HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-03-02, Page 1Sportsmen Create Sanctuary Springy Wig! See -Large Scale Action at Pond The Wingham Sportsmen's Aele. sedation was happy to have 4. very .targe attendance at the regte.' lar meeting an Monday night. new pistol club is being formed (by: the group and John Krug was epee pointed chairman. The chairman of the member", ship committee, Jaelt Henderson, reported that there are 75 paid up members, a considerable gain since last mouth's meeting. He also formed the members that the club- has a beautiful spinning rod oute fit, which will ho raffled in erme for the trout season. Joe Clark, secretary, said that. the club haS purchased 1,509 assorted, trees to beautify the Lower ToWni pond and property for .the preetiee ed picnic area and bird eanetuary,, The. Junior Coeservation. Gleb plant the trees and word. has beep received that a man from the De- partment of Lands anti Forestle will be sent here for one (WY, 'Lai help the boys with the. planting. Albert Nethery' announced -014, he. will donate a boat to be eised, wl the pond when the .picnic area le: ready Tor use, Borden Jenkins reported for the pond committee. He has received a letter front, the Department of Lands and Foreeth with informa- tion on- trapping turtles and • place es where they can be. marketed. The club- intends to trap turtles in a move to cut down on the more talley rate among small game fish. Instrtations for making the traps were also received from the De; part= en t. A report 'was given by Percy Willie, . chairman of the streams. Please turn to page eight. DAY OF PRAYER AT ST. ANDREWS The women of Wingham arc in- vited to join the millions of Chris- tians, who .on Friday will be pray= jug together around the world, The 'prayer services, here will be held in the Presbyterian Church .4 , three o'clock in the afternoon and at eight in the evening, The speaker' at both - gervitres will be Mrs, De S. 111aeNaughtoil, with the theme, "Lahorere Together with r God". The theme embraces 411 nations, I eolors and creeds, creating a bond of fellowship which encircles the globe. In Canada the service will not only be conducted, in :Engtiiih and French, several Eure- teem languages used by new Ca- Mullane, and Indians 'and Egkimos will partake in the service in their own tongues. Mrs, W. Cutrie .will be the or- ganist on' .Friday afternoon and Mrd, Betty Feagan he in charge; of speCial medic, The senior 'missionary eceieties of the churches in Wingham will take part in the Service. In the • evening, Mrs-, ' Gordon Davidson will preeirde et,:the organ and a choir of C.G,I.T. members will sing. The evening auxiliaries of town will take, part in this ser- vice. ' - - • The offering at the World Day of Prayer services is used to dis- tribute . Christian literature around the world, to aid refugees and to welcome students from other lands. ics and Merriment' dig t to c ool Audience TOTAL 'RECEIPTS ......;...$4;e001.63 Skating .Expense ... •• 57.65 Exiiendltuees . Hockey Expense 3.50 -Telephone . •.:4;:.'......t &••:•7: • •5-0,0 258:09 Fuel 474.50 Labour 1,113,75 P.U.C., Hydro 1,479,19 Mise. Expense , 471.41. Income Tax deductions oh' hand (credit) . .25,44 Total Expenditures 3,888.00 Bank Balance as of Dec 31st, 1959 - , 063.13 Accounts receivable • 50.00 Cash on hand....... „, 6.50 $490743 SET DATE FOR ilICEE Dr. Ivan Smith Of tWe tisn‘der Foundation, London, will Siideilt at- a public meeting in the,, Council chamber on Friday, March 25,i Everyone in the community is In- vited to hear Dr. 'Smith's address and the special program, which is being arranged by the local society: It* WINGIIA111 LO.L. No. '704 Will hold a euchre at the Wing- ham Council Chambers, Friday, March 11th at 8.30 p.m. Admission 50c. Lunch. Everyone welcome. F2-91, EUCHRE IN WROXkTER Sponsored by the W.I, in Wrox- eter Community Hall at 8.30 p.m. Thursday, March 3rd. Ladies please bring lunch. Admission 25e, F2h- WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WHO PRESENTED "MEDICS' AND MERRIMENT" IMAP YEAR RARY--Born Monday, rebruary 29th, Pan-Jelin Clark, shewn above), with her mother, iiTrs. Clark of Wing-limn, will have a., birthday every fourth Wear. The newcomer weighed in: at 9 pounds, 14,oes.—Advance-Times pihoto, INK i ATER LON E With which is amalgamated the Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter NeW4 WINGHAM, ONTARIO* liMNESDAY, 1 tL 204, 1980 SINOT,AF, COPTV$ T cente, ALONG THE MAIN DRAG By The Pedestrlan SUNDAY OUTING.