HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-02-17, Page 8RIG FIRE LOSS—Shown above is the Roy Adair barn, which burned to the. ground SJellirdaT after- uoon with a $10,000• loss. The picture was taken as one section broke Into flames.—Advanee-Times .phato. WOMEN ARE ASKED FOR GOOD USED TOYS RELGRAVE Mrs, Clifford Lo- gan weleorred the members of the Evening Auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society of 'Knox United Church to her home on Tuesday evening of last week for their regular meeting, The president, Mrs. Logan, opened the meeting with a hymn and meditation. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. Clar- ence Hamm, and the financial statement was read by the treas- urer, Mrs. J. R. -Cannes. There were ten hospital and five home visits to the sick and shut-in re- corded. A letter was read front Mrs, J. McGill, of ,Clinton, asking that this group send as their allo- cation to mission, a crib quilt and toys. The members :decided that they would make a. crib quilt in each. of the three groups and any- one having any good used toys is, asked to bring them to the next meeting. Mrs. Albert Rieman stated that the allocation this year will be $240.00, and that the missionary for prayer this year is Dr. Cather- ine L. Whittier, IndorelM.P., The group was reminded of the World Day of Prayer on March 4, in Knox Presbyterian Church, A bake sale will be held at the next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs: Harold Vincent:, with Mrs. John Nixon's group in charge of the worship service. The offeying was received and dedicated: ' The; group, led by Mrs. Kenneth Barbour, was in charge of the wor- ship service, opening with a hymn, followed by the- Scripture lesson by Mrs. Ross Anderson. The study on Africa was contin- ued, dealing with the cultural as- peas. These included, arts, music, radio and press and were read by Mrs. Barbour," Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Donald Campbell. -Mrs. Harbour led in recreation and lunch. was served. HEALTHY BALANCE IN FINANCIAL REPORT BELORAVP,--- The regular meet- ing of the Woman's Missionary So- ciety mid the Woman's Association of Knox United Church was held in Knox -Church on Wednesday afternoon With 22 members answer- ing the roll call. • Mrs. Walter Scott, president, was in charge of the WM,S. meeting, opening with a -hymn and pra,yer. Minutes were read by Mrs. Williard Armstrong, treasurer's report, by Mrs. George Martin and the gift, fund by Mrs. Waiter Scott, Members were reminded of the World Day of Prayer on March 4 in .the Presbyterian Church, The offering was, received and -clod teat- ed. Thieve were 14 hospital. and 15 home visits, to the stelt and shuldn recorded. It wan announceti that Miss Mary 1VrcLanghlin in Japan was the missionary for prayer and that the allocation for this year will be $120,00. Mrs, Borden 'Reott, assisted by Mra. Chris Nethery, Mrs, inelt Tay- lor, . Mrs. Kenneth 'Wheeler and lifts. Walter 1-leoll were in ellari!,'0 of the worship service and the. study on Angola. Mrs. (1. read a 'letter from a .personal fricarr of 4 1108, IMiyv Clatk, Who is a nits- sionary in Angola, Tim roll call was answered by -naming a missionary or ebureh worker. Mrs. Leslie Dolt, president, won Mire theme, 'Troth", opened with !hymn 'and prayer, followed by Mrs, noir, telling of the origin of St, Val- Prairie, Minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. Jack Taylor, and .the financial -statement showing a balanee en hand of 81,2000 was .tri by MrS. J. M. 