HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-02-24, Page 1SINGLE CON COO arges yenning Rub Accident PIETY-MTH ANNIVERSARY--,Mr.•and. Mrs,- George Coultes, of Ore loth Concession, East. Wriwenosh are pictured drbove• as they *irked their 50th wedding anniversary last aeurlay. 'The, conple Were.,nitereied, • February 2tnd, 1905 at the bride's home, wee 'doeateell, two- reilee north west of their present •residenee. FolleWingetheir niterriaige; which, they seid was, a grand day, but cold,rand wieh •eoln.e feet fe,et.of• snow on the' level ground, the couple took up. farming dn'the ,gro.beres, home place. This farm, now operated by their son, just acrosedinerond from their present horne,•bas been in. Ore Conites family' for, 9,9, years;. having been honisteaded by the groom's father, the,late SobertI1dultes, managing a general store and post °Hite in Bluevale, where he was everybody's neighbor, •A, member of the United Church, he served it well While he was able and supplied in many pulpits in the neighborhood. „Now longer able tbeattenel itu erate. beeiseestill, lore ly interested in all its activities. K1NETTES TO 11OLD COMM SCHOOL Mrs, Harvey Fisher was hostess- to the 'Kinetics when they met for their regular meeting on Mon- day evening. President Mrs. John Currie was in the {their for the business portion of the meeting, when it was decided to hold a cooking school and plans were Made for this event, which will take place in April. The 'dinettes donated a tea 'kettle for the second floor of the hospital. An levitate:fp was re- ceived 'from the Clinton Kinette Club to attend the "Wishing Well of Fashion" to be held 'by that club next month. Several of the wo- men from here decided to attend. The regular• raffle was won by Mrs. David 'Burgess and bingo was played. The winners were Mrs. Len Crawford, Mrs. Jill' Currie, Mrs. Ivan Gardner, Mrs. Bruce MacDonald, Mrs. Gal Burke and Mrs. Jack Walker. Lunch was served by Mrs. Jack Batesee, With which is amalgamated the Gerrie Vidette and Wroxoer News wmattori onAlroo, wtonsome; kTonvikity eitoo MORE Don't forget the WDSIS operetta "Medics, and Merriment", sleted ter the et' hoof auditoritint on Thursday and Friday' evenings of this week, ,Should be ,one of the highlights of the echoed year, Then, too, you can mark the evening of Friday, March 11th on your cal- endar. That is the date of the presentation of the opera ''The Merry Wives of Windsor" by the Canadian Opera Company under sponsorship of the Lions Club. There has been a certain confusion about the date of this presenta- tion—but the correct one is Friday, 0,March 11th. 0 - - 0 SORRY TO MISS IT— One of the finest bands in Can- ada, that of, the RCM(' Air Trans- port Conn/land 13and presented a .concert at the high school auditor- ium on Thursday morning, which Was thoroughly `enjoyed by the students. Unfortunately only about 12 outsiders heard the program, to which they had been invited. It would seem that the timing of the concert and short notice played hob with atteritiarice, for we have heard many express keen regret at being forced to miss tile event. 0 .0-0 IT'S IN TIILE One of the surest signs of spring • we have seen is the Well.keown local transport magnate, Eric Wal- den, as he dashes around making sure that all members of the Pine, River Boat Club are keeping May 24th open for a building bee at the lake., Our nautical neighbors are planning the erection of a club house to open the 1060 season of navigation, 0 .- 0 - 0 LUXURY CLASS* Tills winter has seen a sudden in- terest in the feeding and observe ing of wild birds at many homes in town, All kieds of people are putting out seed to keep the birds happy, Alton Adam reports that the evening grosbeaks at his out- door restauraht are se fat they Have to fail off the perch in order to get aitbetne, 0 e 0 e 0 • itt CAN DE DONE* A couple in Oklahoma recently observed their 80th Wedding anel. °Mere. Mr. W. A. PUllirigirri is 104 years irif trge and his wife 08. That's a hettp.o` TV Show is Seen At WI, Meeting A pot luck supper was held on Thursday evening in the council chamber when the members of the Women's Institute eetertained their , families and 'friends, There was a good attendance. A short business period was held