— Metoriste in the McKenzie Bridge area were somewhat surprised last Sunday aftereope, 1o, „see .4 Juli e geOwn cock pheasant strutting around on the road. The bird stayed for a time and then leisure- ly made his way across a field and out of eight. 0 - - 0 ROUGH WEATHER- - Some oof the Winter's worst drlei- ing conditions in this part of the country were experienced In the storms which etruelt on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. High winds aed strong ground drift Made driv- ing extremely hazardous, 0 - 0 FRESH START-- A meeting has been called 'for Friday evening to continue with diseussions about the proposed swimming pool, The Christmas, season interrupted proceedings and a plan to seek information from the general public about their wish- es in the matter, particularly about the type. of pool which should he undertaken. 0 - 0 - 0 JUVENILE VERSION— . Three new babies arrived, at the home of ,Rev, and Mrs. Geiger in Luc:know recently. One young. lad returning from school reported to his parents that the "griplets" had arrived, One of his pals, equally well informed on another subject, was heard to state that his • cou- had the chicken lox, 0 - 0 - 0 POPULAR EVENT— Chief Gordon Deyell has received a letter from Arnold Grant, of Dobbinton "Received your letter concerning the Grey-Bruce Police Association Bantam hockey' tour- nament to be 'held in Wingham and would like 'to enter our club, registered with the WOAA as the Ebenezer Bantams. We have al- ways had a good time at this tour- • nament in the past and are looking forward to it again- this year." A nice, -token of appreciation for ethe great job the police aseocla- 'Con is doing for the young hockey players. BRANTFORD MAN PROVIDES NAMES Readers of this paper will re- call that in our last issue of De- cember an old photograph was re- produced showing the members of one of the early football teams. There was no record of the names of 'the players who were pictured. Seeing the picture, Peter Mc- Ewen of Brantford located the or-: iginal picture in his attic and has since presented it to the *Wing- ham. District High School. 'He has also . provided us with the names of the men In the pictiire as fol- lows: H. Green, J, G, Workman, B.A., J, C Smith,B.A., J. G. Currie, J. A. Taylor, B.A. Second row, J. Wier, W. Linklater, G. Duncan, C. Pugh, P. McEwen, R. Lloyd, W. 'McLean, R. McKerzie, R. 'Stackhouse, A. IVIeKerzie and C. Proctor. Mr. McDwen was been on the second concession of Turn,berry and attended high school here from 1908 to 1912. Later he attended the University of Toronto in the fac- ulty of forestry and then spent 33 sk years with the Department of mir Lands and Forests following ser- vice overseas with ' the , British Army. 'He is now retired and liv- ing in Brantford. His brother, John L. 1N/ft:Ewen, lives oh the fam- ily lane in Turnberry, DANCE IN BLUEVAIX, A dance will be held in Bluevale Hall on Friday, March 4th. Music will be supplied by Garnet Far- rier'e Orchestra, Sponsored by the .Bluevale Women's Institute. Lunch eountor. Admission at popular prices. F24-2b AT DOME TO MENDS Mr. and Mrs, Frank Wright, R, it wroxotor, will be at home to their ritighbers- and friends on Wednesday, March 9th, from 2 to 4 in the afternoon and 8 to 10 p.m., on the occasion of their 50th Wed- ding 'anniversary. F2b EUCHRE AND DINGO Wingham Spertsmen's Msoci- atibn euchre and bingo in the IIILegion Hall on Fridey, March 4th at '8.30 sharp, Good, prites for both games, Everyone welcome., Admission 50e. 21:i • ._ AUXILIARN MEETING The Ladies' Auxiliary to Wing- ham General Hteepital. will hold their Meeting in the Council Chateber on Friday afternoon, March 4th, at two o'clock. Please note change of time. F2b Mrs. R. McMichael Has 94th Birthday' WRONETER,--Mrs, Robert Mc. Michael marked her 04th birthday on Wednesday, Feb. 25th and was honored at a dinner at the home of her son, Harvey, on Sunday, to which 20 sat down. Due to in. element weather her son, Lloyd, and, family of Toronto and a granddaughter, Marie McMichael, of Stratford, • were' unable to ate tend. Mrs. McMichael received flow, ers, boxes of chocolates and many lovely cards. We with this graced old lady continued health' and hap- piness. • Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lamont of Teeswater, Mr. and. Mrs. Glenn McMichael and Marjorie Ann, Miss Joyce Ford Mr. and