'Mulles. The group decided to give a 'donation to' the 'choir, A bazaar will be held nthe fall, and the gronp will pay or the UnitR1 Cfmrelt Observer, It was proposed to try to have each 'W.A. !group he responsible. for programs, with .each leader draw lug the month they will act, The 'president wilt loolc after the bust- teas 0enslon, The president closed the 'Meeting With the MMpali bene- diction. rillflItlgN YEARS AGO Mr, Kirk Hutton, who recently took over as operator at the -CNR tkre, has purchased the Burke house on Frances Street. The draw for the first round of the -Wingham Chess Club is winner of F, 41lassey and George Williams vs. Harold Sperling; D. Kennedy vs. Nelson Pickett; T. Gage vs. D. Manning; A. W. Anderson vs R, Pollock. Mrs, James Breen, Thorndale, a former Wingham resident. felt down the stairs at her home early Wednesday, and although no bones were broken, she was badly •1 shaken up, Her daughter, Mrs. Neil Williamson, left Wednesday noon for Thorndale. A former manager of the C adian Bank of Commerce h George Blair -Smith, at pres manager of the London Bra,noh, has been appointed manager of the bank's branch at 'Kingston, Jam- aica. N•wewle,,,e*vva~wysiokn.Nr•rw.,....o.e•mrw.;,No..n.e. oCesi Walpole Folding Aluminum AWNINGS LUMBER — FLOOR WALL TILES BUILDING Aluminum SASH DOORS CUPBOARDS —' • 1 Telephone 260 Wingham Consignment Sale of • 283 — BEE0 BULLS — 283 Under the auspices of THE ONTARIO HERE CATTLE IMPROVEMENT. ASSOCIATION in TITh SHEEP AND SWINE ARENA Royal Winter Fair Building, Toronto MARCH 2nd and 3rd, 1960 • HEREFORDS AND ANGUS SELL ON ,MARCH 2nd, SHORTHORNS SELL ON MARcat 3rd' SALES conorENce, AT 10:00 A.111,, EACH DAY Only hulls- approved by the Culling Committee will. be eligible • for the sales, • Over 00 per cent of .the, bulls entered are "'perform:0' pc, tested", Every Ontario farmer purchasing. periormanee icstoviaahs will lie eligible for a premium equal to' 20 per cent of the' purchase price, but not exceeding 8150.00, For catalogues apply to: W. P. WATSON, Parliament Buildings, TORONTO Mr. and Mrs, Philip Stewart, of Lucknow, visited one 'day last Week with Mr,and Mrs. Orval E. Taylor., Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roberts and Mrs. Hilda Roberts,' of Lis- towel, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, David Arn‘trong, ,.Mrs. Thomas smith received , word from her-sister,-Mrs, ,E. W. - Watts of Spring Valley, Calif., that Mr.and Mrs. Harold Thomas and Joan and a girl friend, all of Brussels, had spent a couple of slays visiting with Mrs, Watts and her family. At the regular morning service held at Knox United, Church on SUnday, Rev. W. 0, Clark, of Wing- ham, ordained the two new elders to the session, Robert 'H, Coultes and Harold Vincent. Quite a ninther attended the Knox United Church Sunday School skating party on Friday evening in ,the Relgrave community arena. After skating everyone gathered at the church. where lunch was served. avrr, and Mrs. Ed Hartlin and 'family, of London, visited over the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Anderson. Mr, Budd. Orr, in-company with other managers of District Co- operatives, enjoyed a day's 'curling at Alliston last Wednesday, 'FIFTY YEARS AGO The postmasters of Huron .Coun- ty met in , Wingham on 'Tuesday when matters or interest were dis- cussed on ways and means of in- creasing the efficiency of the pos-, tal service. Thomas Farrow, six- MP., of Brussels, is the honorary president, lk/fr,. Irwin, of Gorrie,' president, , and Mr. Scott, of Clin- ton, secretary. • Stock was 'taken last week in the Brunowielt Hotel and matters per- tabling to 'the transfer were satis- factorily arranged and the new proprietor, Wolin Pntland, is In pas- Session, The .board of directors of the YMCA of Wingham is as follows; Dr. A. ,T. Irwin, W. D. Pringle, J,- ?, Christie, George Spottoh, Hobert Maxwell, Dr, R. C. Redmond, Dr. W. J. mice, V. Hicks, W. Meld. John McCallum, of East Wawa- nosh, hes purchased front Richard Anderson the coMfortable ecittage on the corner of 'Victoria, and Prances Streets. The mirehente price was $1500, The frosty condition , of the weather on Sunday pat out the heating. systern 'Of the public school and a holiday on Monday for the teachers and pupils Was the result, 0 - - 0 FORTY