following the supper. Through the- courtesy of Mr. McGill a TV set' had been installed in the tounell chamber so that those 'present r could watch Talent Caravan, on which Homer James was a eon. tes tan t. Progressive euehee was played. Mrs, Omae Ha.selgrove won the prize for the ladles, Mrs.. George• Drell/Inane for the lady' playing as, a man, and Robert Powell. was the . winner of the men. mall Attendance At Euchre, Bingo There was not •a large atten-, dance at the Sportsmen's Assopia- lion euchre party and bingo in the Legion Home last Friday evening, due to the stormy weather. Mrs. V. Ducharme had the •high score for the ladies and Mrs. Geo, Drehmann, who Was playing as a man, received the prize for the gentlemen. The special bingo prize was won by George Drehmann. A special complimentary ,parish dinner at the Wingham District High School for members of Sacred Heart Church, Wingherm. and St. Ambrose Chlirch,. BriisSels, launch- ed the combined parish Sacrificial Offertory campaign last Saturday evening. The dinner was attended by more than. 200 Members of the two churchee, Goal of tire, campaign is $50,000 pledged over a three-Yea" period through prayer, work and sacrifice. Funds will be used for perleh needs, administratiOn, renovation of the rectory' and Impt•overnents to the parish churches, Mrs.. Frank Caskenette was :hos- tess. The campaign; is headed by Alf. Lockridge 'as gen6ral chair- man, with Lawrence Ryan, of Brus- sels, as co-chairman. Mr. G. ,L Lenzi, of Washington, Michigan, campaign consultant, was on hand to address the group, Each family and wage earner will be canvassed on Sunday, February 28th, between 1 and 3 p.m., by the men of the parish to receive written pledges front the church membership fot amounts according to Means, every Sunday at the offertory of the Mass, dur- ing the next three years, Robert Shaw 97, Enoys Birthday BidUEVALE.--leobert Shaw was able to enjoy ,his 97th birthday at the home of hi$ daughter, Mrs. Mil- ton, Fraser, on February 18th. Mr. • Shaw's years have been years of usefulness to his family and 'the community. Horn on a farm in Morris, he took up farm. ing and later spent many years 0,000 is Target_ For R.C. Campaign HEAD CAIVIPA/ON—A parish dinner to open the special campaign for fonds tor administration, and church improveinelat wits held at the Winginint IIIstriet High Sehool tot members of Sacred Heart church, Wing-haat and St. AMbrost,13rtiaseta. ]Pictured above lobleng at a eantpitign poster, ore left to right; A ,Lookridge, gen. • EUCHRE PARTY A euchre patty at the Nuteleid Residence, Monday, Feb. 29th at 8 p.m, Lunch served, Admission 50e. Everyone welcome. 1.14b Auxiliary Tourney Held in Wingham The district tournament for La- dies' Auxiliaribs to, the Canadian •Legion, was continued .last Thurs- day night when 50 women from Kincardine, 'Ripley, Lueknow and Wingham met at the Legion Home here. :Bridge, euchre and' cribbage were Played, High for euchre came lo Wing- hare, 'with Mrs. George Brooks as the ,winner. Mrs, Monk of Kin- cardine was low, ,Mrs. Dorothy Wright of leineardtne was h'gh in bridge with Mrs, W. T. Cruick- shank of .Wingham winning the consolation prize. In cribbage both prizes went to Kincardine, Mrs. Cecelia, Picot having the high score and Mrs. Blanche Picot low. A social time Was rile enter the card games and the playoffs will ,be held month or 5:!.o: SPORTSMEN'S MEETING The Wingham Sportsmen's As- sociation will hold their next meeting on Monday, February 29th at the Sportsmen's Club. House, Peens will be shown. All members are asked to be present. Friends are also welcome. Meeting will start at 8 p.m. F24b EUCHRE AND DANCE A Leap Year Sadie Hawkins euchre and dance in Foresters' Hall, Belgrave, Friday, Feb; 26th, sponsored by the ,Belgrave L.O.L. 462 at 9 p.m. sharp. Music by the Clinton Iiilltoppers Orchestra. La- (lies please. bring lunch. Everyone welcome. 