HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-02-24, Page 3Cue. Walpole Folding Aluminum AWNINGS LUMBER —' Telephone 260 Aluminum WALL SASH • TILES DOORS. BUILDING — CUPBOARDS • Wingham FLOOR Deep-set dolman sleeves form a dramatic contrast to the Milo tunic skirt in this design by Ro- dolphe. of Toronto 'for the spring collection of the Association. of Canadian Couturiers, The fabric is a, blend of .terylene and wool in a rich gold color, The new collection was presented in ;yfontreal Febru- ary 4. Hat by Irene. of Montreal. NEW KIND OF • PORTABLE With oil offico typewriter features ON lie esai to NE tign Om nth Mle iii int Oem OE ehl Lei -orivalms Om mg WINGHAM * ADVANCEMMES Phime 890 ,WinOlato eeee., -.Nene:eV e se' eeger.''' ketiMeee,eeesee.' . . ••• Now that the Session• is well underway the Ivlembers find them selves as busy as any person could ever wish to be. Mornings are replete with committee meetings and afternoons• with formal ses- glens Of the House, With night sittings twice weekly, The debates in the House have beep most in- teresting with the CCF Leader attacking Members of the govern- ment with his usual wild charges and with some Liberal Members apparently taking their cue from 'him rather than from 'their own reasonable and very parliamentary Leader. The affairs of the Niagara Parks Commission and the position of its chairman, the Hon. Charles Daley, have been fully explored and the Minister of Energy Re- sources, the Hon. R, W. Macaulay, tabled documents shOwing Ontario Ilydro's position in the much pub- lieised purehase of lands formerly owned by the Sarnia area Indian ibands, The committees of the •House had a busy week and a great many matters were thoroughly discussed, Including the proposal for night 'harness racing; education, policies in Ontario; Sunday performances by "cultural" organizations for an admission fee, and the Liquor Con- trol Board and its policies, This year the Liberal 'Opposition Mem- bers are displaying an intense, well organized and well informed in- terest in committee work, which is a very pleasant and desirable change from previous years and will undoubtedly have the effect of requiring Government Members 111111111111111111111in1ii1lin CROWN Theatre - Harriston to do likewise, All in all. it would appear that committeee are xegain- ing their important place in Ses- sion activities, ae the main forum for private-Members of all Parties to expound to the Government their views on every important Subject. New legislation has begun to make its appearance and is ,being referred to the appropriate com- mittees of the House for clause by clause consideration. Among the new measures are several legal Bills' introduced by the Attorney General for the purpose of stream- lining the administration of Jus- tice in our Courts and Court offices. The Minister of Agricul- ture 'has also introduced a Bill to license all persons engaged in the business of disposing of dead live- stock and certain amendments to The Warble Fly Act which will be of interest and benefit to all pro- ducers of livestock. The attendance of interested On- tario citizens in the galleries of the House this Session is .much greater than for many years and is an indication that people gen- erally are anxious to follow and know about the legislation being enacted for them by 'their Legis- lature. Dads who are on the right track make the better buy in life insurance The right track is the one that leads where you want to go. In life insurance it's the track that leads to lifetime security for your family; it's income for your wife and children if you die; it's savings for tomorrow's emergencies and 'a monthly income for your retirement, This is what you get from The Mutual Life of Canada, plus high dividends. Dividends that are credited to your Mutual Life policy can put you many, many dollars ahead. Ask your Mutual Life man to draw up the facts and figures. See for your- self how much extra you get in divi. lends . . and discover why so many Canadians are turning to The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada for the better buy in life insurance. Or write to the Head Office at Wa.terloot Ontario, for additional information Leadership.