Mrs. Ron McMichael, Mr, and Mrs. Ken ;McMichael and Su- san, Mr. and Mrs. Robert -13rem- ner and daughters of Molesworth, Mr. and Mrs. Morley 'McMichael, Miss Alma and Mr, Andy lVfaMich, eel and Mrs. Thomas McMichael of Wingham. Audiences in tee . High School auditorium -on Thursday and•Mone day evenings, were .delighted With the students' preseatation of 'the operetta "Medics. and Merriment".. This is 'the first year that the annual .high school concert has talc-- en such a .form, a replacement for the usual variety concert. The operetta was originally dat- ed for Thursday and Friday eve- nings, but stormy weather and im- passable roads 'caused postpone- ment of the Friday evening produc- tion until Monday. There was a fairly, good attendance on Thurs-. day evening and on Monday night about 600 turned out. The operetta was introduced' by David Kennedy, prCsident of the Students' Council of the school, Setting for operetta was, a rest lodge, owned by Dr. Drinitwater, who is expecting a visit from his granddaughter, Glory, whom he has never seen. Glory is an actress, and knowing her grandfather's dis- like for members of her profession, she sends her friend, Honor, to take her place. The resulting situation anti the complications entailed pro, vide the basis for the comedy in- terpreted ill music. - Several members of the cast were outstanding in their.• performances TONIGHT'S GAME IS FINAL IN SERIES The final game between the Wingham and. Durham Juveniles Will he held tonight -(Wednesday) in the local arena. These two teams have already 'Pla.yeri one series, which ended last Wednesday night in a tie, On Monday night of this week they played the first, game in the present home and home series with the result that Durham won 5-3. Tonight's game will tell the tale, with goals to count. The winner of this second series will meet up with Wiarton to play off for the Juvenile C champion- ahip. Come out to the arena to- night to cheer the boys. on 'to victory, The game starts at 8,30. SEEK MIER RANTS FOR HURON LIBRARIES WROXie fER—Higher grants for county libraries are being sought by the Huron County Library Co- operative, Last Tuesday a dele- gation placed claims before On- tario Education Minister John Ro- berts, He promised to consider the matter. There has been no change in the provincial contri- bution since 1047. The delegation 'consisted of War- den John Durrell, Clerk-Treasurer. John Berry, Librarian Mrs. Jean Eckmier and Clarence Hanna, James Bisset, Karl }laborer and Arthur Gibson, rnerhbers of the Library Committee. Charles Mac- Naughton, M.P.P. for Huron and John W. Hanna, M.P.P, for Huron- Bruce accompanied the delegation. Haskins, Thelma Gowing, Ruth Anne Hueston, Marlene'. Walsh, Elaine Conn, Margaret Wightman, Jean Thompson, Elizabeth Burrell, Kay VanCamp, Lloye Stobo, Marie Becking, Nancy Slosser, Dancers - Sue Nesmith, Ruth Hodgins, Pamella Husser, Patricia Bryans, Anne Fitzpatrick, Sharon Anne Grubbe, Lynne Stuckey, Eleanor Goy, Joanne Roane, Mar- ilyn Chamney, Gloria MacDonald, Mary Hamilton, Sally Jeffrey, Greer Dunlop, Patricia Hall, Aud- rey Wheeler, Alberta Haugh, Keith Fihnigan, John Strong, Raymond Walker. Weary Pilgrim Scene—Pilgrim, (Evelyn Stephens); Goddess (Carol Crawford); Nymph (Deanna Grif- fith). Choral Readers—Muriel Moore, Karen Elliott, Jane Reid, Carol Louttit, Dawn Luc Clark, Mary King, Ethel Byer, Georgina Kief- fer, Doris Troupe, Angela Mitchell. During the intermission Leslie Fortune, chairman of the board, presented a complete Encyclopaedia Brittanica to the school in the name of W. A. Galbraith. The books were donated by Encyclo- paedia Britanoica. of Canada. The principal, F. E, Madill spoke briefly at this time. RED CROSS DRIVE STARTS ON MONDAY Corn. Jack Orvis, president, was in the-chair for the regular meet:: ing of .Wingliam Branch, No. 180, Canadian Legion last Week at the Legion Home, The membership draw- was made by Corn, Percy: Harris. William Harris' name was drawn and since he was not present the' next draw will be worth $35.00. The reports were 'given by the chairmen of the various commit- tee's, It was announced -that the Red Cross Drive Will be held in Wingham from March 7 to March 12. Members of the Legion will canvass the town during that Week for donations for Red Grose work. The Red Cress Blood Donor Clinic will be held at the Legion Home on April '26th, The branch will also sponsor and pay the expenses involved in taking the squirt hockey team to Mount Forest, The meeting closed with the national anthem. and all Maintained. a very high level of characterieatiori. .Mrs. Carl Doubles was in charge of the training- or music; E. Rus- sell Smith: wee reeponsible for the dramatic end. of the production and. .Anne Douglas 'was pianist.: They were introduced by Christine Runstedtler at the cohclusion of the performance,- - The cast included Dr. Drinkwa- ter (Ian Howes); Rainbow (Robin Reid); Mrs. Weakly (Marjorie Kieffer); Mrs. eroesly (Ma e Doubledee); Dr.