YEARS AGO We are 'sorry to report that Mr. W. .1. Haines has 'enntracted the sleeping sickness. Mr, Paid Pugh, who has for SOW •time past been teller Ill the' Bank of rintriliton, at Wingham, left on Tuesday ter WithiPeg. Mr. Howard Grey has been proliyIttd tatrp.the. teller'a cage and Miss Oren« You, Can Depend On . When kidneys 15:1 to re-row:Dein-4., acids and nust , becisaciv, turd, Liabteirt4, r(st often foil Drtcitt llid LA Pills fltili111141:0 ilatCy5 lIgnhat nut'. \-on f , lx1Wrr --qkg hct- ter. n-ark tnttei 1'011 Cart dCPCIAL1 ,03 tiet 1)141. bat dolcz,toie. SELECTED - GRANULATED It was agreed to buy the bats for , the Evening Auxilary quilt. Uita' Johnston gave the call to, worship and "Abide With Me" was Sting foltcwed by the Serintore lesson' in -unison, Linda read the story "ins a Synagogue Seh.00l." after which, Linda Rion led in prayer and the group sang the hymn "For the Beauty of the Earth' and the wor- ship service was closed with the . Mizpah, benediction. The mission study on Africa was a continued with the heading, "Sur- prising Things 'Happen" and the girls had a short dramatization of this. Comparisons were made be- tween an African and a Canadian baby. The girls made trees for their African village and the meet- ing closed with Taps to meet again on Friday, lath. BELGRAVE- - Tile regular meet- lag of the Canadian Girls in Train- ing was held- on Thursday evening in the church and was opened with -, I he purpose and Scripture. The secretary's anti treasurer's reports were read. CHIT MEMBERS WORN. ON AFRICAN VILLAGE SAVE 4c PAY 0 N LY 29c REMINGTON'S I.G.A. DATE, BUNS Not Just a Calf You're Feeding . it's a KNAVE P Mt ROE FAR.M$ is now the clearing house for the top blood lines - Stan D em- 1 erchix — True-Lines — Roe Red and Sussex Crosses. Proven lines, raised by Roe, selected by Roe—now yours with- out trade name penalty. noiE FARMS LIMITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO The safe place to buy HY-LAY CHICKS a Let us help you with all your dairy feeding prob. ferns. Drop into the mill and let us outline the complete SHUlt,GAIN program. Infant, Hospitalized For .Four Weeks RELGRAVE -We are very happy to report that little Danny Lamont, 17-month-old triplet_ son of Mr. and Mrs. ;fames Lamont, was able to return to his home on Sunday af- ternoon after being a patient in the Wi agile m Oen eral Hospital the past four Weeks. Danny drank some furniture polish containing a poisonous gas, which hitd entered his lungs, caus- ing him to have difficulty with his breathing, After being in an oxy- gen tent for several days, his breathing was relieved but his temperature would not go down until his lungs were completely cleared, Seven Tables at Weekly Euchre BELGRAVE- There were seven, tables in Play at. the regular week-' ly euchre held in 'the (immunity centre on Wednesday evening, High prize winners were Mrs. Carl Procter and Earl Noble. Consolation prizes went to Mrs. Stanley Cook and Victor Yungblut. Mrs. William Thuell was the novel- ty winner, having the most lone hands in hearts. ache, of Teeswaler, has assumed the duties or ledger-keeper, Mr, Harvey A. Pendleton,. newly- appointed linesman for the Bell Telephone Company, has rented Miss Pugsiey's house on Leopold Street and is moving his family from Mitchell this week. Miss Pugsley has rented rooms over the Advance office. Mr. William Armstrong, the new blacksmith at Mr. Holmes shop, has purchased the house on Fran- ces Street >aecently occupied by Mr, James 'Hamilton. Dr, Stewart, M.H.O., has ordered schools, churches, picture Houses, library and opera house closed and all meeting's cancelled until further notice. in order to guard against the spreading of influenza, lie fur then requests parents to keep their children at home for a tbite. Mary Thurlow, a pupil. at the Wingham, public school, fell on the ice a. few days ago and 'fractured her 0 - 0 - 0 TVVENTY-FIVE YEARS A(l) Mrs. Allan Ramsay bad the misfortune to fracture her wrist on Saturday morning when she slip. ped on the linotimm. WinnerS at the weekly cribbage game in' the--Legion rooms 'on 'Monday- night were T.. Wilkinson; Seki.and T.' Smith. The lucky draw prize went to Duncan Ken- n edy. • " Mr, and • Mrs. ,f, H. Crawford and daughter Mary, spent the week- elle! in Woodstoolt visiting with Dr. and Mrs. 