HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-02-24, Page 5LLOYD MONTGOMERY R.R. 5, Wingham (Phone: 743 .111 HARRY J. LAVIS Box 228. Lucknow (Phone 219 W1 WM. P. ROBERTSON R.R. 1, Auburn (Phalle: Carlow 18 r 16/ LESLIE BOLT R.R. 5, Brussels (Phone: 72 r There is a Crop Service representative in every township to serve you. As little as 45 gal. of "Na-Churs" will ,spray approximately 30 acres of crop. It will pay you to get the complete story on how "Na-Churs" can help you to greater profits on' your farm operation. Foliage feeding with "Na- Churs"' can-help increase your farm profits. "Na-Churs" pro- vides all three major plant nutrients: Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash, plus important trace and minor elements in quick- ly available form. When sprayed on the leaves of most growing crops, "No- Churs" can be absorbed quickly through the leaves and stems. "Na-Churs" is a true liquid fertilizer.. Nothing to mix, ready to use. Will not damage your equipment. Used since 1946 by thousands of farmers in Canada and 27 of the United States. Corn, bean, potato growers, orchardists, truck farmers, in fact ALL types of farmers are improving yields, saving time and labour and making extra profit with "Na-Churs". HOWARD JOHNS, R.R. 1, WOODHAM, reports: "We had profitable results on grain and dinning peas this year with "Na-Churs" foliage feeding program." liter. Johns has used "Na-Churs" the past two years, and has ordered for 1960. PIUS DIETRICH, R.R. 3, DASHWOOD, reports: "Na-Churs" Seed Treatment and Foliage Feeding gave a 15.3/7 bushel increase on oafs over a dry feirtilzew application •of 175 lbs. of 2.12-10. This has proven to be a profitable program on my farm, and I have already ordered for next year". WINGHAM ,14.?.1) 0.e.....eetweeer0emeee Band ,Box....Beauty Salon PERM SPECIAL 'FEBRUARY 22nd. toMARCH 5th Regularly $15.00 SPECIAL $10.0.0 I Regularly $10.00 ...... SPECIAL $7.50 Regularly $7.50 SPECIAL $500 Band Box Beauty Salon PHONE M. Prein:ietress—RENA MORE WINC.TIAM ".1101.0161141i10.q.I.I.M•110161001.1.1141•1¢,141•11.11•410011.111.PME.11.111101140.014*0401.1.1•011.114M1,1411101.101,1).1.141....11111. WROXEIN .• ...... - Mr. and Mrs, Archie Smith,. Ethel, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott. Ross 'Tornans were Sunday Via- itors of Mr. and Mrs. George Bechtel of New Dundee. Mr. .and Mrs. .Tack Lucas, Lis* towel, spent Sunday with Mrs. and Mrs. Ross Coates. Mr. and Mrs. William Hart were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. George Hart, Newry. Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green and slaughters, Goderich, visited Sun- day with Mrs, W. E. Weir and Miss -C,ertie. Bush, also with Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson and fem. We are pleased to see Mrs. R. Newton home from hospital and up and about, We are sorry to report Mr. Lloyd Townsend has been moved. to a London hospital for ehservation, Also that Mrs. George Griffith un- derwent eye surgery last Friday at St: Joseph's Hospital!' She was progressing favorably until Mon- day when she had to undergo surgery on 'the other eye. . We sincerely - hope for a return . to good health for these folk Very soon. Mrs.•Susan Hislop, who has been ill with pneumonia, is improVing. Mr. and. Mrs, William Hart, 'Mrs, Glenn NfeKercher and Mr, Riess Sanderson visited Mrs. George Griffith in London en Monday, Reeve Arthur Gibson, Deputy- Reeve Harvey McMichael and Councillors Ivan Haskins, Mel Allen and Robert Gibson attended the Rural Municipalities conven- tion at the Xing kldrvard Rata Toronto, tut Monday and, TtlearlaY. The clerk, Harold Pollock, and the treasurer, Swart Whitfield, also attended. The Huron County Home Auxil- iary reported that pieces of print fOr guilts, Christinas cards for scrapbooks, used nylon hose for filling cushions end stuffed toys are needed. Jigsaw puzzles, com- plete with the picture on the lid of the box are appreciated by both men and women residents Of the home. Mr, Arthur Gibson is on