124b LEAL' YEAR oANuti .wurrucounon Dancing at Whitechurch flail from 9-12 on Saturday, Feb. 27th to Varrier's Orchestra. ,Booth, no- velty prites. Admission 50c Pro- (teeth; for Community Library fund. 1,024* - • - BLUEVALE WI. EUCHRE The postponed BlueVale Women's Institute euchre party will be held in the community hall on Wed- nesday, February 24th at 8.30 p.m. Good prizes, 111)10 provided. Ad- mission 50c, F24b DANCE IN IILUIIIVALE A dance will be held le 13luevale Hall on Friday, Mdrch 4th, Music will be supplied by Garnet Far- rier's Orchestra, Sponsored by the Berevale Women's Institute, Lunch counter, Admission at popular prices. r24-21) - - - WOW) DAY Olt' PRAYER Mrs. A S. Maeleiaughton will be the speaker at the World Day of Prayer service in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Friday, March 4, Everyone welcome. F244, DANCE IN WitOXETER, Dance to music- of Mel Pled and his orchestra in Community Hall, Friday, February 26th, from 10 to e.15. Speneered by the Hall Board. 10244 MIATtING IN GOItrilll A meeting of the plot owners in flortle Cemetery will be held in Carrie Orange Hall 2 p.m., Friday,. February 26th, to elect three trus- tees and conduct general business. W. E. Whitfield, Secy. F21b WINGIIAM L.O.L. NO. 704 , Will hold a euchre at t11r1 Wing ham 'Council Chambers, Friday, loebruaty 26th at 8.30 p.m. Ad- Misuron 50e, Everyone weletne. 244 JOHN T. SCOTT 92 ON MONDAY John T. Scott celebrated his Rend birthday on Monday of . this week at the home of, his grandson, Ken- neth and Mrs. Scott, R.R. 1, Bel- grave. He is a .life-long resident of East WaWanosh and .probably the oldest. , Mr. Scott was married to Grace Degarno, who predeceased him in 1900. They had one son, Robert S., who predeceased him in 1946. His two. sisters and five brothers are all dead, • Sunday mid .Monday his 'fiVe grandchildren and 14, great-grand- Children visited' him and he 're- ceived Many lifts, letter's and cards.' 'His ileitors* were 'Served traditional, birthday cake. • Mr. Scott enjoys good health. He doesn't get out much during the winter months ,but le about in the summer, Social Evening for Directors, Wives The East Wawhnosh Federation of Agriculture directors and their wives met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson recently. The president a short busi- ness meeting after which progres- sive euchre was played. The high Lady was Mrs. Earl Caldwell, the high. Man William Gow. A bounti- ful lurteh was served by Mrs, Anderson, assisted by Mrs, Wilfred Seaderson and the very enjoyable get-together was enjoyed by all. Simon liallabari moved a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs, Anderson arid family for their kind hos- pitality, The other directors also spoke briefly of the delightful evening and hoped they would 'have More 'during the conning year. Kinette Bridge There were 31 tables last Wed- nesday evening when the 'Ghettos held an invitatibil bridge at the, Legion Home, Mrs. W. Il. Coruna had the high score and Mrs. Torn Henderson second, The special draw prize Was won by Mrs. Walter ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting and banquet of the 'Martin Federation of Agri- culture will -be he'rl in the For- esters' Hall, Selgrave. on March 3rd at 7 p.m. Tbe program will consist of a patinl discussion chair- ed by Doug Miles. Those taking Part are Free Enterprise, Arnold Darrocir; 'Federation of Agricul- ture, 11111 Oswald; Hog Marketing Board, Eldred Aitken; Farmers Union, IPrank Nesbitt. Tickets $1.25; children 75e. Get theca from your director. KINSMEN WELGOME DONALD 1 RAPER President James Currie WAS lip the -chair far the regtdar Meeting of the 'Wingharn Kinern Club at the Queens Hotel en PI 4 day night. The Meeting- also eeree' ed as a 'celebration of the 49th an- niversary of Kinsmen as .a ceneel, Ian service club. The special guest 'was' to been District Deputy Governor bert Hetherington of Cireeie,y, lie 'was' unable to get here borreeep of tire weather. A,, new. metnbert Donald J. Raper. teacher e of lieh at the Wingham District 'digh School, was welcomed into the club, Sergeant-al-arms for the 0014 ing was one of the newer mentbere)i- Kin Barry Fryfogle, who guera teed himself a life-time job by tracting a multitude of pairtiege Tinos. No Kinsman esceped .1•Ine scathed. Freddie Templeman, let vieee, President, ' presented the bowling trophies 'to the winners of the bowling night held after the last:. Meeting. The team, captaibect be, Stewart Leedham, won `the team, prize and Ken Corson won tiee high triple. The high 'bowlers wilt probably form a team to compete with clubs across Canada. 