'Brown. Mr. T. C. King 'presented the field day athletic medals at the high iehoot commencement o n Friday might.-:Seriior Marion Mitchell and Daris'Buchanan, tied; senior boys,',John Preston; inter- Mediate girls; Muriel Ross; inter- mediate boys, Douglas Waram; junior girls, Daisy Holmes; junior 'boys, Harry posliff. Receiving diplomas at the- com- mencement were June Buchanan, Anna Chittick, Pearl Jones, Ida Kelly, Jean Lane, Marion Mitchell, Mary Robertson, Lily Wailer, Lloyd Henderson, 'George King, .Tames McGill, Carl. McKay, 'Harold SIcel. ding, and George Wheeler. The trophy event at the annual bonspiel was won by 0, Haselgrove, NI, Bell, Jack 'MeRibbon and .1. Currie, skip. The runners-up were Roger Otte; Bob .Chettleburg, Ed. Nash and Att Wilson, skip. T'age Eight The Win A, • vauce-Ttraeli, Wednesday,. Feb, VI! 1,960. V. 111-C Group Holds Regular Meeting BPLORAVE--The regular meet• - ing' of the HI-C group of the Young People's ,. of Knox United Church was held in the church on Sunday evening opening . with a sing-song led by Muriel Coultes, accompanied at the piano 'by Claire ehamney, Minutes and the roll call were read by Marie Couches and the treasur:er's report was read • by Cameron Robinson. Murray Scott was in charge of the worship ser- vice, opening with, the hymn,. "Rise Up 0 Men of God". Cam- eron Robinson read 11w Scripture lesson and Lorne Campbell took up the offering, A question and answer quiz on. Jews was 'enjoyed by the group. The singing of "Guide Me. 0 Thou Great Jehovah" and prayer by Mur- ray Scott closed the meeting. WI HAM GR a WTH DEVELOPMENT MILK PRODUCTION Every heifer calf born carries these characteristics. Your interest is in seeing all three cultivated though proper feeding and management so that the mature is everything ifs breeding made possible. YOU CAN DO IT! tt_ AttimAtia You want to attain this end at the lowest possible cost so you cannot afford to feed saleable milk to growing calves. You want also to end up with strong, healthy heifers with capacity and stamina for a long, useful life; of production. AND YOU CAN DO IT! The SHUR.GAIN Calf Feeding program is the sure, direct, and inexpensive way to ensure complete development of your calves. So start 'em on SHURGAIN MILK REPLACER and grow 'em on SHUR.GAIN CALF STARTER-GROWER Wingham Feed Mill ONTARI HERE'S WHY, ri PRODUCED IN MODERN PLANTS with the finest automated equipment to assure adecpate SHU4-GAIN supply. CASH DISCOUNTS 'throughout rehruary, $1.50 per ton ,early delivery discounts are yours for the taking ... with additional discounts for prompt payment . . discounts can total as high as $5.50 per ton or some analyse3. ADVANCED RESEARCH is a continuing program in SHUT -GAIN ttlabz" and fields. The &est 'Fertilizers for Your Good and , CANADA PACKER LAM 'fluff t*Will 6 WW1 RTILIZERSfori re 'way ahead! CONTINUOUS RIGID QUALITY CONTROLS every 3 minutes a sample of Srlult-GAIli is drawn for laboratory analyies. OVER SO YEARS OF KNOW HOW SHUR-GAIN is backed by experience, 'unmatched by any other Canadian fertilizer manufacturer. When you take advantage of early delivery Sava.GAIN. discounts, tliere's no need to worry about caking or hardening in, storage. Sntra-Gars Selected-Granulated Fertilizer with its Controlled low-moisture content, and granuled texture retains smooth P.m& g consistency through prolonged storage. SHUR-GAIN' guarantees perfect &inability, greater availability of phosphorus and almost-complete freedom from dust. proven, for-Canadian onditiona