— liztough an outstanding dividend record III .» ll IIIIIIIII0,1 llllll iiiIIIIIIIIII0 llll 11111,1411 lllll 14101111 lllllllll i ll il110 lllllll I lllll I ll I lll Illiff l III l Oliilif llll if l I lll llllll inn llllllllll lllllll lllllllllll molm lllllll l Value $13.95 . FOR $7.00 Value $8.25 $413 FOR • 19-piee o English TEA SETS 6 cups, 6 saucers s bread and butter plates, 1 cake plate (Floral Pattern) 3-piece CARVING SETS (Knife, 'Fork, Steel) WORTH $7.25 YOU PAY ONLY $3•65 • English DINNERWARE 20 pieces — "Pine" True $8.95 value FOR $4.50 21 piece — "Sunshine" True $7.75 value FOR Solid Plastic TOILET SEATS WORTH $9.95 HALF PRICE $1.1 98 SALE HURRY THESE ARE ONE-OF-A-KIND BARGAINS° ALL' ITEMS CLEARLY MARKED N TICE T MO WRISTS AN IMPORTANT REMINDER You most show proof of liability insurance when you apply 'for plate; or pay an extra $5.00 fee. If you de not have a certificate for licence purposes, call, your insurance agent today. A POLICY FOR FIRE, THEFT, AND COLLISION IS NOT LIADILITY INSURANdE. ONTARIO PEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Hon. John Yorernit,o, 94,, Minister O. J. doilIns, Deputy MInIsfer, (Sceutie Pattern) Your 1.959 driver's licence and vehicle permit will expire at mid- night, March 16th. After this date it will be illegal to drive with 1959 licences or plates. Licences have been on sale since January 4th. Get yours today front one of the 250 Agency Offices throughout the province. Avoid delay and inconvenience. • who have not obtained 1`'x;60 Licences HALF-PR10E $3.88 Don't wait 'di the March deadline PRIC SAL SILVERWARE 3 'Only --- 32 piece sets "The Tavern" Val $10.00 $5.00 I. 'Only — 26 piece set "Adoration" Worth $44,75.. HALF PItICE SALE $22.38 Wood Chest Included True $7,95 value FOR ONLY HALF PRICE . SALE $4.75 Name Brand Electric KETTLES "Seconds"--slight flaws in finish only-r,Fully Guaranteed Regular $11.49 Sale Price ONLY • $6.9 5 Electric ALARM CLOCKS • FLATWARE 24 piece set STAINLESS STEEL w Your ces NOW WORTH $9.50 Rogers • $3.98 Telephone 152 41111111r Herbs and Spices Add Certain Touch Start with a light touch, to give just a hint of something added, when experimenting with herbs and spices. Under-season rather than over-season—a little goes a long way. If you're using the herb in dried or powdered form, generally speaking a quarter teaspoon to four 'to six servings is a fairly safe rule. When trying fresh herbs for the first time, remember they aren't as concentrated es the dried ones and so you'll want to use about three times as much. Use the right herb for the right dish and for the right purpose. Rosemary, sage, bay leaf, anise and cataway are used to add fla- vor to a dish. Milder herbs such as basil, dill, marjoram; tarragon and thyme are used to accent the flavor. Chives, parsley and savory are often used in blends. 'Add hens near the end of the cooking period unless the recipe specifically directs otherwise, be- sentative: !ball had referred to it the charges imadewith respect to the Niagara Parks by both opposition parties Commission and its chairman, Honorable Charles Daley, Among the new Acts presented to the House were some amend. merits to the Liquor License Act and the Liquor Control Act, which it is hoped will do away with some of the anomalies to he found in the present acts without interfer- ing with fair administration of both these Acts in a• very contro- versial area of public opinion, House Committees have been Sitting each morning and all day Wednesday; there have been two night sessions, and the House has commenced morning sessions on Friday in an attempt to get the province's business properly dealt with and to clear 'the Order Paper for the 1960 budget which Pro- vincial Treasurer, Honorable James N. Allan is scheduled to bring down on Thursday, Feb. 25th. It Is also a matter of interest that at this session the attendance of Members is much above the av- erage for the past few sessions, in- dicating the new interest gener- ated by the revival of an organ- ized 'opposition by the Liberals. During the week a delegation of some 40 persons came to Toronto by chartered plane to present to the Cabinet submissions of the Northwestern Ontario Associated Chambers of Commerce. It can- not be denied that our fellow citi- zens in that part of Ontario are full of initiative, enthusiasm and demands upon the Provincial trea- sury, and in many ways can give many of us in old Pntario some pointers on how to promote one's community. Death Blow to Deadly Piranka That toothy „little killer, the Piranha fish, has worn out his wel- come in the muddy waters of Northeast Brazil, and may be finally 'dealt a tleath-blow by man and Mother Nature. No one will mourn his passing if a year-long drought and a dead- ly poison which the Amazon Indians have long found effective on the ends of their blow-darts brings about his complete extinction, Though only six inches in size, the