• Slaughter . (Alan McTavish); Dr, Cuttem (Mervyn McKinney); EireCeffin (Lawrence Stuckey); Bessie (Karen Ander- son); Marie (Margaret' Beetle); Honor (Christine Runstedtler); Glory (Mary Fisher); Philip (Les- ter Maelian);- Bob (Walton McKib- ben); Cynthia (Claire bhamney); Mike (Eldon Bycr) i Mr. Strange (David Kennedy). Girls' Chorus—Helen O'Malley, ,Sandra Chamney, Anne Cardiff, Gwelda HaekinS, Mauna Lynne Tenney, June Wright, Barbara Krug, Yvonne Conley, Susan Mc- Arthur, Kathleen Hodgins, Brenda Conron, Helen Rteietedtler, Julie Thornton, Gail Henderson, Nancy Elliott, Karen Beattie, Janet Bee- Croft, Mary E. Shackleton, Joan Tiffin, Patricia Heywood, Margaret lVforrey, Judith Renwick, Dianne Kirkby, jean Gurney, Sandra. Rowe, Janet Hortbn, Wilma Ten- pas, Julie Cruikshank, Sandra Mac- Lennan, Gwendolyn Martin, Hilda, Tiffin, Anne 'Wightman, Beth Mer- rick, Karen Deitner, Jane Reid, Betty Anne Lapp, 'Donna Renwick, Marlene Rodgers, Helen Hotchkiss, Lois Jarvis, Gwendolyn Ilyndman e Nadine Cook, Sharon Thompson, Soldiers' Chorus—Wayne Caslick, William Jeffrey, Douglas Hamil- ton, Larry Simpson, Hugh eVluri- dell, George Conn, Robert Rintoul, Edward Wormworth, Elbert van Don' kersgoed, Richard Scott, Mel- ville Greig, Wayne Farrier, Geie aid. Thomas, William. McBurney, Raymond Walker, Glenn Plant, John Merkley, John Campbell, Pe- 'ter Mulvey, 'William McIntyre, Philip Adams., Alex Hamilton, Ger- ald Thomas, Alan Campbell, John Campbell, Donald Stobo, Brian Schaefer, Nurses—Ruth Henderson, Mary Fitzpatrick, Sharon Hemingway, Karen Groskerth, Elizabeth Mc- Kinney, Sandra Edgar, Nancy Fowler, Shirley Scott, Corinne Rhame, Carol Greig, Margaret Mach an Patients—Norma Harper, Muriel NO BURDEN ON TOWN TREASURY MEMBERS INSTALLED AT LEGION AUXILIARY The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian. Legion 180 was held in the Legion Home last Wednesday evening with about 60 members present. Zone Cinch.. Mrs. McCann of Ford- wieh, and three visitors present. ,After the opening exercises Corn. Mts, Ed. Gauley welcomed into the Auxiliary Com, Mrs. Eric Walden, on transfer from Ripley. She also installed Mrs. Vaughan Douglas, Mrs. Ed, Rich and Mrs. Wm. Ren- wick as Auxiliary members. After the general business Crndr. McCann gave a very interesting talk on Auxiliary work. She stat- ed that the zone rally will be held in Gorrie this year and the provincial convention in Windsor, Cendr. McCann also told the mem- bers that Honourable Provincial President Greenaway had passed away. On behalf of the Auxiliary Corn. Mrs, Wm. Elston presented the guest speaker with a small gift, in appreciation. The meeting ended with everyone enjoying a delicious buffet lunch. renaL Gard Ends ear With Surplus One of the more cheerful as. pests of community financing is the healthy state pf ecancenies is the arena, Operated as ..a. public 'ervice by an appointed :commit- tee, the arena has, in yeara ;mat, depended upon the town coffers to meet its annual costh. Howe ever the town has net been called upon 'for help dering the pea two Years, and the arena commission ended the 1959 fiscal year with a balance of $9e3,13, Dwindling attendance at games and for skating since the first of the year have shaved the cash ;bal- ance to $315.00, but it is expected that the current season will •did without a deficit. During 1955 there were 8,426 paid admissions, to W.O.A.A.:. hockey games and 7,235 paid admissions for skating, exclusive of season ticket holders, Below is the financial statement of the arena commission foe the Year 1959; • Receipts Bank balance, Dec. '31, 19$8 $ 264.56 Skating 1,598,17 Hockey (Intermediate)- 1,338.80 s Booth •Rental ... . /00,00 Figure Skating Club 400.00 Recreation Commission 500.00 Rentals: Kinsmen.. 150,00 Lions . ..... • . . 190.00 Wrestling ...... ... - i5.00 Grey-Bruce Police ASQC .... 75.00 Miss. rentals, skating par ties, hockey practice, etc, 306.10