the Huron County Home Com- mittee this year and will be pleas- ed to :deliver any donations if you leave them at his home, The fpitowing are attending the annual meeting of the Ontario Good Ronda Association in the Royal York Hotel in Toronto this week, Messrs, Harvey McMichael, Mel Allen, :Anson Galbraith, Ivan Haskins, Garry Crawford, ,Gordon, Robert and Arthur Gibson. C.G.I.T, Meeting WROXETER—The COLT, meet- ing was held in the -church. base- ment and opened with the call to worship and prayer, The national anthem was sung and the purpose and answer repeated. The Scripture was read biLouise Edgar and prayer was offered by Lynne Wright. The roll was called' and the minutes of the last meet- ing read. Following the com- pletion of business matters the meeting closed with Taps. A poem was read and the girls sang an African song. BLUEVALE Spence McKinnon, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon, recently of Cornwall, has been promoted to manager of the Bank of 'Com- merce at Niagara Falls. Friday evening two events were eaneelled 'owing -to- -the- storm, ..;the.;. Bluevale Women's Institute euchre party and the toboggan party plan- ned by .the young people of Knox Presbyterian Church and their guests. - Mrs. Gordon Gallagher and Mr. Stanley Wheeler of Brussels visited Mrs. W. J. Johnston last week. HOLIDAY IN AFRICA TOLD TO MEETINfi ST. HELENS—Mrs. W. I, Miller was hostess on Thursday for ,the meetings of the W.M.S. and the W.A. of the United Church, when 17 ladies were present. Mrs. B. F. Green, the president, was in charge of the W.M.S. Mrs. John Cameron read the Scripture lesson and led in pray- er. The treasurer, Mrs. Frank MeQuillin, reported the allocation to )ie s:$210 and stated that the mis- sionary for prayer is Miss Ruth Saunders, Reg.N., of Korea. The World Day of Prayer will be ob- served on March 4th. Eight home and 35 hospital calls were reported. Mrs. W. A. Miller had charge of the study book, "Africa Disturbed" on "Old Patterns and New", telling of the increasingly important role women are playing in the life of Africa. Miss W. 1). Rutherford told of a holiday in Africa taken by Mr. and Mrs. Baker of Mont- real. Mrs. T. J. Todd presided for the meeting of the W.A., the theme of which was "The Spirit of man is the candle of the Lord". The meet- ing was opened with the theme hymn, prayer and creed. The roll call was responded to with a verse of Scripture. Mrs. MeQuillin read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Har- vey Webb the lesson thoughts and prayer. The treasurer reported a balance on hand of $43.00. Plans were made for a Weil( Meeting at the home of Miss W. D. Rutherford hi March. At the con- clusion a pleasant social hour was enjoyed with Mrs. D. C. Mel:The- :Aid and Mrs. W. I. Miller serving lunch. Thirteen 'Tables At Euchre Party ST. HELENSThere were 13 tables of players -at the card party held at S.S, No. 3, on Wednesday evening. Winners of the prizes donated by Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jef- ferson were, first to Ken Noble, playing as a lady and second to Sharon Jefferson; men's first to Brown Smith, who won the draw in a tie with Bill Purden, Who was awfmted second prize. rvE NEVER FORGOTTEN • YOU ARE TUE ONE VIII 0 RECOMMENDED THE PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT AT DRUG STORE YOUR JOB more- eggs per dollar OUR JOB CHICKS bred to lay more High, production cannot be promised into chicks. It must be built in. SAY ROE CH 1CKS' and get the right °neg. every time. Famous same% bEiviLtaounct TatE-LINES,'vatOE 1tEt and SUSSEX CROSSES. Famed. "HY-LAY" blood lines lavailable and pro. yen at FARMS LIMITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO Irlsh tot WON *Sok I'VE ALWAYS BEEN GRATEFUL! 'Loretta Fischer A letter of appreciation was read from th" Seigmiller family. It was decided that the W.A. pur- chase 50 new hymn hooks for the church. The closing hymn, "0 Love That Will Not Let Mc Go" was. sung. The women quilted and a fowl supper was served. I INCREASE FARM 'PROFIT By Saving Labour -,by Saving Time 6y Saving Money FOLIAGE FEED YOUR CROPS with ‘`NA-CHURS" Liquid Fertilizer THERE'S NOTHING COMPLICATED ABOUT 'FOLIAGE FEEDING ALFONS KINTS & SONS, R.R. 