Piranha is unsurpassed in sheer viciousness, teaming up with his hundreds of blOodthirsty little companions to reduce any man or animal who happens into his do- main, to a pile of shredded bones in seconds. Once the Piranhas tag a victim, there is no escape. The dought that occurred a year ago gave fish experts their chance to give the Piranha his come- uppance. Many rivers were quite low and in several places formed .only pools which isolated the fish. Large quantities of a poison„talten from the timbo root which grows along the Amazon River were dumped into the water. All other fish in the water also died, but fish experts say that is the only way they could 'do it and they figure getting Did of the Piranha is well worth it. The Piranha has long - been the nemesis of Amazon stock farmers driving their cattle across the river. They could usually be dead certain the sharp-toothed little gluttons would devour at least one cow inetwo minutes flat. Knowing this to be true, the the farmers usually picked one sacrificial animal and drove it out first. While the Piranhas were feasting, the other cattle were driven across safely.—Healthways. see it HOU toaay! tUTURA PORTABLE 'went oierhoard for the new spring jewellery B RUBLES ANGLES FADS From $ 1 0 0 I HAFER. M H I 4:13 N. A/ / /// EIVELLER Y- PHONE 250 WINONAM, ONTARIO .?.111111. lllll till1.111lIfilal...11.1111111111..IMLI.110111111» lllllll 1111111»I» • il l»1111111111111r11/1l lllll lllll 0 lllllllll I lllll .1111.11.1. lll l fill lllll O11110$4.111111,1filififil lllll llllll l ! l !!!O!!!!i PRICES SLASHED I 0 TO, MAKE ROOM FOR NEW 1960 UNITS THE FOLLOWING USED CARS ARE • OFFERED AT GREATLY REDUCED , PRICES. 1959—Demonstrator - Ford Fairlane, V-8 Sedan • • Automatic transmission, windshield washers, new car guarantee at used car price. 1958—Edsel Fordor Hardtop Automatic transmission, a luxury car, 1956—Plymouth Light 'Blue Sedan A real beauty. 1955—Dodge Tudor Coach A beautiful two-tone Green. 1954—Chevrolet Sedan A-1 shape. 1953—Ford Sedan Mechanically perfect, 1952—GMC '/2-ton A snap. Huron -Motors Limited A. D. Mau WILLIAM . • - Your Ford, Edsel, Monarch — Ford .4,5 Fordson Idiajor Tractor I ngham • Dealer' Wi THURS. - FRI. - SAT. February 25 - 26 - 27 "THEY CAME TO CORDURA" In Technicolor Gary Cooper, Rita Hayworth, Van Heflin, Tab Hunter and Richard Conte An Explosive Tale Of Men ,And Of Courage. MON. - TUES. WED. - THURS. February 20, March 1 - 2 - 3 The New Comedy Hit Direct Front It's Toronto tun "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" Adult Entertainment Starring David Niven pod Mitzi Gaynor It Was Their First Happy 'Scrappy Anniversary Party but you get 'the laughs. 1111111.1111.1111111.11111111.113 lite Wingitant ittltAtteellimetti Wed0faday, tab. 24, 1900. 100 lc ....outiomilfAO1Moolo.10,101011cloilit•ImIllaomopit000notsmotailifInaomotlbefiiiiilaWafinot1401110 fAM11. Item Swamped John, Hanna eports Fourth Week In the 'Legislature last week the usual business of government was well interspersed by lively debates., sparked by Opposition members spirited attacks on .various phases of government activities. The de- bate on the Throne Speech con- tinued each day and as this is the occasion upon which each mem- ber usually wishes to speak, the resulting succession of formal speeches 1 as given a pretty good picture of all Ontario, with each part of the province presented in its best light by its proud Member. Some of the new Government Members in their speeches have been as critical of some govern- ment functions as any oppbsition Member, Likewise the Liberal Member: have been delivering'$5a-' which • cannot but serve the public good. On the other hand, the COF Members have continued their attempts at reputation-assas- ination and poured tirades of un- ending criticism without sugges- tion. as to improvement. The debate on the new energy resources legislation" embracing the natural gas, uranium and hy- dro industries has been most acri- monius and the. vigorous defence ,of governnient policy by Honor- able Robert W. Macaulay has not succeeded in quelling COD' erup- tions, particularly with respect to the so-called Sarnia Indian land deals of Ontario Hydro. The House Committee on Privileges and Elections, of which Don, H. Mor- row (Ottawa West) is chairman, Ot lkorafttto ttitiotte40 tstiO4rAttaittgatit *titatIlAttlattgattatte,a ,, ..siatifk4,004 31-841I464 See the new All the above units have been carefully checked, E. inside and out and will be sold under guarantee. • • Phone 237 oa Michael Mt hail, Win h Oniario, thou 41