after a month's
motor trip to Texas and Mexico.
Mrs, Etta Day, who has been
living with her niece Mrs. Milo
Casernore of Wingham, is a patient
Jahn Hanna, Reports
In our own community we have
had the Water Safety and Swim-
ming Service for three years, the
First Aid course and the. Red
Cross Loan Cupboard. Help has
been given those who suffered
disaster by fire,
In -.a wider area 'of Ontario the
Red Cross Blood Transfusion ser-
vice was extended to include all
hospitals in Ontario in 1959. There
1 ag
as alsothe Outpost Hospital
partment; Volunteer Nursing Ser-
vice; Homemaker service, the visit-tables of of war veterans in hospital and
of senior citizens. The Women's
Work committee keeps stock of
bedding and children's garments
for use in -disasters. Food, drugs,
and medical supplies are sent any-
where hi the world when disaster
strikescenevaa7 a request is made by
the League of 'Red Cross 'societies
With your help the Carrie dis-
trict was able to fill it's quota last
year and it is hoped that the re-
sponse will be enough to do so this
year, .