1 The entertainment was' supplied` by Bob McIntyre, local magician, The' mystifying performance proe jetted by Bob was enjoyed by .all the Kinsmen, - It is expected that the Clinton Club will pay a visit at the next meeting in two• weeks' time. The Clinton Club is promoting one of their members and a former Wing- ham resident, Maitland Edgar, as candidate for district deputy gov•-• ernor for the next Kin year. MRS W. BUSHFIELD ILEADS DEVOTIONS The February meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of Wingham. United Church was held in the lee. dies" parlor on Tuesday evening witle-34 members and three visitors present. • The. .Yership ..see-vied theme "The Lord's Prayer" was bed by Mrs. W. Bushfield, which opened 'by singing "Blest Are the Pure in Heart". The Scripture was also read by Mrs. Buehfield. The meditation was taken by Mrs. 1-I, McArthur and' Mrs. E, ledig- holler, after which all joined in the Lord's Prayer. The offering was taken. The topic, "Communication and Culture in Africa" was capably given 'by Miss' Leak Robertson, followed' by prayer by Mrs. Bush- field. The hymn "Breathe on Me, Breath Of Cod" was sung. The president, Mrs. Riess Vogan, con- dueted the business. The roll call was answered by the paying,of fees followed by the minutes of the last meeting. A tour of classrooms, Sunday School auditorium, gymnasium, Ititcheir and sanctuary of the church was taken with suggestions of improvements to be presented to the board. The meeting closed with all repeating the Mizpah Irene- diction. A social hour followed with lunch served by Mrs. Bush- field and her group. WANT PERMISSION TO USE RAW There was an excellent turnout at the Sportsmen's Club House on Monday evening when the Junior COriservation. Club held its regu- lar meeting. As a matter of fact, the attendance was one of the largest this year. Frank ,Relit presided and the instructors were Ken Carter, Terry Nethery., "Slim" Boucher. and Bob Walsh. Two films were shown, "Heritage of Our Fotests" and "Andy and the Lion". The boys were delighted to learn that the 'Wingham District High Sehool Board had granted them permission to' use the shooting, range at the school for the whi- ter Months. They are grateful to the board men:Meta for this pri- vilege of being able to practise their Marksmanship while the out- doer range at the club is net in' Use. On Monday night the young. spOrtetrieri shot their first targets on the range with live eritnteri-' lion. Their stores were good and it has been decided 'to have the Sig top Markstrien compete, With the laticardine club for trophies, The next Meeting Will be on Mardi MRS, W. J. HUMPHREY who was 22 yesterday, Tuesday, February 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Hum- phrey celebrated their 67th wed- ding anniversary last November 9. CHOOSE' QUEEN AND LEADER AT OHS Miss Karen Groskorth, daughter of Mr, rand Mrs. Groeltorth of Wilkechurch was chosen Queen of Wingham District High School last week, and Keith Woods, son of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Woods, was chosen School Leader. The choice was made on a vote by stu- dents from Grades 11, 12 and 13. • The contestants were pupils from Grade 13, who had at least 60 per cent on last year's academic work and were judged for leadership ability, personality, etc., as well. Miss Groskorth and Mr. Woods will later join other queens and leaders from Western Ontario sehoole, when they will be the guests of the London Free Press in London. The Free Press has made an annual. event of sponsor- ing a dinner and entertainment for the chosen candidates from high schools in Western Ontario, Training School Held this Week This spring the 4-H Homemak- ing Clubs have voted to take 'the foods and nutrition project, "Meat in the Menu". In this project chub members study some of the sec- rets of beef and pork cookery and prepare such dishes as swiss steak, beef stew, etc. A study of the id- entification of cuts of beef and, pork makes it possible to select Meat to fit the family's resources. The girls will prepare a recipe file on meat cookery and keep a re- cord book, both of which will 'be displayed at Achievement Day. Membership in the project is open to girls between the ages of 