HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-03-02, Page 5roll Thom and Sell Them - :lu The Advance,.lime ed Cross the Job E DS DAIRY F Feed PRACTICAL FEEDS THAT INCREASE DAIRY PROFITS ONTARIO A••• sang as a choral group under the direction of Mrs. Carl Douglas; Mc- Mae :Cho Wingham. A vancentribtee. WREIDC3414Y. 7114r(11. 1.960: Page 114110 v7M-I And you are there too—through your financial support: It is your help that keeps the Red Cross on the job— active and strong to carry on its many humanitarian endeavours. With your help in 1960 the Canadian Red Cross will continue to serve this community, this province and this nation. When help is needed in distant lands you know the Red Cross will be on the job! Money alone cannot buy the many services and programmes provided by the Red Cross, Combine it ° with the voluntary effort of millions of Canadians, and the Red Cross will be able to meet its round-the-clock demands. You can do your share by giving a generous donation when a volunteer Red Cross canvasser calls on you. If you are not at home when the canvasser calls, please send your contribution to the address below. Serve again by giving to the Collection ia,Winglain and District will be undertaken by the WINGHAM BRANCH 180 CANADIAN LEGION Legion members will call at your home during WEEK OF MARCH 7th TO 12th HIGH SCHOOL CAST of the' operetta "Medics -raid Merriment" put on a fine display of dramatics and singing this pasty week. Members. of the group shown above are:. front row, left tb right, David reedy, Lester Mitcham Christine Runstedtler, Ian Howes, Mary Fisher, Exp.ansion Sale at CURRI"S comoHin yxs 111 4 iDeep-Tuft Twin Headboard Seto 1 COMPLETE-4 PIECES • Deep-tufted headboard S es Tuftless mattres; 95 I I • Firm-support box spring is • Sturdy fraMe on legs 52 • White heodboard—fluffy, X . I washable, durable ploslic • Smooth sleeping surface •Deep box spring comfort pi • Home rolls on casters EASY BUDGET TERMS Save During Sealy's Expansion Sale ViTalton McKibben, Robin Reid. Back row, Eldon Byer, MerVyn Kinney, Alan McTavish, Lawrence Stuckey, Marjorie Kieffer, Doubledee and Claire Chamney, ROSS 61.60 EXCELLENT SINCIN6 Harked the production at the WO school operetta. The group shown above are members of the cast who COMPLETE Twin size only JOHN C. ARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT F sh Rati (WITH ADDED VITAMIN "A") THE PRE-CALVING FEED WITH THE AFTER CALVING RESULTS! Dry cows need care, as much as you give your milking cows. It's the period—the last couple of months before calving— when that young calf is really growing. Extra demands are being made on the cow—reducing her stamina a,s she feeds her calf. Freshening cows may look fit, but if they are not being fed properly, both for the calf they carry and for the ensuing lactation, they cannot produce to the maximum. Apart from easier calvings, healthier, stronger. calves, tests, prove that correct feeding of SHUR=GAIN 13&,F Ration "A" can mean an extra 1000 lbs. of milk per lactation. Yet you want her to calve doWn fit and to 'freshen for a long lactation. Attendance was slim at the regu- lar "dinner meeting of the. Lions Club in the Queens Hotel on Fri- day evening. Bad weather was _blamed for the absence of mem- bers, as well as the guest speaker, District Deputy Governor Harvey McDermott. Also missing was the President, Lion Wilf Crawford, so the first Vice-president, Bill Cruik- shank, presided. Three Wingham District High School students, John McDowell, Garth Walden and Al Rettinger delighted the gathering with sev- eral trios and solos to their own guitar accompaniment. The boys, who are styled "The Comateens", were accorded a Lions' Roar for their contribution- to the program. It was announced that the next meeting, sehednicd for March 11th, COMATEENS MERIT LIONS CLUB ROAR Slides of Orient Shown by Dr. Nimmo At Joint Meeting A joint meeting of the Couples' Club of Wingham United Church and St. Andrew's Presbyterian ChuIrch was held in the Presbyter- ian Church