'I, Centralia, report: "We are well satisfied with the results of "Na-Churs" Foliage, Feeding on white beans this year. A very careful yield check showed a 6 1/2 -bushel to +he acre increase. We used 45 gallons last year and have ordered 120 gallons for next year". Now You Can Get More Profit From Every Acre Prove "NA-CHUBS" Benefits on Your Farm "NA—CHUBS" PLANT FOOD Co., Canada, Ltd LONDON ONTARIO LEONARD RUETZ, Dist. Sale Mgr. 31 Mildmay (Phone: Endicott 74188) ELMER PEGELO R.R. 1. Chesley (Phone: 632 r Sl Conducts Meeting RLUEVALE The Y.P.Ii. met in RETARDED CMLR BY STORY OF LEPERS Hundreds of farms in Huron and Bruce Counties have used "Na- Churs" with results similar to those listed here. Mixed grain, corn and pasture, as well as: spring grain .and •hay have shown excellent increases from foliage sprays. Ordinary field spray rigs are ideal for "Na-Churs" Spray application. Grain should be sprayed when the crop is 4" to 6" high, corp when 24" to.36" high, hay after, the first cutting. There is a "Na-Churs" analysis to suit each of your crop needs. We can arrange for your spraying, If you do not 6've your own sprayer, "Na-Churs" Crop Service representative can make necessary arrangements for you. Com- petent, trained spray men have ,been located throughout your county and you can depend on his service for dependable appli- cation. I COMPLETE -4 PIECES • Deep-tufted headboard Tuftless mattress • Firm-support box spring • Sturdy fraMe on legs, • White headboard—fluffy, washable, durable plastic • Smooth sleeping surface • Deep box spring comfort n • Fkime rolls on casters EASY BUDGET TERMS Save During Sealy's Expansion Sale the United Church on Tuesday eve- ning. The president, Loretta WR,OXETER---The Legion Home cher, conducted the .meeting. in Wingham WaS the setting for The topic, "How Old Am I?", the regular supper meeting of the dealing with signs of immaturity Howl* Lions Club on Monday and inclination to prejudice, was evening, when members enjoyed a '‘triken, by Allan Campbell. After delicious fowl dinner served by the usual devotions and study, the ladies of the Auxiliary to the games and refreshments were en- -Legiqn. joyed. INGRATITUDE SHOWN guest speaker 'was Michael. Mc* Plied. of Wingliani, president of the Wingham and District Retard* ed Children's Association. At the • close of the meeting the group .VV/7()1'1 ". M rs. X. Bennett toured the school for retarded was hostess to the W.A. at her ch i l d ren, while Mr. McPhail ex-home on Tuesday of last week, when she fold Mrs. Snell were Plainer' the workings of the school. charge. The devotional period was l All Lions present then attended led by Mrs. Snell, who also° offer- the hockey match in Beimore, ed prayer after the singing of a where the (-lowish, Lions juvenile hymn. I train was engaged in a genie with Mrs. Bennett read a paper on Newry, the final game of the play- "Ingratitude'", pointing out a les- offs. The Howick team was sue- son to all. She suggested that we .'cessful in the series and presented show gratitude to those who have with the Howiek Lions' Trophy by done so much for us. An ex- Lion President Don. McLaughlin. ample of ingratitude was the Bible It was accepted on behalf of the story of the ten lepers who were team by "the captain, Wayne Day. cured and only one returned to offer his thanks. Fourteen mem- bers. answered the roll call with a ELECTRIC HAND SAWS verse on thanks. TOUR 3E110014 TOR Fie EN The president, Don McLaughlin, was -master of ceremonies, and the Wheri using an electric saw, choose the right blade. for the material to he sawed, adVises Hal Wright, safety expert with the On- tario Department of Agriculture. Use only sharp blades and don't force the saw, If the motor stalls, pull hack the saw before starting it again. '/.1igharn Axlv Wedn 064