12 and 26 years, Girls /mist be 12 by March 1st, 1060 to participate in this project. A training school was held in the council chambers here on Monday and Tuesday for the leaders, who Will instruct the clubs. Town and Provincial Pollee are investigating a hit and run car accident which oceurred at the C.N.R. crossing on Josephine during the supper hour 7vr,endaY evening, and stated that charges, are pending completion of their inquiry. The accident occurred when Les. lie Fortune of TurrtherryTgivnihiP was proceeding north on ,ToSeOlitie St. at 6.30' and was struck by an- other car travelling south. The south-bound car failed to stop fol.!. lowing the accident, but a passing motorist was able to get the license number which was passed on to. police. Later the same evening the car was located at Glousher's Garage at Myth by Constable' James RR ler of Wingham and ProVincial Constable Ronald Sell. The Ve- hicle was owned by Reta A. Little of LondeebOro, but was hot driven by the owner at the time of, the accident. Police have not deter- mined as yet who actually was in charge of the hit and' run car at the time the accident happened. ,Damage to the Fortune car, a late model Chevrolet, was estimat- ed at some $300 to $400 and $200 to $300 to the other vehicle. Police are contirming .their In- veetigation of the accident. Ruth Cantelon Wed in Toronto Ceremony Rev, Gordon 0. Allan, B.A., B.D., Toronto, officiated in a dollblee, ring ceremony when Ruth dgarilYel Grace Cantelon exdhanged Mate riage vows with Kennethjohn liI 14 daughter' of " Wingham and the late, eCecit XteY Cantelon, and the groObaC IS -LIM Son of Mrs. Collins Of Toronto And the late Harry Collins,' The bride chose a gown of pink nylon net over satin. , The skirt was topped with a matching satin cummerbund. The fitted liedice of imported lace was fashioned with lily-point sleeves and rouhh 'neck- line. Pink accessories and a cor- sage of white earnationa and hya- cinths completed her ensemble. Mrs. James H. Campbell wita•her sister's only attendant, She wore a similar frock of 'blue fiawered nylon over satin. .• • Ernie Kennedy, the groom's W.6- ther.in-law, was best elute. , After a wedding trip to Daffalci, the couple will make their home, in Toronto., Euchre at Legioh The regular euchre, sponsored by the Ladles' Auxiliary to the Canad- ian Legion, was held in the Legion Home. on Monday evening with 14 tables in play. The prize for high lady went to Mrs. L. Paterson, high man to. Earl Weitz and high for lady playing as a man, Mrs. Lloyd Hingston, Mrs. George Day won the door prize and a social time followed.' ALONG THE MAIN. DRAG By The Pedestrian ',i'AKING NO CHANGES— It. is rather Interesting to note the number of local residents who get 'busy after every, snowfall to remove the load from house and garage roofs, Until Last' year'none of us were quite so careful, but we irerve leerned our Ieseon, 0 - 0 ALL CLEAR-,- On Tuesday the • accunmlated snow was cleared from the main drag by town workmen and me- chanical loading equipment, which certainly is an improvement to the brisineee section, Thought of the loeal problem in Ottawa one night Met week when the same job was being einne et Confederation Square. • In the capital they employ bucket-type elevators whieh scoop the snow up and over into accom- , panying trucks. 0 - 0 0 Low scour,— The Dominion Meteorological Service has had a bad winter as far as foreasts are concerned. Actuat conditions have failed to bear out the prognostications more than half time, according to our observations, Perhaps the old boys who rely on ,the • antics of the crows and the groundhogs 'have , the better method after all. 0 - 0 - 0 COOL. COMFORT — Letters from Winghamites in the sunny south indicate that the weather has been a hit on the cool side. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lloyd were heading for the Gulf Coast in search of warmth and Mr,. and Mee. Herb Fuller and the Carl Larsens of Walkerton reported 000l weather 'before their return home, • 1 • era( Chairinan; Mrs. Frani( Caskanette, Iiiistess; 13, Hr Lenti, of Washington, *ticks campaign tottgultant; Rev: G. it, Vreher, parlatt tiniest and Lawrence Ryan, 13russels, co-chalfinatt of the eitlitPaign. Adrinice-Titnes photo,