on Tuesday evening of last week. There was an excellent attendance and the meeting was highlighted with the showing of slides by Dr. A. Nimmo on his recent trip to the Orient. Dr% Nimmo, as Moderator of the General Assembly ;of the Presby- terian Church in Canada, accom- panied by Mrs. Nimmo, attended the centenanry celebrations of Christian missions in Japan last year. He showed slides of this occasion, and many others cover- ing meetings amongst the „Koreans , in Japan, in which the Eresbyter- iim Church takes a leading part. Various tours about the country and to the different universities in the city of Tokyo gave his viewers an insight into the •daily life of that country. After their tour of Japan Dr. and Mrs, Nimmo spent a short time around Christmas, with their son-in-law and daughter, Rev, and Mrs. George Malcolm, and family in Tiawan, The speaker many timN stressed the love and de- votion of the Christians in the land, and how they travel many miles over the mountains to attend services. He also showed pictures of the devastation wrought by the floods in Tiawan last November. On the return journey the Nim.- mos spent a few days in Hong Kong. The refugee problems of the city are tremendous. The gathering saw the condithms under which these people are living and heard something of the efforts of the island colony's government to alleviate these conditions. Further stops at Manila, Woke Island, and Honolulu were enjoys l iaa picture form, and 'brought to, a t close an interesting evenin,,,, `I hi thanks of the gathering wis ex- tended to Dr. Nimmo by 1‘1,•••• • Bruce McDonald for taking tint ,. 'from his very busy schedule If, bring his slides to the ja;nt Wilford Caslick exprpssp:i the thanks of the Milted Chnreli club. The meeting in charge of the newly-elected :14-1x3 'Robert Meltagne; owned with the call to Worship and the sinning Of a hymn.. .Scripture reading and meditation was taken by Mrs. John Donaldson, and Mrs, Henry tennis )ed in prayer. The minutes were read by Pred McGee. and the roll call and correspondence by Mrs. Prod McGee, the newly-elected see- retalies, Offertory prayer was . giV011. by Mrs, Bill Caslick. will be c aneelled in favour of the °twit, "The Merry Wives of Wind- sor" which is being presented the 'carne evening ia thir Hig,n School auditorium undcr Lions Club spon- sorship. All Lions attending the opera will he credited with regular meeting attendance. Tail twisting for Friday's meet- ing was handled by Lion Mike McPhail in the absence of Lion Percy Clark, .and Lion Ted Shau- nessy was fined for eating celery' when he should have been singing. The tail twister found hiniself in deep trouble when he failed to recognize a Lion's button on the lapel of Lion Don Cameron. • Minutes were read by Lion Sec- retary Lee Vance and the singing was under the direction of Lion Jack MeXibbon . with John Mc- Dowell at the piano, cap International Curling . Bon- spiel at the Exmoor Country Curl- ing Club. There were ,22 rinks entered in the 'spiel and the Wingharia rink was .the only one from Canada. They won throe games and lost two. The limmitality was excellent and the curlers report a. good time. They returned home on Sunday night. Wingham Rink at Chicago Bonspiel Harley Crawford, Lloyd Case- more, Omar Haselgrove and Jack the singing of a hymn and closing Lloyd left last Wednesday for Chi- prayer by Bill Ca.slick the meeting cage, where they attended the Chi- closed. The meeting- had been arranged by Mr. and Mrs, Bill Casliek and Mr. and Mrs. Henry tenPas, Refreshments were served by the eommittee in charge. Next month's meeting of the Presbyterian Couples' Club will be in charge. of Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Phillips and Mr, and Nit's, Kenneth Leitch, and will be on March 2nd at 1,3.30 p.m. Nomolq4''S.m. emen.ft Wea,la ow; ".:410ijO $4.4 Aigtoms.,. itattA.A' Y.Plgf#2.gtg .`• flat unobstacted platform drop sides and tailgate big theft-proof side bin versatile L FAG 'N pickup 9888 MERKLEY MOTORS. WINCHAlyi Phone M